HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-8, Page 7THE SIGNAL : v GODERICH : ONTA RIO THUHtDAT, MARCH 8. 1917 7 A Place You for Recruits Wanted for Production Just as surely as! day by day, so pie fotthe allies. The ---,never better fed than ow, for France cannot forget the awful lesson of 18 0—the failure of her food supply. To this she at 'kited the loss of that war. To feed the Preach soldiers a nd Verdun, more than 25,- 5OU,000 pounds of food a wee were required. This gives a faint idea of -the colosval ta,k eding an army. Canada and Britain have a huge army of fightig heroes on the line ; every man MUST have plenty of food, in pite of a world shortage.. Upon Canada's food production a principally rely. The \Farmers of, Ontario Urgently Need\Help The Department of Agriculture appeals to men and boys to enlist in the farm help campaign. The Department appeals to men unfit for military service, or whofind it impossible to enlist in the army. 1)o your "bit" by helping to increase production of foodstuffs. This is your hour of opportunity. The farmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of town following no occupation (retired), of business men who can spare a portion of their time. We appeal to all who can so arrange their ordinary affairs t2slan to help some farther friend, oprticularly in seed tifffe lnd harvest. -;Cor -;Confer- with -you-scanty District R,tpresentative\\et the Department of Agriculture, or write, Farm Help\Cam- plaign," care Department of Agriculture, T " , ' to. \ Ontario Deportment of Agri tare W. H. Hearst. MikiMr .f Agriewhrr - Parliament Buildings T 1. Some men want to make hay in February and cut ice in August. Judging by the looks of some hur- bands, it would seem that their wives varied thein merely to keep out of the *piaster class. No swatter what yon want dune in his line, a dentist say. it won't hurt. Of course, be means that it won't hurt him. COUNTY and DISTRICT IThe young son of Robert Wright, of McKillop, fell on the ice and sustained severe Mittel. J. D. McKean bas scld bis term on the let line of Morris to JoI o C. Came more of tb. 2nd line. Mn. Charles Rlntoul, who had been visiting friends et Bluevale, bits re- turned to ber bou)e at Weyburn, tsa sk, John J. Gallium bas purchased the dwelling house. and lots iu Zurich owned by Mrs. Pauling Faust, of La G rauge, III. Mr. and Mn. Ben. Pfile, of Zurich, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Clara Angelina, to Garnet Jacobs*. Word has been received that Pte. Robert McGowan Yuill, won of 1. M. Yuill, of Hensel(, was kilted in action on February 7th. Silas Brokenshirr,-of-Stephen, bat -Bald. when Me guret &!t. ontrtaufth- received word that hie son, Pie. Ana, ter of Mn. William Jamieson, became Broken+hire, of the ldlst Hurons, bas the bride of Mt. Jas. B .+k, of Benno, been seriously wounded. Sisk:, on Fehruaty 21it. Rev. J. S. After spending th. winter with re. Hardin officiated. latives in Fordwicb. Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Men. George Jackson, Mn. John Argue, and children, left recent- Hairy Jai:town, Mts. Thomas fierce ly for their Western home. and children, Mrs. Thomas Burrows While attending a sale at Corrie re- and children. and Arch. Baron, all of eently, William Bears, Howick, was wham have been visiting at %Velton kicked in the head by a horse, but for- land vicinity, hetet returned to tbeir ornately eecaptdl reriout injury. i respective homes in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Elsner Driver and little I On February 24th the death occur - daughter, who bave been spending I red at his home in Usborne of Jahn some months in Fordwich, have re- . Rhode, aged sixty four years. Mr. turned to their home at Glensvon, Rhode, wtin was born in Stephen township, heti been in poor health for Who Made Dat Pones ? The colored pa•snn was expounu ing Generis. He said to his congrega- HimI , "The Lord made man in his own image. He took w lump of stud. abaped it into a men, and slimmed it up against a fence to dry." And a male member of the rongregation promptly bawled our : "S iy, passon, who made dist fence • MARTYR TO PAIS N THE BACK Naafis, N.S., 101. 15, 1915, Aleut eight smooth ag• I road Dyear advertisement 1a..M ef tits alitasap.s. olferrag • free sample of Ola Pula for the Ind. nays. I W leen a warty' toe ears ie intense ins scree tk• pains back sad decided to try O1r PLLIa, I.for. I had anLhed the third fes I found sayeeH ter the gist time la years perfectly free tress sous Tears sincerely, Mrs. (las.) Percy. Aft druggists son Ola Pals M see a box, er t ►.ass for 92. os. Sample free t! yea write to RATIONAL D1UG a OHEMIOAL CO. OF CANADA. LIIIITED Tercet., Oat. M Casa' over a year. He is survived by hu Albert Neal, of the Base line north wife, one son and one daughter. of Clinton, was called to Toronto to i A ver bihI respected resident of attend the funeral of a bronher-in-law, Y g James Carter, who was killed by a , the 17th coi,cession of Hay, William fall from • scaffold, I Heckman, died on February 25th, On Febroery 21+t, \lar Orton, from hanteuing of she arteries. Mr. widow of the late John Walter., of 1 Heckman, who moved to ,this county Howick, passed peaerfnlly away at I from Mitehell some tee years ego, was Ib. home of her son, John \V.Iten, forty-nine years of age, and leaves a aged seventy-nine years. widow and tout cbildtro to mourn his lose. A pretty wedding took place at While delivering a lined of oats%At Corbett on Febrile, y ieith, when Vio- let,the home of C. Brrtliff, Percy ihehl, er, of 9hipk daughter of Mr. and Mn. F. Oahe of Stanley, met, with au accident to a, was united in marriage his trate which might have proved ' to V{Im. Decker, of Zurich. much more manumit than it did. fn David C. Somerville, of the 5th line, 'turning t he horses, they slipped in an Morris, died rather suddenly on Feb- old well whicb bad caved in and was ruary 24th. aged fifty years. An at- covered with snow. No serious dam - tack of acute indigestion. resulting in 1 age was done. I • heart failure, caused his death. Capt. Alex. Keine. sen of the late Mn. McFarlane, widow of the late Captain K..ine, of Gerrie, and a John MsP•rlaoe, of Henaall, passed brother of ]rev. C. C. Keine. of Londes- away recently, death fol lowing quickly 1 bore', has been decorated by King on w paralytic stroke. She and her I George wltb the Victoria Crow) for hushand were both natives of Scot- conspicuous L'r in acti•.n after bred. !being wounded. Captain Koine has On Februer :.'ash there passed eater been in a h Mp.tel in Irelands and has y P made agood recovery from h s wounds, nue of the Widest resident. Of Morris township. Thomas t:oodeesr._wba bed L Catarrh Cannot -Be Cured attained his eightieth fear. His widow• three sons and two daughter with local application.. as tie y cannot roach the +eat of the der sae, Catarrh M a local des years. Three sona and one daughter survive. llu February 23rd the death occurred at the home of ber too -t law, J. Cocbrane, of Salah Jane Bell, widow of the late laasc Carter. She was in her eightieth year, and was • native of Ct:mberland, Rogland, but came to Canada with her parents while still a child. LUCKNOW. Afters pleasant visit with her sis- ter. Mrs. T. ii. Finlay, Mise Margaret Harrison has returned to Norwood. Aahley Blair is moving his family to Hrrrieton, where he will he em- ployed with the Davies Packing Co. G. S. Free, of town, received word that his brother, Pte. Clarence Flee, had been seriously wounded in Prance. 'BLY7'H. Mrs. W. J. Potts and her son ere staying with friends at Niagara Fallr. Mn, J. D. McPherson and her brother, 'William Smith, who were vision relatives here, have gone to Omar- to_xiait _. their brother, Dr, T. D. Smith. Jrines Kelly. jr., had an accident is.t week a hicb resulted in a Draken eboulderti one. While he was lifting la bag of flour out of the cutter, his horse "tatted, emitting Mr. Kelly to tall heavily. - BRUSSELS. Jamas Warburton, of Detroit, has been renewing old friendships in lthls — - eurvovr• I.e1e Brea' 1y in !lammed be meet sm iota( ems A quiet wedding took place et the dfuon., end in order to cure it. yell must hike Methodist parionage, Walton, where Ian ►ntcrnrl reined liall'e Cabe ;Isar ('ore is Rev. F. Craik united Mies Pearl tsasn internally niche through the blood on tlw maouu+ aur[awa of tI eon sof Hall'+ whish took lose at her home there P.risk and James Nichol in marriage. estate h ('are wasplenathe t by one of the beet P Mr-. and Mre. Nichol will reside near phy.,ran. ih the+ enamour for ye• P. It la amt February 22nd, after a lingering Bluevale. omp►ed of one of th+ hart teni>+ kifowo, l illnl+r., Mn. Dodds was a daughter oeutblhed with sores of the bat bleed purlaen+. II of the late Mr. and Mrs, Irwin John- Itev. A. B. Dobson, s'or of the The peractoombination .rtlraingroos , lam P• Hau'..;.urre turn i. wpwt peod�ow ucl stun, who lived tear Seaforth, and Ford wish Presbyterian church, died wonderful se+slt+ in catarrhal randltics+. I went West with her bas+band in 191X3. in the general h+rpitel, Toronto, on Send for wove%onail tiro. She was Hft two salt of age, -------- Fehruery '22nd. Mr. Doheon, who wits F• J. CH .VkT t ('U., Toledo, O. Y- Y R in his sixty-fourth year, had been in p,or health for some time. One of the old settlers of Grey town. *hip, Donald Lamont, died but week at the age of seventy-three years, af- ter a brief illness. He was never mer- riedd lived at the home of. his sis- ter -int ,w, Mn. Agnes Lamont.. A priory wedding took place at the home o the bride's mother in Ash- • Made -to -Order Garments We keep in Mauch with the Latest ideas in men's wear, and will take your individual measure and make a Suit or Overcoat for you that will please you all over. NOW is _good_time to (caviyour Ord for a spring outfit. • Semi -Ready MLEAN BROS The Square c Tailors • Goderich • locality' It is not difficult to retain. your Philip Ament has purchased the 21111 It if you ate expel[ in accepting lots on the ti h concession, Morris, favors. known as the McDonald property. Miss , Nettie Blown, formerly of Bpresel was married recently at Toronto Mr. Moore, of furl l\"il- bem. \ The library heard has appointed Mrs. Ida Lowry to 11 ,11 the position f lihraribn made vacant by Mrs. Kerr'r resignation. elme. Thome.' Lott celebrated he eightieth birthday recently in ver fair health, and received congratu! - tions from many friends.• l r Y a War Buchanan, who went over- seas with the 181st .Ifurone, arrived b recently, having been dis- charged as under age. SEAFORTH. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Morton, who have leen viriting in Toronto, are hack in Egmondville again. Miss Grace Stewart has returned to Brussels after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S,.obie. Mary Nicholson, widow of the late James Ftul*yson, former residents of Seem th, died at Pater recently, aged eighty -nue years. A public welcome was extended to Pie: Emmet Kelly, who returned home on Feb, carry 23rd after a sojourn in the iutiitiiiy hutpindo rollowfng wounds received wr. Courcelebte. Pte. Kelly enlisted in 1913. Friends and relatives in this vicinity heard with regret of the death of Mrs. .1. T. Dodds, of Swift current, Sask., DELCO=LIGHT ELECTRICITY FOR EVERY FARM For the first time electric iight and power are available to' anyone—anywhere. Heretofore, the benefits of electricity have been confined to those who live in the larger towns and cities. Now Deko-Li(,h1 makes electric current universally available. U,1..-1,4aht Is today furnishing ' thousands 4farm houses svith brdlant, cnneentent, safe and eco- tumoral light. It ,n furm.►tng purser to operate pumps, mashing machines, churns, cream separaou , tmlking ma - dune% s a, num cleaners, etc. 'It it lighone c,nrntry churches, ' times and public halls. 1t is furmahnll IgM and power to `- 1Ualmer home. and camps, to h,asehcat. and yachts, etc. It is hghing rural railway stations, and construe Gun camps. It n belting the camps of l'n ted States torp. on the 3lruow border and ,t ,s du-Jovng hereto - tee undreamed-of beauties in the depths o1 Mammoth Gee, Ken-, tacky. Altogether, over 1c000 Dektrtigltt 1 Plant. are u.opelition, and Delco - Ugh, offices are to be based in al-, stn., .eery part of the world. ,D,ko-1.,. h, os., plus elect,* platy— 1. teem. red .s non., comps. 1 ...11 camblw. .a t 1 ,.e• emu, 0.,11 sae ar w ae.l.,+.r batteries 1w Awl ',nos, el .erre,, Tut Thadt n w ••KM• • ,ata to• l Iwe for N. a•1 n.w.kai ,bat a t..11, fey. lee I ...If In ,nit al.. .bw wired 1, opera.. n. ,„lies awe ••••. guolinot or law Robert Wilson Dealer Hamilton Street Ooderkh, Ontario DeteDiteeer ON •H5 YACHT tNAa;1U0S I C.AVe • All drna'd•K •, 73c. Halla Family PtIla for coostipal fon. EXETER. ' Mr. and Mn. William Wood, of London, ere visiting relatives in town. WINGHAM. Mr. Andrew Pringle has returned to tywkatoon after a visit of a couple of months with relatives. George Oliver has purchased Rich- rtd Porter's residence and purposes Mims Hurst. of Chicago, is a guest at I moving into it at once. the home amt Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mc- Donald A Blight fire broke out in Wm illia M. E. Christie bed the misforttins I Moore's house the other morning, but the fire brigade speedily got it under to fall on the ion rrcrntly, fracturing (control. • The brick residence on Maes street 'fell on the ice last week which ren- owned by Mi. A. Carlini ties II •en pur' dried him ecinus for some time. chased by E. Short. of McGillivray. I Ile wet badlyuneoncut about the heal. Miss Margeret Muzworthy, the or- 1 Mr. and Mee. James Leishman have ganist of Caven Pre.nytrrien church, returned to their bone in the West brit also leen a;opointed chow -leader, ,after spending the winter with Mrs. After spending the past two months Leishman'a mother, Mie. Bosman. with friends here, Mr. David Allison. and son left last week for Roland. Alan. her arm. Thomas Drummond bad a serious Mrs. Henry Ogden, who had been viriting her father, John Gillespie, left last week for her home at Stough- ton, Sask. The death occurred very suddenly at hill of Mir+ Bella Fleeting.. sister . Hastiuge, of town. Miss Haul- ing* had been ill previously, hitt was thought to have quite rrr"vered A strange discovery we.. made when Mute hunters near Exeter fired into a big flock o1 crews in the scow. Not one of the birds moved. and when the men approached it ors+ found that the biids were frozen stiff, and had been dead some time. CLINTON. T. W. Holloway, haggogeman at the station, hes signed up is ith the 22nd Forestry Battalion. Mr. and Mr.. H. Peacock, of the London road, are moving into towb, and have putcuaeed a residence from Ralph l'iplady. Mrs. William Wheatly announces, the engagernent of her dwgblq, Maggie, to Rainey Arnalroug, ltd ltl,setown, Swk. Mr. an Mre, J. E. Challenger have returned to their home at Kgerton. Alberta, Mr. Challenger taking with him s car of settlers' effects. Aftet spending several weeks in 81. Joseph's Illuspatal, I..ndo°, Mr. T. Jackson Ie.Uroed home Inst week, hitt left a few days later for a trip to the Routh. Rev. J. A. Robinson. rector of Rt. Pant's chinch, bas been appointed rural dean for the ronny of Huron, an appointment whlcn lton,inths for thrr4, yeas s. Mrs. E. Rodway has returned from Chicago, where she spent .ever el weeks uodrr,(o,ing euruieel treatment. Her blends will he gi.d to bear het health is much inspl uvrd, James Jackson had a b. of runaway last week, when his hots -e, which were drawing a lo*d of wi eat imam town, sl.pped un the %e', tweet the load, and suited up things generally. Adds trona the chuck of Mona the .wo, Mr. Jmekaoo was unhur . Mee. "livid Gardner, one of Clin- ton's old residents, pared away on Feb. usiy 1(,tlt, atter a lengthy hides.. seise was si:ty-.even years of age, and bad lived in tilietom for Itislity-eight Two ret Whighsm's young people, Miss Gladys Margot et Reid end Chas 14. Dickman, Were quietly u)#rried at the„rectory at Pahuenten, onP,-hru- •ry '?1st, by Rev. Mi-. Brett. The deet h nrcuered on Fehrusry 7i3• -d of Frances Diernlent, beloved wrte , f John Hergiiit, at the home of he daughter. Mrs. John Locker edge. She was seventy -lour years of age. Mrs. Archiheld Patterson died tether suddenly on `Pebruar y dtith, at the age of fifty-seven years. '• A few days previous she suffered 1a paralytic ettoke. from which she net's. rallied. Her husband, tive sons and tw , *tigh- ten surf eve her. The three young children of Me t. F. A. Austie, eh, is in France, died i Victoria hospital, London, in one day, from scarlet fever. Sergt. and Mrs. Anmie were formerly residents of W Ingham, where 9ergt. Austie was Rieman on the L., H. & 1f. MANITOBA WOMAN SENDS MESSAGE. SALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT' Drink lots of water and stop eating - meat for a while if your Bladder troubles you. When you wake up with -backache and dull misery in she kidney region .11 gen- erally means you have been ea est-$oo murk meat. says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric arid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; re- moving all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi- cian at once or get from Your pharmacist about four ounces of fad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glees of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate aluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending, bladder weakness. Jad Salta is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is Inexpensive. Cannot injure and maakicea a delightful, effer- vescent lithiremiter drink - .ora 5 PR 1 MPTLY SECURED In a 1 count^Ir•+. A'k for our INVI.N. TUI: d AliVIZER,which wins tat sent tree. MARiON & MAJIfON. 364 University au Nontrial Keep Up With the Time; ! AND have your house lighted in the modern way—with electricity. We w to do - it, and will cheerfully furnish plans and estimates for wiring, fixtures, etc. A large assortinent of Elec trical Sundries and Supplic- always on baud. Robt. Tait West Street. Phones Next Postoffice 82 and 193 A PENNY 'S k VEDIS A PENNY EARNED This is an old -tinge saying, nevertheless true. WE find in going through our stock that we are overstocked in a few lines which we are going to give you the benefit of. RE -NU -ALL - every person knows how good this polish is fbr furniture \ and floors. To reduce our large stock oft tC i —we will sell the 81.00 bottle for ••••••• -.AOC and the 50c bottle for ....... • . ' . 35C VERIBRITE POLISH bottle for •••35c STOCK FOOD Anglo -San Stock Food, 50c package for 25C Auglo-Saxoq PoultryEood, 25c package for........., . 15c Anglo-Saxon *ave Cure, 50c package for.. .... 25c uternational Pl3ttltry Food, 25c package for 15c NAILS The great advance in eel and wire has caused wire Nails to take a great advance,,so much so that we have to sell them at seven cents per p4ttnd. We have several kegs of crit Nails which we are offering as long as they last at 7 pounds for ........... ........... ..........,............• .25c LAWN MOWERS Von will remember last Spring how you had to wait to get your lawn mower sharpened and your grass got ahead of you. Why not notify usow and let us send and get yout mower and put it in goo working order when busi- ness is quiet, so that it will be ready for you in the Spring ? \ BICYCLED Does your bicycle require overhauling ? Tow is the time to . have it done so that it will ,be ready for yott when you want it. Tells Suffering Women to Use Dodd's Kidney Pills. ' \ Stewart Valley, Sask., Maiieh 5 (Rprciel.)—Mn. F. J. (hat lis, wife of Wit estimable resident of this piece, i• enthu+iestic in her praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Dudd's Kidney Pills have helped me wonderfully,” Mrs. Garlla says is an interview. "A year ago 1 was W bad with toy back 1 could hardly move. I took tour boxes of Dodd'e K'dney Pills and they helped me mote than i can tell you." kin. (laths is now able to attend to' her household Judea as well as nurse her tine big baby b .y end she fere ,het she can- not recommend Dodd's Kidney Mlle too highly. 13 •ck Lehr is the bane of the average woo.at.'s life. It is accompanied by w weakness and • la•sit•ide that mak lite a burden. But thousands ,•f wnu,en s11 over (batted*are telling their suffering sistew that relief and runs is to be found In Dodd's Kidney Pills. 'there is mune good in @vetyhody. Y..0 ars no rxuepiton to this rule. Woman has ons advantage over man In (suing hat.. When .hr finds a shape tomtit her she can adjust Min bead w Ili 1t. Plumbing, steam -fitting, heating and electric wiring. bo not forget that we carry a full line of goods to do any of the above work on a moment's notice and all work neatly done and fully guaranteed. Chis. C. Lee Phones: Store The 'quare Nouse II (lodferich