HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-8, Page 8! TIIIIMIDAY, Newell 8, 1917 MERIDEN SILVER POLISH CREAM Made by the makers of 1847 Rogers Bros. silverware Positively the best silver Polish made. Will re- store the blackest silver to its original state with the least amount of work We absolutely guarantee this to be better and less expensive than any other Polish on the market. Money willing- ly refunded if not satis- factory. Price for large' jar, 25c We also have the Radio polishing cloth for silverware, which re- quires no cream and can be used until it is worn to pieces. Agent's price from door to door 25c, our price to introduce, 1Sc She Did Not buy. Mrs. Jenkins had it passion for tbe old and curious. One day when rum- maging about in a brie -s -etas shop she 'noticed a.4uaint figure, the head and shoulders of which appealed above the counter. "What 1. that Jspaneee idol over there writ th'r" she asked. - The ealesmpn replied in a nibx:ued Lone: "About halt a million. That is the proprietor. ALL, 4 Mr vrt 11111 I .II WI SYR. TAR • with D LIVER OIL CORP. I Tasteless) A CERTAIN CURE for Coughs, Colds and All Bronchial Irritations LARGE BO1'LE 35c Guaranteed - A. L. Caldwell, Phm.B. Prescription Druggist Pewits 19s and 19b Norte Side Semite THE MOYES AFFAIR DISCUSSION IN THE LEGISL A T tine REGARDING O. W. S. RAILWAY Mr. Proudfoot Moves for Papers Re- lating to Attempted Arrest of J. W. Moyes- Attorney -General Declares Mis Department Is Not to Blame for the Failure to'TGet Mold of the Missing Man -Solicitors Disagreed. In the Legislature on Monday the affair. of the Ontario West Shore Railway were the subject of deicers. Mon. The matter cawe up on s motion by Mr. W. Proudfoot, member fur Centre Huron, for copies of all correspon- dence, reports and documents in any way relating to the attempted arrest of John W. Moyes, Mr. Proudfoot, in presenting his motion, said that al- though the people might not consider they had much chance of getting tbetr money back -they had been de- frauded of at least $120.11(0-a vigor- ous effort should be made to arrest Moyes. "It may be said that the people up there (io Huron) are tbe only?• onee in- terested in the prosecution, he said, '4wb I do not reamed- it --ie teat light at all. Wben a Wan like Moyes commits a fraud such as hdcommitted, and gets away with it, then It is an encourage- ment to other people who are promot- ing schemes of this kind and other kinds. It should not. in cases of this type, be left entirely on the shoulders of the private individual to start a prosecution. The people interested its tbe care are anxious that Noyes should brought back and stand trial." Hon. Mr. Lucas said if there was brought down to the House the cor,tt- pondence showing the evidence and how the Department had been trying to reach the man they were attempt- ing to arrest, that would defeat the very purpose the honorable member who raised the question had in sight. The' Attorney -General said *bat Noyes 1 could have been arrested by anyb sly who knew the facts. He thought Mr. Proudfoot was one of the counsel in UM cave before the railway board. No request came to the Delrarttuent of the Attorney -Gent ra1 white the facer were all before the municipalities and counsel. Moyer' last evidence was ou April 21, and then he ventshed into the nt.t•tblrnd, and nobody bad seen .him rinse. When the men had gone away, three years after the fraud+ had been committed and the money stolen, the 'Department was asked to get him. "The very municipalities, through their counsel, through their represent- atives, baying the details, having all the knowledge.- -kteowigg the --Frautts j,tir from 1911, knowing them as they were disclosed before the railway board. took no action," said Mr.Luclue "made no suggestion to the Attorney -artier- ars Depattwent. and yet there mks iusinoattou of blame on the Attorney- Genteel's Department. An attempt was apparentlty being made to get po- litical advantage." Mr. Proudfoot explained the reason Why proceedings were not taken rather. Wbile it. was true, he said. that a great many statements had been enade about tbe funds having been mivappropriated and disposed of iwproperly.,it was not known exactly bow it wouldwork out until the in- vestigation took place before the rail- way board. It was only then they ascertained what had become of the stoney and how the moneys had been spent. Just as soon as the report was made by the board the proceedings were instituted. 1t was idle for the Attorney -General to say^ hie Depart- ment did nut know -whet was going on when the reports of the proceeding', 'afore the leveed were appearing in the press every day. Moy,•, could have been arrested Tong before he left. Mr. Proudfent denied that he had brought the wetter up to gain political capital. A. H. Musgrove (North Huron) said the township of Ashfield was in his covet itnercy and at the last election this Mayr. aflair wan a burning ques- tion. It was one of the most difficult points he had to meet, why Moyes had not been arreetrd, and all the political capitai that could be made was made. He, however, got a state- ment from Hon. Mr. Foy, and *bat proved satiefeetory to the people in that part of the riding. Hen,. Mr. Lucas sold the first noti- ltcati n they hail fr Mr. Proudfoot was net Mi y 3, 1014. while Moyes, it was sinter, left on May 1. 'the Attorney- Orn►t':,Fs Deppertwent was asked 001 10 Mnyrs until the railway hoard made its rep,•rt, which report was heated on the 11th of May. In- epector Boyd was at once placed on the job, and Moyes having been sup- poeed to have gone to Algonquin Park. the (nepecu)r was told off 10 try and locate him there, while the To- ronto police kept his house in Toronto under olrervation. Mr. Proudfoot, with reference to the statement that the r.gneeL was made not to artery Moyer' until after the railway hotted'. report, stated that personally he wanted him to be ar- rested, bot thele were three sclicitots and they did not sgrr.-, Hon. Mr. Lucas undertook that if there wee any cors spondenee that could wlh advisability be brought down, it would he 1 ronght down. However, it it were found that this 'should not he done it. would not be brought down. • FREE Every young map of 18 yeti r,r over who aspires to achieve Should take advantage of the following coven offering him (absolutely free of any ex panne, beyond the price of the 9c stamped envelope) a truly splendid "pIW,I'tunity of Entertaining in his own mind the thoughts of the leading British and American Writers on the War and other great problems of the day. Free COUPON Dear Publishers of "\Vnrld Wide," "Wi nese" Bldg., Mentrenk Please send me "World Wide" for three weeks FREE of all charges and without any obligation whatever on my part, and oblige Name Addrew. .. ............................ 'O CHRONIC COUGH Mate Well by Delicious Vil'lol 4 re.tlinc, (thin. --"I contracted a ',eel, rhnine. rough, and was weak, "nens and run down. 1 have a entail etnily of three. and it was hard for me •o do acv work. 1 took different medi- cinva without benefit Finally I heard abnutt Vinol, end it has restored me to health and strength, my coegh is all gone and I feel fine."--Mre. It. If. CAar,tetE. Vinol is a constitutional remedy for ehrnnie roughs and sold., and for all weak, nervous, nes-down conditions Try it on our guarantee. I1. C. Dunlop, druggist,Ooderich, Unt' Almost the best druggists in all Ontario towns. T. f • THE 8TGN AL GODERICH : ONTA RIO White Pine and Spruce Balsam will soon rid you ofthatharass- ing cough and the relief will be permanent. This effective Cough Syrup helps you to throw off your , cough by reducing the inflam- mation of the air passages promptly and without any harmful after-effects. For your protection the formula is printed on every label. Get a bottle today at the Penslar Store, exclusive agency for Peuslar remedies and toilet preparations. Sold in two sires, Vic and 50c. Plain or mentholated. STOP THAT BARK JAS. A. CAMPBELL, Phm. B. "Central Drag Store " - Corner North Street and Square Gotten,h Bus . Sit 'Phones Res. S'Jli mmemel MacEwafe Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL T"' OuG6der eh and District. THR BANNER MONTH. /' • • Goderiek Hirsch Red Cress Society Has • Gratifying Record. The monthly meeting of the lied ()rose Soclety took place in the fury room of the court house on the even- ing of February 26tb, nab Mr. Porter in the chair. The following articles were shipped during the mouth : Mewing commit- tee, 26 dressing gowns, 42 suits py- jamas, l8 khaki dsyshirts, 20 grey day]shirts, 8 pain bed socks -value, $.a7.811. Yarn committee, 331 pairs of socks -value, $29:. Britannia Branch. 78 housewives- value, $7b. Maple Leafs, 141 potuwooia jackets -value, $176.25. Thr total value of the whip - went war, therefore, $849.06, and this together with 'UV seat to herd office brings the total output to $949,06, and crakes the second month Of 1917 the banner wonth of thetociety. The expenditure. were ; Britannia Branch. 10.1V ; sewing committee, $183,61: ecru COW tnittee, $110.30 ; total, $:517:86. The secretary's report visa sa fol- lows: Belsoce from last month, after deducting $100 sent to bead office, $213.49. Reoeipts-$t. Patrick's wield, $00.70; St. Gero ge's. $56.43; At. David's, $ ii 45 ; St. Audrew's, $43.24 ; \V. C. F. M. employees. $28,15 National Service League, \'ictoriastreet Metho- dist church, *17.5 ; Eureka Bible Class, Victoria street Methodist church, *5J.dt ; Literary Society, G. C. 1., *95: Miss Jean Tom, $5; Mrs. Porter, $3; Miss K. \Watson, MissIda F. Vanstone, Mrs. Robert Young, Mr.. Phelan. Mrs. Carrie, *2 each, a local receipt of $442.78. Expendit- ure., IK10 .Se. Balance, $'248.41. An appeal on behalf of the H. C W. C. A. was then made by Mice Allen for $1111 towards furniebing_a Huron ward in the London hospital for returned tube' cuter soldiers. As, however, rule IX. of the Red Cross Constitution stater that : "Money or contributions of material roust in ne case betforwerded direct to the scene of hostilities or to any other destination except by permission and authority of the Central Council," the Society was unable to -res nd to the appeal, but reoomwended rte collection of. money for this very laudable purpose to the War Auxiliary. A committee consietiog of the presi- dent, 'secretary and Mr. Porter was appointed to arrange for apportioning the County grant to this municipality; Mrs. Horton was added to the yarn committee and requested to take charge during March ; Miss Proud - foot, representing the Maple Leafs, war added to the working commit- tees, and Mr. Porter to the advisory committee ea convener. Expenditures to the following amounts were auth- orized : Yarn $150, sewing commit- tee 11030, Britannia Branch *40, Maple Leafs *40. The meeting then adjourned. • Any quantity beet al1 Maple Slabe, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) bettor Than Manure. Edward Wood, Ethel, Ontario, says: "I ,tented Homestead Bone Black I1ertilizer on oat.. corn and potatoes. Theresults were beyond my expecta- tion.. My corn was Netter on the fertilized part of the flees tan nn the other part where 1. put twelve loads of good barnyard manure per acre with manure spreader, sixty bushels per load. 1 highly recommend the use of your high-grade fertilizer." Write Michigan Carbon Wolk', De- troit, for free hook and particulars about their Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer. Have You Sent in Your Card ? The time limit set for filling in Na- tional Service cards ha• been extended to the 31st of Meech. It is hoped that all males between the ages of eighteen and sixty who for any teamon did not comply with the first request will now perform this voluntary patriotic duty. Fresh cattle and envelope' Inc this purpose may le obtained Mall poet - offices. The information secured from cards already sent in is being need to good advantage in systematizing the die• tribution of labor which is required In connection with the ',tutelage of men for the land, for other occupations, and for the army. All wh•, were careless or who may have previou.ly ignored the national request new have an opportunity to recon.idrr their petition and .how their loyalty by filling in *card at the nearest. poatof ice. No citizen of Canada can af[ird to be indifferent in the present emer- gency. HAYFIELD. Tuasta HsrcbB. Miss 0. Mackenzie to laid up with an attack of pl^nriey, Mis. Rdu h Spackman it vi.iting her sister, Mr.. Pollard, at London. Mr. Robert Penhale left for Sas- katchewan last week with a carload of horses. Mr. Mcllve.te, of Henff, Alberta, is visiting f, lend■ in the village and neighbo, hood - Mr. and Mee. Jones, of Crediton, were Murata of theie'brgther wt the. perennaste last week. Don't forget the St. Patrick's social in the beeement of the Pretibyterian church on Finlay evening, March 18. Rev. A. Macfarlane attended the Inductor.. el Rev. .1. Haig at Willie church, Clinton, on Friday evening 1 Ire -fishing it in full awing. M►ny citizens are taking a hand in the huai- ne•' and "with or without limner " i. ant rital q iesDon at the present. Rev, li', R,ekspd le at prr.ent in Vic• trete lir.rpflel, Iwmdon, taking a rest mere. used his' many friends will he plettasd to knew that he is improving. RED CROSS NOTES. „ The Salttcrd Ked Dross Society ac- knowledges the receipt of 214 pain of socks and :14 trench shirts from its we rkers : Orare Sown, 24 pairs socks ; Mary Gliddon, Mi.. A. Goldthorpe, 18 pairs : Dolly Down, Mr.. Boon, 13 pairs ; Mr.. Glidden, 12 emirs t Mrs. J. Walters, 10 paint Miss A. Riseet, 9 pairs ; Mrs. Hess, ..Mrs. 8. Bisset, 7 pairs ; Mrs. Dawe Mrs. Connell, Mrs. Jones, Mary Baxter, furs. W. Phillip., Mn. O. Bisset, Mrs. K. Walter, 5 pal ; Mrs. Lipper. Margaret Bisset, 4 pas • Mrs. Mcleod, Mw. Oihhe, Maria,Durnin, Mrs. P. McEwaq, Miss Sand.$on, Mrs. Murphy, 3 pair.; Annie uchanan, Mrs. Curren;• Ila Currell, rs. Tank, Winnie Glidden, Clara Joneg,' Mre. (leo. Hiseet,, Miss a. Hamilton, Miss 1. Van Stone, 2 pairs :' Miss Buchanan, Mrs. W. McLean' Mary Steep Mrs. W. Syutmnnd,. Mrs. Adams, Miss Fasten, Annie McManus, I pair. Trench shirt. -Margaret McManue. 4 ; Mrs. Steep, Mee. Harrison, Mr.. O, tiymmonds, 3 ; Mrs. Correll. Mr.. Daw, Mrs. W. McLean, Mn. Lippet, Mrs. O. Bisect, Mrs. C. McNeil, Mrs. Barker, 2: Mrs. Oihbe, Mr.. Adams, 1. A calf donated to the-Hnciet by K. Walter wee raffled at Mr. McNeil's sale nn Fete nary 21. The sale of tickets brought in $'x1.06, the lucky ticket swing held by Mr. S. Mcalath, of Ooderich township. Mr. McMath very generously returned the calf to be sold by auction and Nought it hack himself for $0, making in all $29.07. Ripened Ten Days Earlier. Thomas Kelly, Cop nhagen, Ont„ says : "1 have used Homestead Fertilizer on bot h corn ar-d oat., and am well atitfied 1 the rot n eared up hotter and ripened &bout ten days earlier where the fertilizer we. used ; it also gave $ larger yield both in corn and straw." An Invitation to Sickness. Impure Blood Means a Breakdov. n in Your Health. Irnptrre hood is an invitation to sickness. The blood is et work day and night W maintain the health. and any luck of et'ength or purity 10 the blood is a weakness in the defence againes diseaase Anaemia is the doe- t.or's name for lack of Mend. There may be an ac nal Tose in the quantity of the blood, or one or more of its constituents may be larking. Its surest symptom is pallor. Anamia is timd•owu arly rmnn in yong girls. I'art is not, however, confined to them alone, for it is the. errors leek of blood that Fervents full recovery after Is grippe, revere, midst le and operations. It, its also prrernt in old age and in persona who have ten under unusual enentrt er yhystest strain If you ate suffering flour this trouble take Dr. Vl'illiams Peek Pole for Pale People. They meke per new blood with every dose and ' lila new blond means health and steresseu b, Thouau nd. have proved the „u•t. / thee. a atrnrent., among them Mt- J•'hn Hyatt, Mclls- kow, A1,e..ehr•a.;' : "A bout a year ..g:. 1 wen in a he 1y run-down rondi- Lion, my Mond we. a cry, 1 wait very nere eta, slept levity at night ; suffered fr ei fr. mien, head .ches and found my hour, cork en almost in- tolerable harden, my arm lite was part, tied 1 dot nfrt weirs to assimilate the hied I look, altoge. her ay condi- $5600 AND $':lOOO - CHOICE OF - HEAVY COATS AT THESE T WO PRICES Saturday is clean-up day in the Coat Department, and we want to make a clean job of it. Less than 20 Coats to sell. Not a poor style' -in- the entire lot. The wholes ch divided into two lots for easy buying. Choice of first lot $5.00 Choice of second lot $10.00 18 or 20 bargains for 1$ or 20 people, will you have one ? The best lot of Coats, we ever had for a season's final clear- ance. On sale first thing SATURDAY MORNING. NOW SHOWING._ e New Suits, New Spring Coats, New Coatings and Spring Goods of all kinds Direct Hodgens Bros. Go4eriet+, Ontario tion seemed serious. As there was no doctor in our neighborhood I decided toive Dr. William•' Pink Pills • trial` and 1 have much cause to be thankful that I did so, as in a few weeks 1 could feel a great change for the better. I continued the use of the pills for some time longer, and found a complete cure. 1 feel better than 1 have for years and can therefore cheerfully recommend Dr. Williams,' Pink Pills to all who are weak and run down." You can get these pills front any dealer is medicine or by mail at 50 cents 0� hoz or six boxes Inc $2.50 from The ITr. \\'illiama' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. ,r. WEST WAWANOSH. The municipal council of West Wa- wenosh met on Februat y 10th ; Coun- cillor Put don absent, Reeve J. A. Mwllough preeidtng. Minute's of Isat meeting read and approved. Finan- cial statement rt by tre•.sttrer, showing a balance on hand of $374.62, wee filed, on merlon by Messrs. John- ston and Watson. Auditor T. B. Taylor read a detailed statement of receipts and expenditures for year ending December 31, 1916, showing $ balance On band of $1712,72. This report. *aa accepted snd filed en mo- tion try Metiers. Johnston and Aitchi- son.. Motion by Messrs. Watson and Aitchison that township treasurer' pay Red Cross accounts to the amount! of $189.86 as granted by county. Treasurer Thompson reported that collector's roll had heap returned and that all taxes had been paid. Public libraries at :it. Helens, Dungannon and Auburn were paid usual grants. on motion by Mee;srs. Johnston and Aitchison. Youngs creek drain question was di..cussed at length and laid over for next meeting. Clem k re- ported be bad not received any reply tp letters written township eng neer Fn January. Motion by Metiers. Ait- chison and Watson that caretaker be instructed to keep township hall and se whirs locked. Accounts amounting to $110.25 were passed and paid, on motion by Watson and Aitchison. Pathmsstere, fenceviewers and pound- keepeirs were appointed as follow., and bylaw to be prepared to that effect Pathmsaters-1. Currie, J. H, Pent- land, W, Campbell, T. McPhee, R. Brune, J. Windmill, R. Reid, A. Law- lor, J. Nicholson, W. 8cothers, Med. Elliott, J. Elliott, W. Yonne, T. Halle/Ea D. Phaten, H. Reid, J. J. Washin W. J. Andrew, C. C. Brown, J. Redmond. W. A. Oraar, T. Culbert, R. Smyth, Jas. Finnigan, W. A. Boyle, Jos. Leddy, J. Walsh, 11. Lindsay, J Chamney, T. Woods, D. Errington, J. O. Ferguson, E. Mc- Roberts, J. Crandon, W. NcAlllater, A. Brophey, P. Walsb, C. Robintion, J. Brophey, J. Edwards J. Agar, B. Harper, E. Fitzpatrick .1. Durnin. C. Fnrehent D. Donovan, Jos. Kinnighan, M Cummins, W. Armstrong, M. Champion, J Boles, W. Rutherford, W. Humphrey, J. B. Rutherford, D. McKenzie, M. Humphrey, J. Jn nt, W. Taylor, A Emerson, 8. Phillip., D. O'Callaghan, J. J, Taylor, P. Wet - .on, J. (taunt, J. Ander.nn, W. Camp- Iti.11, J. Forster, W. Ferrier, T. Inglis, J. Laidlsw, J . Pagleaton, P. McMillan, J. Purelis. H. Patterson. H. Hutshison, Dr. Cwt, H . Fowler. Ferneevtewaee-A. Rivera. J. J.' Washington, Ig. Ktngf J. Dornan, W. Armstrong. W. E. McPherson, 0. A. (freer. Poundkeepers-J. Taylor, J. Feagan, T. Doyle, C. C. Brown. J. Walsh, Joe. Kindigban, M. Humphrey, W. Miller, iP Smeltzer. Council adjourned to tueet March 28at10a. m. R. A. Wttstott, Clerk. The Best Newspaper Va1uerg-._..- In Western Ontario Ube xfonbon Bbvertiser All Mail Editions IS Per Year JtarVafe Cor...,- Montr.aigetr..a sad $erase HIGH CLASS end SANITARY We serve excellent meats a la Carte daily PIES TO TAKE OUT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL SERVICE Our Motto Clwnlmess Always OPEN 9 A. M. TO I A. M. 1 11111111111111.0 P. Walters' Great Removal Shoe Sale Closes Sat., March 17 Buying Boots and Shoes at wholesale prices will then be a thing of the past Make good use of your time for the next eight days, buy all the shoes you require for the next 12 months. You know shoes will be double the present prices ere long. Dig up your $ $ $ It is now they count Buying Shoes, Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at wholesale prices and less is like getting money from home. Come along as early as possible while selec- tions are good. EVERY DAY COUNTS. J. P. WALTERS, WA L TSE RAS & C D i