HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-22, Page 5THE (MEAL : GODERiCA ONTARIO WE ARE NOW OPEN , And are prepared so do all kinds of auto- mobile work, but •e.pecially : --STORAGE BATTERY REPAIRS —VULCANIZING --- BRAZING O XY-ACETYLEN E WELDING IGNITION AND CARBURE-iTOR ADJUSTING If we do a jab it will be done by someone mho knows how. EAST .STR ET GARAGE Owned and Operated by a Practical Man ARTHUR M. GLOVER THE MEN'S SHOE SITUATION Prices have adv cod at a rate with which q • it has not kept pace. It I '- fir, to -day, to buy shoes •u know to be good. t �. n those which are Seeming) cheap. Every shoe you buy here is up to before - war standards in quality ; our prices are based on a honest valves. Phone 158 Wm. Sharman Goderich, Ontario LOCAL TOPICS Organiuer for United Farmers. At the annual moetiug of the United Farmers of Ontario, it was decided to divide the Province Into nine districts for the purpose of organising and superintending the work of the organ- izaM.o. Mr. J . N. Ker.iigban, man- ager of the Colborne Farmers' Club, was appointed for this district, which cowprtses Huron, Bruce and Grsy. Fire on Tuesday. A tars was discovered in the store- house of Mr. J. J. McEwen s grocery •tore on Tuesday at uoon. It bad caught from • heap of rubbish which was being burned close to the building and had already secured a good start when noticed. The Bre department responded promptly and soon extw- guisbed it. Death of Former Resident. The death occurred at Detroit on Saturday of Mr•. Wm. Seymour. who before her removal with her husband to Detroit lived for many yeas in Ooderich. Besides her aged husband, two sons ana three daughters survive. the deceased wu • cousin of Mrs. Joseph Kidd, of town. The funeral took place at Detroit on Monday. Buying a Car This Year ? Model The.tre GEO. E. KING, Proprietor \ Week of March 2�th, '17 Monday and Tuesday flLUEB1RD PHOTO PLAY` n — W sBrf/ the Thing" '?+P 1 Violet Mersereau ins orients Play "BROKEN FETTERS" A Stirring Drama of Human Sympathy "The Girl and the Game" Wednesday and Thursday Introduction of the celebrated Fox pictures, the same pictures as afe being shown from week to week in Loew's Theatre, Toronto. The first of these pictures to be shown in Goderich will be "A y *AN OF SORROW," in which romance and tragedy combine to make a thrilling story Friday and Saturday Vivian Martin in "A MODERN THELMA" This is another of the Fox pictures. USUAL PRICES 'COMM• A modem and massive production of "East Lynne" SOOn starring the great and only Theda Bara The automobile season is opening, and dealer. in can ars gelling busy. Mr. George Johnston is conducting the Che. rolpt agency at the old stand, in the rear of the Bznk of Commerce. Mr. 1'. H. Mitchell, who has been ap- pointed as dealer for the Oray-Dort, received a car yesterday and will be able to dewltatttr►te iu P.rints to all interested. Messrs. Kelly & MacEwen ars again handling the.".tad reliable" Ford, and also are showing the "\ic- Lsughliu 910," • higher -paced car. Belgian Relief, One following acknowledgment has been received from the Belgian Relief headgµartere at Toronto : •Oa behalf of the Belgian Relief Committers 1 wish to thank you most warmly f two ta.es of splendid clothing ree •ved today (M arch 151b), Everything f so acceptable, and we shall forward t e things In our next shipment. Will ' ou lease convey our grateful apps• •soon to all wbo contributed so ge rously ?' Very truly yours, Mae. Helep M. Pepler, C nvener Committee." \ At the Model. Mr. King, proprietor of ter, Model Theatre, is introducing the celebeated William Fox picturre, whichare hang shown regularly at Loeui'. Theatre, Toronto. The 9rat n1 these will 1'. 1 shown Wednesday and Thursday of next week, the title bring "A Man of Sorrow." founded on a great stage suc- come. he plot hinges on one of those lnaresirng cases of mistaken identity and the pictures show many thrilling and romantic scenes. "Broaen Fetters" is the title of the Bluebird photo -play to he presented next Monday anal Tuesday at the Model. Hydro for the Farms. Mayor Mannings. wbo bp been in communication with the Oaeari* Hydro -electric Commission with re- ard to having the advantages of ydro power and light brought before tiihlle people of the townships, has re- ceived word that %Ir. Purcell, of the Hydro .tali. will be bele next week. Be will edareas meeting* a. follow* under the auspices of tbe Farmers' tJlnhs : Leeburn—Wednesday night, March m. Benmiller—Thuredoy night, March tiodericb torlroiblp (Orange H•�11)— Friday night, March 30. Shipbuilding for Ooderich. In a letter to the town council Mr.� John Youngson states that the Gude- rich Drydock & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (head office Toronto), has secured rights to the land between the north pier and the river breakwater, is in 1 poMee�ion of orders for steel ships. is io a position financially to go ahead with the work, and has already se- cured a full plant of shipbuilding ma- chinery. if the Company's plane ma- ture we may expect to see work started almost immediately. This Company is not to he confused with the National Shipbuilding Co., Limited, which has purchased the Doty plant and ham a project for the building of some steel ships f moder- ate size at the east end of the harbor. Students to Work on Farms. In accordance with the (lover n- ment's appeal for the raising of more foodstuffs the Department of Educe - tion is giving an opportunity to all students going up' for Departmental exawinetions to receive their certifi- cates by putting in three months work On twine or in creameries or dairies. They must. however, pees an examination set by the teachers of their own school. The papers set must he sent to Toronto, and the De- par.wsnt is at liberty to call in the written papery if it suspects any irreg- dYarity. At the local Collegiate these examinations will be held during the next two weeks. Twenty-nine students will try : eight boys and six girls from the lower school, flee hope and six girls from the middle school rod three boys and one girl from the up- per school. Doings at the Harbor. Pieparations for the opening of nal 1guUon have begun at the harbor. and the work of flttine out has been warted on a/I the limits that wintered here. This work will naturally tale seine time. as boilers must be r••r •. wt engines overhauled and a is. u - u... other details at tended to • • ..r a .1 e ships are ready for their fl 1 . it . the -moon. This year Uantatn M. , yr have char*. of the Ma -t •su t hi , Foote of Owen Pound, e , 1, , Garen's Stamped Dresses White and Tan Sizes 1 ))rat 10 5 years, 'LSc, 35c, 30c, tlbct SSi', $L26. Newest styles and designs. PILLOW SLIPS, 75c, ti3c ..u4 11 00 pair. Plain hemstitched or stamped for scalloping. DAY SLIPS, $1.00 and 111.24 Per pair - FINEST LIVEN TOWELS, large size, 75c each. Flannelette, Naiaaook and Lin- ens by the yard. Everything in Stempel' Goods. Crochet and Embroidery Threads MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE — SQUARE TtlivllFDAT. MA1f1WR 42 M17 S, 1 —.——jos APOco.MraIcua Printing? 'the %icrnal DOdd5S are the only medicine that a will cure Dia- betes. Like Bright's Dis- ease this dis- ease was in- cura bl a until Dodds Kidney Pills cured it Lkxiors themselves confess that without Dodd's Kidney Pills they are pnweriess against Dia- betes. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the first medicine that ever cured Diabetes. I tai tat ions—box, name and pin, a re advertised to do so, but the medicine that dos cure Kidney Pills Diabetes 11 is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills are fifty cents a box at all druggists. Mr. � On Lb. America part of the 1 b fui an the srarreat d side of the how 1r • e Ing straightened. Capta'n Alex. mow* , of Butt do, and Ovaries Munro, of W laron.ln, wbo is chief, are al- ready In charge Fred Pringle. of Piston. baa arrived to take chewer* of the engine loom of rhe Eduroeton . The whole of the after eerie of the Rvaver.nn V eit work under the dine - tion of Captain Wm 'Repeal. of Kind sun, and Cbwf Engineer Hugh Myler, Call us up if there is a leak in your house. r We- will locate the trouble and have it put right. That's part of our business. We do eavestroughing, plumbing, tinslnithing, etc., and we do it right. FRE. HUNT "THS PLVMBER" Hamilton Street Phone 135 should not be increased. 2. That we congratulate the Prov- incial Goveruwrnt upon introducing • hill to superannuate te•che,s, thus making the procession wore perman- ent. `I. That we take this opportunityof expressing our gratitude to the Pro- vincial Uovernment for enacting pro. binitinn until 1919. 4. Chet we wish to express our ap- prectatioe of the progressive action taken by the Provincial d�yernmeut in granting the tranebise t i women. Costs More than Candy and Flowers. It coat Henry Pfaff, • young man of Stepheu township, a tidy little sum 10 vent his spite upon Prank King, another young man of the same local- ity. On a recent Sunday night., when King}[ was calling on his lady friend. PfaII who it appear. was a rival for the lady's favor, came along and cut up King's buggy top. The following Sunday night be varied the perform- ance by taking the nuta off the bind wheels of King's buggy, so that when King started to drive home the wbeelr cave ort, luckily without any serious consequences. Pfaff, who is • farmer's sun of shout twenty-four years, was taken before Mr. W. D. ganders, Jj P., of Exeter, who cou.witted him to tiodericb for trial, and on Tuesday of this w:ek Judge Dickson imposed a tine of $50 and ordered hint to pay $•17.511 diuuages to King. Board of Trade Council. A well -attended meeting of the council of the Board of Trade was held on Monday evening in the Mene- setung Canoe .Club.rooms. A busy evening was spent in the discussion of various matters relating to the ad- vancement of the town'. commercial and industrial interest,. Mayor %dun- wings gave a brief repott of his trip to Ottawa in connection with the ship- building pi . jeet, and stated that the members u1 the Government who weir interviewed by the Giderich deputation appeared to be favorably disposed towe.rdstherequest for neces- sary facilities at the proposed site be- tween the ricer breakwater and the north pier. The Mayor stated that Mr. Hutchinson, who has recently purchased the Doty plant. also had u Project for building small steel ships at the east end of the harbor. The question of the advisability of selling cue rails on the U. W. H. Railway was discussed. and as the loog-prowrsed report of the Hydro Commission on the prospects for the Kincardine- Goderich line has not yet wade its ap- peatance Mayor Munninfs was asked to urge upon the Commission that it be submitted at an early date. It was decided to wake a canvas- for an iu- creased membership of tbe Board of Trade. Promotion tor Former Ooderich Boys. Captain William J. and M. R. Mac - Leen, mentioned in the following, are both former Goderich boys, sons of e thin \�ilham MacLean, now of Cleveland, formerly of this town : Captain William J. MacLean. of Dation, who brought out the steel steamer W. F. albite and sailed in her last season, is to bring out the new steel steamer Carl D. Bradley, which is und.'C eon(truction in L. rain for the BradieyTransportation Company aria Iit to be launched about tbe middle of newt month. Thee, W. li.siilao. wbo was chief engineer on the White, will be 2hiet engineer of the new ship. Csptain M. K. MacLean and R. A. Deemer*. who were on the White last season as Mat mate and first assistant `,engineer, are promoted to urutei and Chief engineer of that ship, in the ap: pp I t111ente enununced `.y Carl D Br y, genet -al manager of the cow- Unnem OF CANADA i The Foundation al Fortunes —the ready cash which first enabled the envied possessors to grasp financial opportunity —In the great majority of cases is found to have been a Savings Bank Balance. Shrewdness and good sense commend' the openli ani. fostering of a Savings Account in the Union Bait N Coda. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Are You Really Sincere in Your Ex- pressions o ( Loyalty? You may be, but don't feel equal to the rigors of trench warfare. Well, why not JOIN THE CANADIAN ENGINEERS and work at your own particular trade ? it is poiabl* your last fiaaree to flet into tbe�ame rala>otttrily 1 Bf enlisting you wilt remote hat weight which seems to be oh your couscsence dose days. Yon will also have the op prtunity of seeing Europe. The change will work wonders in you. PS LIST ;\O\1', if not for overseas. the for Home' Service - any- thing rather. than be out of the game. Come and talk it ovir at the Recruiting Rooms (Geo. Porter's annex) . r - SERGT. T. PRITCHARD, Recruiting Officer. Miss Beattie, teacher of Nile school; bas resigned, and the trustees are ad- vertising for a successor. - puny. Theme ate; mer is being bosh for the stone t and will be feet keel len • 1 feet beam and 32 feet deep, with ca • city of about 11,000 tons. Her equi . ant and fittings are to he of the must a ' roved type, and it is ex fected she wi be ready for set - vice .about the opening navigation. 1 Captain William J. . Lean, who; is to ne her master, was fo number of years on boats of the 'e' andotte Craneportatioo Co'upany. also brought out the steamer C' cite, auotbe r of the modern atone carr r -- l of Collingwuod. A"rivity is seen also no the Doric. the Pellatt and the Franz. West Huron Teachers. The executive committ-e of the wast Huron Teachers Asseesiation met at Exeter on March 17th for the purpose of making errangemeota for the next. t -ocher.' i••)nventlnn. It WIN decided to hold the next, convention at Exeter, U. t fiber i I t h and 1'Lt,h. The Education Departing,' t is being re- quested to send \Ir..1. M Lowry, B. A.. of Mte.tford N rwal Shoos, to a•- si.t. it. wax also t Nought best tI have Piof. McLaren, O A. C., Guelph. to delver an evening lecture. An in- t•'re•ting p (gram was arranged for. The following resolutions were passed : 1. That in view of the fact that many of the porn) • in the readers are difficult to niermirize and port y fre- quently becomes hateful to children when they have to memorize t•o much. th.refore in the opinion of this committee the amount of memory work for the public school claaees LOCAL TOPICS IN BRiEF. H. $. Spotton. F. 8., LL, D., in vector of high schools. paid hie an nual visit to the Ooderich Collegiate institute this week. The reviler monthly meeting of the Red Cross Society will 1* brio in the jury room of the court house on Mon- day, M itch 20tb, at 8 o'clock. The God. rich Rebekah Lodge in tends holding a social evening on 'Thursday, March 21) h. Euchre Aad dancing. Biackstone's orcbestra. The Maple Leaf Social Club will bold a euchre and dance in Oddfellews Hall on Tuesday evening, April loth. A portion of the proceeds is to be handed over to one of the patriotic funde. Tickets — gentleman 5Oc, lady 20^.. The Maple Leaf Social Club bed a dance in the Club rooms on Tueaday night. There was $ large attendance and those 'present had a good lime. The Clah will hold anoth• r dance next Tuesday night, March 27 h, to which a general invitation is extended, Mr. David Nicholson, who for a few months by been organist and choir- master of MI. George's church. has re- signed the positioh In order to engage to a similar capacity with the Pres- byterian church at Campbellford, Ont. He leaves next week to take up hie new duties. Spri ng is Coming•1 And you should be getting ready for it. We are here to do your tailoring, and can fit you out for spring with garments of quality, which means up-to-date style, first-class mater- ials and expert work- manship. Call and see R. • . Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR Smith Nide Square, andelieh. sonable Footy�ear ! WHETHER yon been buying cheap or ; h - priced footwear, our .Slit and Rubbers, at medjum prices, will make it possible for you to save money and you'll still be able to have footwear that cannot be beaten for style,comfort or durablitiy. REPAIRING CEO. NiacVICAR Mirth sits of tlgeare God.ricb 1• Go to theoffice with new Vigor -throw off that feeling of weariness and fatigue with 7dar Dynamic Tonic For overworked men and women, for feeble folks of old age and for deli- cate childret., this tonic is recommended highly. Read the exact form- ula on the label. Let it help you ` it surely will if properly taken, 75c 'and $1.50. J. A. Campbell, Phm B. "Central Drug Store" North Street and Square • Goderich THE GODERICH MARKETS. Wheat. per bn,h . ... t., per hn.h . ... . ey. per bu.h p. rbueh Bock eat per boob. Minor. f oily, per Flour, pa ,t. per scat Oran. per telt Shorts. per to ..: Hay. Der ton Alfalfa !Iraw, lone, per Wood, per load Dally Hatter. eerie . Creamery Rutter .. Potatoes, par bn hr er. Cattle, butcher.' choice. per Cattle, but ch.rx medlum.p r owl Hes., Iva weight, per cwt. Sheep percwt . .. . Hldr.. per lb Tallow. rendered. per 1b Sheen Pelt, ... ........ . ••• .ta'to 2.in to . .. tell to PLO 11 to ,,. 11.1.1 to 1301 to ... .,.,.. 6.0) to 5.010 to .:.; to tt to at to L'D) to 5.51 to 1_..;, 1,19 to.s.Ju 1 15 to 11.70 - ... e. to 7.1.) .114 .15 .i5 to 1 e to After Every Meal RIGLEys The Flavor Lasts is