HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-15, Page 3Read
' M husband has 'offered for
erase time with lame back and kid-
ney troubles. Be beea0-e so bad
that work was almost impossible
and he had tried so many ren:edit*
and got no relief that be had be•
come discouraged.
A friend advised him to give
Otn Pills a trial, so I sent for •
sample box. They did 01. eo mush
goad that he got six bons and wlq
continue t'king them tmtll be 15
entirely cared.
Mrs. James Herds."
hoe. • boa; 8 boxes for 12.50.
Write for free sample to
Toronto, oto. ore
Move •
a {.
tla.�r 'r..
a% • raa.Mr..y�,4 ♦/a.7ri�•.',,
A.l+l♦a..Melefa w.trwiiatt.• Mapt••se�g� t eJ
ONLY Terence cos. Marwt
MOINE CT. m ate••..10. ".16
MBIt1T8 Or
Al PATH. ■Pedalld In women'■ and Will
lreD'■ dl.en.es. ec•te, 1 rontc sod oervoaedin
o r dere rye. ear, Dore hod throat, t1,,uarUal deaf
es, lumbago and rheumatic conditions. Ade -
. olds removeI Islamist the knife. bake at
wrdeoce. caw Nelms' and 8t. Aodnw's
teems. Al bone case Moedaya, Thursdaye
✓ d 6Nrdaye: any evasion by appointmsot_
] webers', choice baad7.111.40
llitc!o: sat '-v--•511
h• holce e0ws._
p a
medial"1.11 i.
Ikach•ro' huffs. choice9.11 10.00
o. good 7.11 1.26
M medium 6.90 6.70
lrslera, MO t 1,000 lbs. 1.26 9.26
�a m0., 700 to 100 7.16 /.00
kers, 700 to 900 lbs. 6.76 7.26
tors 6.26 6.76
6.00 5.26
era, good to choice 56.00 106.00
da ooat and med60.00
:rtgingers .... 1300
ea, veal, choice 11.00
medium 16 00
lowmmon 6 00
grace 6 00
e. heavy fat 7 50
ar4w 1 lambs, choice13 60
calls 9 00
1heop, ewes, light to . 25
do. heavy and bucks. 3.60
4o. calls 4 00
Nags, weighed off cars16.76
do. f.o.b. country 14.76
Sunlight Soap hada high stan-
dard of purity which is booked
by • $3,000 guarantee. if a
soap bas no standard there is
0o reason why it should alway s
be of uniform quality, always
contain the best materials or
be anything like as good as
the soap with • standard.
SOAP•, {
115.00 Don't Relieve All You Read But Go
14.00 In and See
11.00 -
5.50 . A notice has been seen In a shop
7.00 window In Norway which reads. "Eng -
0.60 Rah spoken here; American under -
15.26 stood." In foreign countries where
11.60 Inglish tourists foregather some very
11.00 anoint notices have been seen at
9.60 various times. On most of the large
7.00 Mations in Switzerland for instance
16.00 ewe can see, "It is prohibited to tra-
16.00 mese the rails unless one is Invited .
be do 0o by the chief of the station."
In Milan Cathedral there used to
be a notice -It may be there now -
which read: "Appel* to charitable.
The Brothers, so-called, of Mercry ask
�smd•r arms for the hospital. They
' B•rbor all kinds of diseases, and
ve no respect to religion."
Sayan has the most harmonious
lichees displayed. Nearly every &bop
in Japan exhibits a placard. printed
English, advertising goods. some
e/ which are very comical. 'Hosse-
atoe maker fnstruot by !ranch horse
leech," you read; or, "If you want sell
'mach, l will buy; Lf you want bay
hwatch, I will sell. Tee sir, we
all will. Come at my shop.
A Japanese laundry company an-
o-: " W • most carefully and
ly wash our customers with
prices. Gentlemen, 11.76 a
dred, ladies 12.00 a hundred,'
Is osrtMn dairy announced that
gold "i fats et mwla"
Manitoba wheat --Track, bay ports,
No. 1 northern, $1.06; No. 2 northern.
1L01K; No. 3 northern, 11.9656; No.
K. H. u. Mb1,CD0NliLL-HONOR 4 wheat. 51.865.; all-rall wheat deliver'
93 tiredu•le 7orieto CUre
.d,rnity. duate ed Montreal freights, No. 1 northern,
urs H otkee of Daniel 8u,tteoQ, 83.04.
Haff Sus n a0n West street. Ooderieh. r io t e Maaltoba oau-All rail, delivered,
as mate.._._e ut•, C.P.A. polars only. No. 2
AOCTIONEEU C- W.. 14e to 7$c ; No. 3 C. W., 72', c
to 73%c; No. 1. 72y1c to 7314c; Nu.
1 teed, 71c to 72c.
America* sora -No. 3 yellow, 11.22,
subject to embargo.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, 11.84
to 51.36, according to freights outside,
No. 3 winter, 51./3 to 5114
Ontario oats -According to freights
outside; No. 1 white, 66c to 67c; No.
3 white, 14c to 66c.
Pena -No. 1, 82 60*
liartey-$1.1/. e,".i$'l ii 't 3
Rye -No. 2, new, 51.41 to 51.48.
Manitoba flour -First patents fa
Mt* bags. 19.70; seconds, In jute
bags. 19.20; stronj bakers', In jute,
81.56. Toronto.
Ontario flour -Winter, new, track,
Toronto. prumpt shipment. according
Oo sample, $7.66, to jute bags; 57.26
�grade. ade, bulk, seaboard.
i/lllieed--Car lots, delivered, /loco
treal freights: Shorts, 542; bran, 933;
good feed flour, per bag, $2.70 to Me.
b he lar MaJor Kele (Moor
11cY0YAiOIIA� DRc7fR celitis
its fS. b, u,rul.. All n,rrtr n, r, 1j es
nil 1, d 4l • rate will be l ltmpl l a
e•de• TO. Boardman te1pbsee els.
PLIlulc:, I7t.,
ssterltog b. �k� k. Hamilton Sweet.
imam Lesas end Ls r..oe.
RAgit19'1 LK*, 80WC1TUKS, N(Yr&Kilr8
Uses ore the Square..e000d door tram Mena
Ikea .ttset. Uuuerleb.
erivat. tubas to Woo at lowest rates.
W. P.ocomer. ILC. J. 1. ltluoasN
M. J. fb (:coat
IL d. t:AMM ON. K. C.. )i.1ii4D
Tilt, wester. s,tera public. Moe.
=Moo Street. 0oderlcb. third door to
EAt Litotes Monday of each week 1,
co Alim. t fittest occupied by Mr.
t. t Site houre it a.m. t0 IS pro.
QAILht! isAKKOW. LL.B.. bs,
hln'l tit. attorney, solicitor,me.Bea.
as, • 4 t ...to et &tweet rata..
•4 *Lieut $A&Rls?&il. AKA -
W• veysma
moo►-t.ourt Hume (Juder2cb. We witL~1* 114 .
INIslikANCE, LOAII&. 117t:.
uK1L1 tit' MUTUAL FIRM 1.•-
Ell a1, ft 4 N C a C o. -tars. and 100252.
'two property enured.
t Hoerr -J .c • .*Dully, Pres.. (iodine& P•0
J. Ivan.. Vice-Prse., Beechwood P. 0.:
names t. Hey elec.•Treaa., Seekonk P.'
D4recto-. 3' ltoUreeur. eleetort ; Joh
3.0rieve. Winthrop; W LLlram hint Conmt&o0
Jobs Heusi. weer, toy). eo. mei art..ey
lsafo.11 . Hobert Ferris. Bertock ; Maloof*
Matte.. nruoslleid.
Aae*iw: J. W. Yeo. (lode rich ; Alex.
(�ceb Clinton ; William Chesney, eleabs tb
t Muo ls', Scatoma. Porky -holders 0D.00 pa
ase. snore ie sod get Store, rocs. !L •
( J. Mor-rteh's C
( airs Un•0ary. Kineemo street. Hodesioh, a
J. B. kedd's Geaesw1 Sts*. Bayfield,
/20,0UII PRIVATE FUNDS 1-440w loan. Amity w M. G. CAMN. Barrister Hamilton street. Ooderiob.
t •
VI a
flan AnD LinaTNles : British. Canadian ar..
A merino*.
aoamuor, Siresxs .ND arrt.ovaas' Luso
ITT : The Ocean Accident and Ouara*i.
Corporation, Limited. of London. Eng.
iinar.LT- .N,, 0t;.a.NTILL Bon DO : The U.:
Fidelity and Liu, hn1ee Company.
Bros at r.adinoe, art.beset corner of vs
loris end SI 'avid a streets. • Phone I7t.
Mlsu55 or MA R Acis imams&
Patents, Trace Marks,
$,cured in All Countries.
Write for free book "Pa TKNT8 P1101 KT
11(4N. lel& all shout al d how to get psi
seta BAB(.1:1 K & Sar%$. .rtebnrhrd I1'i
tornerly Patent 4 Med Examiner, Neste of
Patent Laws, Rral.tered Patent Atlornya
eta, W 81. James Street. Montreal. Brauches-
Ut1awa and Washington. Representatives In
all foreign twuntrtea.
Brophe3 Bros.
w 1 se Leading
11 Funeral Directors
sad Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at ail boors. night or day.
Wards Off Nervous Break Down
' Alburtis, Pa. -"I am a teacher in the
public schools, and I gut into a very ner-
vous run-down condition, I could not
sleep and had no appetite. 'I was tired
Vivol. I did so, and within a week my
appetite improved and 1 could sleep all
night and now I feel well and strong."w-a
-Rose M. KEt, Alburtis, Pa.
, We guarantee \'inol, which contains
beef and, cod liver peptones, iron and
manganese pepnates. and glycero-
phosphates for run-down condition&
• 11. C. Dunlop, ti'feli & t:otlerh•4n."t7nt.
Also at the best druggists in all Ontario
Nay -Track, Toronto, extra, lib. $,
512; mixed, 19 to 511. straw -caritas.
sumo to N.
Cereals -Rolled `oats, carlots. per
bag of Si IDs., 12.66; small lots, 53.10
Windsor 1.0 Montreal. Oatmeal, 51.90
In carrots, 84.15 In small lots.
tune_ all the idy � states -asked- me-iet
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesale prices le th
Esse -
New -laid, cartons
do. eI-cartons
Butter -
Creamery prints. fresh - . .43 .45
Creamery prints, .;orage 42 .43
Creamery solids ........ .41 .43
Choice dairy prints .33 .39
Ordinary dairy prints.- .34 .36
Bakers' .11 .33
Cheese -New, large. 27c; twins,
27',c; June, large, 27%c to 28c;
twins. 28c to 285ec.
Poultry- Dressed
Spring chickens, lb. .. 23c to 1bc
Old fowl, Ib. 20c 21c
Live Poultry -
Chickens. If fat 24c 26c
Fowl, if fat 24c Vic
Chickens, o:dtnary ' 22c Iic
Fowl, ordinary 22c 23c
Beaus -Japanese, band picked,
56.26; prime, 05.75; Canadian, hand
picked. bushel, 87.25; prime, 54.76.
Potatoes Ontario small lots. 13.50
per 90 -Ib. bag.
1 .43 to $ .46
.41 .42
pet • Hoke VPiv.
( U not advisable to attempt
Idgtt•n a valve stem on an autolno•
While the stem may be straight.
a and used temporarily to good ad-
o, nevertheless 1t is beet to rel.
the valve with a new one. ft
Is not does • leaky valve Is bound
pessltft is mon *economical and
re satisfactory to install • sew
,ra as poo a too fbM,
Meats -Wholesale
Toronto wholesale houses are pilot -
Mg to the trade as folows:
Beef, forequarters ...513. 00 to 116.00
do. hindquarters .. 16.00 11.00
('arcaaee. choice 15.50 17.00
do. common 11.50 13.60
Veale, common 0.50 11.60
do. medium 12.50 14.60
do. prime 17.50 18.60
Heavy hogs 1:4.00 16 tin
Shop hogs 19.01 30 00
Abattoir hogs 20.00 10.50
Mutton. heavy 10.00 11.00
do. light 14.00 16.00
Lambs, yearlhid 21.00 23.00
Seed Quotations
The following are the seed prices
Toronto wholesalers are paying at
country points:
Alatke. No. 1, busbel..110.00 to 110.50
do. No. 2 /.60 9.00
do. No. 3 7.00 3.00
do. rejected 4.25 6.60
Timothy, cwt. 2.00 6.60
do. com. grades2.00 3.00
Red closer, No. 1. bo. 9.75 10.00
do. No. 2 • 9.00 9.60
do. No.1 `- 3.00 1.50
Chicago Livestock
Cattle - Receipts, 600; market
steady; beeves, 38.60 to 81160; stock-
ers and feeders, 56.60 to 59 60; wee
and heifers, 15.60 to $10 50; calves.
59.60 to 113.25
Hog• ---Receipts. 11.000; market un-
gattLed, 6c higher; light. 114.30 to
114.96; mixed, 814 65 to 515.00; heavy,
14.50 to 515 10; rough. 814 60 to
514.66; pigs. 111.40 to 513 76; hulk of
isles. $14 80 to 515.
sheep- Receipts, 1,000; market
steady; lambs. native, 511.40 to 811.06.
Marked Increase.
A. H. McDonald, Hebei, Ontat io,
says :
'Last spring I purchased a Quantity
of Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer
from .1. K. Baker, and from the re-
sults shown by its use on plots of corn
and potatoes I can contldently recom
mend its use on a much larger scale.
'1 his shows the value of inter sive
farming. If every acre available on
au average farm were properly culti-
vated land Homestead Fertilizer used
judiciously I am sure the financial re-
turns would show a marked Increase."
Belongs to Good Farmir6.
George Schroeder, Dashwood,
says : wed ed Homestead Bone Bleck Fer-
tilizer on oats last spring, leaving one
dull width without, wh. re j nu could
see the difference of about one foot. 1
recommend it to any -fainter who
,vi,hee to do good farming, as 1 think
thele is 00 better."
Growth Simply Wonderful.
William Boland, Sarnia, Ontario,
last Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Receipts, 10 ears; steady.
Hogs--Reeelpts. 10 ears; stead
g heavy. 816.46; yorkers, 816.114
to 140; pigs and 1104. 513 too 514.
Sheep Receipts, if ears'top 111
1, ; 51.11 ar
tr eii; a •wtra,
8'11. K to 11 00.
Calver- Renal tor. 660 leaf
tem SIS .60 to 511; tab 1s
is 514.30; ted calves. $11 4
: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i•••• •
Tsps :
1 have used Boum-steed Bone Black
F r ilizer and am ,o greatly pleased 1
want to tell y• u of 0. 1 had a piece
t ground where nothing would grow,
rot even weeds, and I planted straw -
tame les and put some fertilizer on
them and the growth is simply won-
d.tful. In fact it beats anything
.,round the neigb�Ft-t•hood." •
NVrite Michigan Carbon Worts, De-
troit, for tree ho..k and par•.iculare
about their Homestead Bone Black
More About Miss Tillotson
Christian Guardian: Since publish -
in.. the article in regard to Miss Lott e
Tillotson in a recent ('hristiao Guar-
dian, we have been in touch with the
Dominion Immigration Office in Otta-
wa, a,idjwe find that Mise Tillotson
never saw Hawaii, where she was sup-
peedto have spent year,. Moreover,mol
ju na-Roo the _erclarsd that,
eh-.aif born in Q.rebec, whet eeo sir
was torn in Uncle Sam's domains.
The rmolt is that she has so compro-
mised herself that if she ever dares to
set foot on Canadian soil again a
notice to the local police office or to
the immigration Office in Ottawa will
ensure her prompt deportation. The
prob,h-lily is that for a time at least
.ohs will exeroir peculiar talents]
in church tiro'* on the other side of
the biuudeey line rather than on this
Miss sib+a:r_
First Bantam : "'L'llo, Bill, what's the motif I' Second Ditto
(in !anal! shell hole); " 14o ! !dotter! 1 wined up a.'. 0 blooming bantam,
not as a blinking duck !"-Passing Show.
__ �_l.
Extensive industry to Be Built Up in
i 11F'
`Ve are showing some excellent values
in Dress Materials and Suiting5 :1 11 " •
.retatz±a.L4r:"J. r$___...
ES earn 7'ttreiritt;I>z. r,•«.vrG v'riea^x:iu+• at it
l •
Serges are first in popularit.t for Dresittls and Suits. Special values, Nest oI England
all -wool Serges. at $1.25, *1.50, *1.75, $2.1111, $2.25 to 113.50 per yatti.
Special Etaraine Serge. all -wool, will gi
recommended for its dressy appearance. Colo
wide, $2.25 yard.
e thorough Satisfaction for spring suits, specially
k• nigger brown. bottle green, cogen, 54 inches
Or Special Showing of Novelty Polo Coatings
These tleautiful Polo Coatings for sport wear fr very popular.They conte in light grounds
with large check and stripe ''designs, 54 inches wide, $2.2;5 yard.
Pi Special Values in Wide Wale Cord Velvets 4'
Cord Velvets are niticli iu demand t,ir women's cnats and children's wear. We are showing
a rich finish Cord Velvet in colors of golden' brown, nigger; 'battleship grey, cardinal, navy,
sand, green, cream, 27 inches wide, 65c void.
Special Showing of the -New Silks
greatly favored for Dresses for the coming season. We are showing a
larger assort ent than ever before.
• The popular Sikes are taffetas, pailette.�
• georgette crepes, in plain colors, spots, awning
\ New arrivals id alt
• Phone and m -til orde
• McCall's Pattern
• Mt
• PHONE 56
duchess, tu*sories,"4hantungs. crepe
*triples, Paisley design; etc. -
ep`artments this week•
eine special attention.
de thine,
McCall's Publications
r s Scotch Store
• �k
• 4;
• t1
• -
new hu.ineep which is in prospect by
..talali-kine paid. on the Atlantic and:
Pacific coas's. The ships now being
.rrafn ted for average about 6010 tons,
and cost upwards of $756,1$11 each.
The Orders and the necr.Nary capital
are now available, the only limiting
factor being the difficulty of securing
steel platen, nearly all of which come
from the United :Petra.
lira Williams Says Use Dodd's Kidney
Pills. ___ .
Ad:sow:111e. Kent Co., N. B.. March
12 (Speci.il.)-•'i can recommend
Dodd'. Kidn'.y Pill. to every w.in,ao
whosuffer-." /In says Mn. Wi1114m•,
s well-known nod highly respected
Indy reeldi•ia h -re. Mr". Williams
was w sufferer for two years till she
used D,Ntd'• Kidney Pill..
••lilt t•oubl.o platted witb a cold,"
Mt P. William- eta 0-. "1 ,,ever seemed
to ,tet or- r tier effects of • it. 1 had
clamp& in ant• m11-1 lee and my joint%
wire stiff. Thi -re were desk circles
under my eye- which a• re pt11fWI anti
.wollee , at d 1 suffered from ..very
hra.lnel.. e. I felt heavy and .-h'epy wi-
le/ meal wild hood a 10(4'4..1 neuralgi.•.
H.'sr -filo ienng.a Moments., woo',
twist added ,o toy r.•nolea. i soot
This Country. paid there• 'h. x•a of I)0041'4 Kid, •v
Yells. I car Roue tw fou glad that 1 did
Ottawa, -March 12. -The reported
rattails, Mitten of so ,Ittnssve shlp-
budw*g itduauy in Canada for the
British (Uovelnment was ufilotaby
cunafated this mot -nine at the Ito-
prual Mumuuos Dowd, throu,th
wbh;b negotiations . are tieing con-
dueied on the subject. Alaeaoy cou-
uatis are being placed which will be
fully sgsytl to the capacity of the
Canadian shipyards dui ion 11117. The
appriximate total of the contracts is
out *11111041 dollars. Negotiations ate
being cooducttd on such an extensive
scale as to tnr111• what probably will
be a pet maoent tevlryl on much
broader lines eat the shipbuilding lo-
du.irp,:wash thedtdesenee that*here-
ae, in lotuses .lays, only sailing iearls
were ouusuurt.d. the present plans
contemplate steel ships of substantial
oastyibg cepa( my.
Aga a rtsult eat the pros. nt demand
for ships and also the hest, tonnage
itquilements atter the war, it lis yuue
probable some Targe yards will soot.
IN •tarred at pante l,, Canada," stated
U. B. Outdo!), eice•chsitman of the
Imperial Monahan. Boat d.
Thesbipping o(,uiroller of the Brit-
ish tioverameut bas sent out • a pre-
sentative, J.mes J. Eeplea, who Is
placing wherever possible contracts
for new ships sad buying those al-
ready emeatrurted which are to the
Market. Be is operating through the
Munitions Bused. It is undelatood
that a numbrt of vessels being con-
structed inanada for Norwegian in-
terests ere to IH taken neer, and the
contracts for the current year are
g oing to yaidaat Montreal, Tot onto
t;ollingwood, Port Arthur and the
Pacific coast.
Recently a taunter of shipl uHding
e nd dry dock companies hal. secured
F. dere! chat tete of loom porali0n, and
(they plan to avail themselves of ibe
At the Nort American Conserva-
tion Conference,\\ held In Washington.
in 1909, and attdpded by representa-
tives of ('anada. N. oundiand, United
States and Mexico. the international
problems presented b the proper pro-
tection of natural .Source. were
clearly recognized. V. h regard to
migratory wild Itte the a eeaslty tor
cooperative action 1s, es edgily ob-
vious. In Canada snot e United
States the protection oft this 1 rateable
resource Is vested In the In • Ivlduai
provinces and states; respe lvely�.
Protective laws were extremel dI.
verse in both character and Otitis cy,
with the result that the beneficial 1-
fects of adequate protetction In on
porton of the continent were largely
nullfled by the lack of similar meas-
ures in other sections. To secure
stricter and mor,- uniform protectlor
negotiations between ('anada and the
tinned States were undertaken. The
arrangement was satisfactorily con-
cluded. the, later ratification by the
United States Senate constituting the
anal step. The treaty does not affect
the administration of the provincial
game laws, but insures In Canada, as
in the United States, the minimum of
protection regarded as essential to the «'e u.ualk kr .wr w hat it i e.t for ase
preservation of the wild to do, but the tri*tble b to pe.t for 1•
lite resources of North Amefdca. out e
selves to du it. \
ro ci g
a faucet to
-the installa-
tion of a
comp) to
plumbi n
system, we
a re equip-
ped to do
the job.
flow •
Hamilton SI ret t
A'� ,its:��t ..,✓ -.w fl;. tis.,,,.ididG , ..•°.
omrti,r.a► �5+' .I ., _ .- ih lire ...��,'(`$"vki
Bator Qaitif
. +..wnaw ,s,oeraaa,v w.x5re0s V10.0"'r