HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-8, Page 14
THE sIUNAI. is ready to
handle your Printing work,
1s or small, sad give you a
sstldactor•y job every time. Let
us have your nest order.
Telephone 35 The Signal
Renewal Tirne
�In>•Its ,
E TES j.
Every dollar saved adds another bulwark
to the Empire's security.
sal b pmbte sudlu at Belme.vuh. on
eoomenoLut al 1.31) w'ulook %tarp :
One team of Rood draft geldIri'i. rising 4
year. 04,1: 1 llglt cols. rola( yeas. old; 1 p«re
bred neri.tered tlkortlioto loll, Si wombs old,
14 flack heifer4 pearl Yellen; a grade sloe ass the ; 1 Mani belts..,
Moat 73e IM. . L I-
ham heifer., ibe to ate 1 ; s 3 steer., 1 year old;
1 bea•y wr'gca, 1 light 9.41 1 bo4oleberme.,1
est of -Ingle be.., I .,r. of light 17 p
ght double her.
sew. 1 set of bre.. mounted carriage harper. a
aunt toy of hay, mu We bele of good clean mut
(('Iyde.dalel, s. d numerous other article,
TT alar - Hay, nate and all moms of 110 and
wader. lash; over that aa,ouat.7 mood% credit
will be Oban on furnishing approved jotet
Mots. A 41st net of 3 per mat. •trWitbt
allowed roe eagle en tuwdlt amount.
Any parson a hiking to lays Cattle ma de so
at M' cents per head per week until April 14th.
W. T. K8(MJ'Pr• T. GUNDKY.
�/r�M A aetbas.r.
will .en by grebe.: auction .1 int 11. ronv..lon
2. k: 1, Maield. oa
1RiuAT, MARCH Ile h.
.emmeariea as *Meek *see •
In jlea►=Mle drift owe. p� syt
M did,
noes mill fi�v M -1gu,ny ream r=/
pear. Mrl.g
her:, ri.Iag S year. old; l
rsadater este stets l ..are Md.
tier -viz. -4W neer. sae March elk; 1 now,
• due in Joss; 1 cow, 5 yap old, in calf ; 1 now,
4 years .la, eoppoed to be In calf; 1 tow. 4
years eN, eeppo.ed to w in calf ; I row. 2 year.
MM. milking; 1 saw. a year. ob. wryly fat; I
cow. 11 pe... old, milking; I oow, 4 year. old.
milling; 1 Meek heifer, 1 year old; . Met sprigm
sal. e..
Peak -One bur d sow, r plow, t Mike etd,
lairLalli NUL -(me ah oat sly
�wwr eslt5..I tame
well fav fora rode. Ino ►wry„w, 1
drum drill Bleary mewl, 1 t diamond
Yarrows, 1 towbar wagon sad .tock rack. 1 cot-
ter, 1 M nosey. Harris rake. ♦ tight 51.40'.. 1 A.1
ds« isle las a•..% 1.i /41111M la. arm, I am 5,0m -
l% wagon ., rbtg-. 2 top hueares, I laird rutler. 1
Mary plow (No. 21.., 1 Hell
plow ('o. lm. 1
mourner. 1 eel. brawleie h., 1 gravel b. it. 1 wagon
boa. forks. chain., she, e1. and numerous other
art We..
Pou.-Thirty-Moirave purebred Moa Leg-
Kt...silting 'Duo be sold, as proprietor has
rented the farm,
Tahoe. -All cum. of 110 and under. nosh ;
over [bat emos ret. eine month' credit will be
given on furnishing approved Joint Dote.. A
di count of 4 per oeaL .traigbt allowed for
emit en credit amounts.
Proprietor, Aueuo..e.
twnl well by publics auction at lot,ll,conoembo
F. m, t'onvenes. on
commencing at 1 o'clock sharp:
Rotuma -One black general-pnrpo.e n ate.
n year. old; 1 bay 4rneiel-puspo.e horse, (
Mown driving horse, 1 bay driving borne. t
good driving man, 5 years old.
('ATT,.•:. - re. rows, 9 year. old. In call; 1
cow. a years old, In calf; r oow., t year. old, In
calf: 2 heifer.. ri-ine 3 years old; 2 steer., MM1.4
3 year. aid; 2;dee:-,,r. sing 2 go.,. old; 2 heifers,
thing 2 ye, re .id; a .prong oaten..
Sneer. - Twenty-one well-bred Leicester
ewe., 1 'me 'ny ism.
Mei mitrNT..-omit Massey -Harris aft. eat
binder, 1 McCormick mower. 1 McCormick hay
rake, 1 land roller, 1 seed drill. 1 set of iron
Merow., 1 a•uffler, 1 Fleury plow, 1 lumber
worm, 1 hay and .Wok reek, 1 bag bolder, 1
fanning mill I set double horns.... 1 gravel
kat, 1 set of wleigh' Aad numerous other ar•
F:verytllrm meet be .old, A. proprietor has
meed the fame.
Tters& -All vain of 810 ,and ender, cash ;
over that amal-int. 12 mor,crlr' oredlt will te•
given on furnlebing approved Joint note.. A
ithicount of 5 pw sent. albwe1 ter cath on credit
Props later. Ano loner r.
will ell by public) auction at lot It ooeosadep
It township of A.hneld, one an* a -half mhos
north of Dungannon, on
commencing at 1 o'olook aherp :
Hoaege.-One havydraft mare. rising` 5 yrs.
old: 1 heas y draft man.. rising 5 year. old, doe
to foal June 12,h; 1 bavydraft mare, due to
WI May .tat; 1 heavy) Braft reit, nem 7eitars
.94 1.erring nolo, rising 2 years old.
l'Arrl.a--One row with fell' 3 week. old; 1
cow. duo Le calve April tat; 1 cow, doe to calve
May 22nd; 4 steer*, eldest year. old; 3 heifers,
tieing 2) Mae old; 3 calves, rising 1 year old.
Prtete.--Reveateengood oefor and Shrop-
shire ewes,
Piro. -Ute Yeeksblre row, due April tat; 1
purebred Tea wee sew, doe March lith; 30
from 73 to 100 pomade.
wertreshwo -Ons Mode-, 1 roller. both
I i..aey-Harris make; 1 Champion .sod drill; 1
Il..ring hora.rabe, 1 Brantford R mews., 1
Noxon dive,1 wagon. 1 Raln aleigh. 1 wagon
bat, 1 .es of doable learns., ( Fleury plow.
Teepee -Twelve mouths'rredit oe all . m.
over 110. on hrrnlehing approved Joint time,
Five per cent. orf tor oath nn all sum. over 110.
Proprietor. Aoetlalser,
with esvenle0ess. Wanted by AlDM
M4 fAgs:71y oat. .t moa. J. W. CRAiGIE, Rees
LAM:N I/Mir ang Mr TORE Apply MiL
'011 BALI
Yielded twenty-one bushels
peracre, of good quality.
Apply to
Goderich, R.R. No. 5.
'Phone No. 1426 Benmiller,
DU7T[ �04i[Ky .'. exhibition and
d-to-la1 elerlt,004.ply F. WOULU'UMRF
Traralsar .meat. crick. It
The following implement. and etoek will be
6 4 yr■bv.tely,.. the proprietor hail [Dee up
Ftvo-lt: Ma-.ey-Harris birder, 5 -ft
Barri. 0200.r. 10.tube seed drill. a syr 1ngMasser
cultivato,. I bay rake. one twin wedelns plow,
1 open huger 1 rt bobsl.ig9s tall.eoord-head1.
rhe Fleury No. 21 walking Plow, 1 est Anrargt
harrow I Halo w.gon with hay and Meek
rack, 1 .et doable Darns.-. 1 sit stogie harness
nes 4.
Also 1 ' n mare. 12 year. old ; 1 light mare
Ih feall. R years std ; I mineral perpo,r hone,
sWua 7 ”.....4,4;1 Darkam grads cow, 4 yap
aM, due to freshen la April; l Ilurbam trade
now, 4 years red (ssp kine.. t Durham grade
heifer, 1 year o d; 1 Dere •m grade bull calf..
mese he old; 1 Choate White oIood sow. doe to
farrow In Mardi; a par o thoroorkbred im-
parted Toulouse seem. Al.o a mall house
w(tk extra leveerlesd int will be .old very
Mose and ea may terms. Apply
Past street. (iedsrlck.
I' R. c. skbgya ant, W. T. Rin
QtJ9 twr+tory brisk duel Ina, with
reedeva emmellenee.. In St. George. ('r5 -rent
Apphto MRS FA1.K. A1tt
ship acre.
a�ppe.dQ: lot y ,.a o pbnatg IwGoderich ood barn
wllh cedtcnl foundation sod lick house. Acro
for sale Forty acre. of light land, lot 8. 21, eon -
...don 8, (lodertch township. Apply for further
p r i Ra . to 1489. MARY k'LLIUTT, R. R,
7 lroad. sr phots Mi r. e, st lm
apartment home on North street ; act
rooms .ad lath,bsesdent laundry, all modern'
lit.. ' .armies. A, . POLLEY 304f
1' Guar Tomos. Apply to JOS, C.
URIs N, 37-a
L. D. (:. M., ttrorenirt end choirmaster of
ox Church. Teacher piano, voice,
PuppIle prepared fie eliminations Stu
Nekton street, tour doom east of i)y, Bunter's.
Address : caro Mr.. 8lnelair, Britannia Road,
D. N. trusts by attic attention to bu.lne.. to
merit a where of the patronage of the Inhabit -
ant. of the town and neighbourhood,
IN ens ItSITAT0 e1 RIN.IAMIN At'n08TIN!,
LATE Or 714 Y11.i.41,0t Ole DUNGANNON, IN
\dice I. hereby given. tnrauant to the
Statute In that b.9.1?, th 4 all per,.one having
calms against HenJAmin A'•gn.ttt.r, who dual
on the 20th day of February.Ifi7, Are required
on or !store the Idth day 01 March 1917. to wend
hr poor deliver to Urml«ton L. Augowtine,
ungannon, Ont., .dminlatr.tot of the ...tate
and effects of the said d. rowed, fell ra-tlrnlars
of their claim. ; and that after the laid Mat
mentioned dot. 4.2. ..k1 wdmnd/orator will pro-
eee.I to distribute the meets of the mid de.
ceased among the pevaonn entitled thereto, hey -
Ing regard only to the claim. of which he
'9.Hthen have had nos ion, and that the slid
admit1Mtrator w111 not be liable for the wild
aue.ta or any hart thereof, to any parson of
whom claim he shall not then hove received
no. ice.
iated at (lrdetich chia nth der of Mateb,
54'* Sol
IA. for
mid we
penitent teChap'er 121, Vert ion 1t, R.11,0,
that ail person% hat log claims against the
estate of William Cowan. lays of the town
yf Oederleh. In the men.v of Huron,
Gowan, who dlsd eh ne Mont the 21st day of
January. 1917, are required ti deliver their
claim. and full particwtar. er each claims. to
the nndrrdgned, 'executor., ce or before (9.
21111 day of March, 1917. And that after the
latter date we will distribute the assets of the
said Aep. used arwnnr the parte. entitled theetyas.�
to. bavleg regard only to the Mahon of whb11
we .M11 have received notice,
JN DAVID DERttdON I7ta. fiOnt.
Maim .t a wishbone with pearl he,
t .sewed. Fische plea.. I.". at,
i08A O/tIC4, at,
Cash is more wily moved thse i
shoes, dubhteg' or trunks. Qg�.
along and help me out. it wig pay
both of us. J. P. Walters.
Splendid Attendance at the fleeting on Tuesday
Evening --President Cameron Presents the An-
nual Review of industrial Activities, Which 1s
Optimistic in Tone -Some Interesting Discussion.
The annual meeting of the Hoderfeh
Board of Trade was held on Tuesday
evening, and was the most interesting
meeting the Board has had in several
years. 1t was held in the council
chamber at the town ball, and the
aceommodations of the room were
overtaxed by the large gathering.
which included a number of young
business men who were @bowleg an
interest to the Board of Trade for the
first time. The treasurer, Mr. VV inion
Campbell, sat at the receipt of custom
and had quite a field night gathering
In mernhersbip fees.
Mr. M. el. Cameron, president of the
Board, was in the chair, and Intro-
duced his annual address with a trw
remarks on general business condi-
tions in the Lown and on the efforts
made by the IIoa•d of Trade during
the past year -efforts which, be ad-
mitted, bad not accomplished a great
deal. He then read the following re-
ports front the various Industrial con-
cerns of the town :
The Goderich Eleyator and Transit Co.
The past season has, in point of
grain receipts, been the most satisfac-
tory yet experienced by this Oom-
pane. having put through eleven and
a quarter million bushels. Ninety-four
steamers carried this grain, and with
an estimated expenditure of 11(84 each
trip for groceries, meat and other sup-
plies, quite an amount was circulated
among our merchants. Seven vessels
are wintering bere and the amount
expended in repairing, fitting out, etc.,
will be considerable. Freight tate,
throughout the season were excep-
tionally good and vessel -owners par-
ticipated in the best traffic earnings
for many ye'rs.
The extension of the southwest
breakwater to its present length of
1.4110 feet afforded-* eastiuiproveoi.ot,
hut there is yet too much exposure at
the entrance. net can he remedied
by an edditicn of 51111 feet to the north-
westerly breakwall, end, we was say,
steps have already been taken to con-
vince the proper authorities of the
necessity of ez'ending this et the earl-
iest possible moment.
We.trrn crops were much lighter then
in the prsvieus year and with a heavy
dt-.eN weowentent throughout the win-
ter it te dMkntlt to decimate what
quantities will he available for din•
trihntion through lake -purr, after the
opening of navigation. Milling e(on-
cern, have booked heavy Government
flour order., which will keep them
grinding for 'many months, although
transportation facilities are proving a
various handicap in making deliveries
at the seaboard.
About thirty-five ruen are employed
in the permanent house ?tuff and
trimming gang in transferring our
grain from vessels to ears.
The Godench Manufacturing Co . Ltd.
The output of this factory last year
amounted to $88,0411,:1.7. They ten -
Why Not Grow Tomatoes?
More money In g%•pwinR
them than Beane sod
you are euro of the
Everything is hi
therefore we are paying
more. Come in and see
us and we will expin111
how to grow there.
Heron Canning & Evaporating Co.
D. F. HAALI\6, Par,P.
Having enlisted with the 161st
(Huron) Battalion for active ter-
tiee overseas, I have made arrange-
ments with Mr. Nelson Yeo to
carry on my cartage business in my
absence, and I would respectfully
solicit from the public generally,
and from my old custonters partic-
ularly. a continuance of their t•alued
patronage until stlehtime as I can
again 'resume my occupation.
Any business entrusted to Mr.
Yeo during my absence will be
carefully attended to and will be
thankfully appreciated hme.
Telephone e cede
>~s to A4
r, 1'e°,
No. 16.0
Cordwood Warded.
We will pay the best
prices for any quantity
of Cordwood delivered
at our Coal Yard.
MacEwan Estate
Phone 91
!td from thirty to eighty five,
aa�/s during the year. They bay -
eno*gh orders sow to keep them run
nine for ten or eleven months and are
employing eighty-five hands et the
present time
The Western Canada Flour Mills Co.,
With the cloy of the year 1918, fuer
records show tlptt this wise one of out
largest years ared our receipts are as
follow.: Wheat reoeived ex lake,
2,74P,5ffe [embeds : oats received ex
lake, 2414.344 bushel.: coal received ex
lake, 6,0Q1l tons.
Withthe scarcity of railway equip-
ment we suooeeded in staking all our
foreign tied domestic shipments,
which are ae follows : 3,549 care of
flour and feed and 4822 care of grain.
The prospects for the corning rear
at precept ore fully Netter than what
they were • year ago and we expect
that during the next six months the
outlook for business will be very
bright and 000sider the,; this year
should beet last year.
Our ewployeee numbered 150 lest
year and we expect to employ as many
again this year.
North Antennas Chemical Co., Limited.
Owing to war conditions and the
consequent difficulty in obtaining ell
manner of supplies. more especially
iron and steel, this Company bra been
unable to get its new plant finished.
It is hoping, however, that It will he
in operation Is three weeks' time. In
the meantime business hiss been car-
ried ou witb thud plant.with an out-
put of between and 2;'90 carload..
Thirty men have beeo employed, but
lately there have not been quite as
many. The prospects for the year
1911 ate good unless. difficulty ie :.
with In procuring the oecrseery fuel.
The Godench #bitting Co., Limited.
Thr report of OM Company i. that
it had to refuse large amount of busi-
ness last yen- and from present indica-
tions the same will apply (his year on
aecouut of the difficulty in securing
enou4h operators to keep the machin-
ery going.
The shiprne5t were in excess of the
prerio1, /sae 's.sreiati, About
vii were epleeed by
the Oonlpany throughout the year.
The Godench Organ Co., Limited.
The business of this Company last
year vies very fair oonsideriog the
state of the material market and
About seventy-five men were em-
ployed throughout the year, and now
ninety are employed, and this number
will possibly be increased before the
�tM is over.
The prostate -Whir 1017 We very period.
This Company has a shell -box order
which will keep it busy for the next
three months.
The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited.
The business of this Company for
the last year was very successful,
amounting to $'2(,011.(21, with a total
wage payment 0f 817,1111.00,
i'he Company states that its busi-
ness for the present year will be very
The Huron Canning & Evaporating Lo.
This Uowtwar-y bad a very tear year
In the canning part of the business,
but on account of the apple crop being
very short there was very little doing
in the evaporating and dried apple
line. Prices were fairly good, both in
evaporated apples and canned goods.
The season tori the whole was setisfac-
They were employing during the
canning Beason an average of twenty-
five hands, hut could have used twice
t hat number if they could have been
1t is difficult to nay what; business
will ice like (luting 1917, as that de-
pends entirely n1 the crop of vege-
tables and fruit. Arrangements are
being made to put up a much larger
pack of canned golds the coming sea-
son, if the vegetables and fruit can be
secured, and elan if more help can he
secured. The outlook for the demand
is excellent.
The Jackson ManufacturingCo., Limited.
The business of this Company last
year was approximately the same u
the year before. They employed from
forty to forty -five hands. The pros-
pects for E117 nee fair. Their in -ship -
meats caused them considerable
The Godench Planing
Mills, Limited,
, Imr ted
Repot t trails for the pant year as be-
ing fair considering the lin .e'tled state
of nue town and count y at the present
time.. For the past twenty 'rare we
have been supplying and building
from five to fifteen houses every year
to tioderiob, Last year we had only
one, but with verandahs, additions,
exien.ion., repair jobs and a lot of
country work we were able to keep
about halt of Due usual staff employed.
Of our Pfaff pas are Justly proud, SAO all
the *Ingle men and married men of
military age have enlisted and are
now on the battlefields nI France or
in England waiting to be called for,
and overeat of our men who were over
age have engaged with firms who ere
Imaking war material.
The pno.ptrta for 1917 are very
�raid fur this time of the year. We
(lave contracted for several verandahs,
additions and improvements for towb,
a few country houses, also ono house
Lo be shipped out West in April, and
with several other contrasts, in eight
wesxpect bueineea to iutprove as the
season advances.
The Dominion Road Machinery Co.
The road machinery ba'ioess for the
part year has not been as bright as
that of previous year's, due nodoubt to
the European trouble.
As our business is done principally
with the municipalities and road con-
tractors who also depend largely ou
the Department of Public Works, the
amouut ct rood -making machinery
purchased by them has been somewhat
limited, consequently we have had to
look to other sources from whicb to
derive our business- We have secured
a number of contracts from the Gov-
ernment for the wanufacturat of water
wagons and water carts, together
with cel Lala portions of uur regular
lute. This has [leen our only outlet,
although the gloss amount of tattiness
did not reach that of previous years.
The uumeer of melt employed has
varied somewhat, hut on ay *este
we hewn employed coterssWtjy from
thirty-five to forty web'. •
The pnapecta fo- 1917 (o the road
machinery business are no$ bright : in
fact, a reflection of 1918 is anticipated,
due no doubt to the fact that the wu-
nicipalitiw will ccneerve their (undo
for other imrnediate requirewents,
and hold up the progress in the line of
road iwprovement until the end of
hoetilitir.. In view of this fact, we be-
lieve it our duty to turn our attention
tp the Government and secure con-
tracts for goods which are constantly
required by thew, and which could be
manufactured here. At the present
time we have orders for a large num-
ber of water wagon., and have pros-
pects of a larger one, upon the com-
pletion of the present contract. Our
facilities for building chi■ .r•ecial wag-
on are very good, the output an1000t-
inpg to stout thirty-eix per month, and
it has been intimated that the Gov-
ernruent•s requirements would exceed
this number.
rhe number of men employed at
present is forty, which is aP many as
can be profitably employed wbile we
art manufacturing the present line of
goods, which require considerable
--- Eleanor, of Officers. -
The election of officers wee then pro -
reeled with. Mi. Camel on was re-
elected president, Mr. C. L. Moon
vire-president, and Mr. Wm: Camp-
bell treasurer. A heartily unanimous
re-election as secretary was tendered
Mr. G. L. Parsons, whose services to
the Hoard in this capacity during the
pito year were invaluable ; het he de.'
dined le -election end Mr. Ernest Col -
bo, ne ems elected secretary.
For positions ors the arena of Abe
Hoard then were twenty-two aoaliaa
tions, and the following were chosen
on a ballot : J. W. Frear, (leo. Por-
ter, James McEwen, Chas. C. Lee, T.
is Perot, H. J. A. Maclwan, H. E.
Hodgen., C. A. Nairn, (leo. Williams,
W. H. Robertson, J. H. Marshall, G.
L. Parsons, D. F.' Hantlink, C. L.
Jackson, H. J. D. Cooke.
While the votes were being counted
by the scrutineers, tise piesident in-
vited Mayor Munnings to address the
meeting, and HI. Worship did so,
etitering with considerable detail into
a history of the negotiations regard-
ing-tbe Doty plant. in doing so he
mentioned the efforts made by Mr.
Moore, of the Dominion Road Ma-
chinery Co., to'secure the plant, Arad
when he had concluded Mr. .Noone
arose and gave bin version of the
affair, challenging the Mayor or auy-
tme else to was not the hbetter ow haoffer t his( oaf thentwo
that were before the council.
There had been so much talk about
time raver Ibesenegotietione that Mr.
MTotore's statement was heard with the
greatest interest and cleared away
some mieconceptioun that had exidted
in the minds of citizens who had net
heard the whole story. The incident
closed wi h an argument on the side
between Mr. Moore and the town
clerk Ax to the respective merits of
the two (Mere.
Mr. H. '1'. Edwards wanted to know
if the Hoard wait going to give mem-
bers anything for their money, or
would take their dollar and not give
them an opportunity to attend ameet-
ing due ng the year. Some other
.senders took pent in the /iscu.Pion
raised by this query, and it. W
pointed out chat the bylaws of the
Board cell for monthly meetings of
the council and quarterly bastings of
the whole Board. It ill hoped that
this year these provisions of the by-
laws will be carried nut.
With the revival of interest indi-
cated by 'Tuesday evening's meeting,
there in good promise Of a year of use-
fulness for the Board in 11117.
Mr. Harvey (`rexswell has enlisted
* a niemhsr of the Army Medical
Corps end left for London today to
join the Corp*.
. '
Mo da x
Monday's ca malty lief contained the
name of Pie. Norman McPhail, of
Gm -tench, who enlisted with the 101st
R illation. The official telegram steles
that he re^.ived a shrapnel wound in
the face. How serious it is Is not
known at present.
Another of the i61.t soldiers sent
home an being under age arrived lest
Friday, in the prrann of Pte. Bert
Ward. Pte. Ward enlisted in the
bugle hand of the Hurons and was
'vinare' red to the A. M. C. on hie
arrival in England. Before leaving
town Pte. Ward was i1, the employ of
Mr. .I. W. Bak* r.
Gunner T. R. Elliott, of the (Card
Battery, London, was in town this
week on a brief visit to his parents.
Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Elliott. "Tom"
makes a fine-looking soldier. While
Vere he was lookingerotind for a few
reeruhs, and he would he glad to bear
from any of the Oooderich boys who
want to "do their hit."
This is the time to renew your
subscription to The Signal --
before the price is advanced.
Your dollar NO ensures you
fifty-two weekly `.bits of Huron's
bes:.od brightest paper
The Signal
Council Also Had a flood Offer fro
Mr. -C. L. Moore -Work to
Commenced at Once on Gover
' merit Contract for Marine Engin
n -
The sale of the Doty plant to Mr.
W. H. Hutchinson has practically
been completed. The initial payment
of 95,0110 Is now ip the Hank of Mont.
real here to be paid over to the town
as soon as the agreement is signed by
tbe ruuniclppl officials. The town
council meets'b4his evening to complete
:be sale. R biunderetond that opera-
tions will otlrfrruebce almost immedi-
atelJr$b•`a linverlmebt contract for
marine engines and that men will be
put on the work as quickly as thea
cab be procured. If the men are avail-
able, 200 may be employed, one hun-
dred Bach on day and nigbt shift..
Naturally both the mender* of the
town council and the citizens generally
are much pleased at the sale, which
reliever the town of • burden and et
the same tittle ensures a large adds-'
Lion to the industrial payroll of the
In addition to the offer from Mr.
Hutchinson, the council had before it
an offer from Mi. ('. L. Moore, of the
Dominion Road Machinery Co.. in the
name of the Cue tie Marine 'Engine
Company. Mr. Moot ds offer in r.
steam to the initial earth payment was
the better of the twe,klut the council
figured out that on the whole the
Hutchinson offer was the better by
about 91,81*).
The Hutchinson offer, which has
been accepted, was as follows :
The Accepted Offer.
Goderlrh. Feb. 11th, 1917,
To o le lltcl,p.l (orporx t luo of l be
Too of
l loderlch
I herennlby submit Ih. following offer
for all tbe property, plant, wachio-
ery, equipment, etc.which formerly
Doty owned by the Marine En-
gine & Boiler Company. Limited, sit-
uated in the town of (inderich and
more particular ly dimwits d iO inven-
tort prepared by Chas. A. Heid and
A. . OMyytal now atta,•hed to this
letter. Thirty thousand duller., P4
able as follows : Five thousand dol -
law mash upon sotnpletion Uf
meat, etc., to Mee satlstaotioo of sly
Twelve monthly payments of $4107.34
dollar', first payment Io be made on
bit April, 1117, and .ul•sequent pl.y-
ments on filet of each following month;
balance in eleven roust annual pay-
ments with intertest at 5 per cent.,
tint payment to he made on 4th
Marek, 1918. 'These payments to be
equal to but not greater than the an.
Duel debenture and coupons which
the town of Goderich are required to
pay on the balance of hustle of deben-
tures to the amount of twenty-five
thousand dollars.
The intention being that i will meet
debenture maturing on March Ith,
1918, and the remaining debentures
maturing on March 4th for ten subse-
quent years.
Title of property to be given when
payments to the extent of thirteen
thousand three hundred 'and ninety-
two dollars and siety-four cents are
made and the mortgage executed to
secure the town for the remaining dr•
bent tires..
Immediately on payment of five
thousand dollars possession to he
given. The property to be exempt
/rout municipal taxes, for a period of
ten years, provided the ratepayer. ap-
prove. This offer to hold gond until
noon on the 1st day of Mare', 1917.
• (4gd,) W. H. Ht:T('HINNON.
The 990.000 pre3tically' covers the
interest of the town in the Doty plant.
Mr. Moore's Offer. -
The offer presented by Mr. Moore
was es follows :
To the Corporation of the Town of Oederich.
The Curtis Marine Engine Company.
Limited, of Goderich, Which hi to pro-
Cese of formation, hereby offers to
purchase all the real estate, plant and
equipment of the Doty Menne Engine
end Boiler Co„ Limited, over which
your corporation has disposing power,
for the stun of ten thousand
(910,0110.00) dollar., cash, and the
assumption of the maturing debenture
debt created by your cotpo('attnn, 1. r
and on behalf of the last-.uentios rd
CompenT.-'Votrtpf#Lrfifi 01 .Thi pit -
chaee in the [erne stated G/ be made
on delivery of full. complete and un-
encumbered titJe to the purchasing
Company. Provided, however, that
this offer is dependent upon I he tkrs-
Ing of a contract which the purcha'-
Ing (lotnpany is IPrkieg to make with
the (4overnm.nt of Canada, which
has barn ,.eer•hally agreed upon, hut
awaits formal acceptance and Com-
et ion.
The Curtis Marine Engine Company,
Limited, (4gd0 C. L. Mortice, •
(4od.rich, Ont mein, Fele nary 27, 1917.
The Zest clavas, from the word
"Provided, however," were .truck nut
when the offers were being finally eon -
Blistered. •
Mr. Moore *till has a month's lease
of the moulding shop at the Doty
plant, and as he must have casting* to
complete Government Contracts now
on hand, he feels that he cannot, In
Jostle. to his Company or to the Gov.
ointment, throw np the lease at once.
As it i., the exi.tenre of this lease has
not prevented the sale of the plant.
it will he noticed that the :Agree
event with Mr. Hotchineon includes
an undertaking by the town council to
submit a bylaw to the ratepayers to
exempt the plant from taxation for a
pet iod of ten yeers. There is no such
condition in Mr. Moore's proposition ;
but the council has evidently not
taken this into consideration, it being
a .natter for the dee:sion of the rate -
-- t
At a meeting of the Huron County
Medical Association held last Deerm-
IN•r at l'linton a uniform tariff for the
.•ninety *as adopted, the following be-
ing a pallial Het of the fees :
Ordinary day visit within one utile,
91,511 ; night visit, 112.I8. Visits in the
country the Baine as in the towns and
villages, with BJc a utile in addi-
tion. Office consultation, 50c to 910.
Telephone consultation, 50e to 91.
lug insurance clabn, papers or
tris portation certificates, 51k W 95.
Writ n opinion, 11:'• to $10. Vaccin-
ation, to *1 . l'ertiflcate of insan-
ity, *5. \ Medicine and mileage in all
metes ext.
Second r reultation fee in addition
to mileage, to 96.
Natural or miscarriage, 98 to
1' with r
t{ adnal for � nnilesge in the
country. Detention after four hours,
51k- an hour. Assistant or consultant,
with additional for mileage, $5.
Minor operation$, 98 to *50 ; major
operations, 975 W $300, Reducing
h'a('tureti-thigh, 9.10 to 950: leg, 910
GI $40 ; bones of lower arm, 910 to
121 ; upper artn,$10 to 940; collarbone.
$10 to W40; ribs, 92 to 910. Disloca-
tions --shoulder or elbow, 910 to $30 ;
wrist. $5 to $71U : hip, 115 to $50 : knee
or ankle, 910 GI 9'20. Alii{utatione--
minot•, $6 to 9.781 ; Major, *60 to 90,*0.
Charge* in all Meta for additional
visits, drerwings at office and , rue(ti.
Anaeethetie for dentist, 95. Anape-
thetic in operations where the princi-
pals fee is 1185 or Ire., $5 : when over
*25. 910 to 126. Asaiatatlt's fee at
operations, *5 to $50.
Removing toneile and adenoids, 915
to 993. Reduction (4 hernia by taxis,
115 to $20 ; by operation. $75 W $210.
('ireumcision, 910 to 915. Parecentesis
of chest or abdomen. 910 to 925. Ad-
ditional in every raw where aasiatauL-
nr rimiest het i.t i, neve/teary.
Friday and Saturday of Nezt Week Will
Be Notable Days at the Model.
Everybody will want to see "The
Christian," H.II CNinr's great story,
at the Model Thra'rr on Friday and
Saturday, March 10 slid 17. This is
(hese of the most remit' table of r•Pceut
Abut px'odnetioas and bias been secured
et hew, stpovly.e, 1
in brdsr to make this pslformance
still more nnts4yle, M.. Ring 1' adding
a Fawous Players feature -"•Rotting
Stone.," a bit of bubbling fun which
has made a hit in the big reties across
the line. Owen Moore and Marguerite
Court(It are the chi. f fun -makers in
this filtn.
The Chicago Tribune «sys c •' 'Roll-
ing Stones' is the kind of thing et
which one laughs a int and about
which one can say little, except to
advise kik-. tome it for themselves,"
Other newrpeper o..nrmcnte are :
"The most wholly interesting pic-
ture seen in «Urns Werk•."
"As refreshing as an,iced drink on a
sweltering efternogn."
"I can conceive of nothing to recom-
mend P pleasure, It would .poll
all the fun were I to give you even the
tiniest insight to the plot, for there is
utystel y and a thrill in ever v foot. -
For particulars as to Nil tllleelnn.,
ere., see the big ad. on page 8 of The
Signal this week.
Miss Glenn, of Glenn -Charles, Tor-
onto. Canada's Het. Faahi'•q icor.,
will be in Gnderieb Monday, March 12.
Bedford hotel, with a full line of
ladies' and gentlemen's heir goods. If
you are not Pati«fled with the appear -
since of your hair, con'.ul( Miss Glenn,
Free demons[.. tion.
J. P, Wale- -' shoe ode cloae, S Iltr.
day, March 17 h. -If you want a bar-
gain in shoes buy NOW,
Wholesomeness and pure y are our
Holt considerations when twitting our
homemade candy and ire -cretin'. A
trial will convince you. Edweid , ,
Phone 7et1►,
Mo'n.v, Marr. 12. -Sale or Nom •bele. im-
plement., etc, a. lul 9, M.Itlsn4 roncr...,on,
tind.tir•h township. H. P. Itriwt•, proprietor,
Time. (Yummy, auctioneer,
Tvra.na\. March 13, -Auction sale of farm
'rack end implen.ent., pr. port y of Mr. \tnl. It.
44i.iu-, lot I2. esnee..tnn h. A-bfeldeewn.htpt
Me and ..ha11 mit).rortb st Danglt00on. Sols
rnmmeta'ss at I o'clock sharp, i. ()tooter.
_..inner . -- -
tt'aib5g,uAr, March It -Auction w1e of
farm stack and Implen.ent., at IM 12, emcee. '1
don It, g. Ir, (olborns., *t 1 o. lock. Every-
thing must be cold, aut the proprietor has
rented the farm Roomer )['..here *i, Poo
'rietor. T. Uc tis. ret one,
N Icl' r
t 1
FRIDAY, Match M--Aucrine 'ale of farm
tack as d implenenle, proper y of Mr. David
OIr. In. lot 11.Ionre.wloo 2. a;. D. A.hfleld..,t t
o'rtoek .harp. T. (le NDay. suMlonsnr.
Tcltsnar..Mareh >t•t-A fiction hale of farm
tock and Implement-, property of Mr. W.
Tebbutt, Holm., Ole. Sale commence...114.
*clock sharp. T. (lustier. Auctioned..
M.:CRRATH.-At Cottage hosed. Tomntg¢
on Fiid.7.ar
much 2, to M.. And Nue. R. H.
Mr(:rat h. 2.1 Inglewood 1.n re, adssghtir
UMW. Janet.
Realer -Glenn ('harles,Toromo 1
BoM Brooch t.o.t-Plgnal hake . t
Nano to ('editor. -Pr sidfeot. Klllornn k
Cooke.. 1
cockerel. for Nile- r. Wo.11rombs. 1
Weed Brune for Sale Wm. F. liming & Bots
Feral -had Hone W,ntat-J. W. Craig'
N sty Not Grow Tomato'. t Faroe r
a grapxaung Co .... . ..
Tariff of Medical Fres
Auction Sale N'. Tebbul'
r I.