The Signal, 1917-5-3, Page 4r%4 4 TMUa SDAY, MAY 3', 1917 THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO 1 SLIP-ON OVERCOATS Received this week, two lines of the popular' alip- on Overcoats for spring and fall. One made in a very pretty grey and the other a rich brown shade. Sizes 35 to 38. PRICE $18.00 BOYS' CLOTHING Don't buy your boy a Suit until you have seen our range. Our Boys' Clothing will please, for style, fit and material. Made in all the leading styles, in- cluding the popular pinch -back. WALTER C. I 1 I i ( - AGENT FOR - 'Phone 57 HAM ght Overalls King Edward Cale (SOMETHING NEW. The ...rather is now cool. People oOsMng to town can be served Hot Coffee, lea or Cocoa at 6c Meals also d 36c Hieheet pricer pull far butter and egg+. The test barn in town for stabling. Joseph Murray Kingston Street GODERICH School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO EASTER TERM BEGINS APRIL 1St_ 1917 You have always intended to take a Commercial and Steno- graphic Course. some time. Do it now. A course here puts you in a position to command a good income whenever and as long as you want it. Can you invest your money and time is any stock, war loan or anything else that will promise you so great a return ? We Guarantee Positions to Graduates Write for full information. DO IT NOW. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. Pier,. e. 20S Priacipal AFTER SIX YEARS OF SUFFERING Woman Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Columbus,Ohio.-"I had almost given up. I had been sick for six years with female troubles and nervousness. 1 had a pain in my right side and could not eat anything with- out hurting my stomach. i could notdrink cold water- at aterat all nor eat any kind of raw fruit, nor fresh meat not chicken. Prom 178 pounds I went to 118 and would get so weak at times that I fell over. i began to take Lydia E. Plnkhsm's Vegetable Compound. and ten days Leer I could eat and it did not hurt 0.y 'WWII. 1 laws tai cel ti• .,edielmo war limas 0.d I fest Him a s.0.want% I awe weigh 127 pounds so yea cam i••iel.akit has done for se already My Mishima says he knovn Tom 'medicine hes saved my life." - Mrs. J. S. BARLOW, lot South 4th 8t, Celamhss, OMs Lydia 1t. PInl Mist's Vegetable Cem- takas jsolt fim virtues of roots sm8 lain seeded te restore health e d strewth be the wsekemed organs of tit. That M why Mrs. Barlow, • eigehle fway .ing b• es•s•ii� ksM es t upon hawing frig; }''flaws Vegetable ceee,. 11' ST. AUGUSTINE, TUESDAY, May 1. Seeding is the prier of the day with the tarty. -r, in thin vicinity. Mr. Victor Johu.t .D, of Toronto University, returned horns on Satue- drl W. Nixon 1e hired with the Thomp- son Brow., of Donnybrook, for the sum suer. Mr. and Mrs. 13 Cellsgban, of Whitecbureb, spent a day this week with Mrs. Oso. Brophy. The annual meet ng of the Women's Institute will be held in the 8t. Aug- ustine ball on Wednesday. May 9th, at dusted the eervic. at ibe erase. The funeral oar leuerlay, Apail 3hb, wale from the old t4waeeselsd on Ilia 140 - dap rua,.',Tucker.tnith,00w occupied by deeeawu a sons 8awuel, and was large- ly argoly •cowled trotuoly by neighbors but by old friend. hum 8eaiurth, Clinton and Exeter. Mrs. Cu Insure leaves to mourn her lose four eons : W illiato, of Oratoith; 8atnuel, on the bowe- r/teed ; Kdwlu, of Vancouver, B. O., and Lawrence, with the 161st Bat- talion, abtalion, and silt J•ugbirrd : Mr.. Oeo. Mtrwart, of Crystal City, Man. ; M. it Wrteuu, of Vancouver ; Mrs. Daly, of Serforth ; Mre. H. 11 wt..°, of Ui- boroe, and Mre. Thous*. %Verkwan aod Mn. Wesley Harvey, of tit Miry. Mrs. Uudwure was • woman of sterliug character, • devoted wenlher of th. Met.bodirt Chitryh. respected rod loved of 1 large circle 01 frreuds and acq,talo lances. BLYTH. TURSDAY, May 1. Farmers are complaining greatly about toe backward sprung. 8001. w this section hallekuutpl'rt.d their erod- ing, but res throbs is no growth you. tbey are rather diecuurageu. 'l'ne bored of Urs publ.c library has appointed the tullowiug utl1 . rd fit tis. year : -*Weir t. Dr. Meriting/1st; libleaiau, J. ntuthese • treasurer, P. Cardium ; ..a r troy, D. ()I itt'ndrD. Tor b,.siu ot wau,g .0.001 wow.: it.,. T. Telford, h- v. R. J. McCor- mick, Rev. W. B. Haweiue,\ A. 8. 1'howu, J. Mc.LLulan, J . gni , W. .1. nom. an.uw Ma9 d J&iuruw.4*,• Tor nuances were nil or ted to bst lu a healthy coudittou, and it was decided to purchase .evrcty-fire new book*. The assedswrut toll which has been handed to tue remind' by Ai...s.►or Cowan shows B ytu'r population w 6&. There are 1'22 wale. b. t wain the ages of 21 and 60,, 1►ud 137 (between the ager of S and 21. There were bot six deaths rod eight births duriugg the year. The religion ot tbe pgpulrt o0 is giveu as : Presbyt.s•iaus. 270 ; Metouduts, 240: Auglhcaas, 133 ; Hu- man Catholics, 19 ; Lutheran, 1. 5100 Reward, 51'00. The readers of Ws piper will be pleased to lawn coat to re .t levet our dre.drd direu.e e.:laow h u bee le to cure in all Its stage.., and that is oat . Ostmrrb being sweetly in- flurnord by owdlawtlobal condition requires 000.titutbnal treatment. Hap'. Later, b Cure is tattoo internally and rot. Lb.ougm tar bloo.t 2.30 p. m. All members are requested on the mor: u.-urtroe,r of the system. thereby t0 attend de-troy.rlp the foundation of the di wax. girene KINTAIL. FRIDAY, April 27. PATRIOTIC WORK. -The names of the ladies who have a.ei.ted the Kin - tell Waimea. ln.t•itute •ieriasaiog seeks mei miasma Ira the soldi are agleam* : Socks -Mrs. R. Hamilton, 7 pars ; Mr. Kenneth McIv. r, S pairs; Mrs. A. Cathcart, Mr-. Albert Beckett, 4 pairs each ; Mrs. W. Wiley, Mrs. Mike Riley, Mrs. D. M. Donald, Mre. J. D. McKenzie. 3 pairs each ; Moe Mary H. McKenzie, WOO A. Kentt.i Ibe..rcu tient .ga l Ay Damning( up the con - rut Witte an 1 .cow -Ung .al un In dols( he wort. The prop, won. have .o such faith an Um car aura power. of HMI's Catarrh Cee that they offer one bund widollar., for any ores that 1t fails to cues, brad for 11 .1 of te.tl- montals. Addrar.: F. J C14CNgY t CO„ Toledo, Woo. • ata iss ail dtuegl.te, 75.:. LUCKNOW. TCaaDAT, May 1. DkATH AT L.UCHAIJMH.-''be death oecurreu Wedureday of George Mc- Kay, son of Muidoch McKey, Loch - slob. The late Mr. McKay bad been iu Detroit tor the last few wuntbr, rod wbtl« t fere has suffered from an Mies 8 Kewpton, Hip M dry Stuart, attack of quinsy. Ve urn he arrived , Mrs. C. Beo)'.urur, Mum F. McDonald, bolus bele a few day., before his death Mos Lily McK.y, Mrs. Roes, Mr., be was appare. ('y in fair beak h, but Kenn. th McLennan, Miss Jane Mc- (rout toe' dropped steadily t 11 his Donald, Mrs. R. McDonald, Mrs. M. death. He hid hid bis tonrtle McKenzie, Mrs. (' Matheson, 2 paint removed *owe •line ago, and it each ; Miss M. Johnston. Miss V. !id thuugLt be contracted blood-poieon- Mc[.augblln, Miss T. Uow.e,leve. 1'.• { fug. WUIiu eprrw tb.ougb Die sy.t •w. Burkingham, Mull B. alb , Mies A. Mclutyie, Mies M McIntyre. Mre. 10. Barnwell, M s. James Barkwell, Mrs. David Hitter , Mr.. James (leant, Mies Jennie McNain, Mn. James Mc- Nein. Miss Ella McDonald, Mira EM. McD..nald, hire. Rod McKenzie, Mrs. Findlay McDonald, Mos Clara Mc- Namara, Mir. M ibel McNamara, Miss Et ie McNam-r., Mr. John print), Mrs. D. R. McKenzie, MISS Annie M.: - Donald, Mrs. Neil McDonald, Miss Edith Taylor, Miss 14*die McDonald. 1 pair each-tffi airs. Pyjamas---Mtw h. Pe' ('and, 4 pair.: Mre. J. C them t, MiesSa.ab Cameron, Nies Annie McLennan, 3 pain each ; Mis. H. Taylor, Mies A. McDonald, Miss B. McGregor, MOM M. Cowan, Mies M. H. McKe.,zie, Mre. N. O. Mc- ' Kenzie, Miss Barbara Buglsss, Mess S. Kempton, Misr .le uoie MDR u , 2 pairs each ; Mrs. D. J. McLennan, Mr. K. J. McKenzie, Mre R. McDonald, Mrs. W. Johnston, Mrs. A. Beckett, Miss Aggie Wiley, Mies Mamie Johtiet lit, Mn. J. Jameson, Mre. 1.2, B.'tyn, 1 pair each -40 pairs. These goods have &II pissed the censor and the committee. in charg. placed an ertiuuti of 8146 011 ('le en- tire lot 1 The Kir.tsil Institute would abet like to state they have succeeded in raising the 811 for the Byron Sanit r - Inn. regpi.ed by the Drpartweut of the vat lout br inches. PORTER'S HILL. TUesDAy. May 1. Nimes. -111 Charles McPhail spent a few day. at London last week Mrs. R. Y. (7.'x retslrned 1 on Turgidity Irat wit r spendiu.r a week at 1lderton Mr.. N. M.•Lrod and Edith 81... ling, of Clin' on. visited a1 Mi. 0. W. Po Irl', nn 1•lur.day lest. . The Ladle. Aid 410111 .nr• 1 , t the home of Mrs. George V'mite butKn on Thursday next, May 10th A good at- tendance is tequeeted ....Reit. F. McL. Smith. ot Hensen. exchanged molt -its with Rev. A. Macfarlane on Sunday last. KIPPEN. TOaSDA Y. May 1. 1'h'. and Mrs. Aitken are expected home from Port Perry this week. Last Mondry Pro(eeaor Patterson, of London, t crupied the Presbyterian pulpit rod preached an able sermon. Mess Moore. of Tbanie►ford, visited for wome drys with her brother, Mr. William Mot re, loot Werk. On her re- turn she wan rocompauled aa far as London by Mrs. Moore. DRATH OR MRs. Cv,nmww.J(/t•t Monday, the $Mad ult.. toe sad news cane fTum ID.y.tal City. Men.. that Mi.. Cndmote had died that morning in the Mime of her son-in-law, Mr. (Weer. s- . Mfrws rt. The remains were (brought h0s.114r Int•rmrpt in Boild's ceuietpr hide those rd her late hus- band, ue hand, silo WWI far tw•ly known am the ••b y king" ut West, int Ontario. Mrs. Cesiumrees In her seventy-seeend year and bast lived In (hie vicinity prsrticslly all her life until sr few 1. -sat agoo, when ehe and Mr. lkid- loose mired t.' Item or. Key. Mr Mtixwo t.'iy, pastor of Main stout Methodl.t nitumb, Ra.•t..r, *seised by RP.. J'.hn Hart, of H•iewileld, eosin di rt -.1 the e.S abi in the I.. and I Rev. A. W. Brown, or Wart.., eem- He wok, will k,own here and iu the surruundicg country. The funeral was held '1 uur.day Is on) rue McKay home near L.cbalsh. lutertoeut was it. tee Lbchalen cemetery. DHA MATICCLUH Si(ress.-•The Luck - now Dramatic 01uu scored another g reet sueceg. Thursday night iu the pi ~tit of the drama "Anotner Wo,it.n's Glover." nod was one of the best playa the club bas at-ewpted and vas greatly app retried by the la.ge audience, the uaroegie Hall 13... ing filled to tue doors. Between acts the audience was treated to selections by the Lackn.w orceestra, the Luck- 1 n•'g, iucle quartet(. and M.0. Mabelle i Albin, while Misers A. 1:. Millon and I mos. Watson brought the -house down in a good vaudeville art. The pro- ceeds, which •uiuutited to 8140.40, will he bedded over to toe R d C.u.e lured, lees a very small expense Lill. During the evening, a qui t wale by Miss Orae- Caner and donated to the Red Oros was r flied off et leo cel. t• a ticket, 8$1.10 being realized in this way, Mir. Nona Woods drew the wincing ticket. acrd Mr.. T. tell We ave to «w e Abet asuucbat Missfa•'WtlNIk attardboo is ruder the duct pr's rarer at pewent. We bops to bear soon of bis complete recovery. Bt Oliver had • narrow escape one day last week, when his team took fright at an automob4M. He lost con- trol of thou. Dossing around theC.P.R. hill, one of the reins breaking and c•uslog him to be thrown from the wagon. The team was caught out neat the Colborne cemetery Mr. A. Schumacher, of Kitchener, returned to his borne last week after speeding a few days in the village at- tending to business ID connection with the Mule of the late Joh° C. Kuntz. The sale took platy on Frtdey last and was largely attended. Everything was sold at • good figure. The car sold for 8660, the lucky bidder being Mr. John Prtrle of the 4th conoessioo of Ashpeld. KIN�S'tlRID(iiE. e MuNDAY, Apiil all. Mr. W n. McCarthy iv suffering frnrn a had cold. We ate pieasrd to hear Jack Me - i ar thy 1. I-runvrl imK. 1 M1. J. P. Rysn, or God.'ich, silted fri -vide here or Sund.y, 111 s, A•rn• M.ra is vi icing her P eter. Mr . J. ('. Dalton. Mrs, J. U. Balton i+ norn.' after ing in (boder cu lir^ th•ee works, POR ALBERT. (hoe deed 1 r la+t area.) t\ KDNI:MnAY. April 23 Mr. and M .. I). M act) meld. of Goderich, cel ed ' n fr 1.11de in toe vil- lage kat our«►. Rrrgt. Ot.wee H.yi-n. nI the C. A. D. C., spent the wrek•end with his parents. Mr. and Mr.. H. Hayden. Mr. and Mrs. W B. ft twkins and Mr.. Wm. Obey ripen' • day with Mr. and Mrs flowers Clark, of Colborne. Mrs. 11. Morris and children, of Gi,deeiob, its spending a few days under the parental ro heir the week. Mrs. Hugh McGuire and children re- turned to Lonion this weak after • pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. GI LLETT S LYE DUNGANNON. WaDNIWDAY, May 2. Mr. Wickens, of Sebritoeville, was vlsitiug acquaintances here at the week -sod. A number from Dungannon and vicinity attended the funeral of the Labe Mrs. M. Lockhart last Sunday. HURRAH FOR THa °ARDYN 1 --As the outlook this year points to scarcity and hardship, mid as the eventful him has arrived to combat the im- peoding cat•strt.phe, it behooves us all to leave no furrow unturned, nor seed unsown, that we may at least await want iu our own lucid sphere. Neglect in this respect will be nothing abort of crime, knowing the circum- stances. DKATH OF AS OLD CITIZKN.-On Sunday evening there passed away, at the age of seventy-six years and seven months, One Of our oldest citizens, in Um {renew of Watson McAuley. The deceased was a very, honorable and unaseuwing character, retuin•t but very kindly in disposition. He moved to this locality some twelve or fifteen years ago ft om Purple (trove, nese the village of Ripley, Huron townsbip. He occupied for some years • farm near the village of Dungannon, which he afterwards soli to Mr. Gillis Haines. wbile be find hie si-ter lived a retired lite in the village. He had beep ailing for some year*, but later become a great orderer. His remains were taken for burial to Kiocardine on 'Tuesday morning. Rev. L McKelvey conducted the funeral service\on Monday even- ing. AUBURN, Wawa:susY. May 2. Mr. Simeon :stoles is not enjoying the beet of health the past month. Yr . Joseph Stalker, of Ingersoll. attended the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. M. Lockhart, Mrs. James Hickloghottogn was called t . Michigan owing to the i11 - Dew of her brother Daniel. Mrs. Wm. Dobie, sr., and lir. Dawson, jr., ara,hoth confined to t beds with a seer re attark of la gri Mr. Oro. D. Howatt is acting ao mail carrier for Mr. Dawson. On Saturday evening Mn. Hems'. min Witmer passed t' the Great Bea yood aft r a binge. ing illness of several nionthe. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to %Veltileldgene- Levy, the servicer be *R opuducl.ed by Rev. Mr, Eratman. Sympathy is ex- tended to the bereft husband and fam- ily. am- tl FOR Tali Ron CRo88.+The play "The Youug Village Doctor" will be given in the Forest •Ts' Hall un FI iday evening,'May Ilth. Proceeds in aid of the Red Cron' fund. This i* an event that has been eagerly awaited. and theme should he a bumper hones. r) THE COLBORNE STORE Itt Read all our Store News for this week LACE CURTAINS AND CUJRTAIN NETS AND SCRIMS You're just on the edge of spring house-cleaning and you may need new Window Draperies, in Curtains and Madras Trimmings, by the yard. Art goods iu colors, dark or light shadings, that we can show iu quantities and at the lowest prices t'i be found anywhere and the very newest creations. RUGS Nineteen Rugs in the most wanted sizes, in Tapestry, Bruesektand Velvetpile, at about last year's prices. Congoleum Mitts and Rugs in the following sizes: lzli, 1x2, 1ixli, 2s2, 2x3, 3x31 and 3x4. Nothing for the same money to wear like them. OILCLOTHS 1, 11, 2 and 21 yards wide. LINOLEUM four yards wide. INLAID LINOLEUM two yards wide, the only width made. PRINTS Fast color Prints, best quality cloth and only 15 cents per yard. Dark and light colorings and choice patterns. HOSIERY A good cotton Stocking for 25 cents, sizes 84, 9, 9i and 10, bought last year, hence the low price, 25c. Ribbed Hose for boys and girls, at last year's price, 25c. Sizes from 5 to 10. CREPES More new Georgette Crepes and Crepe de Chines, in all the leading colors. Also Silk Voiles in dres.s lengths, uo two alike, fine colorings and very new American creations. Nothing choicer to be had. �s23:31J. H. COLBORNE loca Don't judge • woman by the com- pany she is compelled to keep. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Taylor's Corner P..triotic Snci• ty w'll hold a sewing at the horse of Mre. Welter Hick on Wednesday, May 9. All members having' finished articles will please bring them In to thle m�et- iug. $ • PATRIOTIC No'rES.-The United Patriotic M.tctety will have a rnee.ing at the home of Miss A. Andrews, Bay- field road, on Friday, May llth. Those 'baying finished garments or ' ansa kindly bring them, as all are warted before Tuesday. M.►, 16t't, for ship- ping. The Society is asking far the wcond gathering of old papery, maga- zine., rage, ruttier. and sera •iron. 1f those wh,r base been saving these articles Sid it is impossible to have mean at any of the loliowing places Mrs. J 40. John.t in, Huron road, Mn, 1'. J. Jtihn.t .n, 3rd eonesession, and J. W. Selkeld, has field nerd, sed would notify any wetu'.er in tbeir neigbh.tr- hood, they will he Called VT" AbHFIELO. The reviler meeting of 'he Avbfleld 8oldie,s' Aid cord,. will h. neld at the h•une hf Mrs, McWhintiy on Tue'dsy, May 84pp A cordi.l invitation is ex- tended !o eve. tune to Dorms and help with the work. A Chance for Thou Going West- Home,eekers' Excursions via C.P R. Hnweeerkeli ex^ursion to Western Canada at .ttrac',v- fares each Tues- day until October 31.1, via Canadian Pacific, the pioneer route W the Nest. Particuleri from any Canadian Pacific agent or W. B. Howard, District Parr enger Agent, Toe onto, Ont. 2 t. Clinton Casualties. Clinton, April :(U. -Mrs. Thomas Britton received the sad news yester- day of the death of their second son, William George, who Ives officially re- ported as having died of wounds re- ceived in one of the recent battles in France. The father of the young elan i+ serving as a eatKeant, having re- cently gone over to En and with tib e Kent Hatt thou, and his gibbet, bay, Russel, is also serving at the front. William enli.ted at Paris before he was eighteen and was an indltstrious young man, having completed his trade ao a hiker. Pte. Franklin Elwood, son of Thomas Elwood of Gode.iob township, was re- ported mi-sing'.inies April 10. H. was • .sernhar of a Howell noir and was taken to Prance in one of the drafts from hie battalion. At Ingersoll the bueinees men hive agreed upon a weekly half-b..li lay on W.dneenay doting the trimmer .months for the purport" of gisong 10. merehasaN and their email yees ..t op- portunity to lake p.rr is t1. Kr,a rr pr .duction eawpalgn. HO DO YOU K OW that old more from which you are sui oring is incurable' m-Buk has cured thousands et of chronic sores. Miss Nellie Lucia of Sliver Take, Oregon, writes: " M7 father developed a sore on 01s face which became very swollen and palntul. We tried numerous remedies, and several doctors attended him, but the sore got no better, and tea\ doctor said the only hope of curing ft was an operation. Father deter- mined, however, that be would first try 7.am-But. Even after the -first few &pint - Mations of this wonderful balm he t great relief. Gradually the pain as ended, tbe inflammation was all drawn out, the swelling disap- peared and the sore was goon bailed Zam-But is equally good for eczema, ringworm, blood -poisoning, bad legs, piles, burns. sealds and cuts. All druggists and stores, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. 60e. box. 1 for $1.26. -- T HOLMESVILLE BOYS MAKE G000. I There are not many places the size I of Holmesville that can [wast of turn- ing out so large • number of young men who have grown into prominence and fill responsible positions as can this ewa11 village and its intwediete vicinity. Let its carne Bowe of then'. First conies Dr. %V. J. R. Holmes, I county treasurer, whose advent Into this sphere occurred about seventy. six year. ago. Next comes his brother. Thomas, now • prominent physician Jo the United Suttee. James A. Ford Reeve of Clinton, and James Leith - write, Deputy Reeve of Ondertch, were both born near here. Fred EI - ford, Dominion poultry husbandman at Ottawa, i• a well-known Wilmer vi11e boy. 1 ho•yas Carrick. a Van- o• iever p dice officer, was born here, W. J. McRobert., a former teacher, is head of the public .ch .01 sy.t •.0 at .rt Anhui, with • s.lary about six 'nes as large as he got herr. Nelson wart's*. for nenoe time teacher and township clerk, is the torsi rrpre-en- tattye of Gunn'e Limited, at a good salary. Two of Mr. Andrew (:ourtice's e ons ore in the ministry, and others are prominent in professional life. 0. 8. ,Fisher, • former teacher. is h•ndlin oil propoeltures in Cali- frrnia. . H. Lobb is Reeve of the township., Ree A. K. H.rk•, of Niag- gar• Falls. And his wife 'nobelonged ! here. The late Rev. Robert Craig, who before ts (teeth was hrtad of the foreign miss deportment of the American Pte .yterian Church, was • teacher here fo years. This list way not embrace all m this locality who have gained pr uioence, ort it is, nevertheless. • p ty creditable shoe- ing for • village Ib less than two! dozen homes. Call usr'up\ if there is a leak in your house. We will locate the trouble and have it put right. That's part of our business. t We do eavestroughing, plumbing, tinsmithing, etc., and we do it right. F1 E D..H U N T "THE PLUMBER" Hammon Street Phone 136 Its Excellence is Within F.O.B. Cli of atla. Out. Completely Equipped Y1.wr-de-LA's Resister ease price While the smartness and beauty of the outer Gray Dort is in complete keepingith its excellence within, it is the inner Gray Dort that you a ould know thoroughly. Here, under the surface, is beauty another sort -the beauty of sturdi- ness and efficiency. All the Gray Dort's component parts are remarkable for their unfailing dependability, simplicity, accessibility. This kind of excellence hu opened the eye* of thousands of motorwise men and women -and made th.itf Gray Dort owners. It makes the Gray Dort a car that the whole family can use and enjoy. With all this quality, with complete equipment, with 'big - car' refinements and conveniences, the 'Gray Dart 1* •a moderate priced ar-- wand it is a supremely good car THE GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMITED, Chatham, Oat. T. H. MITCHELL. N. A, TAYI O. Ostler Goderich 'Distributor, Myth