HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-4-5, Page 1• TEE IU161WAL f• reedy •'h• beadle year Palating Rork, • large or small, and give yon a Ottbtactory job every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Sepal .i- _" z.._. _,...,.. Renewal Time This is the time to renew your subscription to The Signal - before the price s advanced. Your dollar NOW ensures you ifty-two weekly visits of Huron's best wad brightest paper -- The Signal OP CANADA Purpose strengthens with the first dollar you save. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALK OF YURNI1 URA. MR8. P FORD will sell by peblk' auction at her ..Wens, s' lea corner of Cambria and T refaIg.r streets, un THVRSDAY, APRIL ink, •t 1 u'clock w m. Doe Uxh.rd range u 1 pipe% Iberia wood or malt 1 wood heeler sod mem, 1 ball rack. 1 sideboard. 1 bedroom sultsepringe and ms,• [Weser. 1 parlor labia Y Wishes tables and • chair.. 1 p!u•h rocker, 2 (Aber rocker., 1 wuWag machine. l /lades risk.. f Mow. duo- bear. carpel, picture. tome oast in bin. aud argartour ..tell articles. aeons. .h. THOR, OUNDRY, • • Aaetione•r. A UCTION BALK OF HOU>SRHOLD tE FURNli ac. - There will be adored he sale by public coo Mee, u the residence of the tale MKS. CLEMENT. iRtrtl.y street. Oedwtoh. on W EDN ESDAY. APRIL 1119, etrmmenolud at 1.31 o'clock Pea., tis following: Leather -seated oak dlningrues abates, .x- •ewn table brae and iron eom m- imeo. felt maters em maim" beim mai ret (malm- sey *Mehl. Happy llres bolt ykt and Peados.* ranges. bwith hu, water trout and in go.4 oond.uoo; 1barnet Perko e .o o11 trove. oak bedroom est, rocker., chain, emir. book shelves. Asml...aer. Wiltgo sod 1Nu+.ele rugs. sewing machine, d l.9 . and atleesware. electric read- • 1emr.R au4$eU eurseasieese bps ores to ntwdeM a _�� T e•. tae. a IF �� A ctI M . FOR SALE fUCKW KOOS PPR HATCHiNG.- eawa lath.. Rumens. pilin -w Melee attack. Li cents ser endow ; SS • handed. RW, 0. WRRRY, IL R. No. Y God.rteb. Ph re 446 N, !lLYt �KKD POTATOIS.-CHOICE :white Delaware potatoes for oda WI'I (peke deo seed. k. N. L41.10TT, Bre Al, Ooderleh. Phone Y rl. Cam Ru,sl. IM -it L1OR BALK. -WHITE WY AN- L' DOTrg RUGS for wetting. F. WOOLL- CcIMtrR Trafalgar Meet. It GaOR SALE, -CARLOAD WESTERN a. OA Ta atMeGew, COIIIORNK FARM - ERA CLU .11 KI(RNJOrHAN. Mgr. L'UR SALE. -A QUANTITY OF s.oats woo Oret n >A Ieed n theheldcropp Missp�nl ( I. Prii'(I per burbeL 8. WRATH. USED OATS FUR HALE. -FREE A7 from wesd.me.d. No 72 oats and Banner oats. Order son; etyp ty limited A. H. GLUT FON, A R. No. 3, O.derkh. Moose 1414, 11ler. E • tt L D OA Tel FOR 8ALE.-0. A. C.: 13 n 71 0411111-43.010 per bushel. tint prise la td competition la Pe( tet•. A 1.1 I m pr,tr trd Beene: sad IoW skim oats at f1.10 a Apply te BELL BROS.. R. R. No Pboa. si5 , ""� SEED GRAIN FOR SALE.' AUC TION BALE OF HILCH dower yTE11RI, neiFttitn, BULLI. CALVES. MR. J A. NICHOLSON, N WSW MONKTOM. w61 sW M ps$$c ar ettlo. at sae bet. at Car- low. ea ;MONDAY, APRIL MA. eosyaebe at 1 arms Nft.•e sow foga•. gnats Derham cows, all rgrmyer.. Tbt'oa grade Holders comm. springer.. Tea MIAs. w w.ewr Nsbq 1 sewn e44. Flee rouse sad vee. Three ge.sr news. ea.. Mb Wiww bon. II months %Id tate Mho, thorn bull. 1 year old Tu.Me -",: muot9•err lit w.11 be Wren on hrn4h4og •per oved joint notes. A dscea.t e t the rate a , per tent. peranoum allowed for mob The..eoattle are from Logen township, noted stir Moe slomk fettle. std you.ww irke this lot. J. A. NICHOLSON, T. OUNDRY, Rprbtoe. Wert Meektoo. A.euo ser. (TLEARiNO AUCTION SALE OF `' FARM STUCK AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. RICHARD WALTER will .ell by public section et the farm above Sanford. on TCK-ADAY, APRILIIItb, oommeudng at 1 o'clock sharp : Lova boos. --One general purpose mare, In foal; 1 horse. weighs 14151 Ib.,., an flim good driver and also • good bur. on farm. 1 draft ally. 3 y 1 draft ally, rwlog 2 years; 1 draft colt. rlsfog r ; 1 cow. 4 yeah old, due In May ; 1 cow. 5 year. old. not long shoe fresh; 1 sow. 8 year+ old• riot long winos freyh ; I cow, 7 ears old. due to freshen in November; 1 oow, 4 years obi. due to freshen In December; 1 cow, 4ear* old. jur, st freshened; 1 cow. 3 yeaold, giving a lot of milk; 3 heifer., due to calve shortly; 1 fat half r. 2 grad heifer calves, 1 reg- Mt.eewd Kwk-9(re sow. doe April 15th. In pig to meetered Berkshire hog. Mrtmege U. --One Frog a. Wood mower, •ftcn•. new; 1 hinder( nearly new).1 hoe -drill (pearly new). both Mamey-Harrle make; 1 UockslUtt disc (new); 1 combination stone and hay rata Measly new); I turnip drill (neatly new'); t Shiiteberme rake. In rood . ordi lee; I fanning milin good condition; 1 C double Moe. 1 light gang plow. I 21fleury plow. In gogood good oonditlo ; I Verity plow, In condition; 1 -et of .leiIgns I nearly new); 1 um- ber wagon. 1 set of team herne.., 1 Maple 1 eat grindtr• lU•ineh plates; 1 3 -section harrow. ) net of threehonewhIlietreor. new; 1 debt - Ing plow with marker and digger combined, 1 hay fork, rope, etc.. 1.3 Model. of O. A. C. No. Mooed oats, k:errylhlug will be deposed of. as the pro- prietor 1. keying the farm. Tunes -All ammo( of fin and under,os eb; over that amount, *even ni .nCM'credit will be given ed furniebleg appprtooved Joint notes. A dteoount (M 4 per mot. ett*ight allowed for cash on MSdit amounts. Ri('RARD WALTER, T. (1UNORY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. FOR SALE OR RENT. H OUME TO RENT. -ON PiCTON sleet, next to koeMtal; doable parlor, dmlte:room kitchen. pantry. five bedrooms, Fire minutes' walk from Square ; Mose to Col- legiate.b . Good lawn and IWa Gem ow Yt •• nuns of garage and ,able 11 r ee ulred • p lilacs 16,7, Rodericrfl k RaraL ppiy to Rfiox R. m1. (lode- ebL s • def FARM FOR SALE. -IN Fl REIT - 'LASS condition, ninety acres. Fine Eorchard. (food been and gables, aro good frame house, This 1e apledkl M wheat land and a good Invest- ment. Price 110 rot further particulars write to BOIL (Iodeelm►, (IOL seim TOR SALE. -HOUSE ANI) TWO ` LOTS on Reams 'street. Femme hoose. oonWning,Mah:. roome, an modern improve- ment.. Moe Mutation and convenient to(:e11egl- ate Inetit ate. Alen eve mess of Ladde. twod on the 14ayeeld read. imitable for market 'erase let,. end two kite In went end oft town, deer able building Iota. Apply N JC►HN w" SALK- I CLD, phone We r0, or DIA/. RALKELH, YIP rt R. R. Ne. l 6edoreeb. 47-4t . H01.18E FOR SALE.-r>1TORY.AtfD- A-HALF frame beam In seed.osdItben, g lleMssa street. Apply to M1 IAN 110 It/INT.-SOUTH 8i DR (► P 1 s bete w North Mr.st ; Mi ceps pswy d1 leounn�ddry, aU mod.,n host mw --M-. A M. POLL=T. 11.0 R RRNT.-MODRIIN HOUSE ON or a. TeresApply to JON r 17 ti DRIP FiN. A limited quantity of 0. A. 0. 72' oats -$1.00 a bushel. Grain grown On this farts has a1 - ways been at Ilteelseed of the list in a.11bropisioew tions. The wst sowlsg good seed this spriaR will be surest sit batwe.t time. Also for sale- a quan'ity of lucerse clover hep. HUGH HiLL. R. R. Ne. 4, Goderietk. SEED BEANS FOR SALE AMERICAN WHITE PRA BEAN Yielded twenty-one bushels peracre, of good quality. Apply to WM. F. YOUNG & SON, Goderich, R.R. No. 5. 'Phone., No. 1426 Benmiller. OR BALK. -ONE AUTO TRUCK. o capaclr yfu (. o Mailable for exps rk. Pneumatic tires In front. rear axle, the Russell Internal gem drive. Speed, 11 to to Who per hour. One Jitney auto oar, dosed body ; to carry eight pusengen. Pneumatic Ures all round. Both can be seen at our factory or drop us a poatoard for full parUoulere and pries of either. THE PAGET GRAIN DGOR CO., LTD.. 7A -t f Ooderich. Ont. IIOR SALR.=CEDAR POSTS, A1.80 11 B. C. ektogls• Apply W. T. RIDDELL. Auburn. >S U LOST AND FOUND. OUND.-A FOXHOUND, BLACK. ANi)-TAN. owner Oen hose mine by calling for and paying tortkl's dvertiaamenL W M. 9PROUL Dungannon. 01-41 MEETINGS. elODERICH CURLING AND SEAT - 1.3 INU ASSOCIATION. The mutual meeting of the .hereholders of the (►ere'erloh Cee ling and Skating Amwrl.tlon wilt he held 1n the court home on Monday evening. April Mb. at8 o'clock. for the electron of directors, receiving annual financial state- ment and other general bu.lnesa. W M. ('A MPBELL. Secretary. Oseerlrh. March 11. 1017. 57-2t TENDERS/WANTED. MENDERS WILL BE RIICRIVED l up to April 17th for the betaking of school No. R Colborne. with No, f Milton brick. Win- dow Mlle to be of nsnrent and the bn•ldIng to be tar -papered. Contractor to supply ell material. Brick to be delivered at Meneset. C. P. R. ; school martian will do .11 teaml'•g. Separate tenders will be reoelvnd for the bricking alone and l� motion enpply all m'-lerlal. Work to be finished by August 1114. 1017. HORANo' ON, KK No. . fReOo4oderleh• Colborne Municipal 'Phone 1M nmllier). 1611 Fannies, Protect Your Barns silos and windmills from the high winds by putting in a few ever- greens as a windbreak. They grow quickly. BiIAITTiFY YOUR LAWN by plapting a couple of Colorado Blue Spruce, and some Shrubs and Krises. it makes the home milrh more attractive. We cannot deliverhere this spring except in Godsn ch, cowing to the labor(searc1ty. BENMIIILER NURSERIES R nreI phrrge 6e7 A.A. No. t, Crcxderlch NODERIOH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. APRIL 5. 1917 _ TH14SIOMAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. hotlines REPORT ON 0. W. S. RAILWAY e ' C. P. R. the Railway indicated that they might be willing to make such an arrangement it in turn yuu were to construct a line up into the town of Uoderich and allow them to use your tracks and ter • 1e. On examining the project in more detail. we are of the ieupreoriuu that it is alaolutely out of the question for you to think of constructing this extension into (lode - rich as it would necessitate about 1.4 wiles of track at a coat of $4S,715.85 exclusive of (overhead construction and bonding. Such a line would be of little use to your Railway 80 far es revenue is concerned. We think. however, that it would be possible for you to entrstruct your line up Harbor Road Hill iu Ooderich to the Square and also to extend I aerues the River into the main por- tion of Kincardine for some 160,09000. Thr construction of both of these apurs would not be suitable for C.P.R. Estimates of Hydro Commission Do Not flake an En- couraging Showing for the Future of the Road -- W hat W lli Be the Next .,Cep ? • The to mused report frow the Ontario Hy lectric t'ommissiou un the Ontario 'est Shore Railway has been received and is as follows : To the Council of the Municipality of the Town of Ooderich. Re Ontario and Rest Shore Railway. Acting on your request and follow- ing preliiuinary report made to you tinder date of I)eecember 29th. 1914. the Co 'ssiun authorised us to place engineers in the field for the purpose of making store detailed report on this line. Our engineers obtained data in the field as to the present condition of tete road, and estimate that it will most $I1h0,0110.52 Lao lecunstruct and com- plete the roadway and track from Me'twsetung to the corner of se ening- ton and Queen streets in Kincardine. This compares with the cost as esti- mated by the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board in 1918 of S806,000.W. This estimate is based on the recon struction .1 the existing line with no diversions and the use of the c riginal work to its fullest extent. Normal priers only have been considered. An extra strip of right-of-way of 10 feat, throughout the whole distance, has been considered necessary. The exist - y1111'111 iJ • Girls Wanted Wt WISH TO START A BRANCH IN GODERICL.I and our advertisement last week , may need some explanation. We want girls that want work,rand who want money. We pay learners- $5.50 per week for the first month. when these that prove competent tt'itl be and (on the claw of work we watiLdone our girls at CDs - too are earning at piece work 118.00 Lar $10.440 per week as knit- ters- and the experient•ed girls more even time that. DO YOU WANT WORK ? i It car write to ter, fir leave your - Moses with Ma. Kxox, Town (Clerk : MR. CoMONNE. Secy Board of Trade : or any store (M1 the Square. WE WANT TO /START AT ONCE CLINTON KNITTING Co., CLINTON, ONT. LTD. WANTED. -GIRL FOR GENERAL us *Ihoework. Apply MRS. ROBERT NTER. M.ple street. 55-11 WANTED. -A MAN TO TAKE oharse of • garden. Apply to DR,. CAESAR. 38.1 WOOD \VANL'ED.-i AM PRE- PARED RE- PARED to take woodcutting contemns, or wi11 buy wood hem ((gluon eultoble tor cuu laagg and sellin W0OD FOR SALE FOR PURL.- Any per- son wanting to buy wood mar order some by dropping a Bard in the p�o,.tnmce. All prices. 31CRF.MIAR HKALY. Hlxcks street, Oode- etch. 57-2t WANTED. -TO RENT BY RELi- r mo1'nth,. ABLE mall furnished house or cottage with meglern conveniences: ere.' end of town pre- ferred. state full perticnls'x and rent. B0 3A SIGNAL. TEACHER WA'NTED.-EXPERi- ICN('KI) teacher ter U. B a. No. 1. AM - field. Colborne end Wes( Wawatosh. Violet to oummence April 18th. apply, gating sal. ary and experience. to R. McyLWAIN. Nile. .Itix TRON MOULDERS % AN'I'ED.- 11 Accustomed to or willing to learn machine operating. Highest wages in Canaria forligbt mouldingf[ write. or eommnrlcate soh TAY- LOR-FORBKR CO., Guelph, Ont. 3641 �iRL8 WANTED, -APPLY U�DIf- RICH KNITTING CO. ing fence is to be ved bask and the side nearest the toad left unfenced as at present. It has been considered necessary to replace all the tine, as well as provide oew ties for 'the sec- tion over which track is not already laid. Ten mules of new steel will be required and 80 lb. steel has been called for in th estimate instead of 70, as is now in wee. Nothing has been al- lowed for overhead and bonding. A station has been provided for iu Geode - rich and also in Kincardine with shelters and pawing sidings at inter mediate pufut... Allcerrrstruction has been considered as permanent and some small amounts might be saved by putting in temporary structures here and there. The embankment throughout will be built up to a width of l2'feet. We have also secured information ea to the existing freight business in the district and feel that the best proposition would be to enter into an agreement Fifth the C. P. R. whereby they would give you running rights over their litre from Meneietung to O(xlerich station and power to erect your overhead• cotutrue•tiun over suet- ks. In the negotiations that seine of your ratepayers have had with the PUBLIC NOTICE. • D OFOHDHOTELBARBERSHOP. --1 have opened a barber miop next door to the Seaford Hotel. weer. 1 urn prepared to ere prompt sod fleet sicca .orrice to cu tos- en,. Give me a calL. 0Is)KGIC LiTTLE. 57-tf WW'/ly Not Grow Tomatoes? More money in growing them than Beans and you are Imre of the price. Everytkirig is higher, therefore we are paying mere. Come in and -ee in and we will explain bow to grow them. Heron Cronin & gvaporating Co. 1). F. RANLINIt, P1100. CARTAGE 2'I1w E�11 the 161/st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I have made arrange- ments with Mr. Nelson Yeo to carry on -my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Yeo during my absence will. be carefully attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE. Telephone orders to Mr. Yeo, No, 167. Cordwood Wanted. We will pay the best prices for any quantity of Cordwood delivered at our Coal Yard. MacEwan Estate Phone 98 THE LADS IN KHAKI.' Official eoofinustion of the death of Corporal James Scott Hayr, congest son of Mr. and Mrs, 'l'hoi,aa 4. Hays, of Seaterth, was received from the Department of Militia and Defence at Ottawa, dated March 21st. Corporal Hays is well remembered in Ooderich, having been on the staff of the Bank of Commerce here a number of years ago. The Seeforth Expositor wakes the following comment upon the sad intelligence : Corporal Hays' last ser- vice was in the memorial Ypres en- gagement of June 2od to June I h. 1916, from which there issued such • long list of casualties to Canadian troops. At that tine be was reported maiming, but all available information strengthened the tear that he had mild the forfeit of hie life for hill county (operation, lot uu could transport and against Prussian aggression. Since y po' then all lists of prisomero have been one or two freight cats at a these on carefully examined, Fut on none of throe trat•ke by means of au electric them bas his name appeared, and eo tor expteae car ver,estunate that the grim coucluamon Is definitely ac- e first-class line with an easy glade crpted'bat Corpse al Hart was' killed from Wellington and Queen streets in in action. He was twenty-eight years Kincardine to the main portion of the of age at the time of his death, and town would be about 0.4 utiles in length and cast about 159,076.42 for construction of track and roadway, but exclusive of overhead and bond- ing. We have checked over the revenue quaintances and companions, who estimates sent w you in our former loved him for his manliness, his genial - estimate of December 210th, 1914, and icy, his good-heartedness and his have talked over the matter with the loyalty of mature. The attractiveness C. P. R. freight mon. and have mune to the conclusion that we can make no change in these figures. The• C. P. R. officials were most obliging and fur- nished us with information as to re- venue of • 'lar section* on their Goderich line, and stated that they thought their l'.Inpany could allow your line the saute divisions on joint treight earnings as they would to other electric lines in Southwestern Ontario. The estimated reveaur as given in our flrvt report was as 101- lowa : Patteenge4)•evenue Freight revenue Mail, express, rte. ------- .....114124,500"1171°70 had enlisted at Begins, in the summer ut 1915 The mewury of this biave young man is vs ry precious, not only to the immediate members of his fam- ily, but alio to a wide circle of ac - of an l$lusually winsome personality was estly increased by has splendid • talent and by his willingness to maks that talent the source of enter- tainment and delight to of her.. Cor- pural Hays had a teearute of endow- maul in hie vuice, and scutes of people as they think of hien in the cowing years wall recall the gifted singer as well as the true friend and the capable w an of business. As a chartered ac- countant, Corporal 11 .ye was making a career of increasing succese in the West butta triot and hero that be - was, be gave up gratifying gut round- ings and lucrative employment fur the hardships And perils of trench life. Total revenue Hie lettere front the place of danger •$88.34.00 breathed courage and cheerfulness The total capital Mets of your line end he met his fate in the actof high - and equipment necessary to 'earn the tt sculled resistance to et uel Daises bun. above revenue would-be its tolisse I1 henna bave been made sad bs this Bonds already issued $400,01JU.00 death they ought also to be filled whip Re4'onstntr3ion, SIrness tunga noble pride, for it is to such self -sac - 'and Kincardine ......3f16,800.00 riflce that we owe our heritage of continued liberty. Goderich and Kincardine eput•s 80,1811.00 Overhead construction, sub- stations, 8 motor ears, Mr. 8teew.t Leon, the special cor- car learns, rte 19tS,40U.p) respondent .d! est Cenadiaa Press at the front. trends the following cable : • ►letatcost INee eraetkrn Officers out of the trenches wt1d, ore sod rqul;t i.. $1,(tt8,11(10.An in a poe.tion to judge of actual condi- We estimate that the annual a r• lions he ra strongly deprecate what atingchs rs for this line to earn a they speak of as the undue optimism rg recently voiced in some Canadian revenue above indicated would be journals and by public wen. The only •&4.1170.00. we hove assumed that tenable result of this optimism, they Cheer would be nue uttge•s for eve of point out. is to make the people tit the C. P. R. trucks and bridge at home think the war is won and that Goderich, h, and that the eervieq over there is no need for more men than your hue would average from four to six round trips per day. On the basis of interest only at flve percent. having to be meet it would necessitate a total of 1.i2.1110.0) per year. which, added to the above operating expenses, would give your 1111e G Cal annual charges of 10107.070.00. The construction and operation M this line would be of great benefit Go your municipalities, but it is extremr- 1p difficult to lueaeure such benefit in sinners and cents. In the tow's of Kincardine there is at . the present time an avt•ragt• of one -half -mile haul on freight which would practically be eliminated Ly. the construction- opera- tion of your line. Basing our estimate °n,th.•.seat of hauling in Kincardine at. ale per ton mile, we figure that the crest of hauling in Kincardine would proball�lx• reduced from $1.500181 to 11,188!, r year. I u a similar way tht•re should' he a large reduction ill the cert of hauling freight in the rural section bet Ween Kincardine and (iederieh. The aver- age haul in the district serveel by your ' line at present, Go and from the exist - 1 ink steam railway, la in the neighbor- hood of eight- miles. This distance would be reduced to an average haul of two miles by the eonrttttetion of vuur line, and tin the basis of steam hauling mating 441e per ton dile we estimate that there would Ix• re saving of some $15,188618) per a0n on the cost of hauling freight in the rutel section. Perhaps you can obtain more accurate estimates on this husineer by consulting with yttrium; ratepayers in the townships of Huron and Ashfield. N e are attaching hereto blue prints showing the route of your prop(o.ed dine, and have received instructions from our ('onl01i.eionere to give you any further assistance that you may desire. Hyuito-Eriervlets Posta Cux111aelu'i OF ONTARIO', (Nei.) F. A. OAST. Chief Engineer. Dated, Toronto. March 20th. 1917. Drink Ginger ale and Orangeade, Etc. Owing to t he present condition of the waltr yeti will want something' you esu drier*. W« have a good dry Ging.•r Ale, Apple Cider and Orange- ade Deride U•um true fruit) also Cream 8od•1. Lemon, Cola, etc. Could make mixed cases 3 doseach splits 11. 1 d. z quart• el. Syphons and Club. bode, Hunger and Orange wines always Or► band. UODERwn MINERAL WATER 1)0. Phone 201. _ MUSIC. rr 14110. E. SUNBURY. A. A. O. O.. 1. t). C. M., Mimi* and elto4�aster of vox Church. Temese se plats, votes. a las. pus prepared toe esaa.bstic . •tadlo-, Nelsen Meettour doom sag et Dr. Nneter'a I ■ re now in France and Britain. The truth is that during the period of rela- tive inactivity on this front the wast- age pace has been going up and down ,the lime,, and one can see the result in the relegation of elderly Wren to work hebind the line,. Yawn Outside will face the foe on this part of the front in this year's operation's, and 7(11118 Canada must pay the price. Some hettalionsdoing their first turn in the trenches may have in their ranks a certain numher of men ranging up toward forty, but they do not last, and hum the [mentor view of staying power they ate not a good investment. S 1 of the boys at the front have written home tr,m time to time fraying that they would sometimes rather have a little money sent to then[ than parcel's, and to meet such requirements the Canadian Houk of Cotunaerce has procured and has for sale Rank of France 5 -franc and 10 - franc notes. These form r very con- veniet t method of sending a little e•eket money to the soldier boys in France, whole Ih.y may he nerd for making mull purchases of comfotta at the canteens or elsewhere, in pay- ment of articles of interest or utility. The Bank has a1.10 for sale one -pound and tegphilling B itirh notea. These corn ne used by the boyo in Great Britain in the same manner as the French notes are oiled in France. The notes are sold at the following rates : 5 -franc notes (Fr'•nrh). 95e: 10 -franc notes (French), $1.90 ; £1 (one pound) notes (British), $4 9e : 11) s. (ten shil- ling) notes (Biitish), 12.45. NORA E. HURLKY, i.. L C. M. Toanher plenty and tbeemtleal work. Pupils pr.vered for ex•minallor•. Aladin, St. DevM'e street 57211 1 TWILIGHT MUSICALE BY THE CHOIR OF - - NORTH STREET METHODIST CHURCH GOOD FRIDAY AFTERNOO N APRIL 6th, 1917 4 o'cLocK SILVtR COLLECTION ti LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The Children's Aid Society will hold Its regular meeting in the court bowie toe Tuesday nest, at 4.15 p. m . Any- one interested is welcuute at these weetingr. There promises to be a good atte od- ance at the euchre and dance to be given by the Maple Leaf Social Club in the Oddfellowi Hall next Tussd.y evening. 'tickets may be proc ured from any member of the Club-ge ode - men 50c, ladies tic. Proceeds for pa- triotic a- triofis pu rp nes. The General Brough Chapter, I. O. D. E., will open a tea room In the stole lately occupied by Mr. W alters. shoe merchant, on Saturday. April 14 h. Tea will he served and 'bete will he a sale of homemade cakes. The room will be open every Saturday afternoon thereafter. PERSONAL MINTION. Mrs. C. R. Humber and daughter Edith aro visiting relative. at Port Rowse. Mr. Athol MN erre, of Victoria Harbor. w In town Mi. (avid Jardine has teturued from a v4rt of several week.. at Bradford. Hie Helen Webb, who has been on the sten' of The Signal for some mon19., hew been en- gaged by the Natloual Shipbuilding Co. ■. stenographer. Mir Webb ts n clever young lady and the "National" management b to be oongetulated upon -OlCU1 g her services. Mr. John J. Tulle has left to %peed the rum- mer in the Wog. Mt s Mabel Strang has gone to New Liskeard to visit her ranter, Mn. F. H. Hawnun. for a feu weeks. Mr. and Mu. Joseph Rldd. with Mrs Helen and Jack. ere Needing the Kamer term at Montreal with their sous, A. J. and Charlie. Dr. Alred Holmes. of Detroit, vetted his re - helves In town lest week. e Mrs. Wm. Kobin.on returned bone las week teem Toronto, acoomtrnied be he daughter, Miss Lot ie. who had b en to the hospital there her an mention. Mi -s ltobm• sou. 'rho wits on the staff of the Ingermil pub- lic school, has given up her work until elle re- cover, her .treogl 9. The Farm Labor Question. The meeting held in the town hall on Tuesday evening in the interests of increased production was fairly well attended. Mayor Runnings presided, and with him on the platform were Reeve Young of Culls me and Rm.,. Lohh of Gode.ich formable. and in the gath ring were a number of prom- inent farmers frons ebbadjoining townships. Th. ra waoan internecine and at times entrusted discussion of the form labor question, without any very definite result except that it was decided that any citizen willing to en- gage for work this reason on any nt the neighboring faring might reg seer Isis name et the town clerk's ufllee. It is ho; td that In this way some re- lief may he afforded the farmers in the existing conditions of labor scarci- ty. Monday, May 71.h. annual Baby Day at R. R. bellow.' studio, every chid under eighteen months may have its photo taken and one copy free. 4 t. Does it pay to treat grain with formaldehyde P Yes, with the Stan- dard Fornt*ldehyde acid by K, H. Wigle, druggist, Godefich. Coast -sealed oyster% solid meat. fresh from the oyster beds, at Black - stone's. Phone 240. Postoffrco Burned Down. EIeter, March 30. -The tee Office at Crediton Hest was do strayed b fire. whirl] broke out about 4 o'clock this morning, totally destroying the building used es a general store and postofllce. also the dwelling belonging to J. 14. Mott of Crediton Hest. The fire gained such headway that the occupants barely escaped. Very Tittle war saved. 'The property was insured. The postoffice at present is being cnn- ducted in a uesrby dwelling. The rause of the floe is supposed to hAve been an overheated stove. Hester perfo'nes that exptsas the charm and pet .onality of we - tan. We.hs'''• aecu h E. R. Wigle, uggist, Code; irb. Wholesomeness and purity are our first considerations when making our homemade candy and ice-cream. A trial wilt convince you. Edward,'. Phone dill. Peg o' My Heart. Ten million people have laughed and eried with ••Peg," •Ten thous old critics have etll•rg'zed the clean heart story of the ever -popular play, which• will be produced at Victoria Opera House, Urdetich, on Wednesday of next week. A,ICTION SALES -4aess.vr-A9r44 e. -.sorties sate of milck cows geom. heifer., bull-, calces. property of lees Mr 1. A. Nlehoon, of Wt Mo .kion, at the hotel 't Carlow. Selo at 1 o'clock p m. Time. Ocspav, suntloneer. Wien:emote, April Il.-Anetlon sole of household furniture, pronert.y of the late Mr.. Clement, Itanley greet. 0 derich. Male as 130 a'ola'k P,1111, R. H. (7,..Mese, executor: rhea. HUMOR,. auct tenser. BORN. MMA rH - 4t Alexandra hoopilal, no Satur- day, March 44. to Mr. and Mn. B. R. Mc. Math. a daughter I Wlnnlfred Bather). NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- April 6. Page Breadmaking-11.C. 1. industrial Comtlttee 1 Duck lejgs for Male Iter, 0. Flow why 1 Dlrec•ory B i, -t Poll Telephone Co 2 Reader 11. T. 11 Auction t RRM Hones to Rent 1 Eggs for Netting -9'. Woolle'olbe ... 1 Tenders Wanted -Il. 8. No. 0. Colborne I I Pea o' My Henri -Victoria Opora Bbs,.... 9 Brantford Roofing- W. R. PIn.ter • Girl Wanted -Mrs. Rob H Winter t Man Wanted -tr. ('sorer. ... fired Potatoes- R.. R. RUttat 1 Asset ion Pete -R. R. (gement . ... 1 Auction ode -J. A Nicholson, Monktoa 1 e 7 U BREAE , .MAKING OWiNG to a number of applications the Industrial and Household Science Committee of the Goderich Collegiate in- stitute have directed Mrs. Tancott to give a special course of six lessons in • Plain and Fancy Bread Maki Applications should be made AT ONCE to Mrs. Tancott, as the course will begin as soon as a sufficient number have enrolled. ...a FEE FOR COURSE, 50c. H. J. A. MBM�N, April 3, 1917 Berman M THE LADS IN KHAKI.' Official eoofinustion of the death of Corporal James Scott Hayr, congest son of Mr. and Mrs, 'l'hoi,aa 4. Hays, of Seaterth, was received from the Department of Militia and Defence at Ottawa, dated March 21st. Corporal Hays is well remembered in Ooderich, having been on the staff of the Bank of Commerce here a number of years ago. The Seeforth Expositor wakes the following comment upon the sad intelligence : Corporal Hays' last ser- vice was in the memorial Ypres en- gagement of June 2od to June I h. 1916, from which there issued such • long list of casualties to Canadian troops. At that tine be was reported maiming, but all available information strengthened the tear that he had mild the forfeit of hie life for hill county (operation, lot uu could transport and against Prussian aggression. Since y po' then all lists of prisomero have been one or two freight cats at a these on carefully examined, Fut on none of throe trat•ke by means of au electric them bas his name appeared, and eo tor expteae car ver,estunate that the grim coucluamon Is definitely ac- e first-class line with an easy glade crpted'bat Corpse al Hart was' killed from Wellington and Queen streets in in action. He was twenty-eight years Kincardine to the main portion of the of age at the time of his death, and town would be about 0.4 utiles in length and cast about 159,076.42 for construction of track and roadway, but exclusive of overhead and bond- ing. We have checked over the revenue quaintances and companions, who estimates sent w you in our former loved him for his manliness, his genial - estimate of December 210th, 1914, and icy, his good-heartedness and his have talked over the matter with the loyalty of mature. The attractiveness C. P. R. freight mon. and have mune to the conclusion that we can make no change in these figures. The• C. P. R. officials were most obliging and fur- nished us with information as to re- venue of • 'lar section* on their Goderich line, and stated that they thought their l'.Inpany could allow your line the saute divisions on joint treight earnings as they would to other electric lines in Southwestern Ontario. The estimated reveaur as given in our flrvt report was as 101- lowa : Patteenge4)•evenue Freight revenue Mail, express, rte. ------- .....114124,500"1171°70 had enlisted at Begins, in the summer ut 1915 The mewury of this biave young man is vs ry precious, not only to the immediate members of his fam- ily, but alio to a wide circle of ac - of an l$lusually winsome personality was estly increased by has splendid • talent and by his willingness to maks that talent the source of enter- tainment and delight to of her.. Cor- pural Hays had a teearute of endow- maul in hie vuice, and scutes of people as they think of hien in the cowing years wall recall the gifted singer as well as the true friend and the capable w an of business. As a chartered ac- countant, Corporal 11 .ye was making a career of increasing succese in the West butta triot and hero that be - was, be gave up gratifying gut round- ings and lucrative employment fur the hardships And perils of trench life. Total revenue Hie lettere front the place of danger •$88.34.00 breathed courage and cheerfulness The total capital Mets of your line end he met his fate in the actof high - and equipment necessary to 'earn the tt sculled resistance to et uel Daises bun. above revenue would-be its tolisse I1 henna bave been made sad bs this Bonds already issued $400,01JU.00 death they ought also to be filled whip Re4'onstntr3ion, SIrness tunga noble pride, for it is to such self -sac - 'and Kincardine ......3f16,800.00 riflce that we owe our heritage of continued liberty. Goderich and Kincardine eput•s 80,1811.00 Overhead construction, sub- stations, 8 motor ears, Mr. 8teew.t Leon, the special cor- car learns, rte 19tS,40U.p) respondent .d! est Cenadiaa Press at the front. trends the following cable : • ►letatcost INee eraetkrn Officers out of the trenches wt1d, ore sod rqul;t i.. $1,(tt8,11(10.An in a poe.tion to judge of actual condi- We estimate that the annual a r• lions he ra strongly deprecate what atingchs rs for this line to earn a they speak of as the undue optimism rg recently voiced in some Canadian revenue above indicated would be journals and by public wen. The only •&4.1170.00. we hove assumed that tenable result of this optimism, they Cheer would be nue uttge•s for eve of point out. is to make the people tit the C. P. R. trucks and bridge at home think the war is won and that Goderich, h, and that the eervieq over there is no need for more men than your hue would average from four to six round trips per day. On the basis of interest only at flve percent. having to be meet it would necessitate a total of 1.i2.1110.0) per year. which, added to the above operating expenses, would give your 1111e G Cal annual charges of 10107.070.00. The construction and operation M this line would be of great benefit Go your municipalities, but it is extremr- 1p difficult to lueaeure such benefit in sinners and cents. In the tow's of Kincardine there is at . the present time an avt•ragt• of one -half -mile haul on freight which would practically be eliminated Ly. the construction- opera- tion of your line. Basing our estimate °n,th.•.seat of hauling in Kincardine at. ale per ton mile, we figure that the crest of hauling in Kincardine would proball�lx• reduced from $1.500181 to 11,188!, r year. I u a similar way tht•re should' he a large reduction ill the cert of hauling freight in the rural section bet Ween Kincardine and (iederieh. The aver- age haul in the district serveel by your ' line at present, Go and from the exist - 1 ink steam railway, la in the neighbor- hood of eight- miles. This distance would be reduced to an average haul of two miles by the eonrttttetion of vuur line, and tin the basis of steam hauling mating 441e per ton dile we estimate that there would Ix• re saving of some $15,188618) per a0n on the cost of hauling freight in the rutel section. Perhaps you can obtain more accurate estimates on this husineer by consulting with yttrium; ratepayers in the townships of Huron and Ashfield. N e are attaching hereto blue prints showing the route of your prop(o.ed dine, and have received instructions from our ('onl01i.eionere to give you any further assistance that you may desire. Hyuito-Eriervlets Posta Cux111aelu'i OF ONTARIO', (Nei.) F. A. OAST. Chief Engineer. Dated, Toronto. March 20th. 1917. Drink Ginger ale and Orangeade, Etc. Owing to t he present condition of the waltr yeti will want something' you esu drier*. W« have a good dry Ging.•r Ale, Apple Cider and Orange- ade Deride U•um true fruit) also Cream 8od•1. Lemon, Cola, etc. Could make mixed cases 3 doseach splits 11. 1 d. z quart• el. Syphons and Club. bode, Hunger and Orange wines always Or► band. UODERwn MINERAL WATER 1)0. Phone 201. _ MUSIC. rr 14110. E. SUNBURY. A. A. O. O.. 1. t). C. M., Mimi* and elto4�aster of vox Church. Temese se plats, votes. a las. pus prepared toe esaa.bstic . •tadlo-, Nelsen Meettour doom sag et Dr. Nneter'a I ■ re now in France and Britain. The truth is that during the period of rela- tive inactivity on this front the wast- age pace has been going up and down ,the lime,, and one can see the result in the relegation of elderly Wren to work hebind the line,. Yawn Outside will face the foe on this part of the front in this year's operation's, and 7(11118 Canada must pay the price. Some hettalionsdoing their first turn in the trenches may have in their ranks a certain numher of men ranging up toward forty, but they do not last, and hum the [mentor view of staying power they ate not a good investment. S 1 of the boys at the front have written home tr,m time to time fraying that they would sometimes rather have a little money sent to then[ than parcel's, and to meet such requirements the Canadian Houk of Cotunaerce has procured and has for sale Rank of France 5 -franc and 10 - franc notes. These form r very con- veniet t method of sending a little e•eket money to the soldier boys in France, whole Ih.y may he nerd for making mull purchases of comfotta at the canteens or elsewhere, in pay- ment of articles of interest or utility. The Bank has a1.10 for sale one -pound and tegphilling B itirh notea. These corn ne used by the boyo in Great Britain in the same manner as the French notes are oiled in France. The notes are sold at the following rates : 5 -franc notes (Fr'•nrh). 95e: 10 -franc notes (French), $1.90 ; £1 (one pound) notes (British), $4 9e : 11) s. (ten shil- ling) notes (Biitish), 12.45. NORA E. HURLKY, i.. L C. M. Toanher plenty and tbeemtleal work. Pupils pr.vered for ex•minallor•. Aladin, St. DevM'e street 57211 1 TWILIGHT MUSICALE BY THE CHOIR OF - - NORTH STREET METHODIST CHURCH GOOD FRIDAY AFTERNOO N APRIL 6th, 1917 4 o'cLocK SILVtR COLLECTION ti LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The Children's Aid Society will hold Its regular meeting in the court bowie toe Tuesday nest, at 4.15 p. m . Any- one interested is welcuute at these weetingr. There promises to be a good atte od- ance at the euchre and dance to be given by the Maple Leaf Social Club in the Oddfellowi Hall next Tussd.y evening. 'tickets may be proc ured from any member of the Club-ge ode - men 50c, ladies tic. Proceeds for pa- triotic a- triofis pu rp nes. The General Brough Chapter, I. O. D. E., will open a tea room In the stole lately occupied by Mr. W alters. shoe merchant, on Saturday. April 14 h. Tea will he served and 'bete will he a sale of homemade cakes. The room will be open every Saturday afternoon thereafter. PERSONAL MINTION. Mrs. C. R. Humber and daughter Edith aro visiting relative. at Port Rowse. Mr. Athol MN erre, of Victoria Harbor. w In town Mi. (avid Jardine has teturued from a v4rt of several week.. at Bradford. Hie Helen Webb, who has been on the sten' of The Signal for some mon19., hew been en- gaged by the Natloual Shipbuilding Co. ■. stenographer. Mir Webb ts n clever young lady and the "National" management b to be oongetulated upon -OlCU1 g her services. Mr. John J. Tulle has left to %peed the rum- mer in the Wog. Mt s Mabel Strang has gone to New Liskeard to visit her ranter, Mn. F. H. Hawnun. for a feu weeks. Mr. and Mu. Joseph Rldd. with Mrs Helen and Jack. ere Needing the Kamer term at Montreal with their sous, A. J. and Charlie. Dr. Alred Holmes. of Detroit, vetted his re - helves In town lest week. e Mrs. Wm. Kobin.on returned bone las week teem Toronto, acoomtrnied be he daughter, Miss Lot ie. who had b en to the hospital there her an mention. Mi -s ltobm• sou. 'rho wits on the staff of the Ingermil pub- lic school, has given up her work until elle re- cover, her .treogl 9. The Farm Labor Question. The meeting held in the town hall on Tuesday evening in the interests of increased production was fairly well attended. Mayor Runnings presided, and with him on the platform were Reeve Young of Culls me and Rm.,. Lohh of Gode.ich formable. and in the gath ring were a number of prom- inent farmers frons ebbadjoining townships. Th. ra waoan internecine and at times entrusted discussion of the form labor question, without any very definite result except that it was decided that any citizen willing to en- gage for work this reason on any nt the neighboring faring might reg seer Isis name et the town clerk's ufllee. It is ho; td that In this way some re- lief may he afforded the farmers in the existing conditions of labor scarci- ty. Monday, May 71.h. annual Baby Day at R. R. bellow.' studio, every chid under eighteen months may have its photo taken and one copy free. 4 t. Does it pay to treat grain with formaldehyde P Yes, with the Stan- dard Fornt*ldehyde acid by K, H. Wigle, druggist, Godefich. Coast -sealed oyster% solid meat. fresh from the oyster beds, at Black - stone's. Phone 240. Postoffrco Burned Down. EIeter, March 30. -The tee Office at Crediton Hest was do strayed b fire. whirl] broke out about 4 o'clock this morning, totally destroying the building used es a general store and postofllce. also the dwelling belonging to J. 14. Mott of Crediton Hest. The fire gained such headway that the occupants barely escaped. Very Tittle war saved. 'The property was insured. The postoffice at present is being cnn- ducted in a uesrby dwelling. The rause of the floe is supposed to hAve been an overheated stove. Hester perfo'nes that exptsas the charm and pet .onality of we - tan. We.hs'''• aecu h E. R. Wigle, uggist, Code; irb. Wholesomeness and purity are our first considerations when making our homemade candy and ice-cream. A trial wilt convince you. Edward,'. Phone dill. Peg o' My Heart. Ten million people have laughed and eried with ••Peg," •Ten thous old critics have etll•rg'zed the clean heart story of the ever -popular play, which• will be produced at Victoria Opera House, Urdetich, on Wednesday of next week. A,ICTION SALES -4aess.vr-A9r44 e. -.sorties sate of milck cows geom. heifer., bull-, calces. property of lees Mr 1. A. Nlehoon, of Wt Mo .kion, at the hotel 't Carlow. Selo at 1 o'clock p m. Time. Ocspav, suntloneer. Wien:emote, April Il.-Anetlon sole of household furniture, pronert.y of the late Mr.. Clement, Itanley greet. 0 derich. Male as 130 a'ola'k P,1111, R. H. (7,..Mese, executor: rhea. HUMOR,. auct tenser. BORN. MMA rH - 4t Alexandra hoopilal, no Satur- day, March 44. to Mr. and Mn. B. R. Mc. Math. a daughter I Wlnnlfred Bather). NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- April 6. Page Breadmaking-11.C. 1. industrial Comtlttee 1 Duck lejgs for Male Iter, 0. Flow why 1 Dlrec•ory B i, -t Poll Telephone Co 2 Reader 11. T. 11 Auction t RRM Hones to Rent 1 Eggs for Netting -9'. Woolle'olbe ... 1 Tenders Wanted -Il. 8. No. 0. Colborne I I Pea o' My Henri -Victoria Opora Bbs,.... 9 Brantford Roofing- W. R. PIn.ter • Girl Wanted -Mrs. Rob H Winter t Man Wanted -tr. ('sorer. ... fired Potatoes- R.. R. RUttat 1 Asset ion Pete -R. R. (gement . ... 1 Auction ode -J. A Nicholson, Monktoa 1 e 7