HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-15, Page 10r `": � 'l1AtiMlr tAMBA , 1 <`. atranee, Fie Northern Ah { £ After peel rentor • efe ; e3c krctic stt111&a or atetanesou i England wt &tortes &bot Finklmos" w siderabletic he said. "an am clvillsal customs a 1g They are r fifty years 1 t.e Human III amongst t People clan `i amore orI Visiting a '., friends wtt' before and kine ingull was told t1 the mann, One day t member of out of th. found In tl it &Dpears, don't knov tag a knit artificer flnlahed h "I think ' be plunge critic. T manse of b much Split r- There 1 among tla, _ _the numbs only by h The Posu' i car 12mo vice of t1 It is ont ohtattled and the yyrut1aa11 i F m btmttn. M.Mmos n chosen 1 another and fish a hoasewo mit WHENy, k r t New mei ;•,"� i heard • aging a � s x withoutis can& . rattle 1 r� , baving �s many al that q 1 e be glv owner' ° xk amyl] 1 t t c fasten, r hood n� Uls& at i p lemon altboa 'f read `` mutate Tools F, giving at the tJ"°, . P s,a«FG A e tact t slapis rours £ i the a,' Fend sr� conal t� ;hrue the t ttf P, ors t .1�. � •• 4Ia.��' SM1 r R'�kl, 70 'HOtt/DAT, M:►acs 16, 1017 .--- _ _ -,. prier, and MIS one fills who •sero y eowm neer 1 ged for & house-to-house -14 Pt�tr k+," the bill. The standard canvass of the villaire and neighbor. "VNrIIIa " beefwithin a radius of four miles - x, model sharpens stand- Yeopin ware •skpf to contribute any i A , and pencils. thing that would be eatable. Nearly y all responded heartily, with the result that on Wednesday xn • large and exceedingly varied\collection of x 6 q articles confronted the Popular Auc- r Dependable Lead Pencils toneer, Mr. 'P. Gundry, who Rave his services gratuitously and wielded the hammer in his usual vigorous style. Try our Dixons Sovereign The crowd in attendance war large, Lead Pencil, 5c each, I the bidding briak, and the sale lasted i ( 60c per dozen. Abso- uettrn hole afternoon, the proceeds ri t. g ibXi for the Rd Crow fund. lutely the best value _en while the sale progressed the I&riies the market. Other coed served lunch tri the Foresters' Hall. �� y S he separate tables tastefully ar- i �y values in Lead Pencilsgged, the attentive waitress, the ry' • at 20c. and ccompanying strains of piano +rad O � � peroljn, merle one Imagine one was dozen . -- aching in soave city cafe, with the ditional luxury of homemade ccok-I les ��t'PTA R• A number of t64 young 11. te re- s, i ce 4' eined for a social evening io thehsl,: ( r u r New Wall Papers ving another lunch at 10.:)0 p, m• (, e proceeds of the lunch room, for : great big showing ofe day amounted to over V10. kw. Wall Papers this seasonAnother result of the day wait the thering of over tour tons of waste, G O D E R ! C Prices as low as ever. per, which has been pressed ready ikp or shipping. 4 ( a iMrl. 4.11 The proceeds of this big day of sF n I March 7 be iog the total amount raised I - byy — 4 ti, the Auburn Red Cross Society [AT LESS^AND 3 '�� Y<ovemlrrr, 1N1.1, up to 1114:M.74. Of this amount SIZ has been sent to head office; Sl:,ti to Capt. Will Fin ' land and $0U to the prisoners of war SALTS FOR K1D fun1'healance as bbeen spent- 1`,� {locallyd,, moa;ly Ain material for so-ke, „a birts, etc. The diligent hands of the ies have rendered willing and faith Take a Chun of Salts before to nice. Up to date boll pain ut if year Back hurts or soc E33 day shirts and 5tf(1 hospital pothers you. .� ' shirt besides besides a nuwG •r of quilts and S%Jr ng 1 s �'3 'r \ ' other kktlefrs, aye been Bent out by fife fdocfd#y, Iq addition 30 boxes of le is C i ^- provisiOu have The American men and omtj'1 � w been &sot to l:Apt. �aa Finglated and also boxes to each of the beea� eoa"tasvy against Kidne) ` l soldier boys tont this seclohn. +•• we sat too much and all 1, t And _you • ,should be Aul{irn freta that it bas no seating is rich. Our blood is fitted we to b4 ashamed of its work done for std which the kidneys strive getting ready for it. the Red Cross, out, they weaken from oven.ork, rc r We are here to d0 Uors it not maniteet what can be sluggish ; the eliminative tissues accomplished when a right spirit of the fesult is kidney trouble $' Your tailoring, and' weakness and a nit 3r service and to.operatgn takes hold of general deelineAn m 1 can fit you out for A c^mtpunity P We ntped the same When your kidneys feel like t spirit of service And the seine cooper: iead; your back hurts or the Fri'• r ? spring with garnllents ,tion in Mostly Other linen of activity, cloudy, full of Nedimeet or y Of of obliged to seek relief two or the s Ppst( �i Which during the night; if You s means U to-datC An 'kms+l from Leeburn Red (;rose k 7 soder w u p" ee&dache or dizzy, nervous spat d x style, first-class Workers. stomach or you have rheumatia re m8�r- The Leeburn Red Crone Workers' the weather is bad, get from • f ials and expert work- maci.t about four ounuee of J D pC Senior Society herewith nukes an tip ' manship.. teal for more workers and more take + tablespoonful in & g of �r ___ - - r, money wa ►s.QrNer.that those who da V'atgL, be breakfast fora re ,rlp�ia,•� r_it ;M,0� at the see what seed year kidneys will then 1-„oJ, Catll [end see �r. the Snciety has seeomplished since it This famous salts is made from 'd `u df .1 If orkanizatioto in November, 11113, the Of gmpea and lemon juice, loom th aA following statement is made: - lithis, and has been'ueed for Amount of money receivedup to to flush an stimulate clogged r 1 R • ,% A rmstrong March 18 h, 1917. U as follows : to neutralize the acids in the ou it t' Members. f fes and monthly ao longer is a source of irritsti us .•\: ending bladder disorders. `i MERCHANT TAILOR -dues ; g0tig 2 .= M) LS Jed halts is i s CollwrgeGougcilRtant........ sell!!) nsxpens've; a in - d„ County eounell grant, Jure, makes a ddiRhtful eR ®t fi,nrlh `aide `*loser, G,slrrich. :1 if) lithe& -water haver Other donation•....... t{ l5 age, std be is every home, because nobod e _ Total rT1 j &i ��having a good ush. expenditure has been "follows, ojjjT nev received front township and --- --- The Best Hese county councils was expended entire- (�o^k Mrs. A. ('luttin xn ing Irk Paper 1 0o material forknitting and sewing. froth Ira. E. Shaw or \Tisa (:• Gard, l" l;&riot mentees' dues was s ant as while money contributions y he V�}� ppte CA 7�YC MHows: British Red Uross Society, handed to the treasurer, Jlrs law- 7 reek Ilton. Goderir h. w 030 ; kgittluR machine, 8:V . Byron 14—Atorlum, •10, and the remainder in Women's WarAuxiha In %Sttlirn Ontafici mwteelal. TM meg continue to fight and weer The Isxrcuthe of the Hur upty Ant seeks and ,Mets and the women R °men's War Contingent ia- Me_�fonaon � keep eq knitting rand °resin The tion met in the Uh. seer, rail is more and moreuritpnt to sock". ('refer, on March 10th, rata k rives from Blytb, Clinton, ,rich, �laverttser R'e ha a one woman who finishes six p � lipsater o1 eocks.every week: [rt it not Rereaall and Exeter were Attain. S be said at the close of the war that a d"rare. The rix months' k was women anywhere in Colborne neither fully discumpri'and found t very All Mail Editions $3 Per Year' gave nor worked to help win it. satisfactory, each month • ft an Yarn maty be had from Airs; Win. t°iprovement. It esu t from the response to the appeal e W the various organizations, hie let 'i -- secure a room'in the flys &sitar- { - ium. London, the room to called ' 'Huron Room." It was ecided to send sucks to the neo et joist Battalion the first week April, 4 J. Pa Walters' Great Removal Any donations of socks or ey will " be aPPreclStsd. The Red sa Soci- ety at Hyman Hall, Londo ma ex- '+ f1htF o -dr .:it'll%fjna +., It; r Pressed its appreciation of a help sits r)i? Riven to it by the orgwgirat . JVAx Firrelr, I•: r, Cor. 8ec'y Huron (•,,. C. A. r b 1,�, -- -- _ OHIO WOMAN'S H t For Tired, Weak, Il<arvo omen Closes Sat.' March ed.we,at,rshin.-'i h every 1 7 tired, weak, aenmrr soma ogled have e_ 1-fnol, for f never .pent i money in my lifethat did me w, n codas I that i mus rat for Vinol; as weak, r - -- -- -- ----- tired. born out and ne� tried \ tact f P - - - - - - — mads• me strong. well env onane after Special Snaps evervthinR else had failrl help me, lis for the seed 1 can now do cele with Windup pleasure•.' -\less j,�IterR. 300 pairs of ladies' and men's Shoes, ate ir"`r`" 0.no ,y all wed eak, Q eon -down, nervou regular $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00, at e� • a7$ ditions. d t H. C. Dunlop,dru f Alsoat the hest drug O rdrrico Unt h $3.00 and $3 SO Low Sh � g m •n onraria towns, Pumps. at. -- -`- a yl..... $1-38 RED OROSS )TES. "VER, All other Shoes, 'Trunks and / Club Bagj at whole- The thanks of the Cedes lioclsty sale prices. ' Are due the follnvsi keltten: D h paten -Miss (`rax ; 0 r1' -ileo Griff- ith ; ,i pairs -Mrs, goo, Mrs. B. J. t 25c bottle black or tan Shoe Polish 15c. 10c bottles 5e. H„us�d. er.. Mitis M. Mitt s brain -Mrs. Ir, Wibod. Mrs. Mrs. Thurlow, Iiint. pain Dig ('wrp L!o Mrs. Will lg up your $ $ Mrs. Johne St treir iA, t}� arW11- It is now the count. learns: Y pairs-Jlre. 1[elTrai'mid, Mn. t McFarlane, Mrs. Mc0artiey, Mn. ^ Alex. i)avideun, Mn Orabmm, Me - REMEMBER SATURDAY Robt. `lark' Miss Shirrity No Nwme, a Mrs. Dixon, No Nanie. 11tH. Gnrm- IS OUR LAST DAY HERE ^1eti• Mrs. Rall. Mr,. Stirling, kir.. : � +ir` Thos. Bell : 1 pair--Dfep, p. E. Kelly, 1fr". Ionkins, A Fri,•nd. Nes. fit-. J. MrSivin, Miss L Millar Nims M. Dark, �i %ire. W. Young, tile+ iVMtinir, Mlms WALTERS V. s'. Birtel, Mrs. Miss- j.; l , rttnils Rall, Successor to Mrs'. Rirnie, Mitis- ti; r, seer, Mer., WA L T E R SLynn. Dir•• Marwick. \fl.. C. dark, Co.�Mn, fi McEwen, Me 4. Wo,. Rtr•achan, Mrs. (>eridann. Mn. Ohaa. Marvin. . Mrc. Foster, Miss McUalu, Mrs. Jlsa- kis. A' '•'�' 0 DUNGANNON. � Rowes -ELL m,su.-A quiet wed- dlna was solemnised at the home fit r. and Mrs, Hobert J. Durgin u** Wednesday event March Tth, who: Mise Loots Helford heealus the bride of Mr. Arthur Roach, Rev. H. R. Wil- liams, rector of bt. Paul's church, Dungannon, performing the cere- wooy. The bride, who was given away by Mr. Durnin, looked charming in cream orel dr -chine and carried • bouquet of bridal roses. Mrs. C. Tre- leaven, sister of the groom, played the wedding march. The presents were good and useful, smoog them being cheques from the bride's hrothrn, Serge, Alfred Hefford, of England, and Pte. Will Helfurd, in France. The gloom's gift was a gold pendant set with pearls. The young couple, who have the good wiebee of a large circle of friends for a long and happy lite to- gether, will reside on the groom'o farm near Dunganr;on. R SA IECD_ TUIESPAr, March 13. MrsF. A. Edwards returned last week from a month's visit at Kitch- ener. Miss Persons held an afternoon few and sewing bee for the Patriotic So- ciety on Friday of last week. bars. Sanderson and son George, of Toronto, were in the village a few drys last week disposing of their fur- niture. Mr. and ,b. Manderson in- tend going to Saskatchewan to live with thdh' son 1,N illian,. The Akard timee't social held in the town half on Tuesday evening of last week by the Patriotic Society cre&tpd a good deal of interest &rad was fairly well patronized, the proceeds amount- ing to nearly $20. The m%jority were attired in suitable costumes of rags and patches and safely passed the criticism of the three judges, Rev, .Nleoar,. Macfarlane and Junes and Mr, I F. A. Edwards, while those who did not were each tined ten centa The ladies' prize, given for the ••hatdest" , costume, was won by Mrs, Edward Sturgeon ; the gents' prize by Mr, C. MrGee, Of the Sterling Bank ; the ggirls' by Miss Jean Woods, and the boyi by Norman Tome. These prizes, i when the many boxes a,,,1 wrap pen wells removed, proved to iw "hum - hugs " and lemonp, FORsMALOPENING DISPLAY OF x. .N8 W -. a MILLINER Y FOR SPRING Will stake place Thursday, March 22nd, and fol- lowing days, commencing at two o'clock Thursday ` ( YOU are cordially invited to visit our show -room on open- 4 ing days. There awaits you a charming display of � fashions most approvedand correct styles in millinery �. ' for the coming season. There is a difference in the millinery A this spring, a decided difference from that of past seasons, r and we know you will be interested in studying the many at* r tractive models our milliners have prepared for opening days. 1 w Come whichever day and whatever time suits you best. You? will be welcome. � I ,TWO APPRENTICES..,WANTED TO LEARN MILLINERY Those twith a little experielsee in sewing preferred. Good chance for ativ ancenteut to sutart girls. Apple at once. t �� "��'±r Women's Institute Tea The Won4ti's Institute of Goderich will serve tea in our'1'atpet department, for the benefit of the Rett Cross work, from three to six o'clock on tate afternoon of Thiara• day, !lurch '22nd. The Carpet department will be cleared fort occasion and tanwd over to the ladies. Help the Red Crr>_cs work by�t� g tea with hem next Thursdag afternoon. 'ADMISSION L \ r 1 OBIrUARYy Showingof New Coats and Suits ' JONES. -From the Ridgetown Do. minion we take the followingrefer. ); See the new Suits and Coats. ence tet the death of Dir. J. H. E .�t JA' Jones, of Duart, son-in-law of Mr, and ) *' I�'• Alrp. J. C. LeTouzel, of Goderich :f �, A special display of them all f - • x The death ocsnrrea on Friday. ! 1" + next week. New models March 2nd, at the family residence, " a Duart, of J H. E. Jones, in his 58th MT year. The deceased was a well-known have just come to hand and highly respected citizen, having kept store in Duart for the past eigbt- I - direct from the factories and cif een years. He was a kind-hearted, ! �I' tb good-natured. honorable man and his ! �k,w _ _ rr a stock Is at lb death wttt�-seideiy-re•greils�. _For, - Bee and best buy - years the late Me-. Jones was chairman y g of bis division as an officer of the 1-11,- r' rf) I eral-Conservative Association of East q ing is done now, for the as - Hent. For almost ten veers he acted as local justice of the peace to the liar-' r=' sortment is larger and the isfection of the community. He was �\ 1 a mrm r of the Angglirwn church. ° values better than they can Lett to n ides hin wljnw are Oas1U1 be as the Spring ad - two dauohre rad tbner tions : Ro¢¢. j p Y ert, of the C.A AI.C. -. Harold, whb, has been attending s^hool at Code- vane: I 'Arar conditior-s dip rich ; Frances, Grace and Dturiel at are causing a ]narked scar - home. Deceived belonged to the ,,,: ' 1. O. F., C. O. F., and the M&sonic -t Lodge The funeral was held on Mon .' l Citi -of materials for both day at 2.30 p.m., fl-om the residence. r Service by Rev, Mr. Hamilton, of Coati and Sults, and prices Ridgeto&n, assisted byy Rev. J. Ir. Bannstyne. The pallbrate•n; war.• fir. later on are bound to be ` ` 1,I, William McKellar, Dr. McLean, q \• Durand C•mpheil, M. McPherson. higher than those of today. Sou (.ilmore and Ivan Morrison. The era notal tributes were nusuerous and l Make your selecti(,n now and \ _, Asammatiful, including sprays from Mr. $ . l a Mrs. Durand Uampl eu, the teach- ° + we Will be glad to lay aside er pupils of Dust•t public school, 1 a a a Suit or Coat until you • _ a R. O�rie, the U. O. F., the I. O. F., w I�'�` ; "' t' - cross from Highgate Lodge, No, iRfS, r t also sprays from other Wends. Rela- � y� ready to take it, if you pre- �^ tives who attended the funeral in- x ✓ ;u, u." -OL eluded Mr and Dfro. Talbot. of Lon- �t r Fes""�_• i fer. r v don : Dr. and Mrs. LoTnuzel, London ; �... Miss LeTousel and Harold Junes, of - Goderieh. McCRIMMOY. On Friday, Mareh We re-cover Uatirellas We stake Window S`ades to order We upholster Fainihtre 2rd there passed away at bib home at fl'a el Hi le Otte Of the unique P Y q personalities of that 9cnttish community and one;fl? of the most useful of Ont•rio'a pion- �?i plot) - term. in theper"on of D. A. Met' Hodgens Bros."`I'�', -- non, M. D. He was born in Glen- gairy county in 184 the son of Alex. Direct I®pofr'ttn-. ,F -., ,,. GOdtriCh, Ontario HcUrimmn0 and J&ne Mose. in I8t{,i ° r'`'" s �' a r `°r end IFAM he Islught slhool in Lucknow, but. resigned to rake up the study of medicine, In 18110 he graduated from McGill Medical Vollege, Montreal, _ &king the medal in biology. He inq. y - — ------ _ mediately began the practice of meds- En year, was tarn in Cumberland s it Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL Gina In Luctnow. His remarkable EoRland, but camls to this country. record in cures of nipningitib in the with her parents when quite a young great epidemic of Huron county drew girl. The tarnily settled flret in Hal- — docte,ra from all parts to confer with ton county, where the subject of this him. After some years' practice in eketch grew to womanhood and where' .ucknow he cse>red the ocean and I she wall married. After her marriage' took brilliant poat-graduate, rouraeos I she resided for a time at Oakville• but or the d►grees of M.R.0 S. and L.R.' it in over thirty years since she came Are You Really Sincere in Your Ex - 8. P Owing to very aerious illness with her husband and young family A his return from Edinburgh, he to Huron county, and after spending T mowed to Underwood. Bruce countyy, I ten years or so at Nile they settled in "lel•; c s premions of Loyalty u t ales nd on reg&Ining hill bpallh settled in Olimon. Eighteen years ago Mr. y °'' Ripley in 1895. . While in Lucknow he Carter p&sped &way. Mn. (',rrter was t.° ass the' livlswire" of the noted Cate-' a gentle, kindly, motherly woman, 1'� YOU may be, but dont feel equal t0 the onion SocietyOf Western Ontario,wnd one who was devoted to het children, I -' _---` or twelve• )sera was its chi#t. in 1871 while they in their turn were tenderly r' rigors 6f bvnc l warfare. Well, Why not t merriest d she an Wven children of eight es r her, ix a family often its, JOIN �E CANADIAN ENGINEERS "»;t Lucknow, and she and npnen childreD eight survive, six sone and two � at him. Three are t Horace, of daughters : James, Auhurn ; John• � and WOr� at Vancouver • Hamiph, of Chicano ; Detroit ;Robert, isssc, William, T. T. ? YOUr Own partiCular trade ? Alpe., of Ruh Alaska : Mrs, (Dr,) grid Mrs. Fred Mutch and Mrs. J. Coulter, of l hlladelphis ; Rate, at I;ochran#, of Ulinton. She is oleo our. �y time: Mm (Rev,) J. M. Horton, of I yived by one brother, Mr. Willis Bell, It u r� CWS[! t0 g!t pia t�! gaM! HinKswille, and Adele, at home. All of Gderich. The funeral kook pplace he doctor's blathers and misters are on Sunda afternoon from the bnme , &the, mine to all. and their agttrrg&ts I of Mr. an Mrs. Cmchrwnls, Mr. Eget- est _"` B enlisting &gas make OW yewra. Ur. McCrimmori' Y R you will remove that weight men, pastor of the Baptist church, 1 R t W •Liberal and a Preebyr#sten, conducting the cervices. The poll- tl which stems to be on your Conscience these bearers were her ds Pone. Amon i days. You will also have the opportunity OARTSR.-Clinton Nawa-Ree R y' Myrrh 1 : Sora Jane Belt, widow of I the relatives and friends present for of seeing Europe. The change will work r be late Isaac Garter, died at the home the f^ner•&I were: Mr. and Mn. ia;* p wonders in you. %� f her son -In-law, Mr. J. Cucbrane, George Bell, Mn. Vivian and Mn. ?+ f isl fi Yong Burlin ton ; Mr. WillisBell, ' Mar].tt•ls#t, on Friday morning after ,L� R comparatively short illness- Mrs. r•�• Mn, R. and Mrs. J. Johnston, y The deee&sed, who was in her eight Misers• ltolrert, J. and D. Bell and ryk'r- if not for overseas, then t All— 1ie11, Mn. W. Craig, Mr. i- Oar- UnIST� NON, wm for Home Service ---any- ter and Mr, and Mrs. T. Bell, God#- *4` ing rather than be out of the game. Come Nch : Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter and talk it over at the Recruiting Rooms i family. Auburn : Mr. and Mn. N. g Hill, Auburn ; Mr. John Carter, lis f z is f Porter's annex).Gal LLETTS troll : Mrs. Powell, Hamilton, and Mrs. D. Carter and daughter. Strat- ford. 1 rj l There were many 1,#.ntirnl ((+„j SERGT. T. PRiTCHARD, ", r _ C flowers sent by friends near and farCLEANS DISINFECTS , „Pse ernes • - .,,, • man] taking this moan* Of #xprs•.dnR Recruiting Offiotf� •� their q]mpathy with the family and feels ess/eet foe tie departed. `-__ —._. -.__- _— "`•'....n.-2222.. ...-.-.�-___.._. �• _ ••y ... __ ' y. r. rte. ,. r,'Y'yw'. �,�F. AUBURN RED CROSS. • The Nsw Desk or Table — A Roscord of Achisvesaeat of Which the PENCIL SHARPENER C.awmuaity slay Well Be Proud Standard Model s1.50 The People of Auburn and surround. ing eurumuuity are feeling s Vt Nearly everybody will buy plsaaed nod a bit proud of the success of the rum• ° seise sale which was held a dependable Pencil there on Wedged& March 7. Phe Initiative Ei Sharpener at the right in this mater was taken a flow weeks o by the War Auxillar i l prier, and MIS one fills who •sero y eowm neer 1 ged for & house-to-house -14 Pt�tr k+," the bill. The standard canvass of the villaire and neighbor. "VNrIIIa " beefwithin a radius of four miles - x, model sharpens stand- Yeopin ware •skpf to contribute any i A , and pencils. thing that would be eatable. Nearly y all responded heartily, with the result that on Wednesday xn • large and exceedingly varied\collection of x 6 q articles confronted the Popular Auc- r Dependable Lead Pencils toneer, Mr. 'P. Gundry, who Rave his services gratuitously and wielded the hammer in his usual vigorous style. Try our Dixons Sovereign The crowd in attendance war large, Lead Pencil, 5c each, I the bidding briak, and the sale lasted i ( 60c per dozen. Abso- uettrn hole afternoon, the proceeds ri t. g ibXi for the Rd Crow fund. lutely the best value _en while the sale progressed the I&riies the market. Other coed served lunch tri the Foresters' Hall. �� y S he separate tables tastefully ar- i �y values in Lead Pencilsgged, the attentive waitress, the ry' • at 20c. and ccompanying strains of piano +rad O � � peroljn, merle one Imagine one was dozen . -- aching in soave city cafe, with the ditional luxury of homemade ccok-I les ��t'PTA R• A number of t64 young 11. te re- s, i ce 4' eined for a social evening io thehsl,: ( r u r New Wall Papers ving another lunch at 10.:)0 p, m• (, e proceeds of the lunch room, for : great big showing ofe day amounted to over V10. kw. Wall Papers this seasonAnother result of the day wait the thering of over tour tons of waste, G O D E R ! C Prices as low as ever. per, which has been pressed ready ikp or shipping. 4 ( a iMrl. 4.11 The proceeds of this big day of sF n I March 7 be iog the total amount raised I - byy — 4 ti, the Auburn Red Cross Society [AT LESS^AND 3 '�� Y<ovemlrrr, 1N1.1, up to 1114:M.74. Of this amount SIZ has been sent to head office; Sl:,ti to Capt. Will Fin ' land and $0U to the prisoners of war SALTS FOR K1D fun1'healance as bbeen spent- 1`,� {locallyd,, moa;ly Ain material for so-ke, „a birts, etc. The diligent hands of the ies have rendered willing and faith Take a Chun of Salts before to nice. Up to date boll pain ut if year Back hurts or soc E33 day shirts and 5tf(1 hospital pothers you. .� ' shirt besides besides a nuwG •r of quilts and S%Jr ng 1 s �'3 'r \ ' other kktlefrs, aye been Bent out by fife fdocfd#y, Iq addition 30 boxes of le is C i ^- provisiOu have The American men and omtj'1 � w been &sot to l:Apt. �aa Finglated and also boxes to each of the beea� eoa"tasvy against Kidne) ` l soldier boys tont this seclohn. +•• we sat too much and all 1, t And _you • ,should be Aul{irn freta that it bas no seating is rich. Our blood is fitted we to b4 ashamed of its work done for std which the kidneys strive getting ready for it. the Red Cross, out, they weaken from oven.ork, rc r We are here to d0 Uors it not maniteet what can be sluggish ; the eliminative tissues accomplished when a right spirit of the fesult is kidney trouble $' Your tailoring, and' weakness and a nit 3r service and to.operatgn takes hold of general deelineAn m 1 can fit you out for A c^mtpunity P We ntped the same When your kidneys feel like t spirit of service And the seine cooper: iead; your back hurts or the Fri'• r ? spring with garnllents ,tion in Mostly Other linen of activity, cloudy, full of Nedimeet or y Of of obliged to seek relief two or the s Ppst( �i Which during the night; if You s means U to-datC An 'kms+l from Leeburn Red (;rose k 7 soder w u p" ee&dache or dizzy, nervous spat d x style, first-class Workers. stomach or you have rheumatia re m8�r- The Leeburn Red Crone Workers' the weather is bad, get from • f ials and expert work- maci.t about four ounuee of J D pC Senior Society herewith nukes an tip ' manship.. teal for more workers and more take + tablespoonful in & g of �r ___ - - r, money wa ►s.QrNer.that those who da V'atgL, be breakfast fora re ,rlp�ia,•� r_it ;M,0� at the see what seed year kidneys will then 1-„oJ, Catll [end see �r. the Snciety has seeomplished since it This famous salts is made from 'd `u df .1 If orkanizatioto in November, 11113, the Of gmpea and lemon juice, loom th aA following statement is made: - lithis, and has been'ueed for Amount of money receivedup to to flush an stimulate clogged r 1 R • ,% A rmstrong March 18 h, 1917. U as follows : to neutralize the acids in the ou it t' Members. f fes and monthly ao longer is a source of irritsti us .•\: ending bladder disorders. `i MERCHANT TAILOR -dues ; g0tig 2 .= M) LS Jed halts is i s CollwrgeGougcilRtant........ sell!!) nsxpens've; a in - d„ County eounell grant, Jure, makes a ddiRhtful eR ®t fi,nrlh `aide `*loser, G,slrrich. :1 if) lithe& -water haver Other donation•....... t{ l5 age, std be is every home, because nobod e _ Total rT1 j &i ��having a good ush. expenditure has been "follows, ojjjT nev received front township and --- --- The Best Hese county councils was expended entire- (�o^k Mrs. A. ('luttin xn ing Irk Paper 1 0o material forknitting and sewing. froth Ira. E. Shaw or \Tisa (:• Gard, l" l;&riot mentees' dues was s ant as while money contributions y he V�}� ppte CA 7�YC MHows: British Red Uross Society, handed to the treasurer, Jlrs law- 7 reek Ilton. Goderir h. w 030 ; kgittluR machine, 8:V . Byron 14—Atorlum, •10, and the remainder in Women's WarAuxiha In %Sttlirn Ontafici mwteelal. TM meg continue to fight and weer The Isxrcuthe of the Hur upty Ant seeks and ,Mets and the women R °men's War Contingent ia- Me_�fonaon � keep eq knitting rand °resin The tion met in the Uh. seer, rail is more and moreuritpnt to sock". ('refer, on March 10th, rata k rives from Blytb, Clinton, ,rich, �laverttser R'e ha a one woman who finishes six p � lipsater o1 eocks.every week: [rt it not Rereaall and Exeter were Attain. S be said at the close of the war that a d"rare. The rix months' k was women anywhere in Colborne neither fully discumpri'and found t very All Mail Editions $3 Per Year' gave nor worked to help win it. satisfactory, each month • ft an Yarn maty be had from Airs; Win. t°iprovement. It esu t from the response to the appeal e W the various organizations, hie let 'i -- secure a room'in the flys &sitar- { - ium. London, the room to called ' 'Huron Room." It was ecided to send sucks to the neo et joist Battalion the first week April, 4 J. Pa Walters' Great Removal Any donations of socks or ey will " be aPPreclStsd. The Red sa Soci- ety at Hyman Hall, Londo ma ex- '+ f1htF o -dr .:it'll%fjna +., It; r Pressed its appreciation of a help sits r)i? Riven to it by the orgwgirat . JVAx Firrelr, I•: r, Cor. 8ec'y Huron (•,,. C. A. r b 1,�, -- -- _ OHIO WOMAN'S H t For Tired, Weak, Il<arvo omen Closes Sat.' March ed.we,at,rshin.-'i h every 1 7 tired, weak, aenmrr soma ogled have e_ 1-fnol, for f never .pent i money in my lifethat did me w, n codas I that i mus rat for Vinol; as weak, r - -- -- -- ----- tired. born out and ne� tried \ tact f P - - - - - - — mads• me strong. well env onane after Special Snaps evervthinR else had failrl help me, lis for the seed 1 can now do cele with Windup pleasure•.' -\less j,�IterR. 300 pairs of ladies' and men's Shoes, ate ir"`r`" 0.no ,y all wed eak, Q eon -down, nervou regular $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00, at e� • a7$ ditions. d t H. C. Dunlop,dru f Alsoat the hest drug O rdrrico Unt h $3.00 and $3 SO Low Sh � g m •n onraria towns, Pumps. at. -- -`- a yl..... $1-38 RED OROSS )TES. "VER, All other Shoes, 'Trunks and / Club Bagj at whole- The thanks of the Cedes lioclsty sale prices. ' Are due the follnvsi keltten: D h paten -Miss (`rax ; 0 r1' -ileo Griff- ith ; ,i pairs -Mrs, goo, Mrs. B. J. t 25c bottle black or tan Shoe Polish 15c. 10c bottles 5e. H„us�d. er.. Mitis M. Mitt s brain -Mrs. Ir, Wibod. Mrs. Mrs. Thurlow, Iiint. pain Dig ('wrp L!o Mrs. Will lg up your $ $ Mrs. Johne St treir iA, t}� arW11- It is now the count. learns: Y pairs-Jlre. 1[elTrai'mid, Mn. t McFarlane, Mrs. Mc0artiey, Mn. ^ Alex. i)avideun, Mn Orabmm, Me - REMEMBER SATURDAY Robt. `lark' Miss Shirrity No Nwme, a Mrs. Dixon, No Nanie. 11tH. Gnrm- IS OUR LAST DAY HERE ^1eti• Mrs. Rall. Mr,. Stirling, kir.. : � +ir` Thos. Bell : 1 pair--Dfep, p. E. Kelly, 1fr". Ionkins, A Fri,•nd. Nes. fit-. J. MrSivin, Miss L Millar Nims M. Dark, �i %ire. W. Young, tile+ iVMtinir, Mlms WALTERS V. s'. Birtel, Mrs. Miss- j.; l , rttnils Rall, Successor to Mrs'. Rirnie, Mitis- ti; r, seer, Mer., WA L T E R SLynn. Dir•• Marwick. \fl.. C. dark, Co.�Mn, fi McEwen, Me 4. Wo,. Rtr•achan, Mrs. (>eridann. Mn. Ohaa. Marvin. . Mrc. Foster, Miss McUalu, Mrs. Jlsa- kis. A' '•'�' 0 DUNGANNON. � Rowes -ELL m,su.-A quiet wed- dlna was solemnised at the home fit r. and Mrs, Hobert J. Durgin u** Wednesday event March Tth, who: Mise Loots Helford heealus the bride of Mr. Arthur Roach, Rev. H. R. Wil- liams, rector of bt. Paul's church, Dungannon, performing the cere- wooy. The bride, who was given away by Mr. Durnin, looked charming in cream orel dr -chine and carried • bouquet of bridal roses. Mrs. C. Tre- leaven, sister of the groom, played the wedding march. The presents were good and useful, smoog them being cheques from the bride's hrothrn, Serge, Alfred Hefford, of England, and Pte. Will Helfurd, in France. The gloom's gift was a gold pendant set with pearls. The young couple, who have the good wiebee of a large circle of friends for a long and happy lite to- gether, will reside on the groom'o farm near Dunganr;on. R SA IECD_ TUIESPAr, March 13. MrsF. A. Edwards returned last week from a month's visit at Kitch- ener. Miss Persons held an afternoon few and sewing bee for the Patriotic So- ciety on Friday of last week. bars. Sanderson and son George, of Toronto, were in the village a few drys last week disposing of their fur- niture. Mr. and ,b. Manderson in- tend going to Saskatchewan to live with thdh' son 1,N illian,. The Akard timee't social held in the town half on Tuesday evening of last week by the Patriotic Society cre&tpd a good deal of interest &rad was fairly well patronized, the proceeds amount- ing to nearly $20. The m%jority were attired in suitable costumes of rags and patches and safely passed the criticism of the three judges, Rev, .Nleoar,. Macfarlane and Junes and Mr, I F. A. Edwards, while those who did not were each tined ten centa The ladies' prize, given for the ••hatdest" , costume, was won by Mrs, Edward Sturgeon ; the gents' prize by Mr, C. MrGee, Of the Sterling Bank ; the ggirls' by Miss Jean Woods, and the boyi by Norman Tome. These prizes, i when the many boxes a,,,1 wrap pen wells removed, proved to iw "hum - hugs " and lemonp, FORsMALOPENING DISPLAY OF x. .N8 W -. a MILLINER Y FOR SPRING Will stake place Thursday, March 22nd, and fol- lowing days, commencing at two o'clock Thursday ` ( YOU are cordially invited to visit our show -room on open- 4 ing days. There awaits you a charming display of � fashions most approvedand correct styles in millinery �. ' for the coming season. There is a difference in the millinery A this spring, a decided difference from that of past seasons, r and we know you will be interested in studying the many at* r tractive models our milliners have prepared for opening days. 1 w Come whichever day and whatever time suits you best. You? will be welcome. � I ,TWO APPRENTICES..,WANTED TO LEARN MILLINERY Those twith a little experielsee in sewing preferred. Good chance for ativ ancenteut to sutart girls. Apple at once. t �� "��'±r Women's Institute Tea The Won4ti's Institute of Goderich will serve tea in our'1'atpet department, for the benefit of the Rett Cross work, from three to six o'clock on tate afternoon of Thiara• day, !lurch '22nd. The Carpet department will be cleared fort occasion and tanwd over to the ladies. Help the Red Crr>_cs work by�t� g tea with hem next Thursdag afternoon. 'ADMISSION L \ r 1 OBIrUARYy Showingof New Coats and Suits ' JONES. -From the Ridgetown Do. minion we take the followingrefer. ); See the new Suits and Coats. ence tet the death of Dir. J. H. E .�t JA' Jones, of Duart, son-in-law of Mr, and ) *' I�'• Alrp. J. C. LeTouzel, of Goderich :f �, A special display of them all f - • x The death ocsnrrea on Friday. ! 1" + next week. New models March 2nd, at the family residence, " a Duart, of J H. E. Jones, in his 58th MT year. The deceased was a well-known have just come to hand and highly respected citizen, having kept store in Duart for the past eigbt- I - direct from the factories and cif een years. He was a kind-hearted, ! �I' tb good-natured. honorable man and his ! �k,w _ _ rr a stock Is at lb death wttt�-seideiy-re•greils�. _For, - Bee and best buy - years the late Me-. Jones was chairman y g of bis division as an officer of the 1-11,- r' rf) I eral-Conservative Association of East q ing is done now, for the as - Hent. For almost ten veers he acted as local justice of the peace to the liar-' r=' sortment is larger and the isfection of the community. He was �\ 1 a mrm r of the Angglirwn church. ° values better than they can Lett to n ides hin wljnw are Oas1U1 be as the Spring ad - two dauohre rad tbner tions : Ro¢¢. j p Y ert, of the C.A AI.C. -. Harold, whb, has been attending s^hool at Code- vane: I 'Arar conditior-s dip rich ; Frances, Grace and Dturiel at are causing a ]narked scar - home. Deceived belonged to the ,,,: ' 1. O. F., C. O. F., and the M&sonic -t Lodge The funeral was held on Mon .' l Citi -of materials for both day at 2.30 p.m., fl-om the residence. r Service by Rev, Mr. Hamilton, of Coati and Sults, and prices Ridgeto&n, assisted byy Rev. J. Ir. Bannstyne. The pallbrate•n; war.• fir. later on are bound to be ` ` 1,I, William McKellar, Dr. McLean, q \• Durand C•mpheil, M. McPherson. higher than those of today. Sou (.ilmore and Ivan Morrison. The era notal tributes were nusuerous and l Make your selecti(,n now and \ _, Asammatiful, including sprays from Mr. $ . l a Mrs. Durand Uampl eu, the teach- ° + we Will be glad to lay aside er pupils of Dust•t public school, 1 a a a Suit or Coat until you • _ a R. O�rie, the U. O. F., the I. O. F., w I�'�` ; "' t' - cross from Highgate Lodge, No, iRfS, r t also sprays from other Wends. Rela- � y� ready to take it, if you pre- �^ tives who attended the funeral in- x ✓ ;u, u." -OL eluded Mr and Dfro. Talbot. of Lon- �t r Fes""�_• i fer. r v don : Dr. and Mrs. LoTnuzel, London ; �... Miss LeTousel and Harold Junes, of - Goderieh. McCRIMMOY. On Friday, Mareh We re-cover Uatirellas We stake Window S`ades to order We upholster Fainihtre 2rd there passed away at bib home at fl'a el Hi le Otte Of the unique P Y q personalities of that 9cnttish community and one;fl? of the most useful of Ont•rio'a pion- �?i plot) - term. in theper"on of D. A. Met' Hodgens Bros."`I'�', -- non, M. D. He was born in Glen- gairy county in 184 the son of Alex. Direct I®pofr'ttn-. ,F -., ,,. GOdtriCh, Ontario HcUrimmn0 and J&ne Mose. in I8t{,i ° r'`'" s �' a r `°r end IFAM he Islught slhool in Lucknow, but. resigned to rake up the study of medicine, In 18110 he graduated from McGill Medical Vollege, Montreal, _ &king the medal in biology. He inq. y - — ------ _ mediately began the practice of meds- En year, was tarn in Cumberland s it Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL Gina In Luctnow. His remarkable EoRland, but camls to this country. record in cures of nipningitib in the with her parents when quite a young great epidemic of Huron county drew girl. The tarnily settled flret in Hal- — docte,ra from all parts to confer with ton county, where the subject of this him. After some years' practice in eketch grew to womanhood and where' .ucknow he cse>red the ocean and I she wall married. After her marriage' took brilliant poat-graduate, rouraeos I she resided for a time at Oakville• but or the d►grees of M.R.0 S. and L.R.' it in over thirty years since she came Are You Really Sincere in Your Ex - 8. P Owing to very aerious illness with her husband and young family A his return from Edinburgh, he to Huron county, and after spending T mowed to Underwood. Bruce countyy, I ten years or so at Nile they settled in "lel•; c s premions of Loyalty u t ales nd on reg&Ining hill bpallh settled in Olimon. Eighteen years ago Mr. y °'' Ripley in 1895. . While in Lucknow he Carter p&sped &way. Mn. (',rrter was t.° ass the' livlswire" of the noted Cate-' a gentle, kindly, motherly woman, 1'� YOU may be, but dont feel equal t0 the onion SocietyOf Western Ontario,wnd one who was devoted to het children, I -' _---` or twelve• )sera was its chi#t. in 1871 while they in their turn were tenderly r' rigors 6f bvnc l warfare. Well, Why not t merriest d she an Wven children of eight es r her, ix a family often its, JOIN �E CANADIAN ENGINEERS "»;t Lucknow, and she and npnen childreD eight survive, six sone and two � at him. Three are t Horace, of daughters : James, Auhurn ; John• � and WOr� at Vancouver • Hamiph, of Chicano ; Detroit ;Robert, isssc, William, T. T. ? YOUr Own partiCular trade ? Alpe., of Ruh Alaska : Mrs, (Dr,) grid Mrs. Fred Mutch and Mrs. J. Coulter, of l hlladelphis ; Rate, at I;ochran#, of Ulinton. She is oleo our. �y time: Mm (Rev,) J. M. Horton, of I yived by one brother, Mr. Willis Bell, It u r� CWS[! t0 g!t pia t�! gaM! HinKswille, and Adele, at home. All of Gderich. The funeral kook pplace he doctor's blathers and misters are on Sunda afternoon from the bnme , &the, mine to all. and their agttrrg&ts I of Mr. an Mrs. Cmchrwnls, Mr. Eget- est _"` B enlisting &gas make OW yewra. Ur. McCrimmori' Y R you will remove that weight men, pastor of the Baptist church, 1 R t W •Liberal and a Preebyr#sten, conducting the cervices. The poll- tl which stems to be on your Conscience these bearers were her ds Pone. Amon i days. You will also have the opportunity OARTSR.-Clinton Nawa-Ree R y' Myrrh 1 : Sora Jane Belt, widow of I the relatives and friends present for of seeing Europe. The change will work r be late Isaac Garter, died at the home the f^ner•&I were: Mr. and Mn. ia;* p wonders in you. %� f her son -In-law, Mr. J. Cucbrane, George Bell, Mn. Vivian and Mn. ?+ f isl fi Yong Burlin ton ; Mr. WillisBell, ' Mar].tt•ls#t, on Friday morning after ,L� R comparatively short illness- Mrs. r•�• Mn, R. and Mrs. J. Johnston, y The deee&sed, who was in her eight Misers• ltolrert, J. and D. Bell and ryk'r- if not for overseas, then t All— 1ie11, Mn. W. Craig, Mr. i- Oar- UnIST� NON, wm for Home Service ---any- ter and Mr, and Mrs. T. Bell, God#- *4` ing rather than be out of the game. Come Nch : Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter and talk it over at the Recruiting Rooms i family. Auburn : Mr. and Mn. N. g Hill, Auburn ; Mr. John Carter, lis f z is f Porter's annex).Gal LLETTS troll : Mrs. Powell, Hamilton, and Mrs. D. Carter and daughter. Strat- ford. 1 rj l There were many 1,#.ntirnl ((+„j SERGT. T. PRiTCHARD, ", r _ C flowers sent by friends near and farCLEANS DISINFECTS , „Pse ernes • - .,,, • man] taking this moan* Of #xprs•.dnR Recruiting Offiotf� •� their q]mpathy with the family and feels ess/eet foe tie departed. `-__ —._. -.__- _— "`•'....n.-2222.. ...-.-.�-___.._. �• _ ••y ... __ ' y. r. rte. ,. r,'Y'yw'. �,�F.