The Signal, 1917-4-5, Page 4i t t; DAY, APRIL 5, 1917 THE SIGNA1. - (:(1I)ERI('II ONTARIO A Better Hat for Men The finest high-grade Hats in the world THE GENUINE BORSALINO HATS have that distinctive merit and exclusiveness of styles, finish and colorings that have earned for them the reputation of being the finest high-grade Hats in the world. Price $4.50 Easter Clothing The will be pleased with our showing of the new styles in "pine back" suits and "first longs" -the latter is especially cut to fit, the youth who is buying his first lottg- trouser suit. Men's Suits, iii all the newest styles, including the "pinch -back." We are showing a great variety of patterns and in many cases at prices much below their present value. Call and see our styles and get prices. WALTER C. PRIDHAM King Edward Cafe (SOMETHING SEMI The weather is now cool. People coming to town can be served Mot Coffee, 1 ea or Cocoa at 5c Meals also served 36c Ils price. paid for butter and egtta. The best barn in town for stabling. Joseph Murray Ktagston Street sageenCH GODERICH TOWNSHIP. WEosEADA Y. April 4. Mr. Reg. Sturdy sold a fine grey team last week to Jasper Brindley. Oeorge Ginn has been oil the sick list for the past week, but is getting better amain. Did you we :he mule on Sam Mc - Math ? Well. no wonde•. for hr's get • new car end a dew daughter. Hiram Cox, formerly of the nth con - session, enli.tPd Iasi week at Toronto,' where he bre been since teat summer.' COI -us up if there is a leak in your house. We will locate the trouble and have it put right. That's part of OUT bUslutSS. We do eavestroughing, plumbing, , tinsmithing, etc., and we do it right. FRED. HUNT "THE PLUMBER" Hannon Street Phon. 135 He is in the C. M. R.. now stationed at Hamilton. Good luck, Hiram I The Fanners' CI'rh will sne$t:at the Orange Hall on Wednesday, April 11th. Taylor's Corners Patriotic Society is holding a sewing et the home of Mrs. Wm. Potter- on Wadneday, April Ilth. All ladies having flniahed ar- ticles arra requested to band them in that day. ready for the next shipment. The Society wishes all those having The au 0 , 0. 8aocei-on. to Mctlonagb i (Redhill EXCLUSIVE. AGENTS FOR LEI -flail VALLEY THE COAL THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Ce> lent Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75 B. ). Saults' Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence 202 Your New Suit we should like you to call and see the new Suitings and Overcoatings f o r spring. If you want something that looks good, and is good, at a teasonable price, We believe we can suit you. R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South vide S.Inar.•, taodoi ich. NEWEST SHOE FASHIONS FOR EASTER The new shoe styles this season are strikingly handsome. The shoemaker's art has certainly ex- celled all past efforts. In patent, kid and Havana brown leathers, we are showing an endless variety of the latest creations in button and lace shoes, also pumps and strap slippers. The moderate prices asked for these really fashionable and pretty shoes are sure to meet your approval. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North aide of Square (;o.lerich papers, tags and rubbery to leave the%at the Bowe of Mia. T. M. J.,bn- ton 5.. soon ad id convenient- ASMFIELU. The regular monthlymeeting of the Ashfield Snldi.+rs' AiCircle will be held at the hot= of Mrs. W.H. Mashed. b b c ,ncerioD, un Tuesday. April 10, at. 2 o'clock. All are cordially invited. KINGStSRIDGE MONDAY. April 2. Batas'R.-Frank McCarthy leaves this week for Btaiusleigh, Alberta Mins Florence and Jeek McCarthy have arrived home from Detry t, where they spent thewiuter Rheinhardt and family lean: on Tuesday to j.,io her hu•hvoid in Al- berta. Weare sorry to lose them, but wish them suocess in their new horn. HOLMESVt .LE. TUESDAY, April 3. NORMAN FOB HOLttasvILLR-Let W dnn:Jay t Pat-iotic S tits. y held • patriotic evening in the school. Thy program co hist d of patriotic song+ by the echo t1 child^en, 'grams• phone select!. on. by Mr. H amilton, of Olint.ou, and address br R-.. A. Sind dr and R.v. W. 8. M •ultotb Mr. C .urtice and Mr. N. W. Tee -worths. The pr weed* of donations end •ileer collection h w a'nnu .t d to $1111. The ladies of Holumoritle ars loy d R •d ('rn.4 w,.ri•rs. to two weeks 98 pair. of twautifulty knitsocks an 1 a guudly nuwle-r of 11 wnel shire were turned in. Ke -•p tip the good work: there aro more foods when these are gone. PORT ALBERT. WVEDNKSDAY, April 4. BRticFs.-Mr. Thomas Osuley, sr., ret from Cleveland haat week after spenriing the winter months there Pte. Hugh MrOuire. wife and children, of Lnodon, att •nded the (tippet of their aunt, Mrs. John Fritz - ley . ...Captain John Fritrley, of Erieau. spent • day with his father, Mr. John Fritzley, of this place Mr. Joseph C. McMillan lett for De- tr,it this week Vit. I•aacGauley and children, of Goderi.•b, are the guests of Mr and Mn. \Vin. Oauley at Pott Albert. A New iN.•uMBEN•r. -Rev. H. R Williams, of Dungannon and Port Albert parish, preached his farewell sermon on April lat. Bath congrege- tines regret his departure very keenly. Rev. W. Attica', the new incumbent, will preach his flew sermon in Christ's church, Port Albert, nest Sunday. Mr. Allison will he able to preach some very interesting sermon•, as he Ise returned army eboplain. THELATE\IR4. FRIT/.LEY.-ThedPath of Mrs. John Fr.•tiey oecnrr'.d on '!'otied.y. March 27th. She had been in poor health rine« Christmas, but was always able to go about bee household duties until thr a weeks before her death, when she took to bed and there teunained till death re- leased her from her pain. eine was a patient sufferer through it all. Mr -o. Ftitzley was born in Erie county six • y -nine years ago. She is survived by her aged ptrtn•r. two sons and one daughter : Capt. John Fritzley, 21 Erieau : R..y, of t'1i• phare, and Mr's. Kenneth Stowe, of O.rderich ; also' h two brothers and tieee si-t •rs : Wil- liam, of Croonia, John, of Port Stan- ley, Mrs. Jas. Young and Mrs. Angus Matheson. of Gore Bay. and Mrs. Thos. Wilaon. of Pur. Albert. The remains were interred in Port Albert cemetery. the fun• -rel cervices being conducted both at the home and at the- grave by R4v. H. R. Williams of Dungannon. Despite the had roads• fiends and neighhors' numbering about two hnndr-d t••llowtd the re- main• to the grave. The pallbearers were Messrs. John JI Gee, lsaae Hew - {.in., Thnnias (iauley and Jarvis Wiles. The family have the sincere aympathy of this community in the ir sad be- reavement. Spring Impurities in the Blood. A Tonic Medicine Is a Ne- cessity at This Season. Dr Williams' Pink Pille for Pale People are -an a!1-year-r..tnd t mac, (•In.»I-build r and nervi -m' •dt .ren. But they are especially valuable in the •prang when til. Ply rtem is Io .d •d with impurities a• a result of the in- door life of the a inter months. Tin rd is no re her season when the blood IP DO much in need of p•.ritvino and en- . iching, and every dude of these pills helps to make new, a ich, red blood. In the spring one fe.-Is weak and ib ed -Dr. \V,Iliaws' Pink Pills give strength. in the spring the anpetite is often poor -Dr. Williauta' Pink Pill. develop t to app •tire. tone the stomach and ail weak digealion. it 1e in the goring th t p..iean• in the blood find ea nit at in disfiguring Wimple., eruption. and 8011.-1) . Burns and Sores quickly healed by MECCA Ointment '1 was gives en se die ti three local Becton sad aim • Tweaso epsc+•list •s my foot wit half mw wt with • sass - rasa sore. The poieoo had worked through my system. Alter a.a. swatis' poseteat use of Mama Oiat..sat, my 1 h♦u savd. Nature motored t e low gsh."-108. CO(WIAND Prepared by FOSTER-DACK CO., LTD. TORONTO, ONTARIO Sold by J. A. Caspbell, Goderic` i 1'. L Jackson, of th- Sterling Bank, Goderich, and Mr. No en Kernighau were pte.enr. Mr. J ernighan gave an address explaining the workings of the organization. The W. M. S. held its annual meet - ling for appointment of officers for the coming year at the parsonage on Wednesday Alt.rnnou. Special Ea ter nervines will be held here on Sunday. In the morning the W. M. S. will have charge of the ser- vice. For the afternoon the adult Bible classes have prepared an inter- esting program. Ttie evening service will be "The Song Story of Judith," by the choir. AUBURN. MONDAY, April 2. Mr. Chas. Armstrong, of Shelburne. vi.ited his sister, Mrs. 8. Sallee. Howson & Lew.on have started their sawmill cutting out their stock of Togs. Mr. and Mr.. John RMeitson; of town, were in the village attending the funeral of their aunt. Miss Pierre. The play "Hunkers' Cornets" will be presented in the Temperance Hall here on Monday evening next Pas the Dungannon Dramatic Company, in the lntere•ta of the Ked ('rose fund. Mr. and Mee. Adams, of Windsor, were recent visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. Thos. Lawlor. They were enjoying a honevronon-trill tie tore taking up housekeeping at. \V•nd- sor. The bride wee fermerly Mies Lottle(Ltwlor. Her many friends ex- tend good wirie.. OBITUARY. -Mr. A Lautensrhleger passed away on Monday even- ing, March 28th, in her eighty -foe tb hear. She is survived by her aged usband and one deughter, K .ti., of Det sit. I'he latter was with her mother for several -days before her death. The decease: will he greatly missed i.y ber maty friend., as she was always ready to assist and be- friend thee, in need. The funeral took place on Wednesday alt.rnoon to the Evangelical cemetery, Rev. W. Con- way offici»ting and the pallbearers being tiro. Yunghlut, John Pfeff'r, Itobt. McGee. Joseph Lawson, John Arthur and John ,Manning After a lingering illness borne with patience, Mres Eirza P.erce deported this lite on Monday evening, March 28th. She leaves to mourn her one brother, Jobn, and one sister, Miss Susannah. who have the sympathy of the community in their bereavetuent. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to Halt's cewetrrv. Rev. A. Laing conducted the service*. The village was shocked to learn of the death of Mr. 5.wuel Tonutpvon. of Donnybrook, whinjl occurred on Monday, March 200, atter a week's' illness of pneumonia. Carried Beets Through Drought. Alfred Huse, 11•11e River, Ontario, says : "I bought several tons of Home- .tead Feitilizrr last spring and used POMP on sir ng wheat. It did excep- tionally well--yi.-Id.d b •yond every- body'. expect awes. i oleo u.ed 5 ton on Twelve acre,. of .,iWar h-ets sown with a beet drill with a fertfhz r attach- ment. 1t w4s remarkable how it helped the growrh. and during thq dry 'spell of w• a' her my bees re- nlarn.d '(*PPO DWI thrifty while Illy n"ighhor'• beets that had no fel tlizer h•raut- y. IIOw. 1 find Home•t.ad Bone Black Fon.- ' tlizer dorm even were good than baa d for it. " Good Start -Better Color. 111041114.41041.011104111041. THE COLBORNE STORE COLLARS COLLARS COLLARS We have just put into stock the daintiest and most complete line of up-to-the-minute Mllars that we have ever bad. These Collars are the latest New York productions. Watch for them in the windows. Colored Georgette Crepe Collars in a large variety of designs and in many colors. No two colored Collars alike. When yon buy one of these colored creations you have it to yourself. Don't miss seeing this line before they are picked over. They run from' 25c to 13.00 each. MUSLINS MUSUNS MUSLINS Every few days we are putting new Muslins into stock and they are the best patterns ever offered by this store. The great feature of these goods is that the; come in dress lengths and no one else gets a dress the same as yours. Is this not a great advantage ? We have the newest designs. Watch for thein in the windows. SILKS SILKS SILKS Taffeta Silk is very good this. season. We are fortunate in having a good stock at the present time and can give you navy, black, dark green, nigger brown, light blue, grey, reseda green. These Silks come in 36 -inch width, iu a very soft taffeta, at $1.50 a yard. We have two qualities of black Silk that are excellent value. These cloths have a duchess finish and are very heavy, 36 inches wide, at 11.60 and 11.75. Colored Duchess Silk, 36 inches wide, in all wanted shades, at 11.50 a yard. Silk Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepes, in all wanted shades, 36 inches wide, at 11.50 and 11.65. Now is the time everyone is thinking of Floor Coverings. We have a complete line in all these goods. LET L'S SHOW YOU OUR WINDOW Cl1RTAINS 'Da J. H. COLBORNE iota 1 Resurrection." A special service will also be held in Safford Friday at 81 p. W. Snbjeci, "Cboice-'not this man but Bai•abh.as.' " At. the Bepttat rhumb, the pastor, , Rev. 0. M. Holmes, will deliver Easier messaged, next Sunday, and Easter muaic will be sung. The even- ing suhjer t will be : "Why* cold- hearted 'tyrannypermitted to tri- utnoh ?"-the thrd sermon on "Chert the Light of the World." The resur- rection of Christ is • s,tfficient answer to this universal problem. The male quartette will nog after the evening sermon. Lord la Hii.n." Full choral service. Props paeluie. Magniflcat and Nutt* chart•. Hymn 0(4 "Rejoice. tb*'. Is King.' • Hymn 167. "The Day of RMBiie- tion." Anthem at offertory.Turner's• trait la Risen." Recessional 31, ' The Day is and Over." Phe rector, Rev. A. L. O. Clark will officiate, assisted by Rev. B. William/. At North street Methodist rhnrch nest Sw,day mordi"g, Rev. W. K. Heget's suh)er:t will be : "The Har- vest of E.er"al Life" -an Easter med- itation. Keening subject : "Life': - Christ Plates -Jericho. There will be a pi ropr iate Ea.t er w usic, i ncled i n g. in the morning, the anthem "King •of Kings" and a solo, "The Resurrect ion Morn." by Mta. Kira : and in the evening the anthem "Awake ftp, my (Aony;" a„lo, "0 Dry Those Tear by Mr... King, with violin oblivato, and double quartette "0 Calvary." Banter Services at St. George's. 8 a. m., HolyCommunion. 11 a. to . fulchoral matin= and Holy Communion. Pe•.tcewione) 157, "Jesus ('hest 1e Ri•.41 To ay." Proper Eaater anthem. Pr..pet• psalms. teTe Deum and Jubilate to chants. UKKyrie, Gloria, Send= and Gloria in Exceleis. Hymn 1ti3. "At the Lamb'c High Feast We Sing." Communion hymn `Tl. "An 1 Now O Father." None Dimittia, Gregorian. 7 p. m.. Evensong. Processional hymn 158. "Christ Abe H. twat. !Merton. Ont., says : "1 o•«d HOoie.tead Hone Black Fer- tibz •r 0n the wheat this fell• and from i what I have seen I think it pays tc Wild ern.' Piok Pills speedily cleat 'he I sow M'. rtilizer. It gives the wheat a skin, because buoy g a to the r.n.t Of . good .t•rt and keeps it • better color," the trouble in the blood. In the 1113rittly anaemia, rhenwatle.n, indiges- tion, neuralgia, erysipelas and many t ther troubled are most persistent he - Mlle. of poor, weak Mood. and it is at tbia time when all nature takes on new Iit.. that the blood most ser;- misty er- ously needs attention. Some people dose themselves with pnr4ativnd at this season, but these only further weaken themselves. A Dui gative merely gallops through the sy.tem, A union service will be held at North emptying the bowels, but it doom not street Methodist church on Good Fri - core anything. On the other hand day at 11 a. m. Dr. V.illiamri Pink stills act natty make new hlood which re.'•hes every nerve and organ in the body, bring- ing new strength, new health and vigor to weak, easilyfir d men, wo- men and children. ry Dr. Williams' Pink Pill. this spring -they will toot disanpnint.ou. Sold by ell medicine dealers or sent ity mall at 50 cent. a hex nr six hos.s for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medi• eine flet., Broek.ille Ont. NILE- WBDNRAD.T. April 4. Mrs. R. Echlin is visiting relatives Write Michigan Carbon Works, De- troit, for free book and patUcular about their -homestead Bolo Bieck Fertiliser. _ _ _ _ CHURCH NOTES. Th. re will be services at St. George's rhnrch on Good Friday at. 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. On Monday evening the Easter ves- try end enn,.rdgat.ioned meetings will be held et 8t. George's church, at 8 o'clock. At Knox church next Sunday morn- ing Rev. R. 0. McLsrwld's auh)'ect will he.: ••The Raster Message." Evening subject : "The Ea -ter Triumph." The nihj -et for discoed= at the Men's Sunday Club at North street Methodist church next Sunday mot n - Ing will he: "How to Study the Bible." At Knox rhumb oh Bawer Sunday por.lnm of the cantata "The Roane rection" will he repeated, and at the at Renmtller. morning serve:: Miss Herrn (dole will M.-. i.ass Pott.••r bas r.tnroed bests• give a mole. aga'n. Ws und.rtand that he it,- MWaa•ia1 Gond Frl.t-y and Kanter t.nda to start farming in this cosi services at the Ralvatien Armv • mood y' Friday at 3 p. m., atihjeet, "The Thr Palmeri Club mot os Rtiday \fr'atch.rd around this Crates." M.rnday evening at the ()range 111•11 and or- lit 1t am., sohjeet, "L4,IP's Wound► - gauiverd and appointed °diem. Mi. 7 p. m., subjeet, "Out State is tb PLAN YOUR The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario Uhe 1,onbon Ebvertfser All MINI Edstians SS Per Year SUM MER VACATION ---- NOW ------ Arrange to visit some of the following points -all beauty spots -close to nature. Muskoka Lakes Algonquin Park Georgian Bay Lake of Bays Tentagami Kawartha Lakes Full information and descriptive lit- erature may be secured on appli- cation to C. E. HORNING, D P. A. Toronto. Ont. F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone 8 Th SPRIN Steak and O For tickets and 1 arPly to J.W. OLUGIEI linaraace 111IINIWN11MII111111111I11111111111NI1111111111111111I1111I'1111NI'11111N111111111111111 F.O.B. Chatham Oat. Westinghouse Starting and Lighting The Gray Dort is more than a good car. It is an unusual car. Unusual in its tip -t., -tile quality - Unusual because it is so completely honest -unusual because it is sturdier than othercars--unusual becaus� it is thoroughly dependable -unusual be- cause of its powerful, faithful motor, famously strong rear axle, its oversize bearings, its Westinghouse Starting and Lighting. and a score of other superlative under -the -hood virtues. The Cray Dort is far out of the ordinary run of cars. lts individuality is in its absolute superiority. See the 1917 Gray Dort. You'll want it. T. H. MITCHELL. N. A. TAYLOR. Dealer Goderich Distributor, Blyth THE CRAY-DORT MOTORS, Limited, Chatham, Ont. "'Lent fn Chatham �`Itti ,Nkse. li If eI f