The Signal, 1917-4-12, Page 7Sunlight Soap The inducements offered with common soaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to snake pure soap. But it costs YOU less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes it saves. It does not wear and rub the fabrics as wmmon soaps do. Js•oo0 r..ra.tee of same; wilt every rale of s.aiKlt Say BRUSSELS. George Henderson, draymen, pro - chased a floe draft team from John Williamson, of %Valtoo locality. He purposes keeping two teams going. Edith, the young daughter of Harry and Mrs. Keys, had the misfortune to tall recently ing1 break h.'. right limb. Ube e'en ill for a Iona while with • break in her left leg. The public school,trusteei hoard has mea red tate enviers of Rise Brace IllYaMe of Matas, as emeseeeor to Visa Bell, teacher on the public school staff, who lied to desist on account of UI-bealtb. Dan McDonatt, formerly of Brus- eels, who has h -en owner of a large swot market business in Chatham for years, has gold out and is moving to Henson, where he has bought another' business. ler. McDonald is a son of Mn. }tote. Kerr, of town. SBA F )RTU. The asnusl spring stock show held THE $IGNA1. - CODERICH, ONTARIO COUNTY and DISTRICT Rory McKay and family have moved hack to their farm, 4th concession, Grey. from Brussels. The death occurred on Wednesday, April 4th, of Mrs. Wm. M•'Le•d, a highly esteemed resident of Ethel. Her husband survives. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jardine and A. Helbein left fn: their home at Tu - intake, Sask., last week, afwc open ling the winter at. Corrie. Robert Maxwell. forwetly of the Bluevale road, petered away at the howe of his son, William Maxwell, at Leamington, on Tuesday. March 27th. to Trinity church, Fordwich, on April 3rd, Shia Josephine H aibstock and John H, D. M -)eat, of Toronto, were united in Mart iage by Rev. W. H. Holiest.. John McNair, jr., of Ethel, sold to A. L. M:Donald four cattle. averag- ing about fifteen months old, which weighed 3,010 pound.. They netted about $1011. Mee. Henry Doer, East \Vawsnosh, received a cablegram recently, an- nouncing the death ot her stn; Pte. on April 3rd was quite a success. Mr. and Mrs. Page have removed to London, where they intend to reside. Miss Marion Watson and Miss Era coat left recently for New Yntk kr take • course of training in the Roosevelt hospital. An impressive memorial service was held in the Fit•vt Presbyterian. church on Sunday evening, April let, in mem- ory of five '-dung men connected with the congregation who have fallen on the field of battle since the beginning of the war ; namely, J. T. Hutchison, Elwin Rivers, Scott Hays, George Mulholland and Fs ed Wen. As the wear her *urine up the simple life looks more and more like the genuine article. While you are waiting for opp tr- iunity to knock at your door she is probably waiting for you around the corner. Manyt a man with a barrow -gauge mind has lost hie• mental balance by attetnpt•etg M entertain two or more ideas at the saws time. 1 .64 ode. `r '.. ?. • ti Ia ,p'.rl++.�a�y;aa�v�"c].y► •y'(�yr•{.S!:eV:S: Vi~ ulnar To Cily, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario. Keep hens this year E(',G and poultry prices, the like of which have seldom or never been experienced, certainly make it worth anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something towards helping Britain, Canada and the Allies achieve victory this year. Increased production of food helper not only to lower the high cost of living, but it helps to increase the urgently needed enrolee of Canada's food for export. It saves motley otherwise spent for eggs and poultry at high prices, and saves the labor of others whose effort is needed for more vital war work. The Ontario Department of Agriculture will give every ponible assistance by affording inform*tion about poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens (address below). "A vegetable garden for every home" Nothing should be overlooked in this vital year of the war. The Ileparfinentearnestlyinviteseveryone to belp increase production by growing vegetables. Even the smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro- duces a surprising amount of vegetables. Experience is not essential. ()n request the Department of Agriculture will send valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direc- tions for preparing soil, planting, cultivation, etc. A plan of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in tilt garden, will be sent free to any address. Address ktters to "Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Ontario Department of Agriculture W. N. Hoare% MlaleSsv .t wgree.lsar. Parliament Bulidiwgs Taranto tt 1 as r 1RL COULD THURSDAY, Arlin. 12, 191? 7 week after spending the winter in Florida. The new Carnegie annex of the Clin- ton public library. with ita eight How She Was Relieved from Pain by Lydia E. P nkham's Vegetable Compound. Taunton, Maas--" 1 had pains In both sides and when my periods ram. I had to stay at home from 'work and suf- fer • long time. One day a woman Dame to our bowie and asked my mother why 1 was suffering. Mother told her that I suf- fered every month and she said, ' Why don't you buy • bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? ' My mother bought it and the next month 1 was so well that 1 worked all the month without staying at borne a day. 1 am N. G. Prang. His name appeared in ARIn good health now and have told Iota of the casualty list as wounded. I giro a about it." -Miss CIA/tics lcs MORIN, The death occurred de Saturday, 22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mas March 31st, of Richard Parish. of the Thos of girls suffer in silence let concession of I, eboi ne, in his sixty- eighth year. He le survived by 66 wife, one son and one daughter. At the • Methodist nar.onag.. Cred- itor:, on April 4t4s, Gertrude Muriel, daughter of Alb -'rt Xing, of Stephen, and George T. Yearley were united in mart loge by Rev. C. W. Baker. A highly esteemed resident of Turn - berry township passed away last week in the person of Mrs. John S,ott, in her seventy-first year. She is survived by one son and one daughter. J. D. McEwen, who r •cantly sold his farm on the fleet line of Morris, has purchased a flfry-acre faint in Hullett township, two and a -half wiles east of Auburn. He takes possession at on*. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wearying, Wroxeter, au Wednesday. April 4th, when their ,bly daugbter, Edith. war united in marriage to John Drew, of Cenuington. Puss. Roy Cettanach and Frank Roger, of the I6.3rd Battalion, and Pte. Are- his Rogers. of the 122ni Foreatry Battalion, spent a few days at Fordwicb Iait week, this being their last leave before going overseas. ' A resident of Oranhrook had from 100 to 12' pounds ot home-atrowr. pork borrowed from his woodshed recently after nightfall. The meat had been slightly salted with the intention of completing the curing and putting it away in the cellar. \\ i11 Edward, of Belfast, left. on Monday morning with three carloads of horses for Saskatoon. Alex. Agar went in charge of the bosses. Mr. &tward• expects to he ...demotion for his uncles, the Irwin Bros., for the summer. as they have given him a tarn and outfit as a gift. A quiet wedding was solemnised at the Metho diet parsonage, Crediton, on Tuesday, Arr 13rd, when Miss Laura Blanch, only d tighter ot Mr. and M • s. Jonah Siwe, became the bride of U. la Watson, merchant, of Exeter, the ceremony being performed by the Pastor, Rev. C. W. Baker. After revers) months' illness the death took place at the bowe of her son-in-law, Wm. Brook, concession 7, tl.terrne, on M such 28. of Mary Hatt - bah V' rren, wife of the late William Johns. in her seventy-fourth year. Mr. Johne died over thirty five years ago. Three ions end three daughters survive, How's This ? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by H.Il'e Catarrh Cure. town', Catarrh taro has been taken by ca- tarrh mirerers for the Vast thirty eve year, and has u.ecorns known a. the most reli.ble remedy for cat .rrh. Hall'.. catarrh Cure Seta through the blood on the mucous surface•, ex. pelting the polann from the blood e.nd heating the diseased portiones After you have taken Hall's Catarrh ('are for a .hors time you will are a groat improvement In your general health. Start taking Hal. a C.t•rrh lire at oeee and get rid of oatetrh. Send for testimonial.. F. J. CHgv BY t 0.0., Toledo. Ohio. Sod by all druggrataa W[NG HAM. Capt. N. H. R ars spent • few day,. in Wingham la•tweek, it Icing his Iaet leave prior to going overseas. Gast week W. 11. Gurney purchased the Kent Mock front the W m. Davies Co. and will convert the building into a glove factory. Joseph Ypung passed away on April 2nd, in hie seventy-ninth year. He wart torn in Ireland and came to Uun .ds over fifty years ago C. J. Rintnul, who recently sold h;s farm on the Bluevale road, has pm. - chimed John Leathnrn'a Mick reai- denre and will move hie fatnity _t, town. Mrs. Bremen received the wad news last weep -that her son, John, hag Men kilted in a wreck ori the C. P R in Manitoba. Ile was born in Morrie townshit•. Mr,. W. Underwood and chlldrin left last week f .r Toronto, where rh.v propose residing in future, Mr. Un 1. r - wood having risen employed in that etty for some time. d, Lloyd receieed a cable from x.iR nfireeently informing him that Dia son. Richard. had Leen wrlo',aly ialdied. Mr. Lloyd was a merhh'r of I . AvieGott Corps, EXETER. Mrs. S. (1. Rewden, efts- a visit of several months with her ;..,,n'• here• left Inst week for her home at Edmon- ton. Pte. No,tnen Hockey was home from S'. Thornes last week on his last leave before ening overseas with the iMrd Wellington Battalion. Mrs. John Down parsed away on At ril find in her seventy-ninth year. !she w.ab ,en in Devonshire, England, and mane to Owned* et the age of flee year•. Her hueheind predeeew.ed her nine years. Five daughters and four sons survive. Maj.rr W. H. Brewery, of the llgth North Wal.rk,o Battalion, and foe- sltier ly of Bsetar, sent word last week every month rather than consult a phy- sician. If girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging -down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion would take Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetabTP Com- pound, a safe and pure remedy made from roots and herbs. much suffering might be avoided Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mase. (confidential) for free advice which will prove helpful that he had found it impoasibie to go. to France as inejor with is own bet - talion and that he had transferred to his home county battalion, the 161st Hurons, as lieutenant. A Good Medicine for the Spring. Do Not Use Harsh Purga- tives—A Tonic is All You Need. thousand volumes, was thrown open to the public recently. Elton Rosell has come to Clinton from Hastibge, Michigan, and will as- sist his brother, Ernest Rose11, in farming operations. Mrs. Rosen and sons will also be hr re shortly. The Doherty Piano Company, Ltd., of Clinton, has been reorganised and the new company will he known as Doherty Pianos, Limited. Under the new management the business will be confined to wholesale. Several retail branches in the \Vest have been dis- continued. A very sudden and unexpected death occurred on Monday of last week, when Miss Fanny Hellyar was suddenly 'stricken while on her way home from the Collegiate Institute. She fell on the sidewalk after running up a slight grade and death was in- etant.neous, Prow heart failure. Not exactly sick-ybut not feeling quite well. Tibet is the way most people feel in the spring. Easily tared, appetite fickle, eotuetiwe. headaches, and a fe-ling "f depre.sion. Pimples or eruption.. may appear on the akin, or there may he twinges of rheuma- tient or neuralgia. Any of these indi- cate that the blood is out of order - that. the indoor life of winter bas lett its mark upon you and may easily de- velop into mord set loos rou'.Ir. Du nut dose yourself with put•ga- lives, as so many people do, in the hope that you can put your blood right. Piogatives gallop throu th the *yet ,u and weaken instead of giving strength. Any doctor will tell you this irtrue. What you need in t,peng is a tonic that will w.ke new blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Williams: Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this speedily, safely and surely. Every dose of this medicine wakes naw blood wbich clean the skin, strengthens the appetite and makes tired, dentes -ed mer, women and children bright, active and strong. M,s. Maude Begg, Lemberg, Hark., says : "i can unhesitatingly reeouw- mend Dr._\Villesne' Pink Pills am a blood nwlder and tonic. 1 'was very ruucb run down when I began u-ing the Pella and a few boxes fully retttored wy health." S •Id by all medicine dealers or by mail et 3d cents a box or six hn=e• for l $2.50 hoot Tt,e Dr. Williaine' Medicine (.n., B. temente, Out. LUCKNOW. Moorebouee Mitchell arrived home recet tly from a trip to England. Chari. Whiles has gone to Spanish, Algoma, where he will remain with his bother for some time. Pte. Grrion Smeltzer, who was with the signalling corps of the Bruce Battalion, y on has way bottle. The young ladies of the Methodist church recently purchased a new piano tar use in the Sunday school. Lucknow is planning for a big field day on Monday. June 41h -a King's Birthday c.l•-br:.time. The celebra- tion will be under the auspices of the Lucknow Pairiotic League. Adam J ,hnston, who for some years has been in charge of the elec. Vic light plant, has decided upon a change of oocunation. He has bought a fate in A•hfleld and is offering hie town residence- for sale. A horse's -driven by 'Philip Stewart became unmanageable one day last week and making a dash aceoes Camp- bell street plunged through the plate glass window of W. J. Davidson's furniture .tore. The borse went right through, but the rig coming in contact with the window sill brought him to a halt and be fell among the broken glace and furniture, where be was unh'tched and led outside. The horse sultrred a'. few alight cute, hut the furniture was Moo no wit,e damaged. Mr.- Davidson est imates that it will take VW to replace he glare, Lint as it was iusure,1 he will •ot lose by it. HIS FIRST •' Frank Poster Writes of His an Avis Mr. and Mrs. Adam received the following their non, Frank, who is the Roveh Flying Corp+ in _ The letter is dated March 1S : Der Mother and Father, -'the ani, iourly-looked-for hut sometimes dreaded day catHe at last. i did niy , first "solo" today, i. e., my flet trip in the sir alone. Before going up the Isquadron commander came over t. my machine and asked me if I had confidence. Answering him in the positive, I taxied °Hacro►s the'drome. Two machines were landing, so 1 closed the throttle and brought my machine to a standstill. Flintily. the way heing clear. I put my Machine nose to the wind. As I opened the throttle the engine replied and soon nay rev. counter indicated a speed of 1,7110 revolutions per minute. By this time ttlp machine was speeding overs` the ground at, forty miles per hour.` Bump, bump, bump-?hew•... off. Pull- ing the "joy -stick" hack towarae my •'tummy"the machine asrendedrepidly First 100 feet, then 2111, 300, 4011. Eas- ing the joy -stick i flattened out heady to take the first turn. By a •cry sliµbt movement of the control, the machine banked and 1 was gliding around et an angle of 4l degrees. 'The turn over, we sped tirugh the air, overt fields, wonus and villages. Before f realized it rhe machine had climbed to fill0 feet. Colder and colder grew the atmosphere. The wind pr serve on my face was trent- endow'. We were speeding through the air at seventy miles an h My mach'newari4ow compared with Hume, which do ninety . rune hundred ' miles an hour on the keel. I By this time 1 was getting quite a distance from the' aerodrorne. I booked for famitier landmarks. 1 spotted "Iron Crus. Wood," 1,000 feet below. it gi t its name from its pec- uli„r shape. I turned homely/tad and i tried to get d•.wn lower, but the ma- chine raced . ft at eighty miles en 1 hour. Finally i noticed the hangar of the atoodronre away in the dis- tance. They resembled small chicken. coope. Coming nearer and nearer, I wondered whether 1 would melee as' good a landing as when with my In- st• actor. i real zed that even the elighteat tuiFjudgwent meant a rre.h and perhaps "fl.,wer." When still al- most a mile away lr.rm the 'dr .me I nosed the 'hue down and throttled the engine. Monte, tuily I left my sent as the machin" rt arced straight for the ground far below, but I was ti49p settled comfortably again waiting and waiting. My barometer showed that 1 was dropping a little too steeply. 1 flattened out. slightly and the speed soon dropped from sixty -flue to fifty wiles an boor. Nearer and nearer came the ear h. Knowing (but I was Ming watched by all the men in the flight -for ru(h is the custom when a pupil dorm his first solo -the iusperse is very great indeed. A yi ry slight. mistake means a had landing and p -r - haps a ',mashed machine. At the right moment 1 that. n d her out. 1 a.uld we the earth ten feet helots. (lraduelly pulling the j ry-stick to. wads airy"tummy," the machine slowly dropped towards t he ground. At teat i felt her Gtuah and skin. lightly over the ground. She soon came to a atandetill and 1 taxied her hack to the hangar, where an eager crowd were wailing. The squadron commander tame up to me acid In- formed me I had done very well in- deed. 1 hate to do five hours solo Irfors 1 get my Aeon Club certlfleele. Tien I will he e. n' to another egnad- ton whet they have fsarer machines Y ut toying won. FRANK. Trio as !e Men with Common Sense are taking to our Bach- elor Suits like ducks to water. Good reason why, too. Notwithstanding their good looks, good work- manship and good wear- ing qualities, they are the biggest bargain ever offered to men, being the first guaranteed trade -marked, nation- ally known clothes to be sold at HE X165° is sold exclusively by McLEAN BROS. The Square Goderich Printing -?JOB AND COMMERCIAL %itbe n a t a CLINTON. The Y. M. C. A. war fund will ex- ceed $1,000. Clinton's spring show took place last Thur witty. J aMes Doig arrived in town last NEW YORK MAN NOW FEELS SPLENDID rt is omelets to look for bag taM while yens kidney, and ',ousel aro eM of order. Seek Health first, sag wtaa it will roam that ►S.y.at kampla.M that money .lone can never bay. Tram nice Tork, we learn bow s FO TALL KIDNCY$ Ms ldpud sae was to imam ea! itrig. .awed /Q. dee. Moan, of ISO SMWt Sa.,Ifw Teri Pity. wos trembled w/ kidneys wat w recommend.. bre se- a .e a7 try year ! FILL r=s.d a box at a Narby drag ewe, 0.4 MS tr,tkfally say that taw have bees weaderfolly .roetive awl am See Malt splendid " It yes Imes myet.e ret kWilseya es m..e• teenbim. write tedlsy ler a tree (roapis w GM Pills. or k from ygg#Me t see. a x. . 5 benne ter SLIM Nalies.a) Drug i C1.enieal Cu. of C.n.da, Limrit.i Tevensa, Oat - If it A/41sf1a - 1* Dsa,o0, tea !es MO at,, list.).. a T a NEWEST SHOE FASHIONS - FOR EASTER The new shoe styles this season are strikingly handsome. The shoemaker's art has certainly ex- celled all past efforts. In patent, kid and Havana brown leathers, we are showing an endless variety of the latest creations in button and lace shoes, also pumps and strap slippers. The moderate prices asked for these really fashionable and pretty shoes are sure to meet your approval. — REPAIRING • Geo. MacVicar side of Square it takes an unusually grind man to wake good in a public office. P NNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED ,This is an old-time saying, nevertheless true. WE find in going through our stock that we are overstocked in a'few lines which we are going to give you the benefit of. RE -NU -ALL every rson kno how good this polish is for furniture and fl s. To red ottr large stock of this we will sell \the $1. bottle for 80c land the 506 bottle for R 35c VERIB ITE POLISH The 50c bottle for 35c STOC FOOD Anglo-Saxon Stock /+pod, 50c package for 25C Auglo-Saxon PoultryFeeod, 25c package for........... 15c Anglo-Saxon Heat Cure, 50c package for25c International Poultry Food, 25c package for 15C NAILS The great advance in steel and wire has cattsed wire Nails to take a great advance, so tnuch `flo that we have to sell them at seven cents per pound. We have several kegs of tut which -we are offering as iottg as they last at 7 pounds for '. 25c LAWN MOWERS Yott will renterhber last Spring how you hatf, to wait to get your lawn mower sharpened and your g t winced Of you. Why not notify us now and let its send and get your mower and put it in good working order when busi- ness is quiet, so that it will be ready for you in the Spring ? BICYCLES Does your bicycle require overhauling ?' Now is the time to have it done so that it will be ready for you when you want it. Plumbing, steam -fitting, heating and electric wiring. Do not forget that we carry a full line of goods to do any of the above work nn a moment's notice and all work neatly done and fully guaranteed. Chas. C. Lee Phones: Store 22 The Square House 112 (loderich e ms ... --woos.. ,riraans:e