HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-5, Page 7AMINNNINNININNINIMNIN • THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO r r Comrades! If you unmet carry a rifle, you can nerve your country on the farm "The plow is our hope," declared Right Hon. David Lloyd George, the Prime Minister of Great Britain. The tremendous significance of these words in the face of a world shortage of food must be a matter of concern to all. It points out the path of duty to men and boys unable to enlist in the armtibut capable of helping to increase production. Help the farmer increase production At this supreme hour when ample food production is one of the indispensable means of victory, the country faces a serious shortage of men and boys on the farms. The - Department of Agriculture emphasizes the urgency of every man and boy taking to heart this splendid opportunity for patriotic service. BoysDecide now to help in the war. If you are between the ages of 14 and 18, and have good term record, you can secure promotion at school by enlisting for farm stream any that between April 20th and May 20th. Parents are urged to encourage their boys to enlist for farm service. The physical and moral welfare of your boy will be advanced by a summer sunt close to Nature; an interest will be awakeeted is an Asportast industry of the country that will be a ldp to hies ha his whole future. The Department eppesls to retired farmers, to men Men following oo occupation (retired)to business men who can spare at least a portion of their time, to all men who can arrange their affairs so as to help some farmer. Every man is invited to enlist fur farm service - Confer with your District Representative of the Department of Agriculture. or write or visit Ontario Government Employment Bureau, 15 Queen's Park, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst. Miaieter of Aviculture Parriament Buildings T.r,.Ma EXETER. Mrs. Wm. Penile', of Osborne, who recently di.poweal of her farm stock and implements, haw moved to town, occupying the dwelling owned by A. Cottle. Mr. Hemmen received word last week that her husband, Major Hea- men, of the ldiet Battalion. had re- COUNTY and DISTRICT Mrs. Abraham Grim r pained away 00 Moody, Match 19t11. at Zurich. Robert Delgetty has leased his farm its Stanley township to his neighbor., WM. Sparks and Sem Bohner. The three-yesrold .on of Mr. and Mrs. Devid Johnston, of Morris town- ship, passed sway on March C3nd. Arch. McMichael and Peter F. Doig left Fordwlch lest week fur the West to look after the horses they recently shipped. J. D. McEwan, who renent.ly sold hie ferns on the 1.t line of Moi ria, baa purchased a fifty -ecce farm in Hullett township. Pte. Win. Spiers, of the 71.t Battal- ion, who wee wounded about tour months ago, returned home to Gorrie oo Monday of last week, fbe induction of Rev. C. A. Mal- colm, B. A., into the pastoral charge of Knox church, Wrozeter, took place on Thursday, March 211. On \Vednesdey of last week, Thos. J. Jertn n, 9t3 ooncestioo, Grey, left for the \Vest with a car of settler's effects. Mrs. Jerwyn will follow later, Harry F. McGee has sold his 100 - acre farm ou the 12th concession of East Weweoosb to Win. Wigbtmeo, of the 10th concession of the same township. The death occurred on Sunday, March 250b, et Ethel, of Mrs. %V. E. Saunders, in her fiftieth year. She is survived by her husband and two daughters. The two farms of W. H. Maunder*, located on the east gravel road, Morrie, will be in charge of Sylvester Fox, Brussels, who moved tai the bomeela-d this week. Hugh A. Henry has disposed of his 10uacre harm,lot 31, concession 11, Grey. to Da1/e1 Meehan, f. r the sum of S 3 700. This give. M r. Meehan ownership of 256 &cies. turned to England after a course of three weeks' duration in France. Ernie Wells, who has been em- ployed with The Times for the past few moob., is leaving to take up • position with C. L. Wilson. Hi- place is being taken by Kelvin Heddeo. est eon of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ben - Man may be the architect of • home, net , of W.Iton. but women is the builder. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan - Wm. McLeod, of Ethel. was taking the rack off the sleigh one day recent- , when the bores moved forward and caused Jlr. McLeod to lose his hatence and the rack fell on him, re- sulting in some fractured ribs. Mrs. Christal Gomel, of Ripley, aonouthe eog•gewent of her fourth3laliarhtar, Ruth Irene, to Thome/1CtI .eve, only eon of Mn. and Mrs. Thowas Grieve, of t4.afortb. The marriage I take place in April. The 100 -acre f of J. W. Morrison, lot 7, concewioo o, Grey, has been leased by Jawed D)elt r, • neighbor, es Mr. Morrison bas oaoved to Mon• teal, where be takes • stood position with the C. P. P.. ae drsugoao and engineer. Willis's, Brysos passed a ou Sunday. Mach 25t3, at his reett pnoe on the nth concession of Morris, • r • liogering illness. Deceased was his eighty-firstear, an Irishman by birth, cnmisg Itip/ country sixty ye ns aged J. P. Rau delivered to P. Lamont, the well-known cattle buyer of Hey 'township, nine head of cattle on Fri- day. Match 23rd. which netted him the handsome sum of nearly $1,2011. Mr. Rio was formerly proprietor of th.Commereial hotel, Zurich. A quiet but prettywedding was snlemnized nn Wenesday, March l4tb, at the Walton manse, when Miss Viola, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Long. of Cranbrook, be- came the pride of Roy Bennett, eld- ELDERLY WOMEN SAFEGUARDED Tdl Others How They Were Carried Safely Through Change of Life. Durand, Wia.—" I am the mother of fourteen children sad 1 owe my life to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. When I was 46 and bad the Change of Life, • f Tired recom- mended it sod it gave me such relief from my bad feel- ings that I took several bottles. 1 am now well and healthy and recom- mend your Compound to other ladies." —Mrs. MARY RIDGWAY, Durand, Wis. A Massachusetts Woman W rttem Blackstone, Mass. — " My troubles were from my age, and I felt awfully swk for three years. 1 had hot flashes often and frequently suffered from pains. 1 took Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound and now em well." —Mrs. PIERRE Cotothl0Ylia, Box 239, Blackstone, Masa. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation,bot fl•ehes,beadAcbes,back- acbes, dread of impeoding evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irreg u- Isrities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and dizziness, should be heeded by middle-aged women. Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound has earned many weans safely through this crisis. r• 5 Th OtLCO-L16HT .. ? e er.Mte Ca'rrallt n iIGHT,DELCO ELECTRICITY FOR EVERY FARM O(LCO-IJOHT 054 THE yA11Ml eVA trCtir\ er'a DELCO-LI G HT MAKES ELECTRICITY UNIVERSAL (For the first time electric light and power.Une:ats5ulS a anyone—anywhere. - iHeretofore, the benefits of electricity have beenOadi•ed_.As those who live in the larger towns sod citiea _ (Now Delco-Litht make eluctrie Current universally avaiablei., Kitten -Light Is today 'lurnishictgl ehnusands of farm-houwe with _.-ibola'st rrone'siae,, sok and eco. • nnetical light. 3t is 1srnobmg renew 10 operate pump=, wishing machines, churns. <ream sep•rrioet, ,mIkog ma-• clyses. vacuum cleaners, att. •( ft is lighting ra.niry churches.% ,torr, and public halls. )1 n furnishing light and power to .ummrr homie• and 'eampa, to houseboats and yachts, eft. • 11 is lighdwg runt raJw.y nations' and coestrurtuat ramps* tit es lighting the easy* .1 Unitedi States troops on the Hewes border and ;t is discloeng hereto- fore eretolore undreamed-of banNiea le the 'depths 04 Baaaoth_caye, Kee tscky. Altogether, seer 15.0(70 DekoLight plana .n is entine..nd Dent) ogle oSk55 tinpeto he t.ewd U .1- seest_rvery pen ef_JM world./ iholteL4/0 in • es•N!ee eeweas pIM►'M sa,sr sad d►. Nwo.. a.. carmen ask s•m s 'i and aeke • ow •t or. tally lode d rasteam t. loowet.s fur em ewM1/ ei on.r. TM r ars,. • '12 .are Mr a ..d - .rea•.ylml .a•, k oars ora Me Mt.' to INN/ and Yaw ....d It wrap to s. -Jar hay . enc. Man,'•• an oatmeal ems Robert Wilson '°r Dealer Hamilton•,Street Oodericha Ontario A 000 •es s YACHT 1104104tewe aerwMO use teereens•s ars sues . Ns tar • r .) ilJ.1_I rJ.J ver t• rat _ , j - • McCAv 1 iel Johnston was the scene of a very Pretty wedding on Thursday, March I'nd, wbeo their daughter. `Margaret Bestir ce, was united iti marriage to James Gipson, of Morris township. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson will reside on • farm east of Blyth. There passed /away on March 21st an old and highly respected resident of Hullett, in the person of Mrs. George Longman, in her seventy-third year. Deceased came to this country from Devonshire, England, in the year 1807. She was married three years later to her now bereft hus- band. Three sons and one .deugbter survive. -•' bow's This? We offer one hundred doltare rew►ei1 ter any owe of catarrh that oannat be ,.red by Catarrh Cure. tall'+ Catarrh yore ha. heen taken by ca- tarrh sufferern for the oa.t thirty -Ave year& and has beoou, known a- the most reliable remedy for cwt .rrh. Halla Catarrh t'ure act• theoueb the blued on the murou..urface-. e: palling the poison from the blood bud healing tae diaes.ed portloo& flat -you hays taken Hall. 1 f•tarrh Cure for ort tiµ,• you will .se •great into,ovwioeut tar general health. siert taking Hall a iap Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. Tentraoatala. J. CHENEY k CO. Toledo. (alio. dt uggi.t. M THUASDAV, APgtt. 0, 1017 ing sitters, Miss Kate Scott was pre- sented by the Young Ladies Auxil- iary with a handsome wrist -watch. Miss Scott is the third Clinton nurse to enlist for overseas service. Frank J. Libby, M Lowell, Mass., eldest son of Chas. M. Libby. mummer of the Clinton Knitting Co., who has had considerable experience in the hosiery business*, is cowing to Clinton this week to take charge of a brooch about to be established by the com- pany. 11 E.SALL. Mrs. A. C. Hoggart.h hes returned to Calgary after spending the winter herr. Mrs. Jawes Johnston and Mr. Rath - well, her father, left recently for the West, where Mr. J4bnstoo ie. Miss Mabel Cudmore, graduate nurse, left last week for overseas. Sbe has taken a post -graduate course in New York. Mrs. Ann Jane Moore,fornearly forty years • highly respected resident of Heneall, died on Saturday, March 24, et the residence of her daughter, Mee. Thowas Pierson. Sbe was seventy-five years old and is survived by three daughters end two sons. A young boy, Earl Semens. ped a close call frow being burned to death one evening last week when his clothes took fire from s coal in the stove. The boy was poking at the fire at the tiwe. One arm was badly burned, his hair singed and he was otherwise burned. Tbetimely arrival of his mother saved his life. • In Cat a trend Sold by WINGHAM. Pte. Everett 'Truax, of Walkerton, formerly of Wiughaw, died of wounds in France. Fred Seott has accept9d a posit on with the G. T. R. at Palmerston and left for that town last. week. Mrs. Robert W. Jarvis and children left on Setoriey, March 24th, tor Chatham, where they purpose residing in future. 568,000 was subscribed to the new Canadian war loan through the Wingbam btaoch of the Bank of Hamilton. John Seogster, formerly of Brussels," who bas been engaged in business •t Molesworth, has taken over the hlack- smitbiog business of W illirtu Bolwee, of town. A unanimous invitation has been extended by tie official board of Wingbam Methodist church to Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. A., B. D.. who is closing a three yea's' successful pas- torate in the t. ten of ewer. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Drummond an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Edo.. May, to Leslie Gordon Alien, son of Mir. William Allen, of Toronto. The marriage will take piece quietly early in April. Another pioneer resident of this section passed sway on Marek 25th, in the person of Mrs. Albert Hughes. of %Vinghaw Junction. Deceased was seventy-six years of age and had re- sided in this vicinity for over fifty Iears. Sbs came to Canada from reland seventy year. ago. The sad news was received oil -Mon- day, March 26th that Lance-Sergt. William Edward Helps bed been killed in action. The young man So- listed- with the 161st Bit. ion and went overseas in October. Before en- listing Mr. Helps wan engaged as e'- ectrician with tbeelectric Tight plan'. 'LUCK NOW. John Hahbick.,bas sold his residence to Mr. McGuire,' He intends mot few weeks, Miss Marion MacDiarmid, trained nurse, lett here recen0v and will sbortly go over in the military hospitals. Mrs. Matheson, wile of S, rgt. Meth - Peon, and daughter Ehlers, who ere visiting et Norman Matheson's. le - turned on Minch:ltith to their home Toledo. Sask. The Lucknow fire brigade are en- deavoring 11 raise $125 a month to purchase tobacco for the soldiers who have gore from Lucknow and vicin- ity. It is their purpose to torweed • supply to 125 soldiers each n:ontb. A number of carloads of bursas and testlrr', effect • left Lucknow 'station last week. Mears. Dune. McCh:at les jand Tow Farrish took two cars, going toSensen', Mask. Another two were *hipped by John Mrn.ty Lo Cedillse, Sask., and one by R. H. Durnin t J Ks-pple, Sask. SEAFORTH. Mr. S. A. Jones and daughter, Elizabeth, left is.t. week for their boar in Fort Saekstcbewan after an extended visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. S. Dickson. . ' Mrs. Catherine Weir received the sad news this week of the death of her only son, Pte. Fred Weir. He was • student at the Collegiate, aged seventeen, when he enlisted two yeas ego with the McGill University Cotps, and was sent with a dralt tr. Fr *nee. where he became a member of the machine-gun rection. CLINTON. Capt. (Rev.) Robert Irwin. of the Mud Battalion, was home for a few days last week. The Battalion baa been waved for overseas. On Monday evening of last week the Board ot Trade held a farewell supper et the Rettenbuty House to bid goodbye to H. E. Piaui and to preseut brio with r handsome club - bag. At a meeting of returned soldiers at Toroi,to last week teem all parte of Ontario, Rev. 0. E. Jewkins, of Brant- ford, formerly of Clinton. was elected president of the Great War Veterans' Association of Ontario. Mr. and Mn. John Hopper, Toronto, announce the engagement of their daughter, Nora Irene, to William Stuart Paisley, son of Mr. end Mts. W. J. Paisley, of Clinton, the mar- riage to take place early in April. Huron township. tt Toronto in a mid. trained ot Halifax, to assist The name of Se gt. Fred G. Bierman, & well-known ('limon fay, appeals among a list of y flu era and men whose names have kern twougl 1. to the notice of the Ki•e ,-terry M et.te for War for valuable services rendered to connection wit h the war. On Thursday rveoing. M .rcb kith, et St. Paul'• r cf.., y, ►'y Rev. J . A. Company. Robinson, Mir Mary McIn.yre and William Heine., of the Wiltshire Frank Slomen were motel in tb. Oil Co., ,ecetved last week from Ethel - holy Sonde of matrimony. Mr. and hurue • pedigreed Ai de1P. The par Mos Mlu,nen left bolt whelk f•.r their 'tits of this animal, it is stated, are home at. Haranniore, Ss -k. frena stock bred by the late Lord Before leaving *or Montreal toK,tebenwr. overseas with a party oft other surd- Miss Annie Spafford and Miss May SATISFIED MOTHERS. No other medicine gives as greet satisfaction to mothers as does Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets are tepidly good for the newborn babe or t be growing child. They are absolute- ly/Fee from injurious drugs and can- not possibly do harm—always good. 'oncerning thew Mrs. Jos. Morneau, Pemphsle, Que., wr.tes : "1 have Baby's Oan Tablets aid out well with thew and would use --sic icine f..r my little ones." is are sold by inediciue y mail at 25 cents a box nee ant 6! ntoer Tne Ta dealers or frow The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., B, ockville, Oa impossible NO! Oh, yes say, 1t is tmpoestble fossil • decent sort d wdt at e1k.Se I Well, then, lust come 1n and ezamtne them for yourself; your own eyes and sons• cannot deceive you. Ah, you think, there is • nigger in the woodpile some- where. They may look all right, but they won't wear. Won't they ? Nell, with every Stair 1/6. 'S0 SOLD AT goes • positive guarantee of satisfac- tion or money returned. No strings --no nigger In the wood- pile—Just ■ revolution of the clothing business that puts $10 back into your pocket. Seed to McLEAN BROS. The Square Goderich DSO received word on March 23rd that they had been attached to a nursing staff for overseas service. They will leave in the course of a couple of week,. The death occurred nn Sttuidey, March 'lith, of Ethel McIntyre. wife of A. M. Carthew, aged thirty-four. Sbe succumbed to an attack of perm - lysis at.d is survived by her husband and three small children. BR ELS. BLYTH. KILLED ON. RAILWAY.—James Coul- ter, of Morrie, • nun about. 'seventy years of age, was instant y killed two miles from the Blyth 'statism on Mon- dey. when he was st-uck by the 3 o'clock C. P. R. passenger trait). The dead man was deaf, and it is supposed that he did not hear the train as he was walking on the track. The body was badly mangled. A metallic -roofed •d sided garage hes been built at the ar of S. Car- ter's implement sboeroo Hobert Anderson and to ily, w bo had been in Blyth for the , . at few months. have teturned to town. Mrs. Wm. Newsom, who spent he past five mooting with her dsughte in Chicago, has retuned to her home in Brussels. The death occurred at London of Mi•s, R. G. Wilson, • former well- known resident of Brussels, on Tues. day, March 27. Leet week Gordon McDonald, of town, purchased the Cu trie butcher business, and took possession on Wed- nesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Evens have moved to their propetty recently porches' d here. They were residents of Morrie township for many years. A. L. Booth, wbu was teller in the Bank of Notre Scotia here, will go to Hamilton to take a position in the sstne bank. His place b$ been filled bythe promotion of Mian \'era oover. She is one ot the 270 ladies now engaged in the Hank of Nova Hoot's. Will Herr is has returned home from the Outer lo Agr.cuhviral College, Guelph, where be was taking • course in the must approved method" of buttsr-usisking. The Hh•mrock butter facto, y, which has been In operation L6rre days each week, will resume the daily service as soon as roods and weaLbo r get better. MYTH Blyth eawmill commenced opera- tions last week. David Taylor left for the West on Tuesday, Meech 270, after spending the winter months at his home here. The family of O. O. Hooper left on Match 21.1 for their new home in London. Mr. Hooper holds • good position with the London Cartage // gg011111NIIIWIiIiI,yN%li / / = pie aa►i ;a ` ////%/%/ /////i r/ %y1 dN1i111111111111111N1i1j// /// /% A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED This is an old-time saying, nevertheless true. E find in going through our stock that we are W .overstocked in a few lines which we are - going to give you the benefit of. RE -N U -ALL every person knows how good this polish is for furniture and floors. To reduce our large stock of this we will sell the *1.00 bottle for SOc and the 50c bottle for ....... 35C VERT-BRITE POLISH The 50c bottle for. . . STOCK FOOD 35c An o -Saxton Stock Food, 50c package for. 25C Auglr 'axon PoultryFood, 25c package for........... 15c Anglo -S on Heat Cure, 50c package for.. ...... 25c Internatio.`. Poultry Food, 25c package for 15C NAILS The great advan to take a great adva them at seven cents pe cut Nails which we are pounds for ....................... LAWN you had to wait to You will remember last Spring h get your lawn mower sharpened an( -our grass got ahead of you. Why not notify us now an et us send and get your mower and put it in good workin rder when busi- ness is quiet, so that it will be ready for yo in the Spring ? WERS n steel and wire has caused wire Nails ce, so touch so that we have to sell pound. We have several kegs of ering as long as they last at 7 25C BICYCLES Does your bicycle require overhauling ? Now is t time to have it done so that it will be ready for you when y. want it. Plumbing, steam -fitting, heating and electric wiring. I nor forget that we carry a full line of goods to do any of the above work on a moment's notice and all work neatly done and fully guaranteed. Chas. C. Lee Phones : Store 22 - .- _ The square House 112 Ooderich