HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-29, Page 8i • TSVaSDAT, Maar* a 1917 Who You Want *ALL PAPER AT THE LOWEST PRICES AND BEST VALUES THINK OF— Noesfrom 5c to 50c per roll Ansco Film We know this film will give you uniformly good pictures. It gets the detail sharp and strong, gives full color value, and is free from hala- tion. No matter how inexperienced you are. you can depend on it every time. Ansco Film fits any camera—made especial for the superb Ansco. We have both. THE ANSCO SIGN C.. ta,y tsr amt 4,•.t s am priests& A. L. CALDWELL PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Goderich - Ont. 1. REO CROSS NOTES. The monthly meeting of the tied Cross Society took place in this jury room of the court house on Monday evening with Sheriff Reynolds in the chair. Che reports of the working commit- tee. were as follows Maple Leaf Chapter --ex penditure., 938.85 ; shipment, 48 comfort bags, 12 personal property haws, value 972 Britannia Branch - expenditures, 11140.00; shipment, 78 housewives, value 978 Yarn committee -expenditures, 9174.30 ; shipment, 270 pain of soaks, value *276. Sewing committee -ex- penditures. $1311.31 ; shipment, Y2 suits pyjamas, Ab day shirts, 11 pain bed socks, 22 dressing gowns, 4 dressing powns donated by Miss Bruce, value i280.00 ; making • total expenditure of *989.50, and the total value of the shipment 1708.00. 'The monthly financial statement was as follows : Balance from last month, *2,18.41. Reoeipte-Mn. 1. A. Shelton 95, Miss Crewe, 91.00, St. An- drew's ward 963.32, St. David's ward 945.35, St. George's ward 944.08. St. Patrick's ward 958.80. W. C. F. M. OT WATERS IF Y©U ILDES A ©SY COEYLEMION Bays we can't help but look better and feel better after an Inside bath. o look one's best and feel one's best to envoy an Inside bath each morn - g to flush from the systema pre- uus day's waste, sour fermetions id poisonous toxins before IIs ab- ;.ar9td into the blood. Just as coal, hen it burns, leaves behind a cer- .in amount of Incombustible material t the form of ashes, so the food and rink takeq each day leave In the all- tentary organs a certain amount of adlnestible material, which If not laminated, form toxins and poisons :bleb are then sucked Into the blood brough the very ducts which are tr- ended to suck In only nourishment o sustain the body. If you want to see the glow of ealthy bloom to your cheeks, to see our skin get clearer and clearer, you re told to drink every morning upon rising, a glass of hot water with a easpoonful of limestone phosphate to t, which is a harmless means of wash- ngs the waste material and toxins rom the stomach, liver, kidneys and ,owels, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the enure alimentary tract. ,afore putting more food into the stom- ach. Men and women with sallow skins, liver spots. pimples or pallid com- plexion, also those who wake up with a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath. others who are bothered with headaches. bilious spells, acid stomach or constipation should begin this phos- phated hot water drinking and are assured of very pronounced results in one or two weeks. A quarter pound of iimestone phos- phate costs very little at the drug store bat Is sufficient to demonstrate that Just as soap and hot water cleanses, purifies and freshens the skin on the outside, so hot water ane limestone phosphate act on the inside organs. We must always consider that Internal sanitation 1s vastly more Im portant than outside cleanliness, be- cause the skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into the blood, while the bowel pores do TRE SIGNAL 7(IDRRTCH : ONTARIO employees 931.15, musty greats of 9117.85 and 9117.70, ttttlakbag a total of •787.04. Expenditures, IIIS9.59. Bal- anus, *377.45. On motion of Mrs. Dunlop and Mrs. Phelan purobaoes to the following amounts were authorised : Mewittyy[[ committee 1175,am committee 11d(1, Britannia Brand SMG, Maple Leaf Chapter r.2.5. The Society expressed its thanks fur a donation of four dressing gowns from Muse Bruce, and fora donauoo of coal for heating the shipping roouss from Mr. Saults. The meeting then adjourned. The thanks of the lied Crow Society are due the following keitters : 9 pairs of socks -Mrs. Reynolds. sr. : 7 pain - Mrs. Jas. Gordon ; 5 pairs -Mn. B. 1. Sault* : 4 pairs -Mrs. Clifton, Mn. Geo. Williams, Mrs. Chellen, Mrs. John Rohertaon. Mrs. J. W. Yeo, Mrs. Jas. Dickson, Miss Griffith ; :4 maim - Mn. J. M. McElwain, Mn. Weller, Mn. Alex. Murray,Mn. Stephen An- drews, MIs. R. Sharn,an, Mrs. W. Young. Mr.. Howell. sr., Mn. Mc- Dougall. Mn. Woods Mn. Alex. Mc- Nevao, Mr.. %V. E. Kelly, Mrs. Will limey, Mn. H. Bullard ; 3 pairs -Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Hey. Mrs. T. Bell, Mrs. Luras, Mrs J. P. Brown, Miss White- ly. Miss L.Touz-I, Miss G. 8mitham, Mrs. J. R. l'raigie, Min Dinsmore, Mrs Birnie, Mr.. J. M. Stewart, Miss A. Aodrewe. Mr''. Swam -Id, Miss Young. Mrs. P. MacEwen, Mrs. (far- row ; 1 pair -Mrs. Wm. Lee, Miss Dark, Mn. H. Carter. Mrs. Howrle, Mrs. Goldthorpe, Mrs. H. J. Mac - Ewan, Mies Helms Carey. Mrs. Brad- ford, Miss Aitken, Miss Majorie Aitken. Mrs. J. B. Whitely, Mn.' Lynn, Miss Hopkins, Miss F. Neftel, No Name, Mrs. Robert Clark, Mrs. Jenkins, Mn. Vroomao, sr., Mrs. Leckie, Mrs. Robt. Allen, Miss Lizzie Admire. Saltford Branch. The Saltford branch of the Red Cross Society shipped for the month ending March 19th 163 pairs of socks and thirty-eight trench shirts. The socks were knitted by the fol- lowing : Mary Gliddon, Grace BOWD, 12 pairs each : Mrs. A. Goldthorpe, 11 pairs ; Mr.. gown, 1(1 pain ; Mrs. s. Bisset, 8 pairs ; Mrs. W. Gliddon, 7 pain ; Mae. McManus, Dolly Sown, Annie Bisset. Margaret Bisset, R pairs each : Mr•. Reid. 5 pairs ; Mrs. Lippet, Ela ('urrell, Miss A. 'McPhail, Mrs. G. Baxter, Mre. G. Bisset, Mrs. J. Wal - 1 ter, 4 pairs eaTh ; Mn. A. McLeod. Mrs W. Phillips, Mre. J. Ad.mr, Mre. Dew, Moi. Correll, Mrs.vP. 'MacEwen, 3 pairs each ; Mre, Gibbs, Din. J, Mc - Leers. Annie Buchanan. Mrs. W, Mc- Lean. W:nnie Gliddon, Florence Sheendown. Mary Baxter, Maria Dur- nin, Mrs. D. Connell. Mrs. R. \Walter, Mrs. Mur_phy,'_' pair. each ; Mrs. 'Dank, Mn. W . Svmonde, Ruby McLeod, Mary Buchanan. May Durrell, Hazel Symonds, Mrs. J. Jones. Mrs. San- derson, Miss Sanderson, Miss Foston, 1 pair each. The shirts were made by : Margaret McManu.,-liTrs R. Walter, Mn. Rosset, Jessie Green, 3 each ; Mrs. J. McLean, Mn. Harrison, Mrs. Morris, Mts. Steep. Mrs. Adams, Mrs. W. Mc- Lean, Mrs. Oaw, Mrs. Curren, Mn. Donnell, Mrs. D. McNeil. Mr... J. Barker. 2 each : Mrs. Gibbs, Mr,. Gliddon, Mrs. Lippet, Mrs. Fowler, 1 each. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. Bisset on Thursday, March 29th. Colborne Red Cross Workers. The Colborne Red Cross Workers wish to acknowledge ccntributions of socks, ,hilts and pyjamas from the following ladies : Socks -Mrs. Jas, Scott, 9 pairs ; Mr., Jas. McBride, 6 pairs; Mrs. Geo. Clark, Mrs. A.Young, Mildred Young, 4 pain; Introducing .to you the rmi-ri abj O'aituring that will fit you All the new models in cultured expression clothes—tailored in precise fashion froth British cloth patterns—attractive and desirable. Priced in accordance with the cost of the wool—the label in the pocket of every garment. We have a Semi -ready size and type for every man—for you— Choose between $18 and $35—$15 suits are cheap, too cheap for most men. Goderich For Hang -on Cag6s, Colds Tee the =don, etatds that teas Inst tined a the W.o:heir" a it pt.R trine nod w►oista— - build up the wasting theses coed put the body into cation far a Vs swims thin dread &se m Dr. P. Celine Medical Dtsov- sty, Iota in the right way. Its that masa is 1s pat the stomach, bowed Ivor sod that �tionin �d amend sash ing order; doe qui.k •ad tbo o; it makes sword, hsaltky 6atb. That's half the battle. TAM THIS CASS F01[ INSrAlr(S. St. Cathrinss, Out. -"I owe forever a pet debt at pl aituie to an army Miser and • particular blood of mise foe tem Dt. Pisda as well as So Dr. Pieroe for dieeover- kg and such wonder(. medians. I had been a great ea/er- er for twelve years with bronchitis ,rt VOI which I contracted while doing service in Indio. I have been engaged ui nearly every oousfry in the world and from hav- ing to sleep oat in all kinds of weather this brosehtti• became chronic and I was afraid of 000aumption at time. The doctors gave me no hope but that it would eventually mean oon* mpuon, I was so bad. I had tried every knownand physicians in foreign comities got no rebel. After returning borne a friend ad- vised me strongly to try Golden Medical Discovery.' I did MO and took eight bolds in all and to -day am entirely free ham beoschitis. I hooretlr believe I would not be to the hind of the Ii vui today were it not Wthis wonderful ."-car Oreo R. Emedicioee- A.. ['Mrs. T. McPhee. Mrs. C. McPhee, Mn. Wilson (Nilo. Mn. A. Johnskoo, Mre. R. M. Young. Mre. J. A. Walter. Mrs. W. W. Walter, Hosie ('lark, Mr.. F. Bilden, Mrs. Joh'b Ys:uug, Reny Young, 3 pain ; Mrs. tiellagh. a, Tena Johnston, Mrs. K. B -au, Mise Tabh, Mr.. Cunningham, 2 pates : Mrs. Hamilton, Edith Wilson, Mrs. L.-vy, Mts. E. Fisher, 1 pair : wemh• t•a of Young Ladies' Bible Ulan.,-Minerea McPhee, Pearl Young, Mildred Young, Bessie Clark, Ruby Young, Alice Clark. Gladys Levy. Edith \Wilson. 'feud Johnston. Ruth Young. Lily Mc. Phee, Mre. R. M. Young, 1 pair each. The Society is indebted to Mn. John Woung and het daughter, for the knitting of the lege of these socks. Py;amas-Mrs. E. Fisher, 7 suits : Mn. J. A. Walter, Minerva McPhee, 4 suit. ; Mrs. R. M. Young. Mrs. Jar- vis McBride, Miss llallagbe r, Mrs, Levy, 3 suite • Ruth Potter. 2 snits` Mev. Geo. tint;-Pe-Mtt-onng, rs. Duet., Mrs. Hamilton, Mr.. Kings- well. Mr.. A. Johnston, Min C. Alien, 1 suit. Trench shirts -Mr.. Owen Motor, 3 shirt, ; Mr.. Geo. Bean, E shirt,.. Day shirta-Mra. K. M. Young, 8 shirts : Mrs. E. Fisher, Mn A. John- ston. 3 shirts ; Mrs. Geo. Clark. Mrs. Jarvis McBride. Mre. Geo. Glen, 2 shirts ; Mrs. J. A. Walter, 1 shirt. The following contributions are gratefully received : W. W. Walter, *.: Mrs. M. C. Tyndall, 9.1; ir.rm a social evening. 91.50. Any person wishing sewing can get work at Mrs A. Wilson's, Men. E. FISHER, Set veto' y. Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle. The Circle thankfully acknowledges the following eons tions : P. oceede of entertainment by social committee of con. 10, *50 ; proceeds of entertain- ment by social committee of con. 6, 127: patriotic tea given by Mrs. Jas, Sounder". *8. Thanks are due the following knit. kers : Mrs. John (holey. Mrs. Rol.ett Hig- gins. 6 pair socks each ; Mrs. Angus Gordon, 5 pair socks ; Mrs. Jno. Kil- patrick, Mn. Jno. Hackett, Mts. Wil- son Irwin, Mn. Rom. McKCith. M. Henry Johnston, Mrs. Wm. Blake, Mrs. Jas. Ssunoere, 4 paiis each ; Mies M. Alton. Mrs. Jno. Saunders, Mre. Jas. Webster, Mrs. Jno. Petrie, Miss Mae Saundeta, Min Mae Menary, Mrs. Wm. Johnston. Miss Mary Cunning- ham. 3 pairs each ; Miss Leila Blake, Miss Mary gook. Mts. Rich. Johns- ton. Mise M rtle Cook, Mre. Fitzger- ald, Mrs. •John Helm, Mrs. Geo, Twamley, Mrs. Frank Scott, Mre. Herb Alton, Mrs. W. Echlin. Mrs. David McWhinney, Mise Melinda Black, ,Man. Thos, Shackello' , Miss Jennie Maize, Miss Susie McQuoid, Mrs. John Bennett, er., Mrs. Alex. billi). Mn. Jas. McWhinney (Port Albert), Mrr. Jas. Hayden, Miss Gwen Templeton. Mrs. Hy. (Mesar (Dun- gannon), 2 pairs each ; Mn. Jas. H. Johnston, Mia. Thos. Dougherty, Mn. Geo. Fielder, Mrs. John My..., Mrs. Jas. Olver. Mn. Donald McKenzie, Mn. J. B. Graham, Mn. W. H. Maize, Miss Mary Mckenzie, Miss Mary Curran, Mre. Ben Tacaaberry. Mus Mary Culbert, Mrs. Thor. Fer- guson, Mn. Robt. Henry, Mrs. Wm. Kickley, Mcs. Cher. McDonagb. Mrs. Isaac Andrew; Mts. Alf. Sherwood, Mrs. John I. win, Mrs Jas. Cook, 1 pair each. Thanks are due the following sewers : Mrs. Jas. (:xok, 5 suits py- jamas ; M. s. Jos. Helm, Mre. Le. Mo. Dwain, Mrs Albert. Helm, Mrs. Sarni Sherwood, Mrs. David Johnrton, sr., Mrs. Nelson Graham, Miss Mary Alton, 3 su.te each ; Miss Marie Haw - kin., Mrs. WIII Finlay, Are. \Vin. Blake, Mn. John Bennett, j , Mrs. Cyril Campbell, Mn. Thos. Ferguson, Mrs. John Oamtrhsll, Mn. John Mul- lin, Mr-. Jahn Quaid. 2 suits each ; Mn. WIII Hasty, Mist Tema Myers, Mn. Isaac Andrew, Mr.. John Heim, Mrs. Jas. Hayden. Mrs.,fti.. Saunders, M... Thee. Dougherty, Mrs, Rich. Johnston, Miss Harriet Hayden, Miss Ray !Mother., Ns. Name, 1 snit each : Mrs. Jas. Gook, 2sults oheerototh. Postof ice Deficit Accounted For. Helen was the little daughter of • thrifty wotnag. who always toot ad- vantage ofin sales. One day t le girl rn-had home from the poi, rya, and said to her mother i "Kamm. rem can geta ffv.-dniar monet order at. the postofflomfor Are cents. --The (ler1st* Herald. • EXCLUSIVE SUITS and COATS EXCEEDINGLY attractive are the Coats and Suits we are now showing. Of moot of them, only one of a style, thus guaranteeing that individuality so much desired. Copies of New York styles, every one of them, and most the famous "Northway" shape -keeping garments. Prices are exceptionally reasonable considering the quality of the garments. No time quite so good as now to make your selec- tion for Easter. Some very handsome Coats are fresh from the Factory this week Suits of exclusive style, in serges, gabardines, etc at $16.50, $ 20.00, $22.50, $25.00 and $28.00. Coats of exclusive style, in great variety of materials, at $ I0.00, $12.50, $15.00, $20,00. The Chief Characteristic of "Nemo" Style is Slenderness This explains the popularity of "Nemo" Corsets for stout figures. They always give the ,effect of more slender lines, because they ro- duce the utmost s , and this is accomplished in a healful manner with perfect .. , in our complete new line • f "Nemo" Corsets for spring we have a model for every type of ftgtir The prices run from $2.75 to $6.00. depending upon the material toed. The lower-priced "Nemo" models are correct in style and will give spendid wearing service. Our experienced salesladies will be glad to give you their expert advice and a special fitting at any time. We invite your inspection of these beautiful new spring styles. Have your new summer gowns fitted over one of the new "Nemo" models. This cut illustrates one of the best-sellin models. New Easter Millinery Shown Sat- urday and Next Week Many new Hats have appearon the stands and tables this week. Stylish and be. coming models that we are sure will appeal you. Copies of high-priced New York models are reproduced and offered to you at almost a fraction of the price of the original. Select your Easter Hat as early as yon can. You will get better service and better satisfaction. New Wash Goods A large shipment of new Wash Goods ar- rived this week. An almost endless variety of the season's newest and most popular fabrics. bight thin materials such as voiles. batistes, etc., for dresses in plain white or beautiful new color designs for waists and mists. Heavier fabrics in reppss, piques, fills, etc., for middy waists and separate wash skirts. An exceptionally large assort- ment, exceptionally good values, better hy far than yon can possibly get later in the season. We make Window Shade,[ to order, We upholster and repair Furniture. We re-cover Umbrellas. Direct Importers Hodgens.Bros. Oaistis We say : -This is world !" but what are soften it P Golden hopes of an eternity ate batter than a safe deposit box in a hank. a bard old we doing to 1 dtarVafe Corn.r Montr.allatreat and Square HIGH CLASS and SANITARY We serve excellent meals a la Carte daily PIES TO TAKE OUT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen, CAREFIlk SERVICE Our Motto-Cisanlin.as Always OPEN 9 A. M. TO I A. M. KINGSMRIDGE. MONDAY, March 28. Mr. Nate reap, of Montreal, visited his parents for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dalton and Master Gerald left for their home in Winnipeg last week, after spending the winter here. Mr. J. F. Sullivan is spending a few daysl:visiting friends. He leaves on Tuesday for Weyburn, Sask., where he intends spending the summer. Mr. J. J. Lean visited in St. Augus- tine last week. Mr. Denis Sullivan leaves this week for his home at Young. Sask. he will be accompanied by Michael Foley, who will spend the summer tbet e. Mre. C. Moss, of Goderich, is vi.iting her daughter Mrs. J. C. D altos. LOYAL. WermesDAv, March 24. FARM SAUDI. Several farms in this locality are changing hand... Mr. Samuel Bisset bas sold the old B,.set homestead on the fith conee.vion and also the old McGillivray place serous the road, 170 Acres In all, to Mr. Geo. Barter. who has had the McLaren farm, on the lth concession, rented. Mr. Batter get* possession at once, and we are glad to welcome him to our Loyal community Mr. James Green has void hit fltty-acre farm on the 9th concession to his brother Wil- liam and will sail the lakes thisear. Mr R m McCabe has sold his farmthe old Morrris homestead on the 9th conneasion, to Mr. Ewe Potter, who gets immediate possession. The price, we understand, was in the neighborhood of 114000. • Jarman -ie. -Mr. Wm. McMillan and Mr. 'Jam". Green left on Monday to join their boat, which has been winter- ing at Goderich.. ....Col. Varone and Mr. James Young prepared for maple sugar-ni+king this year, but the run ao tar has been very poor. . Mr. John Clark has molds last year's turkey, weighid,r sixteen and a -half pounds, f`rr 14.75. How 1. that for profitable pooh ry, Billy F.... ...Mr. .1. A. Young, our metobaat, with his (anally vMslted friend. at Klbeardine over the weak -end. He reports tame roads up that way to he in had non- dition... Mr. Thos udder. Intends) to plow the blue water. of the lakes t his season on • grain Reamer and leaves nett week for Montreal to join the crew. Gond leek to him and all the sailor boys trontSne1u loeallty 1 We manu- facture pack- ings for every Purpose. Tell us your requirements and we'll prove , . "Dunlop" Quality ,; PACKINGS Plumbing, Heating, Eavestrouglting, Electric Wiring, Metal Work, etc. Prompt attention to all jobs, large or small, and general repair work. W. R. PINDER Phone 1M Hamilton Streit ...r ....�...7114 ... >.�? '1'