The Signal, 1917-5-3, Page 9• • • The abundant, creamy lather of Lifebuoy Soap is laden with great cleansing power, and 'antiseptic propertide illi well. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Se, whets yos haus used LIFE- B UOY ea skis, promo or s.ywhere is the bons you ase be sun of eleselims std SAFETY. The mild antiseptic odor vwskes Quickly after use. LEVER RIMERS beefed YOItoITO ( HAPPY MND TO ELOPEMENT. ( Yaoag Couple Figure is Silverware Shower laMead of Cant Case. Tbeldstowellitenurr tells of anelope- I went which made emus stir in that I part of the country Iasi week. Ed. Henderson, farmer, of Morris towusblp, ,.bout six loot two, skipped with Ev. Jawiewuu, daughter of Ed. fif MacEcuan Estate 1 Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity bits ell Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling 'Cedar or Pine-) TELEPHONES, Mica 9g • Tsai +see sr* sr M Jaurieson of Br week aged teen yean, and nearer half the height. Plane for the getaway conldu't have been carefully wade, for Rees father became iuforwed, and not long after the couple bad lett town with • horse sod buggy he secured a watraut fur the young fellow'sa t and was soon on their treil. He tracked them to Molesworth. sod 'rained then that 1.uwot pyjamas they had beaded for Listowel. By elsutu,of pyjame. fel Pillow pe. rated with the Listowel pollee, inform- ttinwl. « e„uke shout to at rive and regne.tmg their Total vat" • z4u W Ooderloh Reel;ro.rt 8nclety- arrest, ti drawing gun o+ $ 154 W But the warrant had been IVR with u dry 'bite . .. W a, Cotutable Long of Brussels, and with- IY or., of pyJrmas m ul out it the local officers claimed they 1BM Palo. 'a me h` W hadn't authority to tuake an arrest_ Total value $ O4H W .1 he elopers didn't seriously object to tteou,iuer Red Cres Society IY Lreo, h suns ... { 718 50 detained, however, an akn llluw.11 _.. ........ 1 7 00 t.ken to the lit and Central hotel. Yt t The father strived shortly, fully de- termined to make the pair return to B rusNls and "face the music." Several in Listowel who interested llungan000 omen tbemselvee in the case and were Byrn - pathetically inclined toward the young couple, tried to reason wi•h the irate father and suggested the adviwbihty I Total value { Y1 xi of his consenting to their marriage. c Aortae Red Cross Woraers- So insistent was be in his determine -Ito is7 shirts - . • $ et 50 lion to use the law that it was not un- s -idle of pyjama+_ .. . . 111 late In the day that the quickly • pairs of cocker) a 1' THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO 1 Dunbar, the couple being happily re -1 Ileved from • serious prediceuteot. The bride and groom were courts - ouely treated at tha hotel, and local persons, posting them several young men, whose sympetby went out W the pair, and wbo realized how they would appreciate a Knoll turn were they In a similar pretic ent, contri- buted a tidy luau of money with which tbey purchased for the bridal couple several articles of silverware. Canadian Red Cross Society and Huron County War Contingent Association -Goderich Centre. The following is the report of the April shipment to Hyman Hall, Lou- don, Ont. Arhesld tloldler.' Ald - value { paw em 18 00 114 tit phone from Molesworth he contwum• p -'• ing thew that the runs ays were being ed, b d were p pit sheet. 12 sults o pyjamas . . ........ .. .. 0e lairs u socks 24 W OU Total va`us { int/ 00 M' '. lo+tltch,-- 27 suits of pyjamas. $ l lit) Leeburn Red Crow Woraers- 4 day shirt.. $ % re tN pairs of socks .... . .... ............ Bi w formed friends of the young wan m• u g give cora N ho wive' { 31 00 with the groom 10 J. A. H•ekiug'r for I Ooderioh Township Patriotic Soeiety- tbe license. 18suluof pyjamae $ t A messenger was despatched to, the w rectory} and at t be Or•ud Centre! bo- pairs of soots _ 01 iso t.1, wit D Prop. fetor and Mrs. Wright, t Teel value $ 148 W Constables Taylor and Wilson and Salford Red erns. Society -.{Hap the girl's father es witneeeee, the cera- es womb ruin is pairs of sockw. .132 00 woos was performed by R v. W. H. I ---- 1 abr a corner Patriotic Sleekly sr _r W Total vales $ 146 00 d red Mail to sent and walk 1 Britgonta Breach Red Cross Workers - GRAND THUNK SY',1 F.M PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATION NOW ----- Arrange to visit some of the following points -all, beauty spots -close to nature. Muskoka Lakes Algonquin Park Georgian Bay Lake of Bays Tentagemi Kawa:tha Lakes Full Information and descriptive lit- erature may be secured on appli- e;Hnoti tO C. I. HORHIMQ D. P. A. Toronto. Ont. F. F. LAWRENCE .� SONS 'fowl; Agrnic Pbof3e g Total value $ 156 00 t - Moults pyjamas .. .... ....$ 46 50 27 pale osocks • _n to Maple Leaf Branch. Tela' vales $ 7e 40 R. C. sWr so Tuieee towel . $ 17m' 80buckabsoktowel 14 • 4t pit owslii$.. ETeedvalue 1137 70 • glutton women i leatitst.- 40 wly) its et pylemes $ 00 Si 0 66 pairs of sack. Tot..l value $11600 TotalveluTof ahiVMea ALLEN. Nl 00 ItsSe., v l;udericb tonere. The Best fledicine for \ Little Ones. Babes Oven Tablets are the be. t medicine a motber can give her lid tie ones. They area gentle laxative -mild but thorough in action -and ate guar- anteed by a government analyst to be ' absolutely free from op atm loud other • injurious drugs. Concerning them !Mrs. Auguste, Si, Brieux, Sask., writes : "Enclosed ' find twenty-five cents for another bot of Bab)'.' Own Tablrtit. 1 find them- the very hest mediciur a mobil- can give her little _ ones." The'1'ablets are sold by ruepi- cone dealers or by mail at 23 crate a hoz from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont. 16 • A BRA (TFORD SLATE 1 -rave Base. 2-Tirn cosine of Asphaltum. l- 3 -Second means of Asphaltum. Costio6 of crashed slate. Wooden shingles of twenty or thirty years ago were of splendid quality. and answered the purpose very well. There was nothing better at that time. In fact no other roofing materiel was on the market. Yet who would think at putting on shingles to -day? Wheat the deterioration of wooden shingles became noticeable, efforts were made to invent • roofing that would not only be an economical and peernanent substitute for wooden shingles, but one that would outlast them in servile. Brantford Roofing was the. reside it has "made good." The secret of its success is this: First. the owe is of pure, long -fibred felt which 1s thoroughly saturated with asphalt or mineralpitch.. The asphah and oryital roll roofings ere then thickly coated with crushed rock pawhich tightly tothat base. and the whole forms s permanent fireproof. adhere roof. threeBr Brantford Asphalt and Rubber Roofing are made in is made In heavy weight only. d In reweights Crystal des are pliable and In redd or green natural colors. All three gra wed milted to either eat or steep roofs. RED CROSS NOTES. April 24. -Many thanks are due tie following contributors of mocks, all band -knitted : Mn. Reynolds. sr.; pairs ; A Friend, 9 pairs ; Mrs. W. B. Belly. 7 pain : Mrs. B. J. Sault., 6 pain ; Mr,'. Jordan, Mn. Henry Bulked. Mrs. Alex. Murray, Miss D riper, Mrs. Yeo, Mrs. W. L. Horton, Mr.. J. Dickson, Mn. Wm. McM.tb, 4 pain each ; Miss Griffiths, Mn. Hor- n, sr.. Mre. Bobcat Clark, Mn. W. J. t.Creatb, Mr*. John Sturdy, No N.me. Mrs. Giles Jenkins, Miss Sntitham, 3 pain each ; Miss Ells r. y, Mre. C. P. Andrews., Mrs. '!'hos. Bell, Mee. McDougal, Mia Annie Andrews. . Mia Mary Mclntosh, Mrs. D. Hey, 2 pairs each : Mrs. Beetle,M...s F. �ai- t,l, Mrs. H. Carter, Mrs. Elder, Mrs. Swatt'e'd, Mies M. Dark, hire. Gold- thorpe, Mrs. L. Ferguson, Mrs. Neo. Rhynes, Mr.'S. Hicks. Mise McPher- son, Mrs. John Miliian, Mrs. Wright, Mise S. Clark, Mrs. Bishop, 1 pair each. tThere has been considerable falling off in the number of socks received lately, due to the spring work. Let us retnemher these are the most needed articles and the stores ate very low. We in Oodetich have reason to he proud of our knitters, but the boys in Frence need socks and need them now, and we can't seud.to° spumy. Are You Going West This Spring T 1f so,'bear in naiad that the Cana- dian Pacific offers ,specially good train service. with, the finest pons hie equipment, including standard an8 tourist sleeping cars and dialog can W Winnipeg and Vancouver, by one of the .moot picturesque routes in the world. If • trip it contemplated, apply to any C. P. R. agent for full paruculara or write W. B. Howatd, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Out. 2 t. Steamer Stadacona Torpedoed. THURSDAY, MAN 3, l91i 9 //2‘1% )1/ .EIIfM�TAO.. UMITlP -- , 'IIIIIL111illI VIII IitlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC!IIIIIIIIHIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhlhllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIII!i comes In rolls with protested ends. The MINIM tfr el to w and tib monad is emit, laid. It requbsi ftp � ail • terrine ort when pon. It does not crack with the odd ane melt with the st or blow off. It glves mmmees perma•ent weeather d fire preelection at •t. It does not mut spilt. rureasonably low WW1 amt. May we send yes our modng book end samples? They will show you the real value of these roofing materials Brantford Roofing Company, limited Brantford, Canada For sale by W. R. PINDER AN APPEAL FOR R INCREASE D PRODUCTION OF FOODSTUFFS The appeal of the Organization of Resources Committer, which appesre on another page of this isu se, deserves the caretul arid earne.t attention of every mall sod womanin Ontario. The world tares a very serious food crisis. 11 is not too much to say that stark famine stares millions of human beings in the face (luting e latter half of 1917 and the following yesr. 7'b. war bite taken many millions of men elf the land and millions of acres out ofj productigp. Europe is producing only a fraction of what it did in peace -times. and uu top of this has come a series of comparative crop failures in a number of exporting countrtee outside of Europe. The world never has more than three mo)tthe' food ahead, but even this surplus now nears ex- hau.tion. The Daily News Bora not wart to start a pool., but anything like a gepererharvees failure during the coming ebrtuotu.hs would probably con- demn a considerable portion of the human face to s• arvation. Eery Canadian now and woman and boy and girl can help to meet this situation, can help aren't the tlireatenei food famine. Thos, who dwell on the (and can drive themselves and their macbinery and what help they can get to the utmost in the nest few weeks in getting • maximum amount of land urtder'crop. People in cities and towns can moist by giving all the help they can to the farmers in their vicinity and by raising all the vegetables they .a can on vacant lands and in backyards. The whole population can give in- valuable assistance by exrrring providence and economy in the trot of food. The avoidance of extravagance in consumption it almost as important es a wazirnutn increase in production. n. the ince, tier of patriotism. humanity and high profits to stimulate them in the grand effort to make two bushels of fold grow during 1917 where only one grew before. The Allied armies and people have to he led. The human race has to be saved Iruw atatmvation In a -•operating in the performance of this great service the agriculturists 0..tario will benefit immensely in a utate,isl sense. There is every indican A that food prices will iule high until the end of the war and for several `years thereafter.- Toronto News.. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL S. EAST WAWANQ,SH. Minutes of council meeting bold on April 10th. Members all present. Minutes of last (meeting were real and confirmed. J. Wightman was pieseet asking the council to put a d, sin in front of his prop. rty on gravel rued at lot 42, couce.aion 5. To relesse the township from any liability, Mr. Wightman was re quested f • peocur• the consent of the other pettier intro- ested lwfore the council would take any action regarding the matt r. The Reeve reported on correepondence he lied received since loot mertOng restive to the purchasing of road mvchiuery t`o'y gimp a. The cietk was inatrueted 10"e!e!p"a -Pamma Jr. gr tier to be shipped at once and if satisfaction be given, after a trial of same, to all likelihood w. re of these machines would be purchased 1.1 •r nn. Bylaw No. 4. 1917. known as the NValah drain bylaw. was finally read ■nd pealed. After the posing of a few small account.. the council ad- journed to meet again on Monday, May 24'6, an a court of revision on the assesewent roll and Inc th' ordin- ary township business. A. Pe,RTE1t- D. L+JSLrkWAYTON'S LEITER To Bun -Down, Nervous Women* 1_ouinville, Ky.-"1 was a nervous wreck, and in a weak, run-down con- dition when a friend asked me to try Vino!. 1 did so, and as a result I have gainer' in health and strength. I think \'incl is the beet medicine in the world for a nervous, weak, run-down sorties and for elderly people." -Mrs. *. C. C'I.Arrow, Louisville, Ky. Vivol, which contains beef and rod liver peptones, iron and manganese peptonates, and glyecrophoephates, Is guaranteed to overcome all run- down, weak, devitalised conditions H. C. Dunlop,,lruggist,Goderich, one Also at the hest druggists in all Ontario towns, Halifax, April 20. -The Canadian steamer Ntadaeeaa, wbile en route frim Dunkirk t o Illereetllea, was to. - pedoed. Captain C. 0. Allen, Halite:. was master. The crew landed in Eng- land, but Allen wee taken prisoner on board the submarine. Allen, who is one of the noted master mari•,••.s of the mailing days in Nova Soo .., re- tired from seafaring over fifteen yean ago. Anil settled down on a barge ate chard property in the tnnapnlis valley. Wben the war Hoots out be accepted command of Cie steamer Wanda. Later he woo transferred to the 14os•dsee and then to the Strada- cone. On two occasions he had nar- row rename during German air raid• on an English port. At Havre on one occasion he was held for a number of boon on auspieior, of being a G. rusan .py• The Stadaeone formerly sailed the upper lakes end called et Oodet ich harbor. Volunteers. Ashley entered the employment agency office hurriedly, barely paw- ing to wipe the perspiration from his brew. "Have von a cnok who will go to the count, y ?" be questioned anx- ioudy. The manager turned and opened a dnor leading into the adjoining room ail called out : "Is there anybody herr would lite to 'mend a day in the country ?"-- Ha. peri Magazine. How She Worked It. Huts '1'm Tweeted allot the house money, Mae y. If I give you a int you sp.nd a lot, tor it i don't give you 00 much you es•pm 10 get along with it jn"aewell." Wife-' it'evow ysimPle, dear. When you give pe • Int 1 ore it to pay the h Ib i nun up when you don't give me so mu•:h." ;A There is no harm in a man's posing as • genius U be is self-supporting. OBITUARY. DONALD MCQt'ARHUS, RRI768KLS. dicot 6 o'clock Sunday our ning (Ap. fI 15th) the Spirit of Donald Mc- Quarrie, Albert street, Brussels. took its flight. He had b en in tailing health for Cie past six months with heart trouble, but the end came unex- pectedly after all. Deceased was horn at Lake Ainslee, Cape Breton, and came westward when twelve veers of age. Along with his late brother, Recto., he termed on con. 4. in GI y t ownabip, fur roma years. Fifty -0 e years ago last September Mr. M Qua rie was married to Jeanet Melc-- cosh. 9th concession, and she together with five sons -Charlie. Grey town- ship ; John, Montreal ; Dan.. Excel, Alta. ; Sam., Hewerd, look. ; and Athol. Barrie -and two daurebters- Mrs. R. Oliver, Brussels, and Mre. T. B,}•uwn,tirey township -survives. 'fbe fitinily moved to the dih line of Morrie township thirty-eight years ago and after twelve years there lived on P)eh -onoession Grey. Mr. and Mrs Mt- Querrie sojourned in Cranbrook for a while and came to Brussels four yesr% ago. Deceased was seventy -.even years of age end hie wife is arventy- one. He had been a heat t y. via, roma .nen, knowing little of sickness dieing his life. In char h relationship he was a Presbyter an and he .cee an en- thu-iut:c Literal in politics. Allen AI Quarrie, of Klode,sley, Sask. in his only su.viving broth.r, 'and Mn. Hent y. of B iggm, \li h., i.l a 'deter, The tenet -al wee held tVednesday afternoon. Service wan annduct.ed io 11••Iville church by Rev. A. J. Menlo after which Interment was inade in Brussels aeweter•y. The bereaved have the sympathy of theentunlunity in their Soo row. -Brussels Post. NILE. tlsteodod for set week.) WKDNsSDAY. April 23. Mr. and Mrs. east. Feadan, of kkino. vi.lted at Mrs. Geo. I'urrie's, sr., on Sondev. We teem that Mr. Wm. McCabe bas purchased a faun ill Ooderich township and intends moving there s,,n. Mies Dell. Mc('ann visited her sister, Mts. E. Go vitt, in Ooderich last week. Thoi:r HATS what we want to talk about this week. We have a range of HATS wowth regulariy from g,.($) to 82.50 which the are ou sale at just exactly One Dollar yr potting 1f you intent' to wear a Hat this summer, this is your rhancc 10 save money. There are both soft and stiff HATS in the lot, and tbtY are - alt good" Stock We sell everything, in Men's. Furdisltings, except boots and shoes -but for a few days we are giving special attention to HATS DON'T MISS THE CHANCE ! McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors The Square • Goderich Ott you keep poultry ? 1f so, you will stet a good poultry journal, and The bianal is able to oft r that splen- did publication, TheCanadian Poultry Journal, in c'.mbioation with The Signal, at $1 30 for the two peps r Separately the price of The Journal is SO centm. 11 fa mor, h • dollar. Thu offer is word only until June Hi ; SO if you want a Arne-clems poultrypuhlica- tinn you should aeh.cribe nw. Send all orders to The Signal. 0 isleticb. Jost heeanse a titan st r lino at a gnat, don't jump to the conclnaion that he is going to amino* a canal. BY OUR BLOOD WE LIVE If you tire easily, are subject to cold hands or feet—if you catch colds readily on have rheumatic pains --your blood or circulation is probably at fault and you Bead 0T13 OF THE PUREST COD LIVER OIL which is nature's easily -assimilated food, to increase your red corpuscles and charge the blood with life- sustaining richnesa. Scott's creates warmth to throw off colds and gives resistance to prevent sickness. Alamos insist en SCOTT'S. Every Druggist has it. SCOUT • /owls. Twes.Or a seas 1 NEWEST SHOE FASHIONS 1 The new shoe styles this season are strikingly handsome. The shoemaker's art has certainly ex- celled all pa• st efforts. In patent. kid and Havana 'brown leathers, we are showing an endless variety of the latest creations in button and lace shoes, also pumps and strap slippers. The moderate prices asked for these really fashionable and pretty shoes are sure to meet your approval. — REPAIRING -- Geo. MacVicar North side of Square Got ler telt PrintingThe Signal would order. like to fill your nett Phone. 35 FENCING• Are you going to do any fencing ?____We have several tons of No. 12 coiled spring steel wire, which was bought before the rise in wire, which we will give you at the price of No. 9 wire, -- that is, Sc per pound— and a pound of this wire runs 32 feet. This makes a good fence and cheap. We have a quantity of No. 9 coiled spring steel wire and also barbed wire. Call and see the goods and get our prices. Time to Spray Now is the time for spraying. How a ut Lime Sulphur at $6.00 per barrel? We also ave a new preparation, Cooper's Fungicide. It prevents Fun- gus Dijeases. You simply mix it with water. It is put up in 25c packages. I Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, etc. Does your Bicycle require overhauling If so. bring it in and it will be attended to promptly. as we now have a man on that branch of the work. How about your Lawn Mower ? It is nearly time for it to be used. Does it require sharpening ? If so. let us know and we will call and get it and put it in good repair. We do Plumbing. Heating, Troughiilii. Electric Wiring. Aii work promptly attended to and --fully guaranteea, Chas. C. Lee Phones: Store 22 The Square douse 112 aoderlch i •