HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-3-1, Page 8litem ..y a�{ r• �id�:t.*'�tE,.,r,�wfa' � b• nates=.r•, ,e,axa' r''� " '�"R-8 O°IW • AT:,m `&dM Twp w ,:S • Temnissam, lissom 1, 1017 fo 4 .. MERIDEN SILVER POLISH CREAM Made by the makers of 1847 Rogers Bros. silverware Positively the best silver Polish made. Will re- store the blackest silver to its original state with the least amount of work We absolutely guarantee ' 1r this to be better and less - k . e7t -1}lffrt any eoth r Polish on • the market. Money'\willing- ly refunded if not, satis- factory. Price for jar, 25c We also have the Redi polishing doth for silverware, which re- quires no cream and can be used until it is worn to pieces. Agent's price from door to door 25c, our price to introduce, I 5 DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. W HYARD is the agent tor THE SIGNAL et Dungannon. Orderw lett with him for nubeeripcleoe, advertisement. or job printlog will to ewe prompt attention. Telephone Goderich Rural) N$ WEDNESDAY. Feb. ±, The roads are in Roo- shape since the thaw. Mr McGratten is reported very in at rrewnt. Mise Ruby Stothers, of Goderich, is visiting friends here this week. Assessor Caweron was on his official visit to Dungannon on Wednesday of 1 this week. • We are glad to report that Mrs Sloan is improving in health 'altbougb not very rapidly._ __ _ a a'slelghluad of toung folks stteoded the sarnleal et Lnekoew o. Tuesday eyeing. All report s good time. .. Keep sn 4470 out for the y thdA is n+ be given sees i. the travel Hall by ' one's own t." Mn H. 11. Duet had the misfortune of slipping on the slipperwalk on Tuesday and treeturing her -wrist . Mrs. F. L. Ure1Rhton has returned to bar home et Detroit after spending two weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirks. Mr Marvin Duralo, of. the 8terhng Bank, Auburn, game homesick on. Sat- urday last and has sinee been confined to bed with plsurie . We hope to ass Marvin around again resp. WsDDINo.—A happy event took place OD Wednesday worning at this week at the ,borne of Mr,, and Mn: James helde Bch eontlssaies of Aub - Odd, their reunite* daughter, leery, being united io wedlook to Mr. Wil- liam Mason McAllipter, of West We- wano.h. The aobrewony was per- formed at 11.90 'o'clock by Baty. 0. Gomm in the presence of a few Im- mediate relatives and friends. Mary Parks, niece of the bride, acted as Hower -girl ; otherwise the bridal pair were unattended. After the wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Reid drove to Goderich add took the 4.20 train for Toronto and other points on a honey- moon trip, after whloh they win re- side on the groom's farm on the 7th oncesaiou of Watt K awaaoeh. The b ide wore a andsowe set of tura, th gift of the groom. Many friends wise the young couple unalloyed happ ere in the life before than. uD DEATH.—On Tuesdayof last week o villagers were shocked to hear of th sudden demise of Mr Ben- jamin Au aline. Wh11e be was known for a time to be unwdll, .yet he went ahold bis dailyduties with little complaint's, The ailure of Lis appearance at th word hour on Tues- day morning led an immediate io- eenigation,wren was found that life had passed away:., Dr. Case was iwatedistely called a on examina- tion concluded that Mr had passed away about an no and a half previously, heart failure ing the Dawe. He was a man of ate log qual- ities, industrious even to Ilse et. He leaves a family of two sons an three daughters to mourn Ole loss. The daughters are Mrs H. Walker, ort Artbur: Mrs Alex. pent laud end Clara, and the eons Laverne, of gine, and 0. E., of Dungannon. All were present at the funeral except La - verve. The irumina were interred in Dungannon cemetery on Friday after - noon, Rev. G, (Bowen ofticisting. THOS. G. ALLEN, DUNGANNON IttsrgR rap MARRIAGE LICENSES ,l 0 UuaeIONER FOR AFFIDAVITS, MTV., AND CONVEYANCER *ILLS. DazDm. MONTOAOWN. AORxaraM'r.l, LTC., CARRrI'I.Lr E1fltCUT[D AND MONICT tlr•eel.lan TOR MowrnAnaa Agent for Ren. %Vied and [Ate Inaarano• in the beet Companies eelr • i ANOTHER GREAT P�tODUCTIUN at the MOTEL TaEATRE "THE CHRISTIAN" . 4 t THE RTGN&L QOD RIGH : ONTARIO PORTItA'S HILL. TUESDAY, Feb. /TA t4oTsa,—Mee Roy Irmosh and ter, of Goderleb. epaot ibe week w w Mn. Wesley Vaudeebtttg Mr., Wee- ky b.irburlton Saturday schi re visited Statortnext meeU.g of the Ladles' Aid will be had at the borne of Yrs. John A. Cog, ors Thursday. March sub. At the last meeting the omoen were elected W000: foam, t PresMM.t• Me.. Muton • 'les pradde.t, Yrs. (.,� 1 M[i 1 tssretary, Ilia. loobia 'Lindsay: teessus.e. Mra Wesley Van- derburg.tr<ks IaysaOory of tieatttt by menthe �Ne rad nor Pia taste gas an your _ in your blood, V1gta's Iron �W Haake new rieb .Wood sod in band Ne s6 cents,. � bsndred 1 S 1 i simitama■asimmtai ormairop, J. P. Walters' Great Removal OE SALE is a Winner ---Everything Goes NO RESERVE YOU SAVE 40 to 50% by buying your Shoe requirements now while this sale lasts Specials for Saturday 5UPairs of Ladies' Ox- q Pairs of high Shoes fords and Pumps, I 25 in kid. patent leather t black sand tan, sizes toe cap. 'g to 6. Regular • $3.00 and$3. 50, $ i AQ Regular $2.; a,. Saturday ..... • Saturday .403 All ter Shoes, Club Bags, Snit Cases and Trunks on sale ■ a great deal less than present wholesale prices. Rememl*r all leather goods are going higher every day, if you watch\the markets you are wise to this fact. An op- portunity such as this comes your way very seldom. Shoes wil4 be double the present prices in less than 6 months. -MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES" Bu.- your Boots\\ and Shoes now—before this sale closes. I have the follow$ fixtures for sale : 2 showcases, 1 P silent salesman, 1 la a mirror, 1 small mirror, 1 box ore, 1 coal heater; paper cutter, light fixtures, 2 SiSE ilERE ger pitchers, 1 butt fastener, 'also window display eta s. J. Pe' !ALTERS, WALTERes' C0,60, • See the New Suits :st`es FIRST showing of new sprang Snits to Saturday and next week. The sdnsce sbipenenta and cornet styles for Ihe-c 1fag sesssals ewer are ostr tem our racks and we invite you to see them on Saturday. When we tell you that most of these are the famous " Northeiay Garments" you can feel satisfied that they are the last word in style for the Doming season and that the quality of the material and the workmanship are beyond any question. The aeasoq's most popular materials are represented in this early showing and there is a splendid variety of colorings and styles to pick and chdoee from. { The Sale of Separate Skirts Don't miss the chance to get a separate Skirt for a small price that this sale affords. Weare selling a clearing lot of new separate Skirts in verges both black and navy, and fancy tweeds. The Skirts were merle to sell at 1.5O and $&00. Special sale price is only N,S$ White Habutai Silk 69c Here is a special bargain for the Ent Saturday in March. Heavy quality real Habutai Silk, in white only, will wash like a piece of cotton, yard ' wide, firm strong weave that will give satisfactory wear. Splendid for waists. Per yard only. ..(s1e The Blouse Sale The sale of Blouses 'will continue for another week hat should see the last of this special lot so • TIt is an opportunity to pick up an extra occuBlou or two at a little puce, that will not likely gun this season. r 21.23 see are selling for gee $1.60 Blduses are selling for. . 51.1a Fine voile\pr habutai silk Blouses selling at fj1.1111 Handsome mbroidered voile Biouses,'lwortb u to $S.00, for, `1.$ Extra quality bite habutai silk Blouses, sellin at 51.IIm Millinery Apprentices Wanted We want one or two, rt girls, those with a little sewing experience erred. to learn millissery. Apply as early as ble. New Millinery The new Milliner] for spring is bare and the ,department is an ready for early business. Wear* busy preparing for the formal opening. data st which will be announced later, but in the mean- time will be pleased to show you the new styles any time you call. - Big $Io.00 Sale of Muffs Big Saturday clearance of odd bluffs, many kinds represented in the lot. Values up to $30.00. No neck -pieces to match these, but it you wast aa odd Muff it is your chance to get o.e ata bargain. See them Saturday. Your choice of the tot only 510.00 Special Bargains in Muskrat Coats Muskrat Coats are going to be very much higher in price for next season. Coats bought at this season's prices are $16.00 at lest teas than sande qualities can be had for next year. Some manu- facturing furriers say they will not make them up for the coming sewn. We ram across one the other day who said be would not, and got from him a"rew choice Coats at low prices, Thes Costs are now here. If you have any thought at all of buying a Fur Coat for next season we an make it worth your while to buy ogle of these. Pone in and see them anyway. Direct Importers Hodgens Bros. 00A:ric6, Ontario • • • •• • •i i • •• Friday • • • • • ALL STAR CAST • • • •••• • •• • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • HALL CAINE'S superb love stn , in eight parts • • • • ••• • and Saturday, March 16th and 17t John Storm Denouncing Lord Robert Ur* MATINEE BOTH DAYS 500 SCENES "The Christian'' is a strong story, and has been produced a bril- liant group of VITAGRAPH PLAYERS in most realisti orin, making it one of the most stupendous- and vivid picture -dramas e er seen. The two\principal roles are taken by EDITH STOREY, as GLORY QUAYLE AND EARLE WILLIAMS, as JOHN STORM Prices 25c and 35c. Matinee 15c and 25c Sale of seats a week in advance • • • • 3,000 PEOPLE i. • •• • WHAT THE NEW YORK CITY' PAPERS SAID "Unquestioned Success" ,. . Mail "Graphically Pictured" Herald "Mast notable motion picture" ....... ...,Tribune "Forcibly presented photo -play",., ., Press "Most elaborate photo -drama ever made"Telegraph "The Christian is a wonderful achievement" dobe John Storm ale ot•ry Swore r•••••...• ' •f•••••••••••••••••••••�••Nor••••••••�'••••••i•!•••N••Nllrl�l��•.•.*.w�.•_•1•••••••••�r•• • • i r • • •