HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-19, Page 81. s Tnt RI -DAV . APRIL 19, 1917 { WAILL PAPERS FOR SPRING DECORATING Y P Everyone is agreeably sur- prised to find Wall Paper has Ever one is sur- t'isetl to find Wall has not advanced in price like so many other lines. Just think of getting dainty little bedroom and kitchen papers at 7c. Se and 10c per roll. Higher -grade papers at 12c, 15c and 20c, while the most expensive papks we are able to supply out 25c, :15c and 0c per roll. This will save you at least from 15 per cent. to 25 per cent. by buying your papers - -AT — • MacEwan Estate Z Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity best all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Ceds& or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 98 • residence 212 Or ria • School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO .1— EASTER TERM BEGINS APRIL Illi*, i1117 You have always intended to take a Commercial and Stento= graphic Course some time. Do it now-. A course here puts ou is" a polition to command a good income whenever and as long as you want it. Can you invest your ntohey and time in any stock. war loan or anything else. that will promise you so great a citrin We Guarantee Positions to dradnates Writer' for full information. DO IT NOW., DUNOANNON OW.r- DUNOANN(Ne. MK. N. F. W HYARD 1. the *seat fur VIE SIGNAL at D saneness Order. len .,lth bio tor eubscrlpuoor. w red. et I keesate et lob Pontius will re r,Ive prompt attention. Telepbone r Uudertob Rural) r THOS. G. ALLEN. DUN)ANNON ISSUER uF M. ltRIAOE Ircgvahs l'ommtasION=a FOR Amit/VITS, tem, AND CONVEYANCER W lits, Deane. MONTo.UE$, Miasma warm. LIC.. Caaarvc.LY artaCUTkn AND, MON'* Sung -inn rue MoiTU AU Es Agent for Fires Plod and Idle Inruraooe 111 the eert Companies ugly. B. F. WAmD, B.A., M. Accts. PHONE 20S Principal -ALWAYS WEDNESDAY, April 18. Mrs. J. Graham, of Goderich, le vis- iting friends here this week. Mts. Atajrew Kirke hag returned hone atter Visiting her daughter at U. unit. Miss Myrtle Oliver. of Guelph, has been the guest of Miss Hazel Augustine for a few days. Miss Stela P. Kirke, of White- chut-ab. stent the Easter holidays at her home herr. Rev. 1. McKelvey will take charge of a union service in the Presbyterian church next Sunday mooting. Misses M. Allen and L. Pentland, of Stratford Normal School, returned last Monday to ermine their studies. Nr. Thomas St others and Mr. Wm. Sillibs are .:changing houses this week. The number of changes in our village this spring is said to be unpre- cedented. Misers E. Case and Pearl McKenzie, of the teaching et.tf of Toronto pub- lic school. returned to the city last Saturday aim spending the Easter vise, tbin here. . Rev. G. (4nmm left on Thursday morning for Toronto and other pointr, where. be will spend a few days re- newing acquaintances, and getting in touch with college life and its learned Professors again. He will be absent flonc his cheese Aerie twc Sundays. Mn. T. E. Durnin and fatuity moved into Goderich last week. We wish :hem happiness Mad ew cess in their new home, Mr. ii -td Mi.. H. Alton and family have ( crupit d the. house vacated by Mr,. Dm hie. We also ex- tend to Che newcomers our beet wishes. ANNUAL ,MEKTIN" WI /MEN'S IN- OTICTr:.—rhe regular meeting of the Women's In.titltle will hr held on Tuesday, April 2,1 h, at 2 30 r. m., the topic to be 'Ints •,duced by Mts. George Harris : "Privileimand Responsibility -of Equal. Citizenship." Mies Rebecca Thompson. nt 81. Altgttsttue, will read a paper on "Child'* Right.." This be- ing the annual meeting of the year, with the elee•ion of officers. it is ur- gently requested that a large attend- ance he preecnt. EASTER ExArtIsArIoNs.—Following ■re the revolt.' of the Easter exam inatione in the junior room of Dungannon public acbool (name, accordit.g to meal): Piomoted from Sr. 1111. toJr,�V.—Iia Brown. footle (comm. Laverne Pentland. Willie Stot her. Berry Elliott, Cecil Orser,Edne Fowirr, Maty Mole, Mary Errington. Mair ice It. rt. Junior Third (;lass—Georgie Allen, Cora Errington, Pearl Caldwell. James Fowler, Winnie McClure, Margaret McNabb, Gurdon Smith, Gordon Glenn. • • Senior Second Class—Carman An- derson, Benson Pentland. Hersey Er- rington. Gordon Andu•aon, Everett Elliott. Jack Cousins. - Junior Second Class.—Norman THE SIGNAL - GODRIeH, ONTARIO 1 Oman, Mildred Moore, Laurette Mc • - Olure, Merge/et Smith. Senior Part IL—Eva Errington. Mabel Brown. John Fowler, Stanley Orem'. Junior Part, 1I.-13ensoo Mole. Jack McNabb. Senior First—Frank Pentland, I Muscles Caldwell. Ruth Smith. Junior Fiira—Harry Wbvard, Willie Caldwell, Myrtle Saliba, Edith 1 Treleaven, Alberta Glenn. Primary—George Moore. D. RYAN, Teacher. HAD eFOURTBEN FITS 18 ONE AFTERNOON Bat Is Made Well and Strong yy Dodd's Kidney Pills. Uxbridge, C t., AprU 111 (8pecial)— Mr. R. J. Thotnn.00, living near ben, had fourteeen convulsions in one af- ternoon. The doctors did cot think he could live. Today he is well and I strong. lie says Dodd's Kidney Pills did It. "I aw deligbted with Dodd's Kidney Pills," Mr. Thompson states. "1 have only t en eleven boxes sod 1 feel li►e ui self again. 1 was takes", ill very suddenly. 1 ate my dinntr and went to take a w..0 home. 1 just got about three-quarters cf a mile when I was taken with It convulsion fit. I had fourteen that afternoon and the third day 1 had nine more. The doctors said I could not live and if I did I would never tie able to do anything again, as I had chronic Bright dis- ease. But, thaok God. 1 ate doing my own work ofytt e again, by the use of Dodd'a Kidnify Pills." BLYTH. WEnNg$DAY, April IS. THE LAWN Bowutit .—At the an- nual meeting of the lawn bowling club officers were elected as follows : Honorary president, Dr. Milne : president. W. Moore : vice-presi- dent, S. H. Gidley ; secretary - treasurer, James McMurchie ; execu- tive committee, G.E. McTaggaa-t, J.M. Hamilton and Or. McTaggart; mem- bership committee, Messrs. W. Moon and James (tut,; tournament com- mittee. R. H. Robinson and A. W. Robinson. PORTER'S HILL. (Intended for last week., TUESDAY, April 10. NOTes.—Mr. and Dlrs. Martin, of London, visited at George Vander - burg's over the weekend The Misses Grace and \\ lime Dyer, of Godtrich, are spending the holidays with Miss GertieCBlair Trooper Hiram Cox, of the Mounted Rifler, stationed at Hamilton. wan home on his four-day leave this week.... . Miss Minnie Johnston has returned home from Trowbridge, where she had heen visiting for some tints Miss Willa Cox is house from Bancroft for her holidays...... Mr. Chas. McPhail un- derwent an operation in Goderich hospital last Wednesday and is doing nicely Rev. A. t%. Brown. of Varna. exchanged work witbRev. Mr. Jones last Sunday .... Mr. \Vestey Vanderburgh has started out on his summer's route gathering eggs and crram Miss Isabelle Sinclair is visiting at Les. Cox's •....Mr. and Mr.. Stelling McPhail spent Sunday at Kippen Mt'. and Mrs. Wesley Vanderburgh were in Seatorth last Thursday. CAM E - ~ ,w ,A• HERE'S' Box Buster Brown for the kids, and forgrown-ups,too. Takes a picture 21x3} inches and costs only $2. Other Anst-os up to $55. We'd like to show you the entire line' Our photographic de= partment has established quite a reputation for developing, printing and enlarging. Come in, won't you? A.L. CALDWELL PRrSi RIP 1ION DRUGGIST Goderich - Ont. IN STOCK in In,t. fit and shade ymi can always get the shoe you want. at the price' you wish to pay. with no delay or excuses about "just being out of that particular size," from our well -kept -up stocks of !settee - grade footwear. Step in and see huw satisfactorily we serve then who want shoes combining.tylewjtlf wearing (relitiee. Wm. Sharman Goderich, Ontario • Phone 138 • 1 GODERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, Aptil 18. An old:resident of Ooderich town- ship, in the person of Samuel Mc - !twain. passed away on tVednesday of this week at the age of seventy-three year,. The funeral will take place frgdl the family residence, Bayfleld road, on Saturdlty afternoon to Mait- land cemetery. PATRIOTIC NOTES. —Taylor's Cor - nen Patriotic Society will holds. meet- ing et the home of Miss Annie Hay on Wednesday, April 2nth. The (loci, ty wishes to thank Mr. and Mrs. G. O. bturdy and fancily for so kindly con- tributing the proceeds of the box social held at their hone on Wednes- day, April 4th. The sale of the boxes amounted to $31), and a quilt sold by auction, and won by Mr. Garfield Mc- Collou h., brnu ht 85.16, making a total of 44.2, handed over to this Society. - Singer, Store - SALE- STILL ') CONTINUES The Sale of Dresses and Middies still continues Ridiculously Low Price. Do not vies thee. Colors abeolutely fest Also Corded Silk Caps for babe boys. Reg. $1.(111, for 7&•. Various other lines on sale also. MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE — SQUARE v RED CROSS NOTES Many thanks are due the following contributors of cocks: Mrs. D. Fel- gueon, 6 pairs ; Mrs. Hillier, 4 pair•+ Mr.. McLeod, Mre. J. A. Dalton, Miss Maud Beacom, Mrs. J. Lynn, Mee. Davey, Mrs. J. D. Wilson Mn. W. Carey, Mrs. Hay. 3 pairs each ; Mrs. Snyder. Mrs. D. H. Roes, Mrs. Tens - ley, Mn. Foster. Miss Whitely. Miss Grittln, 2 pairs eaeh : Mn. R. Clark. Miss Dark. Mts. W. Young. Mrs. Jen- kins, Mrs. Jane Million, Miss B. Pot ter, Miss Burt Ur, Miss M. A Burritt, Mrs. Burritt, Mrs. Thos. Neftel, Mrs. Gruntmitt, Miss (:air. Mrs. J. Mc Nevin, Miss O. Porter, Miss Aitken Mrs. Aitken, Mrs. \Visite, one pair each. The thanks of the Society are due the following contributors ; A Friend, 11 pairs: Miss Montgomery, 7 pelts Mrs. R. H. Cutt, Dirs.` as. Dickson. 0 pair*: Miss Gordon, . H. Hor- tou, 6 pairs each ; Mre. D. (-Donald, 4 pairs ; Mrs. R. Shane Foster, Mrs. D. Hay, Mrs. John Sturdy, Mrs. Alex. Murray,. Mts. Carrie, lire. Woods, 3 pains e b ; Mrs. Wright, Mrs Dancey, Mn. c- Farlane, Mre. McClinton. Miss C. Clinton, Mrs. Plant, Miss S. (`lark, Mrs. Jennie McMath. Dliss Jane Mill- ion, Mte. H. Hawkins(Port. Albert), Mn. Jas. Clack, Mrs. Waite, Mrs. W. Prilhaul, Mot. (Jarrow, Miss Dorothy Dickson, 2 pairs each ; Mrs. Stirling.-- Miss tirling,=Miss Armstrong, Miss Dark, Mrs. Birdie, :(Ire. Dancey, Mrs. Thos. Bell Mrs. Burritt, Mille Burritt, Davidson. (Mrs. Will Hawkins, ?Are. A. Holtz. Asap, Miss E. Draper. Mr'. W. Ora.', Pe rt Albert), Miss C. Dark, Miss G. Smithaw, Mrs. Sterling, Mrs. Rohr, Clark, Mrs. Galt, Mee.Tburlow, Miss Lawrence, Miss 9. Dark, Mrs. J. R. Craigie, Mies Ford, Mrs. Nairn, Mrs. Cameros, 1 pair each. A large stock of yarn is on hand for soldiers socks and the storehouses are nearly empty. Won't YOC help to fill them again 1' Mrs. AUBURN. WEnNRSDAY• April 18. Mr. Donald Patterson. comity en- gineer, hes received a cable notifying him of the wounding of his eon Donald in France. Donald was practising law at Lethbridge, Alta., when the call came and gave up his practice and en- listed with the artillery. His many friends pipe tor his speedy recovery. Rev. V. Conway's sermons last Sunday at his various appointment. were addreseed to the men. At the evening service here the singing was led by a male choir. Rev. W. Conway bas been called to St. Marys owing t the illness of his brother. Next Sthhath a union service will be held in the Presbyterian church, to be addressed by Rec. E. G. Powell on the temperance work of the county. The public school reopened en Mon- day with Mies M. E. Blyth again in command. Mr. A. C. Jackson has bis chopping mill in operation a sin, which is ad- preeiAted int er a Me. Ralph Munro bought his ne Chevrolet car home last week. Sanford Branch. The Ashford branch of the Red Cross Society 'hipped from Goderich on April 17th 133 pairs of socks and 31.) trench shirts. They also gave twelve pairs of socks to the shower for the "Hurons " The socks were knit by : Mime. McManus, 12 pairs ; Grace Sown, 9 pairs ^Hn. A. Goldthorpe, Mn. H. Bisset, 8 pairs ; Mrs. (1. Baxter, Mar- garet Bisset, 7 pairs ; Annie Bisset, 6 pairs : Mrs. J. McManus, Mrs. J. Wal- ter, Norma Sanderson, Mrs. McLeod, 6 pair. ; Mrs. Gliddoo, Mrs. Daw, Mrs. Outrell, Ila Currell, Mrs. Sander- son, Annie Buchanan, 4 pairs : Mrs. D. Coonel, Mn. P. McEwan, Miss S. Hatnilton, Mrs. O. Bisset, Mrs. Gibbs, Miss Fasten, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Lippet, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. \V. McLean. Mre.. J. McLean. Mrs. Kuntz, Mrs. Tank, \ire. Boron. Mrs. Hess, 2 pairs ; Mary (aiddon, Winnie Gliddoo, Ruby Mc- Leod. May Cut till. Jessie Oreen, bre. It. Walter, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Phil- lips, Lizzie Adams, Mary Buchanan. The shirts were made bye Mrs. W. McLean, Mrs. R. Walter, Mrs. G. Bisset, 3 each ; Mrs. Gliddon, Mrs. Daw. Mrs. )l- Steep. Mrs. Lipped. 2 each ; Mrs. C. McNeal, Mrs. Adawe, Mrs. OHM', 1 each. The cutting is done by Mrs. H. Moses, Mn. W. McLean and Mrs. Daw. An iron tonic that will't.race you up foe the spring work—Wigle's Iron Pills. They provide just the elements needed to ptlr iron in the blood, give you nerves like steel. Sold in bottles of a hundred for 36c. A CHILD OF THE DESERT. Tbeda Bars at Home Again in Scenes of "Under Two Flags." "It was just like getting home agsia. I could feel the dryness of the desert air in my throat, and the play- ing of desert sands about my bare This!..8sn the famous actress of the William Fos, film corporation, has returned to her native land in the Wilt of the Fox feature Mtn., "Un- der Two Flags," to be shown at the Model Theatre, Ooderich, next week. "11's a strange coincidence," says Miss tiara. "1 was horn at an stasis in the Bahare.. and now in the Odida story i stn hack again. Then seems to bi a strange fate which haunts my work In the pictures, and dtrws me hack often to the scene. where`1 spent my oblklbood or my earlier year.. [ telt soh( i wets returning home from. a long, long trip, when 1 found that Algeria was the setting for my latest picture." Theda Rara'+ father was an Italian painter, who was In Africa doing desert piethrse at the time of Miss Bata's bit t h. That is how she came to ha a daughter of the desert. For DORIS time. she steTtel In the desert environment, until she grew to love it. As a Ittt4 ehild sitrwould often lamp on the hack ret one of the Ars$$a harass In her father's camp. sad e(ltlo Real Travel Comfort. Spring_. here, and patrons or"the CanadiatT Northern Railway will find renewed pleasure in the compartment library-otteenation cars on e11 it. Tranecontineetal titins, which allow the passenger not only to gain the full benefit of the wonderful se.neq along the route, hut also to take ad- vantage of the many new comfort, features which have created so mach favorable vomment among cows -coun- try travellers. A magazine and. library bureau, which contains the latest and most pot -mist literature ; writing desks with attractive stationery ; a "traveller: shop," witb a stock of artloles the traveller Is likely to forget or overlook In parking up for the trip. such s collar -buttons, shoelacer• etc., see .a fees instance., while tasty teas and light refreshments may be obtained at very small root. 200- .SAMPLES 200 of UNDERWEAR it 200 Samples of Ladies' and Children's Under- wear, Children's Dresses etc.,to be Sold at Less Than Factory Prices Here is a sale of Underwear, Dresses, etc., that ought to interest you, for it will save you money. Over zoo Samples fresh from the factory are to be cleared at prices less than the same goods can be bought for by the dozen today. Every garment is well made from good material. The finish and workmanship are the very best. Nothing skimped in sizes. When you take into account that these were all made to be used as samples to be submitted to the keenest and shrewdest buyers in Canada, you will know that no de- tail was overlooked in their manufacture. We are exceedingly fortunate in being able to offer this clearing lot of samples and strongly advise you to take advantage of it. The selling will continue all this week Children's Sample Underwear Childr Ladies' Ladies° Sa s Sample Dresses le Waists e Wrappers and House D 1 f to Ladies' Sample Underwear A particularly good Assortment of gowns and skirts is", lot Skirts Ladies' Sample Wash all, over 200garments to pick and choose from at less than the maker sold them for b the dozen. Ladies' Special Raincoat Grey tweed mixture, belled back. crew garment. c an Special each Je HODGENS BROS. Direct Importers Goderich out across the waiste.tor miles. The Bedouins of the desert came to know the little girl. and look for her in the mornings. Often she would teop and eat dates and drink camel's milk with them. 'Then again Ube would leap on her horse, and he off across the ,and before they knew it. The Kincardine Review has been delving into ancient history and re - cards the following : "On April 4th, 1488, the Asherman of Oodericb went; out to .et their net. The see drifted' in between then* and the land and some six of them were 1041. One men managed to crawl over the ice. but was unable to climb the hank aft el making the perilous trip iso far." A former resident of Oxbridge, now in California, writes to The Journal e word of caution about spending 'mil- lions on bliilding electric railways in Ontario. He says the future belongs .0 the automobile. and experience out • there indicates that the time is nut far distant wbenL„it will not be pus - sib's to m.keelecti,ic raileays pay_ ,The Saults Coal Co. Succewwn. to McDonagh & Gledhill EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY THE GOAL THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, a1 Hard and Soft Wood, Maple an Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OPFICE PHONE - - - 75 B. 3. Saults' Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence 202 Jtar`dafe Corner MontrealiStreet and Square' HIGH CLASS and SANITAitY We serve excellent meals a la Carte daily PIIS TO TAKE O11T Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL SERVICE Our Motto- Cleanl,nees Alweee OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M. 5- TThe--New Series CH EV R Garage Next Door to Bank of Commerce Geo. Johnston, District Agent Awe Agent for Simplex Four -wheeled Trailer. $Ioyt Ie} aft4--Oneimf Repairing ..,- ,sees..-• ------": ,. �, , • I.