HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-26, Page 5• -As 000d s id Goodyear Ti- SIR* nen-skid Goodyear Tires Main -tread Michelle Tires. 1 non -.kid Michelin Tire 18 z4 nom.kld Michelin Thee 1 3114 noseskid Mighelin Tire 1 Px4l nowelsid Michelin Tire 1.37:5 noa-ekid Michelin Tire and over a owe of lamer Tubes of all sizes. 'HMO of course we, have lot. of BiCYCLE AND BABY CARRIAGE TIRRl1. Wli ARE THE TIRE PIMPLE, and eon et you out without delay. EAST STREET GARAGE • fttchff r' m by a fr.c&d Man • Ofta the Cheapest— . dig Boat W. WALKER Foreibev Dealer sod Usile taker' House Furnishings Tlae Store of Quality PHONES RCS. 1 e17 Weat • r "Probs' Warmer --time to your new Spring S If ,psis want somethin ywrt eight, in style, fit, materials and everything else that goes to make satlltfaction, gite us a call. if ire can't snit you— ' well, we can't say you haven't given us a chance, anyway.. R. 4 i nstron 1 RCHANr T.t1 LOIt Mus 11001: Oodeaieb. 'OEO. E. GIRLS WANTED For edam work to Ml the plane se men who .eve awe a are acting to the trout, Yining woman can render ilia osuntry real serving b p.ep.zio W talo mashies la banks and busker special Camerae Of tratning 1u Hook- kesvine, uho tiand awl All caber Com- me+eW utuoct. now In morrar. 8tudeut, ad.nitted air that. Illustrated &dolmas tree. Northers Borism* College, Ltd. IO OWEN UNb. ONT. . C. A. FLEEING. PtinelpaL ifs G i t , Nissl A.11a11 e he'll Io • i Pacific iEBSTERfS .'`'NEIN INTERIIATIONAL erierity df fi.atheel writ. Tbu map ereetieo answers with Mod authority ellt?hided ntat1 a th aa„ Aowpreettopmeli le gge""Whais Pao. tba unerAsAiriw►s Wbil mute coati" "Hew beet per nd thonsendsolothern thaanomad?" NUM %OWE/ Tams. _ HAN INO 2710 hem iembasi uytdlb os aired ti ege—e sdrake of ea a IN A kr mei 11- al+ a a artd v 1_ CI. Proprletoi etre 'WEEK OF APRIL Oth, 1917. -Monday and Tueada - - 'al Feature and. fibe ir1 and the Gam ' Wednesday and Thucsday DUSTIN . FARNUM in "The Son of Erin" AreYOU 1riah? Usual prices Friday and Satdrday See special ad. oil page 8 v , THE STGNAL , OODERIOH, ONiAlt10 'ltA1.-TOPICS 4 imertrae4en Convention . it'emeeentiod1 IA temperance w ere of the meaty will be bold i. Weer ley rhumb, Mutes. on Tuesday. Miy 1st, with a .tossing make et 10,.39 o'clock and an *[tenon* session at t.ao. Ar Student Mies Amnesia tieL•nd, daughter of Mre. J. M. McLeod. Newgate st•est, baa take. We hesitator of arts degew atQmseo's University.Kingetoe. l les McLeoda brilliant reword as a student *Mber hiends predict for ber b still greater, successes. Navigation Opens. The tisiaata of ships pon Uthat se Fiat dt the i ib .w.-1 too, . whish wIY*: leave until dm end if the week. Tree *mer W. 0. Frans cleared oo y evening. and the rest got away last (Wide.+ day) night. All She .hips but the *Wieners America and Frans are going to Fort William. These two bane gone down the Likes for coal before taking the trip northward. Paper Collection for the Hospital. TION HAS: DECREED • Ai meet Chapter, I. 0. D. R., Is makiog a collection of papers of all kinds and magazines for the henget of Alexandre hospital. W ill those hay - ion made a' collection kindly place them outside their front doors on Thursday morning. Ma Sed. at 9 Owner, and whom. area for.w Owners of cars who spars a few hour+ to help out in Hili *nod work for the hospital are sat tt.e t y re- quested to volunteero day to help coned. Will t tlr > nee Willing to assist kindly telephone No. 56 beton Monday evening ? Could Not Get Girls Here. \- Tbe Clinton Knitting Co. is start a branch f at Wiog It the intention t establish Tbla in Goderich. Mr. Libby. manager for the:Com y. made several visits to town, advert in the local pa- pers that be was p pared to employ girls at good wager, nd molt personal letters to about sigh girls whose names were submit to him* with tom result that replies en received, from About half -*-dose of them. In the lace of this lack of interest, and the fact that a large nom r of girls Io Wiogbam were avails for em- ployment, the Company de.idep to, establish its branch iu Unit town. G. T. R.'s New Tinto -table. e; Q :" ' ..,::o.. 1 ,t. i.., A. SALE STILL. CONTINUES The 'Sale ot Dresses and Middies still continues Rilialsaeb Lor Frites Do not totes these Cobra absolubely fast • Also Corded Silk 014m for baby boys. R}6. $1.00. for 75c. Various other lines on sale also. MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE — SQUAd1E Mb woe es Wert ddilid .bath . tat dem ..l wtbee eawr modem iletrle.r AVM. t)•reywork- 1. .1 tekh the it ot I wall bbetore bins. followed with known the discoveries of•Oeptain took. So interested did he beams that be offered himself to the B•puiet church of Ragland as its first missionary. He was sooepted sal in 1792 was sant to India, worn be labored for forty mire. The /oeg of Osrey bad stirred up the OMtmr et Scotland to a sepse of duly Omar& foreign missions and • few years later a young man named Alex. Duff went as the Bret represen- tative of the Church of Scotland to Indio. Owing to ill-bealth, atter lye aypeea lrss be returned to BeoWuud1►r td •ta 11011•titiwawee presetting It` .o - 7rmitt3DAY, Aran. 20, 1917 5. beteg to deepen the m&Miooary inter- est of the coogretatioo. 8 1 members from the seeslon and Mission- ary Association were present by special invitation. Members of the ,Arthur Circle also were present and had cISargg fthecandytable. Rev .Me. McDermid occupied the chair. Solos were glow by Mrs. Frank Saunders and Mies Little and aria in-ttumeotal "duet by Mr. and Mrs. Bunbury. also vocal duets by the Misses McManus and Miss NairnMies Hume. J r.. Hamilton a an address en- titled, "Peopb,At6, incidents that have paved age way Or our meeting here The expected restoration ot tbs former G. T. R. train est vice is net eo be realised for the present. the new time -table to take effect on the SIKid Pills Dome be daceived., There leaves the service In and . out of "e7 Goderich a. It has been during resent is only one DODI76.. 1odds L the months. The testa which wee auks. original. Dodd's ie Use to be care - Off a be London- W ingbam Mesh w/1 f4 about— b. resumed, sod there will alliin be two Mane a day eacb way on that Hee. The morning connection with Hamilton, via Brantford, is resumed, the time of snivel at Hednilto. being 11.15.. m. The morning train from ((.ktericb will can t also with Do- te ,it, and the earl evening train ar- rsving keel at 7.1 wW co with Detroit. Mime is belt out that the neat time -table, to be issued in about two aomb., will Oma a b.swr envie, is rod ma bf Qodsrlsb. citations of Dodd's XCldney Pills are legion. The box is imitated, the outside coating and shape of the pills are imitated and tbd name—Dodd's Kidney . Pilo is imitated. Imitations are dangerous The original is safe. Dodd's Kidney Pillau have a reputation. Imita- tors have stone or they wouldn't imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's 'LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The town couocil bar decided Si put chase a supply of tarvia for use on the streets. The bakers have raised the price of broad to nine cents for the pound -and- -half loaf. t Not ah "street Methodist church neSuuday evening Rev. W. K. Wig s subje( t will he : "Discern- wtent averting subject : "Life's Christ Places—Calvary. ' 1 he Maple Leaf Chapter of the I. 0. D. E. will shortly make a house-to- house collection of old rubber. Will all who can kindly give tbeit moistener? The remaining tickets for the crochet set at D. Millar & Son's store 'rill be sold attwo for 23•. The pro- e••eds will go to the Taylor's Corner Pat iotic Sudety. The Runnel meeting of 'the Goderieh branch of the Women's ibetfture will be held at the home of MIN Wake- field. Huron road, on Thundtty, May rd, at 3 p. in. A full attendance of tl member. is desired. A report of the r e work will be given ; Vett •lecifon f officers for the rowing year. that milady's shoe shall con- tinue as the most important detail stars apparel. It re- mota mai to *(tilde wbeeb style • god ' )sat 'will prove Inc. aeespt 1. to ire io- did dost . Our taseb .took a rause 1. Myles la Irasplag ter Me eepar ebbe.,.' felwi :...d. islek it lL • es c t <J • !1 *Weds CHURCH NOTES. At Knox church next Sunday morn - Rev. R. V. McDermid's subject w be : "The Church on Trial," Eve Ing eubj. ct : "The Supteeee Sari- - ." The 1l•pti.tanniverary service* *ill be held os. 1.1•y 20 and 21. Prof. 7k H. Farms of McMaster Uolvere)ty, will be the p and lecturer.. Mr. A. K. Greenlaw, Detroit, will sing on Sunday and Rev. G. M. Holm will preach to the I. O. O. F. in the etptist church /m.dsy. morning.Mr-Holna_ .0.01.1 Mbjeet wilt be 'Wte "Wily are the tsleet.apnrtet truths veil le great dimness r—the teat sermon n the melee on ''Christ, the Light tea World." M. Gorge'* Church. • itinelese on Sooda,. April 20'h Tidy, ee.munloo et 8 a. ea. t mating set A r non at 11 e. a. t choral even. i.tersu.I n tombs on Fria*! et 7.80p.ea. Last /..day • special eoiMetiom was take.Eirii:abee renrite plow ..EtedM the Tds d u• kelt Ma w.,eibo bine to.* yet ma - bitted tall who desire rn does wM fy sand their offortag ro W. L. hike, ling. of the Hank of 1lsatroaL O. Ilenday last .the rectormaid. KIDNEY PILLS ells714 the M i `eismefto M.whkr, IW Iwo G ess,ss, la de - 1 li3t= i16I111117 insessifel 1 b ben et the ilk dwelt is ilia `-e I.43.44' • 1. The Saults aeooeeeas to Mc Excl.usIVE AGE 1.,I3t11aH VALL Y THE COAL, THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh caro of Lime and Cement just shelved. s OFFICE PHONE - • . - 75 B. 3. Saults' Residence 215 W. W Saults' Residence 202 tIIiSBAND OBJECTS OOPERATION 'Witt: lured by Lydia E. P6lthepn's Vegetable - Compound Nelms, Iowa.-" Four years ago was very sick and my life was nearly spent Th. doctors stated that I would get well with - on t a n operation and that without it I would not Nye One ,I II year. My hatband ILII I •bjeet.d to any eparelleo seetse got wnte•f LLyydia 1L I1aetlepoond took 1 d Ione. H. cam. ins and proto tog. cities theer- U. C and Oamsia and es a rose the. Womea'• Foreign Miestmary Society wee ornanIaed in Toronto and the first monthly meeting held on April 4ib. 1878, wises Shy women enrolled es member. At the end of the Bret year the -treasurer reported $1,000. Several years later a Home Mission- ary Society was organized to meet the. demigods of the Western Provinces, when foreigners began to come in. The amalgamation of these societies took plate in Knot church, Toronto. in 1914, under the ante of the Wo- men's Missionary iety of Canada, mod in 1916 the total ount raised by this Society amounted over 6199,- 01)0.00. This address was listen to with much interest and nerved t impress upon its bearers the importance of the place missions should bold in the church. Mrs. Hume tesla something of the missionary work being done in the West—in the schools and homer and hospitals, amongst the Indiani and foreigners ; how through these instit- .ltioos the people are reached, and in- fluenced to become better citizens. An interest for sociability and the serving of refreetinents was given. and • pleasant evening was brought to a close by the ringing of -the National Anthem. j build up , run-down comes, deli - ate chi4ep and feeble old people H.C. Dunlop, druggist. Goderich. Ont. Also at the best druggists in all Ontirio towns. OF CANADA. to via i Savings Account Check waste on your .,Art% in your house or your shop—cut down your sell - indulg.nee —do for yourself those Tittle jobs that run away vith the small change—get hill value for every dollar you spend— and deposit the savings regularly In the Wier unlit 81 t. .41- „ •r" The accumulated results. vitt Interest added. will some day mean financial Independence. God«rich Branch—Ir. WOOLLCOMBE, Mfi ager, question. "How can the Ontario high school boy by working on a farm this summer help (1) himself, (2) the farmer, (3) the Empire ?" Prizes of 415, $3 and 82 respectively were of- fered for each high school. and at the I 0. C. 1. the wintee.a are (1) Jean Maw - Ewan, (2) ()race M. Pinder, 13) Jack I Marshall. g'he prize amuwere received in each school are sant to Toronto, where they are judged in competition with others from all over the Ptoviner for three priz.•s of =85, 1$15 and $10 offered by the Resources Committee. I MRS. KERN'S,, ADVICE Te West, JervoOs, Ban -Dow. Woman So. Cumberland, Md.—"For • ate. time I suffered 'from a nervous down. I could not eat or sheep and viae ao weak I could hardly walk. My hus- band heard about Vivid and got tae ba try it Now 1 have a good appetite, s soundly and am well and strong. Eve nervous. weak, run4own •woman shoe try Vino("—Mrs D\W. Kana We araut4 Vino' to create a healthy ppetite. aid digestion and DISTRIBUTION OF BULBS. lostructions for the Planting and Growing • of the Gladiolus. This week 147 metuber•a of the Gode- rich Horticultural Society ate each re- ceiving sixty-five gladiolus bulbs. Tbese hullo are of a superior kind and poet the Society 11233. r 'the following inbuilt. -ns for the planting of the bulbs are irsued by the Society : hOl L. The gladiolus is not exacting in its >isartrd upon the soil. A rich sandy soil is suitable, but probably finer ,flowers can be grown on strong clay Anent. The hest fertilizer is well de- cayed stable manure, which should be well mixed with the Soil. A dressing of wood ashes can be used to advan- tage. FLANTINO. Metal* corns, abould be planted' ' bout tour inches deep or a In ale more In light soil, as deep planting uelps to suppoit the stem. They may be plaited in straight rows, and if exhi- bition flow. re are wasted four to live lecher apart. Good flowers will he produced if they are planted much closer. They do not do well if planted In shade of trees or buildings. TIYe OP PLANTINU. They may to planted any time from early Aoril, as soon as the ground is dry, uotd the tenth to the fifteenth of June, for late planting. By planting at int.rvelr ot a week or two, the flowering season will be prolonged. Flower spites that are pr•.aluced last of August or first of September are oftener much finer than 'those bloom- ing rattier in August, when the weather is bottr.. Planted io May, tbsy take about seventy-five to ninety. five days to bloom, some vartettes be- ing very much earlier than nth. r.. To produce fine flowers efforts should Ise made to wand. tin a steady growth, and in order to elle4 t. this they must not be allowed to sutler from lack -of moisture. No matter how good tbd coring tar., or h•.w (Inc the varieties, they will n. t give good result.+ if stunted by dr) westber. Som. of the very finest varieties do not show to advantage in very hot weather, and will be scarcely recogniz••d. The size of the cote is no indication of its vale,. Soave fine varieties have a small corm. and many . poor, vas ietiee es get std am .ow well. am noshed to de shy own be.eewerk. 1 OM the Vagetebl• Com - d w 4 who l sick lad amt denim at a strength god buebaye 1 werbase been le my gram ars tab V 1101 eel ben far year Vagetelde °"'*fist"--iiaImam Jim e hada resheer.. M la #1M te _and ems an )iii !limo-'• • .-. 110010..anesii dealt M wt. 11;010000 Muth ;i uth i>Tmswe lis rift♦ • A,. h44•e a bilge corut. • (tj (i'TTINU TN FLOWRIte. ret the spike when the float flower opens, and place in water wi•bnut crowding. The end of the stew should be shit/Word, and water renews daily. By doir:g so, flowers will last a week or more. Su.filcient foliage should he left on the plant to keep it in gtowing condition. '1'be g dioltta is nut • bedding plant. Its Mac Js to furnish cut flowers for table de_ .ra- tion, and there is for this pen nothing (Inc,• in its season. HARVIPTINU. 1)ig the corms before the ground freezes. Cut off the stalk dose to the corm, and More in a cool dry place, in breasts or its wi nttow trays, and t wan he .leaned up any time dull the winter. by removing the old corm. G. C. I. NOTES. In addition to the IIRt of students win) passed the special Easter examin- atir•ne published several weeks ago. eleven hays have already gone not to kits _oeftione 7sat forma = boy. are Intending to.enter upon baron cot k after school closes and a tesoiaa- tione are oven, Some eighteen or twenty girlsare pummels* ls* to eve what help ey'eats during tea holidays in assisting in cub ivatiots and harvesting crops a.d in light fates work. This will make sixty 4lellegiafe stu- dent., twenty-eight hoes and thirty- two hin - Iwo airs, who will be Ming Its /r atter food predation. . All ant .>(our at these bows already arranged .tbalr hone a.spioweent • tows fowl will bre. .hale until AWN 24 b 514 • et too.Sddr.t.1 dl I'4ak.n et ►M •NlwMal Ot/a►rniseUort e. 1: witieit rare st :. . 1•r .$tar'ake Corner Meatr attetreet and equ.i• mmenmew HIGH CLASS and SANITARY We serve excellent meals a Ia Carte daily PieS TO TAKE OIIT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL 4ERVICE q.FMotto-elbanaetd *i.1,. OPEN -9 A. M. TO 1 et. M. CENTRAL u .TRATFORD. ONT. Oldtario's Bat Basins. CeUejle Students mac enter our classes at :uty time. Commence your course now and be qualified for a position by midsummer. During July and August of lest year we received calls for Over 200 office assistants we could not supply. Our graduates are in demand. Write mot our free cataegue. -:-- • D A.•111eLAZTl1 AN, Priatst. S MUT . GRAIN • can be prevented by the use of Formaldehyde We sell the Gov- ernment standard strength 4X - - 3 a Ib. J. A. Campbell Phm. B. "Central Drag Stere North Str.•.-t and tiluatw As toothsome as the name implies. Delicious,long- lasting. The third of the -Wrigley trio of- refreshing confections. Good for teeth, breath, appe- tite, digestion. Ied/w Tljjtfirt-- MP. Ifight t Mow it anter everynwai