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• LueesoAv, MART H 1, 1917
Made-to-order AZI
This cloth was bought
nearly two years ago ;
since that time blue
Serges have gone up in
price about 50 per cent.
We have only enough
cloth for a few suits, so
if you want a real bar-
gain in a blue Serge
suit order without delay.
Walter C. Pridham
20th Century Brand Ckthiag
Phone 57 Borsalino Hata
Stop That Bark
sn 1
ire Pine and
Spruce Balsam
If yol have a stubborn cough
if your ngi are inflamed and
your irritated. this
-prendid a ynt-wflts1fitrd-
the relief y. u weeki iiptl • and
without any harmful after-
Penalise Whip Pine sod Spruce
Balsam is sheeting remedy COM-
poundrd of Pine Hark, Spruce
Gum. Tainar•ae Bark, Wild
ch and other well-known
in lents of recognize d nit•rits.
et a bottle °f thjs effw'tivr
remedy as algin as possible and
rid yourself of that ttuigh. Sold
111 two MUM.
"Central Drug Store "
Corner North Street and S.lnarr
l;,.It rich
Ito. '.t arts,,,,, Res. 32t
Wash the poisons Arid toxins from
system before putting more
food Into stomach.
Gays Inalde-bathleg makes 'sty.
one look and; feel clean,
sweet and f•efreshed.
Wash yourself on the inside before
breakfast like.yoti on the nutalde.
This Is vastly more 1 1portant because
the skin pores do nit absorb Impuri-
ties Into the blood, causing Illness,
while the bowel pore do.
Foe, every ounce Of food and .drank
taken into the stom ch, nearly an
Lunee of waste material mast be
carried out of the body. If this waste
material le not ellmina day by day
1t gilckly ferment* a,d alnenites
poisons, gases and toxin which are
absorbed or sucked Int. the blood
srream, through the lymph . ucts which
should emelt only nourlahm..t to sus-
(110.1he body.
a ileo
A did health ,
t h m watt e Is to
drink, before breakfast each day, a
gins. of real hot water with a tea-
spoonful of limestone phoaplist in If,
which is a harmless way to ash
these poisons, gages and toxins
the stomach, elver, kidneys nd
bowels; thus cleansing, ewee.t.an g
and freshening the entire aliment
canal teforeuttin „
P S ants food In
Ibe stomach.
A quarter pound of ibse.tn ne phos-
phate coeds but very little at the drug
store hit to sufficient to make anyone
an entbuslaat on Inside bathing. Men
and women who are eeeuatomed to
wake iip with a dull, aching head or
have furred tongue, bad taste, Darty
breath, ,allow completion, others who
here bilines attacks, arid stomach or
renal 1paIion are assured of pm
eeemeed Improvement In both health
and appearance shortly.
",- . _.r ....
King Edward Cafe
The weather is now seat Pssp s
coaling to town can be served
Hot Coffee, 1 ea or Cocea at (ic ,
Meals also served 96C
Highest prices paid ter butter endings.
The best barn in town for stabling.
Joseph Murray
Kweelle kill , woman
t R•11 -
', , y. �• / t4
MATUHDAY, Feb. 24.
Miss M. E. Salkeld, of Oodericb, is
visiting at Mre. R. K. Miller's.
Miss Palmer and Mir Curran spent
Sunday at their Bowes at Ripley.
Miss Anna Stewart. of Wingham
high school, spent the week -end et
Mr. Hoy Moore, of Alberta, end Misr
Florence Cunniugbaut, of Walkerton,
are visiting their runt, Mrs. John
Mr. Hyde has taken over his shop
again and will he prepared to do all
kinds of work In connection with the
blackrmithing business, as in former
years. He asks for the patronage of
all his old customers :a
Mr. N. Bradford left for the West
on Tuesday. His wife and family in-
tend to follow hire in • couple of
weeks. They expect to locate near
Woodrow, Sask. Our best wisher
follow them to their new home,
The LiterarySociety: on Friday
night took the urat of a *octal even-
ing. Music, recitations, guessing
contests and charades were engaged
in, lunch was served and a very plea. -
ant time wee spent. Next Friday a
debate will be on between Lucknow
and St. Helens and a good program
will he provided.
Wooxres irsw rITUTa MERTINtl. -
'fhe Won,en'r Institute meeting held
on the _}ltd was well attended. The
prograw was gives by tb._SL Augus-
tine Institute, consisting of an instru-
mental duet by the Mimes Kearns
and inst.uweutals by Miss Effy Wil-
son. which were well received. Two
excellent papers were read, no "Enter-
taining," by Mise Beatrice Anderson,
and on "fete Child's flights," by Miss
H- Thompson. Mrs. Kirk, district
president, was present and gave a talk
on Red Crass work. Miss M. K.
Salkeld, of G.xlerich, and Miss Cunn-
ingham. of Walkerton, told about
their work in their home aocietiee.
The collect ion for tea amounted to over
11/4. A motion was made by Mr.
Geo. Webb, seconded by Miss B. Nay-
h•r, that a donation of $$I) be sent to
Byron Seaman iuns for the returned
Invalid soldiers. _-
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with local application., ea th• y cannot resets
the Net of the Aar. err, ('.herb W a loon dl.
rale, erearl5 Irrnaeuced by ooceanunoi.at Darr
dltleos, sod in order to wire it you w.u,( lake
on Inn erne) remedy. owl.. l'atarrb Cure t
taken Internally and arta through the blood on
the muooua curfeoes of the PIyrtem. Hall.
Ca'Ar,h Caro we. pne.crlbe••I by wee of the lest
phyn••uue in tilc rounuy for yew,' 1t 1.
onmppore.ed-of one of chs beat tonic. known.
combined wl•h ,rine of the hod blond p,rlliero
Th.• perfect rombin.t too of the lniiredteit, in
Heir..'rt.1rh Cum I. whet produce,. ruck
wonderful r.•.ults in eeterrhel coedit log.,
rend for tr.tlmoulel free.
F. J. (' H BCA l: V k 1 'o., Toledo, 0.
All drnggi.t ,'i:.
Evil, Fetidly 1111. for eon.tlpet ion.
- w
Tetanal% Feb. 27.
N..•104.-Mrr. Wu.. Thompson is
visiting her rimer, Mrs. J. Arwstaong,
of Brussels .....Miss Knee O'Connor
is visiting Clinton friends at present.
QM, e s number o! farmers in
this vicinity put in ice lain week. The
quality was good A number nt
the members of the Women's load -
taste here vialftrd the St Helens Wo.
tuen's Institute at the huwe of Mrs.. R
K. Miller test Thursday Mr. and
Mre. Innes Wilson returned to their
homy at Moose Jaw, Seek., last nee -
day after a two months' visit with
friend' in this vicinity.
EDNKam.t Y. Feb, di.
Nanism, -Mr. Russell',ltitchie left for
the West on Prid.v la -t ... Miss Jean
Jobn*Gme Is spending a week or so
with her girder. Mr*. Harry Fowler.
Jack MacDonald and sinter,
Miss Mary, Vent Sunday visiting
their brother, ltod MacDonald, Dun-
gannon Mrs. Matter, of the 9th
concession, spent a few d.ye last week
visiting her brother, Peter (look.. , ..
Mrs, John Mi Gee, of PortAlbert,
spent is few Jai. visiting her soother,
Ml• Peeler Cook.... .DW Rom bis
purchased Charlie Taylor's ferns.
Charlie has 'old all his stick and in-
tends going to the Soo in the near
a, .tee:ate KIPPEN.
TCKRDA Y, Feb. 27.
Mr. Alex. McKenzie visited his
mother at Hayfield last week.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Perrone paid en en-
joyable visit to friends neer St. Marys
Mrs. W. H. Johnston spent a pleas-
ant two days' vent with friends at
Exeter last week.
Mire tiittra letson is visiting friends
at. Petri borough. Her grandmother,
Mrs. William ivison, i• spending the
winter there with her daughter, Mrs.
Welke', and other friends, _
next Sunday. March 4th, in the Met
dint church, Rev. A. L. Smith, of
Victoria College, Toronto, will preach
in behalf of the Itducallonal Society
of the Methodist church. Mr. Smith
in an able preacher who is an old
Huron bay, hewing been born at.
Varna when his father was pastor of
the Varna circuit.
PATRIOTIC O0N('gRT.-On the even-
ing of Friday, Mareb.9th, a concert
will be held in the echoolbouse M
S. S. No. 14, Stamey, is the interest °f
the Patriotic Fund. The young
people have born practising for son..
weeks and bops to he able to give •
ed rveoiug'k ent.rlalnment. All
a Invited to come and enjoy the
.v sing with them.
I a*ga•rltwl Vtkw"n Lust Sunday
even g, IN. Aitken. the pnppalar pas-
tor n 'lt. Andrew's, .ihihit.d the
e.eoud series of Palestine lantern
views in
Abe shunt. As he spent •
year in Palestine, be made Ilse view.
very real. A11 were pleased with
Bsantifa) Damask Trays and
centrepieces, large, medium
and small Very haodrorne
with Crocheted Lace. No eau
broidery needed,
Round Linen hunch Cloths in
newest stamped designs. A
few at Pao each Ouly one-
half this season's price for
such piece. of Linen,
Pure :San Stamped Serviettes
at ftOo and 2$o each.
Pine Linen Iband-limbruidered
Serviettes, beautiful goods, at
;1.00 each or set of 4 for
1917 style F.Dvelopr Cowbioatiimn
and Gowns, now in stock,
• • is 1 ate saes' eau
Uvd almost of the base on a sin
farm In Ashflsld. Me married Lou!
Youog, who purviews bins. Of the
eve surviving ohildrea all were here
for the fuueral exoept one son, Mr.
John Willem, of SeoIlend. The others
are Mr. Thomas Wilson, of this plea;
Mr. Joseph Wiliam. of Oudot-kb; Mrs.
H. Good, of Rusylvia. Alberta, and
Mrs. William tilartley, of Port Albert,
Mr. Wilson was • staunch Presby-
tartan and a man of sterling cheese -
ter who by big kind Bard cheerful dim -
tion made many warm friends.
The family have the sincere svnspathy
of the people of this neighborhood In
their bereaveutent The funeral took
place this 1 Wednesday) afternoon
from the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Gauley, and was largely attended.
Rev. O. Gomm oftlelated and the
pallbearers were Messrs. J. B. Graham,
John Hutchinson, Angus Gordon,
William Young, Joseph Wilson and
Thomas Wilson,
W HDNKBDAT, Feb. 28.
Mrs, 0. F. Edwards is spending a
week or so at Hamilton will relatives.
Joe Hicks teturned lest Saturday
from Toronto, where be bad been
working in a munition factory since
Ontario's Best Business College
Students may enter our classes at any
time. Commence your course now
and be qualified for a position by
midsummer. During July and August
of last year we received calla for
Over ZOO Ace assistants
we eoatiknot supply. Our graduate'
are in 1! t t 1. r..: for our free
D. A. McLACHL AN, Principal.
tient and the inrposeeriog owing
given. He purpn+esi awing •third
series during the 1a.e de.
sskilhil bainessmaker, Mr. Alex, Mo-
Keusie, is very busy, as usual. He is
one of the l,e.t makers of horse collars
in Canada and as • result he ships
them neat and far. His latest ship-
met.t waw u• Alberta, and 'mit before
(hat he tilled an order troni Bowruan-
ville, for a thin who •re regular cus-
toluerr. H- ships regularly to dealers
in Exeter. \Vingbaw end other places
in Hugon.
"..- WgDNBADAY, Feb. :34.
NEWS Nurkg,-Mrs, Ed. Fisher has
returned from a trip to Buffalo and
Nlrgara Falls ... Mr. JAS. McBride
hail been on the sick list, but is able to
he ground &Rain Mir. Barnby is
the guest of Mts. Tho.. 3,1 c Phee
Mr. Hansen Pott,i• recently turd with
a Ml'i.)U5 accident at t be organ fac-
tory and bad revered flown* numbed.
Miss Peart Fisher hes returned
to her home in Gudetich after spend-
ing Si few days at the hove of her
brother, Mr. N. Fisher Pte.
Frank Wilson, of the 48th, Hamilton,
was home last week. Mr. and Mrs.
\'ilwnl entertained a number of
v..ung people on Friday evening in
honor of their son. A vet y pleasant
evening was spent in game. of various
kinds. I•...auk, may soon go oversea.,
Wants Everybody to Know Dodds
Kidney Pills Cured Him.
Millerend, Ont , Feb. 71 iSpecisl.l-
Stlong and hear v wgaru after a long
{pereal of weak !WM* and Ill -health,
1 .ta1N �Iralrlpagll e, a we -II -known rerl-
drnl of Ihl. phew, Is Stort.iuiirig broad-
cast. the good news thathe found
health and strength in Rodd'. Kidney
For a long tine,' Mr. Champagne
states In an interview, 1 .utfeted
from kidney disease arid backache.
My appetite was ulLcertain, and 1 gut
up in the morning with a bitter taste
in my mouth. Tbere were Hashes of
light before my eyes, and 1 had a drow-
n gg sensation across the loins. Illy
Julbs were heavy and 1 was always
tired. Then 1 decided to try Dodits
Kidney Pills. and 1 am glad to be rile
so say that two hones wade m . `well.
i recommend Dodd's Kidney 11. ;to
all three who suffer from fee on or
bad kidneys,"
Mrs. John McGee spent a few days
last week with friend. near Lucknow,
Mrs. Jane Drennan returned home
this week after • pleasant visit with
relatives in Moon
Marilee Gordon P(tarson is home
from the G.O.I. with • dight attack
of German measles.
Mess Mafguetite McLennan is hack
at her school Ibis week after an ab-
senoe of two weeks:_
Mrs. Algia Joa'es,- o -T- iiron re
here visiting her father, Mr. %Vllbam
Brindley, who hes been eeriou.ly ill.
Mr. Thomas GauIeyy, jr , of Port Al-
bert., aod Miss Mary Gault?, of (*ode -
rich, spent the week -end with friends
at Beeimiller.
Mrs. N. Golclough and Mina Miriam
Sehwwie were up from Guderieh for a
sew days last week on a visit to Mr.
and Mrs. William Brindley.
Measles and colds and cough, .re to
be found in every home of this Section,
which will he • great drawback to the
entrance claws going up this year. A
number of the peot 1. think If you let
nae little dog run you should let all,
or else -1oee them all up.
I)KATM ov 1'ffO (A$ D. WIIJKne.--
It ie with feeling. of reared we find it
our .sd duty this week to record the
death of an old evident, in este person
of Mr. Thomas D. Willson, who died
on Monday last, alter • Short Illness,
at this agent eighty-eight Yeats, two
months and twenty -rigid day* M.
%Vilann was been in Kin. oss, Scotlan.i,
in l . and bet *m. at fernier by owns..
patron. He took to himself a partner,
whop* maiden name wee (lbri,tena
McKay, and who died In Scotland in
Noveoi r,
Miss Margaret Yuill, Leacher nt
Cedar Valley school, Ashfield, spent
the week -end at her home on the nth
Elwyn Anderson, of the Bayfield
road, returned home last week from
Galt, where he had been working
Once Christine•.
On Wednesday of last week Mr.
and Mrs, B. Pearson entertained a
number of their old neighbors of the
4th and 6th conoessione.
Pte. Joe Yuill, writing home, de-
scribes the way Corp. Wilfrid Hicks
1 was wounded early this winter. Corp.
, Rictus was in one of the fiercest battles
on the Somme and went out into "No
Mao's Land" with it reconnoitering
1 party after night and when getting
through the enemy's entanglements
1 was discovered and fired upon.
I Mr. G. M. Elliott, county, secreLarz
of the Children's Aid Society, oecupi
the pulpit at the Union church on
Sunday last and gave an excellent ad-
dregs on the work of the Sneiety.
I making clear many pointe. Union
churoh is surely an example of •'The
United Church of Canada," so it has
bad every denominat on, met and
religion represented in its pulpit the
last few months.
Restored To Health By Vinol
Atlee, Va.-"I was weak, rasa -down,
so appetite, my blood was poor, 1 could
not sleep eights and was rapidly toe-
ing flesh, lett 1 am • farmer end had to
work. Medicines bad failed to help we
until I took Vinol. Alter taking three
bottles my appetite is fine, 1 sleep well,
my blood is good and 1 am well agaia."
-(11111A\DO %'. B°aKrT.
Vinol, which contains tree] and sod
li.er peptones, iron and manganese
peptonates and glvicerophoaphates, is
guaranteed for *ta-down condition&
11. C. Dunlop, den
Also at the best deo
st,Galerirh, Ont
in all Ontario
Wientre$DAT.'f b. 28
Mr. Lester Wafters return front
Toronto on 1•'.iday, •
Mrs. William S.raughan is con bed
to bee boll with the g. apps,
Mr. Andrew Heddle's many fete
will be glad to know that he he disprov-
ing steadily.
Those in charge of the competition
for attendance in the Goouwttdl Bib/.
class are very inueb gratified with its
success. Last, Sunday between forty
and fifty were present in the class.
Mr. Richard Heddle, of Omaha, Ne-
hr•ska, *pent a day or sit last week
with his parent., Mr. and, Mrs, An-
drew Heddle. Mr. Heddle is manager
for a conipeny owning a number of
b..kerisa in that city.
Mr, James Cal ter and family at-
tended the fume al of his aged mother
at Clinton on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. 1Vnt. Tebb purchased from Mr.
.Jonathan Bentley a flus horse, paying
67o1. He intends taking it out %Vest.
Mr. Marvin Durnin, teller in- the
Sterling Hank, is taking etre of a se-
vere cold at his home at Dungamuun
thin week.
Mr. G. L. Yingblut shipped a ear of
hogs on Tbursd-ty to 'Toronto, paying
the farmers 613 t5. He els° unloaded
a oar of feed corn at 62.15 per hundred
and the farmers want still more feed.
Tbs posters are out for the newplay,
"The Young Vinege Doctor," to he
Oren in the Forewt.u' Hall on March
94,11 In aid of the Red Cross fund.
Come and help by your Presence. Plan
of ball at W. 1'. Riddell's store.
The auction sale of Mrs. Wm, Sym-
ington's household effects on hiatus -nay
drew s large crowd and good prices
wets reahze.t. Mn. Bywingtou lent
on Saturday afternoon to reside in
Toronto. We •re sorry to lose her
and the family as residents of our vii.
lige %V.. wish them sucoess io their
new home.
()n Sabbath moaning as Mrs, 1. J.
Mt(Iee was stepping from Knox ebureb
after service she dipped on the kw, her
head striking on the cement doorstep.
Sbe received a nasty cut on the back
of het bead, rendering her unconscious
for some time. She was removed to
the home of Mr. Mersin Dyer and at
the time of writing has not yet been
removed to her h but is improv-
ing after the severe shaking -up she re-
Weduesday next, Match 7th, is the
date set for the great horse fair and
ruminates sale to ise bald in Auburn
for the benefit of the lied Comm Soci-
ety. The people for miles around
have contributed generously, std a
great variety of goods will he °fisted
'er•,W"`soli,.• seer•:, s
a -t
TrfUtiWgtigiNE STORE ar
New Springy
ress Goods
Right now is the time to buy your new Silk Dress or Suit for spring wear. Figured silk
Crepes are exceptionally good for dresses. Odd patterns are shown in attractive combinations.
The colorings and combinations are new. All our spring Dress Goods are cut in dress lengths.
There are no two alike. Is this not a great advantage T
New Silk Crepes in dress lengths` in good c Ioriugs, 70and 90c.
New Voiles in dress lengths, at 45c, 50e, 60c and 75c a yard. 4 m i t7
New spring Silks in plain and fancy weaves, 11,25 and 11.50 a yard
New Serges in all colors and weights, at from 11,00 to 12.50 a yard
This is one of the most popular cloths this season and will be worn by everyone. This cloth
comes 36 inches wide, in many different colors, at 45e a yard.
Buy now and get the pick of the patterns in Ginghams and Prints. Crest Brand Print is
known by everyone and can be relied upon for color being fast and cloth strong. 15c 1 yard.
Anderson's Kindergarten cloth is the best cloth on the varlet for kids' clothes. The patterns
are woven in, not itrinted on. 25c a yard,
' NEW LACES 42ia't%tlt?kte7llpal^.
We are showing a big range of new Laces in Vals., Torchons, Clunys, with insertions to
match. Guipure edges in narrow and wide widths for trimmings, are here in the new patterns.
ti l a J. H. COLBORN E n ora
Give yogi'
c nsistent and
. service -
Ample • revision
made o r -e-Tutt
working strain under any
reasonable overload. D. o -
for sale, incitrding grains, pro-4eloap,
cordwood, hay. stoves, farm Iuplr-
m,ota, household furniture, bars
live stock. etc., ate. Thermals grit
in t he bands of cap.ble auctkme
and proper accommodation will be
provided fortbarratteudiog the sale;
w reams along and help In the good
work. During the afternoon the ladies
w611 serve lunch in the Foresters' Hall.
at 13c. The rale will commence at 1
o'clock p m,
Ilatended for lee week.,
David Pattetson and child
start for their some at Lethbridge,
Alta., •o Friday.
Mr. C Beadle is cutting ice and
storing it Or his butcher business. He
is also sup ing Mr. Walter Pfeffer
and others ith their stock for the
While Mr, R. Cousins' team was he-
ing employed cutting ice on the river
• piece of ice broke land the horses got
into the water. They were none the
worse, however, for tb$r dip.
The Minion Band of. Haptiet
church bold a ten -cent lea at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. MsitIthy on
F'riday evening. The evening was
spent in a social way. wit h gawiea and
• program by the young people of the
congregation. All report an enjoy .le
rime ilig.
700 Bushels from 17 Acrel;
%Von. Beed, Lueao, I) rtario, says :
"1 feel under obligations to writs
von in regard to Homea'.ad Hone
Black Fertilizer. 1 sowed 174 scree of
wheat on the god day of Oct.iber. On
aecount of the wet weather 1 was
unable to sow any wanner. I used 2I )0
pounds of the Bone Black Fei tilizer
per acre, end 1 threshed 70.1 bushels of
wheat, tu.chOte mea.ured. It is the
finest sample that hos been seen. A
great manv fernier.. thought it wot1lu
he impossible. 1 u grow a greed crop
seeding at this late date, but the fer-
tilizer certainly pushed the erop. You
may use tine am you wish, for I know
if the farmers throughout Ontario
knew the producing value of your ler
Mixer they would use s great deal
Write Michigan Carbon Works, to
trolt, for free ho.uk and particulars
about their Homestead Bone Bleak
MEM)* Y. Feb. 27.
Mr. W. F. Young get in Isvt week
another load of lime for fertilizing put-
Miss Clara Young, of (orbrene, is
visiting her uncle snd emit, Mr, and
Mrs. Alex. Young.
Mr. Valentine Maher, who was here
visiting bis ratter, Mrs. John Young,
has ',turned to his home in Alberta.
This was his tint visit to the home
county sines he went West twenty-
three years ago aid of course he raw
many chaegea
MR McPegelt POULTRY - -Mr.
Wm. McPhee, .1 chili piece, takes •
great interest in his poultry, and
keeps a record of the receipt.. and Px-
p,nM. nn aeorxn•t of his Rork en that
he may know not how mueb they
,aro. He has • flock of eighty hens
of the brown e. c. purebred Leghorn
laying attain From January 'Li. 1918,
to January 2, I91:, be received 797
duan egos, which resliz •d the sunt
of total 75, and also sold birds for
breeding purposes to the value of $46,
o.akiug bis total receipt. 1214.75.
His expenses for feed wheat, buck-
wheat and hran were 612(1.35, leer-
ing s balance of 614840, or ad
average of 61.85 per ben profit.
Ten hens raised tbeir young and kept.
the Hock up to the rama number as at
the beginning of the ysat'r record.
Mr. McPbee would llae to hear 1,
any person within six utiles that can
beat this record. A comparison of
results would be interesting.
MONDAY, Feb. doth.
Mrs '1'. Wallace and children sae
visiting friendr here.
Mrs •1'. O'Neil, of West Lorne, re-
turned to bar home Iasi week .
Mr. DenisSullivap, of You, g, Salk.,
is visitlog his oaught.r, Mss Md,
Mr and Mre McKinnon. or 'Wing-
ham, were here to attend at the
funeral of Mrs Lennon.
funeral of the late Mrs John Lannon
took place herr lair S•tnrday and
was largely atteude4. Thr funeral
servicer were conducted by Rev
Father McCormack seed time pal: -
bearers, were four basso( tbed.craeed,
Mrs L*unto is survived by twodau4gb-
ter•s- Man Flynn, of Chicago, aid Ma
J T O'Rrihy, of K.uspleidae-and six
eons -Harty end M.chnel, of Detroit ;
Patrick, of Puoti.c, Meta. ; Thomas,
St Lenge •, Kober , of Chip u, and
J n, of Dederick. Nis Willi •m
Mogan, of Kineehrdge, ie a miner.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family. Mr. Lannon was
horn in Leland eighty-two years ago,
and came 14) Canada when a you.,g
girl. A hout flfr y years ago site ,:awe
with her hasand tunny to Ash-
field, and morns year• after the death
of her husband she removed t, Gode-
sich, in which town her death took
place oo Wednesday of last week.
If you would haythe te.prot sig
others begin by reep. ting yourself.
A good live city and a cheap, com
fortable city to hve in.
Big wages pard and steady ern
ployment for experienced teen
1)1 ,p u. 11 Atvl o1' a Inn,.
SPECIA}, Fares- now in-attar.t
to resorts in Florida, North
and South Carolina, Louisiana,
Georgia and other Southern
States, and to Bermuda and the
West d-tn i
Return Limit May 31st, 1917
For full nr turnrat :i write• 10
Un,o.. etat.on,
__ -- --- - Toronto. Ont.
Town Agents Ph, .ne %
to at1 eountrtes. Ark for our I' V1;N-
1TOlt•a AnvieEg,whleh w.l! to sent ire*
MK University 11.. Mu,ntreaf,
No Lice
in our sanitary, scientifically disinfected incu-
cause more Toss than any other factor in poultry.
'Give Your Birds a Chance
Have your eggs hatched at the Big Hatchery
and get results.
H. Keith Revd!,
Ridgcrest Farm,
2y_ making your selection
from our many styles in
men's andwomen 's foot-
f t
wear. They are right in
quality, workmanship and
price. Shrewd buying
makes these values possible
-- and doubly opportune
now, while quality!toes
Clown as fast as prices soar.
All lasts ; all sizes ; and
moderate prices predoni-
• inate.
Phone rtes
Oodericlt, Ontario
sir Inn"'+.T• :. ,..
T t!
sv .