HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-29, Page 6i TemISDAT, Msut u 29. 1917 ti THE RIGN AL 301:10ERICH UNTA Rl O 3 KIONLYS les.haak yam., Apra is Rational Dry a Ohsmioal Oo., brsstreal. Dear Sirs -- t ess feasted wttk q Wimps .ad I bought . tort of din rut. By the WIN I tad used one boa las lianas in my back were gone tad my tldases *ere mach b I cat recommend Wa P111. to all eemertsg from Kidney Trouble ea I know they helped as. Yours truly, E. I. Fennell. At all druggists, bee. a boa or a boxes for 11160. 1Me guarantee absolute satisfac- tion or your money back. For free sample write to National Drug a Chemical 0o. .f Canada. Limited Toronto 64 a• 5. t I iT Serve Save Pr.odu..c EN VERY ONE CAN do something for his country Some can bear arms Some can produce food -Some can make -munitions Some can give money It is the privilege of all to help. YOU CAN SERVE by Fighting—Working— Saving-Giving This is NATIONAL SERVICE { Are YOU doing your part ? • LL EYES turn now to -- the Canadian Farmer; for he can render the Empire SPECIAL SERVICE in this sternest year of the war. But—our farms are badly under- manned=25,000 men are needed on the land. With insufficient help, the Man on the Land fights an uphill fight to meet the pressing need for Food. CITY and TOWN can help. Municipal Councils, Churches and Schools, and other organizations, both of men and women, can render National Service by directing all available labour to the Land. Farmers themselves can exchange labour. School boys can assist. Were you raised on a farm? Can you drive a team? Can you handle fork or hoe? If you can't tight, you can produce. Spend the Summer work - g on f1;e Farm. \ Let every man, woman and child in the Dominion who has access to Land, no matter how small the plot, make it produce Food in 1917. For Information on any subject relating to the Farm and garden write: INFORMATION BUREAU DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTIf F OTTAWA DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OTTAWA, CANADA. NON MARTIN ntMRELL, WHIST/31. 1 wa Airw • V,..e..`\tri 141S GRRAT OPPORTUNITY. The Young Han Hisses a (treat Deal Who Stays at Home These trays. London. flint., Mulch 240.—"lf the young wen of this and utber Worms and cities ill Outario could realize what they are missing by not bring at the front they would quickly recon- sider their present at•itude, and if they once grasped the opputtunily they would soy on their return that they would not ha•e missed it under any consideration." This is the etateweot of one of the officers in London recently from the (rant in expressing his surprise at the number of young wen to bit seen who are not in khaki. In his opinion they are aiming the oue great chauce of their liver. From his point of view, in all probability, this will be their last °ppmLipsky. because be believe, the war will be, over this summer, en far as recruiting is concerned. He emphasizes the fact that the present conditions are entirely different from the first or even the *frond year Of the war. As couditions now exist the men are well fed and well cared for in all awns of the service and he gives as evidence of this the good health of all who are at the flour. With tew rz• ceptious the uen when tory return will be found io have 'nitrated in health acd stieo,;ti,. physically and mentally. Regular habits with re- gular food and exercis- at d fresh air will set up a youeg mall tor the rest of his day.. Race WW Improve. "To my mind,- he says, '•the Anglo- Nattnn race will he so improved and set up by the training which they aro now undergoing that the benefits will have a tar -reaching effect in the future of the Empire and upon the future generation This officer (lraws attention to the small number of casualties in the bat- teries. It has been estimet. d that they are only four per Ment. all through and he cites the case of one bat tesc which went over from Guelph E S(OTT'S 1 More than Soap Lifebuoy Soap is a, perfect soap and a perfect antiseptic act- ing together in perfect unity. Its rich, abun- dant lather makes it a delight to use. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Protest your health by wash- ing your hand• and taco with it—by bathing and sham- pooing with it. The mild antiseptic odor quickly van- ish** after use. A t sU Gr•esrs 161 OF PUREST COD OVER OIL usually stops a stubborn cough or chest cold when ordinary specifics fail. It helps strengthen the~ lungs and throat—adds energy to the blood—and gives the system the force to help resist disease. Use SCOTT'S L Refuse Substitutes & Fi ,w n . Tomato, Ont. 1e-! • • • MacEtvan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON AL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity test all Maple Slabs, Misled. Wood, Hemlock and Kindling tOedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, Onee qui residence ata ttr 6S • Keep Up With the Times ! AND have your house lighted in the modern way - with electricity. We know how to do it, and will cheerfully furnish plans and estimates for wiring, fixtures, etc. A large assortment of Elec- trical Sundries and Supplies always on hand. Robt. Tait West St -^et. Phones Next Postoffire 82 and 193 just a year ago and in seven ntontbs f fighting at the front had a casualty list of only eight. ineludics three deaths, and these did not occur to those actually engaged with the bat- tery tiring. The infantry, naturally. are mote exposed and the game is true of the battery officers who are a wile or so in front in observation poets wi:h telephone communications to the batteries in their gun pits at the rest. All Home Comforts. "The man who goes over today does w 00 an Al palace ocean liner with first -claim ford and accommoda- tion ; a trip that would cost him bundeeds of dollars in peace times," he adds. "And once over there he will see the most wonderful sights [bar twit world has ever afforded. He will see abipe 806 feet long, carrying guns six feet in diameter at the breach that in one shot can send a missile to a chosen mark ten miles ontof sight, a missile that weighs as wucb as a whole broadside of one of Nelson's ships of the line ; a missile which strikes its target, ahhough each ship is travelling thiry miles an hour or more. Then take the wonderful sights in France Over 491) utiles of battle Ione, manned by over •4,Ot10,1100 men, with thousands upon thousands of artillery piece., rnnnine from the Stokes guns and trench mortars to immense cannon that shoot twenty miles and send mis- siles of thousands of pounds in weight. One field battery alone shooting many thousands of shells in the course of a few weeks, to say nothing of the thousands of aeroplanes, war planes and biplanes. observation balloon.. al- most as big as the zef+peline, called ny our boys "sausages,' wonderful dug- outs, extending two or three stories below the surface of the earth, in some of which many hundreds o.f Huns were captured, to say nothing of the tanks on land and the tanks in the sea. All without a dollar of expense to the man engaged. Nothing but benefits of body and mind to the great major- ity. As one man remarked : "There is one thing i am going to get out of this war. that•s ten years no re life," and this applies to most. Thete should not be a young man who site down and teatimes the whole situation to the full, who is not preveeted by physical disability, who if he once grasps the oppottuoity but will say on bis return, '1 would not have missed it for any consideration."' If you would be bsrppy forget the gond you have done others and the evil they have done you. On the Crean the swell rnakes people tick and some of the swells encoun- tered on land have a similar effect, URIC ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Take a glom of Salts if your Back hnrta or Bladder bothers yon—Drink more water. _1f..Fnn roust have your meat every day, eat -it, brit flush your kidneys with salts oeerteionstiy, says a noted authority who tells nn that meet forms uric aeid which almost pnralyxea the kidneys in tncir ef- forts to expel it from the blond. They Mennie sluggish and weaken, thee sot• suffer with a doll misery in the kidne region, sharp pnin. in the buck or s:r hevbtche, dirrineae, your stomach sours tongue in r.-ited and when the weather is Lad you have rheumatic twinges. Tho urine gets clouds, full of sediment, the ehanrels often get sore and irritated, i Isliging you to seek relief two or three time during the night. To neutralize thaws irrliattttit aside, to siesnae the kidneys sad fittsh elf ttndy'e urinous waste gat -Tour onri(wi of ,fad Salta tram any pbarmaey here; take • tablespoonful la a •glans• eel water before breakfast for a few day. and your kidneys trill theft set fliU. This famous salts i feeds from the Reid of grape* and loi...nr- Jules, etmtbined whit lithia, and hill bees owed for gesseatiny to flush and .titats singgi.h kidneys, Kan to neutral: -e the aside ie urine, so it nn longer Irritatew, tbve andfng ',bidder reeik•iet. 1 rad Sala is iewttiindiNi nannnt its iro, end makee a de11.11111 seerveseene itaia•wster drink. . •*411141104144: 1t ar MARINE NOTES. Steamer Rochester on Georgian Bay Route. E. W. Holton. general passenger agent of the Northern Navigation Co., Sarnia, le credited with the state- ment that the steamer Rochester way i.e used in the coming season on the Georgian Bay route, and also to touch at Cleveland, Detroit and Buffalo. The Rochester was brought to Sarnia following the E retlaud disaster ill Chicago River, and has not been ill commission attic*. The same company which operated the Eastland had ch.rt-• bred the Rochester. which forwetly was operated 'on lake Ontario by the! Richeieu Co. It ie stated that lihelj suits which had been filed against the Rochester had kept her tied up Iasi t season. gad !iia, Match 22 —Federal Judge Thomas of Buffalo has handed down a derision directing the. sale of the' steamer Rochester, against which claims aggregating nearly $,tt.t,iMN) were filed by citizens of Rhode Island. The claimants sued/or damages as a result of sickness they allege was con- tracted on hoard the .essel at the time of the Perry Centennial in 1913. The Rochester is now being refitted at Sarnia by the Northern Navigation Company. The jurisdiction of tut American judge to order the Aisle of a boat in Canadian waters is questioned by mariners, hut it is pointed nut thst the order would become valid once the Rocbwt.r entered American territor- ial waters. As it would be almost im-I possible for the boat to get out of, Sarnia without coming under Amer - lean jutisdictien a nice problem i. presented. Libel Suit Settled. The trial of the libel suit of the; steamer William (Yottiugbam against' the W. Grant Norden in the United States district court before Judge Hazel was settled out of court. Both vessels had claimed damages to the extent of f14t0.00u as a result of a col - 'Won during a fog in lake Superior near Manitou Island on the morning! of June 27, 1910t A bitterly contested battle had been expected by lake men, for each side claimed that the other 1 was to blame for the accident. School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Winter Term Begins January 3rd, 19.17 OU have always intended to take a Commercial y and Stenographic Course some time. Do it now. A course here puts you in a position to command a good income whenever and as long as you want it Can you invest your money and time in any stock, war loan or anything else that will promise you so -great a return? WE GUARANTEE 40SITIoNS TO taelADUATES. Write for full information. DO IT NOW. B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts. PHONE 2Ols PRINCIPAL 1 It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL ki • • 1 1 If e ■ RT LQ'TNES Our Spring Style Preparations Are Thorough and Efficient SEVERAL factors govern the pur- chase of clothes—some men place value foremost, others believe style, fit, -pweave more -important. RTCL' ES CVVK Q VS- S- k ALL%N LIMITIEtt The spring lines are completely ready—ready for men of every taste — ready in all that is new and good. See therip at your first spare moment. 'They'll interest you. • Walter C. Pridham Goderich, Ont.