HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-5, Page 6The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar- antee you get with every single bar is not ' a -mere advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials—for the soap boiler—for the expert chemists—for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. All are mindful of ;he Guarantee —it is a source of gratification to all the Sunlight workers. unlight Soap, • MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. l'OLBORNE TOWNSHIP. The council of the township of Col- borne wet in the township hall March 13th. Members all present. Minute* of last meeting read and adopted, on motion of MaCanu and Currey. The treasurer reported having received $916.46 Red Cross funds from the couoty treasurer. Moved by Snyder and Fisher that the grant be equally divided between the four Red Cross Societies. Moved by Snyder and Mc- Cann that the treasurer pay over to the Telephone System the balance of the money collected for them. Car- ried. Moved by Snyder, and Fieber that the clerk write V. M. Roberts,' solicitors ezplaioiuq the:circumstances of the Jewell drain. and to inform them that we do not admit any liability in connection therewith. (;arriMt. The followiug pathwsst. iv were ap- pointed : No. 1 Division. Wilbert Prover ; 2. Fred Kurscbeoiki ; 3, John Flick : 4,John McClure ; 5, R. Mitch- ell ; 6. W. Hill, sr. 7, J. iylleley ; 8, C. Oke ; 9, Ward Gledhill ; 10. K. Vanstone : 11, Charles Ken : 13. L. Haskell : 14. D. Pitblado ; 15, A. Mug- ford ; 16, Abe Fisher : 17. S. Gardiner; 18, Albert Good ; 19. %V. Long ; 21, R. Straugban ; _', W. J. Hamilton ; 23, Ed. Hardy; 24, Jae. Feagan ; 25, T. Mitchell ; 26, W. Waltt re ; 27, F. Stanley ; 28. W. Evans ; 29, W. McWhinney ; 30, W. C. Robertson ; 31. R. M. Ynuog : 32, Jarvis McBride ; 34, John Gallagher ; 35, James Glen ; R. McMillan ; 37. Frauk Young ; 1), Joseph Afton ; 38121, John alter : 30, Gemmel Battu r' ; 40, Jae. Bu hanan ; 41, Jobn McPhee ; 42, T. . fields ; 43, Charles Mcrhee : 44. R. t en ; 45, Clarence Potter ; 46, John . aylor ; 47, Allan Green : 48. Col. St art ; 30, Alex. Clutton ; 51. Geo. Cur y: 52, T. G. Shepperd ; 53, R. McWh ney ; 64, A. Jones : 55, J. Thompson : , John Chisholm ; 67, W. Vroorna ; 59, W. Bogie ; 60, Hillary Holton ''62, Jae. McWhinney; tel, Fred Quaid ;14tGeo. Ashton ; (35, H. Walters ; On. `Treble ; 67, Jas. Young ; 63, Jas.hieholm ; 60, R. Bogie • 70, Mowing Tab The following aecour s were passed and otdets drawn e n lie treasurer tor same : Mrs. R. M. Dong, Mrs. Jellies Long. Mier Mary McManus and Mrs. (Rev.) Hamilton, Red ('noes work : W. 83lio11,. gravel, $1.05: The Signal Printing Cd., $18, R. Bogie, gravel. $7.20: Ales.\Hnr- ton, gravelling on L. R., $-'l ; J Chisholm, inspecting, $3 ; Alex. ton, gravel, $4.:'A. Moved by Fisher and Currey" the R. M. Young he appointed representa- tive to .the Board of Agriculture. Carried. Moved by Snyder and Mc- Cann that we order 311110 feet red beech plank from,tbe Bsenbiler Mill- ing Co. at $30 p. r thousand. Carried. Moved by Fisher and Snyder that we adjourn to meet on April 10th at 1.30 p. m. R. McItwAIN, Clerk. JOB AND COMMERCIAL Printing? tbe %tarsal e1 1 J • d. ;i w e :i :ism - 101111 iii: e■•• •so• 1 lei ■. •ee•N ee—•N i•e* 1.11 •.•• •e•• Oslo .•Io ilii a••o e::: ecu. 0.11 uuIe •ser miss Sell 011 .w MOON ilii 0••I ..•l • 011 .011 •.lI •ii• 5011 •lir ■ 11 •esi 111 meet Meet 1111 0011 WW1 0011 1111 0.11 OW/ Masi Masi 9N N 11 0011 0011 WWI 0NG 0Ue Pell •1I •iii uu •ii• ■" a Just Right Dunlop Tires—" Traction," "Special," "Plain," are so priced that it is impossible for you to pay less for your tires and needless to pay more. ii 01 11 •• •S oil Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Head Office and Factories: TORONTO 11 BRANCHFS: Victoria, Vancouver. Edmonton, Calgary. Saskatoon. Regina. Winnipeg. London. Hamilton, Toronto. Ottawa. Montreal. St. John, Halifax. Manufacturers of High -Grade Tires for Auto. mobil... Motor Trucks, Bicycles, Motorcycles and Carriages; and High -Grade Rubber Belting. Packing. Fire Hoes. and General Hese, Dredge Sleeve*. Military Equipment. Mata, Tiling. Heels and Soles. Horse Shoe Pads. Cements, and General Rubber Sperielties A.69 DUNLOP SPECIAL TREAD - -n■ SOS 01 1• H 11 BO 11 s11 11 I M5 105 NOS OBS 1 1 11 11 ICI Iii POO 101 101 Iii •1 COO 5. 11 s ■ s s 5 w 5 $ s 1 1 s_ •1 a t • • 1 II •a' •es 1115' A•5 l•a•/ A'0 ;_ •, del DUNLOP TRACTION - TREAD - EASE WAWANOSH. The council met on March 19th as per adjournment. Members all pres- ent. Minutes of last meeting were read and passed on motion of Buchan- an and Irwin. • Mr. Scully, manager of the Dominion Bank, Wingbam, was present and asked the council to re- consider its action of last meeting in changing the township account trout the Dominion Bank to the Bank of Comm. rce, but the council unani- mously agreed not to interfere in thio matter and the order passed at last meeting stands. Court of revision on the Walsh drain bylaw was opened as per notice. There being no appeals against assessments the court wets then closed on motion of Currie and McGowan. Petition of John T. Currie and thirteen others asking the council to open up the sideroad at the north end of lots :33 and 34. concession 13, for light tramc this coming summed', r•eceived.1 Mr. McGowan moved, Nee - ended by JIr.Buchanan,that thio mat- ter hi' left over till next meeting for furt her consideration. Cart ied. Moved Mr. Collie, seconded by Mr. Irwin, t the question of purchasing road inery be left with the Reeve, he to tot espond with the Exeter Mfg. Co, siding terms and prices on Pans a red Boston graders and to re- port on h' matter by nett meeting of the c ru.'I. Carried. Bylaw No. 3, 1917, w r . d and passed. soaking the followir appointments : Pathmasta ii -G. Raithhy, J. C. Stoltz, W. T. enkine. J. 13. Tierney, Wes. Kehne, \Bentley, Wm. Ander- son, J. Hoare, 11Geo. Snell, N. John- ston, W. Mcloean, Fred Poll. Wm. Radford, Get. Potter, J. T. Wilson, Phos. Kenick, W. J. Roder, A. Rob- ison, Vt in. H. Campbell, W. Cook, W. Stackhouse, M. Mason,' N. Fitzpatrick, M. (Bell, N. Welsh, J. T, ultls, Wm. Blair, Wm. Howatt, J. E. Noble. W. McDowell, D. Cook, J. W, aeon, P. W. Scott, J. V ightman, Win. C. Scott, Thos. H. Taylor. H. McClenag- han, J. F. McCallum, J. W. Bone, Ed. Walsh, .i. Sheill. M. Henry. A. King, P. Gibbons, H. Deacon, T. Montgom- ery. A. Ferguson, W. Salter, T. Con - gram, Jas. Menzie. 231 Deacon, N. Mc- Neil, Ed. Irwin, E. Welker, R. Scott, H. Perdue, .1. Elliott, J. J. Keir, A. Currie, R. Stapleton, J. Norman. F. Mowbray, C. Sanbur. J. Faloonel, J. Sutherland, J . Smeltzer, H. McGee, J. Martin, P. McGlynn, C. Martin, S, Thompson, J. Beecroft, 0. Campbell, .1. Bruce, D. Chawney, F. Deyeraux. Poundkeepera-J. Hosie, F. Mar- shall, J. le Stoltz, B. H. Taylor. G. Cunningham, G. M. Robertson, U. Clow, Thos. Robinson, J. Campbell, J. Cochrane and J. C. Currie. Fencevlewers-W. .1. Parks, R. J. McGee, F. D. Stalker, J. Mensie, sr., R. Shei11, A. Robertson. Sheep valuators -D. McGill, J. U. Stoltz.d. T. Currie. J. J. Kerr. The amount to he charged for unperformed statute laborwas placed at $1.50 per Five account' were paid In aid of Red Crows work as follows : Auburn, $36 ; 1Veetfield, $fKM; Whitechurch, Mel ; Belgrave, $76 ; McGowan*, $40. On motion of McGowan and Bu- chanan the council adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, April iOt.h. A. POHTRRRIWLD, Clerk. NOW A STRONG MAN 1p tether had beat tweeted with 3hR was s `a ye. met • • s /per KIDNEYS L purchased • bac sad after Wi- ttig thea At a week roesd that they gate Mae *owe relief. Se Plea purchased three were bones, which Imo * of entirely rellevtag ktw. Ee is new siroad was la good health ck d able to attend to W dailyTor that gnat change all 1. der to OM 71110 To::: truly, Ala Moue. All buggias Gen Obs Tuts M seea bet. or a Soleil 101 SI WO Sappho tree if roe raarw errnssaso wallower.. le -L rbc Commission before accepting any oxer for the steel. the Hydro at the meeting having offered to take the rails and allow pit a ton for then[ and r, turn rails in their place when wanted. they in the meantime to pay interest on the motley. (Since then they have offered $40 to buy outright. but the municipalities are awaiting the report on the completion of the road before deciding). At the Ashfield council meeting. after the joint meeting. the only busi- ness done was to make grants out of money voted by the county. as fol- low?. viz. : Women's Institute of Dungan- non $ i5 00 Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle10U 00 Women's institute of Kintail100 00 The Ladies' Guild cf Port Al- . b.rt 2500 Ou Matoh l rt.h council met as per adjotffi•mment, all being rresent. The minutes of February 12th wore ap- proved. on motion of Richardson and Hackett. Moved by Dalton and Alton that $300 be paid Solit.t r Proudfoot. on account ra cots of Dungannon bridge suit. and test the council meet the solicitor on Saturday to decide on an appeal to the Su{ rem* Court. and as to the coats of the suit. The eppo(ntmeut of a represent .1 re on the Hoard of Aprieulture was lett 015-1 fto. turtle' r inn minion from Wm. Bailie, secretary. The auditors' report.. showing assets over liabilities' of $367L36, was re- ceived and on motion'of Hackett and Richardson wee adopted. the audit, is each to be paid a dollar extra. tbe work being much heavier than a few years ago, when the tee was the saws as now. Oollec.tor McDonagh .reported the following Lazes still unpaid : Ed. Beattie, business tax, blab ; 5. E. Pauline, the 5 p. r mot.- .]ilk ; (i race Plunkett, teach. r, income tax, $1.20 ; F. F. Lawrence, on McConnell proper- ty at Pott, Albert, 1117.11: John G. Kuntz, business and income tax, $4.96: Michael Dalton. 11100.5E ; Coterie %Vett Shore Railway.$12.98-a total of $138.9l. Moved byAlton and Rlcbardsnn that the colector be given meta for this $1311.91, end that the $1.68 of E. Beattie,'t♦nd the 20c of S. K. Pauline be written off as unoollectable. and thlt the balance be collected furtb- with as { rovided by statute, and it not so collected to be returned W the county treasurer for collettiop. et the proper time. Niece then the $100.58 of Michael Dalton, deceased, has been received). Oo motion- af Hackett and Alton, the Ashfield Soldiers Aid Circle was granted a further sum out of the coun- ty money of $260, leaving • balance of some $100 of this mohey Still avail- able. Five hundred dollars was paid the Hunter Bridge & Boiler Co. ouscruui t r steel for McDonald bridge. and other small accounts were pawed. making total payments of $1319.00. An account to balance the boundary account Ashfield and Kioloes for 1916. amounting to $17.61. was ori. red sent to Kinloe. Oo motion of Alton and Hack?tt, the council adjourned to April eth at 1'S30 p. w. Taus. G. ALLEN. Clerk of Ashfield. WEAK, SORE LUNGS Restored To Health By Vinol Camden, A. J.--1 had a deep seated eougi., was rundown, and my lungs were weak and sore. 1 had tried everything suggested without help. One eve- ning I read about Vinol and decided t0 try it. Soon I noticed en improve- ment. I kept on taking it and today I am a well man. The soreness is all gone from my lungs, i do not have any cough and lave gained fifteen pounds -Flee g ffua WAN. We guarant•{e V i s o l for cheesier coughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, rundown conditions H. C. Dunlop, drnggrst,Goderich.Ont Also at the best druggists in al 1 Outeri towns. MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity beet all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 98 residence 212 or SI CURRENT LITERATURE. THE CANADIAN MAUAZINK.-There is a good budget in The Canadian Magazine for April, "Our All -Cana- dian Peer," a sketch of Baton Graham, 1 y A. R. Carman. is followed by "An Adventure in Youth," a delightful short story, by Macey E. Lowrey, with illu.trations by Berthe heel Cloyes : "Tendencies in Modern Poet- ry,' by Arthur L. Phelps "The Spirit of the Navy," by "T*Qrall" : "The Lake of the Woods," by J. F. 13. Liveeay ; "The First Miller on the Humber," by Herbert Macdonald "The First ('anediso. in France," by F. McKelvey Bell : 'The Psychology of Khaki," by Dr. J. D. Logan : a sketch of Madame Albani, by Emily P. Weeper, and five short 'toile.. I91fi4ii , MT were sees v*•• AT NIGHT ASHFISLD. As • joint meeting of the municipal• hist had heap er'ranged for Feliroat•y 112th. the regular ma Ong day for Ash- field enunMl. It was decided by 'phone to do what necessary bu.inee there might he at Goderich. At the joint mett.ing 1t was decided to await the report of the Hydro -Si•• - Keep Up With the Times ! AND have your house lighted in the modem way—with electricity. We know how to do it, and will cheerfully furnish plans and estimates for wiring. fixtures, etc. A Targe assortment of Elec- trical Sundrie% and Supplies always on hand. Robt. Tait West Street, phones Nest Postelflcs 82 and LOS Canadian Red Cross Society and Huron County War Contingent Association. The following is the report for the Marcbshipment from Goderich centre to Hymen Hall, London, Out : Ashfield Soldiers' Aid- Value. 52 suits of pyjamas.. $ 713 00 1 pillowslip 1 pillow 2 25 110 pain of bock,. ... . 107 10 Total value $ 187 60 Goderich Red Cross Society - B2 suits of pyj•ruas $ 68 00 36 dressing gowns 168 00 23 day shirts .. 52 75 11 pain of bed socks 386 276 pairs of socks 248 40 Total value $ 529 00 Benmiller Red Cross Society - 15 suits of pyjamas $ 22 50 6 day shirts 13 50 00 pillowslips 18 00 49 pain of socks 441110 Total value $ OS 10 Pungannon Women's institute - 27 suite of pyjamas.......".... $ 41' iA 1 trench shirt 2 23 Total value $ 42 '75 1.eeburn Red Cross Workers - 17 day 'Witte. . $ 42 50 51 paire of socks.... 46 110 Tctal value $ Colborne Red Cross Workeis- 36 suits of pyjamas $ 6 trench ebirts 20 dayshirts 78 pairs of socks 98 40 54 00 12 00 w 00 70 20 Total value $181 91) Bri tannia Chap., Red Cross Workers - 78 housewives $ 78 00 Goderich Tp. Patriotic Society - 42 suits of pyjamas $ 70 00 1 hospital shirt 1 00 97 pairs of sock. 87 311 Total value $ 158 30 Saltford Red Cro.sloelety- 3 tr'eueb shirts $ 72 00 2 field shirts 4 60 188 pain of socks 148 70 1 There is Safety Under This Roof Have you ever hada fine job of decorating spoiled by s leaking roof? If you have. you certainly are in a position to appreciate the value of a roof that is positively water -proof. Sanaa the troubles common to 'wooden shingles to -day are that they are apt to split, warp or blow off as wsill as leak. soon after they are put on. Years ago they were good. but the quality has since gradually depreciated as the available supply of suitable timber became exhausted. Brandied Slates have mote of the faults of wooden shingles. They came:ea-um- They do not allow rale to be driven under them as du rnetal'toola They do not require rigid supporting as do the oormmun trio or slate roots On the other hand Brantford States afford the utmost protection with little weight. They are made on a long -fibred felt "base' which is thoroughly saturated under pressure with asphaltum or mineral pitch. (rushed quarried slate particles are thea deeply embed- ded in the surface of this "base• making it water -light and fireproof. Brantford Roofing Brantford Slates are made in the natural slate cotters of green. red. black and grey. The colors never fade and the slates do not require painting nor repairing. These slates are pliable end fit readily around sables and into the angles of any roof. This means • continuous roof without seams or )pinta Sparks die on Brantford Slates When you have these slates "on" you the done with the job. Remember they dotrt require painting or staining and may be selected to harmonize with al- most any exterior color design. and the price is not beyond your reach. We would be pleased to scud you samples and our Roofing Booklet. Brantford Roofing Company, Limited Brantford, Canada For sale by W. R. PINDER 1 Total value $ 123 20 Gods rich Women's Institute - 2 quilts .$ 400 5 sults of pyjamas .. 7 W 18 pairs of socks y. 16 20 Total value $ 27 70 Taylor's Oorner Patriotic Society - 27 wits of pyjamas $ 40 50 26 pairs of socks 23 40 Safety First Notlusg ie mars last to the Fur Shipeer thus &Amiaelsen with am Hort-itellaklr -Bade Fur Bones. "Ship to Shubert" th.laraeet boots is the World dints• ezela*lv.t Aawtea. Raw Furs. e.aw. fee ww Aaron ,.r .. — Aver.... amid Neral A•wrdrt. wR.• met .r•.t Primo mi d1 . _ •••••••••11r sa • nest. Write fee the latest *dines of "aha 5.M■eert A11N•i' e.aawoe .sinal,.. YarSo• tderwe0.• see ware tree. A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. oo..a c•aui.TAUSTIN t rccAco. its Total value $ 63 90 Maple Leaf Chapter - 48 comfort bags $ 60 00 12 pet somal property begs. 12 90 Total value $ 72 O0 Total value of 'shipment $1750 I//- ILA <iLA M. Ait10: Note.-Leeburn Red Cross Workers should have been credited in Feb' usry report with 42 palm a socks instead of -- the 6 pairs published. The list of contributions from Gntt.e [ich centre towards the Huron ward In the Bryon Sanitarium, London, Ont.. is as ollows : Leeburn Red Cross Workers .11 11) (4) Goderich Tp. Patriotic Society 12 60 Benmlller Iled Cross Society... 10 00 8t. Augustine Patriotic Society 10 00 Taylors Corner Patriotic Soc'y. 5 00 Goderich Women's institute... 10 00 Dungannon Women's institute 10 (10 Huron County War Auxiliary (Goderich) . . 10 00 Ahmeek Chapter, 1. 0. D. 5... 35(1 Gen. Brough Chapter, 1.0.0.E. 3 60 St. Helens Women's institute 10 00 Ashfield Soldiers' Aid 10 00 Colborne Red Cross Workers10 00 Total amount $114 00 1f.A M. AL[.wt, See' y -Treasu rer. Mows grows nn it man's hopes if be waits for .omething to taro up. Semi -ready Clothes Always ready for you to "try on" Q Can be tailored to your precise measure in an hour, With_iiachalge for finishing or alteration. q We cater to the best - dressed men in town; Semi - ready Suits have the style and -'the finish you want. q Imported British Wool- lens at /15, $20 and $25; prices between and beyond; " label in the, pocket " de- notes the basic cost per yard of the cloth. *rmt-r'a ailoring McLEAN BROS. Goderich