The Signal, 1917-3-29, Page 2t.
t .4
P17 stasiinite
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SIGNAL Coffins not later than Wednesday !Woo
of earn week.
THURSDAY. M 411CH 29. 1917
It is impossible to appreciate fully
t be importance of contemporary
eventg; but it in not improbable that
in the years to oonie this month of
!klatch, 1917, will be known as one of
the great landmarks of world history.
The revelation of the definite ascend-
aney .if the military power of the
Allies, as shown both in France and in
Siesoputanda, and the virtual decision
of the United States. Government to
enter the War. are events great in
themselves but overshadowing them
is th.• Russian revointkon, which, with
hardly a bloat struek, converted a
great empire from (*admit to a free
The outside world wetenot prepared
for the uews which tante so suddenly
fowl Ituasaa and ,it was Ahmed
possible to believe that SO 010111C0t011ii
a change could take plate without ser-
___ atom disturbance and ..puimibly- -w-gsael
de of embarrassment to the Allied
pew a in their war operatiune hit
later' arts show•that the revolution
had real' heen under' way for 6011144
time and w the deeisive ho,,r came
tile plena of th revolutionary leaders
were carried thiigb without at hitch.
This, of VIrtirne, not have trePtl
possible if the !mule n the revulutisin
were ,not the reel of the
people: statesmen of high rank,
lenient in the army, members of the
nicn eminent in the intellect-
ual life of the country. It is thus seen
that Russia iv Asoundly converted."
anti Czarism is but as an outgoinn
sekin that has been quietly sloughed
,t ecit1jupntaI hiders -fa still attaches
tq the .Iepbiitt Emperor, who appear.,
as it rather n114 charaeter who al-
lowed himself ti, be, nsister' by those
a Pout him, pArticularly'likhis Gel man
wife. The revolution is a great bliow
to Gerniany am the rtactionary'arnanit
who stood between the l'atir And the
pesple were largely pro -German 111
riympathy. and now that tin•y bate
berm cast avid,' the 11./14 4(161111 Id the
t( ti'.iii11,11/111. 4.. carry tin the
inore rigorsitisly than ever will no
desibt were haws. it. effect in mine OW!
ti1f0 1111111126111/1 on the eantern war
The hips. of trip peoples everywhere
is that flitspia will be able quickly t..
(welcome any difficulties that may
still remain in her path to liberty. ant)
that PIlir will give the wield a new and
eplentlid example of a fie.' and benefic-
ent demiseracy.
11017--t lie year of victory.
11 Genend Maude keeps; going. e
may lefere I have the plientiniernel
14,0 Turklests 7 urkey.
One of the Russiants who lost their
jute; through the revolution is named
Pr. 111110pfiff. He pipped off, MI III
NVEist, are you going two 'Table" this
year, reader-beang, tomatoes.,
pastime, tvenlIS, ()tin. blister's. or
what ?
A Toronto woman had five rings re-
tuovied fr lllll her fingers by burglar's
Four other rings she ICl/1.1• II11111 clot
come toff. Any tt n whii
nine rings lin her Angels ilesiervess to
uwat of them.
After reading that artiele in last
week's Signal about gardening ess a
sports the Moltke' Nap. nay44 that, if
any sporty gentlemen in '•..t,.,,-1)
want some reenlist' with e spew he
can acenmeindate them) next month
anti he won't charge them anythine
for the privilege.
Conservative newspapers hnrr veri-
est,. explanation', of the greet turnover
Kt NOW Iletinewlek anything except
the reasonable explanation that New
I ,‘;
Brunswick was tired of the corrupt
gang that had beer running thingv ia " "Making
that Province. Surely that was enough But Leaves"
to account for the defeat of the late
Government. Not Tea Leaves Intermixed with Dust.
Sting...turn& for a prize poem :
/ pluck,
Dirt and Stems but all VirglLeaves.
A prize of a year's sub cription has the reputation of being the clesatest,
The Signal for the best lines made tip
and most perfect tea sold. E 117
from these rhymes.
Hon. P. E. Blouditt, Postmaster -
General, is going to recruit a battalion
In Quebec for overseas service. Mr
111 lin is the Nationalist who made
. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I platitude. She has created * na .quip.
• m
PW' it V RWP 1 avat ,illn
millions of her WOI k.4r• by the
a • , exercier ot the good old copybouk vtr-
MIPS of hard work and thrift. Her
seemisNNislase•••••••4•41•••••••• I workers have worked harder and mum
ENts LAN VS FaXiNOM IC OUTLOOK.' greedily, millions of • women, Noy' and
girls mid uld men are wo, king who
ticrez.mfittl•iciuortlb:::,:d 71 nitteN•awcloark : did not work herons her industry is
liOlkou.a.t.1 I twitter organiz d, and much of her
Devesiatine wee no a scale thei 1 frivolous expenditure her been cur-
witaild h oily ha*. I -ren thought pew- I ci e".1,:fd• 01wns fru tn that there ie mill,
bible ten 308:5 ago, combitied with a wain e in Et% isttincd. druictrtativtliosunigtIlinu
OH -
real imptiot meetsl its the standard of tires and a laweiteble lack a economic
comfort of o greet foooe
tntof the' educas t on, only ahowthat tber• i•
popuistior, to an economic 'poro,,.._i _ a Ng margin tor even greet a
'" " • fforts if tbe war detnands theru.
that compels one to spope for a solo-, Ii. teurt (101 be auppoeed, however.
tion. It hi so incredible and yet it is,' thet . he whole of Etigland'• Oar effort
in England, • plain fact. Unemploy-
ment figures, pauperism Haunts, flg- ...n,,,,a t
1 work and oate roau:shetuuenhouuft.unbuyechat der
urea of the fere meals given at schools (-'-o-p-titti"ireatic ath,lintclwusoisitlind. lb'eheilLenucti
to the children of the necessitous *Igo been
agreat deal of hardship
poor, all slow that, in spite of the among thosemembers ot the wotkiog
great rise in price', the wt eking cooLrevost,• se tbe 7810" have n"t IldvaIneed
claire, in England aue, as • whole, the lowerueLc7dil: 1711csers'Ittil isluralg
delluitely better off since the war be- members of eel Vain pram/tons and ign
gen. Weare told that hi„elite I tbe sue of people living on tonsil fixedIsartiflcial,
isartineigif.becailueeftifeb7utedilr ot4 th; incomes,. In tome- cages genuine pri-
lavish 'spending of borrowed money.
Whether that be Po or no, this pros-
perity is not artilleial in en hie an ft
affects thine who are chit fly con-
cerned, n•rnely, those who are enjoy_ 11. t suffice to keep Inc wolf from all
are getting the etuff -hieing hetter t he doors.
Will the same herd work and the
ing it. To Ur( m it 1. reit, for they
continued abetioence from unneces-
fed and better clothed and adding to
their capital In the shape of la oter ellrY cousumption wake her output
fur:titans. It. is no delusion for, after war as great as it was during its
,;‘,„ couree--sheli we be able to add to her
otbfomkii,ghprodw.gitc.ead hiiyrd high
A e°'1'13 p" rAfee,- - - - : preeent industrial effort all the energy
nawhtitcahr nmffslowesianothiietoi aetiiallyrhitikhathietivg area°. , totti ?she,rblflio insonwot Pi:::-,Iiii;Itorinet0venIrdael:
expresiwd iii the total earnings of the ,
Prices ate bigner. , ot comae. but weave,
I aiiineabstieu;kMing‘set PeuriouPeiry in England wbo
are now work -
wonting -chute femily, have risen still ing too hard, and to routinue under
more, because tuany more roonlares-g-Wille /Arne *Wain
war ,is over would be ilLpOsIbilile in the
when the incentive of
the peony are working and thalami -
working harder 111,4 more regular* -first place and .ho'tsighted bi the
Here perboxe, we Pepin ,... e„ 040 ari second. But I think thee is no doubt
England isi able LI. .1111,411i n this de -vast -I
the facts that explain the paiadox4 that much of the "ioreeding tip" that
war .has affeeted will t:tfenyr., antntleaultelda
acing war and provide a large put of 1 thitt II- "1" b.' ',Mg
her population with a biter sham e of ' lesel of ex•raragsnt txpendatire will
tette n. If this be so. then Eugland's
the workee monde because she is work- '
ing harder then she ever spurted be_ mama will be greatly increeured, and
Von., sod /ha 51).. as41•64 time cone -mist_ 11 only the problem ran he er.ivrd of
the re eqmortsle dist rihution of Uri
ing her energy more than ever b -fore •
on the th ' rage that wet ter -first, t hp I fit est err orrusigtiu8,1;,..spitti;o,wwil.lrdbeidnanhale the
war, then the necesieeries and solid- I take a
1 path o economic civilization, main
Wee that help to iruprnve the weed -
Gaining the improvement iii the ...bind -
arc! of life. Plenty of labor and eneigy 1
is still IVIIIIK wanted on frivolities and T aid tof comfort of tor am king claimer -
lotus lee and yulgoritie•, but vet y I and gib ing then' a better ehisre of the
much lame than wail sn waisted before I educetion mid knowledge and appre-
the doe It is mound for people to he ciatiou of beauty which couotitute
man's; claim to be a civilized animal.
t he famous shoot-hides-in-the-Britieh
flag speech, and he was not credited
with any great degree cf enthusiasm
for the partieipation of Canada in ac-
tive war measures ; but if he stio7vm
1 • self to he in earnest in hie recruit-
ing effort the unfortunate lapses of his
earlier eareer will les forgotten. Que•
hec is not disloyal ; all it need. is to
le- waked up. .
NVestern Ontario municipalitiee are
b.-oming interested W the project for
a gteat Provincial highway from Tor-
onto to Windsor. One suggestion is
that the route should be by way of
Guelph, Kitchener,, Stratford, St.
Marys and Londoo, but a more south-
erly route may be considered advis-
able. The Board of Trade of Kitchener
has arranged for a conference of
municipal representatives to be held
in that cite today to support the ad-
vswacy of Che northerly route. While
Goderich is not directly -concerned, It.
would be to the interests of th's town
to have the highway as near as pos-
sible, and no doubt any influence
Goderich cau exert will be placed iu
favor uf the Prue! via Stratford.
Thrift! •
Woodstock Sentinel -Review.
According to the facia bietught out
by the Public Accounts Onanniitee
the Ontario Government vent. flve
thousand dollars for 'hr. ruge for the
DOW Government Hduse. There never
was any excuse for swat extreesgance
at any tune ; it is little short of crim-
inal now, when the fele of the Empire
is 'raid to depend on the mobility tn
rein* money to keep the war going till
victory is achieved.
When reform of the simplest ki d
(irked ie4he usual answer of the -
es aliment that there no demand
for it from the people. When was
ther• a demand (rim the, people of
o a srio for etch an expenditure as
that involved in the erection end /tarn-
ishing of he Torur to p deo, ? What
do the people of °realm get in return
for the money? Apia It -ow a 'select
and restric'ed social set in Toronto
what will anyone get ? The total cost
so far few fiirnishing Otte mimeo° is
over P0,000.
Boys for the Farm.
TOTCHHO .1-404r,
"Reek to the Land" ia a slogan
sometimes, reveled without poetical
suggeetione One such suggestion is
now bet "re tbe public. It is that •
long holiday should Is- given to high
school boys who are willing to emend a
few months 011 the farm, and that is
satioLi• holiday should be given to
clerks inetead of the, motel two w-eks.
There would he trod work, hut thens
would be *leo softie money to he
earned. said a new and eduestive ex•i
perience. Al gli this is a war
measure. it nosy e.t.a tuovetuent
that will he heneflcial After the war,
and perhaps lor all time. There is
likely to be a shortage of fartn f
it ilk difficult to induce a grown Mau
magi ged in some mechanical or clerical
oeettpstinn, to pull op stakes and b.-
giii life over meson. ftettirned &oldnes,
it is said, are not attracted toy the idea t
of wo. king abs,lairap.. Immigrant. of 1
the right kind eri11 b • hard to obtain. h
Why not begin With the boy.. and d
give them such a tastdrof the f arm es
will eneble them to judge whether 1
they will like the life ?
station bar been 'seriously telt. The
margin of productive power that Eng-
land found to kin in her hands, when
she madly eel about herd wort, was
great entiugh to do marvels, but did
shocked when they rev I he extravag-
ance still rife in Lonsisot'is restaurants,:
hut they too often forget, thnt, °wins( CANADIANS POPULAR IN
to diminished household staffs. nearly FRANCE,
ell the enterteining that is done in
Lewis R. Freeman, in an article
and 60 'show's. And this es so all pound.
London is now done at i he resit /mime si
"Whet the French Think of Their Al-
When people econonute t he• is ja nosh_ lies,' in The London Outlook, says :
ng to adveitige the fact. Whi-n\they "The growing tt ength of the
waste their energy. they pi obahl do French confidence in. and the increar
hear all about it. A great deal o '
go more to less in public end SP -
• nig warmth of the French wimp ation
compulsory ec 'minty has been. en- \for, the British is evident nn every
oiced on the That in Kegland hy the Wind in France today, and, as indica-
. s y et lig an now 7 Shneof the growing solidarity of the
•oinet,ption. of their male se, yams '.
if (military age. Homing, yacht -ng, ,API)... es the grim ordeal fif the third
hoothig, borer-racitu, golfing, nu., winter of the war is at band, ita con
mina -all requiring in a gr. etre or dirtied development is of the highest
ems dentree the services of robust. 11/X11- sigi4alsance. One sees evidence of it
ood-heve been more or lees •tion i
ewe. And on thee mosu.ronents ' in the einem" when the Btili;h fdr-
nitland 1141 51 have eperit hundred-. of 1 "nee are eirststre. I raw a coma come
nillions ste ling hero. r the war. Moult I tr'stiii:liftfeethp
'inthn. lli
nto them is stow Available for wer f the labor and erieray wflich wet to
son • tending amongthe wreckeire of
t e Zeppelin le- h le-ouebt down.
work or for pi mincing necemeriew
Also •1 music h .11, when British *its
Ani when we odd ell 'het welt into
cinema' holidaye, winter spoof; in 114rericordiairdeo• fem.nds'ir'nhichhe "tree" in the
Switterlehd. all the sittrevagsoces a, greet and fol..
British *14100 strolling about
1 he Lord - h season and the long • low the
rehire of Etiglifth life, it begins' to be
week -ends" that were beemuitio 1110n leave.
"The Canadians - irrespective of
whether or not they ere of Frtatch an -
tot e sootily seen how Englenti whieh
has given up so massy
frtP".1" All'i iS I nee"listriiinlretmendanoffi
i"IPPr, mtaibee8PPlasilin lYrTre
working so h hataler on realitiee,
if. bile to mut the tift.&-tot. Abe war Muddler* dee Affairs Ettat•ger recent -
and et the won• Urea le"-stabie t, or Ly told me titar-7ine of the moat en-
5117.4ttitisic hr hd..I ever stern in Pairi•
so misdeed id life of a clean for Which an Opontaneons demon•
improvement in (hie t esp. ct hittiotag .
berm OVertlilt. ..,.., - W.4, t.t.1.11110111ed by the agnw is *nee of
*lorry -load of Comdisco rerv,e0 corp..
Hot is it' tuerely an atoilleiel pros -
Men in the midsChf a great crowd
Nulty produced by the levieh expend-
that had assetnbled to greet 4 v WI log
iture ot borrowed money ? This noisy I
be fro, certainly when the borrowingle I The Cartadiana herd nothing wbat-
Serbian hand.
done abroad, so that a flood nf goods
ever to do with the alforr,' he said.
"I'hey were only Po many men going
about, their duty, and they chanted
The Effect on Manhood.
et. Thom.. Journal.
War takes a, terrible toil, but boil 1.
up a virile race. Those who well..
hiough sr • not all wit ck•.
Thousands and thou (ands of soldier.,
have survived and will live nut the t
prevent war without any physical initi
picy. These men 44)) bis the "ps ide.
the hope and the ;toy of the respective
rounti lea to which they belimg. They
will tw as refined gold. Theo' 01,1 -
Us eti ant their child en's ebildrei.
keep 'alive the best! itioh, maw
004.4 .
Dr. Anna Howard Shawl lender of
the Nationel-Suffrage Aesociatien in
tne rtiit, litotes. (eery that the war
in Europe will result iti killing off the
able-bodied men, and that the rem -
mint will b (come the "ringenerete
f•there" of the rholdrein id the bonne
This is the ultra pecificisre view,
end *mild only apply w CHAP of a
very pettreatsid woo 1 li most un-
fair and very unjust to Teter to the
resonatit as the • •destener-
otte habeas of tbe children of the fu-
The Chic 'go Port, in cninmenting
on Dr. Ahass'a tivrliarka, say. Eitel-incl.
for instanee, may has half a million
of its stalwart Moll by death on the
battlefield. but well gain a million and th
a half by the processes of war. The in
Poet proceeds: ro
"Her manhood at the end of the 1"
conflict will be • finer rnsnhooel than r&
it was at the, beginning. and its e
ranks will he found hugely lo- in
emoted. Pam' .nd tonk it. arise- eff
mica. the poverty - Witter London- he
ers, its Anthem and it. decadent,
. made men nf (hem. Thera are
teinly a million more nod men in
Knelling' or In it RI nil.* today than
toot/. von. balmy the outbreak of
h•I ilitiee."
The war hwa tannin' ea tied military
engine i• a manhood •nak ins agenea,
and while we all easel. re war the value
of t Aiming 'tennis • denied. Foe the
phyeleal et., if for n. thing Ore.
elm young man should get into khaki.
le poured againat, attach only ptorn-
ises to pay are exported, and so, for
the time beanie, the country 4.
flcially enriched, hereon' it is e. ,Ying along jest after the Meriden., who had
* tomporery ititiosam in the supply
beers giving a concert. had N'en hut-
rodof away in their tors. No soon's,
did the crowd sight the khaki uni-
form,. of the Canadians than a rush
wag made f. r the lorry, end for folly
cittzerei and hands it over to twenty minutes it was the centre of
others of them term whom it is cheer ng thousands. And hardly were
buying gnosis end set triers. There
they free of this' section of the cr end
hi a ehifting of bilying power, hitt
than those in the next blork closed In
armind them. 1 had nevi r realised
ere is no ince ease, artificial or other,
untilthet day the warmth of the ef-
the iota, of commodities that. tne
tumunity is able to •njoy. That. eo fectinn of the French people for the
Hghting men of our great ally'"
ng AU a country Penises at home,
n only he piodued by greater
orgy in output or by imprnveinents
organisation which hays. the statn•
act as greater energy. Rot. I Anil
reminded. Engletid hes borrowed
goods for its satisfaction. But, thits
doe. orf happen when the loon owing
is done at home. Then it hires pur-
chasing t.ower from certain of its
The Teller.
The March number of The Teller,
the little publication Waned by the
ishiploads oaf money abtosid. True, but, stag of the Sterling Hank of Canada,
1 •141111014 • 10 think that we may leave la aChand and hes seyerel eery read -
t he feet, not In temente, ng the Penftes able srtielee. One on the p tepect of
min ;prestos of her war prosp et,', inereatied (IP du tion nn the ranee bilib
hecsime, neve* as England liss 1. .r. yeer Is especially !mule. The d•fficults
rowed al enad and mu h as *he h . ISM in the way are ernsideted, but the
replied stimuli hy seeing nee., ..1460 000,41001011 014(1.w it4Pfr la that "4 our
ham lent t hoer allies end colonies, fume** 41111 big 'Mouth and loyal
1 believe apt 'mat Se NNW h. enough, once they realign ea the
We WSW 41)00 10 miles a1 the' cram preseing need, to do their utinoat
ellmion that Ittreland's peennseir p ra.I wards leaking P017 a peas of twain,'
doe is not. is paradox after a11, but a, Pnada0M0111;"
. •
Men wbo are reasonable enough i
every other rsepect are sure to
critias of womea's clothe*. It is
week nese that never can be overcome.
The trouble is that they are wool' to
consider otart tone in the light of rea-
son. They hogin with two (aloe as-
sumption*, first, that women are an-
xious to be worm ; 'second, that they
desire to look well. Men may strive
for warmth sod att r tett Yentas, bot it
duos not follow that women will do 111,.
1.e. The truth is that a woman ir
afraid of being warm and would
rather be fesbioneble than pleaeitig.
It may be Peen therefore how futile
is the criticiser of • captious man.
Hie pi ocedure may be outlined as fol-
low.: He ewes a girl with • 'nil cold.
He petres-es that she is weaning a
spring coat, weighing perhapa three
ounces. He sees her straw hat. He
toniceg when she removes ben. coat
that the sleeves of her waist are made
of transparent ninon, and that behind
its diapbany ninthing hilt • pluuip area
is visible. Furthermore, be racer -
tains that rubbers at e never worn with
kid shoes. immediately he (inns to
that young W011114,11 and stiy• : -You
have a cold ? No wonder! 111 went
around with m ninon cost, no waist-
coat and a sleevelet, shirt, I would
have • cold, too, and serce Inc right."
But "peering along to the next
enure" (es the eide-rhow barker would
say, be discerns another young wo-
man similarly dressed. She is so
healthy that istre has not couithed since
she was a little girl, and the attributes
her valetudinous state to the fact that
wool alweyr tickles her dennetological
integument. Therefore she ban al-
ways worn coitus), even in
weather. But the captious man neg-
lect.. this core. He admits that the git I
is healthy, but he stripper's a special
interposition of Providence on her
behalf. " 'Tain't reasoneble." be save,
"that woyone ran go about in this
weather without enough clothes to
flag a train-, and retain her health. '
Of course it is not reasonable, but that
proves nothing at all.
In like manner, captious man, with
otie arm extended in indignatt pi ti-
tan, points to .bort skit ts. silken hose
and (outlet) bats. Be says : "Don't
tell me that such • combiosti,n it
beautiful. It is not. I know s .me -
thing •bout alt .tic libel. 1 know asorue-
thing about the sane combinatioe 01
(-Mot s. Believe me, that eneenible is
as graceful as a cow and a• beautiful
as rabbits in the cableotes '• 1. may
be right. But who told burn the go)
wanted to ha beautiful 4 Perhaps rbe
merely desired to wear what the
Other", wear. It is a- nature) Aff41.4-
Lion. Men would look bet ter, perhaps,
in knee breeches., hut they wear t roue
ere, the ugliest and moat incoovenient 1
of garment'''. It 1. aot man', duty to
criticise. a, woman'e rost Mlle. His duty
ends in paying for it.
88 U. S. Head Tax.
Railway and steamship ticket.
agen PI are in receipt :It* coummuica-
tion antiounOing that on flay 1st nest
a head tax of SR ou each person 'going
into the United Suomi will he ex -
a 'led by the U. S. A. immigration
authorities. The only persons exempt
are children under sixteen years of
age, aecompanied by si parent or guar-
dian. The act wise passed by Congress
no Felon sry 7th last, and becomes ef-
fective on the above-mentioned date.
Whether the amount is collected by
the immigration authotitiee and paid
beck mgaln when the plenum leaves the
United State* is not etateo in the et:rel.
uinication. Theta: is lo-• imposed on
all people not either hy birth or eat_
tirraliestioin ditizens of the United
Wales. Chit ors along he border who
are accustomed to going 'beck and
forth (across the river at will cannot
believe that such stringent mea.iures
will he put into force, but U. S. au-
tborit We do not hold out any promise
of relief from the operation of the new
act. -Ambetatbarg Echo.
Nothing make* some men feel more
important than their ability to answer
the questions of • entail boy.
Humanity is um mially divided be-
tween uho..e who can't wand prosper.
Ity and tbts. who can't get any to
Larger aleads-s-Ripened Earlier.
A. Nerden, Dorchester, Onterio.
.1 used Homestead Bone Bleck Err -
'Weer on oats this "pelvic Pitying one
drill -width Bell0+1 the field unfertil-
ized, and could see a difference of
about a foot in the length of straw,
and much larger heade. The grain on
the fen 1 z -d pat t of the tleld ripened
one week eistli. than en the unteetil-
Wel pert anti was much betterapuslit.,
This was wy first year usininfertilizer
and after getting such Pet isfactory re-
sults I intend tieing fertilizer again
this emnitig opring."
Larger. Stouter Oats.
M. J. Sehinhach, reterehilrg. Ont.,
se ys :
"The Homestead Bone Meek Fertil-
izer which I purchased hum N M.
Steinman, at Baden, wao limed on my
oats. The f ertilizrd outs were ell of
from four to flee inches higher than
the unfertilized."
Forty Bushels Wheat Par Acre.
Cafe :
.1. Efornomire, l'hed ford,\1\hrtario,
"I am wending • photo of my Wheat
fleld. as it was • very gond crop..
yielded twenty-one )(radio( sheaves on
nine amps and threshed f.'rty bushels
to the acre. We used 200 pounds of
Homestead Black Fertiliser on it with-
out other mature. If this photo is of
any value to you you may IMP ft and
also my name."
Write Michigan Carbon Work.. De-
troit, for free honk end pailicillare
about their Homestead Bone Black
Many • Meyer man is proudest of
his mediocre golf playing.
A budding gentile dom not always
urn out to be the flower of tbs. fatuity.
A habit may he good or bad eceord-
leg to ',bother yen rule it or It rules
; Igi
Taffeta Silks - Silk Failles
Silk Poplins
A very large seiection of the above-mentioned
dress and suit materials has just arrived with us.
probably the largest lot.of Silks and Silk Poplins we
ever bought at one time. Genuine French and
Swiss makes, and bought months ago when we
were conxinced of rapid increase in prices.
36 to 38 -inch Silk Taffeta Silks
Poplins and Finites, good 38 -inch new Chiffon
weight and beautiful Suiting Taffetas, black,
lustre and weave, made browns. greens, nigger,
for suits or dresses. yard $1.60 and $2.
Colors : blues, nigger
Duchess Silks
browns, greens, charn-
36-inch, black. pink,
pagne, rose, mauves, ivory. navy. sky, heavy
purple, black, at per warranted quality, at
yard $1.35 and $1.50. per yard $1.35.
72-tuch Bleached heavy Sheeting, plain, even thread,' —
at per yard . ........ s!,_
31i -inch English Cambric or Cotton, heavy and free
from any dressing, at per yard las
2S -inch Best Military Flannel, superior quality, at per .'''
yard 411 • '
27 -inch Extra Grey Flannel, at per yard .
2 yards wide, at per yard ... . - tttt --•5(
4 yards wide, at per vard . ' 70c
Extra heavy, Vl arran tut! quality, in all widths, at per
-Yard ..... ... ... ....... . . .... .. ........... . .. .... sec
L. '
. •
Address a postcard to us now
sod receive by relent matt a
copy of oar new illustrated So-
ilage itiogue of Garden,
lioeer and Field Seeds, Rote
Stott, (rains, Rula, Small
Folio, Osaka Tools, ete.
SPECIAL -We rift she
recd yOU free pcckst(mLis
1.50 of our choice
Giant Flowering (0
Carnation (0
This carnation is a great favor -
it, ; the Rowena are farce ant:
fragr..o. and the pltnts do well outdoors. Transplanted into pots in the
early fah they bloom profoiody from Ocosher till the rtai of Mny. Extra
plants ate coaly rropogmed from Clem by cuttings, "pipings" or layering.
Send 133, Otir estfolorte and 1eerne ef oar ether voluelda gramma IS
Darch Hunter S2iL,--3 Co., Limited,
' blAssitio
THE 1917
f o. h Ford, (tot
You pay less for this car but it gives youlmore enjoy-
ment, more mileage and longer service thee these which
cost more.
The Touring Car gives the utmost is automdtile valet,
pride of ownership aid eceeemy.
Buy a Ford this year *ad save mosey -- whoa saving is a
stational duty.
Kelly & MacEwan,
Danders, Goderlah.