HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-29, Page 3l HE SIGNAI. Cs DERICH ONTARIO
TM:11411A1, 11,MAa4 a 11. 1917
OF '
IJ PATH. •peotallrt In women• and ohtl
tree's dimes's..cutes3hrenl and nervous die
owlets, eye, ear, nue sod throat, partial deaf
em. lumbago and rheumatic condltiona Ado -
add. remover without the knife. (Altos at
reside carper Nelson and St. Andrew's
trent& At bows office Moodaye. Thursdays
sad Saturdays: any sinning by apoolaunSt.
•I11. H. G. M*C1)() ELL, -HONOR
11 graduate 1orouto University.Oradu.te
os a *College of Dentist Surreuu,,
Success', 10 the bete Major Pale. Oglesv
✓ nor Naar, wan West street. Gudavhb.
Toronto, Match 24 --Rate track
Rambling, particular ly during the war.
came in for • great battening ftuw
Liberal members In the legislature.
It was Lambert Wigle, member for
•Routh Berri, who brought the watt sr
befogs the House, He objected p. r-
Uculsrly to the establishment last
year of two more race tracks in the
vicinity of Windsor, which waken a
total of three in that city alone, oper-
ating forty-two days in the year.
"In this time of war," said Mr. Wigle,
"we Deed every bit of our energy and
strength for the successful pioercu-
timu of the war." He thought that
the allowing of race track.,gambling
was a crying shears. Professionel
gamblers and crook., driven out from
the States, were Boding a place -to
carry out their designs in Ontario. •
Sam Darter, M. P. P. for South
Wellington, thought that rate hack
grmnling In Ontario was an outrag-
eous scandal. Men sitting in high
placer were making fortunes' through
their connection with race tracks.
Mr. McGarry declared that the Gov-
eruwent could not keep these tracks
out and that all they had done watt to
license them to otasin a revenue. Mr.
Carter. however, felt that the Gov-
ernment could have prevented this
state of affairs I.y placing the license
fee at a prohibitive rate. Mi. Mc-
Garry thought that such • proceeding
'night be declared Illegal.
tie t'I,t„etDti. All u.utru•rlt 1) m
n e, iye sl elite *Ill 1. Itmpti) .
ended to. Residence t lepboae b111.
PUBLIC. k'14.
Jm e-Slwuog Book Mock. Hamilton Sleet.
odert•:b. Telephone tl&
Real k:tats Loam and Ineoraace.
Office on the Square, eee*ag
titre street. Oudaricb.
Private fund. to Weisel 'Wein
W. Paoco'oor, K.t;. J.
from Ham
L.e. CAMIsKKON.•K. U.. HAltttlb
Th.R. solicitor. ootuy public. Offices
too Street. 0ud•ricb. third door (w-
Sa1we. At Lbaton Ibundal ul each week to
en Attest btreet occupied by Mr.
r. vibes boars a a.m. to a p.m.
c:iMAltLlab OARItU W , LL. B.. ISA h
918611141. •wrap. !Donator. etc.. Goth
seas . Racal to wast ac Worst was.
es -t
Notary and I�Iera
Holumudek WRm
Dl a U R a N C E C O.-larm and isolated
tawo propsrsy Insured.
( leper.- J .-. t,ourwuy. Pye-, Ooderleb P.O.: meat in the salaries of those employed
Jus b:vaas Vlee-Ptee.. Heecbwoor 1'. 0.
lLwaia k- jiq tic.-Tr.e., be&ferth P. O. in the public eel vice, eeperially of
"I EEEL 111E A
"FRUIT-A-TIVES" Brought The Joy O(
Health After Two Year. Suffering
What Is an "Atrium" ?
Ordinary every -day ci►jzens of
Ontario in their own homes call it a
"(tot t ball," but in Government
House, which the people of Ontario
are paying for wish their own money
it is called the "atrium," and the
marble alone in the "atrium" coat the
Province 1$20,000 and the fatal expense
in Ors pan of the building will run
well over 890,0110.
This is one of the latest sensational
details brought to light in the public
aceoltnts con►mitt.P. Another point
brought out ii that the Government
sent its architect to New York to
emit homes of some of the great mil-
lionaires of the United Staten to get
suggest ions for furnishing Govet o-
ment House. In addition. the former
Minister of Public Works. Dr.
Keaton.. went to Europe to visit the
elaborate. chase+ux of that continent,
also to get suggestions for furnishing
Ontario's Government House.
As one of the members of the com-
mittee pointed out, not only sbchld
Ontario not ape the extravagances of
American millionaires, but there is
also this ditfetencr, that the New
Yorkers at least paid for their own
house', whereas this palace is bring
built with the money of the people of
Ontario, not one IN r cel t. of whom.
rover visit the place.
Big Salary Increases.
Governmental economy. especially
during the war, is being urged vigor-
ously by the Liberals in the Legisla-
tore. Not only are they condemning
in the walmrrt kind of way the ex-
travagant expendtturewln(iovernment
House, but they are also dealing with
other aspects of the (turslt'0.
u. M. Bowmao, chief Liberal whip,
led a debate in the Home deprecating
unnecessary multipplIication of Govern-
inrnt titillate diming the pant twelye
years, whrteby' there are practically
two officials in the nitride errvire today
for every one in the year 11111, Mr.
Bowman &leo contended that owing to
the ptevatling war conditions the
time was in, pportune for the general
increase tieing wade by the Govern -
Directors -D. Y. McGregor, $eatorth : John
3.0rbeve, Winthrop; William Rhea.Coosta.noe;
John Bet.uewsts, llrodbageo ; Geo. M,Cattaity.
Seddon h . Itobert Ferris. Barb ok ; Malcolm
Yolwen. Nrticedeld.
Aleuts . .1. W. Yeo. God. rich ; Alex.
Lentil,t liuton : {t•IIIL.m Chorus . bsfartb;
A. Blue;hley, beatorth. i ohoy- sae pay
aseresmente lino geet tbelr cards reoslpled at
R. J. Morrl.b's Clothing Stare. Clinton. R. N.
l net's Grnee y, b u,,.ton street. Oodericb. or
J. B: Leas General inure. Hayfield.
Waw. Apply to M. 0. CAM-
E RON. Bsrrleter Hamilton street. Gadsden.
gins Len L enTil a: British. Colledan and
atxtmaNT Hicanara AND i airLoraila' •matt
r*tionesLinli of Lont don, Eng.
Fidelity and Qua- lAlut �omPSOI. U.S.
Odic* at re.idsnoe, ortheast corner of Vto-
kora and SL David's streets. 'Phone De.
Patents, Trane Marks,
Secured in All Countries.
Witte for free book "PATENT)! PROTILC-
T1UN. 7r11. all about aid how to geR pat
ent& BA PLUCK & 80\t1. tstabllahed 117
formerly Patent (.me. Examiner, Mute of
Patent yaws. Registered Patent Attorneys
Mo.. Os St. James Street, Montreal. Rranohes-
Dttaw-a and Washington. Representatives La
all foreign countries.
BropheS Bros.
1 ne Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully Attended to
at all hours, night or day.
1s a t M,In r rlr t A.k t"r our INV 'N -
,Ott A AhV1*Rfewhleh wi'.' t..• wet bob
114 Unlverstty et.. Mentrdels
tbose'alrrady in receipt of substantial
salaries of $2,(At) per !ear and up-
The Government voted down his
resolution that the cost of civil gov-
ernment should not be further in-
creased at this time except where er-
sentisl to entnle its .fliciency, and
that no primanent in:resew, in sal-
aries of 82.1100 and upwards should be
made at this time.
Mr. Dewart, during the debate, re-
ferred patticulnrly to the case of the
Deputy Register -General, who is er-
ceiviog ab increase of *800, or fifty
per cent. of bis present salary. This
official, Mr. Dewart said.' was the
brotber-IaRlaw of the Assistant Pro-
vincial Secretary and from another
brother-in-law of the same officer, at
Sarnia. the dirge for Government in-
stitutions all over the Province had
teen purchased.
A good man's light shinee day and
E5 St. Rowe St., Montreal. April 4th.
"For over two years I was sick and
miserable. 1 suffered from constant
Headaches. and had Palpitation of the
!!sari so tinny that I feared I would die.
'fhen• seemed to be a lump in my
stomach and the Constipation wag
dreadful. 1 suffered from Pour its Me
Back and Kidney Disease. ; -
1 was treated by a physician for a year
and a half awl he slid me no good at ail.
I tried "1'ruit,a-tives" as.a last.resort.
After using three boxes, I was greatly
improved and twelve boxes made me
well. Now 1 can work all day and there
are no llca.laclnes, no Palpitation, no
Heart Trouble, no Constipation, no
Pain or Kidney Trouble and !feel like
a new being -awl Awls "Frlffii-fives"
that gave we back my health".
50e. a box, 6 for $2.00, trial size, 2,1e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
s -fives Limited, Ottawa.
( r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:
I I •
MA7$tl�t .24th •
Toronto Cattle Market
W • •
Choice heavy at4ers...$l0.76to111.
do. medium..... 10.25 10
Butcher'', choice handy .10. 60 11
do. good
do. medium
do. common .
Butchers' choice cows
4o. good 7 80 8 26 •
do. medium
Butchers' bells, choice
do. good
do. medium
Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs.
do. mud., 700 to 800
1• •
50 • •
9.40 10 40 •
8.50 800. SPE(IAL
7 40 600
8 50 9 60 •
Stockers, 700 to 900 lbs. 7.26 8.00Hosiery. Neckwear. •
do. medium 6.60 7.00 •
Cutters 5.26 6.76 • ' ••
�«,a.io . .,i;'a6.000.00 lo6.2600 • Splendid Showing of New Silks •
Mildo. coin. and wed 60.00 70.00
Springers 55.00 100.00
Calves, veal, chub 13.50 '' 14.50 •
do. medium... ...10.00 11.50 •
do. common .... 6.00 8.50
do. grams 6.00 7.00 •
do. heavy fat 7.50 9.50 •
lambs, choice 14.60 15.00 •
do. culls 9.00 12.00
Sheep, ewer, light 10.25 11.00 •
do. heavy and bucks. 8.50 9.60
do. lulls 4.00 7.00 •
Hogs, fed and watered.16.00 00.0)
Toronto Grain Market*
6 60 11 .00 • Easter stocks in all departments are now complete, and never
8.26 9.00. • before have we had the pleasure of collecting together such a
magnificent showing of all that is new and attractive for tht
7.26 .00 • coming season in Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Gloves,
Manitoba wheat --Track. bay ports,
No. 1 northern. $2.07; No. 2 north-
ern, 12.04%; No. 3 northern, 11.18',4;
No. 4 wheat, $1.8854.
Manitoba oats -All -rail delivered,
No. 2 l'.W., 76c; No. 3 /'.W.. 72%c;
extra No. 1 teed, 72%c; No. 1 teed,
American corn -No. 3 yellow. $1.28.
iubiect to embargo.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, 11.88
to 11.90, according to freights outside;
No. 3 winter, 11.86 to $1:88.
Ontario oats -According to freights
outside; No. 2 white, 67c to 69c; Nu. •
3 white, 66c to 68c.
Pear -No. 3, $2.70. •
Barley -Malting, $1.21 to $1.23.
Buck wheat --$1.32.-
Our special Pailette Silks for suits, dresses and blouses, in all plain colors and •
black, 36 inches wide, $1.35 yard.
Taffeta Silks, in all plain colors, also fancy designs in stripes, checks, plaids, •
shots, etc., 36 inches wide, $1.50 yard.
Wash Jap Satin, very popular for dresses and waists, will wash splendidly and
give excellent wear, 36 inches wide. 90c yard.
Special showing of fancy Silks, in Paisley designs, figures, spots, for dresses,
waists and millinery purposes.
. hantung Silks in natural, white and black.
Dress Goods Dress Goods
Serges, poplins, lustres, armures, broadcloths and tweeds are the most favored
materials for spring. We are showing a splendid variety in all the latest shades, at
the very keenest prices.
• New Coatings New Coatings
• Special showing of new Coatings, in the new apple green, mustard. old rose
• and copenhagen shades so popular in the cities, 54 inches wide, at $2.95 yard.
Cream Coatings, in large over -check and stripe designs, very popular, 54
inches wide, $2.25 yard. - . t
New CoatsNew Coats New Coats
Your new spring Coat is here. We are showing exceedingly attractive Coats,
iuitablgjor misses and ladies, in the season's newest styles, at popular prices from
$6.95 upwards.
New Easter Gloves
New Easter Shirt Waists
Rye -No, 2. new, $1.62 to $1.54. •
Manitoba flour -First patents In dh
jute bags, 19.70; seconds, In 'jute bales lw
$9.20; strong bakers, In lute, $2.S0,i •
A. McKim, Limited, Advertising Agency Toronto.
A T to.
Toronto, prompt shipment, according g
The new executive of A. McKim, to sample, $7.66. in jute bags; $7.35, •
Limited, Advertising Agency of Mon export grade, bulk. seaboard. o •
treat, Toronto. Winnipeg, London, Millfeed-Car lots, delivered, M -
Eng., has been announced. treat freights: Shorts. $40; bran. $38;
During the twat few year", the late good feed flour, per bag, $2.70 to $2.80. -
Mr. Anson McKim bad gathered Hay -Track, Toronto, extra, No. 2, , •
ca able 60 to
of relieving trim of alt but a. general raw. ear}ot $.7 to
Has Strong Personnel. Ontario lour -Winter, new, track, •
around him an executive eta tf p hl 111.50 to $12; mixed, $ll $11 •
oversight of the rapidly aroe ing bits - Cereals -polled oats, carlots, per •
Nevlf Easter Neckwear
Nevi Easter Handbags
Sample's of all materials mailed to out-of-town customers and telephone orders re-
ceive special attention.
nese of the adverti-ing agency which bag of 90 lbs., $3.46; small lots. $3.55.
he founded nearly thirty years wgto. Oatmeal. carlots, per bag of 98 lbs.. • y
iand which now comprises four n ee $4.15. small lots, $4.30. Cold dust • , n }frut eltie* and over 110fm"
cornmeal, 90-1b. bags, $3.35, In carlots, NONE 56 Miliar s
ployeedir. $3 50 in small lots; fancy yellow corn- I •
Since:his depth, these experienced
men have beets carrying on the work
in the rause effieirat way that has
characterized "McKim',' for to many
years. The personnel of the executive
as new tnganized is J. H. McKim,
president end treasurer : Mrs. Ansou
McKim, +ice -president : W. B. --
si t. g 1 manager : H. E. St
son, secretary : C. T. Prater, manager
at Toronto : Thos. Bell, toenail. r et
Winnipeg : W. Keeble. maoager
London. Kug.
The appreciation of the value of ad-
vertising space in local and home
papers of modest circulation, always a
strong feature of this Agency's policy.
will be as marked tai ever under tow
present management.
The Best Newspaper
in Western Ontario
the LLonbon
Rbve rt ,set
All Mail Editions 83 Per Year
SFI CIAI, F'ar now in effect
to resorts in Florida, North
and South Carolina, Louisiana,
Georgia and other Southern
States, and to Bermuda and the
West Indies.
Retire Limit May 31st, 1917
From full information write to
C. a. SO*NINO, 0 P A.
Galen Station,
Temente, Oat.
Town Agents Prone 8
Imeal, $3 In carlots, $3.15 in small lots. •
Rolled wheat, 100.1b. barrel.l. $5."-S •
White corn flour. 98 -Ib. bags. $3.75 lc •••••••••••••W1000
$4. Hominy grit _13.75 to $4.
cotch Store
PHONE 56 •
Impure Blood in the
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholee:ale prices to the
Eggs -
New -laid. cartons $ .39 to $ .00
do. ex -cartons .36 .37
,Butter -
creamery prints. fresh. 43 .45
t'reamery prints, -forage 42 .43
Creamery solids .12 .43
Choice dairy prints.,. • .39 .40
Ordinary' dairy prints.36 .37
Bakers' .31 .32
Cheese-..cw. large. 27c; twins,
275kc; Jui. large, :7 xc to 28c;
twins, 2$c'to : yic•
Live Poultry-
Chickens, It fat 24c 25c
Fowl. it tat 240 26c
Chickens, oxdinary 22c 23c
Fowl, ordinary r.. 22c 23c
Beans-Jap.:nese, hind picked,
86.25; prone. $5.75; Canadian. hand
picked, bushel. 57.25; prime, $6.75.
The Passing of Winter
Leaves People Weak
and Depressed.
As winter passes away it leaves
nWey (people feeling weak. depressed
and easily tired. The body lacks that
vital truce and „energy which pure
Mood acne can give.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People ate an all -year-round blood
builder and nerve tonic, but they ars
especially useful in the spring. Every
dose help. to 'wake new, rich, ,ted
blood. Returning etrength cnw-
111PIIrPa with their use and the rigor
and cheer tulnese of good health quick-
ly follow. .
'1 bete is just one carp for lack of
blood and teat is more blood. Food
is the material front which blond is
made, tut Dr. Williams' Pink Pill*
double the vane of the food we eat.
They give strength, tone up the stom-
ach and weak digestion.. clear the
complexiou of ptuiplee, eruption, and
boils, and drive out rheumatic peinone.
If you are pale and sallow, if you
feel continually tired nut, breathless
rslight exertion, it you have heed -
aches or hockachee, if you are init.--
rril=able and nervous, If (1hr joints ache,
if your appetite fails And food does
not nourish nor deep refried: you, Dr.
*Miami' Pink Pills will make you
well *cd strong. To build up the
blood Is the epeeist' purpose of Dr.
tt'illlam*' l'ink Pill•. and thet Is why
they ere the best spring medicine. , 11
yea feet the need of a tonic at this
aeascn give Dr. NVilliams Pink Pill* a
fait rriA' and y..11 will rejoice In new
health, new strength and new energy.
Do not let the trying weather of sum-
mer find you weak and *Nine. Moikl
yourself up new with Dr. 'mil•
lienee' Pink Pills -the pills. that
Ask for Dr. NVilliams' Pink Pills for
Pale People and do not be persuaded
to take something else. if your dealer
dont not keep these Pills 'they will he
sent by mail, poet paid. et 811 cents a
box or six hexes for 112.5tI by writing
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Br.rckville, Oat.
One seldom has HIP price o1 w man
who is worth haying.
Ajax may have defied the light
ning, but ,his never buruped Into a'•U"
According to the city child's idea
armee is ttomething you have to keep
off of . ..
Toronto a liclesale houses aresunt-
log to the trade as Mows:
Beefs, fore starters ... $14.00 to $1640
do. hindquarters .. 16.00 18.00
Carcases, choice 15.60 17.00
do. common
Veale, coma oil
do. medium
do. prime
Heavy hogs
Shop hogs
Abattoir hogs
Mutton, heavy
d0. light
Lambs, yearling
11.60 13.60
2.50 11.60
12.60 14.60
17,50 18.60
12.50 14.60
18.60 19.60
19.50 20.00
10.00 12.00
14.00 16.00
21.00 23.00
Chicago Livestock
Cattle - Receipts, 800: market
steady; beeves, $9.20 to 112.65; stock-
ers and feeders, $7 to 110; cows and
heifers, $5.d0 to 110.70; calves.- $10.50
to 115.
ffoge °Itecttf►t'*_.- 12,000; market
steady; light, $14.15 to 115; mixed,
$14.50 to $15.16; heavy, 114.45 to
$15.15; rough. 814.45 to 114.60; pigs.
$10.50 to $I4; hulk of sales, $14.85 to
116 10.
Sheep Receipts, 3,000; market
steady; Iarnb.t. native, $12.75 to $16.$6,
Veteran Journalist Retires.
An announcement of considerable
interest is Wade In the latest ,snip of
The Mitch. II Advoratr, to the Weer
that the .puree editor. 31r. W. R.
Devise,is retiri..g frons active work
after.a unique newepaFper career. 111r.
Devil is fru her of 31r. Thoe:`.i1. Davis,
of todeu id'
The sanouncement in The Advocate
is its follniR".i -
M r. R . R. -Davis has retired from
hu buss after an unhrcken record of
flit v -seven years as editor and prnpa-le-
tor of The Mitchell Advocate. His re-
tirement ia ii.e.s..itated by corr'inu
ill -health. Mi. Mavis name Lo Mitchell
in the year 1W91, a1 the age of I.ine-
teen yr ere. and wi h bis ether. the t •
la e J. E. Davie, launched a Adm -I •
est , the. Brat issue a pearin�f,rar'ly in 1
April Cif that year. Toe Advieere ha ".�yf Fat out r cork to nit the 1/./101`, of
1 al! fits men who n,,, a a..me of ere guinm to lite
front. Volta* women ren render ;lie;nod', real -. rv1 ,. by wrestingto
take po,lttuns la bank,. and bu•iuc..
. tax•ial ('our-r..'of training ht Book-
keepint. Nho Mend anal all other Com
turrets' Dow In !Mgr -
Studeet+adndttedany time,.1llw,trateit
eateloruc fret..
ern Business College, Ltd.
tilt i:' s,11C•D,
,1 t •
A. FLFNIN(l. Pt 1 i•
tomerat t unaged one tome during
yrs t +end the r.•. i, ing wlitor br
unique p.nsitinn to the journal site
of Wretern Ontnri possessing a r
ord not attained h any other pu
licher in I'anade ore where. B -fore
coming 4.. Mitchell r. Davis held
p, .it i on The Q.t. :.rend ,
Toronto Glob, and Ayr ,.erver, 1..
188A0the then village sit Mitchell dol
rat L , tfAr lunch • eicouragement to n
,It *silo lett ter to its In opurl and;
'he A•tvocate encountered its fu11 ..•
are of els i•dt and sures of weather
Irl en he tr-nmhled arae that 11 passed
ANOTHER WOMAN TELLS °d d�► s `i "rel d•thg, r t is `
t 1
Vinol Made Her Strong
Beallsville, Ohio.-" I wish all ner-
vous, weak. run-down women could hove
Vinol. I was so run-down, weak and
nervous I could not sleep. Everything I
ate hurt me, and the medicine I had ta-
ken did me no good: I decided to try
Vinol, and before long I could eat any-
thing I wanted and could sleep all night.
Now I am well and strong, and in Bet -
tee health than I have been for years."
-Mas. ANNA MILLISON,Bealleville,Ohio.
We guarantee Vinol for all run-down,
week and debilitated con done.
H.C. 11 nl"p, dt uggist, ( oderich, Ont.
Also at the\beat druggists t t all.Ontatio
-i3ae4 Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Receipts, 40 cera; iila4101.
60c lower.
Hots -Receipts, 20 cars; lower;
heavy and Yorkers. $15.75 to $16.60;
Digs, 113.50.
Sheep-:tecelpta, 70. cars; steamy;
sop lambs, :15.60 to ;15.75; yearlings,
$13 to $14; wethers, $13.50 to $1276;
ewes, 111.50 to 111.76.
Calves- RPeelpta. 800; steady; tops,
$16,60; fair to good, 113 to 114. fed
calves, $6 to $7.
Geed Qustatlons
The following are the teed prices
Toronto wholesalers are payhig at
country points:
A1s1ks. No. 1. bushel ..$10 00 1e 110.11
do. No. 2 8.60 1.00
do. No. 3 7.0 00
do rejected 6 se
Tietotky, cwt. .N
do. cam. grades3.06
Red clover, No. 1, be. 9.7 10.00
4e No 1 {. �p
do. Ito 1 . 3. 1,:117
To nn ether wr. k1y jn.11 tin! in I lir
Provinc hdti ruhlic. patronage. win ,-
out reepeer 1, religion or polili.er, been
more lite r.1. But 'weeper did not
route w'sthew an 07o11, and the ma.
tr•iel prospeiity t' eit this kennel now
enjoy, waw ooh by 'udielnue nieturgr-
mene and held work. Tie Advocate
now pri men boo the nos of H. 1).
Davis.'wh r ha• feast' a Delated with
ilk fither in the ptblj.ldng birdmen
Inc the past twenty -live years, end for
some time hack has filled the• p,).it'
of editor and nlallag, t•. HP 1141 Ilett a
thorough newspaper .1'ainole fi n the
grairid up. anti the he u,:1 c,rh nue
Is. keen The Advocate to 11,e forefr nt
g,.ee without .04) 111$,;." '
Ontario's' Best ' ss College
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