HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-19, Page 1t Printing TRH SIMNAI. is reedy to handle your Printing wurk, large or ssall and give you a ssthinetory job s+erj' them. Lot us Uwe year neat order. Telephone 35 The Signal Have You Forgotten x to pay your subscription for The Signal for 1917 t We need the money, and it you are in arrears would ask you to make payment promptly. DO IT NOW l k B1x1Y NINZTU TEAT -$S - GODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. APRIL 19. 1917 THE tlN1AL PRiWTINO 00.. LIMITED. Pt ■t.aau THE STJNKspi OF CANADAw SAVE, Because -- When opportunity knocks, your bank book will be helpful. AUCTION SALES. tLBARING AUCTION SALE OF HOB$E)i HACKS. CAR1t1AGEO, WAG ThetLElGh,i, LTC. the ent et. of1�VrtuarBLt■U7 Thomas Gendry. auctioneer. ha. received in• sell y public metier* on the memfrom the undeseigned ProPelethr t• ber.. at the livery .table, South areal. In the town of ti meericb. on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1tb, osmmencing at 1 o'olook p. oa. sharp. the fol- lowing ealaable property Mots*. "Pearl" and "ivory. a pure whit* Lena, mare and j. Ming. pre betty .ound. oed all ideal pair for hack and I..ery m oyo.o•. e 'lever Medan in the show ring. Soh," Mews gelding. 1M kande bleb. a Aret-•lea,. road Mires. Never beats In a .how ring. IoM" ob .tout Melding. an extra gook Ao very and rd berm." Doctor." bay gelding. an emir' goad ell -round livery bores. "014.x. bee mare a thick hardy driver. "Jimmie. bey geld- s useful quiet °river. " f s. lr.- • good t IRV mare, a edm eudid fat.y driver. •Lary..brown mate, a Mos prompt roadMer `-Fronk." hay grm.kling. good driver. and ailerons annoy hoes. "To- geo•rel purports gelding, hn -(oey." bay Riding. a useful fellow. -Peart-• handsome brown airriege mare. to foal. "retie," a roan mare. good driver and quiet. Sed in foal. "Das kis." • black raiding, 4 yeer• old. an extra good rued home. Pour .00tid'r bred cotes, moth( rout yy cr�reyear. old. All above or.e•ere M by ladle, ear ae• not afield of auto.. H•et., Ca .Mateo, rte, -Two tubber -find. 1 Mit landau in splendid oon1111on: 1 rubber tired brougham. with poles and .hatt.; 1 rub - bemired Victor... rr 11b pulse add shaft.; l to °wring,. 1 wagonette tbpawsnger ), 1 band noses.. wile_ °MomlItaps.ee0aeee $ nn- beetiscd Burr le, 3 raar-,rred obsebop•. 1e rubber-dr'd sato resat ogee.. a .Wt dread male .sat lop boggie•, I delft cry mope: ipa.-merer entry, Ins $,4-dw.s em,otd11 or been overhaul. d this wpring. All the ..00pprv• article. are in Oro ninon oeadlWs bad rnoey( Mem are practically new. `!! Meitrbe. Crater.•. Robes -One tbeetdest d plNvy de .pmu gk ri'.. t two...mod ple- i/ta •kNdoo!�1 •F . 4on, 1 S-.. Lad p•es.M'0 *AO. 1 0 tee* rut ter. 12 Pardeed wetter*. 1 memo rut mum, 1 ..et of oounmerrialeie `bs. Ise( of dray .14.4.1 delivery sl.. tab. 1e block bear robe". 4 gray Rat cube., • .umber of rugs. demur', whip.. etc. Marne-.. atm. -Two sets nickel hack Menem. 1 set nick- 1 carrl.ge beerier.. I *4. gtsidh.e double dslving hared•. 'Jets btasy team bar- sem. lanaerie. 1 set mingle heavy dray barneas, 4 eat. doge surrey herrn.. ie rts single delving bernesa Irubber and goldlnel, baggy and ear. keg. pole.. block.. ropers etc.: 1 roil -top wrlt- 4sg deck Roo °Mee furniture. 1 feed furnace. 1 water trough and numerous other sic elem. The above i. all In good condition and every- thing tuna be h• premien d e. treUrhe ngProprietor Ifrom the Uvery beetine-o. Timms -All suntsof inn end under.caah:over teat amount. seven menthe credit will be given lest ge 4 per furnishing sttrraightved JOint noted. A allowed for dcw.at nt .h a. credit. amount.. THOS. GUNDRY, PM. DAVIS.s Auctioneer. C. A. N91.3.1. Clerk. 3ait TOB &ALL OR RENT. 1'AfRM FOR SALE. -IN FIRST- CLASS eseditton. ntaoty acre.. Fine young orchard. Good born and stable.. also good frame house The. la splendid fall wheat land and a good maestri sent. Price $3..31.. For further p•rticul•rs write to BO7i flet Ooderich. Ont. 1m UCTION RALE Or HOUSEHOLD igtFURNITURE.' 'TOR PALE. -HOUSE ANL) TWO C WTS on Kreps street. Frame house. containing eight room., all modern lair, teeotr, Mee ..auction •od eon .'enlent toCollett ate Inrutute. •leo eve saes of lar,dsltoat d on the Hayfield toad, .citable for rust ket garden log. and two lots In wart rod o town, rherie abbe building bus. Apply to JO N K-. 8ALt:- LLD. phone 243 r7, or ISAAC BALK ELI), il9 rho R. R. No. X. (ioderiol. 1E46 There will be mold by public auction at the houne of PUBLIC NOTICE. ( JUDGE HOLT'S DEATH. • The National Shipbuilding Company, Limited. f)UBLIC NOTICIS 18 HBHEBV I given tbea under the First Part of chapter 'N of the !teetered Statues of Canada 1968. known as " The Cumpouleu Act." lettere patent have been lssusd 41011111.1 Lb, Seal of the beere tary of State of Ca0$a. bearing date the 13th day of March. 1617• incorporating William Haloes Hutchlusao. of the (Ity of St Cath minor, to the Province Of Ontario. ooretraotor. and Robert Gordon etewart. contracto-, Krtmat Arthur Larmontb and June. Donut. Cunning- ham, arcountante, and Louis Cute, barrieter- at-law. of the City of tames, In the Province of °uteri°. for the following purpare.. viz. - lel To carry on the Duetosw of iron (maniere mecbanloal eogureers &rad manufacturer. Of ..cline.. machinery. tools, boiler makers. mllt- w te. machlne.t.. Iron and steel converter. smith.. builders, uetallurgi.t., electilral ea- rIneer.. water-oupply engineers, carriers ••d merchants.; to buy, will anafacture. repair. convert. let on hire end will, le emitter. bWims m.rchmery, implement*. rolling .took and batdwers of all kinds; to build. buy. aril. equipp,� operate and own et..msbip.,.10am- n„st week. boaW .ening .bite. boat. and other property to carry at the buslnenes Of general met rac- tote for the r.onotructlon aid equipment of P them Sop private woo it. and of merineers . 4bt To apply fur, purcha+e or other. I. ear quire. any parent., brevet. d'Invrntlon, he- reon. os..ei .too. sed the like. confirm -it any exsiu.lve or naso-exclaelve or limited right to use, or o07 secret or ocher tpformritlar se to my invention wblch may aseus capable of beteg rued foe a••1 of the purpo a of the com- pany. or the acgahrltlon of which may erten calculated direct y or Indirectly to b-urnt the Company. and to use. elen lee, develop or grant 11001 4,00 re -p. et 01.0, oib•a wi-'e turn toac- Meet the prep, rt). rights or lnformatl..0 .O •rqulred : tet ro enter Into teartner.blp or Into any ar. ratyemeot for .harm; of profit.. union of lm tweets, re-operatlen. jolot edr enWre, recipro- cal neeoe+ria. or aberwbr, with any psnurr or ooespaoy ~Irving on or engaged In, or about to earn on or mirage In, any busine-or or tewn.aot oe "'bleb Ih. Company le authorized W carry o0 or engage lar, or any bu•loees ur transaction rumble of being merbi:ted w .s dleectly or indirectly to benefit the Cowpony. earl to pal for the erne In cool or partly to o a+b std p.rt11 in paid-up ••hares of the capital stock of thin Company or wholly in ouch paW- u p shame ; (d) To take or other. lee weirdo, and bold . hare. In any other company hat lug objects al- together or in part similar to them of the Cem- pnny or carrying oo ae1 busbies. oapable of Coth- ran so as directly or indirectly to benefit the Comwoy. notwith+u0ding the wisdom of.eeeettbbnn 44 of the cold Act ; operations of the Company to be carried on;throughout the Dominion of Canada and eleekthere by (be mune of "rhe National Ship- buildke( Company. Cron.". - with a capital stockone handfed t hou0.n 1 dollar.. divided into 1: Flares of one hued ed duilanleach and thechief place of e.. of tbe said Moths.. Company be at the Town of Godericb. in the Pr- , ince take. Dated at t oboe of the Sew teary of S:.W of Canada, the tub dray M March, 1917. Walla ttf Maty Months Terminated Sari, Wednesday Moroisg. Judge Holt, who .ince August last had been .lying almost belplem at his home, the result of • stroke of peral- ysb passed quietly away early Wed- nesday mooning, deeply mourned by the people of the town In which he bad lived for forty year.. The funeral will take place from his home, North *tenet, oo Friday after- noon. at 2.30 o'clock, to Maitland cemetery. Judge Holt had been junior judge of for county of Huron since Decem- ber, 1902, and for many years previous to his appointment to lbs bench had been prominent in municipal affairs, se well ass in his profession rue a barris- ter. A more extended account of bio lite will be given In thew columns ICI 1]OUSE FOR SALE. -STORY -AND- ♦ -HAL! frame house. in ped ooadnion, on Al:mimes greet_ Apply to MISS VAN - sroN E. Silt 10 RENT.-11OU?H RI 111 - 0 Ir 1 .part out mass sr. North Root • m.t: roos and beth, boon ilod Sot laundry. amodern ' 000venlenee.• newly deoot•.ted and molly heated. Rest rt000.ble. A.U. POLLEY. 31441 GOR RENT. -MODERN HOUSE ON r Gloucester Tenses Apply to JOS. C. GRIFFIN. 117-14 CRAIGIE'8 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS The following is • list of properties which 1 have for male. awl on Investigation proapeete e bujen will and that the prionr aro put down MIta. ROY It. FREN1'H. Brock street, on BATURDA Y. APRIL 21. t, at IAD o'clock, thefollnwtng : Ona ,ldebowrd. I extension table. 1 toupeRe.2 hanging lamp. 3 parlor tablet. 3 rocking chair., 1 bedroom melte, 1 Iron bed, 1 wood bed. 1 fall -leaf table. 9 kitchen chain.. . diningroom chair., 2 baby rocker.• 1 high chair. 1 cradle. / hand,lelah, 1 baby cwt. 1 coal range. phono- graph. cosi oil stove, '2 screen doors, A roller blind... Term. cash. AP -2t T.!GUNDRY. Auctioneer. MUSIC. where the properties can he purchased W make some money No. 4 rlae red brick bouas, fully modern. to renew fuH be.emeot. corner East and Victoria knee. TW Mese of the meet deslrahle prop• cities' In the town of Ooderloh. Price CUM.. No L Hae red trick house. fully modern. altleM� water beat leg. 7 00..113. tall baoeese,,4. sitaaMi moot .Me V icteric street. This is the bas: icy In town. Price .Pose. No. 2. Now rad brick Buse, lust built URS. ebrovie ligneendbeeh. 7 mese, two we with tree trees and rued martian. mon araUahle pard 1r. desired. *tuned eget .ids Herm read. Good bey 1'r,oe tti.lrlt No. 4. White brlmk, 44.tery. 7 -room Bou+.. bate and els, trlc light.. Good barn. two las alta fruit trete +Iteated ou the oorner of Cam- eron and Reglan serest.. Price 41.3eu. No. 5. White brick 9 -room house. all modern eoevenlermre, bot water beating, drepLp in Heine room and parlor, Stunted on the terrier of Nelms' anti Cambria. Prim .7.911). No. It Freme house, 14 story, a rooms tau tole with [reit trees, situated on the west side of Wldder street. ,,Price Wen. No. 7. Frame house, 7 rooms Sed bath, two lots with fruit trees, situated on Warreo street. Price sou. No, It Block of nix of the boot garden lot. in town. eltea*ed on the west side of Huron road. Price 4479'. � No. 9. (hie of the, choicest building lots its rown,eit tern on the Cr .cent. Full Sze lot. Several other Itetlngs can be had ml applica- tion at the °Moe. Number of house.. to rent. Furnished and Unfurnished Summer Cot- tages. Wanted to Ren'. -Six houses, with all conveniences, at once. J. W. I'RAIOIE. Insurance and Kral Estate. between O. T. H. sod c. P. K. Ticket Phone 24. �HEO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. G. 0.. motL. D. C. M , Omelet end t'hotrmadler.of ('hurch. Tauber piano, voice Gegen. Pupil. paStudio lated fur examinations. - Nelson .teeet, four doors east of Dr. Hunter.. NORA E. HURLEY, L U. M. T.aehrr piano end Moonlit' work. Peplls prepared for examinatlo0.. Studio, 8t. David's street.- FOR SALE OMoe OMoee. WANTED. WANTED. -MAID FOR GENERAL housework. No housecleaning. Apply to *RA GIGO. PRICK. Anglerea street. cont F,OREMAN TOOLMAK'R WANTED) -Good pooition for expert mai State an .od expert. nue. TAYLOR-F(NtBRB COMPANY. LIMITED, Guelph. not. Sgt ROOFING MILL ENDS CHEAP. UneptialNflTot dlea 1,nlitry hoses e�an�mddlatger meta A limn- tai rtunnt.ttf of Mali- oodag for Mk cheap. Write mforl i sampeods of les Ind price... 'Address FA('r11RY DiSTR[BUTORH, Box IR, Hamil- ton. Canada. 07-4 E�f tiOM FOR HATCHING. -FROM x rnDted I&ying ettaln Hair lhplrrelese. 11[[ tt�tloWEf.f.. +JILbt- C1 K E D POTATOES. - C Il 0 I 0 E' k -wrote Delaware potstese for sale. Win make fine used. R. it ELLIOTT, Box 4471, Oodmich. Phone le rt. Ged.eieh Rural. Mot WEED OATH FOR MALE. -FREE A7 hbm w.04- ed. No 72 *ate a d Banner oats, Olde om; money CLOT eUN. 0. BoR. No, 1, GoMtich. Phare 1414. ReehrIMI 57 -tf y'OR RALR.-ONE AUTO TRUCK. capacity ti bona. Suitable for express' ellvery or farm work. Pneumatic tires In front, rear arts, the Roamed Internal gear -drive Speed. Ir to se miles per hour. One nag Sete car. tamed body: to carry uhtnps��� craw... Pneumrelie tiresteaod, Doro Mp he seep Meth' v • tor R artkvalibiro n and ad of "bum THE PAON4' GRAIN DOOR OOa lti -KAI ASALE .-ODA R POSTS( Al B. C. alio -Apply W. T. RI u mbon. 90 THOMAF MULVET. Yt44. .Under-Ilecrst n ry 01 State. NOTICE TI) T Hlghe-t pries Mid and all kinds of junk_ make tome mosey. Meese $ot _ PUBLIC. WANTED. -A MAN TO TAKE chirge of • garden. Apply SR -t DR. CAESAR. WANTED. -TO RENT BY RELI- ABLE tarty. from May lot. for eun.nlrr menthe, small furnished hornet or cottage with modern convenience.' • west end of town yre- ferret.. state full petlbelael and rent. BOX 11, SIGNAL 11IRLtt WANTED. -APPLY GODE- ill RICH KNITTING CO. i khats of fid iron e. nor chance to U27.. ID BROWN, THE LADS IN KHAKI. OBITUARY. WILLIAX CSO0BY. On Monday, April 10, there died at the age of seventy-four year* William K. Crosby. of town. Mr. Crosby war horn in Ireland, nut moved to Sot t - land while quite young. Thirty-four years ago he came to Canada sod un- til &boas • year ago lived at Belted, in this 00440(7. He was married twice( the second time, about eighteen months, mill, to Mrs. John Hamilton, of Goderieh, who survives biro. One son survives. Wm. T. Crosby of Tu1- sonburg, Ont. The funeral was held today (Tb: redny) from his reeldence, Palmer/Mae street,•o Green Hill ceme- tery. Leeknow. Among the relatives horn a distance pi esent wet a Pte. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton, of Toronto. BEDFORD ROTBL BAR t KR SHOP. -I hat. opened a barber • •'next door is Ne Bedford Bot -i. inters I sm - , • to give prompt and 4Walar.erexre. ' Ou WM- 0rs. Give mea call. O E, )HON IAT 01. 37df ' CARTAGE Having enlisted with tire 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I. have made arrange- ments with --Mr -Nelson Veo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and fromemy old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any huslnes.s entrusted to Mr. 1'eo during my absence will be carefully attended -to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H.'JANE. Telephone orders to Mr. Yeo, No. 167. 1'he great victory of the Canadians at Vimy Ridge was not won without the sacrifice of many liver, and Gods- rich odsrich has paid a part of the cost. The news was received on Sunday by Mr. W. L. Eliot. manager of the,,Bank of Montreal, that his son, Limit. Lionel Hyman Eliot. bad been killed in ac- tion on the nth io•t. In JUDO, 1915, Lieut. Eliot gate up his position as accountant in the Brink of Montreal at Hamilton to enlist as a private In the 58.8 Battalion, stationed at Niagara. Ten days Mer he was made • corporal, anti a few weeks later he was offered a commission in the 75th Battalion, for which he qualified. He went across to England in April. 1910, and • few weeke later to France, where ho served with distinction in`tbe fighting on the THOMAS NTVRDI. An old resident of Godrt•ich, M,. Thomas Sturdy,died on Wedne.day, April 11, at the borne of Ma brother, Mr. Oswald Sturdy. Church etrret. The ed was born in Godericb tow seventy-five year* ago and spent most (Obis life in this vicinity. For a aumhe r of years he lived near Port Arthur, being engaged in mining. The latter pert of hie life was spent in Goderieh, where be engaged in bust near from time to lime. He it sur- vived bytwo .istersand two brothers, Mrs. Robert Acheson. rat Hol ierville, Mr.. W. J. Cox, of „bow., George StuidT of Goderith township, and Oswald, of town. The funeral to Maitland cemetery was held last Friday an, noon. The services were 000dtaded by Rev. A. 1.. G. Clarke, rector of Mt. Oeorgr s church. The deceased wag • member of Maitland Lodge,-No..ffi. A., F. h A. M.. and lredthis eigNteheasel t�g•welw iisy Lawrence. Capt. A. Lew.nn, Wm. McLeod, Walter Sault', ,lames Con- nolly and Alex. Obrystal. For up-to-date Shoo Repairs, try Smith & Ring Opposite Knox Church. East Street. MEN WANTED FOR RUBBER FACTORY GOOD WAGES Apply in person only, ant ,lby letter, to MEETINGS. 9PNL OP TIRE & RUBBER THE OODERIUH ELEVATOR AND LITRANSIT COMPANY, Mt1'ZD. The annual meeting of the .haeehaMers et the Limited, will b. heldh r in in and theTroom. above Unite. Unite. Bank. North Orem, Oalerloh. on WEDNESDAY. MAY 2nd. 1917, at 1.1n p, m. for the eteetloe of directors for the miming yearend t he tranea Kion of shy other bumble.+ that may proper) be brongRht before the meet (n - g. (Signori) O L. PARSONS. Secretary Trim..neer, Ooderfeh. April 1Ath,1017. • • Why Not Grow TornafdesP More money In growing them than Beans and you are sure nfthe prise. Everything Is higher, therefore we are paying More. Com. In and see CIM and we will explain how to grow them. 8111111111 Uniting & Evopel lit,IC D. P. HAMtrga. PROP. GOODS COMPANY, Ltd. 244 Trobiji ACC; Tinemhe (Timekeeper's Office) l Makes of the famcue Dunlop Tree - tion Tread and Dunlop Special Tires. and Rntber Hose, Belting. Packing. etc. A SWEET TREAT. Candy Man Has a Surprise for You turdsy. .41 . . s tie LiEUT. L. H. Ei IOT. Oameron reports having unexpectedly wet Co,lo,al Huntly Ourdun un the street in Loudon. Gordon had just1 Western Farmers Wdl Now Have Beoe- RECIPROCITY IN WHEAT. arrived from the front 1r. France, sod stated that be load been recommended for a Qnnlmimion in his Battalion, the l8lh. Huotly's friends will all be glad to bear of this, for the promotion cer- tainly comes well deserved. tie was snot up to London W take some.epl'cial Coming, which one does not get at the iron•, to quality G r his new posi- tion. Cameron further states that Corp. Gordon is now the unity wan of his original platoon of the 1818 who is Mill on duty. We often thought this Lucknow soldier was fortunate in coming through an much without a scratch, but' did not think that his luck had gone so far as to single him out air the last man lett of his platoon. On the Banks of the Somme. Away laid yon battlefield's thundering din, Where heroes are fighting. determiued ;o win A victory for Empire. for freedom and home, They *rand by their guns on the banks of the Somme. Aye. ready they stand. their face to the toe. At the 'round of the bugle &Dread,' to go And battle for freedom, whatever may come. Or lay down their lit or on the banks of the Somme. Then where they struggled and there where they fell While facing the foe In that mit eir of hell. They ..tend by their color. 1i11 victory i. won And the foe driven lack Ou the bank. If the Somme, But many brave hada who went Into the fight Weeir� Sot able to answer at roll call that night. Aneftumrades who wrote to their loved out.* at home Told of many brave deeds on the bunks of the Somme. Somme. 0 r the 1st of March last he was ie the severe e.Qgngement in which his commanding dfflrer. Col. Beckett. with several other o®cera of his h.t- (alion. fell. only four officers being left. As his death is reported es oc- curring on the 9th, it is presumed that he way in the assault on Viwy Ridge in which the Canadians coveted thewselveg with glory. A lett. t' received Ilie week by Mr. and Mre. Geo. Williams from their eon Clifford contained the statement that Lieut; Eliot had won his raptaiucy on the bat no word baa been received Trott" 1IW1,eelf to this 'effect . Lieut. toe Capt.) Eliot, who was in He thirtieth year. was the only ere, of the femily, leaving, besides his parents, two sis- ters. Misses Gladys and Phyllis. With the bereaved family the whole town mourns the loss of a brave spirit given up oo the Held o3 -amour. Oar friends J. A. Campbell. the dri : int, J. E. Rohhins and H. T. Edwards, confectioners, have made arrsngeme• s with the manufact1rerg of Patterkri • to give s free taste of this new cant to visitor* who drop in on Saturday fternoon or evening. Patterkrisp is a dnew delicacy OT the confectioner's att, which has 'net with tremendous favor in the lig cities, and the people of Ooderich are to have a chance to try it, with a free sample, on Saturday. Ranted -Strictly fresh egg.. Get our price before selling. DEAN BRos., Gods rich. . Monday.. May 7th, annual Baby Da at R. R. Runtime studio, every child under eighteen months may have its photo taken and one copy free. 4 t. Todsy a man likes the Idea of get- ting what he wants, and when be wants it, and go where he likes for it, and plank down "hof•. money." Ree theta go around the corner to Prid- haml the Tailor. North Street. - in the drug line, more than any other. people det>osnd a quality guar antes. We crake a practice of selling trede•tnarked, advertised goods end to the rnenufecturer's guarantee w add our.. 1f you are particular an to quality, buy from E. R. Wigle, drug gist, tiodericb. NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE A('PI.Es. PLUMY', C7HBRHIES, P1[ARA (standard and dwarf-thedwarf , used where *pace is limited) ±i pear o hardJe a odd invest- ment. properly handled they brit for The a basket. ALPO EVMR(9RIeVNR, VINES, MHRISRR AND ROSIER `Persons wlsbjng nnreery stnck •hhnld send in orders early, in order "to be sure of securing jt r BENMILI.ER NURSERIES Rur.l phone eel R.R. No.4, Oodetich SEED PO TA TOES FOR SALE Three carloads to arrive, starting next week. James Lloyd & Son 6t of United States Market. Ottawa, April it1.-Tbe Canadian Government has put wheat and flour, on the tyre list for the putptee of t b• tainiug the free admi..ion of Cana- dian wheat to the United States through the Underwood tariff, which fixes for admission to the United States a duty of ten cents a bushel on wheat. forty-five cents a barrel on Hour and ten per cent. ad valorem on other wheat products coming from countries iwposiog a duty against American wheat and Hoot. This departure was decided on at this afternoon's Cabinet council. Or- dinarily ouch tariff changes •re made lonly by act of Parliament, usually at the time of the budget. In this ease the war measures act is invoked and without going to Parliament any or- der promulgated under it■ authority acquires the force of • Parliament al y enactment. Canada has heretofore loitered 12 cent.. a bombe! on wheat and 60 cents a barrel fn Hour with an addition of 74 per cent. ad valorem war tax. By the order made today all of thew, chergee against the admission of wheat and Hour to Canada are re- moved and on and site: April 17 whest and Hot.. enter Canadawitbout custom.: charger. in its statement of reasons the rioc- erou,rnt .'eclatee that. while for many. there was a good export demand for all grades of wheat, now, owing to tonnage bring rho rtened by war, only grain of the higher grades le exported; that owing to thole conditions the 1 rice of lower gr..des of wheat in now lower in Owed*, than in the [Jutted States ; that advantage le bring taken of the situation to keep down in Can- ada the price of ;lower grades ; that es • special appeal is being made for increased agricultural eroduction, the Canadian fanner should feel he can obtain the best prices fur his products. Most recent returns bbow that there are 102,000,000 bushels of wheat in storage in Canada. Of this 36,000,1100 bushels will be required for seed, ford and Canadian milling, leaving 67,000,- (5*1 bushels for export. Free wheat has long been a policy of Sir WVilftid Imurier. Even after the defeat of the reciprocity policy he strongly advocated tree wheat as a measure in the general interest of Canada. The wild dowers may blossom' sod bloom o'er the gave Of the boys who died fighting. ,se young and do brat And the vacant chair stand. In the war -sad dene.l home Of the lads buried there on the banks of the Somme. But when It i. over well 'look back with pride On the deeds of our heroes who fought cud wbu died, And oar'4 anoals will tell In theatres to come How t'u,allan t.oy. fought on the M.A. of the Somme. - It E. I.. The many friends of Corp. Lewis M. Elliott, of the IOlet Battalion, will be pleased to learn that he has almost completely recovered from the serious illness that incapacitated him for 113v - et al monthr after his batulon reached England, and that he )'aa rejoined the Hurons et Wille Cap. In hie let- Ilprs bowie Corp. Witley .peaks in the warmest tonne of the kind treatmen! toilet was extended to him ibrouehuut k4e Maass asci the enteequent prplod of cnuvale•eenre. He was made wel- come In some of the finest homes and wherever he went he received the greatest kindneee and consideration. On Wednesday *Morning the war was again brought home to the people of Ooderich by the receipt of news of the death of Lieut. A. G. Nisbet. He was killed on the 10th inst., doubtless while taking'pat•t with ,the Canadian ferries in the great advance now pro- ceeding in France. Lieut. Nisbet was • son of Mr. James Nisbet, of Glasgow, Scotland, and carte to (7anad5 and to Goderichin the fell of 190(7 to join the stall of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce. He soon became a great, fav- orite, and his death at the early age of twenty -right years ib ttineerely mourned by $ host of friende'in town and country. Atter leaving the ser- vice of the Hank of Commerce in January. 1912, he engaged in the in- surance husinesk. In 1915. when the 71st B,ttalion was organized, he took an active pert in recruiting, and after spending the following winter at Galt, where a portion of the Battalion was at&tinned, he went acmes to England in March, 1916, end later to France. He was married five years ago t o Ming Laura Carey. daughter of Mr. O. F. Carey, of town, who survives him, with a little eon. two and a-ha1F years of age. The bereaved ones in mourn - Ing the loss of one who wise so dear to then) have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire townspeople, And the friends who knew him hest will re- member him always as a loyal, gener- ous friend and a dear come rde. CHURCH NOTES. Now York Branch of Union Bank. Owing toe the very large incr.asr in the busim'sa of the Union Hank of Canada. a branch of the Bank has been recently ''i 'nitd in the city of New York. This ,nrrangement will enable them to handle in a most satin- - fectory rrpp&nner I ty note between London. ghat., the' ['tilted States and Canada. The Hank already has two offices in London. Eng., and over tht*e hundred branches in Canada ex - hording from. Halifax to Prince Rup- ert The total assets of the Bonk are one hundred and nine million dollars. Rep. Jas. Hamilton will conduct the morning errvice in Knox church next Sund.y. In the ev g Rev. 11. C. McDermid's subject will be : "The Fruits of s Life Cnnqueal." Rev. R. J. McCormick, of Blyth, will preach in Victoria street Metho- dist church next Sabbath, wuruing and evening. rhe pastor, Rev. J. E Ford, will he at Hlyth for the day. The subject rot discussion at the Men's Sunday Club at North .hoot Methodist nhurch next. Sunday morn- ing at 10 o'clock will be : "What part of the church cervica should be most sacl'ed 2" At North street, Methodint church next Stu,dalCansr•ning Re -v. W. K. Hriger'..ubject will he : "The Bible -its Meaning and..Ynlne." Evening subject : "Life'. Christ Place's-Geth- semane.- Rev. lace's-Gethsemane.Rev. G: M. Holmes will preach next. Sunday in the Bapti.t church. Morn- ing subject : "A Plra for Ubat ity." Evening .uhject: "Why Is Our Future Wrapped in D.rkncm. Y" A cordial welcome t r strangers and visit ars. The annual business meeting of Vic- toria Mosel, Epworth Lemgue was held oat Turadey evening and the following officers wets elect. el f.•. the 00011ng year : PreRideut, W..1. Mair : 1st vice- president. Maud M Ilion : Sod vice- president+, Ivy Elliott end Winnie Gledbi.l ; 3rd vice-president, Ha•r.• I Fletcher ; 4th viee•presidkent. Bertha Down ; secretory, Olive McNee . treasurer, limey Thompson : pianist, Lily Newell. Lieut, W. Proudfoot also was evi• dently in , the great fight at Vimy Ridge. Hie father, Mr. W. Pnoudfoot, M. P. P.. received word on Saturday .hat he was admitted to hospital at Boulogne on the 10th inst.. and on Sunday a cable wan rrm.•ired fr,w him at•ting.-that he was. then in the hospital at Reading, England. the in• jury is a gunshot wound in the left forearm. Lieut. Proudfoot was In- telligence officer in hie battalion and would thus be in an advanced position during the fighting. This is the second tittle he hes been wounded. Some mouths ago he received slight shrap- nel Wounds in his right arm. Art ing f.anee•corpnrnl Ernest Th-mp.on hoe beet. ant' ly wounded in the neck hy gun.hot, according to a telegram r.eeived on Saturday by hie father, Mr. William T.omoeon. of town. Ernie enlhted in the 910 Hot- faIimi at At. Thome. in the opt Ing of 1916. He crowed to England in June and within a few weeks reached the trenches. Until the present action he bad escaped untouched. The young man referred to in the following paragraph from Tho Loick- now Sentinel is the son of Dr. D. M. H quality Ilalitcount's,tree. BisokaGin�. Gordnn, of Lucknow, and a nephew of y a Me. John A. Harrt'on . of Ooderfob : delicious ice .ream In bulk or bricks iR a recent letter kew Lieut. E. for all ocea*lona. 'Phone 2444. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Spring has come. The outer doors - at the poetofmce have been taken off. The non jury assizes will men hero on Monday, April all, before Mr. Jus- tice Masten. -The monthly imitating of the Red Cows Society will be bold in the rout house on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Who will make a move for a lig First of July demonitration in (lodes rich, to celebrate fifty fiats of Cons fedetation ? Mr. George Woods, principal of Saltford public school, hair forwarded to Canadian headgnsrters of the Bel- gian relief fund the gum of 522.211, con- tributed hy the reboot for Allis pur- pose. One of the old buildings of the town, at the corner of Weet street end Waterloo .t..' 1, was torn down Out ing the past we. end the in aerial re- moved by Mr. ll. K: Revell, of God. - rich townshie. Thin huilding was one of the landau.' ka of We.t suer et. and during ite time had been nerd for many different bus(nrs.ee. The regular meeting of the W. M. M. of Knox church was held last Tues- day afternoon, the president, Mrs. Hume, in the chair. Intro tooting pa- pers on India were read by Mee. tteachan'and Mrs._McNally. Mrs. Mtrschan ,was appointed deiegete to the Provincial W. Al. M. meeting to he held at Kingeh:n on Mav 1st, 22nd and 3rd. The meeting cluser7I with an In- spiring prayer by Mr. Strachan. The IA. M. M. social will be held in Knox church thin Friday evening, Apn i1 2018. An address by Mr.. Hamilton and a good musical program will be given. Silver collection-. Ladies, bring gone knitting. , St. George's Church Services. Friday evening, April 20, 7.410 p. In. -intercessory service for those wring In the war. Sunday. April 22nd -Matins and Holy Communion at 11 a. m.: Sunday school and Bible ..lass 3 p. m. ; choral evensong. 7 p. m. A special collection will be made for the relief of our fellow -Christians in Armenia and Syria who are most rrnell persecuted for their religious faith by the Turks. NILE. Mins Grace Plunkett, of Auburn, has Iwen engaged ee [meeker in the Nile school, and commenced her mot k hete cm Monday. AUCTION MALES. RAn•a.Av. April 21. --Acct ion sale of hewn - hold fureit tire. prom rty of Mrs. Roy R. French, Roark AMC!. . Ocvuay. auctioneer. BORN. BLACK. -In Itodr rich, nn .tpril M. to Mr. and Mr.. Wiilfeere,-441ar4-144:-ilavld'w .tesot.- a daughter IElizabeth H.leu 1. ,IOHNMTON On April 1'. to Mr end Mr.. George Johne' n. Cambri& nee, (lettere:h. e .Ori I [Molise Reginald). DIED. 2l, ILWAiN,-in Ooderir•h town.hip, rn. Wed. neoday, April 18. Ramrtel Mcllwefn, age.i 73 yeast HOLT.-In Gate rich. On We'does4ay. Apel 18. Philip Holt. Junior judge of Huron county.- aged el years. In 74 'gro :.y. Aprii PI,. illiamK. Crosby. FINNiGAN.- In Wert Wswwnosh. on Tees. • day, April 17, Thomas ',Inatome. aged 17 year.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- April 19. Pair Men Wasted-Dunk',-Xlre and Rubber( Grads Co, Toronto........... Reader ('. N. 11 _ .. .... ......... Patlrrkrl.tr- J. A. Campbell, 4. E. Rabbles, H. T. FA ward... . d hoofing Factory M-Mbutore, Hamilton..., 1 Egg. Wented Dean Brae 1 Anneal Mos[Ing-llodertch Elevate,! rose- ate°. Limited. .......... 1 Maid Wonted Mr*. Geo. Prise' .. l New York Branch- Colon Bask _.. ... .