HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-29, Page 7.1,111111, - Y 111016 1. obi'r+10441,4,N. 414.1L, VW To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario. Keep hens this year EGG and poultry prices, the like of which have seldom or never been experienced, certainly make it worth anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that you are doiAg something towards helping Britain, Canada and the Allies achieve victory this year. Increased production of Gond helps not only to lower the high cost of living, but it helps to increase the urgently needed surplus of Canada's food for export. It saves money otherwise spent for eggs and poultry at high prior, and saves the labor of others whose effort i:, u.cu.d fur n :c vital war work. The Ontario Department of Agriculture will give every possible assistance by affording information about poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens (address below). "A vegetable garden for every home" Nothing should be overlooked in this vital year of the war. The I-)epar. Ment earnestly invites everyone to help increase production by growing vegetables. Even the sttnalkst plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro- duces a surprising amount of vegetables. Experience is not essential. On request the Department of Agriculture will send -valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direc- tions for preparing soil, planting,cultivation,etc. A plan `of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow, best varieties arid_ their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free to any address. Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign Department of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Tbronto Ontario Department of Agriculture w. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture Parliament Buildings Toronto 11 A. B. SHUBERT, Safety First Not bins is more Important to the Fur Shipper than doing burinss with en Honest—Reliable— Responsible - Sara Fur Rouen "Ship to Shubert" the laree.t bowels the Wtrld damns esrlasiv.ir 1• Americas Raw Fur.. ws.rs res will &w.,. r.r.4.... Ae. r.te sod Morel Assort....,, the Wessel N..tet soil the rowel •'aa.linrt" Eaa..t. Courteous ....1... WOW for 0,. triton .4111s11 td '-syr eyasrrt byleeer" eassi as sasses. Marlon uform.unn ren meet be.a IIS -27 WAVE. T AUSTIN AV inc. D.ar. cm. CHICAGO. U-S.A. THE SIGNAL : G(' DERTCf : ONTARIO and DISTRICT Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Breen bave moved Into their new borne on the 9th conoemion, Howick. Mee. John Batton died at er erne in Urborne on Meech 21.4, atter a somewhat lengthy Illoesa. aged sixty- fi ve years. Hugh McCartney. who had been holidaying with relatives and old friends in Orey, baa returned to bis Bowe et Tugseka, Sank. Mrs. Dan Zinn. who bed leen visit- ing friends in Zurich for some time, left recency for Micbigao en route (ot- her orher home in North Dakota. Mr. sod Mrs. R. L. McDonald, who have lived for the past year in Uran- brook, are moving to their new farm on for loth concession, Grey. One of the oldest and beet•known resident•of Mullett, Mr. Angu. Mc- Dermld, died at hie home on March Lod, aged eighty-two years. A quiet wedding was solemnised at thermion's, Molesworth, wheys Mabel J. Maguire and Waltace Edgar, both the Change of Life and the tumor and of Howick, "ere ui.ited in marriage hang by Rev. Mr. Bell. when 1 got home I did not need the h etor. Pte. James Russel, of the Lith Cane I took the Pinkham remedies until the diens, reached his home in Russeldrle tumor was gone, the doctor said, and 1 last week, baying been invalided have not felt it since. I tell every one home. He lost his right leg as • rt -1 bow I was cured. If this letter will suit of shrapnel wounds. HOW'MRS1 BEAN MET TNS CRI$IS Carried Safely 'Brough Chang. .f Life by Lydia E.. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Naahville,Tem—"when 1 was going through the Change of Life I had a tu- mor as large as • tAUd's head. The doctor said it was three years coming and gave me meds. ins for it until I .. called • w ay F it from the city for Illi -•aa` I l ousel time. Of e I could not to him then, so y sister in-law told • that she thought Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound would cure it. It helped both The bonze of Jacob Link, on the 14th concession, Stephen, was deetrnyed hy fire during the night of March 14tb. The conteote were totally destroyed and the inmates escaped with difficul- ty. Wilbur Hunter, of Ushorne, recent ly snipped a car of settler's effects to balvader, Sask. He accompanied the ear, and his family, who ate at present visiting ii) Exeter, will follow in a few weeks. On March Jt)Lb the death occurred of Mrs. George Longman, of Londe.lo ,ra', death resulting from a at' oke of par- alysis which she eustsined •bout a month ago. Her husband and four children survive. The death occurred on March Lith- o( William Green, fore many years a resident of Gdrrie. He was in his eighty-second year apd died at the home of bis son in Powick, where be and his wife bad lived the past two years. A number of friends gathered at tbe home of P. J. Bishop, in Grey, on a er- cent evening and preaentrd biin and Min Bishop with an address and two handsome chairs, prior to ther mov- ing to Ethel, where they will live 'in future. The home of Mr. laud Mn. ) M. Hamilton, of Tuckersmitb, Wail .^one of a pretty wedding en M 17 h, when their daughter .tele w united in warrT*g. with !Mir Jenne. Love. by Rey. Mr. Argo, in the pres- ence of a large nutnber of guests. Mrs. W. E. danders paned away at her home at Ethel on March 18th, aged fifty years. She was a native of Fullerton, Perth county, and was there married twenty-two years ego to her now bereaved husband, who, with two daughter., is lett to mourn her loss. A pleasant gathering 1-ok place at the home of Mrs. Arthur Smith, Jth concession (trey. where the young mnple of the neightme hood assembled to Nay farewell to Charlie Litner, who is leaving for the \Vest. During the evening he was the recipient of an ad- dress and presentation. The sad news has been received in Siwcne of the death, following an operation, of Capt sin Hilton Paulin, in England. He went uvetres" last October with the lKird Battalion. captain Paulin was • native of \Vrnzeter, having moved from there t . tiiwcoe with bis parents in boy hood. 1 The New Series The only Car in Canada selling at Tess than 5700.00 Equipped with Electric Starting and Lighting System. More Wonderful TiSsEver. STANDARD EQUIPMENT Valve in head motor Electric Lighting — Starting System Selective sliding gear Transmission, ; speeds Forward and reverse Staunch frame New front and rear spring brackets New front spring suspensions New accelerator foot rest Ample road clearance Cantilever springs Improved upholstery Mohair top Non-skid tires on rear wheels Garage Next Door to Bok of Commerce GEORGE JOHNSTON, District Agent Also Agent for Simplex Four wheeled Trailer. Bicycle and Cameral Rapaanag i— An interesting went occurred on March 21st at the home of Benjamin Pale. 141hp tsrrnceeeion Hay, when his denghteett lata Angeline, became the ',tide of Garnet A. Jecoh., also of the 14th cnneee.ion. Riv. F. B. Mever Little Ones. was the officiating clergyman, and • number of guests witnessed the tete- Mrs. Timothy Howea,Blissfield.N.R., many. writes : "I have always used B.by's CLINTON. Owo 'Tablets for my three children Mr*. S. J. Andrews hers been con- watt 1 can speak very highly of them, fined t1 lied for some time as the re- as 1 could not get a1rniF without tush., snit of • hail fall. Baby's Own T..lilete are the only and Mrs. Donald Ross, of Swift. medicine I would use f• r nay children." Current, wee visitin Mrs. Rom net rhe Tablets cure all the tuinnr ills of 11111 a, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neill. little ones and tbe mother who always keeps a box of them in the horse Mee. Jack Willis and daughter, who may feel teotonably sate against the were the guests of Mee. Leppingtnn co sequ.ncee of sudden attacks of ill- fnr several month., have rrt.urned to nein. They era sold by medicine t heir hone et Ritchie. Sask. de. lees or by snail lit 'Li cents a box Miss Kate Scott, daughter of Post- fi The in. Medicine Co., master Scott. left last week for Mont- Brutke i.le, Ont. real, there to juin a party of nursing sisters and proceed overseas. } Pte. H. Ray Cantelon, who had been Bert Bambridge sed Wm. Nesbitt in a convalescent hospital in Quebec left last week for the \\'est. eince his reintn to Canada some weeks Esti McElroy has gone to Sarnia, ago, is visiting at his home bete, where he ha- seem el a position in a Mrs. and Miss ,Kerr sec vielt.ina munition.factory. fr'ends at Woodstock and Smith's Mn. George Beatty, who was visit- F.IIe, h.tne leaving for the West., ing h r mother. Mi.. Francs M+sun, where t hey will spend the summer. fur 'owe time, hes ret us Bed to her hbuie et Ingereill. help others you ars weloowe to use it " —Mrs. E. H. BEAN, 526 Joseph Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, a pure remedy containing the extractive properties of good old faah- iooed roots and herbs, meets the needs of woman's system at this critical period of her life. Try it. If there is any symptom in your ease which puzzles you, write to the Lydia E. PinkbOm Medicine Co., Lynn, Maae. settlers, and was seventy-three years of age. For the la.t ten years or so sh-e bad lived w th her daughter, Mr.. J. Callender, at L /udon, and had suf• fered from paialysi- for some tinge. The remains were bre urhtto Clinton for interment, and among those pre. - .01 at the fuurral was her ron, R.'H. Read, or Celuwet, Mich., who had been away from Clinton for over t overt y years. BRUSSELS. Mr•. and Miss PI !tie. of \Vslketton. ire ',len log old 'livid. in town. Mrs. J. T. Wood bar returne3 home from nn est resift d v.e t at Londuu and Drtrunt. On March lath the marriage took pl+re, et St. Joan's rvct q. Breeerle, of Miss Mary Wailer* sod AlezendeR iltii% b to ofJamettwit,' - -•— \ TI a w.u.bers i f -the ln.'aI I.t'nneh of 1 e tied Cr..* prw.uted Mrs. I). B. Moore with a c it ncet A` of life-mem- tiet hip h. the U.n. duan R. at a're'a, ne t't.e ca.ion ofher revel t)arse.tbrt:.- day. \ Word has been recei'-.d of t he death in Michigan on March 131,1 of Rev. W. F. Rooney. , t the age of forty-five years. Mi. Kerney was horn near B, ussel., and was i t one t ins meter • 1 Rumwerhfil, in God* r•ch. township. Mr and MrA'., Fr et ().ter and family have moved. t • town fi out their farm in Grey, which was nur:based hy W. P Bray and p., Lurnont. Mr. and Mr.. Bray h.ve gone t., the farm, se. ting their house t, T. C. M'Oall• of the 3rd line of Moi ris. ho ha. rece,•tly moved t.i town. Herb -'t Lincoln Low youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lowly, ft tomer reeident..jtr Bross s;-aied st his home in Toreet eon Al llit.h, its his twenty nbrth year. He nli.t d ,s.ime time ago in a Toronto hart •lion. but filing health furred him to ith- draw. He leaves a widow, form fly Miss Pearl Cunningham, tor. broth re and four sisters, besides bid permute, The Only Pledictne for H. E. Paul, who h•a been seeing n•anager rf the Inral Manch of the Mnlsons Rink since Copt wit Dowding's enlistment., has been transferred to Alvinsl .n. Mr. and Mee. P. L. Campbell, of Mnnnt Brvdges, announce 1 he engage- ment. of th•-ir daughter, ti:at •rvn Vice. n ia, t . R •v. Nattier .W. Watt., of Toronto, formerly of Clinton. Mrs. E. Holmes. of Pt. Catharines, wbo renrnt.ly celebrated her eighty- third h rthday with a Rath.. lug of the m.mbets of her family war . r many years a well-known I. -et -tent of Clinton. A bold sreak•thief entered the home of A. C•ntelnn on a t. ot evening, and removal t vn tan-rlo•l r bills from Mrs. Oanlelat's hsndb..g which was lying on the sideboard in the dining- rontn. A quiethittpret y w.d iIng tnnk place at Bt.. Paul's reentry on March Lith, when Re...). A. Robinson united Mir Mary McIntyre and Prank Sin - men in marriage. Mr. end Mrs. Han- nan have alew left ft their new home at Hszenen r , (task. Wad has h -rn received that George Caus oft, who left here for Dawson y about a year_ ago....haa had bis hand. and fret save.ely frozen. it is expected that the sawmill wilt coenwenc, (Imitations by the end o he month, •.nd John Weymouth has again hero .-rlFaged as head sawyer. At a epee n! meeting of the village council 1' Gardiner was appointed town treasurer, and the sndhors have handed over the town hooks to hint. David McGowan Med at the home of his sister, Mr.. 11. *Quante, on March 1Ob, aged righty years. He was born in Balton rohnty, bot came to Blyth as a young hear, and was en- gaged in the went huuine.a. Litter he went to the We- ern States', where he farmed for eh lit II i• t y -flus. year,, but since the dee h .•t iiia wife a few years agn he bad ns d.• his home bete The death oreur•rmd at London on t Marek loth of Mrs. Ruwe1 Read.* n.- li ti.e and former resident of mil I She was a daughter of the 1st. • Wns. III Rattenbusy, oris of Clinton's sat Leet 11 tr . (1 rr NO AWM MAGIC BAKING POWDER r '1 rt 11 11 ; riivaIDas, Manta 1 14171 with Mrs. McQuarrie. LUCKNO W. Mrs. R. J. Harper and children, of Perdue, bask.. are visiting friends in this locality. A. E. Cumin has gone to Saskatche- wan, where he intends to engage in farming on en extensive shale. Tum Fairrifah and D. Mcebarles are back from -the West and are buying mora horses to ship to the prairies. S. rgt. M. C Matheson, of Toledo. who setulned is Canada early thin month after being severely wounded in action, was at one titres a resident of Lucknow. Earl Mallough, who for the pest three years has been with McMillan Brothers, contractor', on tbe -Hudson Bay Railway, is spending a few weeks with his parents, and expects to re- turn to tbe North in April. WINGHAM. Mies Della Reid left recent y 3r Saskatoon. where she will visit rela- tive.. Bert Vansickle left last week fur Gull Lake, Sask., where he will spend the rummer. After spending the winter in thi• vicinity, James \L heeleus has returned to his Howe on the Pacific coast. Mr. N. P. Bovine, who died recently at his home at Ingersoll, was the father of Mn. Richard Clegg of temp. Mn. William Hogg, who had been visiting ber sister, Mrs. G. A. Pbip- pen. for some Uwe, left last week for l:atrbill, Bask. Mrs. John Patterson, who was visiting fi iende in t.nis neighborhood fir several mouses, has returned 'to iitraut'aer, tisk. t Mr,. Brett, who spent the winter with her mother, Mrs. Robert Ken- nelly, lett recently for Biitirb Col- umbia, her brother Arch Kennedy ac- companying her. Garfield, the six-year-old son of Howard Fiuiry, bad a narrow escape from drowning last week. He at- tempted to crow on the ice at the will -dew sod broke through, but tuanaged W hold on to the ice until rescued. Certain Hector R. Macdonrld, who Men with Common Sense are taking to our Bach- elor Suits like dunks to water. Good reason why, too. Notwithstanding their good looks, good work- manship and good wear- ing qualities, they are the biggest bargain ever offered to men, being the first guaranteed trade -marked, nation- ally known clothes to be sold at $165° is sold exclusively by McLEAN BROS. The Square Goderich and Mn. W. T. Knelhnd and tinnily ! of tit Thorns,. have returned, to Alberta. \Ira. A. E. Buswell and little (laugh - Mrs. David A1l eo*t, of Roland, Man-, ter, who',have spent the winter with Robe, and Aire .Lane Gardiner. of Mrs. Bnswell't p.rents, Mr. end Mrs. wee killed in action while fi htiu Clearwater, who were visiting friends T. Harvey, have r. W' ted t 1 their with the British tacos in M edputg in aria vicinity, -.left Last week for bunts at Fbszcottibe, Alberts. awls Iasi month, was* grandson of their Weetet n helmet.. the Iatd Artbur tiolpron, of Culross Word has Ewen received of th. township, and a cousin of Dire. A. lel• marriage in Enal.nd Nome mon' ha ego Musgrove, of town. (of Mies Eileen Fat mer. daughter of J. E. Ellie .bas bought from J. D. Mr. and;Mn. John F..••tuer, torune'ty Larkin, of Queien.ton, Ont ., bis grand of Exeter; and Lieut. Hugh Cameron, stock bone ',Pride of tileucyirn," whiter% uodouutedly one ext the lineet horses in O11tinio, his pedigree proving him a descendant of wane of Scot • Ianu's greatest Clydee.( J. Walton M Kib4Wo as purchased the W. 'Taylor drug store at Harris - ton, and wilt ct,ndus t it its connection with hie local Beata ew F. F Ho - 'with will be manager. of the new blanch, and Mr. •trd Mn: Huuuuth will remove to H•rristou in the near future. SEAFURTH. Mr. and Miss Brooke; --of Egsioond- vihe, have gone to their new home .at Eumuotou. Oticar Spreet and Miss Nellie Sproat. of Detroit, are visiting their patents, Mr. and Mt". John Sproat. After an extended visit with rela- tives in North Dakota, Mrs. K,.b i t Smith has returned to ber home bete. Mr. Neil Gillespie, of Crhwarty, bas disp.eied of His farm sod is moving to town. He has putchteed Mrs. Rubate. Smith's residence. A. Palmer had the misfortune to have one of his fret crushed while working et the munition plant, and is confined t .h the house. Sergi. K. M. , Rog,' innsot- Mrs. Lucre Ross of tow'', has received r commission in the Imperial army. and has been mentioned its despatches. \\ ord b•s come to town of the death In action of Lieut. (ori ri4e Mul• holland, son of Will ani Mulholland of t own, who went overseas with rue tend Caoadien contingent. Mrs. A. M. Campbell received• word o the Brett' of ber only router, Mee. Hu Bine, . at 13canti'ord. Mu. Bine. geach was the result of .hock cause y her husband's sudden death a few h tiro earlier. Charles lrodie, ir.. died at the home of hie son 1.a.lt. as Woodrow, Sask., cru Harsh 4th, Urine eighty-hiatu year. M-. owe, who bird itr Sen- to,tb for "ver wenty•five year?, and bit it to make it h with hrr son ut.ly t .vu years in r) r.it t le past wii.t.er m Seaton , and eujnyed ex- cellent beel•b. He eturueu ti Sask- atchewan early thi month, accom- panied by hie dau,tht a Mr... Holman, and stood LL•e long j hu ley very well, but a few days later developed tonsil- it... and its sp t.• of living care passed quietly away. Hi. widow,1hree ecus rod four daughters survive. \, SAYS SHE SUFFERYEARS.D FOR MANY E Then Dodd's ltiidney Pills Cured Her Kidoey Troubles. IIaldimend, Gaspe Uo., Que., March 26 (ipecilall.—Nr.. Felix Ascali it tell- ing her numerous ft fends here that her complete recovery front kidney dims -e in due to the splendid work of L)asdd's Kidury Pills. • i. "My trouble started from a strain," Mrs. A,cah elate. "1 suffered for years. I wee attended by it doctor and will also treated at a hospital. 1 suffered Loin stiffness its the j Iota, i hood a hitter taste, especially in the warning, and at Lowes was rubjeet to revere beedrehes. 1 had a pressure and often a sharp pain at the top of my heath and my skin itched and burned at nigh,. Neither from the doth r Dor at the hospital did I get any pet manent relief. Then i started to use Dodd'e Kidney Pills and two hones did me so much good 1 feel liar recommending them to everyone who ham kidney bauble." EXETER. Sa 1 Braver has hought the L. Mc•l'rgirrt fa. in just anor h of Exeter., Use prior paid being •.r.t 7:l. it v. bharles 1)"an, of 11 harm, Seek., arrived in tows. 1 •at week, hav- ing lawn oallyd h..oi.• ny the critical iliums of he. soothes. Aft sv spending 1 we. ke with relatives Isere rad at Crediton, Mr. R pert Himself and his daugli'ei. of C et. show, Alberta, ate visiting Frio° • here. It is thitty.fire yeses wince M . Itiss-tt left Exeter for the \Vest, rut he was backon a visit some sixteen earseg'•. IIIIIIIi1IIlUI11111111111III1111IIII111H111111IIIlI111;'.t1ileolt1t11III111I11111111:-- i• 1FR % UH2%.eee eery/ NINGA t NE CANADIAN SAL LIMITED 11IIIII111111111111IIIIII1hIIlI11111I11111111111111i1UII11111111111111t1I111ItIIIiiIIUIflh111_ ENNY SAVED IS A- PENNV EARNED This is an old-time saying, nevertheless true. WE find in going through our stock that we are overstocked in a few lines which we are going togive you the benefit of. RE -NU -ALL \ every person knows how good this polish le for furniture and floors. To reduce our large stock of this we will sell the $l.(11) bottle for ..80c and the iiOc bottle for ....... 35c VERIBRITI POLISH The 500 bottle foe - .......... .. .....35C STOCK FOOD Anglo-Saxon Stock Hood, riOc package for 25c Anglo -axon PoultryFood, 25c package for........... 15C AnglieSaxon Beate Cute, 50c package for.. 25c International Poultry Food, 25c package for 15c NAiLS The great advance in steel and 'wire has caused wire Nails to take a great advance, so mach so that we have to sell them at seven cents per pound. We have several kegs of cut Nails which we ate offering as long as they last at 7 .pounds foe ,........:.__-___23c LAWN MOWERS , u will remember last Spring how you had to wait to ge your lawn mower sharpened and your grass got ahead of you. Why not notify us now and let us send :md get your Mower and put it in good working order when busi- • ness is Quiet, so that it will be ready for you in the Spritng ? BICYCLES Does your cycle require overhauling? Now is the time to have it done that it will he ready for you when t t•'i want it. Plumping, steatu fitting, heating and electric wirirg Do not forget that we carry a fill line of goods to d my of the above work on a moment's notice and all wort.. neatly done and fully guaranteed. Chas. C. Lef Phones: ore ? 2 oat' 12 • The• luare ti• -Ich •eseAxese •.-ees.r.eM.ii.. r . `eV Wt./ti/y. t .