HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-22, Page 3t NE SIGNAL G\IDERICH ONTARIO
TI1C10111AY FxnxcAxY nos
a •j
D (44.11104414ar H. F. GADSaY NSS
Ottawa, Feb. at—The Zoog-d.layed
ONLYhew Yr•rsrys t'e hobuu.tr list as out atayedastelt.
Rumor it wrs d -
ramie a recae:IA.1.ot Montreal editor
who has handled Tory eewpaign
fuuds objected W certain 'lames on the
list_ Be that air it may,the list is
now wade public and ads one more
Cabinet Minister to the increasing
number of knights in thaw fair Canada
of ours.
The Borden Government 'emus to
have no fear that titles from overseas
will denationalize our public men.
Through its recommendations, nut
only have a large number of otherwise
sensible cit issue have knighted,
but about hall the Cabinet has been
S O LD ON similarly decorated. To be accurate,
THB eeveu Cabinet Minister. out of seven-
teen have been togged. The Borden
MISHITS Olt Government has been in office five
years and a-balf. It will presently be
seeking • year's extension. The idea
is that it will take another year to
knight the remaining members of the
Cabinet. One can hardly expect
knighthood to be in full flower for the
Borden Cabinet in less time than that.
uN 's
bound or repair.&
Not only has the Itordep Govern-
ment .grabbed off tyles Thr 'ball the
Cabinet Ministers, lint also for four
members of Parliament. The motive
lrobably is to give Parliament a social
eaven by giving it eleven knights—a
sorbed eleven, so to speak. But by se-
-Anal figures it works out somewhat
lees than that. A social leaven of
eleven 'nights is just about one -
twentieth of the House of Commons
as it exists today. One -twentieth it
five per rent., which is the current
rate of hatetest on our domestic war
loans. The proportion is both touch-
ing and significant, if you look at ir. in
that light- But if you pause to reflect
that the proportion of knights in
Parliament, if the Borden Government
continues to have its way. may soon
he even ten or twenty per cent.. you
may Tii—lficltiftl'ff to ask what this
jewocratio country is coming to.
Let us Wil the names over and ap-
pend thereto the reason* and a com-
ment or •wo. Sir Robert Borden got
it becomes be was Premier of Canada,
but he hire long .go outgrown it. Sirs
are getting as common es soo.whalls in
this country. They're so common. in
fact, that we have stopped calling
them "Sir," and simply address them
as "You." One can't go out of doors
nowadays without' tripping over •
knight. They're under your feet most
of the time. Almost any citizen would
sooner have a ton of coal than s
knighthood. Sir Robert feels that
knigbtb'sods are getting cheap and
that is why he eetree to a peerage
and a law lordship in the Judicial
Committee of the Privy Council as •
suitable finish to his career.
As a matter of fact. all the big fel-
lows go after peerages nowadays,
leaving the knighthoods 11. judges,
Provincial Premiers, and other toads
who are only big officially. Thus Sir
Thomas Shaughnessy is now a baron,
and the latest honor list also shows Sir
Hugh Graham aa • baron. There is
also Sir Max Aitken, who may thank
his Canadian connresi n as 1 witness
that he is now Lord 'Beaverdent—or
sone such oaste as that. .What
he really ought to be calla(' is ii•rd
Merger. One never thinks of Max
Aitken as Lord B darn without
thinking of another Lord who i- gen-
erally in ida tasapb J. I uses... Lord
Help ass
This explains why Sir Robert Bor-
den has his rye on • peerage. If he
would be first among his equals be has
simply got to have it.. The spray, so
to speak, from the fountain of honor
must`hot rise higher than its source.
Bir Robert isn't foolish enough to go
on recon,mending peerages for every-
body else, and then forget himself.
Mr. J. W. Elavelle, chairman of the
Imperial Munitions Board, who has
long been known as the Napoleon
Bologna -parte of Canada, is the next
on the list for a peerage. It is under-
stood he will take the style of Lord
Bacon,* name which not only sym-
bolizes the greatness of his intellect
but aiao'ibe primeness of his chief
product. Mince it has been his custom
to order barons of beet about It is not
like) that they will ask him to be
anything less than a viscount. Pre-
redenee must be maintained. even in
the cold storage business.
Next to Sir Robert Bordet* comes
Sir George Perley. who id also looking
for a peerage, because he intends to
spend the remainder of his days in
England, where, no matter hbw much
money you have, you must he a Lord
and a lover of the Lords or you can't
go to heaven when you die. Sir George
Foster, our genital Trade Wind, is a
knight because he needs it. in hie busi-
ness of impressing foreign board. of
trade with the advieahtlity of ex-
changing Canadian snowballs for Aus-
tralian kangaroos and other bargains
of a eimiiar nature. Ae Sir George is
not a rich man and expecte to live in
Canada once this Government goes
Out and he doesn't have to associate
with it any more, he is probably con-
tent to remain a knit. He probably
took the title in self.defence.
Sir Sam Hughes cheriah.shis knight-
hood as about the only thing the
Borden novel -resent was willing to
\ leave him. They kept all hie policies,
as he poinu not, but they fired him.
llis successor, Sir Albert Edward
Kemp—atter whom, no doubt, the
late King Edward the Seventh was
flatbed —al o becomes a K. C. B., an
honor which he shares with 8ir Sam
and tbe greet Nelson. Sir Albert
Edward has an aide-de-camp to hand
him hisInvert and overcoat. lnet as
Sir Sam had, end in due time will he
made a Lieutenant -General so that
Sir Sant won't, have anything on him.
Sir Thomas White gets his title be-
cause he is the lest borrower we have
had since 'Confederation. He is the
man who pelt the "tic" in polities. Me
is a sort of reversed Midas—he lays
hands on the gold standard and it be-
comes paper. He will probably be
Lord before he dies—you can't teach
Tom anything—Lord Knows.
pu .tteed.e to r. mutts
m at TRH et0H aL ooder(o\
A. R. TAYLOR. SI a.A•rvn&D.
al PATH.M.p.cieustEtiwomen's d eW
drool dormer, soots, •Ihroob .rad nervou.d
alters. eye, ear. nose .nd throat. penis.' deaf
ass. lumbago and rheumatic conditions. Ade-
noids ie.iovel without the knife. office at
reelderme, corner Nelson wad St. Andrews
trona. At bame adios Mondays. Thursdays
sad Saturdays: say evening by eeprtauseat.
oda Bnseoa
Succewsur to the lets Major Hal. Oates
roes Haan and West street, Godetish.
exit°at hipiele'e •e11wiiltb. piLapuy •
Noted to. Rndde.os (eMpkees 119
_ eMrts_ Wim•
11410.1- intalia Lamas and Insurance.
saute TILBB• SOLD_ LTU1t . NOTA3IM>ie
Glees on the Bpuate..ecoud doer
Mrs .'lest. (woes wh.
versa* Loud. to lean at tuwsrt Wag
W. Paovurtwr, It.c. J. le -`
' MM. J. D. coot>a.
\ G. CAMBRON, Y. public.
L(U TEht, sonoltue. emeryythud door an
kamilt.o duvet. (Federica.
Sqyuus. At Cbnton 'l bursdar of each w YLe
*Moe on Albeit Street occupied b1
Hooper. mates bourn it a.m. to 0.'n.
ULSTER. attorney. ,ollottor, eta.. nod.
tttt7777aaaa Money L. Wel at lowest ratan
LoItdr. Notary Public and coavrla.OR,
'Soe—"Court Suess Uodsriob. oa
Remittoa H.rest.
BUR A N C it C 0.—!rare and belated
D property insured.
Oaloero— -lea. Coonon:F. Pres., Ooderlcb P.O.:
Mi. Evans Vice-Prew.. Beechwood P. O.;
1.. Saye,Bea Trwe.. B.aforth P. O.
tors—D. r nouregor.
*Worth • John
4Otieve, Winthrop; Wllluun InomCoeNanos;
sY . Heewets, thodhsge0 • Geo. lcC.rtneYIllant.
ort' : Robert Ferris, Harlot! : Malcolm
MYahwen, Hruoefeld. Alex.
Agents: J. W. Yeo. Holmesvtll;
' Leitch, ('linton ; William Channel. Be.f.rth;
I, Itlncbley, Beetortb. Polt.y-aoW.ta o.n_ pay
leass.,menta and get their carat sr(, r.naott.eeiaep,,1gdd last
J. Morrlake.cery jou r.wobttrreet. Ooderlch, or
'act's (Frans
M. Ke1d's Gamma enl Blair.. Ba7lleld.
0,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TOkiln• ApW to.Y- O. CAM -
, B.rrltm Hammon street. Ooderbh.
\‘. 'riga AND LlaanelN.: British, Canadian and
ITT : The Ocean Aocfdeot and Guarantee
:'orporalo. e Limited. of London. Eog.
g'mai iTT AND UUARANTga BONDS : Tb. 11.8.
Fidelity and Uua antes Company.
Office et rapid .noe, . ortheast aoreer .
toria and Bt. Davide streets. Pana.
••••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
i M1s Hahn, and .l+ughter, of North •
Daiwa, arc vt,iuog 1elatlyrs in •
'''h •
There is attar talk what a fox feent
will be rrtabli.hrd it. Y.irich tar the •
"fruit -a -tires" Made Him Feel ' Clear future.•
Miss Vera Billings and Arthur; •
Brdphy were quietly mart ird at the i •
patronage, Greenway, on February •
\ Omura, Ozer., Nov. 28t.h. 1914. 7th. •
"Fo over two years, I was troubled On Fehtvary Sth Isabel Sanderson,
widow of the late \VIIIhout Miller -of •
Howick, parsed away, aged righty •
right years.
Pie C. Triebner, of Steppheny-b&e en •
listed with tba 258tH Railway' Con-'•
struction Bettallou, and expects to go
overseas shot tly. •
As It Walking On Air
with Constipation, Drowsiness. Lack of
Appetite and Headaches. One dray I saw
your sign which read " Fruit-a-tives
make you feel like walking oa air."
This appealed to me, so I decided to
try a box. Ina very short time, I George McLinchey bas sold bis fares
began to feel better, and now ! feel Jine. on the Goebert hue, Stanley, to Al-
f heve•good appetite, relish everything Lwrt Boyce and has purchased the
1 eat, and the headaches are gone farm of Mr. Dunkin near Varna.
entirely. 1 recommend this pleasant
/reit 'mediator to all my friends".
We. t box, 8 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Frult-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
On Februarylath Beatrice Parker,
widow of the ate Willisw Casemore,
of Morris township, died after a few
day.' ''mese, aged eighty-seven years.
Thomas'Phillips, of St. Helens, is
laid up with a b.dly cut ankle as •
glesuit of his axe skipping while he was
engaged in cuttilig timber the other
" day.
overcome by raising Sir James to the' A branch of the Red Crowe Society
peerage as Baron Calgary, and then
R. B. will enter into his reward as
Sir Richard. He should have b.4 1t
long ago. if only as the business part-
ner of Sir Max Aitken in an elevator
combine which Infests the Prairie
Provinces. If R. B. is ever to telt to
Lord Beaverbrook oil the level thea
R. B. mutt to a knight, and it's doubt-
ful if Beavetbr.ok will talk un the
level even at that. Al cbanTnan of
the National Sit vice Board K. B. has
done great woik—woik tor the knight
is coming.
There are ten'l'abinet Ministers un -
knighted. but the chances are that
they will be 'tagged before the Borden
Government goes out—at any rate,
such as can afford the expense.
Among these would be the Hoo.
Robert Rogers and the Hon. lyauk
Cochrane, who are rich men, and' be
Hoc. Charles Doherty, who is :t1J() in;
ceipt of three salaries, $ 2,as M. pppP,
$' ,GuJ as Minister of Justice, and
116,O(1) as a superannuated Quebec
judge who was supposed to be too
tired to work any Trager. The Hon.
Mr. Hazen, who is known as Dare
Devil Dug from having crammed the
ocean three times with Premier Bot -
deo, deserves knighthood, and Messrs.
Sevigny, Biondi° and Patenaude
*Mudd really be given it to take the
Nationalist smell off them, but that
about completes the list. i doubt if
Mr. Burrell could find any u.efor it nn following on a stroke „f paralysis
his fruit farm, and as for Tom (,o• which she sustained a day or two be -
there, Otte. Reid and Doctor Roche—it lore.
would be about as much help to them The ppmperty belonging to the bate
John Hardy. of G"rne, whose death
was recorded recently; liii been sold.
the telacre farm in Turnherry to J..1
Ft rfogle, while the poi ty acres in Cul-
ross we're purchased by John B.
has been organized by the ladies of
Hurondale, with • membership of
thirty, and already considerable wort
is under way.
The marriage was solemnized at
London on February 7th of Ida,
daughter of the late William Penrice,
of Usborne, to Frederick John Hod-
gins, of Biddulpb.
George Little. of McKillop, met w:th
a serious accident while working in
the bush last week A heavy limb
fell. striking him and severely injuring
his beck. shoulder and arm.
Thomas C. McCall has leased his
100 -acre fatm on the Sth line, Morrie,
Gilbert Beirnes, who getspoesesaion
xt month. Mr. Mel'all and family
w 1 likely settle in Brussels.
The Evangelical church at Crediton
celebrated its twentieth anniversary
recently, when the Bishop who de-
dicated It was present, and preached
powerful sermons to large congrega-
John Jackson, fatber of Mrs. Wil-
liamson, of Walton, died rather
suddenly at Brussels on February
11tti, aged sixty-seven years. Mr.
Jackson had but recently returned
from the West.
Scarcely a month after her bus-
bat.d's death, Mrs ti. -urge Pescnck,
of Morris, paused peacefully away at
the age of seventy-four years, death
u e pair of corsets.
The four lucky M. P.'s are Sir James
Aikens. who . got his for being the
goat in the Menitob• electiou ; Sir
Herbert Ames, who got his fur making
such good oboes ti r the soldiers ; Sir
Rodolphe Forget. who gut his for hay
ing such a perfectly lovely tatlway as
tbe Quebec & Saguenay to unlisted on
the Government ; and Sir Edmund
Osier, who got his for being an Osler.
It is rumored that the Government
has it in mind to carry the system of
premium and rewards still further
and give • knighthood to Billy Mac -
Amen, if he 'NY only shut up. It is
also their Jetenigan Ire Rselsesbe chief
Government whip, William Sore
Middleboro, a knight. Mr. Middle-
boro's polished ivot y deans, being
completely unthatched, offers a Wen -
did surface fer a coat -of -arms, which
will servean nrifl•mmeand guiding
star for ave menthe's when
the division bell rings. It would also
give him tbe edge tau the Opposition
whip, Fred Pardee. who hasfrrquently
declared against knighthood, not only
as social arrogance but as • means of
turning oto pnhlic men's thoughta
away from Canada where their
thoughts ought to be.
Patents, Trade Marks,
Secured in All Countries.
W rite for fro' book "PAT*NTB PROTEC-
TION. 'fell all about and how to 'Monet
sots. HABCOCH k BONS, ostablisbed 1*17
formerly Patent melee Isaminer. Masts d
Patent Laws. Itgl.tered Patent Attorneys
Na. tri et. James Street. Montreal. Aranobe.—
uttsea and Washington. Representatives In
all foreign oountrtee.
Brophe3 Bros.
1 ne Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all boun, night or day.
Fretful Babies.
Mrs. John M. Weaver. Bliselield,
N. B., writes : "i can speak very
highly of Baby's Own Tablets. I have
used them pot my children and find
they are the best medicine a mother
can give her little ones. I would
strongly recommend them to all moth-
ers who have fretful babies." The
Tablet' regulate the bowels and room- He IN survived by rix sons and one
act ; treak up colds and simple fevers; daughter.
expel worms ; cure vomiting and in- CLINTON.
digestion and ,nate teething easy. Mr: W. J. Scott and children, of
They are sold by medicine dealers or Rocanville, Sask., are gusset. at the
by mail at 25 cents .a box from The Dr. home ofAlex. Innes.
WNiiems' Medicine ':o., Brockville,
Ont. Will Hell, of Continence, formerly
on the doff of the Molsons Beak of
WING HAM town, bee joined the aviation come, at
urrie and D. Galloway tams Toronto.
om a trip to California. Mr. Seeley, late of the firm of Seeley
haebeen at k West, has purchased a business at
George Wing, broths of the let.
Mrs. C. Brill,_ et ZJtich, died at his
home in Michigan. aged eighty-seven
years. Many years ago Mr. Wing
was a resident of Hey, and will be re-
membered by some of the older
A pretty wedding took piece at tbw
bonze of Mi. and Mrs. A. B. Cushing.
Calgary, Alberta, when their niece,
Miss Hazel E. Spence, formarly of
Fordwich, became the bride of Manley
C. Mullen, of Kichdale, Alberta. in the
pre.ence of a number of relatives and
Word has reached Theo. Finnen,
of Turnherry, of the death of his
sister. ids Finnen, wife of O. Howard•
et her home at Mather' Man. Mrs.
Howard, who was in her forty-taret3nd
year, died very suddenly, and leaves
two sons and two daughters, besides
her husband.
Several farms in Hay have recently
changed hends. J. J. Merner has sold
his Gil -acre fart hI on the 15.h concession
to William Miller, who gets immediate
possession. John Wein's 100 -acre
farm on the 11th concession has been
purchased by Isaiah Wilmer., for
One of the pioneers of Mullett.
Solomon Rogerson. died on February
S'h, aged nineelT7 ' years. He wee it
native of Yorkshire, Englai,d, es was
also his wife, who died nine yearrs ago,
but had lived in Mullett since -1888r
Sir James Lrugheed is another
Cabinet Minister who is rich enough
to he's lord. They will have to maks
hiss a lord so that they can make
Richard Bedford Bennett a knight.
R. B.'s career has teen hell beck by
the fact that Sir James, who is senior
partner In the law firm of Iotughed,
Bennett k Company, teat him to it.
The ohjeetion wan taken that rine la*
partnership couldn't poesibly support Rome feminine complexions re- James Mt—Albion, formerlyof Me -
two knlgbta. The objection will be semble small boys ; they won't wash. Salop, and now a successul sbee
J. 0.
J. J. Cu
Winnipeg on business has returned Preston and intends removing there
home. immediately.
Miss Annie Beatty, of Brandon,
Manitoba, is visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty.
Miss Annie McDonald, formerly of
town. was married lest week et Mel -
fort, Sask. to Ward Lowell Connor.
John M. Bell, an old resident of
Ripley, who has lived of late years at
Detroit, died at Vinahs on Feb-
ruary 7th, aged fifty-seven
Eleven days atter her bt.hand's
death, Mrs. James Styli. of ,ondon,
mother of Frank Sceli of town, peered
away at her home, aged eighty-three
Team-- -
ea m ---
A. M. Crawford has completed a
showroom end garage in the old Na-
tional hotel building where his stock
of Ford ears will he displayed to good
Rev. J. F. Dingman was at Napanee
recently end officiated et the marriage
of his niece. Mies Emily Ungar, to
Roes Brown. of that town. The
young couple have been spending part
of their honeymonnin Wingham.
Friends in tVingham were inter
ested to hear of the successful wooed
recital given recently at the Toronto
Conservatory of Music by Miss Mar-
guerite Monolith, who lived here with
her grandlnother, Mrs. Sperling, for
some time.
Robert O. Thonipson, for over misty
yearn a resident of this community,
died at his home in Clinton on Febru-
ary loth, in his eightieth year. Mrs.
Thompson and seven children survive.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Weir entertained
the choir of Ontario street Methodist
church last week. This ham conte to
he an anneal event and as usual was
greatly, enjoyed by all.
The death occurred at Oerletno
Flan, nrrici,nroary ttth of Kir A 'A
Scott, pastor of Zion Presbyterian
church, aged seventy-one. Postmaster
Scott, of town, a brother of the de-
ceased, attended the funeral.
An effort is being made by moms of
our public men to reorganise the
Canadian Chub which was once in
existence here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McIntosh, who
had been visiting Mr end Mrs. James
Martin, left lest week for their home
at Griswold, Manitoba.
Special Values for
TH E new Spring Patterns are now in
stock and now is the time to get
your sewing done, before l"iouse-cleaning
time starts.
McCall Pattrens
McCall Magazine
McCall Quarterly
A Popular Chemie Dress McCall Patterns 10c, 15c and 20c. McCall Patterns
Mcg Patters do fl flit, one ofit'rctheonce tried, always used.
Black and white Check
Special values in black and white Check
materials, for school wear, Skirts,Dresses,
Suits, etc.
All sizes Checks in stock at 25c, 35c, SOc.
60c to $1.00 per yard
Exceptio' 1 Values in
Se ea -
Serges will be the T
bought early anal are therefore able to 'stock. Plain Velvets, Chiffon Finish, •
give values that are mtdvh better -than- 'Warell's Dye, special 6 c per yard •
present prices. Black and . navy all.-•
wool British Serges at$1,00,'$1.25, $1.50, -- Wide Wale Codd , ,Velvets._---&eautifu •
to $2.95 per yard finish, special Geier -yard -•
Extra Values in Tartans
Tartans will be popular this spring for
Dresses and Skirts and children's school
wear. All leading Tartans in stock,
beautiful quality, Scotch made, 89c per
All Shades in Velvets
Our stock of plain and cord Velvets is •
this spring. We most complete, all wanted shades in •
All Dress Materials Shrunk Free of Charge.
Millar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 ••
farmer of Wyoming, sod Mrs. Mc-
ibbon are the guexis of Mrs. McCI +y.
Mrs. Kelly has received word that
hereon. Pte. K. Kell , who has been
rive h
iilitary hospital since last June.
e was set:uuded, is doe to ar-
e In the neer futute.
The Capeda Flax C pony, under
"the new n\anpgeutent of Mr. Luken, Of
Toronto, int emir op. -reline its 11.i11
here to the fruit capacity thin •;oming
to a large nun
will give employment
Hwy Creamer
ppooinikd paym
Ralimey U"n•t it
gone to headmen.
Copt E. 0. J -or kation
bis otflre. having arca
ber of men 'required.
Mrs. Jea-ie Kerr has
resignation es lih'•rien at\,the ubll
library, after several yeah of very
1, who has been ap-
ter of the MVO
ion H ittalion, has
accon.panied by
who heat cloned
the full num.
Chris. Sperling, formerly of Bes-
forth, in in the \Vest.ern hospital in
Toronto,. in a critical condition, -the
result of • stroke of paralysis.
W. O. Van Egmond and family
have returned to their home at h e-
gina after spending **vend weeks
with Mr. Van Egmond's permits.
efficient service.
Miss Zetta Ferguson, granddaugh-
ter of Mrs James Ferguson, of town,
has gone overseas to join the Imperial
nursing service.
R. Ross, porosity of Brussels, waw
appointed town treasurer of Kinc.tr-
dine at •recent meeting of the town
council of that place.
Owing to ill -health. Miss Bell ham
found it necessary to resign front the
d th
public school staff. *ne board has
reluctantly aeewpted--her resignation.
On February lith. at the Methodist
perm -image, the marriage took Ware of
Mise Agnes K. McGregor to Walter
A. Lowry, the cere y I'e1ng per-
formed by Rev. D. Wien, M. A.
At Sylvania, S.A.. on F ehruary 7th,
Florence Evelyn, d+ughter of Mr. and
]Its. R. Mainprize, formerly of
Brussels, became the hride of Norman
hest O. Jackson, formerly of Morris town-
Dr. Fred Gilpin, manager of the
Ford motor business at Milwaukee.
was presented with several hiipdsno.e
pieces of silverware by the automobile
dealers of that city, In recognition of
his s. *vices in arranging a recent
auto show held there. Or. (. 1pin is a
sun of J. J. (jrlpin, of town.
Miss Ethel flow. who had 'wen vhit-
ng at her home herr, returned last
week to Yorkton, Sark.
Captain Hewitt, who is home on
leave, after spending several ' hs
in Salonica with the t'itiv.-r,ity base
hospital. gave en excellent 'tins' rated
add' Pee nn his travel+, under ihr it'll -
pines of the ti .Idier4' Aid.
Flight -Lieut. Fate, who wa+' meet -
dentally tilled whileln training in E g-
land, was a mat iae of Ex• ter, having
been horn her wen.v-f •u' years ego.
his father, R-•' . F. H. F.att, now of
Wirtorie. being et ihrt time- rector of
'1'riviti Memo, tat ebw :h. '
n ,.