HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-15, Page 1TRH SIGNAL is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give your a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal - elXTY-NINETR YLIt--_yfo Renewal Time nal Thi is the time to renew your subscription to The Signal - before the price is advanced. Your dollar NOW ensures you fifty-two weekly visits of Huron'., bee' .ad brightest paper -- The Signal GODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 1:,, 1917 THE STERL1N6I5Aii OF CANADA ...er'ewaasassaw,� WAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS °ry SAVE, Because - Extravagance is a needless tax on the Empire's resources. r AUCTION Bata A UCTION RALE OF FARM STOCK !x AND IIIW.E]IANT K MR THOMAS D. AMY (eMs ll by public A at lot Lt. 000roa,loo It held road, erten towe.htp, on MONDAY. MARCH He h. cameramen,' at 1 o clock One general pursues bone, 5 f ears old; Y semester rolta, defog Y year. old. 1 purebred Mil 2 years old; 1 steer., ren/ 1 year old, 1 Mger. rising 1 year old; 5 salve.. lever than 1 month old; two geese and 1 gander. 2 heavy wagon. 1 combination ,tock rack. I yelper. 1 ``caroly chill, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 7 -n -out Massey- Barr1,. lendder, 1 corn binder (nearly newt 1 two -row corn scorner (nearly semi. t single soodtkr. 1 democrat w.goo. 1 grndeto0e. 1 fuming mull, 1 hay fork. oar and rope, 1 1 btack.arltb'et bellows, 1 mower. 1 ha reke, 1 teller, 1 panel dr or and heck, 1 two arrow • quauuty of draining tile. 1 set of dee barrow., 1 set of 4 "teethe barrows. / Mellott* mem separator, 1 Reinder. Flack plate. a qua.Uty of seed barley, e MGant ity of Saone. secots, a queotity of as -tech water epee, and nutienon, other article ti er/nom must be sold, es the proprietor W sok( by tare. Talton.-t)nie and all same of 'Wand uodee, seek; over that emo'mt a neo. tn. credit mill be on furaisbina approvedJoint rote.. A 1lbeouret of i per osot .Irargbt avow.] for cash ea er alit amount. EMIR All D. AMY. T. OUNDRY, slowness. Auctioneer. UGTION RALE OF MILOH COWS. FARROW ISLAVIC CAL YES ANL) NO CATTLE Mr. .1 K Femme, will sell as public auc- Ws at luaan'. hotel. Goderlrk.00 rMUIti1DA Y. MARCS Bed. wemawnriag at 1 10 o'deek . Tea 0 0ly-creIyed tow, Eiseht now. la calf, °' ... vireo salves.,. ernOUM'etemt 101 be dew ea 4f'0�rem apposes }en*. note.. A di.e0111.t astb0.wofaprseat dkowed 1,u. . J.n't RwUSON, THI A 0a(IUNDRY, alu0eeg. ACtTIoN SALE OP FARM STOCK AND I MPLEMEN l e+. HENRY J. KIRK will sell try public eactlon at lot 10. concession /, Wort Wawanceh, NIa poetol0oe. on TUESDAY, APRIL ard, commencing at 1 o'clock : tltr'tice.-Vise borne, 10 years elf; 1 horse, 14 years old; I gelding. Meer Y years, by Con. noble: 1 gelding, retort 2 years, by oleo° William; 1 cow, r0inge year., due to dive to May: 1 cow. 'Woo 3 years, due to wave In June; 1 cew, rising 3 year., dee to calve 1.t September; 1 cow, Oran 3 due to salve in July; l hellkr, 2 years d1d sprinter,: 11 seen, r bung " years °en 1 teethes, rade,/ yeti: f. heifer, rising 2 year,( 014; a calved, reuse 1 year old; z fall calves.' 'mete was Tel -One Mawr,. Harris 15 -hoed dhoedrill end Redder, 1 set damoad harrows, 1 HEM wagon, 1 ups. buggy, 1 ,Ingle cutter, 1 set of lief 11*. Reale., 1 large water -trough (nearly ens t, one good cutting box (It -Inch(. 1 one- bon.epower wheel arAark: 1 pulper. 2 rood gets whiniest revs, t del. of .Iloga 1 goat robe. Taeaie.-All rums of 510 and under. cosh ; ems :hat amount, 7 mouth.' credit w111 be rem on furnishing wpprot ed joint note.. A dismount of 4 per cent. straight allowed for gash ea credit. amount.. RYJ. KERR, THOS.OUNDRY, or. Auctioneer. NRitIERVITO AUtffloN SALE Or FARM !STOCK AMDJMPLEM KNTH. ]IR W. T'EHHUrT will all by public auction at Rolm/ovine. on TU PADA Y. MAR( '*81. commenclug et 1.10 o clack sharp : (hoe leant of good draft gelding., riming 1 ears old: 1 light out, rieing ! yes,. old; 1 pure- bred registered Shorthorn bull, xi months old; N Mack heifer., about Mn Ib..; 1 °lack heifers, about 750 lbs.- 6ywn log heiten: a (trade Il ir. bam heifers, 700 to at0 Ib.; 1 .teen. 1 ye.r old; 1 heavy wagom, 1 light buggy, 1 beat(I pole, 1 set of Ample hares., 1 .or of light double her. mer., 1 set of bras. -mounted eerriege herneres; a quanti.y of hay; :id0 bo bets of good cleen wets (Clyd els and numerou. other article ..1.-H .. rhMeay, ouw and ell sem. of 510 and ander. cash; over tet .mount. 7 month."' credit w111 lee elven on fun.i.hing approved Joint nae.. A elleo00.1 of :1 per mot. straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. Any pen,on wishing to lest a cattle can do no at 51. cents per head per week until April Itth. W. TEHHUT7'• T. OUNDRY, - I'roprletor. Auctioneer, ANTED. - e W ANTE TO BTJY.-A SMALL COTTAGE to be moved to the eoontry. Apply at 81ON AL OFFic E. �(EN WANTED TO LEARN 1'HR 11 BPRING ANU AXLIC bode, Steady work year ed and good w.gee • most be .ober se 1 Apply Tlia Dpws- LEY SPAIN t AXLE COMPANY Chat, Mtn, On. ,;,a s;` WANTED TO RENT.---HyOT'EL; V. H 1erarabie rest. State HUT& 75 Mercer street, WI d or, Out. 1I ACifTNt87' AND TOOLMA K { DL expel -twined mac treated Big wages h and .*esdy empto�seo1. Communicate 'eltb TAYLOR RURRIrA UOMPAI'Y. Guelph, 1 y� 66 -It iRON MOULDERS WANTED.- (., 1 A to or willies to leers enables 1(irrpi,'! .psis hast wryer (n Canada for( 41; !•YA t Or cele 1g� ��0p,ea 4 lien Ont. with TAT• i.t/It q0., Otaelph. 6646 fi WANTED. -FOR HOUSRWORK, gg5ss�da g$if er waerant MRP, M. W, HU W t1.f.. M, VI.Oe.t and ha 8t, .5. It r AfaeN MIPBRiUI1(j ii LAR d tteoaa Apply' I[iL (par 1'ED. -APPLY GODS- all lli�t�7ljt/ � OCU. {sr '• r r -.fee -s orisHear.87..se * r 110E SALE For Sale We have silt grade Tam- worth Sows for sale. These are a few months old and should make good breeders. , H. KEITH REVELL, Goderich. 11 SEED BEANS FOR SALE AMERICAN WHITE PEA BEAN Yielded twenty-one bushels peracre, of good quality. Apply to WM: F. YOUNG & SON, Goderich, R. R, No. 5. 'Phone No. 1426 epllliller- R RAI#, -}HIR AUTO TRUCK. esp•clt( Mae. Suitable for *spree leery of wort Pneumatic tire- In fe�at�rr Rebell latereal Seriva. epee .w 11 to WIN s per hoe►. (fee ito oar. Seed body : to carry Stu. Pasueseate . tete all round Rai can amour tasters or term u. a Hl wip�o ed ase partissaua sad 2� welts of ier sI Ml: I PwOs()R1Jat wltdat7Lk. Alit. FOR SALE -S 400-E49(; PRAIRIE HT AT1111121•111111114 1 011wew Cbathem In. tubular. WOsM ,ate I beep or Paas fee feed oe hey. Apply U. M EMU. 5.11 (rEEf OA'rs FOR PIAL& -W. T. IJ MURNKY. L'OR SALIS.-4)IKDAR POSTS, ALSO C. shingle& Apply W. T. RiDDELL. Auburn. 1511 FOB SAL. OR BENT. HOUSE FOR SALE.-UOMMODI- OC8 Iwo-etery beiek destine, with modern convenience.. In 8t. (leorge's Crescent. ADOIV to MRS FA LE. 63-11 LIAKM FOR SALE. -SIXTY-EIGHT acres • lot 18, concession I, Uodertch town. rhepp ; good clay .00. spring well. good barn with cement foundation and prick hoover. Also for reale forty acres of light land, lot 11 21, con. cordon 2, Goderich town.hip Apply for further p. similar" In MHO MARY ELLIOTT. R R No, I. )layee Id road, or phone x'tl r. 0. 51 Im 110 RENT. -SOU CH 810E 0 l 11 apartment halve on North .treet; six rooms and bath, basement binndr7. all modern convenience,. newly decorated and easily bimetal. Root reasooeble. A.M. POLLEY. anti R RENT. -MODERN ROUSE ON Olnoteate, Terrace. Apply to JOE C. RIFFIN. 374/ LOST AND FOUND. LOST. -A BLACK FUR ROBE, ON the night of Starch 13th. between (lode rich and Nile by way of the Lek. road toJamr. Cbisholtn•s corner, up Canal road to Ashton'. owners, stores to Abner Morris, thea to Nlle. A4(ny� In1ormerinn will �1rrladl be reoeIeed by OIWRGK KUTLEUUF.. Nile P. U. IKaral pbose7r10), It L0t7ND.-A FOXHOUND, BLACK= AND TAN, owner can have some by calling for and paying for this advertlsentent. WM. RPflOUL. Dungannon. 31 It TONT.-AN (YLTER GAUNTLi:T. �I between Barfield and boderich. Finder ease leave et THE elIONAL VPTI('f: and receive reward, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1 NOTION TO CREDITORS. MUSIC. NORA E. HURLEY, L.(. 11. Teacher pato and thsoretYal work Pupas prepared for eumtoatlooa Studio, St. ()avid'. street. sore I�1HBO. E. SUNBURY. A. A. O. o., i• L. D. C. M . Omelet and Choirmaster 0f I [Tnoz Gutab. Teacher piano. voice,ooeeggaaoo.� • fur 0xau.ln$Uorr, >lt etresl, four 450,0 aa.•t of Dr. Bunter'.. DAVID NICHOLSON U(OANIBT AND rcAcugl( OF MUSIC. Address : Care Mot. Hiatt/tie Brltannla Road, Goderich. D. N. taut. by stria attention 10 bu.lnert ro merits share of the patronage sf the Inbabit- anr. Of tete town and neighbourhood. PUBLIC NOTICE. I)ARRF.R SHOP. -i AM RETURN - 1) 1st to God/rich and win open a barber Loy about the Mth of this mouth in the Bed- ford Mo,•k, wbsrr t shall be pleaded to ass all my old customer. and many new ease, U W. LITTLE MEETINGS. P111 ANNUAL. MEi?TING OF 1'HE Huradjourned to tMarchrl hr at Y p m�rt I)wP Henellnk', oMre. The director. are endeavor - int to secure a speaker on the tare of orcbard.t rte.. for this dale. A Il membe-e sod (hers In- terested In tit Association and ftuit-grewing are (noted 10 he Present. Wiry Not Grow Tomatoes? More money in growing them than Beans and you are .ore of the prion. Everything is higher, therefore we are paying more. Come in and see ur and we' wilt explain how to grow them. H51rs. Gating & Evap►ratiag Co. 0, F. HAMLINK, PRIII'. CARTAGE Having enlisted with the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, I .have made arrange- menty oriel nem "1•14 r ,,, ► cr3' ofi tuykurtage business in bey absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Yeo during my absence will be carefully attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me, ALFRED H. JANE. Tel phone orders to Mr, Yeo,+ No, 167. Cordwood Wanted, We will pay the best prices for any quantity of Cordwood delivered at our Coal Yard. MacEwan Estate Phone 98 ST. ca011Gs'SNaW RECTOR. Rev. A. L. G. C New in Charge of Aug Parish. On Sunday last v. A. L 0. Clarke, the new rector of Rit. tieorge's church, took cLtige of both morning sad evening services. in the evening he took his text from John 1 : E9: "Behold the Lewb of God, wbo taketb away the sin of the world." He pointed oat that this was the way in which the Saviour was introduced to wsnkind. It was (he first time that Christ bad been publicly marked out, et the out- set of his oiuisti y Tbe Jews had • wrmg conception of sin. For instance, they thought It evil to rat uncleansed meat. They had been misled by teachers and thought sin lay in ceremonial negligeoce rather than la oppo.ing the will of Ood. There was much real sin in Christ's time. liven Nazareth had en unenvi- able record, while the court of Jerusa- lem was a hotbed of iniquity. Thus Odrier CAM, “1110t to call the righteous, y but sinners to repentance." While the rase was in its infanc pride, slander sal lies bad separated ern from O.d. He looked down i the time of Noah and saw wickedneee The PeaJmist said wan had gone awa from Ood. EI'jah brooding on th mountain cried, "Even I only am left." We are not yet delivered. The human race falls away from Clod. Sot. e inspired sprit brings about • re- vival. but the rennin to stn begins al - Most iww•-diabely. We go through the church service 'regularly, but not humbly. How often we repeal the wo.ds of the service, but do not take them to ourselves. If we would read the prayerbook care - torfully we would find out wore of the Woed of (nod than from fifty sermons theological boolrts. We have not yet renounced sin. Can we say riches do not attract u* ? Can anyone my be bas not fallen .oto the love of pleasure, powet, or the Woflu enoe of position t Can we say that we are Gree from depraving sin 1 Rae the war with its sot rows tnade us hate nos the Germane, but sin ? It is with the ennrciou,nese of sin and the tree,! of Christ that we have entered L -oto a time of atne,dii ant Bud 9onver*ior.i Surely we can use It to the utterusO.. We have deter- mined to give up social pleasures and amusements, and the feeling of the needs of the men teethe front will help us to forego lame things., that do not count. Pure)! see hays toads ridge about reading I eJLt4e it nil payers, and giving in ire -i51 1a liven, f4urely le saw'esmilw waot".su resulabema, ..r have broken theca, we wail tee the time to the utmost to draw neer to Ood. Shall we rot, then, come regu- larly to arrviee after proper prepare_ tion, to Holy Communion an penitert sinners in order to get strength from day to day 1 ' We must then look into our hearts as Ood sees us and re we recognize our shortcomings we must believe that Ohrfit forgives, for we are told that Hod so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believetb in Him may nut perish, but may have life everlasting. Coast -sealed oyster,, solid meat, fresh from tbe oyster beds, at Black - stone's. Phone 240. n • y e ) Equip your mind and body for more effimeut work. If your vocation cells for either menial or physical work, you cannot dr.'nmpliah best results uniess your hlu a1 is rich and puce. Strength and endurancecan come only Goon the blond. Signs' of had blood are usually shown in forms of languor, poor apperlie. headaches, constipation, skin eruptions, etc. i)r. Brown's Sarsaparilla Compound will put your blood in good condition, stimulate the vital organs and equip your wind and body for more efficient work. This remedy should he taken at thin season, kespe3ially if you experience that. tired - out feeling. Large bottle for a dollar, old by F.. R. tt'igle, druggist, (iode- 'rich. The Latest Spring Millinery � Its TAR iIRTATa or BgNJAMth AU,Oertoe. I.ATn or TH0 VII.1.Aol Or Dllsea ROIs, IN 'r(5 gAQCOUNUTY Or HI'5ON, K5SIRID Faatl5R, Notice I. hereby Blest, `unguent to the Statute In that behelf, rhvt all persona having claims ■5440.1 Benjamin Amoieties, who Mod on the 9f1t.h day of February. 1517, are 'regnlred on or befog* the lath da of Marnh, 1017, to send h post or deliver to Ormiston g. Aug°.t.lne, i nngannon, (Int., administrator of the state and effect., of the odd dsrea.od, roll ~oculars of their claim'; and that lifter the meld last Iteatlonedda(te LhetaM ed mints rotor will pro reed to diatr►beite the ammeter of the mid de enured *mono the persona entitled thereto, hay Ing regent only to ahs. claim. of which he WWI then have had haiee, wad that the "mid administrator se III not be liable for the wild aMetw, or any part. thereof, to luny porton of whose Salto he "heliport then have received pt��11 le. Dwtwd at (lndtrieh this 14th day of March. 1 lROUDp(N)T. KiLLORAN t 1:00KF. loltcitnn for Mid Administrator. OTICE IN HEREBY 0IVRN, pur.oant toChapter 1]5. Sleet Ion let, RA0 . at. all Dermas having claims agalnet the emits, of WIIII,m Cowan. late of the town of Godes-irk In the enmity of Heron, gen Lumen, who 4404 ern 0, shown the 11.t day of Jannary, 1011 are required t.] deliver their claim, and fon partienlarw of eweh elelme to the urdernlpead, 0/000to1e, 0n or herons the 0*0 day of Marol, IM7. Aral (hat after the latter daG we will distribute tM..test. of the raid de reasad among Or parties rot Maul there to, having regard only(*the Malino of whleh we .tall have reo'el tba JOMst ilAN - Ar( Ni strut. Out. .. r YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE Tug Flea !( it I Ie'1l1 It.t .1)1 ANOTHER LETTER FROM L-OORP. WARNER. Lance -Corp. E. A. Warner,jsrwer- ly of The Signal, whiles to t ' editor as follows from Crown oroug Subsea England, February GI : You paid me. quite a compliment i our .wise of Jauary 25th when thn e your n first itetu of reading mattes on the (root peke was *owe lines written by me to my wife somewhere shout Christmas ti¢' 1 do not know how they got into our hands, bot 1 did out write them for publication, although I war aerate that my wife bad given them to the editor of the local paper at Burk's Falls. My gift of rhyming bye often come in useful in camp life and 1 have helped to souse the men Of ILO evening by preparing, in rhyme. skits on current events in camp lite. 1 have been away from the Battalion, which is as Willey, for the part week, taking a cou. se of instruction on 111.1s- ehine-quna at the echoed of trench warfare here. I hope 10 rejoin the Battalion at the end of the that week to March and if I paw my tests credit- ably 1 may act as io*tructer for a while before going to France. There are nine men and one officer herefrow the 161st, but only myself and -a ser- geant specializing in machine-guns. Our machine-gun section is herr but is no longer attached to the Battalion, as all machine -gunners ere now at- tached to the machine-gun corps and proceed to the front in drafts where they ate attached to battalions from divisiowel headquarters. Lance -Corp. McKay, wbo waw transferred to the garrison duty battalion, at Hsetingv, is also here taking a course in bomo- ing with the object of becoming an in- s[t•ticl ot•. AL Witley I am only fourteen tulles from wy birthplace and have expet- ieuced s couple of very enjoy/ale week -ends there, as I can easily ride over ou a wheel lo a little more than an hour. i have many ft lends there in towns within a radius of twenty wiles el the camp red that ie one rea- son that I am anxious to get back. Most of our men are taking another course of musket: y at the Alde rshot ranges and 1 have artery car that they will give. a good account of themselves. The light here is not good for fine sighting and is rather a draw- back to the CenadiaS troops, who ares used to lots of light. I expect as soon as the ntuskelry course is completed another draft of our sten will go ever. Trusting 14ie will find fill well et The tligaar. 1 our., E. A. WARNER. in opening tie ^anadlan School of Trench Warfare at Orowb orough (local pronunciation Crown's', and usually called "Crowborough in the Mist"), Colonel Smart, the command• alit of the camp, said, among other things. that the conditions wi re ideal, refer] log. I believe, to the toptgtaphy of the country. which ie more than usually uuduletingg. The boys. who always use the a ldier's prerogative of grumbling to its limit, took tbe re- mark as referring to the camp lite, end knowing my failing for putting wy thoughts in rhyme asked ire to write a skit on the Colonel'. words. The following ie the result -some, of the statements may be slightly exag- gerated : Crowborough in the Mist. There is a camp in Sussex Where hill. and valleys meet : From spying eyes of toeulen Iris a safe retreat. The name of it is C whorough- In the Miet, you add quite low. 'Tie an ideal spot for training, For Colonel Smart mid so. The mud is thick end slimy, The ditches widowed deep, The huts let in the raindrops, The hugs won't let us sleep. } 1 Hut all of there conditions Just aid the camp, and so The Colonel says it 1. ideal, And. Colonel Smai t should know, 'Tis milerirom any railway • And almost off the earth, --..... Of soldiers there's abundance, Of ladies there's a dearth. The canteen beer is musty, The rations stale and low. That's ideal for the soldiers, For Colonel Sinai t said so. The troops are here fir training in a Trench warfare school. They handle pick and shovel, Bombe and entrenching tool. They work from mr rn to evening Til hacks begirt to how. The camp is ouch' a good one, F1 1 ('olonel Swart said ,o. The Colonel know. his business, For be has done hie hot. Tier mud does not affect .stile, - Hie batman .leans his kat. In these ideal rnnditione The snldi, r • 1.104, and -well, The -Colonel trays it's te rfect, Hui 1' my says It a - ratber unf•orufortable, -E. A. W. ............ THEIlkDS IN KHAKI. Melville O. Anderenp, A former ooderich boy, who enlisted with the Canadian Kngineetr at Ottawa in 1911, and had since served with them at the front, is now with the infantry and has received his commission Lieut. Anderson is a son of Mts. J. A. Anderson, of Ottawa, his father being the late Rev. Jas. A. Anderson of Goderich. The ('anadiin Engineers .Ire looking for a number ut recruits in Ibis die- trict and Sergt. Thos. Pritchard has hero appointed as the local recruiting officer. Men of all trades ere wanted for the Engineers, either for home service or overawe, and `.ergs. Pt Och- er 1, whose office is in the old Khaki Cluh 1001M11 Morton's block). will be glad to give any particulars on eppli- cation. -_ PTO:-iFi1LTAM KENNEDY. Pte: William Kennedy, son of Mre. l;'Ptriek Kennedy, returned borne on Friday evening, and was web comed at the G. T. R. station by Mayor Monologs, Reeve Nairn and Town Clerk Knox. Private Kennedy was eaveeelg ounded last Seimernber, hie left •haper tiring hadly shat- tered, After being wounded he lay in a shell -hole for two days I."fure he. Ing r.'sdna(f. fir wee for Ruse Hine in hospital in France; and afterwards in Eng1aod, and hie left arm is still use- less and he miller s much pain. Y. M. C. A. MILITARY WORK. Public Meeting in Gatwick Next Thurs- day to Be Addr by Capt, UcNab. Mr. Henry 7-eigh, f Toronto, was in town this week ma 'ngreliminary arrangements for a c nvw of the town in the interests of the military work of the Y. •l C. A. A llrovision- al committee has hero tortured and or- ganization for the canvass will her conlpletrd xt a public meeting 10 he held in the Temperance Hall onThurs- day evening of next week, at So'Clock. This meeting sr II be addressed' by C.pt. John McNab, who has s 'hr al, n.t eighteen wombs in Y. M.C. work et the Gout Bud will give a pal on trench life, �tT,he Y. M . C. A. has rigbty-three mere woe king at the front. and their services and the various accommoda- tions provided by the Y. M. C. A. are held in high value by the (nen. Por this year's wink $Nq,Ot*l ie the esti- mated expenditure, and for next year the estimate is 116.1H,000. The public are cordially invited tel Attend the meeting next Thursday evenitg to hear Capt. McN.eh and learn more about what the M. C. A. is doing for the soldiers. It is proposed to make the canvass of tete town od the :16th inst. . Spring Millinery. 1 wish to,announce that i hate a full st'ck of spring millinery at"rea- sonable prices And will he pleased to show it after 8atnrday, the 11th. Showroom upstaire. MRs. P. T. DEAN, East at. and Square. Miss Cameron announces her first showing of spring and moronity millin- ery for Wednesday, March 21, and following day. The Maple Leaf Social Club is put- ting on a dance next Tuesday evening, March 211,h. Adwision-gents Ub', -ladles fret. FORMA L OPENING on Saturday, March 17th C. M Campbell Kingston Street Goderich SCHOOL GARDENING COMPETITION. Goderich Industrial Exhibition Board Of- fers Sao in Prizes. At the hoard weetiog of the Gode- rich Industrial and Agricultural Soci- ety held at the town hall on Saturday afternoon the trow-utter statement, as audited by Niagara. Lane and Putter, was received and accepted for tor - warding to the Drpartwent at Tot on - tor After settling all claim. for 1916 the balance in hand amounted to $72. his is considered a sstisfactt.ry s owing, in view of the adverse condi- tions of the weather at the time of the fall fair last year. The report on the revision of the prize ILt wee accepted from the spec- ial committee appointed for the pur- pose. The poultry pt ize list has been re•iied and is as nearly perfect as can be reasouahly expected. A class of ptizev for fens Of standard breeds of fowl has been formed, with entry fee of 'r"oc per pen ; aldol a class for *ever et varieties. o1 pigeons with good prises and a fee of 10c per pair entry. The hoard set aside twenty dollars for competition in school children's gardens, ti..wrt's and vegetables, pro- viding that into rest he shown by rural echool eectioue, and that metrias ate received from at Ira►( five schools. It is hoped to stimulate interred in this line and that the trustees and teachers will take it up at once. Now that the sowing season will won be on us, spret:y action is fleeces*: y. • The exhibition dates are fixed fee September 25th, 27th and 71stb. "Shoes." The Bluebird attraction for next Monday and Tuesday at the Model Theatre is a romantic story entitled "Shoes.'• The girl in the cree we eked in a ten -cent More at a small wage. Her mother took in enahiug to help, rapport the family -consisting of two entailer children, and a Lazy, good -fin - nothing fatter. '1'hia ishan was too limy even to look for work. He would leave home late in the forenoon and sit all day ou park bench.,, readingg dime novels, smoking his pipe And •`rushing the tan' -hlii -- wife and. daughter providing the money. The g ri needed shote. The wrecks she wore were falling from her feet. To prevent picking up 'splinters from the rough boards un wbiell she stood all day behind the counter, she pro- tected the bottoms of her fret by in• sorting pasteboard insoles. Her even- ings she spent with her feet in waren water to reduce the swelling and soothe her tired fret. Each week eha .� .i • ):dr-. pay-eovelope home to her nrot ` Each week she was promised $i with which to buy new shoes. But there wee always need fur the money she earned to supply the family larder -; to provide beer and tobacco for her lazy father. Just how the half -slave shop girl finally succumbed to relent-. less Mre and "sold out for it pair of shoes" is pictorially related on the screen. There is a lesson In 1141,. feattu'e for every father and mother who have mode theniselvn rm'poosible for the welfnre of a dsught.r -it expounds the greatest problem ever eesayed in moving pictures and does it deftly, cleanly -and wish gripping interest. Wholesomeness and purity are our first considerations when retaking our homemade candy and iter -cream. A trial will convince. you. Edwards'. one I.V. AUCTION SALES. Mos it,l t, M.rrh 10 .A action ..ale of farm stock and tniplcinrnt.. piopett) of Mr. Thome, 11. Any. at lot 13. roures.um 4. Hayfield toad. (iwlenrh bpwh•hip. it cue commence. at 4 o'clock sheet,, 'r. 0t•N Oily, newt' err TltCaCDvy. March 24. -Abet ion ode of milcb town; farrow cows end pone rattle. property of M,.J. f: Verge -on, at leiw'an'. hotel. (lode. rich. rale (onunenoou et 1.:e0 o'clock. T1111(A0 01:0054. auctlo,,,'er, Ti'g,DAW. All. ilAnt'tion sal. of f.rm Ince and 1011,1. mit of Hrnry 1. Kar, at lot 111. r t on 1, Wr-t Waw s,,ost;, Nile po.toMem. 1. OV 5y, auctioneer. K08S.-lp OpdeMrb. about arch \:y:cy itbRo.. widow of the 1 tr Robert Rose, DIE aged (a veal-, SLOtN.-At the home of hl. daughter, Mrs. Wesley Nsiker. 1lotteries. ou T111 .day. March 1:2, Andrew 1V. 410+0i. t` hlyth. to hi. 731 h jeer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-Ma+ch 15. Pegs War Lout- Deportment of Finance. Utt, a 5 Incubators for Sate -O. Y, Kidd ......, 1 TM .New War len-Join• Stark & Co., T 01110 Iroo Moulder, Wanted-1'fglor•forbew Guelph , .. ..... _ ......... ... . 1 7Rrtrr forest . (tome:: .4.ardatlo 1 1 Auto truck and Car for Salt -1 Orate Door Ce,. Ltd ... . . .. Meader- Niles 1.'emetvn.... .. 1 Nln-ic Teaching 511.. Nora E. 1101144....:1 Inc ItobeLost Geo. Rntledge. Nile.... t The New aeries Chevrolet -Oce. Joh ou5 War Loan- .1 E. Amy. Sc Co., Toronto 5 Rubbers -Canadian I'onwldatedRubber ('o., Montreal I Meehan.(''all--. 1h,rninloo 41.ptrtt5.0t Agna- riot. re $ Ford Touring ('err Kelly A MacE . .... I nab -Pam. Saturday next, 17th inst., is the closing date at Walters' shoe store. Only two days to get berthing in boots and shoes. Don't. miss the oppor- tunity. „ CHURCH NOTES. An event of special interest to the ladies will be the spring millinery opening at Mise C. M. Campbell's. Kingston strew, on Saturday, 17th inst. The Women's institute will serve tea, for the benefit of (lie Red Cross work, on Thursday afterfoon of nett week. M . Hodgen. Bras. baying kindly offer the use of their carpet detaillmene Nu the occasion. Admis- sion 15c. Tea served froth 14 to 6 o'clock. Everybody le Invited. We would rather sell psis shoes at a big reduction than pay freight no them. This ie why we offer thea) et such ridiculously low pricer. 8at- nrday, 17th inst., fa our clogln da In (llderich. Enough said. .1. P. WAL- rERa. At Knox church next Sunday motn- Ing Rev. R. 0. McDermid'(n subject will he: "The Ministry of Suffering." Evening subject: "The Supreme Rev, 0. M. Holmes will preach next Sunday In the Baptist church. Morn• le subject : "The Reflex influence of flirtation Service." Evening sub- ject : "Troubles of Men,•(. The subject for discission at the Men's Sunday Club at North -street Methodist church next Sunday will be : "Parliament's relation to nation - building -What should it do fur edu- cation 1' Atr Korth street Methodist church next Sunday Intoning Rev. 1%, K. Hager'. subject will to : "'the Chti.- tlan Doctrine of Resurrection," Even- ing subject : "Lite'. Christ Places -- Tyre and Sidon." 1 R d waw Spring Millinery - Mr.,IP. T. mos... .. 1 Men Wanted -Thu Helmsley swale a Atli Company. ('hathnm..:;.,. . ... ..,, Hotel Worled- t'. H. Chute, Wisdom 1 l' Machin i- - and Tr.olneikatntWillaltld-Tayke►- rnthr. l'o..(luelph . 1 Bs her Shop lienrtre Little......... . 1 . War Loon I.nc.! !links t Caned inn Feel neer, serge. T, PNteiord.. . W +Iced (five. for 8nle - W. T. Mersa 1 Millinery Opening -Mia tJ. M. Campbell..., 1 dirt 11',urted - Mn. NI. N flow ell ... 1 Tamworth now. for SAO.- H. Keith Revell 1 Auction Sale Thome. 1). Amy. l ' Auotlon Sale -J. 5. Fcrau-on 1 . Auction tide- Henry J. Kerr .. . . t r Potter. N'anted -- Apply Signet (Mice 1 Ilnuntlet Lost- 5l.nd Olace ..... 1 ' ` • i 4. •