HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-8, Page 5CANAD
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Nf 1'OB'A
sir sr• 1 ili' lilll
Juts .., x i1 :a I:r' •,
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Western Canada and the Pacific Coast
obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply
to W. CRAIGIE, Agent, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, Gen-
a , gram assenger Dept., 68 King St. E., Toronto.
TEAT, )1AICI.$, . 1917 •
HAVING spent the Winterainsng a specialist's
knowledge of STORAGE BATTERIES, we are
now able to give the same expert service on
this work as we have been doing in -the past as the
leading ignition, Carburettor and Engine Experts of
this district. We are abk to do any repair to any
make of Storage Battery and even build a new one
if required.
In addition to this we offer expert
If we do a job it will be done by someone who
really knows how.
Next to Town Hall Goderich
Owned and Operated by a tical Man
WHETHER you've been
buying cheap or high-
priced footwear, our Shoes
and Rubbers, at medium
prices, will make it possible
for you to save money and
you'll still be able to have
footwear that cannot be beaten
for style,comfort or durablitiy-.
North Side of Sapient • srieh
Spring is
And you should be
getting ready for it.
We are here to do
your tailoring, and
can fit you out for
spring with garments
of quality, which
means up-to-date
style, first-class mater-
ials and expert work-
Call and see
R. J. Armstrong
se it -h Side semen., Gteleriell.
Fruit Growers' Meeting.
At the annual meeting of the Huron
Fruit Growers Aeeociation, held yes-
terday at Mr. D. F. Hamlink's olflce,
an adjourPwent was trade to Satur-
day, Marcb l7tb, at'2 o'clock, when it
is hoped a speaker will be on hand to
address the meeting on the care of or
chards, packitljl of fruit. etc. All who
are interested in the Association or In
fruit -growing are invited to attend
this meeting.
Women's Institute.
The Women's IobtiWle bad a "ac -
easeful meeting on Thursday of lest
week at the hums of Mrs. A. U. Mc-
lean, Elgin avenue. Reeve Nairn was
present by special invitation and gave
some information about the county
.:ouncil grant given to the town for
Red Cross work. A resolution was
parsed asking the Reeve for $30 to
help the members in the Red Cross
work of the Institute, which was
granted ; this sunt will be used for
yarn. An excellent paper was given
by Mrs. Wm. Stlschen on "Putting
Religion into our Daily Tasks."
Assizes Next Week.
Only two civil cases are on the
do.;ket for the sittings of the Supreme
Court of Ontario to be held in Gode-
rich next week, commencing on Tues-
day. One of these is an action by
Thomas J. Berry, the well-known
horseman of Hensel', against A. T.
Cooper, of Clinton, for libel. The
plaintifclaims $5,WO dtawages. The
alleged libel catenate in statements
published in The London Free Press
and The London Advertiser of August
'alt. 1916, which are staid to have been
furnished to these papers by tbe de-
fendont and which were to the effect
that the plaintiff was the proprietor of
a "blind pig."
The other civil case le from Wing-
barn—Breckenridge v. Breckenridge
et al., over the construction of a will,
to be tried without a jury.
Where is one crimival core, that of
Ferdinand Desjsrdlne, of Stephen
township, charged with cule hom-
icide in cunneetion with the of
is wife.
r. H. G. Tucker. of Owen So
is lamed as Crown prosecutor.
iVIodel Theatre
GEO. E. KiNG, Proprietor
Week of March l21-fi 17
Monday and Tuesday
"The Play's the Thing„
"The Wrong''' Door "
-ALSO --
"The Girl and the Game"
Wednesday and Thursday
"The Woman in the Case"
Friday and Saturday
(See special ad page 6)
In addition to this great feature, there will be presented
another notable film -
Owen Moore and "ROLLING
Marguerite Courtot IN STONES"
A farce which provokes whirlwinds of laughter.
Don't Miss the Big Program on
Friday and Saturday, March 16 -17
Legs Cases.
The peals in the cases of Rex v.
Webber d Rex v. Cando from con-
victions ender the Ontario Temper-
ance Ac. were both dismissed at 0e-
goode Hall hint week. Jacob Webber,
of Clintou, was convicted by the local
magistrate of having violated a sec-
tion of tbe set. He trade application
before Mr. Justice )Middleton et Or
geode Hall asking that the c lnviction
be quashed. and be alltcged that theme
ban been no evidence submitted at
his trial that was of an Pq;riminating
nature. As the motion\had been
',side on the grounds thst`,tbe trial
tuagiat.rste had no jurisdiction, in the
case the motion was dismissed. Mr.
Justice Middleton bolding that want
ot evidence did not estabbeb that the
magistrate bad no jurisdiction. Web-
ber then appealed from Mr. Justice
Middleton's decision to the Appellate
Division. The Appellate Divls on dia-
1 missed the appeal. but left the ques-
tion of evidence to tae discussed.
In the eels of McLaren v. Knight,
in which the defendant, Rev. J. F.
Knight, of Hensel!, appealed front •
tconviction on • charge of trespass,
Ithe appeal was sustaiued. Tins cue
concerned the serving of a search
warrant on a St. Marys hotel under
tbe Canada 'Temperance Act by the
police authorities of St. Marys, as-
siated by the Rev. Mr. Knight. The
pr prietor of the Royal Edward hotel
(of that town was suspected of having
liquor on hie premises, and inforura-
ti..n wait laid ag•iust hint by Field
Sectetsry Powell, A search warrant
was issued on July 29, 1916, under the
Ceoeda Temperance Act, and was
banded to the chief of police for ser-
vice. . Mr. Knight went with the
authorities when they served the war-
rant. and according to his own evi-
dence be maintained guard over a
stock of liquor found on the premises
so that no one might carry any of the
liquor away. The hotel pt'opr ietor
retaliated by boning a warrant for
trespass against Mr. Knight. He
alleged that Mr. Knight had no
authority to insist upon entering his
etentities, as be was not an officer ot
the law. The County Judge upheld
this contention, and condemned
Knight to pay a fine of $1. Bet:euse
his appeal has been successful the
conviction against Mr. Knight is
q.ytshed and he will not bave to pay
tree $! Stec. -
Stamped Dresses
Wkite aid Tan
Sues 1 year to i years, 26c, Sec,
50c, 6Sc, 85e, $1.25. Newest styles
and designs.
PILLOW SLIPS, 75e, Sac and
$1 W pair. Plain bew'tittched or
stamped for ,scalloping.
DAY SLIPS, 91.00 sod $133
per Pair -
large size, 75c each.
Flannelette, Neineook and Lin-
ens by the yard.
Everything in Stamped Goods.
Crochet and Embroidery Threads
next Sunday morning Rev. W. K.
Hegel •s subject grill le : "The Cbris-
tian Doctrine of the Forgiveness of
Mins." Keening 'subject : "Life's
Christ Places—Galilee."
At the Baptist church .next Sunday
the pastor. Rev. (i. M. Holmes, will
cooduct the services. The morning
subject will be : "Suffering Wrong-
fully" ; the evening subject, "A Wo-
man Who Abused the Franchise." A
new collection of Gospel St}tgs gum -
anises hearty congregational singing.
Last Sunday was F.ducational Day
with the Methodist churches of this
district, and Chancellor Bowles, the
head of Victoria College, elided (lode-
rich,speaking at Victoria street church
in the morning and at North street in
the evening. He told in an interesting
way of the part that Vittoria has
taken iq the educational lite of the
Province and of It. steady growth,
until now of every twelve students
who go from outside points to Toronto
to take tbe arts course five register at
Victoria College. Just now the Col-
lege has a small percentage of mete
students, so many having gone to tight
in Europe. Over 400 Victoria men,
graduates and undergraduates, have
enlisted, and eighteen belie given their
lives in the cause of freedom.
Report of the Year. Work Prese ted at
Annual Meeting
At t he ¬ed meeting of the (lent -
al Brough Chapter, I. Q. D. E., the
following officers were elerted: Regent,
Mrs. Mardoneld ; 1st l ice -regent. Mee.
Galt Clark ;'and vree-segent.M".. Wil-
liams ; secretory, Mies LeTritd ;
sistaot secretat Miss A. Nairn ;
treaatlrer. Mie L.Millar ; st dard-
hearer, Miss E. Sault' : councillors,
Mia' Weldor), dire. thrills, Mise
Nairn. Miss I. Saul*, Mt` I wrenees
Mins Colborne, Mrs. Kidd.
Reports were preaented as follows :
Secretary's Report
takes this opportunity of expressing
their appreciation of 1)r. G•llow s
kindness in what he has done for the
Chapter and of wishing him eves y
success in his military life. This is
the third year our Chapter has takes
up time extremely useful wort and
many people have availed themselves
of this opportunity.
Our Uhapter has &leo been able to
subscribe to the following very worthy
objects : To the Secoure National, in
which every British subject must feel
the teeniest interest, we donated $10 ;
towards tbe Y.M.C.A. huts we gave
ab; to the British Saslow' Relief Fuud,
$3 ; to •'oeiety which appeals to us
wort strongly. namely, the liodericb
branch of tbe Red Cross Society, we
gave $26.
A portion ofour work which has
given us • great, deal of pleasure wad
taw sending ot • box to • tioderich
boy, a former ward of the county,
who had been seriously wounded at
Uourcellette, and also to our prisoner
of war in Germany. This week we
received a letter Trow one of our pris-
oner, of war in acknowledgment of
his box. We have handed this letter
to the local prose to publish, in order
to show that the prisoners really do
receive the gifts we send them through
the Had Crow Society. 1t 1. very sate
iafeetory to know this, as we sup! ort
two prisoners of war in different parts
of Germany, for which we give 948 •
year. We oleo made up a St. Yaleu-
tlne's box for • friendless -Soldier iu
England. \Ve were privileged with
the other chapters in town to contrib-
ute the sunt of $21 tut the pur.;hase
u( mirrors for the men 'of our own
ltilst Battalion.
The Chapter undertook to keep two
of the lumber camps in Quebec sup-
plied with reading matter, So a bundle
of wageziura Id sent once a week to
these camps. Un October 30th we
held • tea it, the rooms of the Mene.e--
tung Canoe Club, the wenllwrs of the
Club having lisidly placed them at
our di.p. taa1. Flow this tee we real -1
fixed $21.9 5. On January 31.11 we held
another tea in the saiue delightful'
rooves and made $31.:13. I
We regret exItewely that so mans 1
of our members have left town.
To encourage the thrift movement
in the couutry our Chapter has voted
1631 to assist the hove gardening in
vacant lou. This woveutent we hope
will be taken up by the community.
Our earliest efforts will be put earth
in the year that is coming as in the
year that bite pained to respond to
every worthy appeal that is wade to
We all unite iu hoping that this
The Problem of Funds
when Travelling
is most satistartcnly solved
by carrying them in the
form of
Letters of Credit or Travellers' Cheques
issued by the 1.411116 Iliaali ol Canada. You car. draw against theme
practically anywhere, In Canada or abroad, and no one else can'
realize on them.
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
Stap-.... -t m
Mastuer odo.. and express . els
Ix1 •
•uoeuu bend
stone's. Phone 740.
o•eital account. •
Lot is Mil.1.4a. Treasurer.
Coast -sealed oysters., solid meat"
reeds from the oyster beds, at Black- •
with some 'Lam -Bat on hand to
OiSITUARY. ease of accidents? We a!1 knee
Mt -LAY. -There died at Cornwell
hospital an February -'Jlth George Mc -
lay. aged twenty-six , eRn. son of the
ate Donald M clay, concession.
Ripley. The deceased, o had form-
erly made hfs home in 0 erich with
was ells-
his aunt, Miss Annie McLe
ployed at Massena, New York, when
he was stricken with typhoid fever
and taken to Cornwall hospital, where
he died. He is survivtet by his two 1
sisters, Mrs. licorice McKee and Mts.
John Vosbullt, bath of Hanley, Mask.;`
also three brothers : Daniel, of Fos*
Qui Appelle : Rnddie, of Winnipeg, f
now in France, and Murdoch. of Han-
ley, Sask. The reurain s were taken to
Kincardine for burial in the family
plot. -
J. P. Welters' ,hoe sale ends Meech
t 17th. Buy now an I seer 4o to 64) per
For grippe, grippe, rnlde, fevers, chill., take
' Dr. Brown's Grippe Tablets. Cute •
oold over night. Sold by E. R. Wigle,
druggist, Goderich.
year will see the conclusion of this ew-'
cul was. Itrapectdully submitted, Contentment is a virtue, but even
LliN.t M. W.ALTON. in the matter of vi.•tues one should be-
Financial Statement.
Pra,eedBalance. ttoofencnbeadn 8 li
ala e•t s... _._ .. 37
Tea held Io Meiiessturmg Cases Club 113.111
r0Om4 91'93,
eltx-eed. from first aid lecture..
Teat book•. .. S'u
Tea held to ,Ye,ie.etung Club loom-x.
tees tfrom-home musing lectures N )1
teal desk...._._. .... _e3..
thirty-sx fees ......... sees... '
lrrear + p( tees sees l :u
1111.1 r,,1 Lt baa I. ..........2 I
!•..'id • •• ,
Fees toe fleet aldl.etareS . •• 01
Goderich. Feb. 22, 1917.
I have the, honor of presenting the
tallith ennw}\report of the General
Brough l'hapeek, 1.0.D.E.
We ere still doipg ot.r put in help-
ing in every way a eau to assist our
brave men at the fr'ott and to aid our
prisoners of war. Oue Chapter is com-
posed of many busy Members, whose
days are occupied with other duties.
so that we can only do individual
work, but we are always 'wilting to
give as liberally aa we can to every
gond cause.
Lest March we gave a euchre arty
in the Masonic Temple, the prochWs
of which were seri.
Our next work was the formation,
of cheeses for the St. John's .Ambulance'
eouree, which includes "first aid" and
"home nursing." the lectweb being dr
livered by Dr. G.11ow. The Chapter
• The Children's Aid Society will meet
Iat the cow t house on Tuesday next, at
the usual hour.
Mr. Tbo=. H. Mitchell has been ap-
pointed the local agent for the (Ira)
Dort motor car.
The Menesetung Conoe Club has of-
fered the+ use of ire rooms for the
monthly meetings of the council of
the Beard of Trade.
Watch for the announcement of the
tea moll' to he opened shortly. for
Saturday afternoon of each week, by
the General Brough Ohapter,
Huron Lodge, No. 62, 1. 0. 0. F.,
will hold its annual •'et home" in the
Oddfellow.; Hell on Friday evening,
16th inst. Bookies members and their
families, any visiting Oddfellows In
town are iuviled to attend.
The Ahmeek Chapter, 1. O. 1). 15.,
is collecting twice • month cardboard
and waste paper from the merch.nta,
and in April will collect papers and
magazlnee from the houses. Will all
interested in the local hospital kindly
keep these at tides, u the funds thus
realized ue to be used for the work of
the Absneek Chapter in the hospital 1
The "Sock shower" for the men of
the Huron Battalion, to be given un-
der the tameless. tali the Osmond Brough
Chapter, 1. 0.tl). R., will take place
on Thursday,l6'b Inst., in 0. C.
Whitely's od stand (through the
kindness of Mr. It McLean). The
Ladies will he .n.hand w r.eeI•a socks
from 141 a. to. to:ft p. m.
The subject for discussion at the
Men's Sunday Club at Nath street
Methoeist ehureh nett Sunday Winer
loll w111 he : "Mhoald we lower our
standard of living In wartime T'
At 2lortb wrest Methodist .Amar ,
A womad's reproductive
organs are in the most in-
tepse and continuous sym-
mithy with her kidneys.
The slightest disorder in the
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease in
the reproductive organs.
Dodd's Kidney Pi11a, by re-
storing the kid neyatotheir
perfect condition, prevent
and cure those fearful dis-
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young girls, worn-out
mothers, buffering wives
and women enter:ng upon
the Change of Life, your
best friend is
its, alI1N.
52;1 ai
E'l'6NLITl HA'.
Prl,.oeer$ of War Fond . 5 11 to
Cheque to Semite" NaUo,.1 . to tin
Cheque to Godettch ftedVroes ..oclely 2; IU
Cheque to National Lkapler 20
Presentation to 111st Battalion a 01
I)ache...of('.nnaeight gift fund 5 0
Brie l,h lied Cm.. .. 1411111
Y M. C. A. millt.ry work . .1} rel
Satish :inline: relief fund y.p1
Thlr',t six fee.... I(1
Mr. Qeo. Stewart. aoth4 •I6 1'-
Expel,.for tea and euchre .. .... . . 111
Kxpeo.es for er.t aid home snridug 11 37
Fee for flet aid examination .. .. •; Irl
M0. Haul's. . pottage al books to lumber 1 n I
camps .. sees ..
-what serious results often foL'ow
minor Injuries.
When Zam-Iluk 1s applied to •
wound it immediately destroys al:
harmful germs and extracts al:
poisonous matter, and th•'s re-
moves all danrer trim festering or
blood-polsnning. 'Lain ltl:k'e sooth-
ing herbal extracts end the pa n
and banish the soreness. 'Then t. e
keeling essences in this fame,*
balm grow new, heat:..^.v Skin.
A box of Zam-ituk kr, t hand'.
both ip the home and at work, w:
save much suffering a:id moa f
me and money. 60c box. 3 fir
1.25. All druggists and stores, or
Lam-Buk Co., Toronto. Send 1•
stamp for postage on free trial hoz.
ware of counterfeits.
A man's ability to as
right time is of nines use f
his ability to mote Latin.
so at the
se titan
Ridgcrest Farm
If so, what are you going to have this summer
A garden,chickens, or both i
A garden produces in summer only—Chickens
the year round.
H. Keith Revell-:
After Every Meal
The Flavor Lasts