HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-19, Page 3TIJE MINA AND ONLY IENUINE BEWARB Or IMITA- TION8 SOLD ON THB MERITS OF IINIDD'S UNIIEN' ■BDICAL iUR. GEO. Hi51LEMANN, OSTEO Al PATH. eysolalist to woven'. sad ebu dna s d urs.es. saute, :Amok and oervoasdle eiders. eye. ear, name sod throat, yyaartiel Lest eae, lumbago and rkeumatic 000dlthins. *4.- 4. roam et without the keit.. Otglae .t seeldeace, owner Neon and St. Audnwe treats. At ..d Saturday.: anyeveningby appglotmeot. DENTISTRY lilt. ILL G. Mat 0ONISLL.-HONOR (iredu.te Toronto University. Oredu.t• Of )College of Dental Sunman,. taaooes.or to the late Malmo 11.1e. Oaowu reser Square and West street. Oedrich. AUCTIONEER TWILLS WYNDRY AUCTION LER, U. W. aeBernal e desish. ns� �tbo,. prob mall r sal.d to. Re.ldeooe telephone 119 LEGAL _LI:. lt. HAYS BARRISTLR B•iLICITOR, NOTARY l'UHWC, ).TL. stlrfo . idine-fiterTsis hswell1. dam'ItYn Bssst. Meas Law Ismss sal iaearease PIIOUDRWT,YILLORAN & 000HE MLMLa ERs. $OLICITURtl, NItTAR11t]I PUBLIC. LTC. r. U atcb. w Ii .00tid sofrom a. Prhat. hod. to loan at lowest rate*. W. Paounroar, K.C. .1. L Kiuoaa. H. J. D.Cook' O. CAMERON, H. C. BARRIS T .olcltgr, notary meas. OakesuUtee Iatoderlcb, third dor fr. ��aaa�aereaa. At Cbntoa Thursday of each week in ea Albet t 6tre.t occupied by Yr. Wilco hour.Y a.m. to 6 pan. wAs a DARROW, LL.B.. BAR. ]{ attorney. soltat1or. ere., flag. Maass to hod at lown.t rata. 8EAGKlfa BARRISTER, SOL.V Idµ.'. Notary Public and Conveyancer, Court Rota' wearier. Diss I$SURANCS, L�Iis, ETC. M0Y11.1 OP MUTUAL FIRIt IN e U R A N C L C O. -farm and Isolated fawn psoperty assured. loaaolly, Pea. Uoderiob P.O.: J. Evans Vice Prat.. Bench wood P. 0.; m. Tee. It BBays, deo-Tram.. Smforta 1'. O. Dlreetore-D. P. .CU or, Seatorth ; John Asti..., Winthrop; K ,am Rion Constance. Jake Heunewelr. Bed rbegeu ; Oeo. SIcCertoey. eeafo,tb . Robert Ferris, Hartock ; Mascot. Yekweo. Bruoefleld. Agents: J. W. Yea. God, rice . Ales. Leitch, Clinton ; William Charnel, deafortb ; E. kissable,. 8eaforth. Polley -holders van pay aesse•meats and get their Dards reoelpted at It J. Morrlmb's Clothing Star., Clinton, R. IL 1-bU's Orseoery. Memnon sleet. Uoderfob. or J.11. 8.W1 Ueeeral Store, Bayfield. 1')(1000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO floan. Apply to M. U. CAM. N. Barrister Hamilton ar••t. 0odrrlob, WR. ROBERTSON. • INSURANCE AGENT. Mm Learmlae t British. Canadian and alcaea/ MID arPLOvcras' )Jam's. rev • Ooeaa Amides' sad Guarantee Oryrmtlon Limited, of London. Ens. ry rAND (it:s*.mras Bonds : The 11.8. indenty and Qua -wee CompanyMoe at . Ilars midgsooew , ortbet corner of VIo- David . streets. Phone 176. Pat ts, Trane Marks, igns \ tNtured n • A11 Countries. Write tor free book "PATENTS PROT6('- Tf(1N. Tell,. all about and how to get, pal vela BABU,Cit AL 9O\8. ertabll.hed 1177 formerly Patent t. Mc. Examiner, Mode of Patent Lw., Regi-tered Patent Attorneys eta.. 9S Bt. James Street. Montreal. Branches-- uttaws and Washington. Repre.entaUye* In ail foreign countrle,. B lite Leading Funeral Directors aid Embalmers The Best Newspaper Value in` Western Ontario Che tonbon Etavertfser All Mail Editions a? Per Year OUR OTTAWA LETTER 41*** **/** By 11. f. GADMIN1061000.0. Ottawa. April 14. -People round keep asking what the Burden Gu mei.t is doing with the %Var Mea Act to curb the high cwt of It Under the War Measures isemolwouely by o=ars of Parliament, the Govern' oar do anythios/ it wishes with laver, customs, prec edeote and bus arrangements of Canada if the e gvucy aria... So (pr as people can that'. about whole it ends. (ioterrament has tower to do wb likes, but it doesn't like to do it. K lib prices soaring .. they are Canada most Governments wool thinking of regulating exports wi view to ensbltng the people who i0 this country to get their fair • of the products of the soil at r'eamo 'able rates. But far from regula exports the Borden Government I of while rte particular pelts, the storage baron., bring on a coal tam by using oars teat tnight be emplo carrying coal, aa warehouses for t food products until they can find to carrythe rtufr across the ocean. 1n oter woide, the whole trans ation equipment of this country is. grace of the Burden Government, the disposal of the food barons, can use 11 or not in such a way as throw the whole economic scheme of gear. 1t is surely bad enough t they should use their own warebou to manipulate prices, but when t proceed to commandeer freight ear make it wore, it looks as if the W Measures Act ought to take a h ioBut 0,11 wi But that veil not rte while t6 den Gov.rnmer, t is !n o®ce. Its parent objee t is to band all the mon in the country or," to its ft leods food pirates. The munition work tally get high wages, but whet'. use when airy have to shell it nes all out for food to ear. The food rate reminds one of that grim old so about the end. rtaker, "I'11 nail you the last." The Borden Government is not in position to deal with the high cost living in a thorough root and bran way. There are two reasons for th One is that the B( rden Government teen responsible for the high cost iving through its fiscal policy. T other is that it vas put where it is combination of greedy forestalle d nervous financier who 6611 ba t under complete control. The B. en Government daren't do anJ this a mitigate the high cost of livin as to mter won't let it. If itregulat rices it w..uld be regulating its ow riends. if it regul.ted exports ould be putting a crimp in some te chief benefeetors' profit.. The Borden Government has been pains to avoid any run -its with t net of living that would prejudice t riende. Its Idea is to go through th otions but not to do anything th ill hurt. 1Vitb this object iu via here have been route half -doze oyal Commissions looking at th oo.t of living from as many differeu nines. They are encouraged by Lb rn Government to take a go, one look -end dot to be in a burry eke up Ib-ir minds. The lunge bey ran postpone their conclusion he wiser they will be-fr r the Horde monument. in the last two yea and a ball it wu.t have cost the Bo en (town Eminent at least a qu*Rer n million dollar. 10 pay erot.omic sou iesions of one kind and another t n ing out the debate on the high cos living until the next general electio over. In spite of this some of the oomnti one have simply had to report. The uldn't hold it any longer. The dn't want to expire as it were b7 uzion of time. Most of them had her work to do. So they tepertrd d the Government did nothing bout it. There were the more active mquiaions. The ether commissionsl}' d nothing at akad consequently Ade no report, which course, on the hole, suited the horde° Government en better. . A number of these high -cost -of -Irv. g commissions harbored a joker in e shape of the Cold Storage Ring of nada, who was planted in their ry midst so he could see what was ming and bead it off. This is how nest the Borden Oolrernment was ut the high cost of living. ft ced the Chief Operator at all the ategic spots where the news might expected to come Nest. o all these commissions another been added lately which is to go the high coet of living from te enUflc end. A distinguished scienselen- iumbeen teppointed at a distill - shed salaryto begin a reseerrh ht away. vidently he has a life He need tut report for a long e yet. He has asked a thousand er ',dentists to help him at nothing week buf� glory galore and elm( et thing is ore to come of it -except immedisf.e report. This is a great centratId effort on the part of nee net only to help the Borden vernment out of a hole, but, event - y, as we take it. tr Feed the Poor thout Giving Them Anything to his orientate inquest, will, of course, at it both ways.. It will not only t out idiom -natural and unnatural (teem. but it will eo doubt suggest itutes for staple articles of die' ch, under the Borden Government, e become too expensive for these ass. Theme subsiit.ues, one may , will be somewballmore palatahle • say, *inking one's teeth in the Iture to satisfy a hearty appetite. a matte's of fact, even biting the 'Lure omits too much, because. er a forty -flee per 'amt. tariff, Mare heeornrs too dear to act as a substitute. ay as a sub.titute for bacon and is mit of the question, because armyuses all the extra hay. n le ceap yet. ono raw bran taken hot water le maid te he good tor digestion, owing to its papillary nn. But the moment Premier en's ford barons get the idea that is in popular demand It will up fn price, as rise ham done al- p se arsittrtdy having mentioned their bearing as a su Mt y potable. And en it goes, eih: h• niked4 Rees to as • reinsert fir meat high et of Uving hut the fooHamrans get Hamra first and make It precious than rubles. The War res AM is about &a u.sted to stop gay fellows as if It. didn't here vern- .ue ea ving. Act, bot.b mut thew ine mer- eee, The at it In d be Lb a live bare ting oohs cold iso Ted heir hips port - by ■t who t0 out bat sea hey .to ar anndd e Bor- ap- the era the rly PI • ac, d p M c m w R Boni •m G ng at a of cis is. is of be by n ve 41. tg ed it of at he t. e at w 0 c id ro r a n re r- t t s- 7 7 d a m et of is sl CO di effl of an a co di m w air in th Ca V r co ear abo pis str be T has at acs tint gui rig job tim oth a any an con acre Go tial l WI Eat T go porn resp subset whi hay hope than turn As turn and furn food H egg• the Bra with the anti Hord bran shoot read ries for ins/ t the itam more Mesas UNDO TH THE TONIC THAT BRINGS IJE*LTN "Frv'I+IIm" BMW Up The Whole System Those who take "lrruits-fives" for the Ant time, are oftea astonished at the way if'bwlds Mem ap mea mates Mew feel biller all over. They may be taking "Fruit -a -fives" for some specific, disease, as Coastipatioa, Indigestion, Chrome Headaches er Neuralgia, Kidney nor Bladder Trouble, Rheu• matism or Pain in the Beek. And they . find when "Fruit-e•ti es" has cured the disease, that they feel better and stronger in every way. This is due to the 01tmdrrfr1 ionic profrenhes of these famous tablets, made from fruit juices. 80c. • box, 6 for $22.50, trial size, 25e. At all desiersor sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. exist at all. The Borden Government bas it In its mind that the vacant land problem is going to solve the food problem - bring the untitled roil end the returned twiddle re together and the thing's don.. This •chem. had its origin in the bright mind of R. B. Beonett. M. P.. or enure other Targe sequestrator of prairie land,, who would be glad to veil to the Government at a good ewiogitng price the broad. idle acres which produce nothing now but. faces. The Holy drawback to this scheme is that the returned soldier prefers the city. No lonesome, prairie faros for him where lie can toll.omely grow wheat which the Borden Gov. rnment will not let bim sell where be phrases. H. F. UAnedy. Replenish Your Blood in the Spring. Just now you are feeling "out of sorts' -not your usual self. Quite rx- bausted at times and cannot devote real euergy to your work. Sleep does not rest you and_you wake up feeling "all tired out." Perhaps rbeumati•w is flying through your muscles and joint., of maybe your skin is disfigured by rashes, boils ur pimples. Heat aches, twinges of neuralgia, fits of netvousnesa, irritability of temper. and a disordered stomach often increase your diseouifort in the .pang. Tbe cause -winter ha, left its mirk on you. These troubles are signs that your blood is poor and watery that t your nervep a, a exhausted. You must renew and enrich your blood at once I and restore tone to your tired turves, or tb.re may b4 a eomplete break- • down. The nowt powerful remedy for these spring ailments in risen, wo- men and children is Dr.' Williams' Pink PI11a for Pale Pe. p'e. became a tbe.e Pills cleanse hos blood and n etreogtben weak nerves, g 'NAI, - CODE ' ifH n PREPARING THE SOIL Pkat This to Do in (letting the Garden Ready, FEW TOOLS ARE NECESSARY haters venom a Diatag, Mating, amd Tramplentias Whack WOI Heap the Amateur to Get Warted (By a. C. JOHNBTON, Vegetable ap.elatret, Oster*. Department e* Adrlealture, Turuate.) The soil le the workshop la which le found etas of the Ceostltuents whMab go to make up pleat food. These foodh must be so treated that they will be La such a condition that they may be readily taken up by the slender rootlets of the plant so that the dant will thrive and mature. It possible add some manure to your tail and work it up well before planting time. This manure may be obtained pogsibt from various sources eloM to your home; livery stables or Arms dealing entirely with manure would. be willing to supply it at a reasonable rate. On heavy soils it L particularly recommended that heavy applications be made In order that the soil will be of a much liner condition so that it will rotas e large quantity of plant food. Man of the garlten soils will be beuetl by the application of lime. This may be secured from various sources such as the contractor and builder, lime and cement dealers, and may be in the form of fresh lime or even slaked lime. This lime should be scattered over the surface of the soil after the digging has taken place, and a sumclent amount should be applied to make the surface of the ground fairly white. This should be gently raked into the soil just pre- vious to the planting of the seed. DIGGING, It is necessary in all gardens that the soil be turned over at one 'time or another during the early spring In order that it may be- come dry and tined. We find that many of the troubles of the back- yard gardens are caused by digging the soil too early in the spring. One of the easiest ways to tell when the soil 1■ ready for digging la to gather a handful and press the Anger over it. If the soil in the band sets la a somewhat rwmpact 1114811 the time L not tar enough advanced for ,om- meneing digging. If, however, the soli fails apart into several small parta we may rest assured that 11 is perfectly safe to dig. OOLN. It la unnecessary for the., backyard gardener to purchase many ools for this first garden. Those who have been growing vegetables its heir backyard for a number of years gradually add to their supply until fter three or four years they have accumulated many special 1001s which are suited los particular oper- ations in the garden. Completats re somettnteu that"tie expense eeessary to commence a backyard arden ls very treat. Many very New, rich, red blood -your greatest need in sprung -is plentifully crested by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and with this new, pure blood in your veins you quickly regain health :and increase your .trength. Then your skin be- comes clear, your eyes bright, your nerves strong, and you feel better! sleep better, and are able to do your wo• k. Begin your spring tonic treatment today for the Mind and with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -the Pills that strengthen. These Pills a r . sold by most dealere, but do not he persuaded to take "something just the same." it you can't get the genuine Pills from your dealer they will 1.e sent you by mail, post paid. at 50 cents a box or six loxes for il2.50 by writing The Dr. R'illiatne' Medicine C.,., Brockville, Ont. if women were unahle'to ileo the floe clothes other women wear they would have fewer wrinkles. god backyard gardens have been made and excellent harvests obtain- ed with very few and comparatively Inexpensive tools. A digging fork or spade, a rake, and a hoe are about all the tools esaenal at the outset, and these are inexpensive. PLANTING OF SEEDS. When It has been determined that the soil is suitable for digging and the weather, is nice and warm, It is necessary that the seeds be planted In the garden. As fine a surface as possible should be secured, so that the little seeds will quickly germinate and grow. To Sow the seeds quickly, evenly, and thinly requires conalderable practice and care. The row may be made straight by stretching fairly tight a Piece of string from one portion of the garden to another and using this as a guide for making the trenches or drills for placing the seeds in. After the seeds have been dropped In they void at once be covered with soil gently drawing some of the loose ace soil In over the seeds with a e of stick or with the bands. This I1 should, however, not be heaped over the row but Should be plated enly with the rest of the garden fl and packed dew*. THINNING. Backyard gardeners ould not attempt to grow immense entitles at first. It Is necessary plant sufficient seed to secure a od crop of plants, the more slender rets being thinned out soon alter y are above ground so as to assure aaonable room for a good crop of althier plants. The thinning uld be confinenced when the nta are from one to two inches in ght and should not be left until plants have become long and nder, because if they are left one nt simply tries to smother another out; whereas, If they are thin - to the proper distance they will e room to grow to their required of maturity. [t'ANt(Pr,ANrp11EG, The elt7 eller will find it almost Impossible grow plants of first -elms quality such vegetables as tomatoes, ry, or cabbages unless he has er appliances such as a hot -bed, ch enables him to start the seeds early In the spring and some before they undid have been nted out I* the garden, In ordersho t he may are early crops. It is practice for him to purcbase ts which may be taken to the and garden and transplanted t out In the garden ata required nee and good healthy crops wn from them, and In all cams o purchasing plants only sturdy vigorous growing planta should accepted. Tomato plants to give best results should be eight es high, and the stalk should be tut as thick u a lead penell and ter If possible If the plants al - y are In bloom this may be eon - red • very good feature. The system of the plants, should hi e and having fine rootlets. Whoa aplanting Individual planar rare Id he take* to Boake sure that e a gond deal of soil Is left o d the mot of each plant sh by When volt pick up a rretty girl's surf handkerchief it is permissible to is ,wonder how she came to drop it. *p ev so HOW THIS MOTHER Got Strength To Do Her Work Fair flavin, VL -"I was sn nervous and rein down that 1 could not do my hnuw'work for my little family of three. I had doeb,r.d1for nearly two ,years without help. r day 1 teat shout t incl, and thank. to it, my health has been restored se i am doing all my homework once more. 1 am telling all my friends what Vinol has done for me." -Slrm. Jarrrm if. EDDY. Vinol le a combination of famous tonics which we guarantee to build up the weak and run-down. H, C. Dunlop, druggist,Oorlerich, Ont. Alsoat the test druggists in all Ontario towns. Mtknv a loot man. &flet purling his foot in it, Isn't satisfied until he gets there with both feet. Marriageable roubles ar-e fond of star gar.ng beeaume the% are prop.rly rgaipped for it. When a candidate places himself in the hands of h:s friends t maltase. his pocketbook freely. MAKE PERFECT jit&emo__ BREAD YEAST CAKES 1 '/‘ 47:17 WNIFT77T511 sh qu to go pia the re he oho pia bei the ale pla ono reed hav alae T dw to of cele nth whl very time pla 1 tha good plan hack,y orae dist* gra ache and • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RO Tnuaseav, Aram 19, House-cleaning Time Easter now over, spnng cleaning is the order of the day. Our house -furnishing section is at your service, with the best stocks of Carpets, Curtains, Oilcloths, Lin- furnishirigs have greatly advanced, many lines almost -impossible to get at any price ; notwithstanding, we are able to show all goods at very little advance over former prices, and in no case have we sacrificed quality. Carpet Squares in all sizes for every room We have all the above sizes in Tapestry, Velvet and Wilton, at keenest prices. Scotch and Canadian Linoleums Nairn's Scotch Linoleum in block and floral patterni;` the toughest wearing Linoleum to be had, 4 yards wide, $1.00 uare yard. Canadian Linoleums in block and fl patterns, extra heavy quality, 4 yards wide, 85c square yard. Linoleums laid free of charge, meas ts taken and estimates given. Best quality Dominion Oilcloths, all wid in block and floral vattems, 50c square yard. Stair Carpets Stair Oilcloth Cocoa Mattings Curtains and Curtain Katerials We are showing a very large assortment of &at is new in Curtains and Curtain Materials. - Windsor Marquisette Curtains, from $2.60 to $8.50 pair. Marie Antoinette Curtains, from France, at $4.25 and $4.95. Pointe Arab Curtains, very handsome, $3.50 to $7.50 pair. Nottingham Curtains, from 60c to $3.95 pair. Curtain Nets, Scrims, Voiles, Marquisettes, Madras, Muslins, in great variety, from 15c to $1.50 yard. Handsome Silk Draperies for overdrapes now so much in evidence, from 50c to $1.25 yard. jap Mattings Grass Rugs Mail and telephone orders a specialty • • • PHONE S6 Millar9S • • Scotch Store PHONE 56 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 41 • • • • • • • • Lit•l- th'ngs trouble us and lit le I hinge console us. Only a fool will pay twice for the Winne experience. Why not glye your boy and girl an opporttmay Maketheir home steeds easy aril r, them the same chances to win pro- motion and telecom as the lad having the advantage of NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in his home. This new creatioe answers With final author- ity all kind. of puzzling creations in history, geography, laiography, spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, and sciences. 4111,11110 Vocabulary Terms. 2Tee Pegee- Over 6111110 Illustrations. Colored Plates. T1. sal, Moamar, wit DI•14.1 The type matter is equivalent to that of a 1 IS -volume encyclopedia. More Scholarly. Accurate. Convenient. 1 sad Authoritative than any other keg- s Bah Dictionary. REGULAR AND INDIA- 3. PA PRR WRITE for FREE. • set of Pocket Mane it you mune tha SPSINOIngt.D. MASS. Illigrusittuumuseowlitihrumuutai What We Do Electric Wiring, Metal Work, etc. , Prompt attention to all jobs, large !or small, and general se pair work. W. R. PINDER Phon• Hamilton Sit rivet IThe Store of Quality Often the Cheapest - Always the Best W. WALKER IFurniture Dealer I and Undertaker House Furnishinv, PHONES STORE 89 it ES 197 GIRLS WANTED For oftlee work to till the place. of men hn nave gone oi are going to the front Voting women eau render he rollout.) rail .ervIce hy preparing to take poritionr In bank. and biaine. special Cour.er of training In Book. ketmlng. Shot theta, and all other Com- mercial mbJeete now in Progrwa Student. admitted any time. Ilitot rated catalogue tree Northern Business College, Ltd. o WEN SOUND, ONT. A. FLEMIND. Principal. AT EN T TOWS ADVIBEHe ich will. be sent tree. MARION & MARION. 114 University it. Muntrial. Suits to Special Order Semi -ready Suits can be made to measure in four days at the shops -,-from $18 to S45 -a precise and perfect fit. British Worsteds. Serges and Tweeds- -Dress Suits or Corduroys --Outing Suits or Uniforms -- every garment of fine custom - tailor finish from any cloth pattern you select. to select from. McLEAN BROS. The Special Order Depart- ment is equipped to make dr,- ?rhed tile time -with efficiency method. and expert tailors. Thi• great sholesale tailoring .teni ha. revolutionized the men's garment trade. The price and the trade mark is on every genuine Semi -ready Suit Or OVerroat. GoderIch