HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-22, Page 4r�Jaaew, wwwa,.v.�a.�.t,.-.,.... .........-.Pn..«.. .�...».-•
tit K-ItAt Fkhnl'%KN G 1917
are here ready for
your insp----tion. In
spite of t' ndition
of the wos market
we are pi epared to
show you a very large
range of fine imported
worsteds, tweeds,
serges and cheviots
made to special meas-
ure by 20th Century
Brand Clothing Com-
pany and Art Clothes
NewSpring Hats
including the cele-
brated Borsalino (It-
alian) hats, worn by
the best dreasers
everywhere - price
$4.50 •4
We are sole agents.
Walter C., Pridham
Pbose 57 2016 Century Clothing
The Sault4 Coal Co.
docoen+on, tee laoa5k k Gledhill
We in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also- Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and lock Slabs.
Fresh can df Lime and
Cement justl►eceived.
OFFICE PH0\E - - -
B. ) . Sault§`-- Residence\ 275
W. W Saults' Residence '202
ol_ 11.1
Keep Up With
the Times !
ND have your house
lighted in the modern
way -with electricity. We
kno how to do it, and
will eerfully furnish
plans a d estimates for
A lame asrtment of Elect,
trical Sundries and Supplies
always on hind.
Robt. Tait
West Str,et. Phpnes
Next Postoffice 82 anti 193
Te at � � •�m •I,•.. A k tor our I' V1 N.
TU1:.t A I VISEIt.w,•u h will be sent flea
111.tR10N & MARION.
364 Universlt. 8t., M.ntr4at.
Little Job
or Big
From the
repairing of
a faucet to
the installa-
tion of a
pdumbi n g
system, we
are equip-
ped to do
the job.
Ma.tltos Street
wwase eiewso / s
King Edward Cafe
The weather is now cool. People
coining to town can be wryest
Hot Coffee. lea or Cocoa at be
Meals also served 96c
Hist. -t Vr toes paid toe fuller and eras
Th, la -4 barn in town for stabling.
Joseph Murray
Kmgslon Street OODERICH
Tt?mruAY. Feb. 2i1.
Mus Alice I'las k has returned home
after spending a Mouth in Lowy.
Miss Edith (den was boor from the
Clinton School of Commerce for the
week -end.
lire. 11.1113 has gone to Sault Ste.
Marie to visit tier tinter, Mee. Camp-
Mir. Jas. Young was at Kingsbridge
on 1 hur,day mooting, attending the
funeral of her In ofber, the late
Michael Dalton.
'lite It.xt Uro -s p-tople are keeping
up their work with unabated vigor.
r.ds)? they. me in town witb a ship -
Went sf _w .0 n for headuuerteri.
Mr. 'Witt McMdlao and his bride
have returned Isom their wedding
trip and are at prent visiting hie
parents here. Mr. �.Jt•Mitran expects
to• leave shottly to reit is vessel -for
another mouton on the` try. We all
wish the young ouupletaucb bappinese
in life. --
Messrs. W. F. Young & Situ are fin-
ishing the threshing ot`tueir beau
crop, wbieh hes turned out well.
They are SO well satisHe.1 with 16t
season's results that obey intend in-
creasing their acreage this year qy
twenty-five acre,. making sixty -Nye
ei les sown to beans.
W gust Alf..Feb. 21.
returned to
Mies E. McMillan
her school.
Mr. James McMillan wee a visit it at
Clinton Inst week.
Miss Finley. of Clinton, is ,the guest
of her cousin, Mas. James McMillan.
Mrs. A. Holckarup and daughter,
Altreda,. .visited a few days with re -
1 saves at Stretford.
Mrs. H. H"yden returned borne last
week front St. Thomas, after a pleas-
ant visit with rafatives. '
Mr. William TeLrewy, of Bturesds*
and Mr. Robert 1Vierdrow, of Seeks-
tcon, ere vielting with the IItter'r sis-
ter, Mrs. R .brrt Hoy.
There 1. more catarrh 10 Dow section o1 the
country Mau .11 biher diret►.-a put tette'her.
and tor year+ 1t w,- supposed w be Incurable.
Doctors prescribed twat remrdlea- end by eon--.
etantly falling to cute with lo•.1 treatment.
pronounced it ioro able. Catanb rr a local
dh ape. sre.t Y Meta - need by oonwritoUosal
condition, and thereto. e require. oon.tltu
tfon..I I remount. Halt. ('atarrh Core, menu.
hoar rued by 1. .1..'honey t Co., Toledo. (NI'n.
f atwn-Utut Donal deme y Io- taken internally
and acts tproueh the blo d on the moats. an..
fare. of the -y-t w. One bnndred dollen re
ward 1. offered for any ea•e that Hall'. ('alertb
Cure fail. t, .•ore. Semi for circular, and
F. J ('H'CN ET k ('o, Toledo. Ohlo-
Snld by4ruRltbt is a
Hull's I4Puy PIII., for condlpatioa.
Horse Pa t and Rummage Sale.
At • meeting (11 the War Auxiliary
of Auhnrn distlicj. held on February
llith it was decided, to fore the Aux-
iliary into a Soldiers• Aid Society.
At this meeting it' was decided to
hold a horse fair end ruotin age sale in
the village seely in Match for the,pnr-
tame of raisiisg Lunney in aid of the
Auburn Red Cross Society.
A cao•sss of the district sic being
made. The people are befog asked for
donation• of ,alableerticles of any kind,
which will Le sold by public •actin).
lVhether yriii--are celled upon or not,
the nlrmbets o( the commit.t•'e will b.
pleased ti have anyone bring dona-
tions and leave lh•ru at the Orange
Hall or et W. 1'. Rtddell'a ,1 ore at as
early a time its possiole, preferably
three or four days before the .ale. Old
papers and magazines can be used to
advantage by the committee. -
Anyone requiring information re•
gardi.g this sale will plea•, apply to
any member of the ertmmittee or to
any of ,the followir•g district presi-
W: T. RIDDELL, Hallett Kiat.
RnnT.'MEDD. W. Wawanosh Diet.
Jl,HV PFEFFER, E. Wawanosb Diet.
Wttnxttan%Y• Feb. 21.
The Taylot's Corners Poteli tie So-
ciety tell. bold a sewing at the hotne
of Mrs. George O. Sturdy, 7th conces-
sion, on Wednesday. Feliettery 28th.
The regular bit Ines. meeting of the
Patriotic Society of (I.A1'ericlt town-
ship will he held at the home of Mira
Alice Andrew, , Bay Held t•osd, on
Wednesday, F.-bruety :?tth, at 2'i11
. m. Every lain who is interested in
t e sewing and khi•ting for the PO'.
di r boysis , rdielly invited to oa-
ten ;,
Ce t tain Fox, of the Salvation Army.
condo ted the FPI vices at Union church
last Sabbath. His cPrm(Itt, "The Open
Door," daa splendidly given. He also
restored 1 e coneregetion with aPnlo.
Mr. O. M. Elliott. of the Children's
.lid Society will inks the pulpit next
Mahbmth tawdswill give an address tm
the work of that lino it obi •11.
On Monday kat Mr I''i ancia Chia -
holm en, ertwined it few of his hit oda at
his home. The eerie part of the evening
w .c spent in card*, For the latter
i part nI the t:vening 'the victrole was
I urned Inose and dancing was et jnyed
for ' a while. The gat hiring broke up
in the ''wee ams' h " lvith the Ring-
ing of "Auld Lang Syne' ar.d "He's a
Jolly Good Fellow."
TUESDAY, Feb. 20.
Mart. John Crawford, who has been
(lite ill for it week, is slowly Imprev-
mg. e
Mr. Arahan,'a numerous friends are
Mewled .to hear that his health Is im-
The Ladies Aid of the Prerahvterlan
cherrch will Mold an oyster capper on
TWiladsv evening, for 27th lost.
Mr. R rhea, R, iwnlee, merchant
Itemm, 1. !mood of the feet that he luta
three eremites. en uncle and a brother
NOLO./ Int King an country.
Mo. F.I. Drake shipped a carload of
horsed lain heturday, the 17th inst., to
beautiful Damask Treys and
Lentrepieces, large, medium
e and small. Very handsome
with Crocheted Lace. No em •
bruidery needed.
Round Linen Lunch Cloths in
newest stamped designs. A
few at Soo each Only one-
half this season's price for
such pieces of Lineu.
l'ure Linen Stamped Sertiettes
at 2cto and 284) each.
rine I.i nett Hand- limbroidered
Set-% tette& beautiful goods, at
sl.00 each or set of 4 fog
1017 style Envelope Cond.iii.it ion
and Gowns, now in stuck.
We manu-
facture pack-
ings for every
Tell us your
and we'll
ea At
at. Are. Drake doeon'tso until the
ether is waruier.
r. and Mrs. Not men Pylaue, kom
P Creek, Seek. who are spending
nter among 'friends here, have
ned from • teemed visit near
th ,Mrs. Pyb-oeie Mi.
ite tricern i
Sy Meek
Mr. Kr Taylor. who has been
harness vivo watt celled home on se.
count of line oath ot hid sister, Miss
Lola. who wager° gel lousily burned in
London on the 'evening of the 10th
inst. lbat she diedin St. Josepti'd too.
pita! four days Wei. Much aympathy
is felt for the bereaved relatives.
of Trickeromith, tens an intereeting
story horn his sot,. Jamey, a Owe-
dian moldier In England. Jewess went
and while theie a 'dinners'', mune to
the door and enquired fur hile aant's
hn.ba ini W hen told that he
wouldn't be home for route tieneihTe
stranger said he would come in nd
wait. lie did SO and after an ho 's
cones illation he *eked the aunt if she
didn't know him. When she slid
.she didn't, he staid, ir • etrange
thing that you don't know your own
brother." When Jas. Hill heeid thet
he sprang up and said, "Then yoo
t be tuy pncle,", and an it proved.
This brother had emigiated over
twenty years ago to Autitralia, where
he had lived contented and happy un-
til the call of the Motherland in her
need cattle to him. &id now he io
doing his hit with bis brother Anz icy.
inttet ng of Mother. eister and m phew.
Made Her Delicate Boy Strong
New York City. -"My little boy was
in a very weak, delicate condition as a
result of gastritis and the &wastes and
there seemed no hope of saving his life.
The dortor prescribed cod liver oil, but
he could not take it. I decided to try
Vinol-and with splendid results. ft
seemed to agree with him so that now he
is • strong healthy boy." -Mrs. THOMAS
FITZGZILA1.13, 1090 Park Ave., N. Y. City.
We guarantee Vinol, which contains
beef and cod Ever peptones, iron, and
raanganese peptonatee and glycero-
phosphates, for nin-down conditions.
WC. Dunlop, druggist. Goderich ont.
Altar at the hest druggists in all Ontario
Mr. Chits. McNeil's tele yesterday
was largely attended and WAS quite
Mrs. Gittin Clutton, of Stratford.
has been 'pending soma dart with her
soother. Mrs. John Horton, who iv
ronon TO 041T
not quite well at present.
churoh woe taken by Captain Fox, of
the Selvetion Army. who is uow
statimied to towo. Elm gave good
plant (looped address. and also sang a
solo. He hes a strocig, eweet voice
and no doubt often use, it in his
Master'ii service. The Sunday pre-
vious Rev. E. G. Powell, of Clinton,
tilled the pulpit word gave • strong
temperance addreen. Mr. Powell, who
is the count y secretary of the Temper -
his subject and it is a pity that the
very 'lettere weather kept so many at
home. Next Sunday afteinoon at
3 o'clock Rev. C. McDermici, of
bloderich, will take the service'. Dur-
ing the illaate of Mr. Hamiltoo last
moonier audiris present shoetree, we
have had a gtreat varlet.- of nainisters
of all denovutnations anti the most cos-
mopolitan have had a opportunity tO
hear what they like beet.
Mr. end Mrs. John Cocketline, ;„„f
North Bay, are guests at the home of
A cable from England announces
the arr ival in England of Capt. Stack.
house, son of IV illiaw Stackhouse.
William and Robert Johnaton . and
Mrs. W. Farrow have returned from
visiting their sister, Mrs. James
Blackbrough, in Manitoba.
Tim supper and entertatnment Oren
by the Brotherhood of the Methodiet
church were very successful, except
that the triteness of the evening train
delayed the arrival of 50010 of the
evening's entertainers. The proceeds
ainounted to about 91t10.
Mee. E. J. Smith and Mrs. George
A. bidden have returned frow a
The Mister MacKenzie, of town, re-
ceived the sad news that their ha other
William had died at. hie home at Lea-
mington, after • lengthy illness.
One of the village's oldest residents,
Mrs. Jo•PJA laiatitits. Passed peacefully
away on February 12th at the home of
tive of County Armagh, Ireland.
where eh. was born almost ninetv•
three years age. She came to Canada
in 18M.
Quillau attended the Provincial Asso-
cietion of Faint and Exhibitions at
Toronto. recently. Tbi4y fortis a local
committee in charge of the stock -
judging couree which will be held
here March let and 2nd. Dr. H. G.
Reed, of Georgetown. will be in
A warm welcome was extended s to
Pte, ban M :Donald on his recent ne-
turn from the front, upwards of twO
hundred people awaiting his arrivolat
the oration. Ile was one of the Rest
to enlist from ieseknow, and is the
Mid to return... \ His right arm is so
badly crippled the, he hall been die -
charged as unlit for further military
And He Pound a Cure in Uodd's Kidney
would not be without Dodd's Kidney
Palle.- Thew are the worcle_of Mr.
ftenj4111111 Draper, an old and esteemed
resita.eit of thir places.
"My trouble came from hard work
when I was young," Mr. Draper ssys.
-My joints got stiff, iny muscles
cramped, and I auffered terribly from
a afire beck. I hod a bitter tam e in
tuy mouth.fspecially in the morning,
I wes always thirsty and bed flashes
of light before my eyes I had rheu-
petite was fitful, my 'Demi/8y was fail-
ing me. and I was troubled with short-
ness of breath. 1 was in bad shape all
round when 1 started to take Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Four boxes of them
anode me a different man.''
Minute' of council meeting held on
February 12 h. Members all present -
Minutes G1 kat meeting were reed
and passed, on motion of McGowan
and Currie. The engineer'e i eport on
the Walsh drain affecting certain
horde in Swot Werwanoeh and Minn.,
wee read and -ovraionally adopted
Meteors. Bone a d Scott prevented.
their report as eiditore of accoui,t.
f o• 1010, the betract statement
showing a balance on hated of 971r2 24.
The report waa accepted and it was
ordered thet they be paid as fortnetly
ItS each for their set vice., Moved by
Mr Irwin, seconded try Mr.McGowen,
that the treesurer be instructed to
transfer the township account front
the Dominion Bank to the Bank of
Commerce, and fur her that the
treesurer be authorized to withdraw
nioney on him own cheque. Carried.
The Municipal World, supplies, 1117.Ei ;
A. Porterfield, fees as division reg•
beret. in 1911d, $11 40 ; Corp mation of
Blyth, hall rent for Ditivion Court
porpossi, *7.30 ; Cyrus Neon. cleaning
out culvert. and ditch, concession 6,
lk? ; F. Anderson, salary so town-
shieetreaeurer. $110..postege and war
toiler $15 ; ti empower of West Wawa-
norb, settlement of boundary line ac -
Semi, auditory, 98 each ; Thomas
Riddell, Auburn, Red Crites work,
Red Cross work, $75 65 ; Mrs. Ster-
ling, Whitechurch, lied Croat work,
950 ; Mot McClelland, Witmer, Red
Cross work, 990.98 On motion of
Currie and Buchanan the council ad-
journed to meet agitin on Monday,
Meech 19th. A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk.
Municipal council of Colborne town -
atop 'net in township hall FebruRry
1:Ith. Members all prerent. Minutes
of last meeting read and adopted, on
motion of Comicillors Ferber and
Snyder. The audit ors pretiented
their report end it wart adopted, on
motion of Comteill. es Currey and
mg received $170416 bony the coonty
ttewitirer for ICA ilt oar wink.
ported by Counitillore Milliann arm
Poiret ther tha *moon, he divided be-
tween the tom It, d Ousts Societ
About 5000 yards of new Val., Cluny'auct Torehon Lace came to us this week. Prices
from 3c to 10c, and six pieces of black gimp and trinnuiug lace.
New Prints
Another lot came this week 12)4and 1St, Oar blues are indigo dye, therefore fast colors.
More new ones 04 week at 15c, full widths and good cloth. Colors right good.
Fancy Colors in Beach Cloth and Tussah Silk
These are new fabrics this season and beautieS, too -36 inches wide. These silks make
lovely evening dressea, and good to weir.
Serge Suitings
In navy and black 52 to 56 inches all wool. This lot came this week. I in need
and see them.
Come and get a pair of opr BARGAIN D St A. No corset like a D. & A. for wear,
fit and style for the prides asked.
Carried. Propooted by Councillors
McCann mid Snyder that the collector
be refunded six dollars for uncollect-
•ble taxes. Cerried. The collector
returned the roll. showing the sum of
piesented a bill from V. M. Roberts.
It was decided to have the clerk write
ids voliciurre explaining the circum-
stances. The following accounts were
pained and orders drawn on the
Young, Mrs.. Jae. Long, Mts. W. Mc-
Lean ard Mrs Hamilton, $15
each for Tied Crops Societies ; A. P.
Shepperd and J. A. Young. euditory,
$7 each ; Mrs. I. Hetherington, tile for
ance salary. $10 ; refund mrcollected
John Rome., attending Court of Revi-
sion Young Creek drain, 18; John t
Seeker, snowing Meitland bridge,'
Mrs. et. M. Young, Mr*. Jas. mg,
ton, 914.76, Hed Croon foods ieceived
from county treasurer. conned ad -
day in Mal eh. R. Multwere, Cleik.
Wheat. per bu.h
Barley per Moth .101 to 1.60
Buckwheat.. per btnih
I. lour. family. per rtet 1.151 to 1.10
Hwfla000dyti.rp.,. pit:1:010,4:1. per cwt
Shorts. per too .
.traw. more, per ton
t'reamery Hatter ..
„Bran. 07.to.n
111.00 to Ikon
600 to R01/
6.0n to 6.341
4.73 to Awl
AO to .63
1 anis twitcher.' choice. per cwt7.3n to 7.75
( ',Lute, butcher.' medluoLper owl tt 50 to 6 74
Corner MontrealPtreM snit Square
We serve excellent meals
a la Carte daily
Private Luncheon Room
for Ladies and Gentlerne7
Our Motto Cleanliness AlwayS
Footwear !
WHETHER you've been
buying Cheap or high-
priced footwear,,_ our , Shoes
and R ubbers, at medium
prices, will make it possible
for you to save money and
you'll stilt be able to have
footwear that cannot be beaten
for style,comfort or durablitiy.
North Side of Sismere Godericit
"You say be has no money ?"
"Why on earth does she want to
marry such • num r
-She says she loves hine"-Louis-
ville Courier -Journal.
GRAND TRUNK 7,4,1)`--*EANie
l'ECIAL Fares now in effect
2". to resorts in FlOrida, North
and South Carolina, Louisiana,
Georgia and other Southern
States, and to Bermuda and the
‘Vest Indies.
Renew Limit Key 31st, 1917
For full information *rite to
Union Station._
Toront0. OMR
Town Agents Phone 8
, "He actually hid= the audacity to
I make love to rue," 'exclaimed
"Wby, he's • pee feet idiot." "Yee. he
muot be," smiled B lle. And now the
dear girls don't 'peat.
Spring is
Coining !
And you should be
getting ready for it.
We are here to do
your tailoring, and
can fit you out for
spring with garments
of quality, which
means up-to-date
style, first-class mater-
ials and expert work-
Call and set
RJA rmstrong
Stoat] Side Square, God,' ich.
This is an- oftkime saying, nevertheless true.
WE find in going through our stock that we are
overstocked in a few linea -which we are going
to give you the benefit of.
every person knows how good this polish is for furniture
and floors. To reduce our large stock of this we will sell
the 111.00 bottle for • 80C
and the 50c bottle for .... 35C
Anglo-Saxon Stalk Food, .rgk package for
Anglo-Saxon Heaee Cure, 50c package for..
International...Poultry Food, 2.-rc package for
The great advance in steel and wire has cati.-ierl wire Nails
to take a great advance, mo much so that we have to sell
them at seven cents per pound. We have several kegs of
cut Nails which we are oNering ao long as they laat at 7
Yon will remember loot Spring how you had to wait
get your lawn mower sharpened and your grass got a ad
of you. Why not notify us now and let us send a get
yout mower and put it in good working order W busi-
ness is quiet, so that it will be ready f or you in t Sprink ?
is the time to
Does your bicycle requikg overhauling ? N
when ydu want
have it done so that it wilt be ready for y u
I 5c
Plumbing, steam -fitting, heating and electric wiring. Do
not forget that we carry a full ltne of goods to do any of
the above work on a moment's notice and all work neatly
done and fully guaranteed.-
Chai. C. Lee
Phones: Store 22 The Square
House 112 (lode rit.