HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-26, Page 7It Cleans and Safeguards Lifebuoy Soap is always on guard against dirt and disease. In the home, at your work, for hands and face, for shampoo and bath it will be found always on the watch against germ and microbe. Withal, the rich, creamy Lifebuoy lather makes it • real pleasure to use this " super soap." LILF t, HELTH The -ad ~ afidwar way of saying use Lifebuoy Soap. Start OAP evention is better than cure" using it to -day and see that the children use it. The mild antiseptic odor vanishes quickly after use. At All Grocers— 1..2VFR Baoruaa3 Li decal, 165 TORONTO 11 ' 'Re price of Lifebuoy Soap is sot altered. Iit A tails at Sc per cake. In . 1 ,-nun'-I.s. Ask for our INVE'N- Tu1t.1 AIJVIHER,which wall to sent tree MARION • MARION. MK University •t. M..ntriai. Algonquin Park. A delightful spot t , recuperate Mat energy. Two thousand feet •hove t'iv sea. Pure and bracing air. Hood h ,tels and g no d fishing. Highland Inn opens May 7th. Free itltre rat rd lit- erature on request to C. E. Horning. Unioo Stats on, Toronto. There is Safety Under This Roof Have you ever had a fine job of decorating spoiled by a leaking roof? 1f you have. you certainly are in • position to appreciate the value of a roof that is positively water -proof. Some of the troubles common to wooden shingles to -day aro that they aro apt to split. warp or blow off as well as leak. soon after they are put on. Years ago they were good. but the quality has since gradually depreciated as the available supply of suitable timber became exhausted. Brantford Slates have none of the faults of wooden shingke. They cannot rust. They do not allow rain to be driven under them as do metal roofs. They de not require rigid supporting asdo the common tile er slate roofs On the other hand Brantford States afford the utmost protection with little welgbc They aro made en • long-fihred felt "base" which Islwmulldy saturated under pressure with asphaltum or mineral pitch. (rushsaturatedquarried slate particles tare then deeply embed- ded is the surface of this "base.., making It water -tight and fireproof. Brantfor4 hoofing 'Brantford Slates are scads In the natard date arelert of greets red. Week rod gree. Mt eolmu never fade and the dates do not require piscine nor repairing- These data are pliable and Si rsedlllfMOM gabtessecliate the undies of any reef. file morns a etmehuases reef without teems or joints. Sparks die ea Aa n y le foordbSlaters you these slates dame with require palming oi the yds@ is nay W. swan ghoeied to out say aftsdor lor *MAatrleu� sesplas and iso, arallidOrd Roofing Company, Limited es Brantford, Canada For oak by VW(. PiNDER i ,."']1(74."""3"�"''r-- -t THE SIGNAI. - GODEItICH N ON COUNTY andD1STRICT Mot. Lester and family, of Fordwicb, moved to Toronto last weep. Mrs. Kraoick and family, of F'rd- wicb, moved to Harriston last week. T. H. Gipson has disposed of his ire cream business at Fordwicb ti H. Samson. Angus Beown has sold his 85 -acre farm, lot 27, concession 9, Grey. to John McEwen, of Bluevale, for $4.800 Last week Teasdale Whitfield sold his 100 -acre [arra. lot $q, conoeealoo 18, Grey, t , his son-in-law, Angus Brown. The Presbyteeian congregations of For Iwich and (:orris are at present heeling candidates for the vacant pm - Loreto. Andrew Archibald, of Tuckertwitb, received word recently that his eldest son, Andrew William Archibald, bad been killed in action. At Varna, on April li'.b, Annebel, Foungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. oster. wee united in marriage to Rohr rt Cameron, of Hensall. N. S. McLaughlin, of Gorrie, who bad bie left arm severely injured while working in a munition factory al Toronto, arrived borne last week. Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, of the 7th concession of Grey, received the sad news recently flat her son, Sergt, Ross McKinnon, had been killed in action. On April llth Miss Edythe McGregor was married at the home of her par- ents, Langside, to Juhn Henderson. Both young people are of Kinloss township. Kincardine ratepayers 'sill vote Msy 15th on a bylaw to •t.tnorize e loan of $21,500 to James 11. Wataoo to assist in the establIrhing of a factory for tbe making of reed and reed (Me furniture. There passed away on Thursday, April 12tb, at her home on the 9th conceerioo of Grey. Mrs Hugh W. McKay, in ber sixty-eighth year: Be- sides bier husband, two sons and two daugbti rr are left to mourn their loss. A quiet wedding was solemnized on April llth when Rev. J. R. Graham united in mar' iage Miss Annie Bolt, Marnoch, and John Purdon, or Whitechurch. The young couple will live on the groom's farm in East Wa- wanosb. Lieut. Wrn. Scanlan, who was killed in action recently. was the grandson of Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Bluevale. He enlisted as a private with the first con- tingent and received hie commission ori the field and was awarded the mili- tary cross for gallantry. What might have been • serious ee:ident happened on the farm of %Vin. f ouglaa, north of Gorrie, when A. A. Holt had the misfortune to have three of the fifteen. ou bis right, bend badly damaged hy a circular saw while engaged in cutting wood. Cecil Roe, of Constance locality, was Bland dead in the barn by hie sister on Menday evening of last week. He was tweoty-four years of age and the inan of R.se, of McKlland lop.Lestndfellhe he cwived a severe injury from the kick of allures. SKAFOK1'11. One of Seeforth'e moat highly re- apected reetideut. pas.ed W* 00 April lith, in the person of Alex. Campbell, in his seventy-eightb year. His widow and four daughters see viva. A memorial service was held in the Anglican church last. Sunday in mem- ory of Pte. ('has. Holph, who we. re- cently killed in action. The membe,. of the ('range Order were present. LUCKNOW. Win. R. McDonald, of Huron town - shoe, has bought the Lawrence resi- dence and will be moving t' town. Miss Carrie Geddes left last week for Toronto. where she will take a course in tinning at Wellesley hos- pital. The Milne isn't in Kinins., which was sold hy punlic auction on Apr,l 11th, was bought by Dan McIntyre for *1,5'25. Andy Huston has taken a position as junior clerk in the Molsons Bank and Charles Milne bas succeeded hies ae clerk in the McLeod A Joynt hard- ware store. NON I0 I, n 'nu'uullgluuuuml IL , it ' I IS1 )•••,%.4).,74.4. ;t .r t Z i • • THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1917 7 • CLINTON. Mise Leila Fotd left recently tc take charge of • bchool at Richmond. Messrs. Robert and Herbert Mc. Kenzie lett last week ,ot eginr, Sask. \ J ..- r '..�.r��/.�e. -577` P, != •1111111111111111111101 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 * when the institution there is ready. He has resigned his pastetate of the Baptist churches of Clinton and Au - biro, and the pleeeut a' I ng pastor, Mr. H. O. Bradman, will remain in charge fur the time being. BRUSSELS. Mrs. Peter \Vat.mn, formerly of Brussels, was united in marriage at London recently to David Cameron. of London. A. R. Mitchell leaves shortly on • tip t o PotbAithur, Fort William and other cities in the near West in the interests of the Jacksou Mfg. Co. Rev. W. B. Mnult'tn is at London for a few weeks writing on an exam- ination. A at 'dent from Huron Col- lege is taking his work in the inean- tiwe. Dr. W. J. Shipley, of Calgary, son of William Shipley, of town, ham re- cently toren else tad vire-president of the Celgas y Medical Associat on. Roy French and W. J. Jordon, who cattle from Ernfold, Sank., nn account of the illness and subsequent death of the latter's father, the late Edward Jordon, took a car orf settlers' effects no their return M the West. W. Jackson was at London last week, attending • meeting of the ex- ecutive of the Western Ontario Bowl- ing Association, tepresentleg the Clinton and Myth bowling club,. Ar- rangemeets were being made for the big annual tournament to he held on July 23 d. Mrs. H. F. Yen, of Glenavon, Sask., Mrs. W. J. Currie and Miss Irene. of flow [.land, Alta., and Nr.. Eby li rnfnld Sisk oho have ofb all been borne on account .d the [11_ nemand death of their father, the lite Edward ]nrdrn, will return to their Western h re this week. ()apt. J. KFairfull has received an appointment as "vocational co-ordin- ator" ureter the Canadian Hospitlels Tkeenatesiesn trod leaves almost imme- diately for Kingston, where he will be engaged in votloon with the men. 'element bn.pltd for a time. thninrh hi. appointment I+ Montreal. Captain a'irfoil's work stilt he In eonasatkwi With the Horttned inldIerd In HO non- vaieseent hospitals, and it may be that he will be appointed to Oneksh, Russel Payne, youngest .on pf Pte. AValter S. and Mt.. Payne. died at Galt on A 'oil 13th in his eixteenth ear. Russel had made his home in B russels for some time. bow's This ? 1 We offer one hundred dollars reward for any sore of catarrh that oenuot be cured ty Hsll • 1Jatarrb Cure. , Hall'+ Caratrb Cure has hsen taken by ca- tarrh sutt,rer• for the poet thirtyflve years,' and ha" become known as the 'nowt reliable remedy for catarrh. Hall'. Catarrh Cure act• through the blood on the mumu. surface•, e: palling the pMeost from the blood and healing the d one. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for • abort time you will are a great imptovemeot in your general health. Start taking Hall • Catarrh Cure at onoe sad get,. rid at estaarh. Send for reetimoniaiu. P.J. CHK".KY t OO., Weak Ohio. Sold by ear drugglsta, EXETER. Ire. Thos. Cookson left last week with ber family to join Mr. Cookson at Windsor, where they intend mak- ing their future home. A knitting competition for the Soldiers' Aid was started shout month ago, and ended last weak with teen pain of socks being handed in to the Socia ty. A quiet wedding was solemnised at the borne of M'. atm Mac, N'u,nel Smith, on April le when their iming- est daughter, Mier Blanch, wee suited in mart Mgr t o Wesley Webber. John H. Scutt and femily, lifter a residence of some years here, left Iaat week for Toro nrn, where, they will in future reside. `t • . Scott has been ap- pointed inspector in connection with cold storage planta. On April 11th ?fro. j m. rectorate received the sad news at ber .on, Lieut. Wm. Penhale, was seriously i11, buffering from gunshot wound and thigh tractive, • but on April 16th a second message carne that he had died of wounds. Nervous Diseases in the Spring. Cured by Toning the Blood and Strengthening the Nerves. It is the opinion of the beet medical s,itho i ities, after long observation, that nervous diseases ere more com- mon and more serious in the spring than at soy other time of the ye,sr. Vital changes in the system, after long winter months, may creme, much more trouble than the f..miller spring weak- ness and weariness [tom which most People suffer*. the result of indoor life. in ;molly ventilated and often overheated buildings. Official records prove that. in April and May neuralgia, Ht. Vitus dance, epilepsy and other forma of nerve troubles are at their worst, end that then, mote than any other time, a blood -making, nerve - real" root tonic is tweeted. The antiquated cuftnm its taking purgatives In the spring is ',elem., for the system really needs stn ngthening while purgatives only gallop through the bowels, leaving you weaker. Dr. W illiams' Pink Pills are the best medi- cine, for they actually make the new. rich, red hlond that feeds the • starved nerve., and thus cure the many forme of nervous disorder's. They cure also such other forms of spring tronb'es as headaches, poor appetite, weal, nese in the limbs, es well as remove unsightly pimples and eruptions. in fact, they unfailingly hring new health end strength to weak, fired and (tepeemsed men, Women and children. Sold by all medicine dealers or hy mail At 50 cents a hos or mix boleti for *2.51) from Than.. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, -Ont, W4110HAIK. Ahnut *2600 srdrtb of new machin- ery has berm instal in the Union (*.eery. <- _ ilklward R. Finley, 'M fawn, web married at Mount Pot eat on April 18th fib Mies Minnie Stewart. Win a creamery has again opened, this time In connection with A. H. Wilford's produce husineee, A. H. Wilford 'thinned a carload of eggs from Winghwm recently. This is -the earliest shipment made for some !lute. • The death necoreird nn S'turd'y. April 14th. of Rotwtt. Anderson, In his sixtieth year. His w fe and two daughters survive. tions 'Toronto). baeut•esigned to accept a position with the Weeteru Foundry Co. here. Mr'and Mr ....T. A. Powell have re- turned from their trip to British Col- umbia sed hare taken up their resi- dence on the farm recently purchased by -Me. Powell near Henault. On April Ibth, Mies Janie', eldest daughter of Rev. David and Mrs. Peir.e, war united in mart lege to Harald H. Parker. at Mt. Andrew's manse. The bride's let her officiated. Mire Bessie Laidlaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lamer Laidlaw, of East Wawanoeh, was 0011 ed in marriage to Samuel Coulter, of Turnherry, on April llth, at St. Andrew's manse, W Ingham. A quiet hut interesting reremonv took place at the home of Nlre, M. J. Ansley op Wednesday, April lh'.h, when her only daughter, Laura Al- meda, was united ice marriage to R. Mark Lindsay. The sudden death occurred at Dauphin on April 12th of Richard Q. Spading. in his sixty-second year. Deceased was • former resident of Wingharu and was Reeve of this town for a number of years. Thanks from the Admiralty. Men with Common Sense are taking to our Bach- elor Suits like ducks to water. Good reason why, too. Notwithstanding their good looks, good work- manship and good wear- ing qualities, they are the biggest bargain ever offered to men, being the first guaranteed trade -marked, nation- ally known clothes to be sold at 1650 r, The Ahweek Chapter, 1. O. D.' E.. bas received :the following copy of a letter sent by $1r Elward Casson, First Lord of the Admiralty, to the president of the British Mellott Relief Fund in Canada : The Admiralty. Loudon, IOth March, 1917. Dear Sir, -1 shall be glad if you will convey to the committee of the Selfish ballon' K -lief Fund, Canada, the grateful ihalekr of the Board of Adtuaralty for the munificent cootri- nutiun made through that tuid by the people of Canada towards tbe maintenance of the various charities, t,robauages end hospitals established torr be benefit of sten belonging to the royal navy and of their fa.u,lire. 'fila gen• roils gift and the cordial message of recognition of the serviette of the royal navy hy which it wee sc- cotupsmied, wall, I am sure. give greet satisfaction tit the fleet, whom it. ie proposed to inform of your cbwmuni- cat ion by a general fleet order. Your committee will be glad to know that the statutory Committee which her heen set up toy Perliawrul under the Naval and Maiafne Penelope Act ie being '.ked to .orange fur the distribution of the looney in the man- ner desired. May l be permitted ale° to express my own and my colleague.' pleasure at the decision of your committee to allocate a similar mum to the supper, of institnttous maintaineJ fur the b'•nefit of the mercantile marine, whose courage and endut-anee have reservedly won the ad ration and gratitude of the Empire. Yours feith.ully, (4gd.) KntvARD CAlta"y, First [wird of the Adwtrelt v W. G. R' es, Esq., President, British $ails r, Relief Fund, Canada. The Usual Program. Punch once had It scene in which is district vietitot• is shown ens ring the cottage of a poor woman- The visitor is evidently new to 1 he business arid sowewb it. reuharraend. The enttager .syr to her : "1'm suite w. II, thank ver, mise ; but 1 ain't seed you afore. 'Fre fresh at it, ain't yrr, mise •l' "1 have never visited you before, Mrs Johnston." The woman dilate a chair. "Well," robe say•, "yer •its down here, an' yer reeds mr a short Psalm, yer gives me a +hillio', and thea yer goer!"—Punch. His Full Name. Offleer—You Doty your name is "Wigglesworth ?" When you were hroeght in last night you gave it ar .,Wiggs.. Poosy Gent.—Yes, that warn my full name—eouldn't get my tongue around •'Wigglesworth' lot night. tCorn.nF Fields stn T•e� r � oro. 1~ields to be sty acres, in one bloc . fled to those who are paid to current year, and field.i elan tI4ites (rain Go irtch and cwt n dvciety only and one, entry for crop. Tts'ding on same farm cannot make ies from the Society will be accepted' tit must be notified not later than The Square Goderich JOB AND COMMERCIAL P\rintinglib'e nab NEKST SHOE FASHIONS c The new shoe styles this season are Strikingly handsome. The shoemaker's art has certainly ex- celled all past efforts. In patent, kid and Havana brown leathers, we site showing an endless variety of the latest creations.' button and lace shoes, also pumps and strap slippers. .Tote moderate prices asked for these really -fashionable and pretty shoes are sure to meet your approval. — REPAIR NG — Gco. MacVicar North side of Squart• Goderich tinent ientries, to he obtained from the d in, signed, and returned to hint, 1917, to be forwarded by him to Mrbby, of the (bilin LK,nittin— secretary ()o„ made •rr. egemrn'm °Perp wg F.S `f y1%LER twarseh In WIngIsam, which is to start tote t ' operation by May let -while fox 191, 0ODBRICn; ONT. Yd. Amit), who etas iron working m4 telt e►tfot d 1... the lest couple of year.. wlfl return to town. n,.•1ne ate, "4 el eapfrd a foremanship In the Color, ;es [aeon y - Jerry y Meddigan. who has hewn en- Ranged .for the oast year nr noose as g epresaotative of the Mcfmaa publle•- FENCING Are you going to do any fencing ? We haaye several tons of No. 12 coiled spring steel wire, was bought before the rise in wire, which we will give' you at the price of No. 9 wire,--- that io, 5c per pound - and a pound of this wire runs 12 feet. This makes a good fence and cheap. We have a quantity of No. 9 coiled spring steel wire and also barbed wire. Call and see the goods and get our prices. • Time to Spray Now is the time for spraying. How about Lime Sulphur at $6.00 per barrel? We also have a new preparation, Cooper's Fungicide. It prevents Fun- gus Diseases. You simply mix it with water. It is put up in 25c packages. \ Z Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, etc. Does your Bicycle require overhauling ? if bring it in and it will be attended to promptly, as now have a man on that branch of the work. i of How about your Lawn Mower ? It is nearly time )ties1t�' pwod. Does it require sharpening? If so, aforesaid hrothert,yyill cal1 and get it and put it in testator, who claimed to .. henefleiarisa under • prior war, s . I other relet.,ves. They claimed that the testator, who was eighty- . rn{T- five years of age, had been confined to irerg• for tswle—w, hie bed for a considerable time, and $taoding Field Crop CoOiic .. they alleged undue influence on the tndu.trlwl and Agricultural) part of the plaintiff Sellars. Auction Sale Mfrs. Thurlew . W. Proudfoot, K. C., and R. Van- Air Wanted iheAtgunl stone (Wingham) fCor Sasd AnollornaGrs . -fMori' Mao. ath.aTn. plaintiffs ; Hugh wGeuetrro,unsKel. Man .. 1t Mllbr,('selow t (Guelph), and W. M. Sinclair ( Bros- chicken Hou.o for tlals-creed Pra.er. _ 1 eels) for defendants. Judgment was Dellverr waren Inc al.- 4/0° Stewart I reter•ed. Caretaker Wanted—Apply at Th. Algesi Brown et .1. v, Harper wasan ac• Henie.e^kir+' Kzc,ttelorrs-('. P. R .. .. .. to .o tion for damages f.121 r alleged improper Anntlon Asls-J. W. Cn(gte workmanship, both Parties being reel- iMgTaw -Town etOwlet ieh .......... .. 1 dent In Oodedeh, J. M. Hemi iS'sa- AsoHo• Pale -T, Osrtdry forth) for plw{ntlff [Ztineey for hoes reseal WlI. a tate .. . 1 defendant. Trial postponed to the Key Pound-91gnn{ (M1ct ..... l So, we sew •