HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-15, Page 9TTIFt BIGN.a MnDERTerl (1NTA h1()
SUPERSTITION IN jAPAM You may be deceived
acme day by as Imitation of
Mlsalonalrlee Have Had • Flied
Against Popular Beliefs
An European writes: "Japan 1s
popularly supposed to have one `re-
ligion, Buddhism, and one quasi -
religion, Shtntolsm, usually under-
stood to be upheld by the authorities
as a stimulus to patriotic thinking.
But as a matter of fact there are
nearly thirty different sects In the two
religions. It Is not heathen religions,
however, which have to be fought, but
the superstitllions which cluster
round them. Worship of a deplorable
kind is practised In connection with
many Shinto sbrtnes. The tourist
passes a Fox shrine by the wayside,
and 1s Impressed by Its picturesque.
ne.s and sees little in It except a
rection fot a smile.
"There are Japanese at this day
, who keep seryl ots in cages and call
hem Udetsasama: 'honorable lord
L.'azen serpent,' bowing before them
1 !a
supplication. When we hobnob
with the principal of the village
'.chool and he. with a cynical smile,
' says that the people are very ignor-
ant, .we should remember that In al-
most every village there are oue or
two soothsaying women called "Niko'
who are consulted by otherwise in-
telligent men on every important step
fu business, and who have often more
power than any priest or official over
the actual lives of members of the
community, acting not: only with re-
gard to the affalrs of the living but
rendering service as mediums betwps
the living and the spirits of the de.
parted, settling questions of property.
marriage end divorce."
If you have trouble with
your water pipes or your
call us up and we will
put our skill and expert
knowledge to the task of
getting things in good
running order again in a
shrift. time.
Hamilton Street Phone 13S
Ttlt'SWUAY, 1I.1.10 H 13. In17 to
Made -to -Order
Fraser pinyon—Niyar• Oorpe
MulttrMarvelleue Scenery
sy Description
An teo rtag Brittahi eolnm-
Wa, wearlrenhoras Beteg weal
ed hoar wtlh the infinite
eepacheitish Columbia to tilt
Itself °think that Slcamoua b
the etu of normal country. It
and possibly you win not detect this imitation until
the tea-pot reveals it. Demand always the genuine
"Salada" in the sealed aluminum packet, and see
that you get it, if you want that unique flavour of
fresh, clean leaves properly prepared and packed.
Convenient trains leave Toronto
Union Station
11.00 p.m. (except Saturday)
10.00 a.m. (except Sunday)
Proper KInds of 011 and Anti -Freezing
Many anti freezing compounds use
alcohol. 'Cy. erine, water and calcium
chloride. The best of the three seta
is that using alcohol, glycerine and
water, but for really cold weather,
more alcohol and glycerine add less
water should be used. When these
solutions are used and evaporation oc-
curs it in not necestutry to add make-
up solution to compensate for the
evaporation. The slcohol ev•porates
much faster than either of the other
liquids, so it is nee limey to add only
alcohol to bring the radiator to ma -
During cold weather It is necessary
that the owner pay attention to oil
changes In the gear mime. In cold
weather lighter oil should be used
than in summer because of' the affect
of cold on the viscosity of oil. Some
use a medium cylinder oil for the rear
axle, while others prefer a semi-fluiri
MIL Heavy oil or grease should not
be used. Before the oli is placed in
the ease. the latter should be thorottgh-
ly cleansed and flushed twice with
AI modem equipmeat
Through 1. etg to Ottawa via Toronto an4 the Caniclian
Northern It way art obtainable from local C.N. R. agent,
409-0-.T1t: -Telephone or telegraph iettlInt)-to
passeDger agen Toronto, for reservations, or apply to
J. W. CRAIGI Ins. Agent, Goderich.
A Lollipop Manifesto Which Will
Pleatie the Children
There is not a child in London who
will not endorse a manifesto issued
by • body of grown upe in Manchester,
called the "Confectloaers' Association
of the United Kingdom." The object
et tbe mandesto\ls to show, beyond
all doubt. that the food value or one
pound of lollipops is more tban threw
times greater than, say. one pound ef
beef This Is made clear by long,
learned words to the most obtuse
adult intelligence. The Confectioners'
Association Is trying to persuade the
Government that it is In the national
interest that candy should be treated
as a necessary article of food, and
that they should not be taxed or re -
, Ornamental Herrn Match .Holdar
Efficiency In Repair Work Sought by
Canadian Roads
The principal car repair plant of the
Grand Trunk Railway for the lines
west of the St. Clair River at Port
Huron for many years. was destroyed
by fire during the winter of 1914-1916.
Their old plant was of limited capacity
and located at what tote the old ter-
minus of the line previous to the con-
struction of the tunnel under the si.
Clair River. After the fire negotiations
were carried on between the town of
Port Iluron and the railroad, resulting
In the acquisition of the property va-
cated by the Port Huron Thresher
t'ompany. which property was very
much more advantageously situated,
being near the tunnel line.
The plant was first planned to con-
sist of a power house containing
160 h.p. boilers serving dotrble turbo -
steam generating units of 300 k w. for
developing the electric power for light-
ing and operation of mai bine', an
motor driven; a passenger car shop
accommodating 27 modern passenger
cars; a freight car shop accommodat-
ing 70 freight cars; and other bui1d-
Inge. These buildings. Including track-
age. were to take a space of approxi-
mately 65 acres; arranged for econo-
mical Operation, special attention hay-
ing been riven to this feature to en-
sure maximum efficiency. The total
-oat was estimated at 3700,000.
Cleanly Pencil Sharpener
i the Old Country
The book says the scenery 1s
ram', of Scotland ;,nd Si•ottlish
puettintimated that Caledonia is
rupressi‘e. You can draw
I wild
yourmnclustons. Soon the most
heco.lie Thompson River. blue
. ese,i In & continuous hurry. The
i bill higher and 'higher still until
I the* the Thompson River canyon
' —is 2.000 feet deep, and shaped
1 'lime VI There are really two
'orbit's on each side of the V.
i CI( the river and upwards for
ped00 feet are immenee deposits
of , and white day. much of it
remnt of the clay formations at
Scritigh Heights. Ontario. Above
than are rock hills, sonic naked,
lowered eparsely with spruce
ailed a reddish tint much more
Mirappearance than the peat' ot
; thee" we have passed. The task
al ag a railway on the slanting
Bids gravel pit 100 miles long
le r easy as picking potato bees.
Three of disastrous slides may be
ful of this sort, the engineers
I agora Germs Multiplied
1 Times the high moment when
j the ipson joins the Fraser River.
The; are mountain!' now, stark
I pries sweeping to an incredible
i heigd clothed. where there is foot -
Ilas. an infinity of spruces. Mul-
, DPI! Niagara gorge by ten—per-
! harmetimes. by 20. and you *may
We keep in touch with the
latest ideas in men's wear, and
will take your individual measure
and make a Suit or Overcoat for
you that will please you all over.
is a god time to leave your order
for a spring outfit.
Though the under dog gate& lot of
sympaihy, the upper canine gete the ,
gate receipts.
; ebasrhe river is not clear. Gla•
'Mal makes it a dull pea green
' end ils so constantly in Rs nar-
row that it has no time to clarify
;Used the train, perhaps 200 feet
Tibove -river, one-Treeliteistly must
hen ily towards the window to
I see tip of the opposite bank. Not
Infreely this bank lifts Itself Into
• Peath traces of snow In the up-
' most rice'. Fot 130 miles this
cenrotwns before the traveller.
and. Jibe timid. gives him nervous
prelate& If be be wise he merely
admired looks. looks and admires
until Minder hinges of the neck
grow r and give warning by omin-
ous yrs. Even when the traek
leaves; margin of the Fraser and
etrikesross country to Vancouver
01,6 niMins do not cease. In the
cur. wione looks about, ft is plain
that thearue mountains have chas-
ed one town and now wait Ian-
Iguidle us the bay until the time
!shall cc fur chasing one eastward
A Vegetabl Garden
for Every ome
Amelia may be pointed without
lipreading the dust from them by the
uses of the device shown in the Wu -
'ration. A piece of emery paper is
1;xf d to one side of the cover of the
box. By turning over the cover wall
a handle. after a pencil hat. been point-
ed. the dust may be dropped Into the
box and removed from time to time.—
l'opular Mechanics.
N this ar of supreme
effort Britain and her
armies mutt e arnple
supplies ot, food, and
Canada is the great
source upon which they
rely. Everyone with a few
sqUare feet of ground can
contribute to victor by
growing vegetables.
Four Patriotic Reasons
for Growing Vegetables '
1. It caves money that you would otherwise spend for
2. It helps to lower the "High cost of living."
3 It helps to enlarge the urgrtly needed surplus of
produce for export
4. Growing your owe vegetables saves labor of others
whose effort is needed for other vital war work.
The Departmen. t of Agriculture will help you
The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to
orticultural Societies to devote at ler,st one evening
ting to the subject of vegetable growing; mann-
f urers, labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc., are
in ed to actively encourage home gardening. Let the
sl n for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every hcmie."
Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive
talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable
growing. In awe where it is impoeeible to secure suitable local
speakers, the Department of Aviculture will, on request, send a
suitahle man.
The demand for epesikere will be great. The number of available
experts being I imited, the Department urgently requests that
arrangement for meetings be made at once; if local speakers cannot
be secured, send applications promptly.
I glee Department suggests the formation of local organisations to
'stimulate the work by offering prizes ler best vegetable gardens.
It 12 prepared to assist in any prweibk way any organization that
may be conducting • campaign for vegetable production on vacant
lets- It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert
advice in the field.
To any one i nterested, the Department of Agriculture will send
metbods Pi preparing the ground and cultivating tbe crop. A plan
of a vegetable garden indicating suitable crops to grow, hest
varietie.• and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free of
diarge to any address.
Writs for Poultry Bulletin
Rent meitietpentive to keep. and you will be highly repaid in
fresh eggs. Write for free bulletin which tells bow to keep bens.
Addrem lettere to "Vegetable Campaign?' Department of Agricul-
ture, Perliansent Buildings, Toronto.
Ontario Department of Agriculture
Parliament Buadiags Toronto
1 Valuable Accessories
;extra electric born or light fuse
is a very valuable accessory to the
S upply bit of the modern zr.otorist.
It it an easy matter to install a new
fuse, but • very difficult matter to
Improve one. A piece of copper wire
may do temporarily. but when the
fuse box is net very accessible it le
sot • very pleasant job.
A match holder made of the horn
shell of cattle hoofs mounted on a
wooden shield. am shown in the stetett.
is both ornamental and useful. One
of the poekets the unused mat-
ches and the otberl the burned ones.
The hoofs were elhaned thoroughly
and polielted and the edge of the
shield was beveled off and varnished
in the natural color of the wood. The
front was lacquered black and also
varnished.—Popular Mechanics.
How "Bound Fest" Began
According to Chinese hietory, the
custom of small feet among the fe-
males of China originated several
centuries back, when a large body of
wnmen rope against the Ooveniment.
and tried to overthrow it To prevent
the recurrence of eueh an event the
use of wooden shoes mo small as to
disable them from making any ef-
active use of their feet was enforced
all female infants.
Frani France eomes a new perpet-
ual calendar by which ran be deter.
mined without mit-elation the week.
day on which any date has falles
will tall
lest connected to sow shears for bar-
bers make the blades open and elms*
twice each time the handles are
premed together
A sae.hIne to eternise table ware la
betels and restaurants by elettrictty
las been Invented by a Frenchman.
Don't throw ashes against WoOdat
or buildings
Deal Ilse aa open ligin wires lee&
tax tor elpeoping gas
Aged Speakers
Although the Speaker's office is an
exhausting one, all Rs holders of re-
cent years have lived to • hale old
age. Lord Selby, Lord Ossington, and
Lord Hampden were well over seventy
when they died, and Lord Peel lived to
eighty-three. Lord Eversley, who
filled the chair for thirteen years, at-
tained the age of ninety-four. and well
so keen on outdoor pursuits to the
tam that he bought • new pair ot guns
when he WWI n1326174.0 Speaker:
Shaw-Lefevre found his expelling* ap.
• shot useful In the House. Illotmeogis
asked him once bow he contrive& tel
tonale out his man when twenty nivainei
bent sprang to their feet at amok'
"Well." he replied, "1 havb not beimil
out shooting rabbits all my liferwal
nothing. and I have learned to .
the right mie."
Stopped Most Terrible Suf-
fering by Getting Her Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound.
Denison, Texas. — " After my little
girl was born two yeare ago 1 began u f -
trouble and could
hardly do my work.
I was very nervous
hut just kept drag-
ging on until a•t
summer when I got
where I could not do
my work. I would
have a chill every
day and hot flambee
and diuy spell, and
my head would al-
most burst I got where I was almost
• walking skeleton and life was a burden
to me until one day my husband's step-
sister told my husband if be did not do
something for me I would not last long
and mid him te get your medicine+. So he
pou• nd for me, and after taking the first
three doses I began to improve. I con-
tinued its use, and I have never bad any
female trouble since. I feel that I owe
my life to you and your remedies. lite?
did for me what doctors could not do
and I will a/ways praise it wherever I
to▪ rey Street, Denison, Tomas.
If you are suffering front say form of
female Ills, get a bottle of Lydia E..
Pinkhesn's Vegetable Compound, and
onoaseasa tba treatment without delay.
ft should be the aim of every paw -
tarot to improve the wag qualities of
bta flock& H• shook! tak• good aim.
Bet in his endeavor to improve be
should not make too rapid a pace.
Trap neista help to pleb oat the
drones, and enable es to siva better
attontiaa to the workers_
nasals is estimated to have more
than 4.000.50 acres of land whisk
would erodes* cotter If Irrigated.
X-rays apperates has be. tavestal
tor 11114og the Ong Pwriselide Sat Ma
Mks II bad tallasata
What AiliYou?
Have you become run-down, weak,
emariaW, pale after a long aiege of
colds? Doe• the skin show that the
blood is thin and watery? Spnng
the time when vitality is at its lowest
ebb—clean house now—by ridding tbe
fresh the blood with a stimulating tonic.
Dr. Pierce's Golden -Medical Dis-
covery, free from alcohol or narcotics and
extracted from roots and barks with
pure glycerine, baniehei from the blood
all poisons and impure matter. 11. dis-
solves the impure deposite. and carries
them out, sr it does all impurities,
through the Liver, Bowels, Iiidneys end
If you have indigestion, slwish lives,
nem/ or other catarrh. uneteadv perveser
unsightly skin, get Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery to -day and start at
°nee to rep/ace your impure blood with
the kind that puts energy and ambi-
tion into you and lege back youth
and vigorous action.
All medicine dealers can supply you
in either liquid or tablet form oe send
10 cents for trial box of tablets to Dr.
Plistree)-lavalids' Hotel, Buffalo, Y.
914 University O. libintrede
opportunity to recommend Dr Pierce's
len Medical Discovery; it has cured
me of indigestion and coristipation which
I had very bad. A friend gave me a
bottleful and I took it. It helped me so
much that I bought more and continued
using it."—Mas. C. WiLooatrix, General
Dr. Fiercest Pleasant Pellets are the
original little liver pille,/first put up 40
years ago. Thcv regulate and invigorate
stomach, liver and bowek.
Keep Up With
the Times !
AND have your house
lighted in the modern
way—with electricity. We
knew -how to_rlo it. and.
will cheerfully furnish
plans pnd estimates for
wiring. fixtures., etc..
A large assortment of Elec-
trical Sundries and. Supplie.
always on hatd.
Robt. Tait
West Stret. Phones
Next Postoffice 82 and 193
toe the
we POO
nt by
d Mex.
vd by
Set er
0. ood
at In
urn -
g ain° Gs May Form a Good Paper
The sibilities of utilly.ing the
'ming gr of Burma for paper mak-
ing haver POMP years past been
Iliveitilits by interested perrons, In
consuitat with paper manufactur-
ers in Hand, and it is now an-
n ounced it the conversion of this
grille Intmip and subiequently into
paper cars accomplished in a simple
and econleal manner.
'The yit of unbleached pulp is 39
per cent.elculated on the air-dry
grass. T does not conipare badly
with esp. grass, from which aboet
43 per et. of unbleached pulp is
obtainedising grass grows in great
profusion all parte of Burma, fre-
quently'reaing a height of ten feet.
be claasLd Ith esparto grass, and is
much chewr, though the quality of
the pulp topt quite so good as that
obtained wi esparto. Esparto grams
is to a larg lent cultivated, where-
as kaing growit wild and is
sometinies and college By Ayr
ten,atle 'cut however. over proper-
ulyniti:r„7„erq7: as, a finer grass of
Fisitq he Valve Stem
A bent vi ni on an automobile
engine invert,. will ramie trouble by
trig of the 4 3, L r in which it Is oper-
ating. In tes 24 for a bent stem.
which harill:Ti to the eye.
-War WO 9. r in Ile mete and with
the forefinger ntly lift the Mem. It
should nustre fly and drop back to
normal positio of it, own weight. If
it does not tie the stem and guide
and try again. f the stem and guide
are cleat/ tbe f nier may be bent.
Don't fill as o gasoline stove af-
ter dark. nor d Ito while the stove is
lighted. SP the *me might set are to
Iroleollr la the air, causing an explo-
A new 911P0flir for motorboat en-
gine.. works ois the principle of tak•
schigketth.e pressure out of the exhaust
gan•a by acne( tbses "Alb a water
Flexibility of the frame which per-
mits it to Ise turned back 11 blewn W -
M. out haters* • new umbrella
'which its laventor claims Is storm-
Paris may be supplied with Dower
Ilry • hydroelectric plant on the River
Rhona. ISO distant. the current
being transmitted at 120.000 volts.
This empty silo may need some at -
Motion If it is a wooden one • coat
ef paint might not come azalea.
' This is an old-time saying. nevertheless true.
WE find in going through our stock that we are
overstocked in a few lines which we are going
to give you the benefit of.
every person knows how good this polish is for
and floors. To reduce our large stock of this we
the ;1.00 bottle for '
The 50c bottle for 35c
Anglo-Saxon Stolt. Food, 50c package for , •25c
Anglo-Saxon Heave Cure, 50c package lor.. 25c
International Poultry Food, 2.5c package for 1SC
The great advance in steel and wire has caused wire Nails
to take a great advance, so nittch so that we have to cell
them at seven cents per pound. We have several kegs of
cut Nails which we are offering as long as they last at 7
von will remember last Spring how you had to wait to
get your lawn mower sharpened and your grass got ahead
of you. Why not notify us now and let us send and get
your mower and put it in good working order when busi-
ness is quiet, so that it will be ready for you in the Spring ?
Does your bicycle require overhauling ? Now is tbe time to
have it done so that it will be ready for you when,you want
will sell
Plumbing, steam -fitting, heating and eleCtric wiring. Do
not forget that we carry a full line of goods to do any of
the above work on a moment's notice and all work neatly
done and fully guaranteed.
Chas. C. Lee
Phones: Store 22 The Square
House 112 Ooderlch