HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-22, Page 9THE Rr1:NA L : GODERTCP : fNT k to
THUaSDAY, Nissen 22 1 17111
The Saults Coal Co.
fkt0ee*wrs to Mcllostiab i (tledbal
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
titve, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Ume and
Cement just received.
()pries PHONE -' - - 75
). Sanits' Residence 275
W. W Saults' Residence 202
Allies INslwse:' :r Paris
♦ d'pat Ue. bags the Tbrwte
et Trap, iaslwdtag J. D. Alfas,
IP. %Wealth !loth, and
mated ea fi a
Mew- w Wit
1, Prone ' lifiseseer et Ou-
Mesle connective with a Mosel
tett the l/oerd s( ±rods 4111018115,f
ager to bele Osta,4o lialiglailli
et lanes thetr wet stltdlpIHRE Is
object being to itasletass
Sir William said the
would be glad to oosparasa _
Airship nwNe
reht Dewe er 11Y4w
A Zeppelin bas beet dews to
lames near Cempietlsse, K lobos boa
Paris, Saturday and all las er.w- jaw
lobed. The Zeppel1. sons Mated
shortly before dawn sad was reached
by French antiaircraft guns at a
height of more than two mIIN. The
airship caught ire, and the wreckage
fell close W the battlefront, which the
Zeppella had presumably iruseed •
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe , $3.7 5
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire3.75
The Signal Anil Toronto Daily World 3.5o'
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star.......- 3.3o
The Signal and Toronto Daily News 3.3o
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.5o
The Signal and Farm and Dairy ....... -. , 1.85
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star x.85
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser3.75
The Signal and London Daily Free Press 3.75
The Signal and Pre byterian and West-
- Ilminster 2.7 5
`The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.4o
he Signal and McLean's Magazine.. 2.25
The, Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness. 2.35
Tate above rates are for subscribers in Canada. Addi-
tiosslIkeikatge to United Steles subscribers for postage.
Remit b)tpostal note ; r express order -NOT by Bank
erich, Ontario
Of course, you can
buy cheaper teas, but
Is undoubtedly the most economical and what
appears to be 'cheap' in price will prove to be
extravagant in use. The fresh young leaves of
"Salada" will Meld you generous value for
your money. bus
tItepubllal.ed from The Lo,.don Advertiser os
request. e
1. Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany the
Anti -Christi '
The moue of God is continually on
his lips, hot bit appeal seems to be
not to the Und of Incarnation, but to
the tribal War God of the Prussian.,
"our good German Gnd, who has
' helped us so magnifireuUy, our great
"The Holy Spirit," the Kaiser is re-
potted Ic have said, In his proclama-
tion to his eastern army, "has de-
scended un me. B, cause 1 am the Eui-
peror of the U ratans, I am the inatru-
went of the Moat High. Woe and
deatb tee those who do not believe in
any mission ; woeand death to eowar3s.
Let all enemies of Germans perish.
Med demands tbei- destruction,'
:-Itis an am. zing tact that sages of
'dries ago prophesied the coming
j o[ a Kaiser Ano-Cbritee.-..._-_.-.___
O of these sages was Bro her
Johannes., believed to have 'wen a
French monk, who lived and wrote
In the sixteenth centui y, end whose
Iwritings treated is proluund interest
throughout Europe.
Allegorically, Fiance is represented,
in this astounding prediction, by a
cock, Eoglend by a leopard, Ruwi.%
by a white eagle, Germany by a black
eagle, Wad -Austria by "tire other I
eagle." - -
The authenticity of this am zing
document can scarcely be doubted.
The Latin original war found among
the papers of the l.t.• Adrien Peledan,
author of a woe k in throve volumes on
"Prophecies," and editor of a review
named "The Angels of the Stipa nat-
ural." by his son, who had it tr
Isted into French and pmh•i,thed in
recent irate of the Figaro, Pari..
M Peledan ( the son i, a deep
dent of all wattera appertaining to
theology,found the manuscript in 18AII,
on the death of his Dither, among a
mass of other papers destine with the
1 gift of prophetic vision. Although
even et Goa time he sees startled hy
the extraordinary vividness of the
picture drawn by Brother Johannes,
be never thought of it again until the
i entraw -o of England into the present
I.'nrggle recalled to his mind the
"lenpa.d end his clave." He rediarov-
( Bred th • prophe. y,end the desert p; ion
sof the nettling nation, led hire to
translate it end give to the world
i what readers 'toot admit is one of
the moat .wrtling documents relating
to the pie.e't war yet published.
Following is the lull text of the
prophecy :
1. Sever.l titues has one seemed
recognize him, because all the slay*
of the 1 arab resemble each other, as
all the wicked are the precursors
the Great Wicaeu One.
2. The vetitable Anti-Cbrist will
one of the wooarchs of his time, s s
of Luth- r ; he will invuke (;.,d a
call himself Hie messenger,
a. The prince of hes will swear 1
the Bible ; he will eal1 himself 1
Arm of the Moat High, chastiain
corrupted people.
4. He will only have one arms, b
his innumerable armies, who will to
at their motto "God is with ase," w
seem like infernal legions,
b. For a long while be will act
rune and treaeuu t b•i spies will spry
all over the ear.b, and ne will be ti
muter of the gleets Vf tbobv
8. He will have theolo.ians in h
pay to certify and pi ore his cele -ti
7. A war will furnish bins with the
reason for lifting the mask. It will
not be the ode which he will make
against the Fiet.ch monarch, but
' &pother which will be easily recog-
places will change' the course of the
waters. Duly meat uohlemen, rupee,
iur utnoms and prince* will receive
Itutlel, tor to the corsage reused by
Hreaws will be ad let chore who eel-
haledby famine and plague.
27. The Anti -Oh, let will severs)
time, ask for grace, but the lessee I
angels who precede tie three ang
mal.. defenders of the Louuti, hemde- i
dared that victory .ball only he or-,
corird un the c lition that the Anti -
Christ 1w fir mated, like ate aw un the I
thrse.hing door.
28. Executors of the Lamb'.piatice,
these three animal. cannot op Light-
ing as long aa any soldiers tenons' to
the Anti-CJtria•. '
211 The reeein the sentence of the
Limits is so uuplicsble .r t hat t be Anti -
Obi i.t lots pretended to he a Cbristien,
and to b • acting in Hi. Name, oto that,
if be did not perish the fruit of the le -
demotion would be lost, and the pates
of hell would pres ail against the ti,►v-
Predicts Era of Peace.
d ▪ a0. .It will he seen shat it is not a
of human combat which will he waged toms.
where the Anti -Christ forges his ms.
he The three animals, defenders of she
on Leath, will exterminate the Anti;
ud Christ's la -t army, but the battlefieldwill b •come es an altar of sect•ith•. ,
iy larger th.n the sweetest of cities, sou ,
he I the corpses will have changed tta.hipe
g by r.i: chanter in it chr of mounds.
C.I.:iThe Anti.('hii+pp will lone his
ut crown and will hedettiented and alone.
ke His empire will be divided into twen-
iil tv-t was states, but none -"will have
i b r a royal Meese, en army. oryea-
The oh to eagle, h
K y Nichuel'a
re o o• r, w 'l Ji ve the Cre.eeut from
in :,,nroi.e, whY r�e only Chri.t•att. Will to-
; it e n occupy C•.oatantiuuple. �•
J. a3. '1 fa v firsts)! �ioce au1 lucl-
1 prr.•y „ i; sin en.'efor all the umi-f
vera.-, an 1 th -Iso .lo h • no m.:re tear,1
each nation beim overn•d mem ling
to its wish .ilii live g in justice.Is
lits Th••.e will hr o more Lev he. -
ams orSellout •Iter. 1'hr Cruet)will
reign, and tie- joy• of humanity will
commence. happy the w1..•, ..est
rom peril. 01 s prrid.gin s
time, can taste of its fru t which sell±
be the mien of the E;.• -in .I 'milt u d
the srnctidc.•ion of hu Italie ,..oils t •
'be schlav d by the defect u( fie Aoi .
The First Impression Lasts
First sight of the 1917 Gray
Dort will impress you. The
trim, smart lines the new
conveniences and the com-
fortable, substantial atmos-
phere of the car carry gleat
Then get down to brass tacks.
Look under the hood• under
the body- Learn for yourself
F.O.B. Chatham, Ont.
Reer-seem pale.
the absolute honesty and
service -giving sturdiness of
every working part. Ride in
the car -put it to every test.
.I+ind out how it performs
under every condition of ser-
vice. Your first impresatop
of quality will be verified.
See foe 1917 Gray Dort, a'
better car than ever.
Steering i nni
Dlater, Goderich
Distributor, tllyth
nized by the fact that in two week
time it will have become universal.
8. It will cell to errs±. .11 Christians,
all Mabotueta*e, and even ooh r very
destant people. Armies will le
forwed in the four party or the world.
Christian Words -Fiendish Acts.
i1. For men's minds will be opened
hy angels, and in the third week they
will understand that this is the Ants-
Chriat, and that they will all become
slaves if they do not trample down
this conquering one.
DE The Anti-Ubriyt will be recng-
nizeble by several meek'; he will chi. Hy
massacre priests, owner, women an•t
children, end old people. He will show
no mercy ; be will peas along holding
a torch like th.t barbarians, butihvok-
the name of Onrist,
'11. Hie false words *111 resemble
Gnaw of Chairtiams, but bis acts will
be 1 hose of Nero and the Roman pe.
secutors ; there will he an eegle in his
coat -of -al m-, and there w 11 .sl -n be
one in' thea .:f hie confederate, the
other wicked monarch.
12, But this one i, a Christian, and
he will die curved by the Pope Bene -
di :. us, wbo wIH he *lenied.at the be-
ginning of the reign of the Anti -
13. Priests, and monks will no long-
er be seen confessing and the. lying
the cotuhatante because for the first
t nue priests and monks will light was h
the other citizen., and also hecau.• ,
Pope Benedictus having curbed ohs
Aiiti-Christ, it will he proclaimed that
all those who wage war against b m
will be in a stone of grace, and shoo d
they die, will, likew.rtyrs, gostraigl t
tt, h•svrn.
14. The Pope's "hull'/ proclaiming
there things will make a Brest neu.a-
tion, and will rause the death of the
monarch, the Ant,-Chriet'a illy.
15. In order to conquer the Ant. -
Chi let, more seen wubt he titled than
Rome has ever held. it will requi.e
en effort flow all lands, for the cock,
the leopard, and the whit.. eagle
would not suffice _tret,overcome We
black eagle if they were not helped by
the prayers and devo.iun of all the
bloom' r•.ce.
Id. Never before bag 1 testily
hero in such peril, for the tiiomph of
he Anti -Christ would be 'het of the
anon. in wham he ie ±scam. ed.
17. - For it hal been said that twen-
ty centuries after the incarnation of
the Word the Beaty in tai, tura %mold
he incarnated, and would threaten the
meth witti as many evils ea the Di
vine incarnation had brought it
Di. Near the year 2100 the Anti -
Christ wilt appear ; hi, army will .ur-
peso in nuthisete anything heretofore
magined ; tb•re will be Cori -Gabs
etu•.uget his hordes, and amongst the
defenders of the Lamb there will be
Mehowedans and savege to Pees.
111. Mor the first time the Lamb will
he entirely red, In the whole of the
Christian world, there will not be is
space that will not b, red ; and the
heavens, the earth, the wet r and
even the air will be red, for Mood will
tw in the sphere of the four de-
ments et the same time.
20. The black e.ale will throw it-
self up .n aha cock, which will her
manyof it- feathers, but will strike
herocally with its spur. It would b-
aton annihilated were it mor f, r etre
help of the leopard and its claw
21. The black eagle, wotrh will
come from the tans of Luther, will
surprise the cock by another side, and
will invade one -belt of the land of the
22. The white eagle, which will
come from the mirth, will surpsiee the
black eagle and the other reel., and
will completely invade the bend of the
Anti -Christ from one end to the other.
Rivers Crossed Over Corpses.
The black eagle will he for. ed to
leave the rock to fight the whl r settle,
and the mock will pursue the hieck
eagle into the land nt the Anti -Christ
to help the white male.
24. The battles waged until ''ten will
he email in comp*. ie n to those that
will take Isl.ee in the heed of Luther,
tweause the seven angels will at tie
sant. time poor fire fermi their hers
the Im
Ora on
meioses Irina (.ahem, taken
from the Apocelype.1. which moan.
that the lamb w •I order the ev rr'.-
Inatlon of the An •-Christ'. re •.
26. Wheel t h. Beast ecus hr i Incur
he will /*come (urloeia ; Booing
menthe the beak of the wj►Ite eagle,
the. claw, nt the leopard, ems the.p4.s
of the a ek mist haraeshien.
2ft. Hives will�` _h. creemel ever
Fasces of dead Ladle,, wbleb In s Imo
Russians Capture Van-Substantiall\
Gains in Persia
The Turks have been defeated in
three war theatres, in Turkish Ar-
menia the Russians have captured Van
according to a Reuter despatch from
Petrograd. The British army in Meso-
potamia has put the Turks to rout, It
is announced officially. On Friday
afternoon the Turks were in full
light towards Samara, 76 miles north-
west of Bagdad.
The British statement follows: "in
the fighting on Wednesday on the
right bank of the Tigris, as already
reported. the Turkish rear -guard was
driven from a succession of ridges to
a strong position covering the rallray
station at Muahadle. Our troops con-
tinued to attack the position during
the night• and finally captured It at
3 o'clock on Thursday morning. The
enemy is retiring hastily. The retreat
continued during Thursday ,and on
Friday afternoon the whole elfemy
force, consisting of remnants of three
Turkish divisions, was In full flight
In the direction of Samara."
Submarines Sink Throe U.S. Vessels
-22 Men Missing
Three steamships lying the Ameri-
can flag have been accounted for by
Germany's unrestricted submarine
warfare. Their total groes tonnage
was 14,147. Early cables from Lon-
don indicate that 48 members of the
crews, including 34 known to be
Americans by birth or naturalisation,
• were not accounted for, but later ed -
Vices showed a total of 22 men miss-
The American freighter City of
Memphis, with more than 60 Ameri
ran sailors on board, wag stink by
gunfire. London reports thathe
American tank ,steamer Illinois, 6,220
tons, from London for Port Arthur,
in ballast, was sunk without warning,
and that the crew was landed. Ths
American steamer Vigilance, 4,115
tons gross, was also sunk, without
warning, a London despatch announc-
ed. Fourteen of the crew were re-
ported missing.
The department announced that a
despatch from Consul -(General Skin-
ner, at London, Raid 'It was reported
the City of Memphis, the Illinois and
the Vigilance, all American steamers.
bad been sunk, the latter without
warning. The message added that
some of the crew of the City of Mem
phis had been landed, that a patrol
boat had gone to pick up the crew
of the illinois. -
Cost of Living Ascends
Costs 46 More a Week For Averag%
The Labor Department's Index
number at Ottawa. showing the cost
of living, went up again last month.
The February return! of wholesale
prices for commodities in general use
boosted the index number up to 217,
as compared with 208 for January, 173
for February of last year, and 142 for
February of 1916. The average cost
of a working man's weekly budget of
staple foods rose to 110.46 last month,
an Increase of 19 cents over January,
of 41.06 over February of Int year,
and of $2.47 over February of 1)16.
As compared with July, 1914, Jnat
prior to the outbreak of war, the in-
crease Is 43.04. Increases In the cost
of fuel, clothing, etc., bring the total
Increase In the cost of living during
the winter months to the average
workingman up In ahout lee dollars
per week as compared with the win
ler of 1914
Reasonable Psrnlst►rtlttiaMa
Aa hear before ten o'clock to worth
two after nas.t. not also remember
Rhel pl.cosser l termer.' 40 set woes
Imo beam They Manage the farm
• aesempnab IhMr week in remise
e lls new •
Oh, you say, It Is Impossible
to sella decent sort of suit at
Well, then, just come in and
examine them for )ourself;
your own eyes and senses
cannot deceive you.
Ah, you think, there is a
nigger in the woodpile some-
where. They may look all
right, but they won't wear.
Won't they t Well, with every
SUIT 1650
goes a positive guarantee of satisfac-
tion or money returned.
No strings -no nigger In the wood-
pile- Just a revolution of the clothing
business that puts $10 back Into your
Sold br
The Square Coderich
Convenient trains leave Toronto
Union Station
11.00 p.m. (except Saturday)
10.00 a.m. (except Sunday)
• AI Nader' equipment
Throng • tickets to Ottawa via Toronto and the Canadian
NorthernsRailway are obtainable from local C.N.R. agent,
or G.T.R. gent. Telephone or telegraph (collect) to city
passenger a enc;-'1'or'oitto,- for reservations, or apply to
J. W. CRAI IE, Ins. Agent, Gadericb.
it Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL
This is an old clime saying, ne heleas true.
WE find in going through our st
overstocked in a few lines which
to give you the benefit of. -
that we are
e are going
every person knows how good this polish is forf nitttre
aqqd floors. To reduce our large stock of this we will sell
the $I.00 bottle for
and the 50c bottle for .
The 5Oc bottle for .......... ......,...,.35c
Anglo-Saxon Stock Food, 50c package for ' 25C
Anglo-Saxon Poultr'yFood, 25c package for........., . 15C
Anglo-Saxon Heat Cure, 50c package for 25c
International Poultry Food, 25c package for 15C
The great advance in steel and wire has caused wire Nails
to take a great advance, so much so that,, we have to sell
them at seven cents per pound We_have several keg,±, of
cot Nails' which we are offering as long as they last at 7
pounds for ..................... 25c
You will remember last Spring how you had td wait to
get your lawn mower sharpened and your grass got ahead
of you. Why -not notify us now and let us send and get
yout mower and.put-it_in'good working order when busi-
ness is quiet, so that it will be ready for you in the Spring
Does your bicycle require overhauling ? Now is the time to
have it done so that it will be ready for you when you want
Plumbing, steam -fitting, heating and electric wiring I)o
not forget that we carry a full line of go.xls to do anv of
the above work on a moment's notice and all work neatly
done and fully guaranteed.
Chas. C. ' ee
Phones : '-torr 22 l Ile
House 112
Mott. rl• It