HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-19, Page 5t. THt, SIGNAL - DOt ERICH ONTARIO We have just received samples of the new models. Why not come and have a look at them ? Our hock of all kinds of Ford and other Auto Accessories is particularly complete now and worth seeing anyway. drop in at SO EAST STREET GARAGE first chance you get. Owned and Operated by a Practical Man ARTHUR M. GLOVER Model 'Theatre OEO. E. KING, Proprietor WEEK OF APRIL 23rd, 1917 Monday and Tuesday VITAGRAPH BLUE RIBBON FEATURE "The Wheels of Justice" A melodrama abounding in thrills. Circumstantial evidence weaves a net around James Morrison so tightly that his escape seems impossible. The hand of fate intercedes, however, and he is saved from an untimely end. In one scene escaping convicts plunge to death through an open drawbridge. Also "THE GIRL AND THE GAME" Wednesday and.._T.hursday Je+�e L. Lasky presents the metropolitan opera star GERALDINE FARRAR In of "MARIA ROSA" Released through Para:n sunt Pic 'v, es Corporation movie World. In success, and in "Maria Rosa" she reaches new heights its photodramatic acting. In the title part she appears as a :nish peas- ant );irl, simple of manner, who ie plunged in • the midst of tragedy by reason .)f the jealousy of an • ' worthy peasant suitor Miss Farrar is one of the major stars of t "Carmen- she achieved an immense Usual prices Friday and Saturday - aILLIAM PDX'S great drama of army life Fl ss`under Two A masterly presentation of '0 hid a' s internationally. famous notrel. The story -has-- bad a 11mi-continued vogue in- its printed• form and ss s stage.piece. In this screen production LOCAL TOPICS On the Sig Deputation. ai Reeve Nairn, County Clerk Lsne and Mr. W. E. Kelly are at Toronto today ad members of the big deputa- tion in support of the Stratford - Guelph route for the proposed Pro- vincial highway from \Viud.ur to Toronto. Save Your Old Papers. Ahweek Chapter. 1.0.1).E., intends mating a collection of old paper. um - Redoes, etc.. to be sold for the benefit of the boepir&I. The collection will be wade the first week to May, sod :ba townspeople are asked kindly to pre- serve wserve their old papers in the ssewa- ttlne. Farm Dale.. Mr. Thomas (sundry has sold his farm on the Huron road to Mr. Chas. Oke, of Benruiller, who has already taken possession. Mr. Oke's son, Wil - run will live arm and work it. Mrs. N. Dougherty, of Sheppardton, has sold her farm to Mr. Charles Carey, of the same neighborhood, and will remove to Godericb. Steamer Huron Sold. It is reported that the steamer Huron, of the Star•Cole Line, Detroit, which for Never years called at Gode- rich on her regular run, has been pur- chased by the Interlake Auto Trans- pott,itiou Co., and will be used ex- clusively In the automobile carrying trade. In this case Goderich will be altogeth. r without, passenger brat service this year, Ljmbago is Rheumatism of the back. The cause as Uric Acid in the Wood. •11 the kid- neys dad their work there would be nu Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work. The sure, positive and only euro for Lumbago is r Dodd's Kidney Pills ered too high and the secretary is writiog the Provincial Commission to this effect. The rommiseion accepted the Na- tional Shipbuilding Co.'s contract for eighty horsepower J. F. Thomson Pyrchases Stora. Lawn bowlers Meet. ) Mr. Jetties F. Thomsoo has bought The annual meeting of the Goderich from Mrs. Jordan the store building iswp bowling club was held on Friday formerly occupied by the Howell night last. The financial statement Hardwire Co., and will remove his submitted by the treasurer *bowed a business to it atter alterations and ilia- small deficit. The elections for the provementa are °lade. The change ensuing year resulted we follows : will he noteworthy from the fact that I Hon. president, Rev. Dr. Meldrum the Thomson music store bas heeo (Cleveland, 0.) ; president. Fred Hunt; situated in the block between West • vice-president, W. J. Powell : secre- and Colborne streets for thirty years, I tart', W. Lane ; treasurer, C. A. Mr. Tbowson's father having Coo- 1 Nairn ; members of executive cow - ducted the business for many year.. mittee, T. L. Prest, Dr. Hunter. C. H. G.T.R. Train Service to Be Restored. 1 Humber ; honors'y mem Kelm, It. 8, 16ougb the local agents have not Williams (Toronto). Jas. Y..t'r, L. E. received °Metal notice of the expected Doherty (Stretford), Jss.'1'tgert (Ham- _ changes ID the G. T. R. User -table, it I . is understood that the changes will! take effect April 29 h, and that not only will the former perneuger train service be restored, but there may he some improvements upon the old ser- vitor. The n.orning train may he ar- ranged t,o Arrive here at 11 o'clock, netewd of 11.3:, sea under the old time- table. and it is expected that the late alter0000 train, leaving about 5 o'slock, dill *Rain go through W Tor- onto. Too Much Married. A young man named George Creeper, sent up by Mwgirtrste Mor- ton of Winghau,, was brought before Judge Dickson on Monday and pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy. It appears that Creeper was married two yeerragn wt Toronto, and in April of last year, as William Hamilton. he Married Janet Yeo so. Wingbam. Hu ezeuee for his matrimonial "repeat" wee that when he married wife No. 1 he was intoxicated and did not kcow "What he was doing. He was remanded for two weeks to allow the Crown• authorities time to look up bis record. Public Library Board. The usual meeting of the puhlic li- brary board took place on Saturday lust, with Mr. Fowler in the chair. Other members present were Messrs. Galt, Tom, Reid, Strang, Long, Coul- thurat and the Meyer. It was de- cided to ask for tenders for 16e supply o ' hirt), tons of coal. An account of $14 ;:, for b •nks •applied wee ordered paid to Mr. Geo. Porter. The lihrer- I ian reported rec•iptaduring the month of March of $5.S1 from cards and lines and an issue of I.fr4 works of fiction. lib historical fiction. 499 juvenile, 1•TBI- of t ther classes and 2216 magazines - total issue '2,ikil. "The Capital's Looking Glass." Mr, Chas. E. Compton, publisher of ' The Mirror at Ottawa, announces that hereafter the paper is to he published monthly, Instead of gustt.erly as hith- erto. Ti a Mirror is a bright and hr•ezy publication, devoting a cnnsid- -enable portiou of its space to • the! cause of organized labor, the Boy S^ottt movement, fraternal organiza- tion., and" biographical sketches of 01 swans and Canadians whn are do- ing what they can to make this old world a brighter and a better place to' live." The editor and pnhlisber, Mr. - Uornpron, was for some time on the /vett of The Signal, and his old friends here will be interested in knowing '' th. t a gossipy column of The Mirror Is credited to "The Hawk." bekahs Honor Departing Member. Weather "Pro qs " Warmer -time to get your new_ Spring Suit If you want something just right, in style, fit, materials and everything else that goes i to make satisfaction, give us a call. If we '!can't snit you - well, We can't say you haven't gives u11 achance, anyway. . R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Side .quare, Goat -rich. Ilton). The memberahip fee wap again planed at $6- A committee *as ap- pointed to mast a ortmwlttie of the Iowa tennis dub to see it joint ar- rangements can be made for the nae of the tennis club'. grounds by the bowhty this year. At the Harbor. The captains of the seven boats iu the harbor are all here Dow, Oe�talu Mouck, of the steamer America, has been in town for several weeks and the others arrived on Wednesday. The repairs have been completed on the steamer America and she is ex- pected to leave tomorrow. The steamer W. C. Franz will probably sail on Seturdaa and the others ou Mondry or Tuesday. 411 the boats hut the Edmonton aro nerds lined up on the town side of the harbor ready to take on &applies. The following is a list of the captains and engineers of the steamers now in the harbor : Martian-Ceptato Archie Maclntyre, of Collingwood : Engineer R. Foote, of Owen Sound. America -Captain Mouck, of Port Colborne ; Engineer Charles Munroe, of Wisconsin. Edmonton -Captain Albinson, of lyooretown ; Engineer. [fired Pringle, of Picton. Beaverton -Captain Ww. Bryan. of Kinston •; Engineer Hugh Myler, of Colltngwond. W. C. Franz -Captain W. C. Jor- dan, of Collingwood ; Engineer B. Crook, of Dresden. H. M. Pellatt-Captain Oscar rat- terson, of Toronto : Engineer William Byer, of Toronto. Dorie-Oaptain Robert Maclntyre, of Owen Sound ; Engineer Joseph Al. ton, of Owen Sound. hr• , Twvassav, And, 19, 1917 MIME OF CANADA i levers el Credit .r The Problem of Funds when Travelling Is most satisfactorily solved by carrying them in the forth of Trawelkrs' Cttegtes issued by the Wen Bask .1 Canada. You can dray against them practically an,where, In Canada or abroad, and no one else can realize on thein. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. for a few day. last week act was the gue-t of Mr, .,,d Mra O. r Brown. n Mn. W. T. Pr id ham, of Toronto, home on Monday atter spa„dblg +. month returoed vl.it- inn at Preston Spring., Clinton midOoderich, Mr and Mn. 1). Johnston and little daugh- ters have returned to 1'" -ton, after a visit with Mn. Johnston's mother. Mrs. B. A. Web. arr. Newgate street. Mira. T. I. Durnln and faintly have moved to town from Dungannon and have taken up their residence is the home on Stamey •te.etform- erly corrupted by line Clement. Lucltnow Sentinel : Mr. Victor Dorton and daughter, of Goderich. are visiting at James Howey s. MIAOW Leah Smith and Sadie Monad/kin, of Goderich. vi -,ted at the tonner's home this week. Mr. Jack Salkeld. of Ger rid. Bak., was here last week vidtion his .ou.bs. LN Meares. 13alkerd of the Baylicld road. He 14 1n Ontario buying (tittle, fur which he says there b great demand In the N eat Blyth Standard : Mr..t. 51. Cartbew wa.'at Goderich on Monday to -ter his mother. who has been (11 at the home of her daughter. Mr.. Jackson. We are plea -ed testate that she 1. improving sloe's. Mlw Joie Maunder.. "1 Torooto. spent the week -end at the houpe of her parents. Mr. and Mn. Alex.daoudel... and was a000w, anted b) Miss JLrlorls (-leder, of the University def • Dement ouse,Toronto ltev. J. 1I. Fothe;fugh.ull. of Brautford.'i. 1. How Townspeople Can Help. Te the Editor of the Signal. Dealt SIR., -Witty reference to your comment, "Looks like a Failure." 00 the movement locally to g. t urban assistance for the terms, may I suggest that if the people in (ioderich are really concerned about giving material assistance to the Empire they register as volunteers for farm work: Let the committee in clergy get facts relating to similar novemerlte in other ceutres and publish same locally. ADVERTISE. 1f the facts are really put before the people.ot tinder LAI, 1 thine the latter will respond. The farmers of Ontario have grown so accustomed to agricultural sermons from M. D.'e, B. A.'s, LL. [l.'s and D. F.'s who do nut know an Auoo0a from a Berkshire, that they *wile at such movements as the one recently started in the Goderich town hall. If the people of Giefi icb lulu business, let them -"put up." Advertise that a certain number or men, women, boys and girls are avail thle tor a few days' rj work on a fans it help, that will be a help, is availahle. I think you will end that the farmers of Co!b,rue and Godericb townships will intik.useof it. 1f no more noise had been made for khaki volunteers than has It -en made lee.11y for overall volunteers, where -would Canada be today 1. Very train', . H. KDITg Revra.l.. Godericb, April 1titb. CENTRAL w+RATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Business College Students may enter our classes at any time. Commence your course now and be qualified for a position by 'Midsummer. During July and Arrgdst of fast year we recetvol calls for Otr.r 209 office assistant we could not supply. Our graduates are in dernead. Write for our free' catalogue. .; D A. McLAClIL AN, Priecipal. Theda Bara, as Cigarette, the little daughter of the regiment, again displays the art which makes her • one of the foremost film actresses of the day. SPECIAL PRICES 10C and 20c (the evening last week, at'. gather ing of membeus nt the Rebekah Lodge held at, the home of Mrs. Char. A. R-i•l, ail tiff-ctionate farewell wee tendered w Dlrr, Har y Matin nrior to her departure for Toren o. ales. M atm has I(,n one of the &cove member'. 111,1 o cera of the Rebekah Lodge ever sine it was established h. re. She wAe pre nt -d with a bend - some C1..t_ dens ftorlthowl, accom- panied by an sa7dress eepteiiliig Rpi- Arecietion of her work a behalf of t`•e Lodge And errod wilt a for the future. %its, Marten and ler two daugbteu, Mi. -es Greta an 1)••1 is, left noisy to j in Mr. Martin ss Tor- onto, where lir ham twin engaged iu m tions work for sortie time. Slight Reduction In Power Rates. A revised schedulers( r.tee for Gode- rich user. or light And power. enb- ntittnd by the Ontario Hydro -EI •et is Cotumieilon, sea. con,ideted 1 y the local writer pad light cnmml•er,,o at its regular meeting last tort k. fhe only change horn the old 'tee to in the power chat gee, which . re now as ,(011t w e : MAP per h. p. per month of nor n, r ed load or ni tritium demand. Vlna. per7mmith of connect.d load or int.lkium dews nd. Pln,i a te i er per load d in h th of connected l 01 .eall mom demand. 1'In. ..1.1c per k. w h. for all additional cor .nmptIMI ver month. These charges are sutler.. fn ,h-. usual ten percent. discount forpr•nmpt p. vmrnt. This ie .t slight refloating from the us•ets Two ',ens tauti 1 )1010r totes. and the revisited schedule atwtariAs+ sox rwoot .0.44rdi•+ rvs. Arta ptest-. the nm l��,' Tb* SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER Harmless to flush Kidneys and neutral ise irritating acids- Splendid for system. hil.4011.4011110MINIA rates for street lightdttptv(,•Q are seld- r Kidney and Bladder weakness result from uric acid. says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pine it on },, the bladder, where it often remains to irritate and inflame, musing a burning, scalding sensation, or wettinc up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you, to seek relief two or three times during the night. The suitrrcr is in constant dread. the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is t ry proton'; again, ,there is difT, .Ity in avoiding it. Bladder wraknre-. most folks call it, bedews, they ean't control urination. While it is extremely annoying and some- time* eery painful, 'his is really one of the most simple ai'meets to overcome. Get about fopr rimes of ,Tad Salts from your pbarmao .t and take a table- spoonful in a gin.. of water before breakfast, continue "tis for two or three days. This will or itralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary or gluts which than art nr,rrnally again. Jed Halt. is inrxpen•ive, harmless, and is made free t!le grid of grapes and lemon juice, odrl)inal with Lithia, and is need by thooe,.ds of folks whn are subject to urinary ,.i*nrder* ennaed by uric acid irritation. Tad Salts 1s spire. did for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. ^ Bere you heal a rlea.ant, effervear.nt rwki0b gUiakli relieves THE 'GODERICH . MARKiTS. • TH CR)DA Y. A Aril 111. Wheat. per bush 5 r. 1 to 51.11) Oats, per Mod...., .. .70 to .75 Barley. per bush 1st to 1.10 Pias per bush • 2110 to 2.2,5 Buckwheat per bunk. ...... 1.111 to I.bt) Stour, family, percwt L75 to SOp Flour, patent. per cwt 2.01 to .121 Hrall, pertou 120.' (o 13.03 Shotow-perton ........ 1:LUT to 1SW B,ty. per ton 11.00 to 11.111) -111.11* 13.0010 13 0.4 'straw. loose. per ton .. ... .. . 5,110 to ass Woad, per load•11,011 to aryl Dairy Rutter. perlb .:ti to .1" Creamery Butter .43 to .13 Bre-, fresh, per doz -.11' to :ti Potato.•. per bosh 'Lai to 3.tu tattle, butuhers' choice, per cwt. 11.1 to to mi Cattle. butcher. utedium,per cwt aatl to 11.u, Hogs, live weight. per cwt. mai to 151111 Sheep, per cwt . ........ a nu to 7.151 Bides. per lb ... ... .. .is to _ .111 T 1 r to es allow, rendered, per Ib ... . Sheeu Belts 1 e to 1. 11 The Delineator oP the Right Side. The Delineator, the well-known woman'..magazine,• announcer that hereafter it will eliminate from its advertising column toe announce- u)enl.. of all trail-unitr houses. This it does am a anemone ut titmice to the local merchant -the :van who pay, the taxes where sue magazine mew lates, who ghees his Dube, Its money and his inn trice to 4hr building up of the town iu which he live.. Title step, no douh', will wean a loss to the pob- 1,sher, nt many thousandm ut dollars in advertising revenue ; but Lowe p -•rt of this at (riot nay be returned to them through increased support from those who will t iencom,age the "Buy -at- home' movement. The tutrre.ts of The Delineator anti the texpay.ns of this t ,wn are identical in this reapect. The building up of the mail-order homes means thetuiu-of local busi- ne*E• Masers. \V. Acheson-.IL$aq art the local lignite fur The DAineatol'. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr-, A. O. MactIOnald I. vet-itlug friends at W olaham. MIs' Ethel Nairn returaed from Toronto on tintnrd.y. Mt.. laliIb, 5*iegins .pent the Easter holi- day* at 'l of ort o. Mr. F. J. Prtdlran la on a bn.itte.* trip to Tot onto thi. week. Mr. Jack Page. of Toewto, was one of the 1.:.4er visitors In term. • sauce-(Nrpural Cockburn lbws was A Tor' onto.t-Itor sant wcr.k. KI:cetdlnr Iteview : 111.4 Belle Mrl.rod, of (lodetirh. I- vi -it mg friends in town. Mr. and Mr...1. A. t :un obeli Are -pending a few da)- at th,ir old home t am Abell. I tie. M. wick. , 1.1eut. Fro -rt Elliott. of Teprmite, was the gue.t of Mr. Ana M... Ales. Saunders for the weekend. Mr•. they.) A. 1,. 0. Clarke, Of St. nenrge• rectory. will reeretve on Thur.day Afternoon. Atoll :Mtn. CAM. )',I ftohto.nn Ir 1' on Monday for Port Menicoll to take ehalge of his boat fot the the sen.On, Mr. end Mr• W. A Dotter and situ. of Stay tt.r• lir., vt.ning Mr... Donets wo.her, Mrs. Jame. (latdtr. M4.,.. Ven and 116. M y Lorimer. vl.t'ed Dr. Aged Sir'. '1 h•,mpwn, ei Ridgeway, for a few day. 1,s-1 wsok. i Mball V. 111.• Hrwhant has returned to 'hit entn after ep, lI,% 1)I.' FA.ter sac:Aloe at the tear etlrsl Dative. i.l -blest. Mr.. M. C. Mot re sled Ma- er Irwin nem rel borne this week after .1 Iles with Mr. read Mr. J. E. Spelrtn, keel .1:.c'. . Mrfoot). O'Neil has gr'ne 10 arsntlord, w►rr• he by tyke.. a p'snluu ie 1510 r er on Ike Wm, ford Ksposit r. -11714. Z. R. Arilealar,of Teeree'e-,wee 1slaww C"�LpNEI. SAYS • • Zam-Buk is a valuable addition to every soldier's kit" This re- mark was made by Lieut -bbl. A. C. B. Hamilton -Gray. k t'.I1., Welling ton Barracks, Halifax, N.S. He says further. ' I can speak from personal ex perlence, as 1 hase used Zam Bilk myself for cuts, burns and rheu mattem. and believe there 1s noth- ing to equal it." ' Zam-Buk, the great herbal balm, Is a boon to the men in the trenches ---it ends pain and heals so quickly, and instant application of Zam-But prevents all possibility of festering or blood -poisoning. Don't forget to put some Zam- Buk In your next parcel to the front. All druggists. or Zam-But Co., Toronto; 60c. box. 3 for 81.26 lows this Werk. He came up to visit Ni and MIA. W. L Eliot 011 10001 l of the new... the r' Lieut. Eliot. and will re- main to attend the funeral of Judge Holt ,e•.forth New-: Mise C. Andrews,of (torte. rleh, paid a chit to friends in town. ..tui.,. Kate Little. Ooderi'•h, vi -Ped her granofa•her. Mr. Geo. Brownlee Mr.. Leer and ❑tt1• son, of Goderich. visited her slater, Jin. Peter - 5011. I Nervousnoss means weak- ness. Vigon,us, well- - urnIribbed persons are out her vuus, 73>itsfar, Laxative Alterative Compound regenerates the bI awl, •int - gproves the.- appetite and uilds up bodily strength by -re sing the impuri- ties from the systrrn. Wr know this -for a fact and we want you to try this splendid tonic on 'our ree •udatiun. (live it a chance to help sou. Sold in $1.00 bottles with the tortoni* on the label for your 1H'tit.-('tieril. J. A. Campbell, Ph6. B. "Central Dreg Stare" North F rt•rt 411111 Bahian• 1. ,l1•ril'h r n ,s Now THREE Flavours Get a package of the new "Juicy FRUIT" - See what a joyous, lasting flavour has been crowded in to give you a great, BIG 5 cent package of refreshment! MADE iN CANADA Sealed Tight -- Kept Rlg0U - Chew UMW - THE FLAVOUR it after every meal! LASTS - .. .arae. •