The Signal, 1917-4-12, Page 1•o .-«., e- lir-ve' -A prem.. r,.,. ';.t. ;r-.1^'wrw►e.. 1 Penang THE SIGNAL is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give yon • satisfactory job every time. Let us here your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal y sr on a L Renewal Time This n, the time to renew your subscription to Thr Signal - before the price a advanced. Your dollar NOW ensures you fifty-two weekly visits of Huron's best ..id brightest paper - The Signal SIXTY-MINETH Y1 k -tie alb GODERIOH, . ONTARIO, THURSDAY. APRIL 12. 1917 THE:8IONAL PRINTiHY3 CO., LIMITED. Pusr.mnss O F CANADA e-es.sssr�rw. It is what we save rather than wh$* we earn that insures a competence for the future. AUCTION SALES. /1LRAHINO AUCTION BALE OF l HOHYICM FLACKS. CARRIAGES. WAU UNS. SLIGOIIe, ETC. The entire content. of a brae and fully equipped LIVERY Si AHLIt. Thorium Gaddry, auetiooeer. bre received {n- or uoUo.ps from rho uader.tgosd proprietor to MU by putelc •notion ata the pramL.... at the beery table-. South creel. to the town of /eedcrbh, ou WKDNEPDAY. APE 1 L Nth. cetumetnclug at. 1 u'deck p m., sharp, the fol- lowlu" vluab:e property : Horror "Pearl -and -Ivory." a pun white team. mare and gelding. pa•(e ely sound, sod an sdexl pair for back and livery Vu'po.e•. Never be.ten iu the shear clog- ' Hob." blown gelding. (14 hands high. • findl-dor road borne. Never hasten In • .bow ring. " Lee." ebe..tsut gelding, .o extra Wood livery and road Mesa. "Doctor. " My gelding, se extra good as round livery Moewr. "Haat" bay mare. a send thick hardy driver. "Jimmie,' bay "old- ie". a mete) quiet uriver. 'Resale," • Rood thick grey man. • eadedd tams) driver. '-Lucy," brown mare, a nine prompt roadster. an -Frk," boy gelding. road dr ver. and a armor .errey horse. -Tom." teeeral purprs,e gelding, "C barky." ba Riding. a useful fellow. "Pearl," a handsome brown carriage mane, in Mal • F. -eye." • nen more. good driver and "Met, •ed In feel. "Deckle.' a bbu•k gelding. 4 year. old, an extra good road bore.. four nrd.ret heed color. noing y year* old. All the Morn e • or -....n• tan, teeny quiet : can be driven by I se n. • . mai a• a oce ah a id of autos. Hoe.. Ca elate*. etc. -Two rabber-tired. S Melat I+ndau , is splendid oondillo.; I rubber - tired broughem. with pole.. and sha(l.; 1 rub- ber tired Victor' , wltb pole.. and ..haft.; I top csrrlege, 1 waton•tre (n-parenge. t 1 hood wagon wtlh campy top 1ln pare ngerl; 3 mem bet tit ed surrey.. .i rubberreed 0suitittlair. 10 rubber tired auto seat Doggie.. m eteel-tlren sato amt top bugger. I delivery wagon: 1 Ford a•as.weueer auto, in. lite.. -oras condition, hue boon overhauled theeerie". All the .bone toed... are i., 24.t else. eaodkNs and sort of tbso are pewte kally new. Sleighs, (..,iter-. Robes -One t.hree+rated fia•.ryr�.Ldib oars .tMlttg.. 1 tan d al save wlmtftl fan paetta 1 • a.+•Licit pima. otea.rtr. .M1ge 1 awe -a... cutter, 11 Iortlaad d 1 pima r ox cm la, 1 .el of cee'i rrl•1 .lel lest of dray -b Isle. 1 dewier suites. 16 b eek bear robe.. 4 array g, at robots number of rot.. deetaty, whip.. et*•. Herne -o. etc Two et* nickel back kerne.... 1 art nirk.l carrtoge harms.. I en gtldloe loubb d,1. Ing borne.., Vette bra. y team har- esr...d set ,Intle heavy dray Mimosa. 4 see ..here .arrey Moa... tY ems angle drivler barn..+« (rubber and .oldinel, buggy and car- riage pole.. blorke. ropes. ere :1 reeltop writ - Mg dank •nn ofaee furniture, 1 feed furnace. 1 wrur trough and numerous of her article. Tyke dhow bell 1. good condition and every- thing moat be sold. a. the proprietor h., rented the premise. arid is reurtr.r from the livery besinew. 'haws All cameo( Ste and under.oaah;over that amount. seven mosttt4�.'oredlt will be given 0o furnl..binr approved Joint nom.. A discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed foe each on etedlt •WOant. Thos. GCNI)RY, T. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer. Proprietor. C. A. NAIRN. Clerk. (lilt AI.1'TiON SALE There will be sold M public auction at the village of ('ort Albert. Huron county, on FRIDAY. APRI L'Ipt.h, at 1111 o'clock. the following( valuable artleles Five pa..enter Maxwell touring oar. fully equipped. good sie new. Movable "orate, lox•*d, frame. partly built of dressed material. Om parlor nook hooter, a• good as new. line rmoline woe and burner with erten. One "..cline tank. rape:ity 71 gallon.. One dinner .et W. piece*. including a num- ber of gins. piece. A Qauantity of Rood rubbe-. aortale for auto- mobile psi remelt . A number of pipe wrenches, hammers- bit., pipe couplings. and other article* too nu moron.. be mention. Term* cash. A. SCHUMACHEIR. Adminietrator of the Estate of tee law J. (3. Kautz. THOS. GUNDRY. Auctioneer. It AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.' There will be noel by public auction at the borne of MHA. ROY R. rRItNCH. Provk street, on 9ATURDA Y. APRIL 21.t. at 1.30 o'clock, the.following : One sideboard. 1 extensile,. t.ble, 1 lounge. 2 banging lamp. 3 parlor twhlea, t rocking* bei d, 1 bedroom .site, I Iron I., 1 wood bed, t fall-resf table, 9 kitchen chair.,, 6 dlningoom rewire, 2 baby rocker., t high chair. 1 cradle, 1 h.odslet"h, 1 baby rant. 1 coal range. phono- graph. onal oil stove. 2 .rreen door*, t roller Mind.. Terme rash. 1191 T. (IUNDRY. Auctioneer. MUSIC. HBO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. O. 0., L. D. C. M., Orstanist .nd Cholrmaeter of nox ('heck Teacher pang. voice, organ. Pupil. prepared for examinations. Studio -- Nelson suer.. four doom est of Dr. Hunter.... NORA E. HURLEY. L i. U. M. Teacher piano .nil theoretleel work. Pupil. prepared for examleatic0. Studio. 8t IM.M'• Mreet. Mit TENDERS .WANTED. TR1fDERA WiLL RR RECEIVED April lith for the betekIna of sobnol No. 7with No 2 Milton leek. Win - t dow 1e be of moment std the bdlMlgt to be tar papered (7ontnctor to *apply all material.}Y Mien re be delivered at Meeeest. O. P. K ; .rhonl *potion will doell teamin` 4eperats (enders erUl be received for the blinking and the codon supply all material. Work to be entahed by August illi . 1917. HORACE BORTO Il R No. 99,, Ood (oilmen. lid ante' pal 'Phone (461SoatmSKk FOR SALE OR KENT. L'AHM FOR MALS. -IN FIRdT- 1 CLASS 000dltton, ninety acres. Fine ,song orchard Uood been s,.d stable., .1.o good frame house. This le splendid fall w t goodInvest- ment. • love pea s moot. Pyles IQ For blither I ot write to BOIt bder4oh. trill._ 36Im iiOR RALE. -HOUSE AND TWO r LOTS ea Esye street. Frame house. containing melt room.. all modern improve- awnro nice elt4•Uon and coovenleut toColleal- ate Institute. £ID five serve of Iandatt aided on the hayfield road, .ult.ble for market gardeo- (ng and two lob In wend eod of town, deetr- able betiding bre- Apply to JOHN W BALKu.D. ELI), ynu.n� 1w r7, or ISAAC SALE Ile rt tt R. Ne. It Dederloh 97.4t HOUSE FOR SALE. -STORY AND - Ant -HALF frame bourse. In MIro �t N_ on TON Meta atraet Apply to dNt �O RENT. -POUTS SIDS 0 P 1 apmrfmwl keit... a North Maisel • d: roma and balk basement laundry. all modern oouvealaoem. newly derotated and heated. Rant reasomable. A.M. POLLEY. 39-1.1 RENT. -MODERN HOUSE ON Gloucester Teeniest Apply to JOS. C. RIFFIN. 37-U CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAIN& The following la • ILO of properness which 1 have fur sale. and on Inre.igatuw prayer -tire buyer. w1U find th't the price. are put down where the pruportieo can he purchased to make mote money No. L rine ,ed brick house. fully modern, 40 morn.. fall ba+ement. corner k:e.t and Victoria .trees- Thl. 10 one of the moat desirahle prop settee in the town til Uodertch. Price 181,6K1. No. 2. Fine red brink bou-.e. fully modern, wt� bot water hemiug. 7 nom*. full basement, dteifita west s1r •k%urie street. This I. the bes: In tetltl Pala T2.,M0. Naw L New red brick boom. Jost built I91a 7tightQb.a ' e vote frim word av4/bog balder,. moteavailable H eesllrle. created goat .ids Huron road. bey. Preis Ult... No. 1. WNt. brick. It -tory,7-room bone*. b bath •n. e. tele Mit.. Opal Ib try. Iwo lot. with fruit Ire., sit sated on the corner of Cam. ..on and Rattan etreet... Prlee VW.. No. 2. Whim brick 9 -room hour.•, all modern e0oreol-noes, hot water heating. fireplace In h• In; room and parlor. situated on the corner et Nelms and l'arnbrla. Price Mile. No. 6. Frame hone, It story. a room.% two lots with (roll trees. emoted on the west Aide of Weider street. Price s;osl. No. 7. Frame house, 7 rooms end bath, two lot. with fruit tree*, suuated ilio W •rreo street. Price /9(t No, 8. Block of eix of the Devi garden loth In Win. *(looted on the west side of Huron road. Price 27011. No. 9. One of the, choicest bulkilne lots In town, equated on the Crescent. Full sire lot. Pelee glen, Several o' her list Ingo can be had on applica- tion et the oMee. Number of house. to rent. Furnished and Unfurnished Summer Cot- tages. J. W. r'KAIRIE. Insurance and Real hi.Utte. OMoe between U. T. R. mid C. 1'. It. Ticket (tToes. Phone 24. WANTED. np ORSMAM TOOLMAK'R WANTED 1. -Good pasitlba for exppeorett, man. 8tete rOMPANltd ex now TAYLOF( FORBF8 Y. LIEM TED, Guelph, Ont. Wt. WANTED. -GIRL FOR GhNERAL housework. Applt MRS. ROBERT WINTER, Maple .tree4. 58-(1 n WANTED. -A MAN TO TAKE charge of . garden. Apply to U}L C A LM A R. 56-tt WANTED. -TO RENT BY RELi- AHLE par y. from May 1.t. for .))(Omer month., moan furnished hone or cottage with modern oonveolence• ; west end of town pry ferrel. State full particulate and reit. BOX 33, SIGNAL //1IRLIF WANTED.. -APPLY GODS• 11 RICH ENITTINO Co, QEED POTATOES. -CHOICE 1• :white Delaware potato,. for .ts e. Will PUBLIC NOTICE. The National Shipbuilding Company, Limited. URLIC NOTICE 18 HEREBY `fres. that under the First Part of chapter of the Revlaed 8tatutme of Canada, 1906, known Ile -The Companies Act." lettere patent have been Muted under the Seal of the herre• ta,7 of State of Canada. bearing date the 17th day of Mfdarch, 1917. incorporatingWilliam Haire. Butchlneuo, of the( ty .1 $t. Cate - mine., to the Provinoe of lbtarb, contractor. and Robert Outdoes ?Usenet, eootraotte. Ernest Arthur L•rworab and Jame. Deool• Cunning- ham, accountant... and Lours ('oto. bartleter at law. of !be City of tett.... In the Province of Outarlo. for the following purpose.. 4ai Tome on 1' Dwl of iron founder.. nw. [o Jti Tomer, e.. merksslcal en n, r g .r, and manufactu en of engine.. machinery. tool& boiler taker., mlll- wrigbt., mrchinlet•. iron and .reel oon reefer.. atuuh., hulldsrs. wetallurel-t., electrical ern• timers, water -supply engineer*, carrier. and merchants; to buy. all, manufacture, rspeir, on cvert, let tan hire std deal to ..mune., bollen machinery. lutptemente, rolling .took and hard ware of all kind*; to bolld, buy. ell. equip, operate and own gramme rm...team- b0at..• outing ,.[tip. bow and other property to (any oat the bu.inee.ee of noerwl 000ttac- tor+ for the corietruetion and equipment of public and private weir as and of engineers ; 1 M To apply fur. poroba*e or reberw be ac- quire. any talent., brevets d'Invvntlon. Ile- en..-, oonosw4Ont and the like. clmterrlt gQ any exolu-Ive or non exelu.ive .w conA right to u..-. or any .euret or ether Information as to any Inveld Ion which may sem seeable of being used fur soy of the purpo e, of the eom- ptby. or the .cquiellion of which may .cent calculated dlrecuy or indirect I to b -refit the ( %osupany, rod to use, exe s:i e, is or Brent limner In re.p.ot of, o, other wi-e turn to ac- count the property. righto or inforwatltn ,.o acquired; lei To enter into partner.hip or into any ar raugerent for .haring of profit-. union 01 In- terest e, cooperation, joint ad venture. reciprc- eal wove --von or otherwise*, with any tenon or oompauy carry int on or e,,tag,d in, or about to carry on oe engorge In, any buetne•s or tran.aetlon which the Compaoy is authorized to carry on or outage I. or any bu-Inns or tr.uaactlon capable of beim .vu.duoted so r. directly or iudinnetly to ben, fit the Company, and to pay for the same In emir or partly 111 cash and pertly 1. paid up shares. of the capital. cock of tbi. Company or whoity in such paid. up share. ; lel To take or other. lite acquire and hold abate. In any other company having object..al together or In part simpler to teem of the Cow• p.ny or carrying oat an) obusloem capable of bolng ounducted ao as dliontly en Lttdlrectly to benefit the Company, mgwlth,andiug the pewit -Imo of metro.. 44 of the said Act ; The operns t lona or the Company to be carried on throughout the Dominion of C'enade and elsewhere by the name of "The National Ship- building Cowpony. Limited," with a capital Mock of one hundred thoutan 1 dollar*. divided Into 1; qu share. of one hued nil dollaretesob bustlebustler...d the chief place of bun-+ of the raid Company to be a the Town of Golrrich, in the Pr Ynn.-e of Onterio. LMted et the *hoe of the Sem 'tare of Slaw of ceases, Ode I4t9 day M March, 1117. THOMAS MULVEY. Sot Uruler-$.cretars of State. 1 THE WEST SHORE RY. REPOKT. I PERSONAL MENTION. Muir anal Representatives to Meet at Khalil' Shortly. Ea -Mayor t'. A Reid. who is chair- man of the hoard of municipal repres- entatives dealing with the &trails of the Ontario West Shure Railway, is waiting for the roads to clear up be- fore collies a meeting of the board to 1 he held at Kintail to consider the future a the road in view of the un- favorable report of the Provincial Hydro t,ommieeion. The town council met on Tuesday evening mud iustructed its represento- r be • boa ore for a uu- ti e• 0 1 t rd o m t h tnediate sale of the rail. and other material. Tiyle seems to be in line with tbe feeling of the citizens gener- ally. However, there are not wanting critics of the report se submitted by the Hydro people. For instance, re- ception is taken to the enemata of revenue. The two principal items ere : Passenger revenue, $411,1100 ; freight r•'venue, $11,1334. Persons familiar with the count ry to be served stale loaf the prop„r ions should he reversed -that the freight receipts should be much larger than those from passengers. The estimate of nearly ,10,000 for two-Hftbs of it milt of line in the town of Kincardine !coke very large. Then it is asked, why did the Hydro people keep h.ldieg out proept'cta of their takipg bold of tbe road only to turn it down cold in the end P Those who tenanted on the coh4ump- tion sur " a Ia1i) ._7iTh71'IT(Tt-i1t '-iiyllro power in the operation tit the road, end the consequent lowering of the power and light rates in (iodeiicb, ar'. of course. diiappoi.tted. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. HIghe4 prima paid for all kind. of old iron and all kind.. of junk. Herr yonrcba:,oe to make ow. moony. Phone call 274. wort DAVID BROWN, REDFOI(DHOTEL RAHREIt i0P. -1 has r opened a barber •bop'next door to the Redford Hotel, where 1 am prepared to gine prompt and fir -4. -lo.. _ ry tee loco tom - era. thee )),e a call. OE* .i oF: LIT ('1.F:. 57-(1 CARTAGE Haring enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange- ments with Mr, Nelson Yeo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Veo during my absence will be carefully attended -to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE. Telephone orders to Mr. Yeo, No. 167. The Bugler's Heroism. "Prisoner, re$yuund the retreat, and save your lifrried the enemy's com- manding general. Knowing his com- rades could hest his bugle call, the young hero rounded "chatge"-and defeat was quickly turn.ed to gioriow victory. Here W the kernel of a story of patriotism and loyalty to flag and country that will be illustrated in the Bluebird pbotdpla "The Bugler of Al.riere," .1 the Model Theatre on Hrdnr.d..y and Thursday of next week, with dainty Ells Hall teturuing to her legion of friends after long Ab- sence from the .ereen. 1Rupert`Je lion, Kingsley Benedict, and little Zoe Rae will also have prominent 1 oleo. 1Vholeaonrenaes and purity are our firer considerations when making oar bomem•tde Dandy and ice-cream_ A trio! wi11 uoro ce you. Edward:. Placese*N. !1 ' Coast -*rased opus's, *olid me , fresh frosty the fleeter lwds, at Bleck- stone's. Phone 210. FOR SALE rW. HOWELL. Se3tOHM FOR H ATCH iNG.-FROM purebred laying *train Huff Orpington.. M. W. HOWELL. 58.31 EORSALE,-KITCHEN CABINET, nearly new, Applyto GEO. DUNLOP, st street, or to BOX 275. Il � UCKutoS' EGGS FOR HATCHING.- Fawn Indian Runners,: prt-winning sok• ixty conte per getting ;'t16 a hundred,MO. 0,80W EMIT, R. R. No. 2, Ooderioh, Phone 986,9, 862t Farmers, Protect Tour Borns • silos and windlltille from the high winds by putting in a few ever- greens as a windbreak. They grow quickly. BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN by planting a eouplJ' of Colorado Blue Spume, and mime Shrubs turd - Roses. It makes the home much more attractive. We cannot deliver anywhere thio* s ring except in Gteierich, owing to the labor aeat'eity-. BENMILLER NURSERIES Rural phone Or R.R. No. 4, Goderich Why Not Grow Tomatoes? More money in growing them than Beane and you are sure of the price. Everything is higher, therefore we are paying more. Come in and see ns and we will explain bow to grow them. limns Cueing & Evaporating Co. D. F. Hauttire, PROP. oslglrsarulj}eG ...anuli' make fine ,tied. R. K. ELLIOTT, Ifn 371, Ooderlch. Phone 16r7, Glade' Joh Reboil. deot GEED OATS FOR RALE. -FREE 1) from weed-eeed. No.72 cot. end Banner oate order soon; enmity limited. A, H. CLUT roe, R. R. No. S. Ooderlch. Phone 1411, Idenmil ler 97-11 SEED GRAiN FOR SALE IA limited quantity of O. A. 0. \\i8 oats -$1.(X1 s brothel. Grain grown 9 this farm has al- ways been at the head of the lint In field crop competitions. The wisdom of vowing good peed this spring will be apparent at harvist time. Also for sale -a quantity of lucsras clover hay. HUGH HiLL, R. R. Ne. 4, Owlasiei. �10R RALR.-ONF AUTO TRAQE J• capacity ti tame. Bultable) for etpreatn ellvery or from work. Pneumatic tiros In front, tear axle, the Rowell internal geardrive. t Speed, 11 to In mile. per hour. tine Jitney auto Oar. Mooed body ; to terry .lgitt pa..enter.. Pneumatic Remelt round. Roth can be aeon at oar factory or drop as a postcard ter tell parUenLM and prior of Metier. i b `E PAOET DRAIN DOOR h LT�t I ti FR RA LE.-ORDAR T'OM'SALSO R. C. shingle. Apply W. T. RiDDp stern. fs tf For up-to-date Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring Opposite Knox Church, East Street. . WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT i' WHAT DO YOU THINK ABUT IT ? THE MOST TALKED OF SUB- JECT TODAY TEMPERANCE HALL , GODERiC11 MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1917 At8o'clock MR. W. J. THORN OF BOSTON, MASS. will speak on "The Second Co �' g of Christ" ' HOW, WHEN AND WHRRE I Mr. Thorn has spent many years on the lecture platform and is a popular speaker. Its profound insight Into Bible prophecies and their interpretations has helped many skeptics to accept the Holy Scriptures as the divinely inspired oracles of Coll and the only true guide to the human race. EVERYBODY WELCOME NO COL1.RCTION JP - SEED A TOES FOR SA LI Three carloads to arrive, starting next week. James Lloyd & Son Mr. Bridle Morrow, of Toronto. Is visltint In town. Mr. and Mr.. M, Robine..peat the holiday at To, on W. Mia. 8traot, of Aruprfor, i- home for the voodoo. Mr. Kenneth emltb, of Bayfield, sea. In town for the holiday. Mr. and Mot. Ray ytu,ulall were to Clinton over the holiday Mies Ethel Nairn Is emending the Faster va• cation le Ibroot°. Dr. W". Y. Hayden. of the C. A.D. London. le in Wain ,hl. week. Mi,., Hall 1,.wilding the Faster holidays with friend. at CYetrr. Miss Jaaray', of Galt, was the gue+t of Mee. C. A. Nati n over !Caere Mies Robertson. of Windsor, ie *pending. the Kanter vacation lu town. Mr. Wm. Malo, of the Sterling Baak, war at Muuktm for time Friday. Mr. Jame. Hume, of Toronto. ..pest Easter at the parental bows he,e. Mi . Gladys 81eld. of Whitby Ludic,' Col- lege. a home fur the vacation Mr. C. N. Stevens. of the Bank of Moutresl *teff, .pout Easter at Toroidal. Mr. Karl Kelly. who has been teaching •t Fu, wt. I.. I,..me fur the vacation. Mrs. Sadie Bates. of Toronto, woe one of the hoi,d.y bon a -router. this week. Mrs. 44. Millar left on Monday to aloft her daughter. Men, late. at Edu.ou(un. Miss Hazel Hartwell. of the Normal School. Stem road. 1- bump for the vacatlou. Mrs, M. J. Howler and sou, Lorne. of Napier street. are . ieiUug at Detroit tide week. Mb... Margaret Dulf and Mamie Down. of Termite. were W town for the holiday. Pte. Wm. Kennedy, of the Convalescent hoe pital. Loudon. we. iu town for Keeler. Mr. Itu,.ell Fox. of the Union Hank. 8'.l'a1h- arines. spent the holiday at hl, ho,ue here. Mr. Patrick Farr, of W'Ind.or. le vi -sting hl* mother, Mt.. Jame. Farr. oI Wiliam in mad. MI.• Jean Nairn returned to '1' to on Monday after .peudung I'.., t.r at her home herr. Mie. Edna Ptidbam le spending her vacation with her uou.iu. Mi.. Norma Crew,_ of Toi- ootu. - __-- Mises. Elizabeth and Mary Clark. of Essex, are vloftirgt' their parent.. Mr. and Mr.. Hobert Clark. -Mr.. D. M. Johnston and daughter, of Pre." too, are gavot. of the former'.. mother. Mr.'. S. Webster. Miss Alice Clark, of Loyal. left on Tuesday to enter Crux hospital. Detroit, a. a. uur.e-lu- traUdng. Mrs. James Clark is spending Easter week *kb ber eater, Mis. Jock Campbell, of fort Mr. Wm. ielrmingham, of Chatham. and Mr. Wm. Fore.tlof 8eafortb. were holiday vi-Itors in town. Mb. Helen 1,1111.. of Toronto, spent Ester with her wraps.. Mr. ars! Jtrs. J. I.,ttle 1'rr- falmar.treet. 311.9 I.UW Ma,Wicar. of Welland. ie vi -icing her Parente. Mr. did Mn, Jame. MarV.rar, Hinck.. elreet. Mr.. H. J. Morrie ha, returner home after i*•udmt the winter with relatives at Dee Al eine,, low.. Mew Irene Prldhaui, et Part-, to spending the situation with tier parent,:. Mr, sod MIA. W. l'. Prndbam. )Ll gohn Lander. who bat beige attending rbc Wheel of Pharmacy at rorii.i,.12 borne for the ca,•st ton. Mr. Robert yield, of Brantford, who hadtbern vlMUng hl- friend* here (Jr a few day..•le- turned home on Tueday. Mr. B. Karl Elliot/. of too 't.17 of Upper Canada Colette. T. ronto. was fa town for set ere! day. the pa+t week. Mies Violet Mc Don.gh, of Tor m'o. 4. (,.g the vanttimn with her parent., Mr. and Mr-. Frank McDonagh, Albert .trees. Arte. Agneo Hamilton. of Kincardine is spending the vat'anon with her parent., FRev. and Mn- J.q.es Hamilton. Eset street. Mr Kenmoro Fleming end Mr. H. McDoug- all, of Windsor. are .Lending a week or .o at tee Fleming residence at Attrill'. Point. ('apt A. M. Mneph.ad and Mr.. Shepherd 'pent the wrek.,-nd a Preston with Mr. Fred Shepherd and (.oily. mow of that town. Murton. Harold. and Freer Roherteon, of :Stortford. vl+lted at the hon,,- 01 their grand- father, Mr. W. It. Robertson, over Sunday, Mr. and Mr.. ()liver Oneld and family. of Donde., have been waiting at the hose of )4r. and Mr...H. J. A. Meet.:wan over the Faster holiday.. Mn. Chesney. of Seafurth.• le vatting her father. Mn A. Steelton. chi. week, while her Mr.. 11. Campbell. i.. away ea a .Lit LO ltoche-:er. - e Mr. James Farr and MI•. *Mabel Farr, of Stretford. were In town n.rr the weekend calling on their friends here and visions. Me. Farr.. -.n. I'd., of the (1, T. It. Capt. and MnA,.J. A. ,:wart ha, a taken Mrs. Galt Clatk'o hone. on l abedonia Terrace for the summer. Capt. Ewart will have ron.rnand of the steamer Oraham amen thi..uu,u,cr. Belgian Relief Fund. Receipts for the Belgian Belief Fund for March t George Rorie. ....... . ...:-... . ...( 10 (0 .. t'. Meager ........ . .... .. • .. .... 5 111 Mrs. HurriI1 .. ... 9 elf Mo. Hod ir..., -- 3 a1 Mien A. 31. Audrews.• .r 1 01 W. Hrrn .... . .y 9, l.eo'la Hrrn. , f IC- A Friend 110 $ 311 St W. i..4Nm. ioc.t treasurer, THE LADS IN KHAKI. Another Ooderich Tiddler returned house on Monday eveuieg, in the pri- son of Pte. Ernest $wrlts, son ..f Mr. and Mre. Thos. Sweet., Wetorteo street. Pte. Swan t e .0111041 in J+uu- ary, 1010, in the 43rd Battery, -pts- tioned at Guelph. He was Nisi* trans (erred to Major Lewis' battery -the 36th -and clogged to Epgland in a draft frutu it about April 1st. After training fon some time in England he went *0 Prance and gut Mg far ea the harm et Hsi deur, r err he was taken where He was moved to La Ham. and they/ .•p• rotes' ..n for du/dien*1 ulcers and npp.41dioitie iFpun reesveriug Partially. he was want rack to England and wars in revere! dIHereLt hospitals belt I'd be waweent home. "Ethic" is very popular in town and hie many friends will he glad to kncw that he 1 - looking well. He expects to go to a convalescent home fora three wont be' term and at the end of that time will either be giving light duties or will be discharged. Monday*. May 7th, annual Baby Day at H. H. Mallows' studio, every, child under eighteen months nifty have it, photo taken end one copy fret. 4 t, Looks Like a Failure. 7'he movement for en -operation lye- tween the town and the country in the me Ver of increased production on the fat ma does not appear to be mak- ing much program in thin locality. At the meeting held in the lewn'hall 1.01. week there 'reviled 'o. he difficulty in "getting together.- and nothing wan done remote to invite any peroone wi11- ing to go not on the farms as helper.. to legi.ter their names with the town clerk. Mo far only three persone hnte registered. On the other hand. the farmere have netinside it very appar- ent that they desire the kind of help Met to off. rod to thin way, it Mneme a pity that better co-operation cannot he nerured, in view of the great peones et like demanding a larger produc- tiott of foodstufis. All triads of Hefd'And garden saede at Cooper's warehouse : seed oats, seed barley. Matqulle spring wheat end seed peas. (1n Tuesday evening Magistrate Kelly hal before him two young boys cheripal with diaeharging flrearu.' within the corporation limits and ale.. with flaying truant. Tiff' w'ntence lammed upon the ratyyn wan that they report once a week ter three months, and that they attend school regularly in future. it hi hoped that Chia will •'tart a n.lffleient corrrl•tive of any way- ward tendencies. Another whose name should he add- ed to the cwt of Uodrr.ch "old boys" i a . 'e'.1 Nam u are r khaki is 1.irut l t. who , son of Mr. lames Farr, Stratford, formerly of Ooderich, and brother of Mr. Ed. Farr, of town. Lieut. Farr, who had ht'en in the office of, the Maple Leaf Miffing Co, at liiauelpeg for soave veers, enlisted in an riieintry battalion, went ovt-rreau in November and is now in France. His many friends .t his boyhood days in (lode - rich will wish himthe beet of good fortune. Last week's casualty lists contained the name of Pte. 1 A` Gordon, report- ing him es "pre- . it to have died." Pte. Gordon was.rpotted as 'missing on June :.d hint yrar and no further word woe received until last, week. He is the son of Mr. and Mre. James (Jor- don. of Lighthouse street. Before en - 1 • PTE. .1. A. GORDON Missing since hart J •, tiles oflleially reported to have died-'.' listing' a1' Eduu,ton its ' Jdne. 1015, Pie. Go.don taught echo• 1 111 11t•• West for ...yield year., II .vine oh - Diluted his R. A. deer •e at Q,r.'en'a Univereily. Kingst m lie..trived in England in July. 1015, and iremerned there for six weeks before lirle•eeding to the front. Sirs. J. E. Mittel, .......heel wool on Monday that hi•1A brrtt.her, Pte. %Yel- laee, Ait.'hisou, lv,0' danger( nod y N'cs led on the lith inst. Pte. .1itchi - son is a 1%inghanm boy and is 'line of three brothers who enlisted. One has already Valli 1lie. sat n wen' sailAire. one is Mow flang.•rousiy wounded. null the third is •m his way to the front. ST.EQRGE'S VESTRY First Meeting under the Rectorship of Rev. A. L. G. Clarke. The 01.1 t.•-1 rt• ttes•ting oaf - St. (ienrgc's eillIrell was held on Slo day evl•niug. with it wee! attenllnnre. lie rotor apes ,luted n.. his %%Julien G. S. Caesar. and Mr. 1.. L. I',uwoi wast elected pl•I.pie*. wroilen. tithe ofllcinls sleeted were : Vest!'y, (Leek. Mr. T. 1,. Prost.;•eidt'.Inen..4. ll.dlehd. 1. S. Platt. ('e: C. Lee. 9.V King, .1. Hmphl.y, F. Binghnnl. l leo. Porter. P. 11Valten. Messrs. 1V. L. Eliot and GI., Milli' wet'.. deet l'.1 tepr.'- .i'llta!IYN. tit Myio.vl stn! Me'(sl•e. \V.e.11r.mtl.e aril Isaac ,Salkeld as pullet Hutto: _..-._._- 1 It wao instructed that n letter of re- g et and sympathy lie sent 10 .TMdg.' Holt 1111 ilia retirement front the office of warden en account of illness, Witl an 05pren,ien of thank. fr.ln the too gregntion ter his long told abl.' seri' re to the 'hur•h. A letter of tees Aim ter Ir Stitt. t.. Mr. Win. _Br hey-.- Who is retiring. niter minty y., r..' 'r- VIt I . fr•n,n the it 0 of a.•xto osrpittg tel IR -health. 1 JJ Thanks for gifts to the ehurt'h nos to Ise convl'yed to Mrs. . L. H..t•t*on, for the new lightdn iy-st.•n1 : Mr. 1 Writ. Wooden. of fount... f,'r the new reredos, : Dr. 'oar. f.n• nt'tiele's for the ,'eet,je�v,L and the Chancel (3nild for thW4v enIT(4ltrrtl T' 44s' used for fhr first rime;nt Easter. 1 A !social ander the anapieeil of the Women'. 1M isplonary Moetet v will be 110111 in Knot church on I.ri.fny. April 4)th. Silver Collection. Light re- freshment. Rey. R. 1'. M, ih'r,Mid will occupy the chair. (heel musical program. and an addevsx by Mee. Hatniltam. All come. Indies bring knitting. THE TOWN COUNCIL. Largely -signed Peutioo Asks that Prin- cipal Streets Be Oiled. The regular setui-montbly meeting of the town council was held 00 Thurs- day evening last, all the members be- ing( present except Councillor Cult. A report from the tire brigade stated that the following officers had been elected for Out year : Chief, N m. Thompson ; first lieutenant. Wm. Tait; second lieutenant, Adam Thump - son ; secretary, 8. O. McKay. The report included elan a etatewent of the tree and practices attended by each meniber during the Past year. A letter frotu Lt. -Cul E. N. Lewis, M. P., with regard to steamer connec- uuh fl r the coming season and oth. r Watters, was read. The clerk had al- ready written to the Caned• Steam- ship Co. about a connection . A petitiou with eighty signatures, asking that the council have the road- ways on the principal etreetsoiled this year, at the gene, -d expense of the tatepayerr, was sect to the putdic winks cow mittee. An application from Capt. D. Mc- Kay tot the use of the upetairl room of the town hall for working on t.b- ing nets for a week or two Was granted, Applications from J. W. Ctaigie and F. H. Wood 10. renewal of their pool- room licenses were referred to the special committee. - foe report of the Ontario Hydro- electric Uodltuiesiou on the O. W. S. Railway (as published in the Signal last week) win read, and it was de- cided to have a special meeting of the council on the following Tuesday night to conflict... it A conlfnulliC8 - from the Hydro- electric Railway Association, reque►t- tug payment tit the annual member - .hip tee. was sent to me finance cow- mllte.. �l'he following reports of committees were adopted : Finance committee ,- recommend- ing payment tri a number of ac- count.: recommending psywent of $1,1.110 to Collegiate Inelikute board oa 11114 levy : reporting that the payment due from Mr. W. H. Hutchinson oO April Int, $441)44 -04, bad been paid. Oew• t ry alld parka committee- recunmewling tont James Bowman he engaged as caretaker of parks at a rewune. at' of $1.511 per day for any drys up Co April .9) and then at $40 per mouth ; that the matter of remov- ing a tree in the reme.ery adjacent to the Dickson lot he lett with the choir man of this committee. Special oowml(tre-that s license to peddle peanut., etc.. had been waved G, LtrIla Ifowtoe f.ar the ttalaoleof (tris year for t be sum of 8*), Would Sell Railway Material. The special meeting of the council on 'Tuesday evening was a. tended by Mayor dunning* on the chair). Hrrve Nauv, Deputy Brave Lau hwait • and Councillors Walli+, Moser. and Story. The meeting was held to consists's I he report tit the Ontat to Hyydro-ere} urn' Cowmiwlon on the 0, AV. 8. Rail- way. and it wan decided to instinct the town's representatives on the board ut the railway iu favor of the taking of imluediete steps to have the material and hulloing* advertised and sold. A Story of the Navy. "The Hero of Submarine D-2,' to he shown at the Model Theatre on Monday tsnd 'Tuesday next. is a navy thriller with features that make the picture valuable not only (faun a dra- matic standpoint, but from ail edt ca- t ional one. It deals with the United States navy, which is now engaged in war in elliance with Britain. Special nuthtrty was -granted by the United Stater Government to tine the ifeet for the purposes of tusking the picture. AUCTION SALES. Moststy. April IR.-1'learing auction 'ale or horses and cat'le. mom ty of Mr Albert Townshend. 1* V. cac enioli 5. Hullett. T. Ut:Nowt. anon. ,•ern W'knnt'suoY. \pill t4. -Auction ..le of • carload of goat ,rr•de cattle .t M norm , hotel, Myth. J. A. N: itoutolr. INoprietor. Toom to ((14.11144. anclw.. ser. Itaicen,ty. Apt i1 21. -Auction sale of house hold furniture, prop.rty of A, • ltoy R. Freorh, Hock street C. llUNpa r, auctioneer. BORN. MILLER. --At Pt, Helen., on March 13i. to Mr, and Mr.. W. I. Miller, a daughter. • NI('HOL$ON,-At Alex.ndra hn.pl(al, thole. rich, on Mond AY. Anrll 9, to Pte. n• -d NI re. Phot, T. Nlchol.on. • daughter IFlureuow 01011 \ .MARRIED. `c,t4ruLv-rURRY.-At Knnxchnreh m.r.te, (loderl'•h. on W'edne.slay, April IL by Reed R. r. M.-Uermld, (.aura Fhrnenee ('nrrf• tO Thoiva. William ('stile. bath of Heyfleld, SIEBEII . 311SORE -At the home of .oar. ('. Se Jibe( horn, rued, on Thor -ley. April 14, by Rev. H. (' Meltenni,L Mar¢ Arleta, du Ater of Mr. and M - Wtn. Mane; Mt' Hitt 'e .t eget, 10 John Lo. rencs 141,1,r. - DIE©. 8MALF:.- Aprd 11. ohn emelt., aged •r1 year.. ST1'RI,Y.-b, iodetieh, ma W wlne.day. April 11, Thomas , St nrtly. In Ida 7 6th year. }IA 1ST EAD.- iYloderlrh. I. Thur-d.y, April 12. Joh Earl, ase of Hethert Hal- stead, aged 13 n • dthe and 13 deyo Funeral from the. e of ht- p41renis, Eldoe trrer, on Friday,A 113, at 1.3(1 oclect'. to Moreland • .. e .-alethre#ntee et 4 o'clock. Port Albrrr. no W'e.Inc-,lay, NEW ADVERTISE TS -April 12. Page Publl • Not ire- -The NM . Shipbuilding Company. 1.3041.4.... . Webster's Nrn International inetlos,.ry- le. R 1'. Merriam (1... . Fors m'n Toolmaker Wanted -Ye Farheir Co.. Ltd., GuNph '4 1 Clem int AiiaTedlm.h• 1' 111: Nook ,. . 1 Public Notice DaYM Hoorn 1 Shoe Hopeless -Smith & Ring .... .. )ked Pnt.toee for Bale -J. W. Lloyd a Bon\ l Rea' Feat.Rnrgain- -J. W. Certifier ,.... t Ante ion Sale -Mr.. Roy 3L French . ... ..... 1 Auction &de -A Mehumaeher . 1. `. Kitchen Cabbie 10.' Male -Hen. Melee... 1 Atldeme-W. J. Thorn. .. . .... 1 Social Knorr l'hnr h W. M. 7 1 Mr for Hateteng -M. W. Rowell . 1 4'