HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-5, Page 5WE ARE NOW OPEN
And are prepared to do all kinds of auto-
mobile work, but especially :
if we do a job it will be done by someone who
knows bow.
Owned and Operated by a Practical Man
Class in Bread -making.
An aonounceweot in the advertis-
ing columns of The Signet this week
of • claw in bread -making to be con-
ducted under the dlrecUon of Mrs.
Tancott will he of in. erect to many of
the ladies. Those who intend to take
the course should make application rt,
once to Mrs. Tancott.
T. M. Davis Retiring.
Mr. T. M. Devis has sold his 'bus
business to Mr. H. Stowe, who bas
also leased Mr. Davis' biro on South
street and takes possession May 1st.
Mr. Davis is retiring from busiue.s
and will sell his livery equipment by
auction the latter port of this month,
We are glad to kilos, that Mr. Davis
does not intend moving trove town,
fur the present at least.
Examination Time -tables.
The time -table for the junior high
school entrance and junior public
school graduation examinations has
been issued. The entrance examina-
tion will be hell June ]!l, 21 and
and the public school graduation ex-
amination on June 13th to 22nd.
The time -tables are issued also for
• GEO. E. KING, Proprietor •
V •
WEEK OF APRIL 9th • ••
• •
•rsi ! •
• James •Morrison in •
"The jedemption of S
, •
Dave Darcey
• The Women Spy and IIer ,Accom-
plice in "The Redemption of D.tve
• Darcey."
This is a gripping a -part drama
written by C
author of "
T. Dazey,
LP ALSO "The Girl and the Gage"•
addition there will be a good comedy feature for the children. •
MATINEE on Monday. 2.3o p.m.—ioc and 15c
• N B. -Night performances Will start at 7 and 9 o'clock
• Wednesday and
•• Thursday
• from the famous story "Dol-
• lars and Cents," by Alpert
• Payson Terhuoe. Featuring
• NI)
'• Prices—IOC and 15c
• W
Six -reel Lt'BIN FI'.\Ti-RE
"Dollars and
the Woman"
"Dollars and the Woman"
A Story of hove and Money with a Heart for Stakes
aThe modernized version of
1RZit" T'ON es., 1 t... t... ,,i/e. P$ trO* 1J
with the only
in the LLleading role.
The moving picture revival
of "East Lynne." as produced
by the master organization of
William Fox, adheres closely
to the dramatic perfection of
the old stage favorite, but
brings all the power of the
motion picture realisin'and an
all-star cast into par a make
it an "East Lynne' -er be-
Singer Store -
5o Dresses and Mid-
dies to be sold before
end of April
Children's Drowses up to 2 yeah.
Ladies' and children's Middies,
colors absolutely fast, all goeal
styles, but only a few of each.
Good bargains in these.
ECRU SCRIM in stock for cur-
tains, exact shade of thread
for crocheted insertion. Threads
for such always on hand.
Pretty patterns for copying.
Fancy Goods of all kinds.
the Depertmeut+l examinations in the
high schools. The lower school ex-
aminations are from June 12th to2f b.
and those of the middle and upper
schools from June 7th to :dlth.
I Mr. Emanuel Mitchell, in bee misty -
seventh year. Mrs. Mitchell bad been
lin failing health for some mouths.
Before her remove' with her busband
Goderich ten years ago, she had
been a lifelong resideot of Colborne
township, having been boin io the
township. She is survived by her
hubband, four eons—Albert and
'.:laude, in Saskatchewan, Samuel, of
Stratford, and Richard, on the old
bomesteed in Colborne—and two
daughters, Mrs. Luxien Hill, of Blyth,
and Miss Mary, at home. Mr. Rich-
ard Jewell, of Colborne, is a brother,
and Mrs. John Levy, of Carlow, and
Mrs. HenryFisher, of Beowiller, are
si.teis. nother sister lives in the
The funeral took place on Sunday
afternoon to the Colborne cemetery,
Rev. J. E. Ford conducting the set -
vices. The pallbearers were Wm.
Brownlee, Thor. Hawkins, Robert
Young and John Millian. Lampe
those who were present at the funeral
were Mr. and Mn. Lurton Hill, of
Blytb ; Mr. lames Stevens, of Clinton,
end Mr. and Mrs. Himmel Mitchell, of
The members of the family wish to
thank neighbor' and friends for many
kiadnessssduring the time of 'lines
and bereavement. r
On Saturday, March 31st, at high
noon, the hoiue of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert H. Johnston, Waterloo street,
was the scare of a pretty though
quiet wedding, only immediate rela-
tires being present when their eldest
daughter. Lottie Viola Maud, became
the bride of Cecil Chester Farqubltr,
of Clinton. The bridal couple we
unattended. '1'6e bride, attired in •
handsome gown of ivory silk crepe de
chine with lovely tatted lace culler,
the gift of her aunt, Mrs.Grabam, and
carrying a beautiful bouquet of bridal
roses and lily -of -the -valley, entered
the room,on bei tether's arm and the
bridal party took their places amid
the palms to the strains of the Lohen.
grin Wedding March. The pianist,
ise F, rn, sister of the 1yide, was
gowned in Shantung silk with old roes
trimmings, and the ttowergirl, little
Mies }leen Cook, cousin of the bride.
looked sweet in a dress of white
shadow lace over pink silk and carried
the wedding ring amidst the petals of
sis$va$DAY, APRII 5, 1917 a
A Newspitar Change.
The New Ere, published at Vict trio
Hat bor, hap changed hands, Mr.
Athol McQu•rrie having sold the busi-
ness to Mr. F. J. B tk, r, who has been
practically in charge of it for route
Urge The new proprietor is a brother
of Mr'. C. A. Nairn. of Goderich, and
bong brand Mr. McQ'arrie are for-
mer member. of the Signal tttf.
Mr. McQuatrie is now in the insur-
ance business. The New ' Era has
evidently made a place for itself in
the business and social life of its com-
munity, and as it has been conducted
with ability by Mr. Baker as manager
it will no doubt continue to be is credit
t it. publisher to Victoria Har- a large white rose. The ceremony
bor. was uertorwed by Rev, R. C. McDer-
s mid, pastor of Knox church, of wbich
Donations to Alexandra Hospital. congregation the bride was a member.
The following donations have heen After congratulations and hest wishes
gratefully accepted by the hospital the guest' adjourned to the dining -
since the New Year : room to (sumptuous wedding break -
2 jar. fruit, Mts. Bleckst me
:t, " " A Friend
1 •• ' • Mrs. G. L. Parsons, W
" " Mrs,. J. M. berts, Tie-
- Wier street
Mrs. -Paler dire
N •\ " and lof pickles, AFr•
2 :•\t\ •r 3irs.� R -1b
1.pat pillow', Ashfield
Aid : 3 pairs blankets, safety r z or,
double boil. r. linen towellingfor oper-
ating root*,Ahweek Chapter, Daugh-
ters of the Empire.
Death of Thomas J. Gerry.
The want' friends of Mr. Thomas J. I
fast. Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar left on
the 4 2) Ci - i P. R. train, avid a shower
of confer i, fur Toronto, where they
win sperm a few days en route- to
Gerry will regret to burn of his death,
which occurred on I-itttrd.y at the
Western bnepilled.- Jdi -Gerry bad
been ailing only\• few days when
pneumonia set in,'from which be did
not ircover. Tbe'late Mr. Gerry was
well known in T'ororsto. having served
the Dodge Manufacturing Corns any
for over twenty-five sere in many
capacities and latterly ,. a city travel-
The f r.going, from,,, be Toronto
Globe of Tuesday, refers t a couein of
Mr. John W. Ten, of God ich. Mr.
Uer y'ri illness was of snort duration,
and hisdeetb wasentirelyun :petted.
.\ few days before he was tale ill he
was notified that his sttary WO Id b
ince fluted, as he bad beer. a mo aith•
fuleutployee, and his pay chew' , at
the tncreaerd rata, reached his h me
'the day\be died.
Death of"1tlr$. E. Mitchell.
The dee occurred on Thirsday,
March Mb, Of Ellen Jewell, _wife of
One-ofthe most ri:ineer-
ous and reput.ne forms of
Kidney Disease is
for which Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the only certain
cure. in Dropsy the Kid-
ney! are actually dammed
lap, and the water, which
should be expelled in the
form of urine, Rows back
and lodges in the cells of
the. fieah and puffs out . the
skin. Remove the filth
which plugs up the drain.
Restore the Kidneys to
health. There is only ace
Kidney Medicine
Exceptional Backing
The thorough organization
of the 1.11s11 Bask al Casaba.
covering the Dominion with
over 300 Branches, and reaching the rest of the world through
Agents and Correspondents, provides splendid banking facilities
for Its customers, whatever may be their business or private needs.
Why sot take advantage of this service?
Goderyi Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
Saskatooft, their future home, where Lure productions.
Mr. Farquhar intends going into the! Anyone what has seen ••Etat Lye ne"
bakery business. The groom's gift.' on the stage will want to see it a• a
were very pretty -to the bride a' film pioducriuu : and three who have
pearl lavalier, to the pianist r gold I never seen it should not wise this pp -
signet ring and to the wee flowergirl 1 pm tuntl y.
• gold locket pendant. I Besides the
The bride's going•away suit, was of form•ncrs on
sand woollen poplin, with • .:hie little' -here will be a
black bat with a much of sand trim- afterdoott.
ming to match. A large reception __ -_
was held on the arrival of the t-ain at 1
Ttronte at the horns of Mrs. lPargd-
hat's aunt, Mos. \Vm. L'ker, 17 Dor•'
val road. The bride will be at bottle
at 832 Fourth Ave. North, Seskst ton,
Sask. .
Next Week at the Model.
If • series of high -claw oc.
film prod'
tions can make it so. next week will
be a great ,big week at the Model.;
Theatre. The opening pr 'gayer for 1
the week (on Monday and 'i'uea,hyl
will include "The Redemption of Dave
Dercey," • thrilling play hy the author
of "In Old Kentucky ;" another in-
stalment of "rho. Girl and the Game,"
and A good comedy for the children—
and the grown-ups, t to, who enj 'v a .
In order to give as uisny as possible
an opp n•tunity "f erjs•ying this big
program, there will tie a matinee per-
forwance oat M.tnday afternoon at
or\Vedoeedsy end 'Thursday the
KIR is "Dollars and the Woman." •
story of domestic life with • pis t that
maintains the interest to the end.
For the concluding days of t.`le week
Mr. King has secured a very epe•eiel
attraction -in "East Lynne' -the old
stage favorite modernized and pie.
sented on the screen in westerly feels -
ion by a brilliant company. headed hy
Tbed• Bara, Ute eminent screen
In writing the scenario from the
newt} "Ntet Lyes e' --and the play
"Kest Lynne," Miss Mary Murillo re="
tains in its picture form all the dra-
matic and liters' y force, but increases
the scope of the soot y along lines only
possible in moving pictures. dI1 rtram
Blacken, who direct the pictures
starring Miss Bars. .electedwcenery
true to type in old-fashioned spots in
the Keit, whets the !wilding', and
gardens Appeared quite like those of
rural England. an& the interior scerter
taken in the Fox et tulips in New .11n•-
sey, show gen uina old English an-
tique furnishings, which lend a color
unusually correct, even ronsideting
the usual accuracy of high-class pit -
regular evening per -
Friday arra Seturda%,
matinee. un Saturday
Go to the office with
new Ni or—throw off
that feel' of weariness
and fatiguewith
For overworked men and
women, for feeble folks
of old age and for deli-
cate children, this tonic
is recommended highly.
'head the exact form-
ula on the label. •
Let it help you- -it
surely will if properly
taken. 7T and 111.50.
J. A. Campbell,
Phm. B.
"Central Dreg Stere"
N,n•Ih `tcc"t and Sum,
Goslerii h
Let us make you acquainted
with the new, luscious
flavour —
Four Patriotic Reason
For Growing Vegetables
I. It saves money that you would otherwise spud
for Vegetables.
2. It helps to lower the "high cost of living." -
3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus
of produce for export.
4. Gro\airtg your own Vegetables saves labor of
others whose effort is needed for other vital war
fore achieved.
SPECIAL PRIG—lac, 20e •
MATINER Saterday, 2.30
p.m. --like and l:tc
Citizens of Goderich
You are Asked to Help
It's all that
the name
Wrigley quality—
made where
chewing gum
making is a
Now three flavours
Chew it after
every meal
If yon have more land than yon can cultivate, notify
he committe e and they will allocate it to someone else.
Ryon desire to plant a lot for "patriotic purposes'
the committee will undertake to plow and harrow it free.
For f::rtber information notify or consult
Chairman of Committee-.
Seale Tight— Kept Right!
The Flavour Lasts
Get it wherever
confections are sold