The Signal, 1917-3-1, Page 7sr,
""l .w. 1,
E' To C'ily, Town and 1'il4j,e Duellers in Ontario
this year of supreme
effort Britain and her
armies must have aalple
supplies of food, and
Canada is the great
source upon which they
rely.- Everyone with a few
square feet of ground can
contribute td victory by
growing vegetables.
Four Patriotic Reasons`'
� u sop
for Growing Vegetables
It saves money that you would otherwise spend for
2. It helps to lower the "IIigh cost of living."
3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of
produce fur export. '
.g, Growing your own vegetables saves labor of others
whose effort is needed for other vital war work.
The Department of Agriculture will help you
The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to
Horticultural Societies to devote at least one evening
meeting to the subject of vegetable growing; manu-
f4tcturers, labor unions, lodges, school boards; etc., are
slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home."
Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive
',talks by practical go:drners on the subject of vegetable
growing. In cases where it is imlxesible to,secure suitable local
speakers, the Department of Agriculture will, On request, send a
suitable man.
The demand for speakers will be great. The number of available
experts being limited, the Dees tment urgently requests that
arrangements for meetings be made at once; iflocal speakers cannot
be secured, send applications promptly.
The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to
stimulate the work by offering prizes for best vegetable gardens.
Itis prepared to *ramie any possible way any organization that
maybe conducting a campaign fur vegetable production on vacant
lots. It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert
advice in the field.
To any oneinterested, the Department of Agriculture will send
literature riving irstructioos about implements necessary and
methods of preparink the ground and cultivating the crop. A plan
of a vegetable garden indicating suitable crops to grow. list
varieties and their ar vent in the garden, will be sent free of
charge to any address.
__LWrite for Poukry
Hens ail
fresh eggs. Vince f or free
Address letters to "Vegeta
tmbt.Pdliemtent Buildings, T•
Ontario Depart •
W. 14. Hearst. Maier`
Parliament Buildings
i riled to actively encourage home gardening. Let the
Robert Dunmore. postmaster at
fit. Thomas, is visiting old friends le
Ms. Hogarth and children, of Rev-
elstoke, B. 1'., are remote et the home
of I)r. B. Campbell. Zurich.
Owing to the prevalence of ineaates
at Wroxeter tt.0 shoot was closed for
part of the month of February.
George Bur•uess, son of the Tate John
Burges', of Htuevale, died very sud-
denly at his house at Charlton, P. I{. 1.
Simon Dietrich has purchased the
59 -acre farm adjoining his own on the
Babylon line from his brother -rte -law,
11 Jacob Battler.
An Interesttenr event trek place at
Dashwood on February 14th when
Miss Ella Willert sod Edmund Kraft
were united in marriage•
The death took pla':e at Neepawa,, recently of Mn. Elizabeth
Hush, widow of the late Luke Hush, of
Howick, at the good old age of ninety-
one years. -
A sad consolation was accorded the
parents of the late Sargeant Richard
Cunningham, Grey township, when
they received last week the Distin-
guiebed Conduct Medal ,won by Oleo
brave soldier son, when he gave his
life for hie country.
Mrs. William Wbeelens died at her
house on the 9th eoncession, Turn -
berry, on February Ilhb, es • result of
a stroke of paralysis whish she suf-
fered the previous day. She Was in
her seventy-ninth year and is survived
by four daughters and two sons. ` -
Henry Busch, one of the oldest
citizens of Hemeall, died et his home
there recently in his ninetieth year.
He came to Canada from Gerwauy
while a young man, and had lived at
Hernial' for many years. His widow,
four sone and thibe daughters survive.
Henry Stanley, who died at his
home near Bayfield on February Ibtb,
after a brief illness, was A n+Live of
Stanley towoahip, having been born
there fifty -tour years ago. His wife,
four sons snd three Jeughters survive
blue es does alio his aged father, who
1. now well over eighty.
A number of persons who have been
holidaying with relatives end friends
in Grey township during the winter
have left again for their homer in the
West : Charles E. Lake returning to
Kindersley, Seek. ; Mr. and Mot Will
Grant to Craven. Se..k . and Wm. H.
.lacklin to Sbacklrtoo,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.
Us Compound Helped Heir:{
West Danby, N. Y.— " I have had
nervous trouble all sty life until 1 took
Lydia E. Pinkham's
IIII1111 •llsiijjilll Vegetable Com-
pound for nerves
and for female trou-
bles and it straight-
ened me out in good
shape. I work nearly
all the time, as we
live on a farm and 1
I�I „yld� have four girls. I do
all my sewing and
other work with
their belp, so it
shows that I stand it real well. I took
the Compound when my ten year old
daughter came and it helped me a lot.
1 have also had my oliaot girl take it
and it did her Iota of good. I keep it in
the house all the time and recommend
it."—Yrs. Dcw1TT SINCgsAUGn, West
Danby. N. Y.
Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil-
ity. backache, headaches, dragging sen-
sations, all point to female derange-
ments which may be overcome by Lydia
E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
native roota and kerbs; has for foi*ty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
and invigorator of the female organism.
Women everywhere bear willing testi-
mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia
E. Pinkbam'e Vagatable GeMpound.
Mn. Joeeph Fulton died at Walton
on February 20th, aged seventy-eight
years, never having recovered from
an accident pleb oeeut red enure
weeks ago, when she bad the misfor-
tutu to fracture bee bip. Much synt-
pa:hy its felt for Mr. Fulton and the
other wembers of the family in their
bereavement. Interment was made Ll CKNO W.
at Streetaville.
The oldest resident of Huron edouht. Mrs. Jacob Johnston has gine to
IPSO, passed away at the home of hie Holland, Manitoba, where the will
aotein•law, M. Rowland. lith conces- r•awain for some time.
stun of McKillop, on February 16th, in Earl Begley ban given up his posi-
t he person ot Edward Lamb. He was tion at the table factory, and he and
born in Wexford, Ireland. in 1811. out Mn. Begley purpose moving to the
had therefore attained the renta.kable West,.
age of lett years. He came to Caned& Large number, 04 horses are being
in 1813 and ten years later to Herm shipped to the West from Ontario.
county, where he had lived ever since. Thos Fart iah, Duncan McCharles and
• HIV two sons, John, of Welton, end James Stroud have each taken a car-
'Ntephen, who is in the Were., survive load fano toe district.
Ihisn. Mr. Lend) retained the use of 1'he death occurred on February
his faculties until withinrfew months 18th of Mss Susan Webster, youngest
of the end of his long life, and death daughter of the late Mr. and Ms.owe dor merely to the wearing out of Daniel \Vehater. at the age of mixt y -
\the human machinery. three years, after an illness exteudiug
over two years.
• Fire broke out at the residence of
Jane Kelly received word of Jack Watson last Monday as a result
of her cousin, Miss $yes- of an attempt to thew out frozen
at Kingston, on February waterpitres, but thanks to the prompt
fevty years. work ot the firm brigade the greater
pat t of the bowie was saved. The
building( was well tnsors d.
It was with genuine worms* that
the people of Lucknow teemed of the
death of Pte. Cleve Aitchesor., which
died at her borne arm after a few
days' IlIneee. +�\
Miss Isabel McTavish, wbo lived iu
Swaim tb until • few yeah ago and Is a
sister of Miss Christine McTavish, was
married os February 151h at Oxford,
Mich., to Judson Carpenter, of that
The marriage took lace at Strat-
ford rosily tAis moot of Florence
Elizabetb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hart, of that city, lormer resi-
dents of ,eleafurtb, to John W. Brown.
of Pewbr•oks.
Thomas Gerry bas disposed of the
Wilson homestead at Silver Creek W
Samuel J. Wallace, of Rochester. N.Y..
who intends settling here. Mr. Gerry
has ptrchaaed the residence of Mrs.
Janette \Veir, at present occupied by
J. F. Ross.
here. • - s
Messrs. Coultea add Cbarle.worth
have leased the liksmitteilciel House
barns, and will conduct their livery
business there.
Her many friend. here regret to
learn that Miss Lillie M. Garr Is in
the isolation hospital. Toronto, suffer-
ing from scat let tever.
Mrs. Bloor, who had been visiting
her mother. Mrs. N aeon, sr., during
the latter's illness, has returned to her
borne at Mount Forest.
The loronto,du ds World of re-
ceut date• cobra oed an interes•int;
account of the work of Dr. E. U. Wil-
ford, who has gone overseas with the
C. A. M. C. as an X-ray expert. De.
Wilford. wbo has bran * method
mission ++rryy in Chin*
;iarut Mrs.
ttaaJ)ttsaia lX—��_-_
A. B. Carr, of town.
Made -to -Order
John Hewes bar closed his bather
shop trete, and with his family is
moving W Galt.
George Diver has s ,Id bis residence
to John Little, who will take po ses-
rion during March.
Mrs. Melville bas returned to her
home in the West rates a visit with
her brother, W. J. Deyell.
Mrs. Stillwell, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Lawrence, at Wrox-
eter, for some time, is home again.
Clinton Logan, a farmer in Howick
township, dropped dead while working
on Mr. Melntosb's fain near here on
Monday of last week.
Negotiations sr.• under way toeetab- Russel, ir., had the wintertime to fall
liab a knitting facta.ry in \Vipgham its ant break her ehoi,ld-ebone, and
the near future. provided sufcient Plenty Passmore fractured two ribs.
help can is °btaitred. Fifty girls will While assisting 'I'homaa Houlden
be needed.
On Fel-ruary :ll)th John Hanna, of
Hanna & Co , war married at Wood-
work to Mi.. Esther Campbell, of that
town. Alter a spur, trip they will
take up residence in town.
A Kett y, wedding was solemnized in
the Sacred Heart church by Rev.
Father Fallon, when Marie, daughter
of P. H. Lynnett.Turnberry. became
the bride ot Clifford L. Miller, ot De-
troi•. A reception was held later at
the bride'' hove.
We keep in touch withlithe
latest ideas in men's wear, and
will take your individual measure
and make a Suit or Overcoat for
you that will please you all over.
Semi -Ready
drawing logs recently, William Reid
bad the misfortune to have his hand
caught in the chain. One finger was
partly tors off and another badly
The funeral took plarm bears on Feb-
ruary 10th of Margaret Robtson.widnw rake a glen of salts to float Eidneys
of the late tarns Adair, in he ightyy- if Bladder bothers you --Drink
eighth year. Mr.. Adair, who formerly of
tesi.led in \Vtngham, died at the bonze
\ of� her daugbtee. Mrs. James MeL arty,
'at Toronto. W. J. Adair, of Turn -
berry. is her only son.
Address a postcard to us now
and receive by return mail a
copy pf our new illustrated 8o -
page ' catalogue of • den,
E1 and Field See Root
Seeds, Grains, Bulbs,
Fruits, rden Tools, etc.
SPECIAL —We will elan
send you tree a packet (odes
15c) of our choice
Giant Flowering
This carnation is a great favor-
ite; the flowers are Targe and
fi wren, and the plants do *ell outdoors. Transplanted into tarts in the
r..rly 1. 1. they bloom profuseljr from October till the end of May. Fora
pants are easily propogated from them by cuttings, "pipings" or layering.
Send for our catalogue and fears of oar other valuable premiums. 18
the destf
Nob Kel
lt1-t, age
Alias Ella herr bas returned borne
from Sault fete. Marie and Blind
River. where she had been visiting
relatives for the past two months. -
Thomas McCall, of Morris township,
has leased the residence et present ors- took place in a hospital in Fiance or.
cilpled by W. P. B ay, who has bought February 15tb, from broucho-pneu-
A fine fain. on the 9th conoes0 od, monis. Pte. Albeheeon, who was
(tlrey, Prow Fred Oster. lowly twenty-three Jean. old,. enlisted
—iib the 16Ist Hurons at Exeter,
bis don on the Toronto pub
school staff to fight for King and
motile,His only brother it already
in unifor -
ack Henderson, son of Mr, and t where he war employed is the Masons
Robert Henderson, has sign• Hank.
rs. Thomas Tr veli • had the miefor-
tn to fan on the ley sidewalk, 1-e-
BLYTH. suiting in a fractured arm.
Mr. and Mrs. Orange Findlater.
Owing to the illness, of the principal, Broderick, iitask.t have been visiting
Mies Money, Blyth continuation Mr. and Mrs. James Miller.
school hos been temporarily darted. r After a two month? stay in Celifor-
M and Mrs. John Cockerlitie have ria, Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Wallis returned
retu eo to their borax at North Bey to their home here last week.
after;• pleasant visit with friends I Charles F. Libby `left recently.on.a
�_ • busbies.' trip of some length which
-- ' will inclwde Montreal, Briton. New
1 York and Lowell.
1 The death occurred on FebrWu y 13th
lot Mrs. John Hellyar, of Bowwalrville,
neither of W. H. Hellyar, of towitOn
her eighty-eighth year.
Mfrs. (Dr.) Gandier received word
last week of the death of her sister,
Mrs- Meliibboo, et Edmonton, Albert.,
Gout bronchi .l pneumonia.
James Cornish has purchased the
comfortable , Mutt and octet.
pied by W))•Ilisw Harland, who owns
and is moving into another house on
Psinurs.s rent.
Ken. Chows), who has been for
some time identified with the Jackson
Manufacturing Company, has accepted
1 a pneition et Hamilton, and will
shortly remove, hie family, to
that city.
Antos Tipling met with a painful
accident during a recent trip to New
Yolk with a couple of carluade of
turnips. Near We11And, anile the
cars were being shunted, Mr. 'I'ipliog
was thrown by the force of the imp tet
.owe distance across the track, and
was bisdly shaken up.
The death occurred on February
isth of Thonmaa S. Brandon, who had
been one of \Vingbam's moat respected
citizens since. .moved,, iot4LJ._etf.
from his faint in Morris about six
hears ego. Mr. Brandon, who was in
is seventy-fifth year, had hero in
poor health for some time, hum the end
CAMP very suddenly.
Grace \lethodist church, i?wex, has
extended en invitation to Rev. J. W.
Hibbert W becewe their pastor after ibis
next conference. Mr. Hihhect has ac-
cepted, subject to the approval of the
statineing committee, \Vinghans
:Methodist church has invited Rey. E.
F. Armstrong. of Kesex, who has *leo
accepted on iiusiler conditions.
To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply
to J. W. CRAIGiF, Agent, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, Gen-
eral Passenger Dept., 68 King St. 8, Toronto.
Ree. 'S. C. Philip and Mrs. Philip,
who held • somewhat unique celebra-
tion in Toronto recently un the oc-
casion of Mt s. Philip's mosso' y-eeventb
birthday, wets at one time residents
of Clinton, Mr. Philip having been
stationed on the Clinton eiscult (which
at that time inclesded Btytb. Landes -
hobo' and Holutesvilte, Is Ian
Miss Blanche Campbell, of Branson,
Is a gsieet at the hoose ul W. D.Brigbt
A former well-known resident of
Beata' It, Hugh Rtepbenaon, died re-
cently at Winnipeg.
Mre. Scott and children. of Roeaa-
v111e. flask., who have hoes 'I'Ulog at
the hams of Dr. J. O. etnott, have se-
tasrsed t. the West.
Mt •. W. R. iyuslth was el Chatham raciata, sgcd forty-four Veem
Mat week. att.nding the funeral of bee Icy sldowelke were rrap rwilble Inc
rimes, Mies Boldins Aedsewn, wbo I amend accidents last week. Mn. D.
St.\'itus Dance Affects
Many Children.
ThisTrouble Can BeCured
Through the Use of Dr.
crushed. -
The marriage took place in CAve t
Pre•sbyterisn closet -bon Februsry 21st
of Miss Anise Kinsman, of
the late H. Kingman. to Harold Storey
Nicklin, H. ,1. Se., of Acton. The
eereutony was performed by Kev. M.
F. Shinn. Mr. and Mrs. Nscklin will
I've at Toronto.
Eating meat regularly eventually pro-
duces kidney trouble in some form or
other, says a well-known authority, be-
cause the uric acid in meat excites the
kidneys, they become overworked; get
sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of
distress, particularly backache and mis-
itery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin-
ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con-
stipation, torpid liver, sleepleaauess,
bladder and urinary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid-
neys aren't acting right. or if bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This famous
milts in made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and has beep used for generations to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them
to normal activity; also to neutralize the
acids in the urine so it no longer irri-
tates, thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes • delightful effervescent lithia-
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease.
Keep Up With
the Times ! .
AND have your house
lighted in the modern
way—with electricity. We
know how to do,. it,- ..and
w rheYrfully furnish
plans and estimates for
wiring, fixtures, etc.
A large assortment of Elec-
trical Sundries and Supplies
always on hand.
Robt. Tait
West Street. Phones
Next Postofice 82 and 193
Williams' Pink Pills.
St. Vitus dance is much more com-
mon than is generally imagined. The
trouble is often mistaken for mere
nervou-nese, or ass k%varaliens. It usw-
ally attacks young children, most of-
ten between the ages of sax end fouls -
teen—thoi:gh the older peesune may be
affected with it. ''he mint com
symptom is twitching of the muscles
of the face and limbo,. As the disease
prom eases this twitching takes the
form of spasms in which the jerking
motion may be confined to the head,
or *11 the limbs mar be tiff. clad. The
patient is frequently unable to hold,
anything in the bends or walk
steadily, and in severe cases
the ipreeh may he affected. The �
disease Is due to impcvericbed nerve.,
owing to the blood tieing out of eonJi-
tion, and can he cured by the use of
Dr. VI Mime' Pink Pills. which eonicb
the blood. strengthen the nerve., And
in tbie way restore the sufferer to
good health. Any symptom of nerve
trouble In young children should be
promptly treated, as it is almost sure
to lead to St. Vitus dance. The follow-
ing ik proof of the power of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills to cute this trnuhle.
Miss Hattie Cummings, R. H. No. 3,
Peterboro.Ont., says: "1 was ALt&eked
with what the doctor• said was Ht.
Vitals dance. Both my hands trem-
bledas'to he practically useless.
Then�trosble went to my left side,
and from 'that to my right, leg, and left
inc in such ! condition that 1 was not
aide to go otic of the house. 1 took
the doctor's medicine without getting
any benefit. Thea I tried another
tented? with the shrine poor mune.
At this et.Age t WMt *MAI tit try Dr.
William"' Pink Pills and did so, with
the result that the fully restored me
to berth's, and 1 have not had the
slightest symptom of nervous trcuhle
sine«. 1 can recommend these pills to
anyone who is suffering from nervous
trouble, end hese they will profit by
my esperiesce.
You can get Dr. Williston Pink Pills
from any drug dealer nr by nail at 50
cents a bon Of dx boxes for 82 Mt from
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Brucaville, Out.
1. Armstrong was at Stratbroy last
week attending the funeral of his cou-
sin. Mrs. James Mt*vow.
A nem -time resident of Flirter, Amos
J. Kipple-stone, died at Detroit recent-
ly es the result of a street earaosielent,
Nang Piper, Nott of Mev. Orem.
Piper n( tow,. died et bis home in
Itibtsh•Il. aftbsr a brief stock o1 pneu
WE find in going through our stock that we are
overstocked in a few lines which we are going
to give you the benefit of.
every person knows ltoW good this polish is for furniture
and floors. To reduce our,large stock of this we willsell8
the 81.00 bottle for
and the 50c bottle for ..,. ,. , 35c
The 50c bottle for
Anglo-Saxon Stock Food, 50c package\I5c
for '• • • - 25C
Anglo-Saxon 1 le -Saxon onitr Food, 25c acka a or......
Heate Cure, 50c package fo 25c
International Poultry Food, 25c package fo\ 15C
The great advance in steel and wire has caused wire Nails
to take a great advance, so much so that we have to sell
them at seven cents per pound. We have several kegs of
cut Nails which we are offering as long as they last at7
pounds for,,
Von will remember last Spring how you had to whit to \
get your lawn mower sharpened sa1d your _.grass got ahead
of you. Why not notify us now and let us send and get
your mower and put it in good working order when husi=
ness is quiet, so that it will be ready for you in the Spring 1'
Does your bicycle require overhauling ? Tiow is the time to
have it done so that it will be ready for you when you want
Plumbing, steam -fitting, heating and electric wiring. Do
not forget that we carry, a full line of goods to do any of
the above work on a moment's notice and all work neatly
done and fully guaranteed.
Phones : Store 22t,)spe t M The Square
House 112 a 1 °* oderich
�� ;e.a�,>�:': &�t'�fk,M;ll@$"fit.:","ih•+'5�"�ob�?-O�x"`r ks+ ^ X r,