HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-22, Page 2* TrhltaDAY, RIIiPROat*Y Rl. 14N
Its 8N&L I publ1'hed ever Thuntda
om the °Mae lu The 8YWaal/ Building, North
Street, ti,dertch. Ontario_ Telephone No. Si.
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ofrtSIGNAL regularly
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:eo nems per line for drat in.,ertlo
-ewe per for each Ili nonpareil -twelve
Mee. t, n by a +gale ofus- solid ..rd .aro
ane. a. w lochrave It e . ea oAdverlines
wd uudrr, onl. tFlar' pery
o uolr of loot, Found. Strayed, Situation',
V &cant. S. t nation. Wanted, Homo: for Sale t r
to Rent. Farm.. for Bale or to (lent, Articles
for Sale. eta, not exceeding eight hoe.. Twenty -
eve tent- arch tu.er'lon : tine Dollar for ant
mooch. Fitt.! teem•• for ea, b soM •q;"ret moutb.
Larger advertieementr in pro *lou. Au.
no,ner-mente in ordinary reading type. Ten
(,,-per line. No notice 1. ea than T
Ove Ceuta. Any •'l melee. the object of
',Mehl., the pecuniary beneat of any Judi yid'
gal or a.eoeietion. W be con•tdered an adver-
tleement and charged ao,rorrilinaly.To operation
our dub.lber- ande reader+ 1. oordlall
e•rTHE SIGNAL a invit-
od off alll local. making
and dlet riot doing.. weekly cop,
mwdeetion will be attended to uno..writer. ItOenn-
talo. the name and midmost., of the
o rae -airily for publicly—Wm but ao an evtdeuoe
of good faith. Neweltems should reach
Sig a ALofcenot later rasa nee
delof ea"b week.
The Toronto News has gone stalk
crazy and is hitting out in wild aban-
don as it throws itself around in its
fit. As is usual in such caws, it
doesn't know whom it ie striking, and
its futile Mows land on friend and fax.
''Civilization is in agony today,' it
says, "because of radicals and peel.
fists, internationalists and visionar-
ies.". We hive had the notion all •long
that it was the Kaiser and the milit-
arists of Germany who were to blame
for .11 the trouble. The News would
have us gobeckto tb.datk.ag.s when
•'pacifl.tr" and "visionaries' were be-
headed or crucified s•diknesteat of the
people spent great partaEiheir time
sharpening their swords or hacking
one another to pieces with them.
The Free Traders, tort, have com-
mitted -awful blunders" with their
''unpractiralagen0>tni"-a," according to
The Newt. -"fhia *demo( the queerest
delusions of The News when in its
tantrums. The feet, of course, is that
free trade has so enricbed Gloat Brit-
ain that she hos been able to finance
the war for those countries which, but
for their crippling the• neelves with
protection, should be wealthier and
stronger than B. resin.
Another obtrusion of The Fevre N
that the Liberals of Canada are in
some way to Mame for Germany's suc-
cesses in the initial stages of the war.
What the Liberals did was to oppose
the Contribution of three dreadnoughts
t • the Hritl.b navy, and the wisdom of
that opposition is shown in the fact.
that Britain's enpreruacy so far as
dreadnough'ecould assure it hes never
been in donor since the first moment
of the war. What the Liberals
planned to do wits to create a fleet of
eruisers, and again the actual facts of
war have proved the wisdom of their
poli. y. For the ptoteation of Cana-
dian commerce and of trsn.ports run-
veying Canadian troops oversees, we
have had to be dependent up.rn Aus-
tralian cruisers and other vessels de-
tached from Britain's fleets ; and on
the Pacific Ocean our defence was the
Japanese navy. The News friends
had three years before the war Woks
out to establish • fleet of cruisers ;
but being tied up with their
Quebec Nationalist alliance they would
neither build cruisers nor submit their
_d�readnought policy to the electors.
•�'bose fault is it that Canada hes no
tetereSentenion on the seas of the
world, to are the language of The
Negro ?
A few days ago a notable address
upon s war theme was given in d
Goderich ptlpithy the offleInl head of
• great Canadian church, wbo spoke
with pride of the fact that Canadians
were fighting Germany without betred
in their hearts. What is to be said of
a Journal that fights. not its eoihmies,
but its fellow-ritizens, with malice end
venom and lying slander, as does The
News ? L.t 1 he British Empire re-
member the brood," cries this fan-
atical j mend, referring not to the
Buns ur any of its country's .nemien,
,but to threw of its billow -citizens who
retire to follow it In its politica
The meet chit itahle thing to ss-
about sueb journalism is that its truth
tor should be committed to the mad
,..,.•.•,.. -ray --_-
kick that some Liberal gave tbeleditor
back in 1903 or thereabouts,
8uap is reported to be 'scarce in Ger-
nutty. There would he no lack of one
of the ingredients if they would take
the "lir" out of their war despatches.
Young man, this is your last chance
to get iu the game and beIp win the
war for honor and justice. This time
next year it will prohebly be all over.
Wonder is rxpreesed that Premier
Borden is taking "Bob" Rogers with
hint on his trip to Raisin. But per -
baps that is safer than to leave him
John Ross Robertson, proprietor of
The Toronto Telegram. has earned
distinction by refusing • knighthood.
Good for bit : 'Tur.antu it benighted
enough already.
W. F. Maclean of The Torooto
World strongly urges that natiooali-
Latinn of the G. '1. It, and C. N. R.
must be the result of'tbe present rail-
way situation 1n Canada.
Possibly the real reason John Rose
1t diet tson, of The Torooto Telegram,
declined a knighthood is that he didn't
want to be considered in the same
china se the only newspaper knight
that Toronto possesses at present.
11117- the year of Victory.
The Provincial Government beesub-
mitted to the Legislature a bill giving
every soldier from Ontario the right
to vote. Whether he is twenty-one
years of age or not, everyone who has
enlisted in the army or the navy will
be given the franchise.
Rich Yet Delicate--.
Clean and Full of Aroma.
retrained whet else had always been,
what she Is today. the laud of the serf
ruled by the Junker, or land.owning
aristocracy. Napoleon ruled Pi owls
LI • yawl state trout the year of the
battle ret Jena (l400) to the year 1813,
when all Europe united in else battle
of Leipsic w break the power of this
gigantic peace -dist urlorr. But so con-
tented was the Prussian King a. •
vassal of Fraoee that even atter all the
disesteem cf tLe Russiso campaign of
1812 he declined w join the allies until
Humeri* invaded his eitoro provinces
RIO! and threatened to hold thew all 000-
quered territory.
Then it was that Proemial° troops
fleet Inerobed under the spell of liberty.
They marched at the call of a Rusulu
Emperor and their ezpeures were wet
by the Britieb taxpayer. Students and
professore from every university
crowded to the colon and s•r.g of a
new Fatberlaud where liberty rbould
Inc the *trot time Clod a {lime. The
King of Pruwia promised a liberal
1 lags tonstitufion, •ted bis people were w
simple ar to bell"ye him. hey fought
end bled fur Ibis "scrap of paper."
But when after three years of hard
fighting they returned victorious and
PKl'`tK1.4 AND LIBERTY. called, upon Frederick William I11. to
keep biepert of the agreement those
(The following is in attester to so who voiced this prayer were sent to
American who had as.ertetl " bo jail and those who protested were shot
So ended the dret great movement for
liberty in Prussia.
The second great movement for lit-
erty in Prussia was in 1848. The people
row in all parts of the country, chased
as a na' ion. We know Bavarian* and their rovereigne from the many
Saxons, Wurtembergers and Rhine- thrones or compelled them to yield to
lenders, Poles, DAnea and Alsatians, tbn democratic demands. In Bllrlio
the late EwperorW Illiam I. escaped to
and above them all, wielding the lash England in disguise and the then King
of military efficiency, is the Prussian Frederick William 1V.wa.compelled to
Junker. These many states are not of parade the street I of his sainted in the
one blood, nor do they all speak one waaqurrede of • revolutionut,to order
his &•cops removed from the city, and
language. The plan wbo travels from to bare bis head before the coffins of
the Baltic to the Alps and knows his- those who had been killed in the riots -
tory and ethnology will pass through Not ouly in Prtwia, but throughout
Germany and Austria, the people
were supreme. • Did they take any
MAO to maintain that supremacy ?
Did they orgiwiliu ieivil government ?
Did they even confiscate the royal
treasure ? The answer ie in any his-
tory of Germany that is not edited by
the Prussian sensor. Suffice it to say
that when • congress of the whole
German people met at Frankfort to
deliberate in the name of • tree and
self-governing people they wasted
their time and opportunities in 'uucb
learned talk on the institutions of anc-
ient Greece and Rome,tbey insulted one
another whenever they disagreed over
an obscure text, and this con, inued
until the various monarchs found
courage to r•eturo. nein they quietly
started their soldier", scattered the
congressional patriots, sent to jail all
tha7 caught, and snot enough to
eleate • wholesome precedeot. Mo
died the last effort to establish self-
government in Germany.
Dose your correspondent indig-
Is blended from selected hill -grown
teas, famed for their fine flavoury
qualities. Imitated yet never equalled.
always given more than she promised.
Let us i,rvio fat get that her promised
friendship Mas never permitted en
occasion to rase without rendering
homage to Fiencb valor. tat is do
the same.
The $lee's the Gowd for a' That
Toloot Telegrso.
A title prclungii hut does not adorn
the name of eny public loan. A man's
own dre.ls moat ado n his name and
einhelhnh,hie fame. The nobility is
not iu the title, hitt in t.be der ds of
which e title may or may not be the
sign and toseu.
Daylight Saving.
Montreal Herald.
If the United Stater (Operetta adopts
A daylight saving uteneure, aa now
'reties likely, Canada will be prertic-
ally compelled to follow the same
coulee, for our connections with our
cousins acrese the border are now w
intinIaus as to make it very desirable
that we should have the came woo king
hours. The measure proposes to make
it arbitrary W set the clock ahead one
hour over the entire country during
the mouths of long daylight. This
Australia now has • coalition Goy- ham proved of inestimable benefit in
eminent.. Canada appears to be the Ewope, and it would be equally bene•
only country in the Empire that has
ticirl oh_ this continent. lit some
parte of Cuenmdr daylight saving has"
not hada change of Government since hero tried area has proved mote or
the beginning of the war ; and It ser- less of a failure. This, however, bar
fainly is not because Uanada'sGovern_ been becauee the movement in each
mens has been beyond criticism. instance was a purely local one,
Perhaps the present coal situation
may suggest to those political eoono-
mists who believe that all things
ought to be and are regulated by the
Iaw of supply and demand that there
are wore things in heaven and earth
Lbws are comprehended between. tba�
covers of John Stuart Mill's bode is-.
Mail and Empire. s
What does The Mail and Etnpire
adopted by municipalities. To be sue -
eventful, such a erasure must prevail
over the whale of C.nada, and if we
can work with Uncleaanl, as it now
teems there will be an opportunity of
doing, so much the wetter.
WeH Paid.
,,,Uoha Kirby, Stratified.- Ontario,
11 used 5110 pottnls of Homestead
Bone Bleck Frt'tll Z •r on soy root
mean by this cryptic utterance ? Does crop and ti . 1 the best crop of roots
it w¢ • t that Canada should clap • ever grown un toy farm. 1 was crr-
d fain y the 1 i
dut nn coal comic into Cao- ennead in thp in fertiliz •r."
money n -
I well •id for
people was ever riper for a republic
than the German:'1
Peewit me to point out that Germany
dors not yet exist either es • people or
human strata no less divergent than
between Massachusetts and the city of
Mexico—yet the Prussian J.rnker
claims- them es hie and calls them
There have been movements in favor
of constitutional liberty within the
borders of the prevent German Em-
pire, but they have emanated from
South Lerman states, from the
civilized sections that produced Schil-
ler, Beethoven and Mozart. South Ger-
many welcomed the troops of the First
French Republic and planted liberty
poles in every village along the Rhine
from Cologne to Mainz.To the Ger-
man of 1792 France meant liberty; and
Corsican after the ursican Napoleon be -
ciente Emperor and Dictator the states
of South Germany bore his yoke quite
as cheerfully as they had ever borne
that of their own rulers] by divine
But throughout those years Prussia
higher y g
ads from the United states? nantly claim that all 1 soy refels to
tours pest and that today all is
That blare -growing proroehiat et1 • ,changed? Let tee then take hint by
Mr. Lane's is s Rood one. It would the hand and carry bit—not merely
to England, but to every British
help to eradicate weeds, would provide f rs7 _ w — w� _ colony, to every Chioeme treaty port,
wholesome exercise for those who take', to every •ettlewent where a few of the
patt in it, and would add to the funds
of the Red Cross or some othee worthy
organization. The editor of this
paper would like to join the party,
only that be ie afraid that when he
w..uld he getting out in the morning
n t
with his boand spade be would meet.
himreif coining home from the office
after a night session with proofs and
copy" and other troubles of a new,-
paper office.
The Signal Is informed that the
.Penny Bank system which is in opera-
tion in the schools of Goderich is not
as well patronized as it should be, al-
though a conuidetable sum in (wing
accumulated by the pupils. The aver-
age mortbly saving of (ioderich pit- I
pile is 12 cents, which is low compared
with that in other towns. The Penny
Bank system is much like that of the
chartered banks, hut no official or
shareholder makes a profit from it.
The money is inverted in Dominion
war bane. Parente should encourage
their child to save their pennies,
especially io war time, when there is
so much need'of thrift and saving.
in thin way the children ale doing
their part in helping to win the war.
1'b. Simone Itesformer calls him
Lord Beay.rboard it may be •
proofreader's dip, mrd the• *gain it
may eot be.
Kr. Prnu,dfoot le ehadsplonleg pro-
pirl tonal reprasentatloa le th. Laurie.
lauwn& That Is a retards worthy al a
arias advocacy.
flow e Yee•ate News does hare
Labials h Meet 11•ve hasIla awful
In the Lrgielatmte last week Mr. C. l
M. Bowman. M.P.P. for North Bruce,
paid some attention to the remarks 1
concerning himself and his ancesti y
suede by Col. J A. Coterie in the I
West Simcoe bye -election campaign.
He showed that the l7owmans were of
Swimand Holland ancestry and at
one time had promise of protection
from William, i'rince of Orange.
afterwards William 111. of England.I
Later the family moved to Pennsyl-
vania and about the year 1812 came to
Canada. A. to his own record, Mr.
Bowman said he would leave it to the
Conservatives of Bruce county con-
nected with the Patriotic Fund, to
the Conservatives connected with the
Bruce County Preparedness League,
and to the men of the IOU h (Bruce.)
Battalion, to toy whether he had
taken s man's part in respeet to war (
aetivitie'. it is • disgrace to Cana-
dian politics that two-by-four *rebel- I
ions should puke personal attacks
such .a m
that made upon Mr. Bowan
by Dol. Currie and still he allowed regattato
rela it public life. It is the sland-
erer, not the slandered. that should 1
be trying to make an explanation. l
• `16.00 FOR $21.50
150.00 43.00
100.00 " 86.00
cAals LIMITED 70 dile.
JAM e, M17
Aeyatr SNr
great race are compelled to snake the
e on • people nonuah peaceful, do -
most of a community without police. P
mastic, kind1 and c set fol, be may
-Dunt upon the loyalty of bis Prue -
eland se long as there is • well -drilled
regiment le his attrv,—Piotiltoey Bige-
low in The New York Times.
February Bargains
In Staple Goods, including Furs
and Fur Coats at about
Blue Serges
38 to 42 -inch all -wool
dress or suiting Serges,
colors warranted, and old
dye, special at per yard
36 -inch Prints, neat pat-
terns, genuine indigo blues
and Butcher blues, and
warranted fast colo, best
American make, at per
yard 18c.
22 -inch Prints, all
old stock. Light or
colors, at per yard 10e,
12}c and l5c.
36-incb Flannelettes, at
per yard 12tc.
32 to 33 -inch best Feather
Ticking, in several pat-
terns, Herringbone weave,
worth 3&, at per yard 25c.
Flannelette Shirting, best
dark Loch Lomond make,
at per yard 18c.
36 -inch heaviest, best
Factory Cotton Sheeting,
worth 17c, at per yard
Ladies' Coats
Quilted -lined, Sable col-
lar, shell of English allo
wool beaver cloth, sizes 38
to 42. Regular $30, at
each $1.1.00.
111 en s
Fur Coats
No. 1 Black China Dog
Coats, best quilted farmer's
satin lined, collar of Boch-
aran Lamb, sizes 38 to 44.
Special, at each $25.00.
Butterick Patte
Butterick Publishing Company have'tten us they
will accept 75c for a years subscription to eator, during
February only, and will not make this offer again. We
ask all our customers and friends to subscribe at once for
this splendid magazine.
W. AciiEsON & .SAN
the people give him is legal trial and
then cut off hie bead. When • Hohen-
zollern unuips every constitutional
power in Germany and fortis war up -
There be will see men of • race who
instinctively and as though automatic-
ally call a meeting, elect a chanties/an,
resolve thetneelvee into committees.
organize • civil and mil.ta•y govern-
ment on the spot, and, most important
of *11, obey the orders of those whom
they have elected.
Then 1 take my German friend with
me to the colones lately under Prus-
sian rule --colonies that 1 have visited
land studied with senow. He -will
I grieve on learning that, after thirty
t years of Prumianizingg the colonial
I natives of Eert and Nest Africa, of
1a •rman New Guinea, no lees than of
Klao-Chou, detest the name of their
conquerors in spite of their kultur.
He will be grieved still more deeply on
learning that whereas the good Ger-
man prarant. struggles bard to settle
in Canada, Australia, the Cape or
New Zselano, he detests the notion of
being again subject to Prussian rule.
England can raise all the regiments
she needs, not merely from among her
own white cbildren, but from the
natives of Chines., Malay, African or
Hindu blood. She can raise more
volunteers from among the blacks of
Jamaica Barbados than could imperial
Germany from her 1,010,2100 square
miles of colonial empire In Africa and
the South Seas The Prussian is not
made tot liberty. We know him for ten
centuries past, and his land bas been
one of slave and master. We have
English history also for ten centuries
I and England has never changed from
what she has ever been—the land of
civil liberty and self-government.
When a King does wrong in England
Token from an Ally.
to Journal a Parts
Thetwin►e, do rot let us forget that
If we have been able to hold out, to
persist In the struggle. to organize
our forces, to suhjeet our adversary te
the weaetor-down preemie erbicb *sur
heedquereers steel regard .. the eureA
means of suerees. it la to ifn d that
we owe It. 1.as e
no Meows. *orad e.
the faithful, ars, loyal ally. she has
Principal repayable 1st ()etcher, 1919.
interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st Dekker by
cheque (free d exchange at any ehartsr.d Rank in Canada) at
the rate of five per test per annum from the date of purchase.
Holders of this stork will have the privilege o/ surrendering
at par and accrued interest, as theuivalent el cora, in pay-
ment of any allotment made under any future wt/ abloan issue a
Canada other than an issued Treasury Bills or other like ,bort
dat. security.
Proceeds of this stock w for wt/ pnrpoees only.
A ecmmisioo d ane -quarter of one per Bent will he allowed
to reregnised bond and stork brokers at allotments made in
revert at appli.atiens for chit stook whieh bear their stamp.
Por application forma apply fn the Deputy Minister of
11,1 name., Ottawa.
oc70aa! TA. tesla
Often the ( Mt—
Always the Blast
Feniture Dealer
and Undertaker
House Furnishings
The Store of Quality
STORE ISO RLS. 197 Sprinkle • little salt of economy ort
r the tail of debits sad they will sot Ily
Exclusive agents for
Best Coal Mined.
Say quantity best all Maple
Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
TELEPHONES, office 9s-
readence '12 or 68
School of Commerce
Winter Term Begins
January 3rd, 1917
YOU have always intended to take a Commercial
and Stenographic Course sante time. Do it
now. A course here puts you in a position
to command a good income whenever and as long as
you want it Can you invest your money and time
in any stock, war Irian or anything else that will
promise you so great a return ?
Writenor full information LX) i T NOW,
B. F. WAND, B► A., M. Accts.