HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-15, Page 4•!! I de tit int-ItMIIAY, MAR it la, 1917 NEW Spring Clothing . and Furnishings New Suits New Overcoats New Hats (13fit..rlinu and thing) New Shirts New Neck- wear \\e invite your inspection Special Ord;r Department Ls..i . '. : rl r .i 1 . . sees Walter C. Pridham • et.t - t -'1; ti -King Edward. Cafe (SOAVErMINO NEN, Hot Coffee.1 ea or Cocoa•al &c , Meds also served,3$c • H -. t. _• ;, v- ,•nut th ,':er a1„l rks-. • •iat''.e-t learn 111 l ..t:i : ,r - Joseph Murray K.ngiaton Street - • OOCIERICH A Pt. wally far •L•st ning.' Gore) nun lir 1.11 •I, sir 1. e..il• intr.r- jju.r.l i•e tt.« L ji.LelIAA. • In tso.i.e. .. pen .1.y n•• 1 • .ij h. s.•• 31,24_4111.1•141•§11, '• i.'••rt• r rill- 14;14 rltr,l to op I, 1.e ••(.,r,,'•' ....1. 1,11,1.1.0. ht r. ufo ren system!. • Tit!. 41 nI+^ a• w'••11 t Oprialnrr, v. here it IN 111.•0. M. ri u said the AL I-II. Grnrea.: • 1 .. penalty Its • s IC Incl web ani Lootia'too t (town l t•se -., ,. th, 'e, tun! tt--1 ,10 e i• intended Elie hi o RAILWA YSTEM WINTER TOURS I'h.CI 11, Fates nem• -in effect jt. menet. in Florida, North Ind SQuth Carolina. •I,oni•iana. 1 ;eorgia and other SltntlnerIr :ttes. and to' liernitila and the. Return Limit May 31st, 1917 LiBERAL STOP -OVERS ALLOWED r trait information write it. C. S. MofNINO.'D P A Uneon Station, Toronto. Ont. \\1 R 1 Nt F. \ S.lN _ Phone's KINGSt2RIDGE. MONDAY, March 12. Ed. Sennett made a business trip to Tut onto a week ago. Charles McCarthy bought evaluable driver from Joe Grillo. Dennie Sullivau mid Joe Buckley visited 81. Augustine on Sunday. Thomas O'Connor and George Uaa- caddrn intend leaving thus week for l'hicago. Mina Mary Dalton. of Dettoit,is vie king her mother, Uro. Charles Delwn, alio week. Hem y Ithinehart end Frank Me- e*. t by intrad leaving for the West next taeek COt BORNE_ MowvAY, March 12. 11AITLAND 11lg$Y*4Y :Ninon.- Mlt•..'iVu,. Sieve emus tied ou 8atur- .lay from a week's viei• with her sister At Toronto \Ir, 1). F. Schwanz •tett the week with friends in l'red- un and vicuuty...... Mrs. A. S. Gledhill, of Go lerieh. is visiting at tote 'Opine of Mr,. W. B. Foister this ,reek 11r a•ol 1lt-r. Char. Proust. ..re teat ing Ila• week for the West.. 0 heie they exl•rr, to ..pend the su111- u1e•r. --Mt. Mt.. 11 .1i. For.ter se visiting ,yid* his tut„ 101-013, near Toronto, this week.. Mi. AV. P.o..., weals the i:i itle that w.,utr. c ewe olf. 1 e a Kill \It•. i1 01 v \Vapor ilptave a daiaclltyl p .a.) Ll, friend+ nti Fti.iay •Je no,.; List. 1.11 rltj•i)'able tithe is ST. HELENS. ,,. IIDAY, Myrch itt. 311. 1 I,.t u . ..1 Ptralor 1h, •tp•111 see. i . ,,.;b 1;- motile., Jits. J..ytlt. 1:-.. 1 Lett (e i •Ideal the Nosily. •el v ..,i-si,tie, .et t.1 Ingham on Toes - ,t.%. Ali -. I, 1'. s eli.ela. of lindel irh, • p• i.I (be' wrt•l•rnd at Mrs. IL K. MIi El r.ili.lh -Inde,>ou r•turned ....ot taw& of. Al... ,.11 Yn.t triter sp't d 1 ' bo month mid. r the parental lewd. MI tuella M(II.W, of Illuevide, was h. Kyr-1 of lI -. Ft -Tit 1\'.eo, •t or tl Lees .1 ) ne1111,1 Iet,ii ••d hooey .'11:1 hooey ,lay, 311'. l'. Allan. et \tach• 1. • 1,, .t e it a• week yl.ttltt,t .11. - .t.Ulll, ' ., nil 're- In;wlhg .04d Ar. •i . tilltalt.•.•, atuiytd hetet. • 315 •1 'ill 31. 1) .11,11. who hits been colnled to the home• for a couple tel we.:ks tIuot1h Aloe.., 1s -able tai' he •,tut .tg{ain, Alien sixty of IIIb young p -ogle of the Prrsbyselien Guild. Lu -know, d1.n•r 't t- S•. Heiress ,arid were the yene{.f. ot the 11 We clan. • A very est - i .Walde tune mea, .pent. • It kit l'taeid- Noyes. - The '*..Heleas \\-omen's tr,sgtttnr opted: to the l' .nad)ls" . It -•d' , tl•ns-. 101,.uto, otlr ease- of pyjaulate, nomad ning :is •pair. .end Gore .hirte. And ime_e..tre ..of- -cwt., contenting I•, }stirs. Plenty nt- yut. .n 1141:1 A.,y 'wino,' deslting r tI E SIGNAL ! GODERIMI ONTARIO NOTED MUSICIAN Of MONTREAL Advises The Use Of "FRUIT -A -MEM, The emote' Fruit Medicine. MR, RO$ENUURO, 589(-`aagrain St,, Montreal. • April 20th, 1915. "fn my orinion, no otL. r mtedicine in tle• w r' t . e'. t curative er CrNs•'ipa- 1/ *:aed/+d H•i'ram" Ir a-t:v.ss" 1.a 20r, : :. arthe iecant t iaintsfor 1.te •y, ars' a:1;: niy sedentary tie -tittle - Gin, Citpa- ti,,n, M:u,ic, l•mttrt elstut a kind of 1ptostival Parchsties-'with Hast'//cad- ethes, belching gas, drowsini:ss after entirig, and Pain in 1L.o Back. I tried pills and int -divines of pin siciarts, blit not hin^linll't~r1 nn', ,Then 1 was in.luced to try '• Fri:it-A-fives ", and now for six II:oaths 1 have been entirely well., 1a.dyisean) met ho yoffetifroth that ,herrihlrfrit)Ilt!i t'lro:oe lor.4,upation Leith the resu!tan indigestion, 10 rsy . . , , pt qu agreeably surprised at. c great benefit you will receive". .t. 1tl1SF:XB1nc . :.Oe. a tilos, G for *2.1O, tr'iit1 size, 25e; t all dealers er sent postpaislLy Fruit- etives Lireite.l, Wawa: • to repair the socks and wake them read] for the boys again. There arm handed to them with clean underwear as they come from their lath. The bathhouse socuotwodato- three hun- dred bathers ata time. Three build- ings were mostly breweries at one time, and are so equipped that water cau be heated readily. He told us bow the boys hadn't nearly enough space for letter wrlriuq, He explained how one soldier way have his paper Ion another'. back, another with his paler against a wall and another on the fluor, 'so,' said he, 'don't he dis- appointed if you set short letteis when they are written under such circumslanees.' He told how an Eng- lish soldier writing home just put. •1 IUD feeling pink hoping you Ie the sate,' and signed his nate." SHEPPARDTON. WIDrttauAY, March 14. fATttllrnc CoNCItKT.-A patriotic coticet.•1 altd box burial will ire held at Sheppardton on F.idey. March when a god program will be giver. amending of Poogs, recital ions, drills and dialogues. after whi(b the boxer. will he auctioned off. .tura abaWtatime brooch, donated Thy Wait 'Wary Bur- rows, will he given to the wlnn. r 03 the one holding the lucky cumber.. Tickets. for the braa•h, In: ; t r the concert and box sticiel, i:. -. AUBURN. Wkoxt:.U.tv. 31 arch f$tse Mr. Simeon (ir,aven.tein left on Tuesday for his honor near Edmonton, Alberta. Mr. (i. Ytwgblut shipped oar of Mate to 1',.t3.111t0 haat ttr.•k,,pay'AK $l:h per levet. • Mr. A. Asquith 11a8 1,ou`6t the pi: acres of bind on the elation street hole Mr. Arthur Mr. Wm.- Hmylie started for his }tome in Saskatchewan ou Tut.wtay tattooing after sprtdil.g the winter months with his mother. Mr. E. Hebei!' pulrhsaed a .Sar car from Mr. tUUiit ieghaul, lit Be 11 - .els, en Monday. and.lr. Joseph Low- tuakrsl foot teen car, hi tar village, . Who will be the next to buy one i' 1. • PORT At BERT. WguNIs-DAY 71se3pl4. Mrs. John Fritzley 1d not.iulproving tis quickly as bee wsny blends would like to see. The stuck celled Sunday et the hmoe in Mr. and Mts. 1V di Ur..pet and left a little Polder. ' - - Mr. Wilfred 8 rel n< n left 'this week for lite now ttsit.,e 1 Ihe•Wret. to help knit may get material at Mil- lers !tore ; aloe. sewing will be elven out. The *wk.. toe vat ed at $I115111, py jlautlta 847 03. a -, •••••••-•••••••••••••••••4•44.... • • ••GIRLS WANTED • • 1- . Ci•,. , • I. he u:.. r of • • 11411.15,_%.1154,0 a ..1•e melee to -.h. • / 11,5•:., ...,,,e w ,. ca. -beater .h Zr•nrtrg• 1c411 .4',.,, L1V p tp.l null t Le► r ta..1,wu. In barb. sod bu,mv.. • • sooner., • gin..st emir -eta rt. tralniter h•e Bo t keel u,a. -h0. t s,,d .u.d all el her rem - • • r 1,1 ubJ,.r - Spew t-1 1ragr11.- • • - 1• edeelttulany time. 1.• 1-1 lxt..d • Srse_ • • Northern Busilieu College, Ltd. • •..lt I N 511U.\1.. 04 I • • • .t. FLI: tIISIi, l'r,m ,e•.1. • • • k " ilE iTRAA�I t! �ICy1.(1 sLTa.aT''Ot1D.. °NT. Ontario's Best Business College Students m.ty enter oar classes at any tfnlq. Cousnte'tice your Course now lost be qualified for a ptrition }iy Inielsnntmer Inkling July and August .d lest year we received calls for Over 200 office assisted. we could net supply:•(ha graduates .tor in demand. \Crile for our free catalogue D A Mc!_ACHt. AN, Principal. i MADE IN CANADA THE 1917 FORD TOURING CAR You pay meat, $495.00 i. o. h, font, lint. I s for this car but it gives you more enjoy - e mileae and longer service than those which cost more. he Touring Car gives th" utmost in auttsmobile value, pride ot ownership and economy. Bey a Ford this year and save money when saving is a national duty. Kelly & MacEwan, Dealers, Goderich. r•• Constipated Children. C'onvtil'ation is one "if' Ihe twist ennl. won Miline:am ot cbildboon and 111. cInIci stilt , ing'•froin it cannot thrive. Tti •eey the little one well the bowel. must be kepi i t gular and the .towa;h ....env To Aft title nus bin,( iaare ego al fishy'. Own Tablets. Cenci Ening them 1 t. ePottle.,t' u 1 . it . It a am . I1: ort r, NH , rays1 -My hairy tottered from con- firmation on- r 1patiuu hot thanks VI ►Jthy's Own Tablet,. bee perfectly well "ag.in," The Tablet evert -old hp medicine dral- era or hy mail- at W cents 15 box r Thei).. William: Medicine Company, liruckv.hr, Ont. - KIPPEN. 11'g441lAY, MalCh.M. Miss Foul and Hi•s Hntney. or tile. ter, visited their ft lend, 311:.. firs Iters Jape-, beet week. M.. Lawrence MOT.t Arad family 1 nave trimmed to the West after spe ed...it toe winter' with !fiends bete. Elle .l)etre.up1er last 1'uerdny even- ing in the • P. pd!ytt•rtan -church wa. quite a mimeos.: V) was,takeh at the noon, 311•, Webster Buchanan, of E -ora, i ►N hpl'e-it lu the rllipmetit 'att. the last of boa household 'good-. He, liar bought a farm these. We are .rtrry to lose bim. The home of Mr. Nieman .Jones :vas cheered by the weir 11 ut' twin epWirrs tine de) last week, Cleiktetu- lations ! MIs. Robert Dirk also is autltser. • 11.5 is a prospective ia.ldter'r wire. Mr: Lloyd. Ll•d Smith, M. A., B D., sretrimy or liar nommen of V.ctutia College, geve a lice eddies, to the. Methou,rt church, in behalf of the educe. Moat funds of the cbuteh, un Bunds)•, the It Met , and wet with a hearty .terpollve in the way of iu- CIVes•e.t etVloge. -' Ti.. palm/lie concert in S. 11. Ni.. 11, Stank), cave off last Friday 111g114 itud war a weal suet ear., For Werke the young people had been practising and when .11i• 13 1al !truing Caine 1111 one woo dt-aupointeil. The mu -ie, rrcit«Dons, reading-, dialogue., etc., were rendered io it clever manner. The leige audience wee defigliled and there ate ruulol s of intitat tots to 1•d - prat the lutetium in other planes. the r. c mt.. w et a $,id.:S, to he used (og palriouc pie pose.. t•.NOITIU?N AT ,THIC FRI/MT.-Your Jerihe Wes petwitteti to wake die IA, lowing Pxrraet trout 4 letter !teemed it) 31.,.. Al, x. shKerz.r front h- r d.,mgahter in forma . and 1111nkiug ik may Ur ul wtrte.t W euro ut your teadela it is forwarded to you : "We had touch a grand set vice at hovetcolrt this mei ting. We had a Captain Nielson, who Wad at the !wont in I•'rapnce ter twenty wunths, but id III me fur & rest try air doetnr•s ordet•e. 11lead11rres v5As 0110 we ellelb never forget. Ile eVs.ke firer r f +ate bertri,mt of our I SP. Then he told of how the 1'. M. U. A. entertained the boys, after they come out of file trenches. lir spoke of the crowd that would le present one night and the next titer they gather•'d there would be so many tawtbat Inc.anil-ring. Ile SOW one incident that was very touching of how, &flea. the battle in Bane. nary \Vood, the men going nut in our ' were one lhoumand elating and came hack rtiutething over t Wo hundred. 'Ibey were lined up And the general A.A. on a boa to address the boy.. but wends railed him. 11is ryes gh.:ened and • then the to re 'ren down his cheeks. Then th mid •t made an ef- fort, but he, town, pt. Then Canon Stitt of Quebec gut lap, • but all he could Pay was ••H1.d hleee you." They all r•ralis, d the dreadful mice that 11ad f11,5(1 petal. ••1 nope we taay be Mile to hear hire motto. It ctrtainly le 444 a rare steal. Ho t••ld mil how the Aldi.•\. had a beth every Iwo mei its. He elan spoke of the e11pcarde.l •nck5 the sof lir.,. tele off with preh1hly the whole toot out of thein. They empl•I) shout *Wo bundled Belgian and Farneh amino • 5 TH8 COLBORNE STORE 4:1it CHIC CREATIONS FROM FASHIONS CENTRES This week we have put into stock a number of new lines for drersses, suits and coats, in Silks, Georgette Crepes and Silk Crepe de Chines. l ussah Silks in plan an figured patterns. All these cloths run 36 inches wide. This is the best widith ford every purpose, I Taffeta Silks are very popular for dresses and suits. (.et us show you the newest shades. They come iu dark green, nigger brown, light alice with a steel -grey cast, navy, brown and black. livery yard :iti inches wide, at $L.)0 a yard. Silk poplins are good for dresses, And six )lards is what you need. , This cloth comes in black', navy, brown, alice, green and grey, 311 inc1es wide, at 11.50 a yard.. Silk crepe de chine, 36 inches wide, in all wanted shades, also georgette crepes to Match, .---What is rettier than a silk crepe de chine skirt with georgette crepe to match for waist or Ieevesi'. -''Wo» rin1cuutT»gattons can ire produced wait these two popular cloths. There is nothing in a soft Silk to compare to our Duchess for durnbilkty, itur esses and waists. -This silk conies in all the best shades, and can be relied upon.• 36 inches wide, $1,50 t} yard. _TUSSAH SILKS FOR SPORT • COATS Just to hand four three -yard ends for sport coats, in the very newest patterns. Now. is the time to bap' these clothe, for they are newandthe patterns are the lust. Let Us. show -them to yon. \'.'e 'have. t new shipment of summer dress-tuatcrials in 6 ' and en.is.: Only one drestl Co each pattern. This is au opportunity to have something alisoltttely -different' in pattern and cltetii. Tht•y Intoe in .iii etepes, nue voiles and Muslin*. SILKS COLBO ' N E� ' 4 .- '1'14:-. Ridgcrest Farm \1ee.Ot wash hon every nicer 1'6` Qty liji.g to .the -heavy demand Ptr.OtwAy Hn don. ! tb t'.A D.C., � a fond ,, spent the wee en with hie • - , _ parent Mir: and Mr-. • Hsyden. y'l• Pry. pit BJekn,gpwu►, of Nits.' 1,,h are sold- .out- •of S.' C. , \V. Leg -ho gar& Fallt. is sp niiing a few days with M1. an Mr.. J ItneoOln^t•r before► going nveide tt e I St, • We 1n i have a fewI3.irrctl' Mr. Be. t Sim ▪ Ids entet lalned a norm- - het petits, n /friday bight. AI 'repun a eery idew•- aut reeving open!. \ A 00rlaner of the 'lays ttf`fiucknnw spent a day- tinning et Port Aliwrt I his Werk. A. y .0 had tlie' fl.hcrmen's Tuck, call again, ifo... Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with hoc -i1 •.VVi••ati2n, is. tit y cannot rrarb tl ceea: of toe ill. ..o (.5,4,111 le a1to.n d►. - .'n u, siva Iy trinuel-cad br tous. duu.e.al ut- dltb),,, and 11'inter to cure 1. you 1118.1 tike. An In 0,n11 1,nae1U, Hall. Cater h or. 1, lskra turn ally 1511(1 .1 t. tIt UgIt Ihn blood on, the mu.w.t.-urfse,. of iM +Y• ret. Halle lea..r1(1l ,.sew .p.e..•.ibe 1 by tele oftbebe.t ph}...•:u.- In this comu...1 for yea e. It la .awntr..ret of unu r the newt tong, known, combined wt. 11 •.anusof the bast blu,A the ger'. et co ntrhet •,n of . the Ingredient. Is ! batt. etarrh t err i. what posture. rush wonderful tc alt. it catarrhal candidate.. Sand for (ret ion oust., free. 5, Jr,C'iiklttsl t e'U.. Totedo.0. - AII drnysi.•t ,So. PI li N Fenllly irllb for owed 1pittoo. OODEHICH TOWNSHIP. WjusksoAY. March • On Friday last Mr. and Mrs. M'rpd Cook entre tabled a tywber of their friend.. hy way of se d)ice. The wail -carrier of ;No. 1 route mea buster to complete h)p fp11 }ete on Monday on account oT. thb hail reeds, - ihl Settle -41&y sfteruoun Mrs. Win. Bieber, Rove a pally to her Sunday school cleat, as one of her scholars, Miss Peatl Awy, wt. leaving. All eu. joyed the little party and bade fart-, well to Ihetr clam -mate. • PATRltrrlt' Son IBTV S.T:a.-The mrwt,rs .4 the L' oiled Patr,ufic 8.t. ciety will holt a Hewing meeting at the home of 31 s George Falconer on t1•edoesday, 31..1 ch 214, at 2.31p. M. A large a lrud,u.ee 1. desired. All finished pyjama sults and socks at Meld Ito htaodru tet at .. n earl date, as the shipm'•nt still he nude on Tuesday, mai chD►'h. PI.'..wnote 1hedale., _ Nervous Children. The Trouble is Often Real- ly St. Vitus Dance --'-Do Not Neglect It. a Many a eh'Id 1 :.s horn called [irk'• t weed, b... teen totted fit vchts•1 for net ke. ping oat for dropping bongs when the trouble way really St, Vitus dance. Thio disease may appear at any age, but is malt.common Ile- twren the ages of vii and fourteen years. 1t is caused by thin - blood which fails 50 eat ry sufficient nour- ishment to the nerves, and the child heeutr,ea regales. and twitching of the miseries -mad- jas1ci4NFot-the li+Nlu and body follow. In a severe case the child is unable to hold any ping or few' itself, St. Vilna dance is cured by building up the blood. The meat suc(P.riful tient meat Is to remove the child from ell teIRltel 'excitement, stop school work :sod give lir. Wil - barna' Pn,k fells. These pills renew the 1.1ntN1 aupplc, strengthen the nerves and *roar* the child to pet feet health. Here in t.o,011 of their power 10 cure. Mt 4. 8. Sharpe, Oakville', (Tot„ Rays: When nhy daughter wan nine year. old she wits alt,,, ked with alt. Vit ole Moire. ' u. w.. .elit t1' a penat1011101, where she nmsinrd for nine we, ke wit hon', any henpMt. 1, . deed, when we broeght her h• roe she way n. Ilei tees a- a Ashy, 1 got e supply. of 1) . Widiama' Pink I'Ifl• and continued glvo.g ipf•I 11.tf a pill after each heal 1. r- ere. roil 511(11th., when she bad fully recovered and hoe never had a ayu.'plemu of the trouble 5t0rr," YOU ran get Dr •A1Villittms' Pink Pills Harmful) any .Mals r in ntedtatnr ur hy mail at TM c.--b�rta` is box or WY leexr. for $'l.hflIrons 1$t•:11r• Winton'. Me rine Co.. Brocaolltle, Out. i Mai, ist.. Ito Practically 4 has been reserved. • \ d Pdultr,' Stock, Chicks' till June R ck C icl:s after 11)aat Khing\ space availaahle till' \fly 3 i st -- ` R. H. & H. K. Revell, Proprie ors. Chas. Crossfield, Poultry .1/1anigrr a . 1\ THIRD 1:10\INION OF CANADA WAR LOAN Make your application\for the Wear Loan 'to your local Banker. It -will receive prompt and careful attention, `free of charge, if entered ark any of the Bank branches of Goderich. { Issue of $150,000,000 5 per cent. bonds, yielding 5.40 per cent. per annum. ISSUE PRICE 96. INTEREST PARABLE HALF -YEARLY. --For- -further Particulars nee prosr,et,ttrs of thr kan on page6o tTiis paper. This is the most attractive issue the Government has yet placed before the. public and we recommend it to investors.. 1 nterest cpupons and Government interest cheques rc payable at par at the office of any' chartered. Bank in Canada. BANK OF MONTREAL, UNION BANK OF CANADA, STERLING BANK OF CANADA, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE.