The Signal, 1917-4-19, Page 4tl• f I 4 ThoitaDAY, AFRO, 19, 1917 o1 Did you ever hear of the "first longs' before ? If you didn't we will tell you just what it means. Its the first suit of clothes with long trousers for the youth who is dis- carding the short knick- ers and for the first time is wearing young men's clothing. Our "first longs" are designed to fit the youth who at that particular age is very hard to fit and be- sides they give the boy that smart appearance so much desired by every boy. Made in new pinch -back style, sizes 33 to 35. PRICES $15.00 to $18.00 SANKAD-MADE-CLOTHES WALTER C. PRIDHAM. 'Phone 57. 20th Century Clothing t King Edward Cafe (SOMETHING NEW! The weather is now cool. People corning to town can be served Mot Coffee, 1 ea or Cocoa at 6c Meals also served 35c Highest prices laid for butter sod eggs. The best barn in town fur stabling. Joseph Murray Kingston Street OODERICH LUCKNOW. MONDAY. April 18. Mr. Will Ferris has returned to town from Detroit.. Mr Wellington Henderson, of Para- mount. Who has rented his farm to his brother John. has moved into town. Mr. Adam Johnston has sold his, residence to Mi. Albert Millson and will move to his farm on the 10th cob- cewion of Asbflrld. Miss Adrlia Spindler. having com- pleted a special course at the Clinton School of Commerce. has gone W Tor- onto to take a position: Mr. W. J. Little has sold the two frame bulldiose at the corner of Campbell and O.tram streeas tm Mr. Comrades. If you cannot carry a rifle, you er.n serve your country on the farm. THE SIGNA), - GODERICH). 0NT0R10 J. W.#ieoderson, who is te.riug there grant. 915. Orel feather pillow eon- tributed hy Me.. William 11111. Mae. WARD (1<LEDHIt L, hede Mary. down. '11 bees r.utldlogt were busy businer. placers in t to early days of Luck wo as . Sergi. Cameron Geddes was in town la t week 00 a br of *brit to his howe lellore going rivers -as. He i. a mem- ber of the 211.t Battalion band of Winnipeg. The old-time drum" held in the C.roegie Hall was a decided success. The sur rouudint{ coon ry.rde war well reprereutrd. '!'herr were also a uum- ber of young people from %Viugbam and Ripley. The proceeds awounted te Slllfi '!'bis amount, leas the emelt rumors incurred, wee b.nded over to the wouteu's branch of the local PK - folic Leegue, The Luesarlw treuheetr suppliwt tuusk for•tne or -Anion. Pte. Guidon tltbettaer, of t•ie llll/th Bet4Jios, has Timm. J frApt Neglectd. Pte. erne). z -t went oversews with the Bruce Hettalion h t, after t^lining in England for five m •orbs, wee soot b..ck as phaercalte otitis for eerviee. He 1. the Hest Luck now boy of the 10th Batt» to return. Pr i..Ie eluyrttzar well be leaving in a few drye for Kingston. where be will sake three months' treatment in the bos- tetal. A PIONEER PASSES. -Steele C. Mur- doe h..1nr rt Luca now 'd ulde.•t ptouerrs. pa.rwJ away at hie home here. He was in Lia seventy-ninth year. Sho t y sit-rr re urning fr an chu.eb service a week ego Sunday erorning Mr. Mai (loch was seized with a struke, it which he never seem,. r d. Mr. Mu such wee a ug the Hest to se. tie in Lucknow. ‘Vhen he name hero only nnr house was standing. He came direct froru a part of Ayrshire, Scotland, only twenty miles from the birthplace of- R ,bert Burn.. He was* mae..n by trade. and it is only a few years since he laid aside hie tool.. The funeral was heli Saturday_ int»rment being in the Kinloss cemetery. KINGSI33RIDGE. MONDAY, April 18. COMINII AND GOING. M era bar returned home franc Tor- onto, where be spent the winter. Wm. Myers left last week for Walborn. Seek Horade 0' Hearn is visiting his wen, ttleode here Miss Lizzie Griffin, of G,rdench, veined her sister, Mrs. T. Griffin. last week Mies Cassie O'Connor has returned nowe from Ruth. Nevada. Mier Marie Sullivan and Mies Margaret Gar Vey have returned to their respeatee sehr.ola, after spend- ing tb.• vaert..n at their homes here. Mr.. D. Curacy, of Goderich, it visiting here. BENMILLaR. TUESDAY, April 17. RFD CR4.es o,rnts.-The last month- ly meeting of t he Benwiller branch of the C R. t'. S. was held io the Tem- perance Hall, Brnmilter, on Wednes- day. April llth. The Soei.ty is in- debted in the following ladies tor knit- ting : Mr.. Ed. Maskrll. Mrs. J. K. Long. Miss E. Straughart, Mn. Wm. Straughan, Mrs. H. Hill, Miss Mar] Long, Mrr. J. M,Clure, Mr,. J. Mil- lion, Mr•. J Treble and Mrs. C. Breckoe, 1 pale each ; Mrs. P. Wal- ters, Mr. C. Walters, Mrs. Petoran, Mrs. J. Allan, Mrs. M. Mugford, Mrr. J. Mitchell, 2' pairs each ; Mr.. G. Van - ramie, Mee. P. Bones, Mrs, E 1. Grigg, 3 ptire each ; Mr Ed. Walters, Mrs. T. Clark, a pain each ; A Friend, 6 pairs ; Mrs. Woe Vanstnne, 8 pairs ; Mrs. James Long, 9 pairs ; No Name, 2 pairs. The following ladies con- tributed toward the sewing : Mn, C. Okr, 1 suit nyjemas; Mrs. W. Straugb- an, Mr . W. Gledhill, 2 suits eacb ; Mrs. Ed. Weltere,3auks ; Mra. James Long, 4 suets ; Mrs. C. Oke, Mrs. Ed. Walters, 3 pillowslips each ; Mrs. J. Me4Jlure, Mn..1. Millan, Mn. S. Gat - diner, Mrs. A. Fisher, 6 pairs Ipillow- Nips each; Mrs. J. Jewell, Mra. ters, Mrs. 1s. Walters, 0 sheets etch ; Mr.. W. Long. 3 sheets ; from 1916. 19 day shirts. The cash cut.t. ibutioos 1..r the month are : lIer.•Illy collrc- tione hunt inerntier., 112.1.47 ; kowu.tiip m "The plow is our hope," declartd Right Hon. Dayid Lloyd George, th Prime Minister of Great Britain. The tremendous significance of these words in the face of a world shortage of \food' must be a matter of concern to all. It points out the path of duty to men and boys unable to enlist in the army but capable of helping to increase production. Help theof armer increase production At this' supreme hour when ample food production is one of the indispensable means of victory, the country fan's a serious Awl [,lg. of men and boys on the farms. The Department of Agriculture emphasizes the urgency of every man and boy taking to heart this splendid opportunity for patriotic service. Boy_ Decide now to help in the .war. 11 you ere between the S ages of 14 and iR, and have good term record, you con secure promotion at school by enlisting for farm service any time between April 20th and May 20th. Parents are urged to encourage their boys to enlist for farm service. The physical and moral welfare of your boy will be advanced by a summer spent close to Nature ; an interest will be awakened in an im,ortant industry of the country that will be a help to him in his whole future. The Department appeals to a retired farmers, to meta Men following no occupation (retired), to husinea men who can spare at kast a'Durtien of their time, to all men who can arrange their affairs as to help some farmer. Every man is invited to enlist for farm ervice. Confer with your District Representative of the I epartrr•-t r f A- rindture. r.r write or visit Ontario l;overnmeut latnploymtnt Bureau. 15 Queen's Park, Toronto. $1 Ontario Department of Agriculture W. 11. Hearst, Minister of Agriedters Parliament Buildings Tercel* A DELICATE CHILD Made Strong By Our Vinol Fayetteville, N. C. -"My little daugh- ter was in poor health, delicate and so weak it made us very uneasy. 1 heard about Vinol and decided to try it and the results were marvelous; her appetite improved, she gained in weight, and fs now one of the healthiest children in town. Mothers of delicate children should try 'inol.'t--Mas.(;rranrieJsatuvr. Vino! is a constitutional remedy which creates an appetite, aids di- gestion and makes pure, healthy blood. All children love to take it. Try it on our guarantee. 11.C. Dunlop, druggist. Goderich. Ont. .Nasi at the best druggists in all Ontario i Baby's pwn Ta jets Used en Years. Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Carp, Out., writes : "1 have need Barry'. Own Tabietr for the lest ten years and can highly recommend them for babyhood and cbildbood ailments. My baby boy W06 very delicate ; in fact, we never thought he would live, but Menke to the Tablets he is now a tine healthy boy." Baby's Own Tablets should be kept to every home where there ars small children. They regulate the bowels and stomachnever fail to pure the Winer ilia of e os... The Tablets are sold by ;cilia dealers or by mall at Tai cents a brag from The Dr. W, rue' M.dieLols Co., Brrek- ville, Ober Wholesomeness and purity are our Bret 000eld4reartons when meting our bomewade candy and ice-cream. A trial will convince you. Edward,'. Phone dttJ. LOYAL. TUESDAY. April 17. Miss Mabel Young, school teacher et Dublin. spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Young. Our merchant., Mr. J. A. Young, started with his travelling wagon on Monday, one weak later than last year- He is prepared to t Mel egg. irl and batter end give town p, ea. Unleaded fur teat are . WEDNESDAY, April 11. Col. and Mrs. Vercoe are visiting their son Charles at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D, McLachlan are here from Toronto tor the Easter vacation. Miss Wise is home thio week from Port Hope, where she is engaged In teaching. Very little fall wheat was sown In this section, and what there is looks very poor this spring. Mr. Bert Varooe had the lueky number for the quilt sold hy the Red (boss at Saltferd, which was awarded to the winner yesterday. Muses Marion and Editb Glen are hole this week, Mies MPrion from McDonald Hall. Guelph, and Mite Edith from the Clinton School ofCOUP tiler :e. At • gathering held in the township balljitet Friday Mr. James Green was presented by the young men's Bible class of Smith's Hill church with a handsome ring, as e farewell gift. Mr. Green is leaving to go sailing on the steamer Franz, and es be is a general favorite there is much regret at. his daps[ tore from among us. Mr. R. M. Young, teacher of the young men's claw, uiade the presentation with a suitable speech, and Mr. Grem re- sponded with as expression of appre- ciation. FauttwEUL PRESENTATION. -Mite Alice Clark left iso Tuesday for De- troit, wbere she will take a course of training as a nurse in Grace hospital. We wish her every success to her work. Pito" to her departure she was presented by ber fellow -members of the young ladies' class of Smith's Hill church with a four.tain-pen, ac . compa.nird by the tullewing addrate : To Elms Alice cork. Daus AUCs,- We. the memberiof the t'. K. D. clams. have met together this afternoon to ex- tend to you our appreciatro of the valuable envies you have renderedin oar Sunda/ U school, Since our organis.ou we have al- ways cad your willing and faithful as Nonose, especially in our literary work. in which cepeedty our place will be exception .11y hard to 511. Your bright and cheerful disposition ha. also greatly added to the suc rs. of our social meetings. /t,. Although se t very much to lose such a valued member rom our claw..41111 we are proud that from our maw ld.t goes one W 10 • R CO eatr.bce Immediate pleasures In order to better prepare herself to be of greater service to suffering humanity, we therefore t ke great pleasure its Bungr.telsting 700 upon entering one of the most noble professions in a won.ru's sphere. No doob. there will be lime. when the path of duty will be hard to tread, et at such 4n hour we wtoild ask you not to forget what oar class name segn[ne•, nau.ely, cbar.cter, OD durance and do v.,lion. Although dnnanoe a111 soon divide tie, still we feel that In yon we have • friend that bei her time nor dbt anon can eetrauge-"Time does not rust but brighter,. the links of the 'golden chain of frieud.h.p,-• We •,k you then. der Altoe. to n• -Dept this fountain -pen mite the be -t wi.he• horn the class for your snecese•, Slay God'. richest hie..Inge reed upon you and may your motto dmedians �nlans to be. "Follow the Klestil. Signed on behalf of the teaches and member.. of the t , F� D. etas of bmnb's Bill sabbath at•hooL PORT ALBERT, %% RDNESDAY, April 18. The Miser Mary and Grace McKen- zie apeut the Harter vacatloq at Tor- onto. Mina Della McGee spent a few days with her si.te,, Mrr. H.rbert Wilson, l .n et•i c h. Mgrs Victoria Swale, of Detroit, was up attending thefuneral or her graud- lather, Mr. John !Iwele. The W. M. S. of St. Andrew's church Watt at the, horse of Mas. G min, Dungannon; fart week. Pre. Li.,ds..y Marrows, of London, Wei ber- reraiding the funeral of hie McLaughlin L au ghlin , gr»n.lfst ter, Mr. bn Swale. Pt . t1' .liners Cwt ..K...,is home 1 oh lits 1414 leave. H expert , t. , go overseas shortly with. an a: titre; B• 1 cot pa from Toronto. ANo'rmER OLD SWITLgR Db.i'A RIR. - 1111 1410 g, ,Tt ie witn synipat5y we reeoed t. lies, Werk the death of an old plouwer, in the person of Mr. John female, who passed away on Wednesday of last 1 wiek in his ninety-etgltttt year. The late Mr Swale was a native of Devon- shire, England, and came to 13 aman- villi, Un'.. s wventy years ago and was joined by his late partner 1 two years later. Hr came to Quit' All 1t fifty yenta sago and resifted ' herr up to the time of his death. He is .orvlved by one son and two daugh- ters : Will Missals, of Sault. Ste. Marie, Mich. ; Mrr. D. Echlin, of Houghton. Mich., and Mrs. Helen A great variety of styles liurtows, of Port Alb r The re- uiarts trete interred in Pre Albert to pick from. cemetery un Maier -thy afternoon, the funeral serviceis being conduct -d by Rev.13. Gomm. The pallbearers were Messrs, William Vronman, Oeso. Fielder. Pie. Wilkes CutiningbaW. and dee -aaed's thine grert4.o oe. John, Reginald end Linder. Burrows. I Psi of sr i riIN. -We nnr proud to annoirece that 1'..rt Alliertb honor ' toll bears the name of one more brave Item one who is 0.0 Or rid to give up hi. goods p,ritino is, d his Stour income at the nail of King sod count§ y. on N.t TI*T •e.nine kat a rtn•.N.,r 111 (.4M1111I h the p.opir of y. N. No. 1. Aehfleld, 1 gra* lir r d s1 the house of Mr. (list ler iUrea iind nu honor of P.... Wallace I ha':e just received a carload of the nicest and 'best Buggies that can be made. Robert Wilson Massey -Harris Dealer Hamilton St. • THE COLBORN E STORE / • AL HOSIERY Right now when the weather is getting warm is the time when everyone is thinking about Lisle and silk Hosiery. Our lines are most complete id Lisle and silk in all wanted shades. White will be good this season, and we are in a position to take care of your needs. • Silk boot Hose in white and black, at 25c4 35c, 50c, 75c, *1.00, $1.50 and *2.00 a pair. Children's Lisle and cotton Hosiery in all siseaat 25c, 30c and 35c a pair. We specialize in Hosiery. SILKS Taffeta Silk is the favorite this season and nothing nicer can be had for your spring snit or dress. We carry all wanted shades and black, 36 inches wide, at $1.50 a yard. This is a soft Silk and one that will wear. Duchess Silks are good and we have them in all the colors, 36 inches wide, at $1.50 and $1.75 a yard. COLL 4RS Collars and Collars and Cuffs are greatly worn, and crepe and silk crepe de chine are the best cloths for Collars. Our stock is new and these Collars are made by au exclusive firm that makes nothing but Collars. We have many styles and a style for everyone. HOUSE FURNISHINGS RUGS LINOLEUM CURTAINS OILCLOTH We are all getting ready for house-cleaning and with it we find many places where some- thing new must take the place of worn-out Curtains and Floor Coverings. Our stock of these goods is complete and we are in a position to take care of your wants. Congoleu'm Rugs in all sizes up to 3 x 4 are in stock fcr your selection. This is the coming Rug and the prices are much lower than wool Rugs. A pattern for every room in the house. vol J. H. CO LBO RN E cce Cunningham, who has enlisted for the war. During the evening he was pre- sented with a handsome wrist -watch together with a well -worded address, the latter being read by Mr. W. Grew - ford while the watch was fastened by Mr. T. P. Dickson. Wallace responded with much fe•ebng, tbanking the peo- ple for their kindness and giving some interesting details of his camp lite. Rev. G. Gonim also gave an addreer. Then the gathering sang. "He's a jolly good fellow " The rest of the even- ing was spent In games and singing WESTERN CANADA NEEDS Thousands of Men FOR SPRING SEEDING Steady Employment and Good Wages For tickets and information arply to J. W. CRAIGIE, l suraace Goderich CANADIAN NORTHERN land in partaking of the lunch wrved by t he ladies. The gathering dispersed a little before midnight. all wishing Pre. Cunningham Godspeed and a safe return atter the war is over, which we all sincerely trust will be soon. Gukrantee.-Edell Ever-Readysefety razor and each Radio blade isuaran- teed by the makers to give fullest set. - infection. Razor end Preen Mader for a dollar. Sold by F. R. Wigle, drug- gist Goderich. GRAND TR Nit SYSTPM PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATION ---- NOW Arrange to visit some of the following points -all beauty spots -close to nature. Muskoka Lakes Algonquin Park Georgian Bay ' Lake of Bays Temagami Kawartba Lakes Full information and descriptive lit- erature may to secured on appli- cation to C. 1. MORNING D. P. A Toronto. Oat. a-_ F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS 'town Agents Phone 8 Call us up if there is a leak in your house. We will locate the trouble and have it pot right. That's part sof our business. We do ttitvestroughing, plumbing, tinsmithing, etc., and we do it right. FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER^ Hamilton Street Phone 135 Its Excellence is Within F.O.B. Chatham, Ont. Completely Equipped • Flenr-de-I.ye Roadster same price While the smartness and beauty of the outer Gray Dort is in complete keeping with itsexcellenoe within, it is the inner Gray Dort that you should know thoroughly, Here, tender the surface, is beauty of another sort -the beauty of sturdi- ness and efficiency. All the Gray Dort's component parts are rerharkable for their unfailing dependability, simplicity, accessibility. This kind of excellence has opened the eyes of thousands of motorwise men and women -and made them Gray Dort owners. Tt makes the Gray Dort a car that the whole family can use and enjoy. With all this quality, with complete equiprn ent, with 'big - car' refinements and conveniences, the (gray Dort is a moderate priced car-- .--and it is a supremely good car THE GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMITED, Chatham, Ont. T. 11 MITCHELL, N. A. TAYLOR, Dealer Goderich Distributor, Myth