HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-15, Page 5• :ie. OP • P.....•••••••••• • aesses........Aiiietaserwanwwwwwwwwwwownwend WE ARE NOW OPEN And are prepared to do all kinds of auto- - mobile work, but especially: -STORAGE BATTERY REPAIRS -VULCANIZING -BRAZING -OXY-ACETYLEN E WELDING - IGNITION AND CARBURETTOR ADJUSTING 'fi11 If we do a job it will be done by someone who knows how. EAST STREE 0T GARAGE Owned and Operated by a Practical Man ARTHUR M. GLOVER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,_ THE MEN'S SHOE SITUATION Priet, have alranee/t at a - rat,: wit h which totality ha, tiOt`ki: tit pAce. It fer, I fo-claY; huy shot:you 1 kilo* he gavel Until , those: ultEcIt :re cheap. livere shim you hnv Ite• - np trtliefore :ac 11, • ..t T. • Phone 1 Wm. Sharman oderich, °Atari°. THE SIGNAL: GODERECII ON'tikR1() LOCAL TOPICS Goderich Boy Promoted. Mr. J. Galt, son of Postmaster Grit, has twen transferred from Summer - land. D. t4) he accountant of the Bank of Montreal at Kelodrua, B. C, • Appreciation that Is Appreciated. Mr. K. T. Kilpatrick, Fowlervilte, Mich., writes The Signal : -You will find enclosed a postorrice i.rder for 114.59, to cover toy arrearage• on the home paper and a little to help keep it coming. We always: look for it, and cannot very well get along without it over here in Michigan." Has Enlarged His Experience. Mr. A, M. Glover, of the East street Garage, who war away for *ever il month, Melting factorise at different p Mots In the Province and picking up the latest ideas in his tine of wot k, has returnrd to town end is again at work at bid garage. With hid new experi• mice tie mime to he able to give him customers battler aferViCe thrill ever. CitillffingTfliay at 0�;yRTFEE The National Shipbuilding Com- pany. Limited, is the style of the firm which had taken over the Doty piet,. Mr. W, N. Hutebintion, the head et the Cienpany, also Col. Stewart and NIr. Lartimuth. of Ottawa, who ars as - with hint, are in town this k, and pv natation.; are liking ad- roit' d for the active operat:on 4)1 the ,%...rk Mr. Fred Piny will b the r iv charge and is eliesd7 at siolk hi the office. . Accident ¥oMiss Skimings, Tn.' tad sympathy of the 1411 Oat to 51i a Skitim in the v y C.rgrett. One accident Islets befell ii a 1 tot evening, when -11e 1.11 oat the s pony didew.lk at t e nee ..t the SJ ti tie and Kingston -..reet end broke bite had er quite r. -covet 14.0111 :a Its the other inils ;t f,'' yea! v. Nearly all wire had been .,,fined to net 1 Iby dinette, and -110 W4 j114.1.1•Cill tt t Ig 111 get about • tett again. Site, is hell ell 101' the Accident to Mr. W. ep'rouli, 4".."••r"*"•"*""^"'"*""*":"•' A peculiar accident bUj)j)4.4lItd to Mr. AVIIIiion Sproul at- the 'I% stein C mottle 11 Air utill off Tuesday. tine ..1 the mei. 111 1 Iv. packing room oat hi. i redit. atidc.51.1.etLtio S;er.t 1111 14tt! thaw hi is to took for it. Mr. Cipro 1 got lip on the chute to do so and a Ili .111 11 .ui't g down the clime at the - 84.111111111114 1.014 h.114 1.tY: hid feet and sent low headlong.- He landed on his left shoulders- and t he hone was Is.-oken elleN11111411.411110 Model Theatre (11:0. Proprietor Week of Children's Stamped Dresses mite and Tan size. 1 year to 5 years, 2.5c, $se, 511c. dies g,,'51.26. Newest styles and designs. PILLOW SLIPS, 75c, fac and $1 15.1 pair. Plain hemstitched or stamped for scalloping DAY 'SLIPS, *IMO and 441.23 per pair. FINEST LINEN TOWELS, large siLe, Mc each. Flannelette, Nainsook and Un- tie. by the yard. Everything in Stamped Goods. Crochet and Embroider Ti,rea'Iss MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE - SQUARE '1 DESJARDINE NOT GUILTY. WAN a chorus Ity the note of the uppet• school. Death of Mrs. Robert Noss. Sunday morning last Mrs. Koss was. found !ty lug dead- in lier bonne on N'i.-1,.ri 4 street. Since the de tt h t slock.t. ASP Om 'taw mother. Mt a. Ammo, in August Rs eckenridge rt al.. whit( %Vivi:. 14,4- 0" Mrs, It!".. 1•14d lived :Alone. Anil rip {roiled tool le.• next 8.04 "-(te a • 1. 1:14.1 11111. 'Awn fin it few .lay. °Tee tin. will La the la 1-1,,40 ,.tts e of the neidlib..rd flierkentidg/ 1.1 , tile L,% it-hif> 44tin ay morning .1.18.1 1 ,d that - she M. rr,s, 'Weave ea& Tile de ecaard 4:40. tit A use bill tin ti,••••1tige 11,•eimt.1/4.1 Galt -s tyssix.years ago, alai after bet neglect Y. .t, :;.1 1-1./oL. .t be .4. mat\ mar lit 4 t(4 the late Robert Hose site Oil in 1 be &nand 14e-,I.i,` lived w It 1 itt liatiolion. After of the toWniphip of the death if het hostiand. rotor to: The wile "Clio. aeolcotai died les..t Godeoch d foe about twenty year.. ember atter 1 h. -t. et ot lwr firet child, sbesind her tot her Byrd in 'bre home, end the le tweet., iota claimed that the ,on Victoria rtrret. in tt Itilt hal, Ini.band was !godly of to //Lwow,. in The fume- it wait held not having 118,1 ileft-rce etery rot Wednesday it W'14 shown that. the I, t 1, stesturt-ed TLibet .Actioa Against A. T. Cooper Dia- gnosed witb Costs. The supreme t.... b - sittings this week were brief: eu! interesting Cous t opened Tuesday ate:noon and concluded Wednesday night, .sh, Justice Middleton predided. The firm case tried was that of Berry vii. Cooper, in which Tb ttttt as J. 8"117.4_ of Hento.11, sought damages of 1115,ini from A. T. 13..oper, of Clinton, for libel. Cooper. who la the Clinton correspondent of The Loudon Free I'vess, agent in a new* art icle deecribing it seizure of liquor at Berry's driviqg shed and office at Itiensall. In tfiftelff- ticle, which WAS published iii The Free Press of August 29th last, the expressions "a whiskey warehouse ttlielerti:I:rekqe„.sli‘ii=1: tri:ttl'Yb; and running a blind pig," were used. 'l'he defence showed that the seizure had takeii place and that Berry was sithte..tuently mnivieted and fined for haring lititior unlawfully on his premise.. and its was contended that 11naooi1+-Wals-4-404e-a.444- one and was published wit hnitt malice.. Mr. L. Es . Dativey was c-eintiel :fie the plaintiff and Mes), W. pewit). . toot..)C. C., and C. Seager for the des fendant. :The Plry after-heing mit attain .t wo hoors reported a dis:-.1,..4seitient, lering eigii.. to four for the dismissal of . the 4etitni. They were sent. tWeit in their 1o..111 and eventtielly returned with a vet dirt for the detendant- and the twine: WAS •lislUippo•Ol‘iiiill en•Otp. The only other .....sit .ase :Off Ille OF CANADA li•Runansv, NImacti 15, 191 Z Thrift Leads to Prosperity via a Savings Account Check waste on your farm, in your house or year shop -cut , down your self - indulgences -do for yourself those little jobs that run away with the small change -get full value for every dollar you spend - - and deposit the savings regularly in the Utiles Butt IA Cassie The accumulated results. with Interest added, will some day mean final:I-jai Independence. Goderich Branch- F.WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. bl:HOOL REPORT1O. , _ _• S. S. O. 2, GDDERICII TOWNSHIP F wing are the obtained ty le pupils of g:• N :r717.717.7i-X township, in Femlti isv. This is based on class wot k, g. net .1 test + and general dense • . I V tit elyd Ginn 4 M. FrAl Silt% o.z 3`,7, Grace 18 .I('*h' 3a3. Vera Tilt olUpg0111 2i14!r.: .1.1J1i_. -ISii_.7:ili.lii:tevt, d.,:nrtn.liu„nhiotnon ;:t4:01i.. 'Jr- Ill/ 1tittis' MeCabe .4I, Sikkim. N'',41,4l• 2.1; • ,4r. IJ, -.1.:.A..6 _mcv Akt__ „,.... _ Doris Rib's/es I 7..t. Orval It . liter Dab 1J. --(1.1o1M. ...'11Woitir 2P01„ Janie.. tillasseke 171, It .suie 'iii-.... r .11 17 I, Fred )1 .Calb. III, K. K..t. Te t -Ler. wove, Don't Put Off Caring for That C I i yCni ill I. - 1., tlte req:111 '1.11 nwati a grc 1' it I If714 WOW. a: ,./..zsciasstisaner WhitePineandSpruce Balsam patesed away. 10 NI ait.bitiii re aftet noon. Rev. dacaing the aervi . s. l'he pallbearers were Nlersrs. -hit...1.1art, John Linklater. J. W. Vs; atter 1111: J Mos,rs. me. and ..1Ohn Anglo*, r .it. tact et 10.11nethew d. erased. and -. of Toronto, a nicer, Wer p. esent 41 ise futseilki. olifeltneeleilly at the time. 811.1 that C. Mel torenfirl efin• Mt0, 1 iesjardine was tip - 'patently getting along well u hen ?lir soddenly codanse.d and died Refute it Physician e add teach her. There was 4 *4404(.0 loon f hat t he a ietiabd I i longed rn a Jeiigtotos railed "the:Children uttiod" who ma ;relieve in diso. ruts ; 1111 Der..1,4 dint, tiettieti this end deel..red that lie me tiling hilt ite's vri.hea and that he wwild have 'beets Wining to hate m titre pot CO.. HO is dug its 14. .41 ten dory rs1.1 3 l• if she had- Wanled 'as cbuIS tspe,,ted, -hut will be :off. 1%1' (11 1. : tV" 1.4C II I wink .1 nouns time. 143,41.athal:r.::Crelatt her d„: •er. L114'111" "}""g" f."F'r of the ...misery 41:::(1 ittry little, The Sock Shower-. • brood 111i '11/ We III' g 1 to I tt on: ileJav hrsaight iit .41. vet diet of 'Ilei - In connect" -with the -atilt - rho 1 of 1141011 I18 ftlty " 14..• j offline. also is. a young et" held today (Thursday), the mew. wm. of „:14„..1 PERSONAL MENTIO Monday and Tuesday A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE LUEBIla PHOTO PLAY „,..,..,, "The Play's the Thing" The Greatest Problem Drama Ever Screened "SHOES" introducing MARY MacLAREN - A - "The Girl and the Game" Wednesday and Thursday •••••W•••••••••••••••...V.••••••.• • • s tli. inc. C tvgl: 1-! atta n Pe. - si•.4!4. • Stun:, mail of twfsio5 yra s, isoole rI V rovoltine reupreseron *Ty tit. L‘knine aim thnin,envi, H J- egpresad his etrinig at. intiethy ,talt -retur .4 fromwill hien in bin •s ear.neam ..tamt the 111:14 Wiest A. .s Wilieli hail :followed., 51 r. AL. tel * O ets. s Tn. er, 1.1 Owen Sontid, conducted ted pro cation e in a Vrt' (Air 1.1.4111/1•,-'. k beents. nil file ience woo slily handled. .0 51r. *tatibury, of -Exeter. in town along tot -Ines. days LOCAL OPICS IN BRIEF. sirs: it C. (Mom. whn hail en vki•Ing h.,# 1.1) • ay .41 Aer r.orsra in 1101110 Al ot theGenet at wrongh-Cnittner, 1, n D. h., wish to thank Mr. Rohe:a Mt-. W .w NC",t44isVt,l L -....s. t. or the nee 01 the stole fisr this speist a mouth v/ h bet. tahohni 4 at 'milker - 11n. • : : \ 1. iiceaaliMI, Atilt 1 he public writs rally for : ' 'In , 4i m.,. • 0111 their response -to 1.4.118 184)1141. f ney %visit 1.. state that. those who have not ' 31r.s. It. J isn't h for .4t et linisfied the socks which they wish , Misr Idly tifalism. Lt7ve for the- men of the Huron Bat- mat' - sith her world ' 1..lion nate leave the same within a 6r‘a"6"11.,i1",,r,'"Irn,71,0:1' week at NI r. J. H. Colborne,1s stnre Ns= r 'ir ' `',11%`'^ and !tic) wilt Ito with the resit. 'ehe wi. h :tfr . j, mo:Tacwnj,, c., &muse toe 11 ipieted to ,Outtheir web pleasure. 114.41.118 on Lite "4(.41(5, ao t tat it aitfbe k iiisiRII:by:whourttmy: are contributed. VICTOR MOORE IN "The Clown" VICTOR M0000 "THE CLOWN" (Leahy) A thrilling photo -play ni circus life - - ••••••••••••....w......•••••••••••••• Friday and Saturday "THE STRONGER LOVE" REGUI -AR PRICES mpawso•aoassestakomodlimmoovaosoeini Steamer Algonquin Sunk. The strainer AlgoMptin WAS tor- pedoed and sunk on 11 utility lam. by a Gm man subuistine. Ail of the crew %veer saved. 1 he .1,1goi.o tit ii was well known in (4 -derieh anti am4 in cow - nand of Capt. 13-1. Robinson, of this town-, iceeeveitil seaeons 181110 she sa4-04-thaliteatLakee under Cantdian •evnm ship. Early in the war the was ,i ansferred_to United States most'''. 1Wlien tor pedoed She WAS bound from Neve York 1 t 1. ntdon witft...o. million- dolLtt Came...inn-fly foodstuffe. 'She war a vessel of :04:-.!.: tone; til feet lona, and was built at Philadelphia in ISist. Death of Malcolm McDonald. After a long illness Mi. Malcolm NI Donald. seri of Captain Matentin to clionahl. .1 ed on hominy, aged i hirty-two year... Besides hid p,ieents, Iltiee staters and two hrothers, the .tecrased leaves a widow and a family of young children. Two brother.; lost their liver on the lakes. One on the siebuter Weemd in the great fftrin ot Novembet, 11113, and the other on 1 be strainer Medd* list fall on Lite Erie. T1111/41,C.41.141 WN4 A member of Haron Lodge. N. .12. I. 0. a F.. and tit- funeral ini Tuesday afternoon was tinder the auspice. of that Os der. Flot. R. C. MelDerinid wad the offietating ci.reymen and the pallbearers were six 1 rothet sOddfellows. The inter- : 'tient was in Maitland cemetery. G. C. I. Board. AL a recent meeting of the G. C. I. trrisstee hoard Rev. J. E. Ford, ap- me\ittid litho town council in place of . Mr. J. B. Colborne, who re:Maned, took bid seat for the first time. Cana. lll i t tees were rinses so follow. : Property commit tee -Dr. Einnier• so... Dr. Maeklin, W. L. Eliot. Rev. .1. E. Pnnxi, mapnly e ttntnittee-.11, J. A. Mac - Ewan, J. 1. Killoran, 1)r. Taylor, Judge Dielonn. Commet vial advisory e lllll mit tee and indostrial n lllll mit tee -Rev. .I.E. Ford, I4 1..-A-Macklwan.,1...L...Killor in, Dr. Etntorrson, C. L. Mome, JV. Filmier, , Chita. K. Silinde P, Chas. A. Ile .I. It was decided to hold the regolar ineetloge the that Thursday of each month at 4 o'clock p. nu. The G. C. I. "Lit." The O. C. 1. Literary 4 :ciety held its semi-monthly meeting in the Ns- ow11111117 hall of the Collegiate on Fri- : day evening last The program wad opened ley an instrumental by Miss Jean 14 'We, after which leotard Macklin gave a deelatuat:on. This ' WA+ followed by a vocal wk. bt• Eric Wilson. Miss Clifford favored with a leading, and after an 'mummy:mai Ity , 11.4ss Helen Carey, Alex. Horne reel Tbs. Joornal. which was llp 11.14011P11111 standard. A vocal ludo , I. MI •. Edythe McNeil:is was much enjoyed 11 e•eryone. The feet tire of the toren- , It g taupe next, an athlt eat. be Lower_ Coo p ..*I Ci.ckhuitt Htyp. This t :o'. the forest of an Informal folk. Firer oar sneaky, told many things *how tile 1 10 at the front, ro..I then ref... - ring to his disry tos told Illsrlit 1111-1• (10•1111, that he MO, met with while 111 tile 'reheats.. 'rue cunchtding number • Gilpin. A rta, arc..aut.a..Te 1 by 1101' :1111 Dot% NIL-. 18. Mutch. who wia ;At with ber 14.4 141111. MiAlt Csiti• phell lllll ainesa tins ing millineiy opening for Satin. next and invites the hob e of tioderi and vicinity to itipeet the new style.. see ISEA is the deadliest and most painful malady to which mankind...sublet-b.f./odd I Kidaey 1,i,8II cure any 41480 tf lifigh1.4 Piisea,it, They have neser failed in one single cast-. They a r.- I the only retnetiy that ever has cured it. and they are the only trintay that can There are 'imitations of Dodd's Kidrie9rPills-pill, box and name -hut imita- tions are dui:census. The original and :'.• genuine cure for Brig' DisFase ODD'S KIDNEY Pi LLS JOB AND COMMERCIAL 9 rrintlng tbe %ial .1111.0110.414•••-••••••1•11r26......... • Clinton in 18 enungt rit1411 1) 11a4' tarVi '041 a.alida in that town this year. 1 he choir of North treet Methodist chotelt is Imo v Isi roost 1 itg a concert to giv.en on Good ELM& The Ahmeek Ch ffer, . 0 D. E., ill hold its regular thnt h meeting the court bonne on i401dll , h 111 t. at 4 o'clock. Jii etitori Slion11 pai7eini 14.11) oto113eih.11irti.:l . noe1,? cutiinti)1:t,t;ern4,; itt E be lom un pages 4 and t. hrn. h advertised as bit ;as we.•keto Sig 1 was eatored ti 116. ownet Demi 11 the mediont of this paper. Mixon. ads. *se testi by the people. ' - • t - - ' . J ' ' e.1.1.1"...ItI t 1 ' • 1 : .1- • •• : . • 2,11 , • • 8'14I otw. I: "•:" . • 1- 1• :, • .1 25c and 50c A g the 1.1,1111 1h11411 1 That 411 tut - flied s Are 1101 allOU ti'irliolifia-Alorafli,y ale ;mit .fire Pt titlip.. People should biry.their s4,itii.114 on al lard Hy, nu, if they neglect doing Ie. f. totald wait 1111- t41 M:111 ev..: 'Ili.' % irls ria street -11 . M. S. *ill bold its /11114 Mal -"rulther tor . I" on ihe evening of Ine-da‘. Nlareh 'NOM, in the lee' lire 10001 of t he chin ch. Good pI ogram and irfr• shmente. mix- bil•lk. 0111 1111:111.1•S, 111 10e, 51r. Theo, E. Sonlnity 10 preieti in a joiut organ end Omit concert tt held on NIontlay. Apt il 2u4. The etioi will render en East. r 1•4111/1•14, -The Hesuriection,'• by Chas. 13. Ment.ey; Furthei ennouncement later.' '111 1. Gebrge- Johnston has bren tip. p0iin44 agent for , the Civet -G.101 car and will 'MVP his go age mi Collies 14e to reel, tat to thy Honk of commetee, Hie 111111: tineentent on 711(gO;t1 of 'hie borne .i ill be in t ('rem, ilo 14 1(1 anyone who l roil/ e1,1,14141g the purchare Of a ear. Mr. 14. K. Revel!, of Hidgeremt Farm, 0,1.1mt. i he Sign,. I that 110 has [ d14/(41•11 , 1, his /114,'k of if ghat n chicks op 1 othe end of May mut -newt, hie hetet:111g •p Ire ha • 1.itert ret.1.1 ved tin to the ...ine date. Phe demand -10r wrathy st k 1118. year has, been very \v bir is k . _Alfa tie lirtv ,. en 9 lifirtels f rum point's as widetv . parated . as New Votlt CA v ittel Win 'peg. Mr. Revell 14 11 BM 1/1•144.4.1. In I, inlet's ink, and the reetrim nf -Me- otti Aiding , in lite kcal sewers affor.1 got ground for his belief. , fifty , , ox. at 0;1 nodd:s ‘' Pills are Seasonable Footwear! WHETHER you've been buying . neap or high- priced footwew . onr Shoes and R 11 bber at medium prices, will make it possible for you to savc-nioney and tstill to have footwear that ea:lsot he beaten for stytt ,comfort 01. risrahlttiy. REPAIRING (WO. MacVICAR N. rth Side of Squsre Gods -rt h ---7‘ 2-4 .t1,1 --?1 +etV-44; A. CAMPBELL, Phm. B. CENTRAL DRUG STORE North street and the Square Goderich, 045, urick-g;-' . 6%41. Here's 3. relief f ro,n , ,• here's - 1 ' . thirst; fresh vigoui:47-7r--.L, 1 \- -------t-''*ttli c., --------....-_-,, -4.-• .. --,- --,,,v.„, for the bays at the Front, and corkers .it horne! Orr:t f.12• Soothes, refreshes, and sus 'ns through weary ho of sus-- pense and Struggle. It helps appetite and di- stion too. Delicious and an septic- wholesome and ben icial. After -ery meal and in the long watch, it\cheers thousands\every day. A bon to smokers. Send some packt or a box to your soldier lad. IT'S ON SALE VERYWHERE The Flavour Lasts 4. ft7 f7E CANADA SzaIrd fight -Kept' right 5c the pack et 18 THE GODERICH MAR TS, , Ter. meet v. Mo 5,1.1 Whrat. 1 10t t nok; per bo- 1, . , .10 to :s7 Kt I, h -h 4114 .11 t'ens. per !bush . . . . to zi tau -kelt. nt hush . s. t, 1, r knit, family. 1•••: •'41•/4 101 lo 4 10111-, pitp11, fig us . 4.73 to Pon 14ao. iwir Inn l . , :Pt.loo to 54.41 (eron . . :et tin ono, itno to 11 .101 . to 1:1 on . 3.0:110 14.4, 0.441 16 0):1 „."• to .111 tt offa .. -,, fits,. Inct-e, pPr ton %Vona, is r Sint .... ll I hors fluso ... 1 •vnin4try 11:1••: .. .1110 .4o Orr-, f/W0h. 04.1 :161 , .31 10 .Z ' 110.41660. pet 116111 .... lllll . . 21it to 230 t nl.te 114111 18 o. oholt,, 18'1 C./. 1...111 Wr./ 11' 1 R.; PPP Self(l I. Per 081 111 78 4.. 11 7.1 1 onto, lootelo v.. Inewilii61.r.vr rut Kw to 0 Oi siorO, 501- 0*. . .14/ 1v 7.114/1 &Mee, per lb „is to .11.1 two, rovrtnr4:t. I.., I ri . 'll ill fort Shrift Peke .. 1.40 to Li) WmAtrisiles Jr Cs.l.td. CS? Wrigley Inds. 1 orodto •