HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-26, Page 1• • Pnngng 7aa *IANAL is ready t>e Year 'SII wet, lanes se Weil, end Om cut • e ldis(actury job every time. let o have your meat order, Telephone 35 The Signal atXTY.NINnett 11114111. -So iota Aion to fay 7ourrubscriptioo for The meow' for 11llt7 ? We awed the heeoey. and Y you are in arrears would sok you to make payment pr'umpuy. 1IIESTELC. ► PAW •IFCt:. t► SAVE, Because -- Money spent for trifles and luxuries en- riches others. the spender. It earns no interest for HBO.. 13 SUhNBBURY. A. A. (i. 0., L €Aur. Teacher led e , olesaote.�raeet- a M prepared ler examlea ia.ambtodb- street,our doors suet of Ur. Hunter's. NORA E. HURLKY. 1. le C. M. Teacher piano and theoretic.) work. Pupils es'soar'ed for esamleaUcoe. Studio, dL David's fleet. 37* It. FOR BALE TL(OR SALR.-25 FT. LAUNCH. FOR R. particulars apply C. E. 8Al-' NDERH sig A K 8AE. L -GO-CART. IN FIR8T- M' r'LAHB osadiHese ; yrge head. wood Also a Mhy-walker. AppIy MRA. H.T. ARU& wet pR SALB.-atDRLAWARE SEED w. W ALTER, tt R No- ` R ms 6 ert /hering 9. *A tIHICKENB FOR 8ALE.-A FEW ._) well bred barred reek •t ell pallets and all odMera Appb to Jrµ L RR A T. King 84-reet DIC riONARY FOR S A L B.- 'tplondld copy of Weimer • Internal local DloUoosry lever IAA idyl. theme has so further nes for came and will rH at a bargain. Apply at rHE SIGNAL VOR SALB.-ROWBOAT, IN GOOD 11' rendition. Apply atIU1fA1. o,iiI;E. ROOFING MILL ENDS CHEAP. Vaiiipealml fee lie wasp w.ewA 9nes met mai ellome. rite for fres •ample, swot prise•. Adders VAC' r•'avDt8TRlblj'TQHtti. Hex s1, Hamu- .tan.('enada. et41 1r1114OY FOR HATCHING. -FROM M. , gram, strain Huff riotMa os eeKBD POTATOES.-UHOIUE fey -white Delaware he .ale. Will 'make Sae .sod. R. R. Ll.fIOTT, Hoz 371, Osderich. nom 16r/, Gsderieh Rural, setf [`IBKD OATS FOR SALR.-FREE 17 from weed -end. No. 72 oats and Banger ort. Order soon; .up pl� IIm4.d. A. H. CLLT TON. IL .R, No. 3, G.4. bh. Poon° 1414, flt*amillw, 37-tf OR 8 -ONE AUTO TRUCK, ca It term. enfeeble for express slivery we farm work. Pneumatic fret in front, rear ass, the Rowell internal g*ardrive. ` t !lured. 12 tole mlk. per lour. One Jitney auto oar, e)o.wd boll ; to oar''y eight pa..enger.. Pneumatic tires all rood. Roth Err be seen et our factory or drop on e poptow roe hill f[srUeulwre and prices of Mame THE PAOkT GRAIN DOOR CO.. LTD., Mrr GoderIeb. Ont. EOR GALS.-OBDAR POSTE ALSO *etraR. C. shingles. Appy W. T. 1 IDDELL sh.-_ 96 U MEETINGS. fj11IR OODERIOH ELEVATOR AND 11 TRANSIT COMPANY. LIMITED. The annnal meeting of the nha.eholders of the Ooderieh Elevator and Tronll Company, Limited. will be hold 1n the rooms above the IJniot. Hank. North ..tree(, Oodxtcb1 on WEDNESDAY. MAY fid, 1917, at 1.30 p, m. for the eleetlon of director'. for the ensuing e year and thattonna lolonof any ret her bred nem that may properly be brought before the meet tr.g. laignellL. ('ARSONS. Semetarl-Tre•sorer, Oodericb. April 16th. 1917. MEN WANTED FOR RUBBER FACTORY GOOD WAGES Apply in person only, not by letter, to DUNLOP TIRE& RUBBER GOODS COMPANY, Ltd. 244 Booth Ave.. Toronto (Timekeepers Mee) M•kera of the fame tin Dunlop Tree- tin Tread and Dunlop Special Tires, and Rutber Hoes, Belting, Packing, etc. - a Why Not Grow Tomatoes? More money in growing them than Beane and you are sure of the pekoe. Everything is higher, therefore we are paying more. Come in and see us and we will explain bow to grow them. Hein. G.Isilig & Evaporating Co.. I). F. Haim! rrw- .r. 'owes hes. FOX BALE 011 RENT. FARM FOR HALE.-iN FIR8T- CLAaa serdltlon. ninety scree. Rine rouse e.r8ard Hood pare and stable.. rho Med frame house. This Is splendid tall wand a brood invest - For furter pertler:lar. tlsderlch Ont. 361m L'OR AALE.-HOi'ME AND TWO r LUT* ea Kemps street. Risme hoosecree. i1r ta(aleg eetba room all Improve. ata a Ale dreamers� teCollegl tmart satiates mark teat garden or, 1 market .dear see l/te In ASO rt. pply 0 J H town. AI.,K. xa el R !L efe.. 8 (roderler liJOHN 9e 6i l.L. TOapaRENT. - eOUrH SiDE 0 I. rem os a•d 11.89ee ,ret I91014,7..l modern Mese North street : o*a►eolwees, male decorated u.d melte bested. Root ri•aoosWa A M. POLLEY. latf CRAK SE's REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Thr following lea list of properties which f have for sale, sod on Investigation prospective buyer. will ad that the price. are put dos n where the poinsettias ran be pure/card to make .orae ssoney : Na L flailed brick house, fully modern. 1, resets, DOI basement. corner I.a.t and Victoria .west-. This le we of to most de nirahle prop tittles in the town of Ooderieb, Price sten. with Mt M eterh awick house, hilly modern. situated wed lug, 7 romm. full basement. kms: hey In towns. Pr= EL This u' the w N.3. New brick home. Met bunt lute �Ifeh1 Atli, 7 room... two lots with tame ~deo, available f leak almaYytte�yttoole east a44. Huron read. else boat Otto. 'w. •!iea* masa Pew Sere the *son and Reglan sweets. paPMecee.mwe. dllem N,sla lriw. 5. iv hit* beck 9 -room home, all modern woov.Meao.. hat ..ter be•ung- arepleca in Rehm room and /arbor, situated on the dormer of NMera wad Cambria- Pibit WSW No. e. Frame Muse, It story, 6 rooms, Iwo loeirwith frnit trona situated on t e wore Ode of W idder au eel . Price 11:(91 N. 7. Frame house, 7 rooms end bath, two leas with fruit Lees, unmated on Warren street. Price IIP O. No. 8. Klock of .12 of the best garde° lot. In Mem, situated on the we.1 side of Huron road. Prim 67n.. No. 9, One of the. choicest building lot. in sem, rammed on the Crescent. Full size let. Price 8121, Several other Willman ran be had on applies - Oen at the mato. Number of house. to rent. Faroisbed and Unfurnished Summer Cot- ta yes. Wanted to Rent -.-Six houses, with all convem.enCea, at once. J. W. "RAIOIE. tMloe between Insurance T. and C. f P. 1al 1 Ticket ()Mom. Phone xt. WANTED. WANTED AT ONCE.-LAUN- DRERM few Alexandre hooplt•L ,ypply to LADY BUPERiNT8NDLNT. 61-11 WANTED. -MAID FOR GENERAL housework. No housecleaning. Apply to MRS. 060. PRICE, Angleesa street. (1*- 111RI+M WANTED. -APPLY GODE- Ur RICH KNITTING CO. NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE APPLES, PLUMS, CHERRIES. PEAR* (standard and dwarf -the dwarf need where space is limited) A pear orchard is a good invest- ment. When properly handled they bring 50c to 75c a basket. A IJIe i'iVEROREENB, VINES, SHRUBS AND ROSEN Pernnns wishing nursery 'dock should send inordersearly, in order to be mire of securing It. BENMILLER NURSERIES Rural phone tlr7 R.R.14o. 4, Godericb CARTAGE Having enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange. ment/I with Mr. Nelson Yet= o carry on my cartage business in my abllence, and I would respectfully, solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuancegf their valued patronage until each time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business etitt'usted to Mr. Yee during my\ ateetice will be carefully attended to and will be thankfully Appreciated by me. ALFRED H. Y_ NF,. Telephone orders to hit. ' o, No: 167. . 64ODERICH, ONTARIO. " 'THURSDAY. APRIL ''An Alien" at the Model. Macy phsaes of busuau mature are portrayed in the story "1'be Allen* which is to he screened at the Model on Friday and Saturday of neat week. The story is not wltbout its touches of traged, but it culminates happily, and the production throuabout fa Muuifully *nitrite. It 1. in adapta- tion of the playlet ''The Sign of the Race," which bas had such great buoceu on the st age. Mr. (,iw,rge Hoban, i the role of Pietro, is sup- ported hyy a company of clever actors. For this special production there will he a /oriel el admiseion fee of 25c. On Saturday there will be • matinee Wttormsnce with admissions at I0c and 16c. Wholeeomenees and purity are our ilrst coosideratiooa when making our homemade oandy and ice-cream. A trial will convince you, Edward,', Phone nets PUBLIC NOTICE. 111�TREL RAILS AND OTHER RAiL- '(ENDAYY MATERIAL FOIL HALE BY Tenders addressed to the undersigned will be nicely' d no to and lududing • SATURDAY. MAY 18th. 11117, ftir 18.matwrlat plant and equipment elf THE ON !ARID WIEST 8HOHE RAILWAY beta... Goderlo9 and Kincardine. The material f. practically ell ee the right. of -way ad co..siata ayyyyNroozimatel or • SIz pair. of .feel brtaaegirder. for bryiger of 2" ft 10 71) ft .pan.. 8,4e0 cedar fence po-to. 8 ft 711. boxes of spike. (about 324 lbw to box). 1336 Dorm a bolts (about 123 ibe to bort A large quaottty of dib -plateal One engine, three flat ears, scraper.. etc, u.ed In coTitruoUan work. A quanUtr of equate timber, from 8 ft_ to fa ft. long. About 2.000 feet d! Ince hardwood plunk. About too too. of 7.1 -Ib. reel rill+, Above W all In Stock -yards or along right-ot- way. MAO fourteen mile. of track of 7dro. rails, bolo, )pike.. ash -plates. tier, !rldgw., etc.. laid complete. This material and plant may be inspected at airytimein tartan and along right-of-way.Tenders will be received for outfit either ea bloc or for any part of it. The highest or any tender not r.eosesares ac- ee For furtker particulars apply to tligd.1 TMOMAli *TOTHERB. Trus ee, 61-21 fyungaano . Ont. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Anyone elving information to the under .lgned leading to the db•oovery of tool., matt notes. book accounts or life anteranom belong 1.g to the late J. O. Kuntz, of Purl Albert. will be suitably re w aided. AND nded- AND. SCHUMACHER. M.lnlatrMur. Kitchener. Ont. AjOTIUE.-ALL 'I'Hth7lt6 HAVING to armrests wall D6. W. ir. HALLOW are metue+ted to cell at hie pane wad arraage fee to payment W name without delay, as he ex. Ioeet, to proc'ed overseas in the near future end wishes Le have all acinus* strahrhtened up before he leaven. rel-tf The National Shipbuilding Company, Limited. UBLiC NOTICE I8 HEREBY 71.7177111 ogvheo hauder ahteesRnof Pru oafdaaha te known •s -The Companies Art," letters patent have been lamed under ibe Heat of the Secre- tory of State of Oanade. bearing date he 1318 day of March. 11117, Incorporating William Haines Hutchinson, of the City of St. Ctrinesin the Province of o. ath- and Robert (Jordon Stewart contesst:d .tErnnest Arthur Larmooth and Jame, Dennis Cunning, ham. accountant.. and Louis C..te, barHAter- at-law, of the City of (Ittawa, In the Province of Ontario. for the following purpose.. viz_:__ (sl To carry on to business of iron fauhiJer., mechanical engineer+ and manufacturers of engine.. machinery. tool.. boiler maker., mill- wright., machinl.t.. iron and at.el converters, amlt►s, buOd.rw, meWlural.t., electoral en- gtnewn, water -supply engineer., carrier. and merchants; to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, let on hire and deal In engines. boilers ma.•hiery. implement., rolling stock end hardware of all kinds ; to build, buy, methpe equip, o a and own acro eproperty: beam...- ratng ships boats and other property ; to carry on the bus(nesse" of general contrac- tor+ for the ren.trurtlon and equipment of enblic and private worn. and of engineer. ; dal To To apply fur, purchase or otherw Ise ac- quire, any t &rents, brevets d'Inventton. Ile- eo..iv, 0011008111014 acid the Ilk., conferring any exclusive or nonexclusive or limited right to ow., or any secret or other information as to any invention which may seem capable of being used for ary of the purpo-o+ of the corn - poly, eem lclated directly or indirectly directly) to benefit the Comp... in re- to ore exerriae, develop or grant Corers the pact o1 , or oto..rwine turn to 9c - property, rights or information ao acquired : lel reenter into partnership or Into any ar- raailment for skating of profit., union of in - tempts. co-operation, joint adve.rtnre, recipro. *a1 ronre•-lore or otherwise, with any person or company carrying on or engaged 1n, or about te carry on or engage in. any busfne-r or tran.action which t.h. Company is authorized to early on or enrage in. or any bu.lnead ur transaction capable of being conducted too an directly OT indirectly to hen. fit the Compare , and to pay for the name In ra.h or partly In cash and pertly 1n paid-up .hare. M the capital mock of Hila Company or wholly lo such paid- up .hare,; 1d) To take or otherwise acquire and bold shares In any other company Bring object. a1- together or in part similar to those of the Com- ity or (tarrying on any budnea capable of conducted wow directly or indirectly to Oa Company, notwithstanding the pe Ot motion N of the veld Act,, o TM Seof the Company to be marded eleewhe, pegs Dominion of Canada and name of '',The National Ship- building 9. _y, 1.imltdd, with a capital stock of eM needred thouaan i dollar., divided Into 1.900 sham of one hud.ed dalarwteach and the chief place of bustle., of the raid Company to be at the Town of Ooderloh. In to .Pr•.vinee of Ontario. Dated at the whoa of the Secretary of State of l:anada, til. 14(8 day of Mareh, 1.17. lito59-It Un tsheoo a t*.Uj et State. NOTION TO THE PUBLiC. Higbee prices pall for all klads of old iroi llad all kind. of Junk. Here's roar channel to Mks some wooer. Phone hall 278. Alt DAViD BROWN. BBD0'OHD Rola t. BARBERSHOP, -leave opened a barber shop .nett door to the Hertford Hotel. where I am prepared to give prompt aid fled char service tom tom- er'. Give me a call O EOHOL LiTTLL 37-tf • For up-to-date Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring Opposir. Knox Chwch, East Strew. v • 1917 rR!PT1 JigDOS flOt.T. Reaolvdon of Local Bar and County - Officials. Dederick set Harem County Mourn the Less of a Maa of tdany Atbvttres. By tbi deeltia of the lite Philip Holt, junioreemnty judge, which occurred on Wednesday, April 1818, Ouriert It and tie co.Aty tan Huron have beet one of thele autatatcdieg men, trim for many years hid taken a prominent part in pybr�i�e 'Maier. - Judge WHIP OpunectionewiIIs (lode - rich dates from the year 1770, wbeu be came hero from Barr ie, Out. I'je was horn egeklprl>ury, Yee kehirv, Hug - land. Meptageher Sth, l$61, • son of the late William Holt. of that place. The family having ammo to !big country, Philip Hntit Ltbeecisd ecnool;at Barrie, arid in theyear abwee stated' carne to Godericb, where he prepared bimself for admires/oft to the legal profession. He was called to the bar in I1t7(3 and practised »ueoessfully for a Shatter of a century, fglr a great pout or this tittle being in a tt er'ship with the late Hon. M. O. O•tmerote for many years member of the Hou.. of Cow woos for West Huron,pud afterwards Lieuten- ent-Governer of the Northwest Ten i- tories. In •1410e ha was appointed • Queen's 2 neteis -' He ws. t . many years prominent In municipal affairs as a member of the town sod euunty councils. For six years be was deputy reeve of Gode- rich and for six years thereafter a member of the county council under the old diatr,ct system, He was thus for twelve cars in succession, t91- 19O , • mem of 11 of the countyy council, and in 1(101 he war elect d Werden .t the county. fo politica he was a Lib- eral, and ne was frequently mentioned as a po.eiole candidate for Parliament- ary honors, but he never sought elee- tion. In Decemte e, 1902, he was appointed by the Lauryar Government junior judge of Huron county, having tor a few montes previous acted as depu- ty judge during the illness of the late Judge Masson. He held high ideals of the judicial office, and filled Isis posi- tion with dignity and ability, Judge Holt WAS an Anglican and took a deep, active and continuous interest int the. affairs of St. Oeorge's church. A. R. v. J B. Fotheunghani OLIO in his addrrar et the funeral re1- vioe, Judge Holt loved the very stones of which tie church was built- For nearly twenty years he was church- warden, agli Its ley delegate to the Synod for aliany years be took • prom- ine..t and tsesfttl part io the larger af- fairs of the'dharch in connection with the (Booties of Huron. He represented the Synod amu on the Senate of Trinity - Toron t m, and wee •leo a fJ tha Senate of the Western I;ni,ervity, London. He was a .member of Maitland Lodge, A., F. k A. M., and of Huron .edge, 1. O. O. F., bring bootee of be latter lodge fur many years. Another line of activity in which he took great Interest and gave col. ndid service to the coninrunity Was in con- ection with Alexandra hospital. He was one of the leaden in the move- ment for the establishing of a local oepital, and was president of the ospital board since its organization en year-. ago. He was also • member f the trustee board of Goderich Col- egiate Institute and an officer of the loderich branch of the Huron Count ter Auxiliary. In 1879 he married Rebecca, youn t daughter of the tete Ven. Arch escon Elwood, of Godericb. He is orviv4d by hie wife. a daughter, Miss onsta*ee Holt, and a son, Mr. Oeof- rey E. Holt, M. A., Nus, Bac., lec- urer in University College, Toronto, oil organist red choirmaster hoirmaOte r in the hiarcli of the Holy Trinity, Toronto. our brothers and tw-oJsisters also urvive : Mr. Claude Holt. of Port aney, B. C. ; Mr. Leo Holt., of the tate of Washington • Iter. ''Hobert e d t D h h t W es d C a C s H 8 H w G M 1a G th in 1'e si r TI J. M u M M no M M be M ler qu M. 1'h ter be ser co to Ian la 7 4- nit, of Vancouver, I!. . ; Mr. Ed and Holt, in Auetr•Ila; re. Mamieaviller, of Collingwood, Ont. an ire Ellen Holt, of Genevrie Switzer nd. The funeral service was held at St. eorge's church on Friday attet'IIOOD, ere being a very large attendaltce, chiding the member's of Maitland Lodge, A., F.'A A. M., in a body. 1't.e °tor, Rev. A. L G. Clarke, was se- ated in the servitor by two former ectorn of Mt. George's, Rev. Mark tlnbull, of Port Stanley, and Rev. B. Fotheringhsm, of Drente rd. r. Fotheringhaw paid a warm trite to to the work and swot th of the de - ted, as a citizen. ao a judge and as churchman. The pnlIbearere were moire. D. Macdonald, W. L: Eliot, .O.Oameron, K. C., Sheriff Re - Ids, Charles Carrow and John GAILr. Dudley Hokum of eVingbace, sad r. Joseph Kidd were honor..ry pall - armee The chief mourners were r. Geoffrey Holt, Mr. Menefee Oavil- . of Collltigwood, Mr. Hcrace Con - est, of Niagara Falls. Ont., and 1)r. - J. R. Holmes. Mr. W. Proudferot, P. P.. was unable to be present. e interment wan in Maitland cram - y, where the burial rites of the 'ironic order were performed. The sutiful fiend ttehoreet --indented oaths from the Huron (rear and unty officiate, the Collegiate inoti- to board, the Women's Guild of S1, sottoma ; stint One f)OD, ret _-- d, a Masonic emblem from Mait- nd Lodge, No. MM, • star trom the board of Alexandra hospital, and a cross from the Cbancel Guild of Ht. George's church. Among those who wore here for the funeral, In addition to those al- ready mentioned, were Mer,, aviller•, of Oollingwood, Mrs. Wm,. of Toronto, and Mrs. Dudley ifolmes, of W Ingham. [An engraving of the late Judge t was to accompany this article ; ! owing to some misearria it has edt arrlvede , quality open T . 11 q b ta,' loss Blaaketnne'r delicious ks *yearn In bulk or (wicks for all 000amta 1.',X1Phone 240. A meeting of the members of the bar mad conn' y ofib:eels sere held ie the Huron Law Asemeatlon Ilbrary on Wednesday, April l8ih, His Honor Judge Dickson in the chair, when the following resolution wee passed : -That the members of *be leer and oouuty officials desire to piece on re- cord tbeir deep sense of the groat lore that they, in oommon with the 'intimcounty, have sustained by the death of His Honor Judge Holt, woo for up- wards of fourteen years discbarged the duties of juoinr judge of the county of Huroo, arid who, in doing so, succeeded in an eminent degree, by hie cow Womb wanner, judicial dignity and impartiality, in evoking from the legal prole.sio0 and the pul.11g Weir highest eulogies. All cisme* of thepeoplelbsoughout the large county of Huron fully re- cognised the sterling qualities of head and heart of Judge Holt, and vied with 18e legal pref.•asion in their ad- miratioo and Tripe. 1. Ior the ser moi y '.1 an hornet and uhr ght judge. I'o him scrrowieg widow, ,on and (hut/liter, we hereby extend our sin- cere- and teepectlul ay timer by. They, and 1 hose many friend. to whom his kiodly and gemvroue nature endeared him, will have the consolation of knowing that he deed with the con- ecn,usnere of leaving faithfully die- sharged the duties of his important office with the strictest Integrity^, and that the people among wbdeu its lived, of all c;asses, recogn z -d im frim an impartiality and strict adhere e0ce to the pat h trf honor from which he was never known to *we've. We ate glad to know thet in tee bouts of loneliness and sadness of so bropier- able lou they will he supported and su.terned by the rev, red Memory of a Lender hurl -eine', an affectionate fel her, and a since, a Chri. tion." An Illegal Act. It appeal's that there are r• r rein hat tin .re . or. -et and eon. eel torr. relate1( it Utlta.w that are wetka practice of selling formaldehyde, or forwaliu. This, The Canedian Hard- ware Journal points out, is clearly in tont!ave'.tion of the Pharmacy Act of 1914, which prescribes formaldehyde as one of the at teclea which none but qualified dt uggi.ts can eh her sell, offer for sale, or even give away. The law is quite clear on the subject, and im- poses penalty of $td) for the first of- fence and $50 for each sutra -queen one. As the law provides that one -ball of the fine imposed shall go to the in- fornrant, the risk • hardware deafer runs who cat -ties' formaldebyde io block ktevidently very great. The Hardware Ji;urhal leeets'tjlkt already a number of complaints haver been received by the authorities.. Dealers, therefore, who have the drug in stock had better get their •'houses in order" without delay. Ignorance of the law will he no more prolectioo to them than wilful contravention. Goderich Board of Trade Was Invited, The secretary of the Board of Trade last week received a communication from the secretary of the Colborne Fermer•s' Club inviting the members of the Board of Trade to eFttend a meeting of the Farmers' Cleb to be held at Bennciller on Thursday evening last at which the increased production fquestion was to be discussed from the armers' standpoint. There was not' time between the receipt of the letter and the date of the meeting to call the members of the Board of Trade to- gether, and although the invitation was made known to a few members none of them (vhuld make it convenient by attend the meeting andconsequently the Board of Trade- was not repre- sented. This is to be regretted, as meetings of this sort help to' a foto sympatheticfeeling between country and town.. However, through the kindness of a member of the Farmers' Club, The Signal is able to !rive an ex- cellent report of.the nieeting, which will undoubtedly he read with apprec- iation by both town and country readers. CARLOW. WEDNESDAY, April 25. BRIEFS. -Hay ! Von should see the simile on Welter Kingawell's counten- ance. Twin boys arrived last Mon- day Mr, Chas, Robertson le laid up with a sprained ankle, as the re - Kilt of an automobile accident ....Miss Durant, recently teacher et B. 8. No. 1, is the guest of 001. V.rcne. -Mies Marion (filen, of McDonald College, Guelph, bee returned home for 'ethos. Mr. Milton Tyndall has won a sch.�lar.hip in bis first-year examina- tions at Knox College. Congratula- tions.... Mr. Harold Waters has gone to Haekatchewan to spend the summer with his brothers near We born Mr. Jarvis McBride recently dist owl of some purebred Durham cattle which ate to be shipped to Saskat- chewan. The Menelletutte Canoe Club held a "smoker" on Friday evening and en- tertained thecapof the etrruere lying here. A pregnant of song. and apeerhee. with a lunch, provided an interesting evening. nw IIC pleasanter the world would bit if there weren't an many fisftn in it -but itwould be harder for some people to make • living. The wise ones go to Pridbem •the Tailor for their clothes. Efficient Epsom Halts, -Have you ever noticed bow Epsom sail,, after being kept for attune time, changes to a white chalky condition and lose, its efficiency % thin is due to the chem- ical change occasioned by exposure to air or imperfect rioting. Yotfll al- ways And our Epsom salts bright, cleat, clean cry.t.els and of full strength. Put up in neat packages, with full direction.. Try a plaekage of our brand. B. R. U 'igle, dnaggist, Oodericbr TIERMIONAL PRINTING CO., LOUTID, Pt.i *aha THE LADS IN KHAKI. This week's casualt list is a long one, douhtiese the echo of the hard GOOD( of Easter week. at r. D. McMillan; Newgate street, rescued word that his son, Pte. David Duncan McMillan, had received • gunshot wound in the leg. Pte. McMillan went overseas with the 716t Batt Ilion. Mrs. Mc(lratteo, Bruce street, re- ceived word that her son, Pte. Lorne Mc(iratten, was severely wounded in the abdomen and arm. Lorne is the eldest of three brothers in khaki. Two Goderich men who went over with the 101st Battalion and were drafted to Frames are in the casually lists. Pte. Wm. Oriorod and Pte. Edward H. Sowersall have been ad- mitted to hospital •1 Wiwereux, France, suffering from contusion of the back. Pte. William Delong is in hospital at Boulogne, also suffering from con- tusion of the back. Pte. Delong, who is the eon of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Deloug, Sr David's street, enlisted at M•-dicino Hat, Pte. 'I'hom/ts* Kell, who went over- seas with the 71st Battalion, was ad- mitted to bnapitsl at Boulogne n0 April 14th, suffering from a wound in the back, according to • telegram re - tetrad on SundayMrs, Jute Kell, of town. Mrs. Kell's husband, three sons and a son -In-law are all at the front. Among the casualties reported last week was that of Pte. Walter J. etc. intosh, son 04 Mrs, Nora McIntosh, West street. Pte. McIntosh en- listed at Calgary with the 5018 Batta- lion two years ago, and went overseas with them. He was transferred, how- ever. and while in France was with the 10th Battalion, On September 2A of last year he was reported missiug, and on February 22nd of this year Mre. Malntosh received a letter from Ottawa saying that It was believed that her son had been killed in action. Last F. iday a telegram came confirm- ing this report. Pte. McIntosh worked as a surveyor with the C. P. R. Wfor a number of ears before en- lietiog, both in this vicinity and in the est. On 8atut-Jay the sad news was re- ceived by Mre. J. K. Match of the de4t her brother. Pte. Wallace Ai n, who houad previously been repo wounded. Pte. Aitchison, who ars • Wingbau. Ix,y, enlisteJ Illi Ulm 0810 liattalign. A. brother, s • : 1rAhh : ditc, w!iounds sheout38two yes4jresonago, died °f Mr. J. B. Robbins, ot the Balmoral Cafe. has received word newt his bro- ther, Gunner Alfree Robbin., of Brantford, has been wounded. Wori was received at Stratford and Goderich nn Sunday brat that Gunner Wilson Dyer, of the 54th Battery, had been .erioualy wounded in the head and shoulder, Mr. Der, who is a nephew ot Mr. Robert Wilson of town. Wilk a school teacher and an exception- ally clever musician. Ho enlisted Inst September at Stratford. Slightly wounded is the private word received by his parents regard- ing Lieut. John Ferguson McLaren, of Toronto, who went overseas in No- vember, 1915. He was a member of the r Q.O.R.before the war, being K rrin • lieutenant. After some runntha in Fraice her returned to England, where he underwent an opt -Atkin. While in England he was mairied to Miss Rita Harvey. daughter of Mra. W. E. J. Dixon, of Toronto, who hall gone over to see him. Three days after he wan married he returned to France, Lieut, McLaren is the son of Mr. aid Mr.. J. A. McLaren, of 311.1 Spading road, Toroot r, and before the war broke out was in the Arm of Mefraren & Dallas, whmlesele shoe merchants. Hit brother, Major NVilllaw Mc- Laren, was killed et Colrcelette, his promutiou to the rank of major not being gazetled till after his death. Lieut. McLaren is twenty- four years of age. He it a nephew of Col. John I. Mciraren, of Hamilton, at present at the front. Tbe McLaren family in well known in Goderi.:b, where Lieut. Mri.aren's fathersnd uncles for,nerly lived. -A later merewge has brought news of the death of Lieut. Mc Laren Lieut. -Cecil ,f. Farr, a former (lode - rich boy, has given his life in human- ity's carer, having been killed in a. - Grin in France, The official word a as received h his father, Mr. Jas. J.. Farr, 27 Nile street, Stratford, on Sat- urday tuorning. Lieut. Fair wail horn at Stratford, hot spent the great part of his boyho. d days in Goderich, the fancily living at \ibe corner of East and Victoria at U. He had beep at Winnipeg for . "meal ycaper in the offfes of the Maple Leaf Milling Co., and enlistad there in the 222nd Battalion. in England he was trans- ferred to another -tuft, , Ho was ported killed in action April 12. Be- sides kis father, two brothers, ',Awned, of the G. 1'. R„ Goderich, and Wit. Ilene Of Toronto, and one sister. Mabel, of Stratfotd, survive, Cecil was twenty-seven years of age and when he lived In Goderich was a general favorite, and three will he n,nch sym- pathy with the bereaved relatives in their sad lose. Wanted -Strictly fresh eggs. Get our price before selling. DEAN BROIL, Godericb. litonday, May716, annual Bah* Dajj at R. R. fllow,' studio, every child under eighteen months may I f. bays 3 photo takes and one copy Nee fret/ a 4 t. 'Rowe TO SELL HALLWAY MATERIAL. Meeting at Lueknisw Takes Actrsa Re- garding O. W. 5. Railway. -Representatives of the municipali- ties interested in the Ontario West Mhore Railway met In Cain's hotel, Lueknow, on Thursday last, to dis- cuss the situation in view of the recent repot-. of the Outario Hydro Commis- sion. The town of Goderich was re- presented by Mayor Munoinge, 1x - Mayor Reid, Deputy Reeve Lsith- waite, Councillors Moser, Clark and Wilson, and Town Clerk Knox. The enthe council of Ashfteld township, witb Mr. T. G. Allen, township clerk, were present. The towwhip of Huron' and the town of Kincardine were re- ppreserit d, and Mr. Thos. Stot8eis, of I)ungannuo, trustee of the railway, was in atteudance. Ex -Mayor Reid acted as chairman and Mr. Knox as se'retary. Wi.h itle unfavorable report of the Hydro Commission before them, the representatives decid.d that there was nothing to be dome but to abandon the railway project for the present time and sell the material to the best possible advantage. The rail.. material and equipment -every- thing but the right -of -way -will be advertised for sale by tender, either en bloc or separately, the teuders to be in by May 12 h next. Offen for the rails were received trim the Hydro Ootumierion and Mr. NV. H. Huecbinron, of Godericb, at better pnces than had heretofore been offered ; but it was decided to await further tenders before making • rale. The suit on behalf of the municipali- ties against the Tnromto General 'fruits Corporation bas been beaming tire a long time, and a resolution was passed asking the lawyers to have it brought to trial at once. Ar -other troolutiun instructed the secretary to arite the Attorney -Gen- eral of Ont. loin risking that the un- guaranteed bonds of the railway to cancelled. It is not known in whose hands these bonds are, if the were issued at all. An Ise of $2,000 of bonds, in addition to the $400,000 guaranteed by the municipalities, was •uthos ized ; and the municipalities do not want to •here with the holders of these unguaranteed bond!. the proceeds of the sale. of the railway'. aesets. The next meeting is t) he held at Kincardine at the call of the chair- man. PERSONAL MENTION, Mia. K4II Vain. sot en Thundery leo0n a areata'. v to trisnd, at H'Ralo. yBert Fnley left tart week fer natal.. N'�Captain McC'arthy's boat, the steamer /dr Toronto arid Mrs. Mc •°ekhave 8.9 returned ith from daughter. part Wor-ell. Mrs. W. F, (callow has returned from a visit to her husband at London. ('apt (br.l Oallow Ler preen• on *trip rant with the Haltory to which he Is attached. but w111 be home for • few days *arty In May, before he goes met - ...an Al,. Walter Macdonald was home last week for ** hewdays to ea his parents, Mr. and M,,4. U. Mae(1oreld, before e.dng ovs,vca. with & Toronto University batte.y, Mr. Macdonald •••w acting manager of the Dominion back at Kitchener prior to hie enll-tment. "The Secret Kingdom." A new serial to be commenced at the elude) Theatre under the title "Tbe Secret Kingdom" is a .tory that in every one of its chapters is • thril- ler. 1t in now being played at the Regent Theatre, Tr ionto. it is dif- Irtent foto any sense that has yet been given here, and covers such s wide range of advepture that any at- tempt at description would be almost useless. le e. The Ann instalment will be given Monday and Tuesday. May 7th and 8th, and everybody who likes a gripping atm y should be in at the be- ginning. On Wednesday afternoon the cohten$e of Mr. T. M. Davis' livery Karn were wild by public auction at the prelniee, on Mouth btregt, Not - wit fo tending the wet weather a Targe crowd attended, many buyers being present from • diwranre, The tea r int cendtrcted he the (ienerel Bre. eh Chapter, I. O. D. E., was opened on Saiurday afternoon and was well patronised. The room was prettily decorated and patrons re- ceived good service. The room will be open again next Saturday after- noon from 4 t,a 0 o'clock. Make your htnred-away garments moth -proof. We have all the effective moth destroyers which may bre re- quired in protecting furs, woollens and other thing, which are stored away. Camphor hells, Nspthetin. Flake,, etc. E. R. Wigle., druggist, Goderich, DIED. iDAWSON, -At Anhnrn, on Monday. April 51, Mary (Hoyt-. beloved w Ife of Doors Dow- . _.. nom -air M 72 rra1 ..;red n month+. LOCKHAIRT At Antni-n, on Tuesday. A{{ail 24. Mary Ann Taylor, h,.invrd wife of Mat- thew Lockhart. In her 61-t year. IN MEMORIAM. KERNAOHAN -In Myna memory of Mr+, f. O. Kernaghan (ML e..n.tl. who pa.sed away one yen ago. ApH128, 11(16. OM and sudden wan th.'r*II Of her ro dearly loved by all. Her memory and lave Is ever dear. And oftlmen la abed the '(tent teas, flee ern many by her aide se lay Bet anon they wither and deem' Hut with fresh lot ewithin' Her memory will alwar. -Her loving daughter James'McCracken NEW ADVERT' Met lonary fc Steel Hall.. et, T • • 8p+ Imp y