The Signal, 1917-3-8, Page 6, F•
e; T ott,VA*. iw MACS 8, 1917
Soutane' AID Orate .L-Tbe A.b-
•e1d Sotdie's' Aid Orals acknowledges
with tawny thsuks the following ddo-
tsations: Mis. Robt. Henry Yire Yea Mary Owlet j)tw. Jas.
Nary McKenzie, re• os. sit , Ma Leda Blake. te. Hee J
do. ; Miss Tillie (prey, Miss Lila Ma
Uwan, Yfu. Will Crawford, Mrs. R.
Rigging. Mrs. Rd. McWbiaasy, Mrs.
Wm. Carey. 2 flannel bindles sae! 1
Yrs. Thos Filerwn. Mrs. Roy Maes!.
Y Th se Yah., 1
Mrs. Jcv, Helm. Mrs. Canis . Ernest I !lances Id°dor eseh i Maw- Jen. Iydea.
Mew, lase Andrew. Yrs• Ernest i 4 cotton bnderut Mrs. W. 11. Msis.
Bardinet, Mrs. Geo. DGouso, 1 down 2 cotton binders.
pillow each : Yw• Geo. Gibson, 2 'banks ass duo the following knit -
down Wintry': one pillow, Do narue
Yrs. A. Nelson, 2 sheets and 2 pillow-
slips: Mrs. Isaac Andrew, Mrs. (iso.
Moabite, 1 pillowslip each : Mrs. Rd.
McWhinney. patrboil° tea, 99.73; Mrs.
Ik Mcilwain, patriotic tea. 87.50. The
Circle wisbe., to thank the Kingsbridge
Drat/ale Club for proceeds of play
pie 1p by them on January 26 -net
ten : Mrs. Won. Blake. 10 pain rooks 1
Mn, Hear Joddre. P\ 8 teel. Mrs.
rs ; Mies
Mas Bann en, plea Philip
James maunders, Mrs. Wilson Irwin.
Yr''• Ruhr- Htartne, b pain each; MIM
Jennie Maize. Mrs. Wm. Johnston,
Mrs. James Coot. We. Robert Henry,
5 pairs each ; Mas. Albert Helm. Miss
dsi�a. 1 Melinda Black. Mee. Ake. Sillib. Mrs.
thaate of the Circle are due the James Mc WhIDwy (Puet'Albertl, Miss
Mary McKenzie. tris. Joao. rwlo,
hello iD ladies for suits
sewing: YrsMrs. John Aauoders, 4 pare sash ;
• Time. DouQuaid,, 5 suits pyjawes . Mrs. (iso. Free, Mrs. John Barclay,
Mrs. John Ethel
Quaid, Mies MUry, 4 Keo• Miss Mae Menary, Mrs. W. H. Maize,
sig, Mia . John Mousey, Mrs. 4 John Mrs. D. Johnston, Sr„ Mrs. Alfred
Bann ; t. John Mc John
Bennett. Mrs. McKenzie, Mts. quad. Mre. Robe. YcHrit�Y.isr Mae -
D. 1Mcllwaht, blies Hazel Johnston, Rarer Woodr.11lis Maggie (htrnFranks.
Mrs. W. H. Maize, 3 suits each ; Mr.. JN• Phillips. $ pare each , eexlannn.
Wm. Blake, Mies lIthel Brown. Miss Scott, bin,. David Alton, err Jae
Evelyn Hayden. Miss Melinda Black, Hackett, Mrs. Isaac Andrew!' Miss
Mrs. Cyril (:awpbell, Miss Winona Leila Blake, Mre Wm. Kicsley;'Mrs.
8tevensam, Mer. Geo. Johnetof, Mn. Cha... McDonagh, Mrs. John Seitu
D. Johnston. sr., Mrs. Thos. hergueon, Mrs. Peter Cook, Mrs. Wm. Hberwond,
Mrs. 1s.•• Hayden, 2 .uits each ; Mrs. Mrs. Jame* Clarkson, Mn. James
Jar. Jobn•ton, Yrs. Frank Scott, Mn. Lane, Miss Grace McKenzie. Mn.
Guidon. Mn. Eimer Alton, Rube. Curran, Mrr. Echlin, Mrs.
][n. Bert. Jobnstou• Mi.. Tillie('arly. Jawss Johnston, Mn. `Rd. McWhin-
•Mn. Jas. Olvor. Maw. Bert McWhtn_ nay. Mies rlirvin Templeton, Miss
net,. Mu.. Roy M O341%1isa Ray Stoll- Mary Cunningham, Mese. David Mo-
en. Mrs. Wm. Finlay, Mrs. Alex. Sil-
Whinney. Mrs John ,Quaid, Mn.
lily Mrs. Ric+. Johnston, Miss Hett{e Hefty Cougar (Dungannon). Mrs. Robe.
.Hayden, Mrs. Jas. Alton, Mrs. Jas. K. Durnin, 2 pail's each ; Mn: A. Gordon,
Hackett. Mrs. John ('amplhell. Mer. Mrs. Win. Hart Mrs. Geo. Fielder,
Jar. Saunders, :Hiss Mae Saunders, 1 Mrs. Thor. Shackelton, Mrs. M. Willis.
snit pyjamas each ; Mrr. ltd. Mc�Vhin- MTM D Johnston, jr., Mrs. James Mc-
yh d n) Mn Ben
•ey, 8 Hennes lipid shims.: Miss Mary'
MaKea>Ti :. do.: Mrr. '•.n. caret'.
4 do.: Mn, John B •nnetr, Mss Ethel
llc'Vhioney. Mn. J.s. Hayden. Mrs.
R. Higgins, Mee. The. Dougherty, 2
sbirtC each : Mrs. Win. Stotbers, 1
Whiiiney ( eppar ro eztrod tranatuloei
T.cksherry. Airs. Will Furter, Mies miles into the cou
Mary roman, Mn. John Hackett, serve perhaps fifteen
Mira J.obel Ramsay, Miss Winnons "rv° in an area ar
fat-venar.n, Mar. (neo. Twabtley, Mr,. °mitecovered by the city. A
W. J. Hall,'4 pair each. vices of electricity are
if not more, oo the farm, in
Then woos time when ligbt la It
boom was supplied by Aerial; tomb
supported bya�oon he
when web men carried hie ows street
light with him ; when t assges were
[carried by men on boesq- or afoot ;
when the quickest .44 a t luxurious
form of travel w matt
stage ooaeb.
and when neatly al ork was done
by hand.
Within the last few years %new ser•
vent has appeared to do all this work.
and much mon not tts.stioeed above.
The name of tate new s.rvsst le "oleo -
tricky." It light/tour houses with •
bright. clean and safe light ; our streets
sro lined with lamp poets which make
them ea safe at night as in the day
time. if we want to talk to ewmeots•
a hundred milw awsy we nee the tele-
phone or t6.telegraph. Street ears
Interurban', even railway trains.
n ulled by electricity, eery us farther
in an hour than the stage -coach could
have done in a day. And work, -then.
is scarcely a ta.k which cannot be
done by electricity, not cnly in the
business and manufacturing world,
bur in the city and country home se
A few years ago electricity was the
avant of the few who lived in cities.
is was because electric generating
history was not in its present im•
pro state, and because it wee -aced
still for that unit ter- very espens-
iveto nrrnit electric cumene over
long di noss. In other words, people
who live b together In tbe compar-
atively soma area o: the city can all the grindstone and many other pieces
be supplied nth current from one of light farm macbioery are turned by
central .tstlr at a reasonable cost., small molars.
whereas it IR ono ously ezpessive toolThe comfort. the convenience of the
i0 ':CN(Al.
NO ' 'cv IES
A Bide, of 3trlight • •
Is•g way; every pori•
pores then is eoeri■Wthe nlpid progress of did
the clothes or impede
niton.' Every cake of Ser
light Soup terries a MOS
gust -sates of purity. is
Kies tains.
Oar eta Keg COM sSidle es 1. •
AM lelsaaboi lathe sway ee. "
Mee eM masset8 - SS 1 his bel).
Fee be amasses
Hs mimes* slave IBM W Imes l NL
la tee dup1M l the mime meth.'
Fee the ere wash this peer aM Meg will soli
At deekb w slsa& wsoth.
AM Me blase treatises love. low Mw.
WINS the sank tote dusk' salmis*:
"11s Dm* bssrtr' bisud solos W let alio
AM brielMess W tlrla8ltai Nes -
'18s sed 'x4110 paw lis kat ad tis 8MN.
All ease woes as Mdlws dal.
AM the Use. is the tttimmst et W kin. •
hose* ammo airier oar r
-New York ilea.
light from handsome modern tlzturn.1
The dayof the coal oil Isom is over.
Not ony the farmhouse itself but .v
part of all the outer buildings on tb
race s lighted *solely and convenient-
Aod ligbi is only part of the service
that elected:ity is ready to render. in
the home the vacuuw sweeper. the
Wooten' iron toaster. coffee percolator,
tan and waabing inacbine are at the
service of the housewife, An auto-
matic electric pump turntabee bot and
cold running water to *Rearm of the
honer •t all time.. In the dairy the
wUking machine, the gnaw separator
and the churn are electrically driven.
The fanning mill„tbe corn gtioder,
lisss five or ten electric service will have the same
try in order to effect in the country home es they
or twenty com-
e as that
yet the set-
as much,
be coun-
hse and
Overwork, l of Mesh air, mental strain or any si
ASturbs their Stubborn coughs tear and liber
the sensitive
be taken for hard coughs, unyielding colds,
ar when is 1pwfred from any cause. Its
`nlutn"tive valine teems resistive force to ward off
nese. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality
,. of the blood to relieve the Cold
\ soothing and healing to the ht
\Bees Meals & Substitutes Which
,try home, church. schoolb
etore.o as in the city.
1t ie ibis need, and the .praatlieal
difficulties in the way of wpplyln
which turned man's inventive genini
toward a solution of the problem:\
And the solution. as in the dense of
most great. problems. was in itself
rather simple, -not lbs huild{Dg of
new and complicated machinery to
drive cut rent further ata lower cora.
but the application of the known
principle@ of generating and handling
electric current to the deeelopmeot of
e mail generating plants ora biz. suit-
able for snpplying electricity on the
tarty and in the church tor store. and
ata coot easily within the reach of
every. progressive former. Years of
experimental work by some of our
best engineers, have. produced plants
of this type which are thoroughly de-'
e glycerine is
Vi. roto
Now the result of this is that elec-
tricity is at last the really univerma
servant. in, the country home. church,
school. community house, store. club
and camp, as well es in the city, elee-
trric lamps pour out their flood o1 pun
have had in the city. This service
li isiiirep",iijl,±Nl�!
:, �'' I 1 BELTING
iF .
will give people more leisure, mon op-
portunity to read. to keep in touch
with ail that is going on In the world
about them,. I
easier sod 1 ester. bend it st can do
these things for WI of us. it will indeed
•• proved t t eervaDt*. he 4t 1 burst Ygst where I was
Vdade Him Tired.
A nage* grow weary of attending
the Yetbodi't church ata west to 8t.
Jude's Anglican. After a month or
so be returned to bis Methodist pew.
The pastor Inquired when be had been.
've jus' been
Rlvlo' Ibsen 'Pieoopalsns a resale-
dassle." How did you tike the *er-
ase?" returned the clergyman.
"Well, sob."',speeded t prod a . meet
eta itself tin bee of
WA Tamale Suf.
Sapped ag Lydia.
,_loss.. Texas. - "After tit/ •
gators bee two years ago I beget sell..
feting with femde•
trouble and eoaltk
hardly do sty week.
bat No k.}t dreg -
ear eamill Iasi
se steer whoa 1 got
wbere I.MM est da
my week. I wend
have a Oa every
[try bead old a
oe are interested in elect riche I "there was too much reedits' of the a walking ekeletoel ed life was a burden
for countryhouse or tore. see the rpisnt.e of the previous meetln'." (to me wadi nes da busload's stay -
ad. al( i elco-ight oo page 7 •,f this ( It Pave I aster toe say haemo if kfrd sot du
issue odd The Signal. ssmetbjng for me I wMW'etst iso1 Icag
How Walt Mason learned the less- i atsd Oald him pgn So s -
About Canada. �on that It pays to advertise : 1 asked t Lydia,R. Pfskh m'
ie will weloowe the Dew eight dWn and a hat for bate fire, g° m� (+►g Apt
17 of "5.(1)0 *eta About i bleak Polled Artgue Calf. which pried t �°d 1 to 1
lar ad valuable was not too nigh ; 1 boated 1t wogs. I thew deep' began degrees.
nadian and
I hoofed it east, endeavoringto sell tinsel ite iso. sed I base sever bad 'Ey
of Toronto, the well the beast • but oto one wished to bey. tamale trouble slags. 1 foal that I owe
lecturer on the Do• �tty _after dayI toiled along, and say lice1s. you and yeas eons .tot
*y and intelligent bared lues witthe some old wog. "I d 4 for on what doctors 3'
Oadsdlan,can a o to be without this have await for rale ; I ask eight bones k wbarnene [ v
R seed I wig alw•ye penis.
"bandy scrawl," w (cb s $ revelation and fifty cents, for ' this unequaled woo-
a.._M G. O. LOW1 , 41f newt' .
in concrete form ot, the woodertu�l�crit[ r, ens -who will dig up the y S � De i Tom,
growth of our coon to a siatil••l hfeet. and ul i Your wearing out ...
� ___,,__a_.
h� � s
The pu'
issue fur 1
Canada." t
cyclopedia o
by Frank VW
known writer a
minion. No up•
"Oh. reit yser, despite war ooadatboo ,indeed yourMoo Iles, get • betW ed
circulates all peer the World• and w .the street, and bowing by the • yssr 1,
such is a eplesdid advertsirmeot. The spend arty cents and advertise your l Piekbam'• y
chapter of "War Facts” to, by the sawed -of cow of pocket seer, and eoeapwa
way. loth timely and illu
Fifty other .hapten ate devo
shady to every phase of our n
life, tuna Sericulture to the
whole several sketch maps are of
buyers will appear." I followed up . - _I-
__that sane advice, and put my jaded `
feet on ice ; and whet the ad ape
peered, tan customer* Sats to my
gate ogle bought 4he calf and paid
value. Cepa* may be had from no the freight;, Lite others bucked and
dialers orb *ending 25c to tk•Cttn . roared. And tam, by printing little
dean Facts Pub. Co.. 588 MurelLalifset ads, the wise maa gathers in (be
Toronto. Canada., scads. +hod rule tubing corns ; a
i' ,r,. 'tile ad will • inure Doles than
' A Poor Guesser, r fi y -seven busy ye. ail tooting tool _: ea sue mime your clogged soot
Tops Hew To Got Quirt RsId
that 1t's Sphm jII
The son who has had trouble .with t . r bores. 1 *II epee, t s sir powers ofour
his eyesight pad been to consult A Unfortunate. . ! will dear d you can breath
specialist and tbs.s Isisversionof to a lady for aid, an old head
Na mere hawking, eauMiag,
whet bappered: tut to dryness. llo etruggliag ler
"The first thine be did was to tat bey that through the Ds breath at height; your cot& or eaten* • be
dark/ t
LOC flood
bad in the
and els obi
last everytb ug k gum
Boa that it was one o[ the worwc plass °rid. g bis wife!
of nicotine palsoning M bade•ereees.atoll blue of Ws Crass
'You'll bave to gut out the see of to -
says b exchange. from your druggist sato. Apply
"Wb the led, eIp.d eR pie
baecoestinly, or I caul), do adythitag a�, • Mk a this traipse, a•tisep te:
be�ore, he
[nave beeped erten h aastells. I!. par
for Jou, be told nu." tV. your "Then 1 u ou 'ensu y man; I ^sro you sot e colored ruse v►bo stra/ee ammo i e..r• air t. ie -
.mid ^raEi eht�-ixseefhty do tbaL: annual_ loaL yt>7LL �� -'ret►es' lbs. - .
•' `Why can't you ?' be demanded in is obi • ren by the sinking , g,oe Srembrar rad rulsl more
la -
Mala t " lists
P" ._..
•• 'Benton I never used to
bacco is "yetb, m ea n, dot tons. m�. Yes'.' It's jest mato Ilea'[ .fay .*.fed
mylife; nit moa I told him. Asd tbae., a nafordat .bee wul. Itaiat s ,se ,y ��k-Rete.(
solemn feet too." `keep • fsa•'ly nobo1. -, genet) M
oo••a••••••••••••••4••.••••••• ••••!••o••fr000••••••
I-IALL CAINE'S superb love story, in eight
500 ENES
e Christian" i& -.strong story, and has been produced by a bril-
liantgroupof V I TAC RA,P H PLAYS in most realistic -form,
making one of the most stupendous vi id picture -dramas --ever
seen. Th two' principal roles are taken,jt.
3,000 PE
"Unquestioned Success" Mat
"Graphically Pictured" Herald \
"Most notable motion picture" Tribune"Forcibly-presented photo -play" Pre+a
"Most elaborate photo -drama ever made"Telegra h •
• "The Christian is a wonderful achievement" Globe
3•••.•.*. ••
r \ Evening, 254. Reserved seats 35c.
PRICES Matinee, 25c. Children 15c. � :: ,,
- (Wad
Tax 9c.),..,
.. s
wale. of 'eats ' now OIY .
' 41.4,1
dem Mesa OU115' Lord Robert tire
oft lir,.