HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-22, Page 3i NE SIGNAL GoDF {1CH ONTARIO THE Ot1IINIL IND ONLY IENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF IIN/RD'S LINIMENT MEDICAL GEO. MISILEMANN, OSTEO Al PATH, medallist In wootowee and soil aeon's dlttea.... acute, .bronic and Dorvo..4L orders eye, ear, sor. .rad throat. partes deaf ss alumbago and rheumatic oondltb.s Ade sol& removal without the knife. omoe at eertdence, corner Nel.on and M. Andrew's treats At Irene office Moedeys, Tintteday. •sd Snturdaye: say evening by sppsAMas-L DENTISTRY /lit- H. O. MAcDO LL,—MANOR kr Graduate Toronto Cul.ersity. Oradwte oya /College of Dental Surgeon.. Buooesa.t to the tate Major Sale. Oeoee reser egoism awl West street, Ouderich. AUCTIONEER THOMAS OIINDRY AUCTIONEER eta ►r.Otanth. All 'goitres,. 1l istt at }Jai a/ Bis will to ttarpt) a ended to. Reside/hoe televises US. LEGAL HA Y'8 L•BARRISTER. SiHAL 'ITGR. NOTARY Pt/BLit. kit_. T«.yw :Block, HamBtm 8.« tt. Real State Loam and Insurance. PROUDFOUT,YILLORAN s COOKE BARRISTERS, aOWcITUBti. VOTARIES PUBLIC: ETC. s ..• Otos on the Square. second door front Hom- ilies .Ueet, Uua.rk'h. Private funds to loan at lowest rat.o. _ _VC Fran n/ OT. KJ:— H. 1. H. J. D. C01.1111. a OUROTTAWA LETTER 41totaNNoet M. F. GADSsYbt)4404HS Ottawa, March IT.—Apoarently the Bordeu Government's rues is never to wood true dollar too the war where two duUars will du as well. Every• thing costs about twloe as touch es it should. lu caw ut doubt throw another million to tbesblyd•—euch is the policy. Only now the wasteful methods of recruiting are transpiring. Acerrd- ing to i.eaevidence of the Deputy Adjutant -General, Colonel Charles Maclnois—who has no particular wish to hurt the Borden Government, be- cauee he is one of It.. appointees—the Canadian army was loaded up with ally thousand unfits who were kept on the payroll fora year pr more and were then dropped as incapable. Howe of there were kept, on even longer then that. But Wittig their average duration ou the payroll at a year fifty thousand unfits run'auto a tremendous lot of money. It has been estiutated that t. re- cruit, equip, train and pay a sol ver for one year coats oue thqsssand d lar.. 11 ti therefore • simille proble In multiplication to figure out how much fifty thousand unfits cost. Fifty million dollars—about one -ninth of the mono we have bot rowed for the war. Eleven pt t• tout. waste. The Finance Minister is continually preaching thrift and economy. "Says your money and give it to me " One wonders wbet Sir Thomas bas to say in reference to hie eleven per cent. leakage which goes on right under hie nose. De.pite Mr. Flrvelle'e assurances that this country is drunk with pros- perity, simply because Mr. Flavell. feels proem 1%/118. nobody believes that the average citizen is eulfering from too much money. It is not the salaried man's wife, nor the workingman's wife, that is spending her money on fancy shoes, short skirts, sealskin eau -mite and passionate hats. She hee enough to do paying the good man'e lgood money out for the necesearies of .fe which are controlled by Mr. Fla- velle and his food baron Ir,ends. ho matter what Mr. FIavelle says, the country to not lousy with stoney. though a favored few may be afflicted that way. Canada realizes that now is the time for thrift. There will be hard times after the war and most Cana- dian families are putting by some- thing against s rainy day. But the Borden Government does not act ou it.. own advice. It suit insists on spending two dollare wbere one dollar would 00, simply because the spending id good. Sometimes the money that flows in from * forty per cent. tariff plus the borrowings at home an wales tb—sto Teel io .Telt that they look about for wa). to blow in another million or two. Camp Borden was that kind of experiment. Another little trick is to announce that money will be spent on one thing and then spend it tat another. Such was the National Registration move- ment, which many people thought was intended to lead to national e. r• vise of a military character. irartead, so far ail we con judge front the vague utrerauPew of bire.;tor Bennett and others, it was • sots of industrial re- view sod not a pattilul*tly spirited one at that. The cards still dribble in and the time has teen extended W Mar!h alst, with fair promise that it will be. rttoadeet again and perhaps again After that, if the Government needs to liras the time. Extending the time t. one of the things the Bor- den Government does. It even talks of extending iia term another year from October, 1917, not with the con- sent of the British Parliament, but by means of its majority in the Commons and Senate. Thus does the Govern- ment lift itself by its own bootstrap.. On this theory of extensible existence the Borden Government could go on forever, simply by sentencing itself for life to Ottawa. No doubt registration costs money, but what are a few hundred thousand dollars to a Government tbat is spend- ing a million dollars a day ? The reg- istration may help the profiteers by in- dicating reserve sources of labor, but, so far, it has been no help to recruit- iug except indirectly. Lista ot names, we are informed. are sent to the var- ious recruiting centres with the sug- gestion that these might be good torn o see. This is a rather oblique and timid, not to say sneaking, way of us- ing a registration that wee profeesed- iy undertaken to build up the army. Director Bennett evidently believes in not allowing the right side of his six - hundred -Words -a -minute face know what the left side of his face is wink- ing at. Tbetame ui:,rniog newspaper —hut in two dilerent places --shows eft in two roles. At ling the people that registration chicon' Wean conscription and that the preirieawill do their duty if they produce crops Rather than re- cruits, while et the garb0 time he is nailing lists to Toronto and other mil- itary districts which Are compiled from the very registration cat ds which are not to serve as a baoit of cons& rip - tion. 1t is helieved here that Ditecti r Bennett speaks by the book when, he tells the `Vest not to fear consdrip- tion, hitt that Is no reason why he should seek at the same tiro to -{tet, credit for a warm feeling toward coo- ecriptton in the ht,tbeda of loyalty in the East. On the theory that actions speak oder thah word., shrewd observer* re argue that registration was east primarily to sestet the profit- te, seeing that Director Bennett has (lowed up his fleet move with an cremation's' mit ye)," which. will ow Jura where, when and in what tubers workmen are needed or to dispensed with. Hoth the registutt.ion And the occu- tlonal survey Are taken to mean at the Canadian army needn't look r any more man from that quarter. egistration and occupational surveys for tie notnfort and assistance of e manufacturers at home, not for e soldiers at the front. Rumor has that the Government contemplates partial application of the Militia Act hich will raise a Home Guard of flit remand men, who will he Available go to the war at the end of eighteen nth. if the war is not over tre that e, which it very likely will be. if e rumor is true It la another me* of Borden Government's going nigh the mot lone—pulling off jRt and gestutes of loyalty wbleb look 1,1+ G. CAMERON. K. C., BARRIS ll. Tk:R, solicitor, ootary public. Goes llL aatltaa $twat. Oederlcb, third door fro Sousre. All l,uton'tbur.day of each week in °Moe on Ad,ert btreet occupied by Mr. }loops r. omce hour. 4. a.m. toe p.m. I1,HAltLltll GAKHUW, LL,B., BAlt- Bib kB, atwrasy, sobdtor, oto., Uodr eeer r al. Yst.ey w of lswesl arils 11 BRAG BARRISTER, 8OL- • inure, Notary Pubtic and wer losve oo, proton—(:Dort Bons. Gudsttch. *las INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. tnLoIIILLIUP MUTUAL Mltt11 IN S U R ASCE CO.—Facet and sedated taw. property Insured. Clow.—Ja Ouonolly, Pres., (coder Ich P.O.; las. Evans trice-Pres.,Heechwuod 1'. 0.; ra. e..a Y. Mays, Sec..Trw., Be.fortb P. 0. Dtrectors—D. F. richBestortS • John ) Grieve. Winthrop •'W mm Rion Condtaooe: Joys H.uuawele, Brodbagen • Geo. McCartney, Be.foith , Robert Ferris. Haricot ; Malcolm baeh.wee, ilr.cedeld. Agenut: J. W. Yeo, Gods rich ; Alex. Leitch, Clinton ; William Chesney, Sealorth L HWcbley, beatortb. Policy -holden ono pay mossmaionts and got their curds receipted at R. J. Morrleb's Ck.t•hleg Store, Clinton, R. H. Can's Grocery, alnr.Wn street. Gotha -lob, or J. B. Held'. General Stern. Bayfield. '0,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO loan. Aper to M. 0. CAM - N. Barrister }lamntou street. Ooderbh. W• • R. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE AGENT. I.i 1400 LrO.TAltre 1 British, Canadian and Aar1m. aoow*IT. Bioa400• ACD aercoraas' LUSH. Iry : The Oman Accident and Oversatee •Corporation, dvArtArwrctocBONW: Thsae' r U.B. Fidelity and Gus liatee Com pang. Moe at realdesoe. trrtbeart corner of Vic- toria and Bt. David,, street.- 'Phone 1711 MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER E. KELLY, J.P., 00DERICH. ONT. MUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. Patents, Trane Marks, Designs Secured in All Countries. Write tor free book "PATENTS PR0TTO[,'- TION. 'tell, all 01,01t ni d how to get, pat onto. HABCOCK & SONO. established 1117 tormerly Patent truce Examiner, Maxie of Patent Laws, Registered Patent Attorneys We., to W. Jame., Street, Mont real- Branches— Ottawa sod Washington. Representatives in .B foreign eon nlrle• 1 lielliaMireMeNielanseeteseue Brophe3 Bros. uooxemx GODERi('H 1 ne Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers 1 ne Leading Funeral Directors Embalmers Orders carefully • rnAnA t 41 hours. night or A+ . carefully attended to at all hours. night day. I emmtrles. Af*'r one tVVEN- '1AMADVIsitl;whIch will be .ant flea MARION ! MARION. iIM- YAvwsitb at.. Mantriel. • MISERABLE FROM STOMACH TROUBLE Felt Wretched Until He Started To Take °Fruit-a-tlres" . 594 t'saer•trr40 Sr., Mos'raxat., "For two years, I was a miserable sufferer from Rh.wmalisms asd Stomach Tremble. 1 tial frequent Dizzy Spells, and when I took food, felt wretched and sleepy. 1 suffered from Rheu- matism droadfaUy, With pains in my back and joints, and Dy hands swollen. A friend advised "Fruit-a-tives" and from the outset, they did me good. After (he firs! box, !fele ! war felting well and I can truthfully say that "Fruit -a -uvea" is the only medicine that helped me". LOC IS LABRIE. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sire, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit - a -tires Limited, Ottawa. fine If t real est recal 1 an the &tett h O o red. Ofi1 coin ba and overseas* it. padded •hitker the me things. these ernme b tttalit of *skins tenet• a left t P omrere. What the fovetnment needs t vide from Outran, besides the n wary expenses of recruiting, is • and leadership—also a little earn nes.. Recruiting in prime of the ni_ loyal centres—Toronto, for exampl ham come to be such a joke that even the recruits are not to be oaten in by i A prominent military man stated th t mean nothing. B irdeu Goers nment were i nest about recruiting it wool t e masquerade colonel• wh the south of England, cu o the .-ereas Pay and Re ce i belt, give all the non tam Iliont in the army her t retdrned he,•o... purg list d 4.34,000 of all the a, and tit turn iti and help u who are r ally trying to do tVitn the aeon It save• by retrenchments e Harden Gov- nt could ati rad t vide each ro with_ machin • lustrad ng private chats t supply It could also buy fie k .haus, and other gear wretch at now he enter rine of there P Fru 0 0 e - D heroes you have proved yourselves in that battle. "From the Heart" Tuu1WDAT. MARCIE a Iii17 B ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••• 111G .AND AND INDIA • WATcB'—TOWNSHEND• • AANIng, t.11 From General to 146o Aibn at Kist When Hopes Were Not Yet Gene I • • The following order from General • 'tswaabead has oemo to light and will pow what spirit lasptred the detea- • Ora la tis. war's (realore doge: "I • as eoaildesuy expecting to be re - broad 1■ the fleet half of the month • it ',tinter, Our duty stands out • Vein and simple It is our duty to • ear Empire, to our beloved King and ceeatry to stand here and bold up • tae Terklah advance, as we are do- 1 • Mg now, and with the help of all, • hegrt and soul with me together, we will make this defense to be remem- I • bored In history as a glorious one. All in England and India are watch- , • lag us now, and are proud of the • splendid courage and devotion you • have shown, aid 1 tell you: Let all remember the glorious defence of dgi Plevna, for that is what 1s in my • mind. "I am absolutely calm and confident 1 • as to the result The Turk, though geed behind a trench. Is of little value I • is the attack. They have tried tt . • once, and their losses In one night a heir attempt at the fort alone • were 1,000. I have done my duty. • You know the result, and whether 1 was right or not your names will go • dow0 to history as the heroes of • Cte l hon for h r i ntal other day that it coot $111 each to get out and get recruits and 115 in the man's Docket to nail him down. One CH suspects that it costa even more than vvaaas that when one sees a great theatre pro- t'e,. P It "I perhaps by right should not have told you of the above, but 1 feel I owe It to you all to speak straight and openly and to take you Into my confidence, for. God knows, I felt our heavy losses and the suttertug of my poor, brave wounded, and shall re- member tt as long as I live, and 1 may truly say no general I know of has been more loyally obeyed and served I than 1 have been while In command of the 6th Million. "'These words are long. I am afraid, •___ bat 1 speak straight from the heart', • and you will see that I h ell officialdom overboard. We will •, are greedy favored for Dresses for the coming season. We are showing a much succeed, rk • •• • SPEC/AL VALUES IN DRFSS M±4TERIALSI «'e are showing some ex llent values in Dress Materials ane Suitings Serges are first in popularity for Dresses .and Suits: Special cues, West of England all -wool Serges, at 13.25, $1,50, 81. ; 5, 1.1.00, $2.25 to 13.50 per yard. Special Etatnine Serge. all -wool, will give thorough satisfaction for string suits, specially recommended for its dressy appearance. Colgrs; nigger brown. bottle greed, copes, 54 inches wide, 12.25 yard. SERGES .Special Showing of Novelty Polo Coatings These beautiful Polo Coatings for sport wear are very popular,They come in light grounds with large check and stripe designs, 54 inches wide, $2.2i yard. ' • • Special Values in Wide Wale mfrs volare}., • • Cord 'elvete are much in demand for women's coats and children's wear. We are show\)at g a rich finish- Cord N' lvet in calors of golden brown, nigger, battleship grey, cardinal, hats) sand, grEen, cream, 2 inches wide, 65c _eaui. 1 ave thrown •- °• ms my word. But save larger assortment than ever before. e— our ammunition as 1f it were gold. •4 1 (. lgnsd 1 Charles Townshend, Major- The popular Silks are taffetas, pailette, duchess, tussorres, shantungs. crepe de chine, t• I (INC oral commanding 6th Division. (b."' georgette crepes, in plain. colors, spot., awning stripes, Paisley design, etc, Jan ry 86. 1816." • • r Special Showing of the New Silks- S PRISONERS hired for the night, halt-a•dof n pro - Persuaded Germans to Surrender • feasional singers employyed, find per- haps a, Hi h Court udgs to act as ratan-- II to lap one re0►uit who us Director Ben Saskatoon he is t lo he m ee to "o sh nu bs th f0 R are th th it $ w th to mo tlm Chi the t hr may bre rejected for Gillenapehee whet it comes to the show-dowtee The Great %Vier Veterans' AsCOcie- tion. spending thoudenes of dollars in advertising, seems to he having great difficulty in re loiter two hundtrd sod fifty men in thirty days. Toronto is aituost listless shout it—not becauee Toronto is less local than of yore, but because Toronto lxgins to snwpver mit Ottawa i. "kidding us along." The greatest slip recruiting could have would b- r display ,,t sincerity on the put of the Bord.n Goverontent, H. F. GAD:HY. Rheumatic Weather.► March Weather Victims Can Cure Them- selves With Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. R itb the coining of March people who ate afflicted with rheumatism be- gin to have unpleasant reminders of their trouble. The weather is change- ahle—balwy And springlike one day, raw, cold and piercing the next. It ie such sudden changes of weather that aet the p•ings.and tortures of rheuma- teem, lumbago and acuities going. But it must he hotne in mind that al- though weather conditions start the mine the ttouhle is deeply rooted in the blood, and can only he cured through the blocd. AU the lotions and liniments in the world can't cure rheumatism. Rubbing may seem to ease the pain while you are rubbing, but there its value ends. Only through the Word can you curt rheu- natisitr. That's why Dr. tVtlliami 'ink Pills have so many thousands of ores of this trouble to their credit. The new, rich blood which they setu- Ily make drives out the poieonoue acid and rheumatism is vanquished., Among many soNet•era from 1 heuma-' thew who have been cured by 'this' 1 c a medicine is Mr. (': H. McGee, freight shed foreman for the G.T.R. at Peter - bore, who says : —"In the course of my work I 11111 naturally exposed tot all kinds ot weather, with the .result that about two years apo I contracted rhe Bern which settled in my lege. At titnes 1 could scarcely walk, and often had to quit my day's work ow- ing to the st-tines• and the pain. I tried different remedies without get- ting any help until 1 hegaa the use of Dr. tVilliami Pink Pills. I used six horse of [SFR, a7)ii .sit 347 t iitWtk about as well as ever I was. all take the pills occasionally, and 1 hope that (sty experience may be of benefit to @om01e other rheumatic sufferer." If yoin suffer from rhe iuiiaiiseu, or any other disease ot lb. blood, begin to cure yourself today with Dei Wil- Ilamti Pink Pills. Sold by all stealers or by mail at, I cents a box or six boxes/for $2.ul from The ire•. Wil- liams' Medicine Cbb , Brockville, Ont.,' The Best 'Newspaper Value In Western Ontario Che Lonbott Rlavertiser All Mad Editions $3 Per Year to 111 Irishmen • New arrivals in all departments this week. !hone and mail orders receive special attention. I t N The exploit of--chaplein, who, with • CCall'sl Patterns afghteen rnthudJastlt• Irishmen, • brought in "450 very thankful, If • ' • PHONE 56 ' l'Vlillars Scotch Store PHONE 56 • ••i••••••••••o•••••••••••••••••• somewhat dejected, Germans," waw referred to by Sir Philip Sassoon In a speech at Folkestone- It is Silted that • party of the Dublin Fusiliers. accompanied by the parde, wheu re- turning from a .reconnoitring expe- dition, were assaDatbZ llae-Are from a wood where It "`was known the enemy were entrenohed. They imme- diately sought rhe refuge of shell hones, and from there fired a round of shots at the wood. Evidently the fire proved effective, for three Ger- mans emerged from the wood with their hands held up In token of sur- render. The chaplain advanced to meet the trio. and informed them that one of their number could return to the wood and give the remaining Ger- mans the assurance that their lives would be spared if they surrendered. The German who had been deputed to give the mesoage to his compo- feints promptly left, but failed to re - taro. The chaplain decided to enter the wood and see the officer in charge of the enemy. He did so, and the result of his enterprise was that_45Q Germans offered to surrender. They emerged from the thicket, but When confronted with only IA Fuaillers—and not an eptire bat- talion. as they probably surmised— & number of thein sought to return to the wood, with the obvious Inten- tion of renewing the combat- The "Dubs," however, sent a bullet or two In the direction of the retreating sol- diers and soon dispelled all notions of retaliation. It Is stated that ono of the German officers approached the priest and asked that he might be spared the horrors of torturo. At the same time he significantly pointed to a bundle of banknotes which he held in his extended hand. He re- ceived the apt retort "We are British soldiers, sir, not thieves." PUGILIST APPEALED Flyweight Jimmy Wilde Did Not Want Army Service Jimmy Wilde, the flyweight boxing champion, who was ordered to Join the army gymnastic staff,*t Aldershot, was given leave to appeal by the Rhondda Recruiting Tribunal, as he had not done so within the prescribed period. In making the applicatloa Wilde said that he had worked under- jtound for tan years, and thought he could do more useful work there. He had been twice medically refected and had his father, two sisters, and two brothers partially dependent upon him. The Chairman: "Could you not do your bolting in the army'" Wilde: "No, i think not." The Chairman: "Don't get nervous. You Rghting men should be fighting the battles of your country." Wilde: "Not with a 70 -pound penalty do your back." ( Wilde's weight is little stone than 98 pounds). Town Girls on Farms With reference to the statement that the Wiltshire ,par Agricultural Committee 'had decided to close taSIF school for girl farmworkers, Mrs. 14. P Rogers, of Pntterne, 1levizes, the superintendent, writes that the school rotcerned, the Shaw Farm Scheme, was a prtvate experiment, and ft has been eloeed not on acooant of the misfits attained, which hive been by se means Riaeteertentng, but a fiats Sof tt ted poddoo e. f girls i j hit wary conA ys/uttf°yaMRl g farm wort toe McCall's Publication§ • • • • • • i •• •• •• •• • tta) • • • • • • • •• •• •• • • ••••IPIsir• Avoid a Psselbl. Firs In banking up houses for thetea tar, do not use leaves, straw or °tsar inflammable material, unless entirely metered with earth; a chimney Spark, a carelessly thrown match or a cigar- ette or cigar stub may ignite 1t - 1'b. *artier the oat seed is sown the better tthhe crop. This does not mean Mudding It In however. gut haloes R t1 bon -fire and be sure 1t is u leave tt MOTHER,, SUPERIOR Bays Vinol Creates Strength Rosary i1i11 Bongo, Ilawthorne, N. Y. —"I haver used Vino' for many run- down, weak or cmacietd patients with benefit- One young wo an was so weak and ill she could hardly tap to my door for aid. I supplied Vinol to her liberally and in a month 1 hardly r ognized her. She was strong, her color charming and her cheeks rounded out."—Mamas M. ALPRO.'tlA LATHROP, 11. R. I). W,' guarantee Vinnl to sharpen the appetite, aid digestion, enrich the blood and create strength. . ILC. Dunlop, druggist, (;oderich,\Ont. THE PERFECT HOSPITAL Need Not be Palace. But Must be Veer Clean "The main essentia- l of a hospi" says a well known surgeon, "1s that it be so constructed that every room for every patient will at some time of the day get some sunshine. The halls and floors should be as near sound- proof an possible, and the doors should be wide enough for • bed to pass through easily. Alf corners should Do rounded. so that the room may be kept perfectly clean and tree from dust." These simple specifications do hot call ,for a lavish expenditure of Money. and, in the mind of this prat' Also at the heat druggists in all Onario towns. t Beal doctor there is no necessity for Imposing portals or stlrtely entrance halls. The palatial modern hotels- sone years ago were re.ponsihle for the innovation of innovation kitchens from basements to top floors- Now, how- ever, improvements in %eulilating methods and kitchen appliances have very largely resulted In the abandon- ment of this plan. which, from the ltrat, was found oppressive because O( elevator expense- In the opinion of tee medical man above quoted. all ad- ditional cost ire locating the kitelfeit .se a hospital at Its lop instead of ut its bis own Little fob or Big 1 1 From the repairing of a faucet to the installa- tion of a complete plumbi n g system, we a r e equip- ped to do the job. MenaIle some W. R. PINDER, Phone ISS Hamilton Street to topic end I. With the pit ocher is no sign you ate • hrvir•roinded. an Alan is em f bottom, ottol0, Is unneceait try.. The mere fact that you disagree • CIGARETTES 'the blending is l yt;tonal ,i4oe FIFTEEN CENTS liamst Omsk, ata r re'.'1tlwsftC;r' 1itttewrr,-• •.