HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-22, Page 10ern 1 0 TettitatirtY, M stwit 22, 1917 THE SIGNAL GODRRICH ONTARIO The New Desk or Tabk PENCIL SHARPENER Standard Model $1.50 Nearly everybody will buy a dependable Pencil Sharpener at the right price, and this one fills the bilt. The standard model sharpens stand- ard pencils. Dependable Lead Pencils Try our Dixon's Sovereign Lead. Pencil. 5c each, 60c per dozen. Abso- lutely the best value on the market. Qther good values in Lend Pencils at 20c and 30c per dozen. New Wall Papers A great big showing of Wall Papers this season. Pli((S es !(N' es (ser. THE TOWN COUNCIL. .Committee Reports Its Plans for Vacant Lot Cultivation. The member. of the town council of le17 are wakin • reputation for reg- ularity of attendaooe. So far tsp.wk- ing from memory) there has been a full atteodanoe at .vel y regular meet- ing, with the exception of one occasion when one wewber was absent. Another point in respect of which this year's council is e•tablisbiog a record is in getting through the bur:nees ut the wettings quickly. Several of the meetings have occupied Imes than three-quarters of en hour. The beau part of the business i•i done in committee, there being a general meeting of committees each Thursday night preceding the regular council meetings which usually takes up everal hours. At the meeting on Friday evening last all the wewbet•l were present su tout business was concluded by 8.35. An application from Mr. Jas. Bow- man for reappointment as parks care- taker was sent to the parks commit- tee. An application from Louis Cobdos fry' • renewal of his license for the mete tit popoorn, etc., from a cart was referred to the special committee with power to act. A communication from the council of the city of St. Catharines, pointing out the prospective injury to the c:uutry from the depletion of live stock, and asking co-operstion in seek- ing legislation to prohibit the slaugh- ter of cattle under a certain age. was rent to the specie) committee tor con- sideration. Councillor Lalthwaite thought the St. Catharines people were sr' the right track. "If the calves are alt killed off," be tewarked. "theta won't be any more beef." A letter from Mr. W. H. Hutchinson informed the council that his company bad been incorporated under the n ave of "The National Shipbuilding Company, bunted," with the follow- ing direetorr : W. H. Hutchinson. pt esident—direc- tor of Baldry, Yet burgh and Hntchin- 100. coots actor.. St: Uatbatiuee, and Laindon, England. R. Gordon Stewart, vice•president— pre.ident of D nninton Dredging Co , Limited, Ottawa. Et A. Larmotrth, director—director of Dominion Dredging Co., Lammed, Ottawa. Mr. Hutchinson stated else that he had trade an arrangement wfh Mr. Moore, in which be expected the town * leo to he a pa ty, for the eecuring of heat and power until the expiration of Mr. Moore's lease of port of the,Doty plant. This matter wee rrleri[hed tc c mutes. A letter from Mr. 'John Youngson woe with regard w • deputation to Ottawa, which had already made the tri . p The finance committee recommended the pastiirnt of a large c bee of ac- counts, Tncluding three accounts oT 427.:,1) each for street lighting for December, January and February. It was recommended that the public hasty board be paid $150 and the separate school hoard $91M.) un their account.. The report was adopted. The special committee tenoned as follows : Your committee to whom was re- fereed the matter of obtaining a max- imum production from the gardens and vacant lots available in town re- commend as follows : 1. That the citizens hes asked through the local papers to co-operate with the committee to an endeavor to have every garden in town cultivated, and that if any persons have more land than they can work the commit- tee would like theni to otter it to aoweone who would plant it. or it the committee were infortned of its loca- tion the committee would endeavor to have it. utilized. 2. For anyone wishing to cultivate a lot for patriotic purposes the commit- tee will undertake to have the same plowed and harrowed free of charge on application. 3. That notices be inserted in the lucid papers urging this upon the citi- DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYS, USE SALTS If your Back is aching or Bladder bothers, drink iota of water and eat less meat. Irben your kidneys Mart and your back feels sore, don't get seared and proceed lo load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate tbe e+.a.vs, urinary tenet- ]Gasp your kidney,* ri.an like you keep your bowels clean, ty flushing them with a mild, harmless c.:a which removes the body's urinous saetm and stimulates them to their nor - ...+l activity. The function of the kid - se -7 is to filter the blood. In 24 hours t .oy strain from it 600 grains oaf acid end waste, so we can readily understand toe vital importance of keeping the kid - rem -active. Drink lots of water—you can't drink teen much: also get from any pharmacist a-c•at foist ounces of Jaaf Salts; take a tablespoonful in s glass of water is fore breakfast each morning for a few ta.ys and your kidneys will act One. *Tisa famous salts is made from the a::d of grapes and lepton juice, tomhined with lithia, and has been used for genera - pins to clean and stimulate clogged kid revs; also to neutralize the acids in erne so it no longer is a source of irri• ea' inn, thus ending bladder weakness. .Teed Salts is incxpenyve; cannot In- late;effervescent makes a delightful effe ,this-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kid - sem clean and active. Try this, also les? ur, the water drinking, and. no . • fiat you will wnn.l.-r wjtat hrnms of :r kidney trouble and backache. 1_ The New Series CHEVROLET The only Car in Canada selling at Tess than $700.00 Equipped with Electric Starting and Lighting System. More Wonderful Than Ever. STANDARD EQUIPMENT Valve in head motor Electric Lighting -_ Starting System Selective sliding gear Transmission, ; speeds Forward and reverse Staunch frame New front and rear spring brackets Garage Next Door to New front spring suspensions New accelerator toot rest Ample road clearance Cantilever springs Improved upholstery Mohair top Non-skid tires on rear wheels Bank of Commerce GEORGE JOHNSTON, District Agent Alts Agent for Simplex Four•wheeled Trailer. Bicycle and General Repairing closed again, especially when it wee so well conducted We hope. however, monitor's will see fit to supply u► with good fresh root oars in a while. Tho regular monthly meetleg of the N omen's Institute will be held on Thursday afberuoon, March lefth. Mrs. J. H. Pentland will read a Wplar, of which the topic Is "Tia Ideal Marled Life" Mho B. Thompson, presid.at of the Woaaton s Institute or 8s.. Au- gustine, will address the meeting on "Child's Rights," A large atwodance is requested NEW CITIZIMa.—We aro p(esred to weloome our new citizens, Mr. and Mrv. Robert McAllister, of the ttb oonoessinu, Wert Wawaowh, Lo our burg. They occupy the resident va- cated by Mr. Janes H. Jobuaoo. 1t speaks well for our village to have w many retired farmers make it their choice to spend the closing years of We Here they have {ill conveniences, a healthy country rurtounding, three spl.pdid cburohe.. sufficient stoles and shops to gratify the most awbi- tioue, end a progressive. intelligent and kindly -disposed class of cltiseis. 7 as. PL'Y W ENT WeLL. —The play entitled "Hunkers ('orners," given in the Agricultural Hall on Friday even- ing of last week, was a decided sucoess. The actors took their parts in a very humorous and pleasing style. Those who heard the play speak in glowing terves of it+ merits. The house was well filled, notwithstanding the in- clement weather of that evening. Many were disappointed. however. at being unable to attend. The door re- ceipts were $77.1:.—all for patriotic purposes. The Women's Institute wishes to thank the trustees of the Driving Park Association for the use of the hall on practice nights and the night of tbe entertainment. zens and by this teens helping to keep down the high cost of living. We recommend that no action be taken on the letter trout the Obtsrio Municipal Association. This report was adopted. The public works committee recom- mended a. follows : That the Bell Telephone Co. be grant d perwidion to place its poles and wires on West et rte. t. south side. bet teen Waterloo and Wellingt street., the work to be done under the supernsion of the -1 ret t inspect •r and the chairman of the cowmitt -e: that no at tem he t'ken on t nr request of A. Snout; foe iwrmission to place a billboard on Nellie' hill : that the tender of W. A. ('hi•bolm for the use of the fog acres st.IIIh_Qf Victoria► school for Th17, at pr, he accept ed. The repot t wee adopt ad. The parks committee was authorized to act in the matter of • tree in front of Mrs. Green's resident e uu Trefslg.r street which she wished to have re- moved. The public woo ks cnmmittea was empowered to attend to the removal of woes. On nit tion of Councillor Moser, a statement of tree, in arrears is t-, hie submitt co by the collect ir at the next meeting of the council. Cotmcillnr Cutt stated that Gibbons street was in a bad condition with weeds and also required grading. as it war an eyesore alongside the Vit traria ',hoot grounds. The caretaker of the acbool had promised t , keep the boule- vard mowed it the roadway were put in proper shape. The public works committee will attend to this. The council then adjourned. AFTER GRIPPE Irs. Findley Made Strong By Viao1 Setcr'., Kana.—"The Grippe left at. in a meek. nervous. run-down condition. 1 t.as too weak to do my housework and could not sleep. After' trying different medicines without benefit 4a'inel restored my health, strength and appetite. Vinol is a grand medicine and every weak, 'lemmas, run-down woman should take it."—Mrs. Geo. FiNot.LY. Vinol sharpens the appetite, aids digestion. enriches the blood, and builds up natural strength and energy. Try it on uur guarantee. H. C. Dunlop. druggist ,G oderich, ant Also at the best druggists in alt Ontario towns. THCRoiAY, March 2'. A Nose BKRXAYEP.—On Tuesday of this week death claimed William Venires, the eight-year-old sou of Mr. , and Mrs. A. Disber, after an illness of several weeks. The 1ueeral took place onThureday afternoon, Rev. 1. Mc- gelvie officiating. The bereaved rel- aitivss have the sympathy of the cnm- uiunity. . A PREIENTATII'N —On Wednesday evening of this week a pleasant gath- ering took place at the residence off Rev. O. Gown). where the choir of Erskine church nees and presented Mrs. Mason McAllister tformerly Mir Mary Reid) with an address expire/ - Mg appreciation of her services as a' ►nember of the choir and wishing her j ay in her wedded life. ,Tbe address wee accompanied by a brass jardiniere and mahogany stand. The test of the evening was spent in games, music i and other social diversions. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured' with local application.. at they cannot reach tie vent of the disea-e. Catarrh Iva a local die- m read influenced by constitutional coo- dit4one. and in order to cure It you must take an internal remedy. Hall'a Catarrh Cure le taken interoauy and acta through the blood au the muwua madam. of the l.tem. Hall. Catarrh Cure w.. pi eacribed by one of the beet physician. to thio waou for years. 1t ie rowppoareed of one of the t tonic+ known. i combined with some of the beet blood purifier, The perfect combination of the togredient- In Eland 'atarrb Cure i.. what produce. such wee.•arful re-ulty In catarrhal condition.. @end for te.11a o..lal. free. F. J. CHENI y k (Xt.. Toledo. O. An dmugrf t., 7.3o. Hall • Family Pills for constipation. DUNGANNON. WEDNESDAY, March 21. Mr. Chas. Thompson has purchased the house formerly owned by Mr. Thomas Ryan, and moved into the residence on Tuesday of this. week. We regret to see our butcher shop A Spring Tonic Substantial Proof by a Canadian Witness. Beechmont, Ont.—"I fed it my duty to tail what Dr. Pierce's remedies have - done for me. When I commenced taking them I was completely run down. I have taken altogether nine bottles of the (Julien Medical Dierovery' and Favorite Preecrip- tien,' to ether with the ii'lmeant Pellets' and can truthfully sey that I fed like a new woman. I would o r- tainly reenmmend these medicine's to any one mafferina as I did "—Mas. Wu. Plow- er", Roeehmomt, Ont. An imitation of nature's method 0 re- placing waste of time, enriching impov- erished blood and increasing nerve fora ia when you take an alterative extract of herbs and rolls made with puregIyoer- ine, without the we of alcohol, like Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Dsthe dip tlwe vegetable medicine mazes the d va frmetiona and belps in the assimilation of food, or rather takes from the food just the nutriment the blood requires. Pure blond is essential to gond heatthh. Dr. Pierre's Golden Medinal Discovery not (wily cleaeane the blond of impurities, but it increases the activity of the blood - making glands, and enriches the hod yy with an abundant supply of pure, rich bInert. Is lima surae ala t sssemee erysipelas', balm, pimples andd other eruptions that mar and sear the akin. Write Dr Pierce, invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y , for free medical advies at for tree booklet on blood. Millinery Opening Continu WE will continue our opening display in Millinery styles throughout the corning week. Man" new models and patterns have been added. and right through the season you will be sure of finding something new every time you visit the sho i -room. If you are unable to come on Opening Days, come•this week whenever you can and we will be glad to show you the new and correct styles for spring and summer. Mole New Coats and Suits Have Arrived • 1 • New and exclusive models in the popular separate Coat and tailored Suits for spring. Many' of them the famous "Northway" garments, unex- celled for style and fit and famed for their shape -keep- ing qualities. The season's correct and most popular materials in:both wools and silks. Of moat of them, no two garments alike. thus guaranteeing that individua- lity in dress so much to be desired. ' New spring Coats $I0.00, $15.00, $17.50, 520.00. New spring Suits $16.50,1$20,00, $25-00,:$29.00. These cuts illustrate two of the season's new styles. Chamoisette\Cloves 51.00 chg }ruuia.•tte ( vee, plain white and natural or ,i. it black tchmg. Excellent wears rw 1 n lite. at r )al's -on A -X 1 I 1 > ' Splendid'Cotton Values Splendid cotton value., t'anadiau and Eigli-h makes, suitable hili any\rpoec for which white cottons are used. zcepptti, nilly geed values at 1 Oo, 12,40 an 1 So, u itis arty fine qualities in madapolame, bridal elothe. rantbties, rte., at 1 To, 20c and Sae PARCELS ACKNOWLEDGED. The Auburn Red Cross workers have been cheered by the receipt of letters from the soldiers overseas thanking them fee parcels sent before Christmas. Following is • letter from one of the Auburn boys : , Witley Camp, Surrey. F..ne.. Feb. 7. 1017. DEAR MRS. MOORIDOE,—I must ad- mit first of all, that your letter came AV it surprkr, but a surprise of tbt moment only After seeing military lite for nearly a year and knowing the reel facts of what Canadian wo- men are doing for the soldiers, a letter from one of those workers isn't looked on as a surprise but rather as a bit of encouragement to et ill "carry on." Was your letter welcome ? Well, it seems to be that even a signature from across the sea would be welcome over herein England and much more so in France. if you raw how eagerly the "toys" watch fur the return of the mail -man your question would be answerer. The mail -man and the poetmasteeare the two most impor- tant men in any battalion. Both are neceesary, and neither would be dis- pensed with if such a thing were pos- sible, A number of those Foxes that were sent have arrived, std probably all of them. Mine cawelaod alio the one sent to W..., which I forwarded to him In Franc.. He will sourly appre- ciate it in the ugout where he spends his idle mom tits. He stays there dui ing the de —about a mile tack from the firing line—and goes up to the front line a night to do entrench- ing wort. Concerning the box rent to me, if you have the opportunity convey my sincerest thanks to every Red Cross worker who was connected with the sending of it. i might add that the "eats" were so good I simply had to give the other Red Cross boys a taste. We are all in one hut and such par- els are always shared among the nineteen of us. I'd like to know who baked the butt -ease, because it was— well, wry teeth are watering right now, end the boys were loud in praise of it, Itnglioh "este" haven't that Canadian fl Yoe we all remember so well. With regard to that lent day at the Auburn 'tuition, l m.y as well confers that 1 was rather ashamed after' wards for being almost too cheer- ful when everyone etre eeemed so sad at what proved to be the last leave- ! ,eking. I couldn't lo. k on it as "good- bye," because i fully expected In he back again, It may hr • long time, though, iwfore tba. (buses to pass ; but •'krrp the hoose fires burning." The. see work over rhes e, lots of it, and perhaps more now since the States have knocked the chip off Germany's .Aotilder. Al time of writing the most of the Antonin boy. are sr III together in Eng- land and they will likely stay together now for Metz. r or for worse. The 101st Beastlier,. or what is left of It, hes meted fro.' Sho, noliR.- Camp to Witley, to a main rs a hotelier' In t hr in w fifth uiviaion that is being fort. ed. at d wolf go 1n sine by aide with the 1410th Heuer.. Boit. Bat Wiens wile ree. toe strait+ of men, aa they are needed, Ir ma the 25th Row, vin Battal- ion. I'het is. the arrai•gament that has been tn.de and it Is a"vainly an honer for the "Hurons." Other excellent • • A Raincoat Special Rainca.atit, extra quality shower- atltef cloth, thor•ughly rubberized, dark grey. belted hack. grams sewn, all size -e. Extra q weal at 35.80 Our Famous "Wear Ever" and "Wear Hard" Scotch Linoleums New shipments just received dialect from the Scotch mills of these famous Lfnoleuws. No better wearing qualities that we know of. irw and attractive patterns. The pried are naturally higher than poet seas- ons, but the quality is right up to the stand- ard. If you want Linoleum this spring, MVP these before you buy. All laid by an expert if dewjred. Black Panama Skirts $3.88 Ladies Dress Skirts,. .was r trent R s1u•ll y all-w.rd black pahama. This is a splendid •ing utats,ial, sheds the dust well and makes a stylish and serviceable spring and stammer Skirt. These Skirts are fresh from the factory this week. Nicely trimmed with buttons Two of the rea..on a hest styles b. select from. All eizer in each. Either for only 333.55 Two Lace Specials English Torchon Lace 5c Tills vents English Torchon Lace, assorted widths and a duces patterns Go choose from. You won't buy hagain for many s day at this' price. Per yard only .. .. . ................. 8o Fancy Cotton Lace 1Oc These Lares are particularly adapted for trim- ming underwear, children's dreeees seta•. The quality is exceptionally geoid and there are twelve iatterns GI 'riot frau. Per yard only 100 Black Duchesse Silk $1.50 Jost one end of this Silk, perhaps' eight or ten dresses in it. -Full yard wide. heat weight. old rock -bottom value. Thio was contracted foie err a year ape. The other day the repre- sentative for the silk house• we it it from was here, a had the same Silk in is samples and was ng orders for next fall delivery and his price as $1.00 per yard. While the lot lasts pat t' a buy a war -at or dress length at per yard 31.80 We re-cover Umbrellas, We repair or upholster Furniture We sell AVindew Shades either ready-made ..r made-to-order Direct Importers Hodgens Bros. Goderich, Ontario hattalions—"London's Own," for tn. stance—cave been broken up and disfte sent here or there and far apart. The weather over here is rather cold these days. From the time we landed at Liverpool the weather has been badly mixed. Rain, mist and snow with plenty of mud was the usual thing, Last Monday moaning there was about four inches of snow on the ground—the most snow Surrey county has seen for fifteen years, the people say—and since the weather has been quite cold. This morning our coal the was out and the windowpanes were nicely flowered. IL may be raining again in a few days. Yon -know it isn't Canada, and ohen Tri Tor a I sight of a maple tree. Still IC's a floe WHEN BUYINGYEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE ROYAOf.L ,.I t tStiliagg10210) DECUNE su country and nuaeti be splendid in eum 1 mer., Low hedges for renew, and ehnthbet•y that almost hides the try - covered residences. Last week the Red 1. toes section had their six-day leave end the moat of us visited Scotland. We went to London, then up to Edinburgh. (ila.- gow and Stirling. At Stirling 1 had my first (dimple of the real H,ghiends where the Scottish heather grow.. It's a graod country up there and we learned tblr<t the talk abort Scottish hospitality t book -talk. Most of us were soft to come away, but we're going back again if we get an oppor-I tunity. [ don't believe 1 pan tell you any- thing atwut the war that you don't a1- I ready knn,v. AVhen it will end no one knows and there is only one an- swer as to bow it will end. Eternal punishment Is too good for the man that caused all this we me civet here. Disfigured feces, amputated limbs and weary cripples make one sad, and things are worse in France. Yet the people are never heard to complain Iand go abont as unconcerned as if nothing unmoral were going otr. There's a change coming, though and soon- Listen for news of the big spring drive and pray for its success. TY, Canadians will be in it and quite Maly the "Heteme." Remindieg you .Iain that i em grateful for the rarest, and hoping this can he aceept.d as • reply to your kind favor; I am, Sours sincerely. - Pte. D. J. McCLINcHEY, Another letter reeei vest convey. tbanks for a parcel sent to Capt Fingland and In tern handed over by gT1TlS him to tour soldiers who thoroughly appreciated it. i Keep Up Wi the Times AND have your lighted in the war-.4rith electricity. know how to do it, will cheerfully furs; plans and estimates wiring, fixtures. etc. A large assortment of trial Sundries and Su always on hand. Robt. Tait West Street. Nowt PostoRke