HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-22, Page 1Printing
THE SIGNAL. Ls ready to
handle your Printing work,
large or small, and gibe you •
satisfactory job every time. Let
as have your next order.
Telephone 35 The Signal
t,..r .'"'1 ..,..
;stilt +'
Renewal Time
This is the time to renew your
subscription to The Signal -
before the price is advanced: '
Your elolla; NOW ensures you
fifty-two weekly s isits of Huron's
beast arid brightest paper
QODERICH. ONTAat e ; THURSD ; Ye FEB.. 22, 1917
SAVE, Because --
The crisis of the war will turn on the
people's reserve of money. •
The following Implement's and .tack will be
mid privately, air the proprietor ha* RiVINI up
faun ..g :
Ftvr l�. Marey -Harvie binder. 5.11. Ma•wy
Harri. mower. Iolube .rad d^+d. e .print -tooth
eultivator, 1 bay rake, one 1 e in walking plow,
I ope.i huge, 1 et bobeleighe loll *r,oad I.
Oto Fleury No. Il walking plow. 1 ..et drag -
harm. -, 1 Halo wean. with boy and .Wl•k
rack. I .et douhle burr.., 1 .el Mogi. harems
t.11 nearly n0* ).
Also 1 betty mere, 12 year. old : 1 light tuare
foal), 1.2 year. old ; 1 General purW-r bur.e,
ldvlug 7 yearsold; 1 Durhput tirade cow. 4 peen
old. duo to freshen In April; 1 Durham erode
new, 1 year* old milking.: I Durham grade
heifer I year o'd; 1 Durham /retie bull oaf. e
month. old; 1 Chador White urood .ow, due to
fame. 4n March; a pair of tborvughbcx Im-
poned Toulou.e eeeee. Al.o n .mal house
with extra b., .-d.ed lot will be I.okl very
cheap and on. 5. 7 Lerma. Apply
Emit *trot, (i.dertCh.
Hl)()dE YORNISHIN08:-Consisting
1 arabegany M• starer, kitchen ealdn.1. owe
curtain.. Oros, dining room set. and •
her of other Articles., .leo • baby carriage.
All the above are prart.caily neehas inti been
to ase duly a .hort torte. 7'M m.bogan
are exception...Hy good. sad all the esti .. of -
feted are Ar.t-cI.... In every re -pent. Also a
Asan:ity of clothing. IS Ault..- n ninoo•t.,
putt., oy.ratlr, etc. to to mold Irl•a (0.1
Also N wool icemen.) perp ea mare. 7 year* old.
borne-. Meetly new and rig imitable for de-
S•eelne groceri*. Term. cash Hones fur
w iehing..nd clothing can be in.ts(ted any
time In the rooms user r'. T. M•*n'• grocery.
asst Sallow.' Photo Studio. H It A.
0. C. skins/as.Apply W. T. RIDDELL.
pburn. 95 11
AND 1$l LEM ICNT0. .
wast ecu by public auction at Mt 7,
L D. A.hlleld. on
Tt'E$D.AT, entlittlanT Mb.
• eouuu endue at 1 ...Meek .hoop:
Ih,e het,) hone. 11 year. old : 1 bean bales.
10 yeer. ew I h5.s y ware, 10 year. old: t hent•y
mare. Maine i year., old. -stemmed to be in teal•
1 heart' mating. 3 year. o4d: 1 driving more. 1I
year. one; I ari.lug Am.*, 5 year. old: l driving
colt, ,i -Ing 2 year. old: 1 tenter. tam -Ingle hoer-
rws.► InMrl
newel oow, 1 year. old: 2 rows. 5
at- ole; 1 cow, 4 year. old: 2 cow-. 3 year. old.
yea:- old;
rs.ies 'J yeer. old: 7 heifer.. ri-Ing 4
year- old; 1 bull 10 month. old; '• spring calve.;
•.look of hey, bull,
Commercial fertilizer;
a quality of reed oat,.. • quautlly of feed eat...
ad AUalef m' other article..
Testae.- All cun1* of 110 and under. each :
over lthet atno•n,t. 7 months' credit *111 be
n�115 et. on furnishing appro...I joint note.. A
dada:unt of I per rent..traight allowed fat crab
Oa credit amounts. .111 grain. la -h.
Proptletor. Auctioneer.
public *melon at hid premL.r•on
lot 1, concession 15. W. Ia. A.ha.ld.
o'clock aha p :
Hotter S.-11011 t m of gelding'. 9 Test•
1 gond heavy -drag' , re, one driving MOM,
Carried. -Three fa .w cows. 2 y.a4R•g
w eer.. 2 oMrs'.
. 7'+ - one t of doable los e.ea
banearly new), I .et plow lot, ea. I net. Of sfb/b
rer..: 14ft. binder, 3n. frnpwer hay loader.
II hoe seed aril..r cultivator.. 1 \lessee- ,e
make: 1 Deering Mk:,1 di'•t• h row. l.Adam.
stork rack. l wale rocgh, 1 hog-. gghh I Hein
wagon and hoe. 1 of bob•leiwh•, Mel:nugh-
lio buggy, 1 Portion cutter, 1 sr wages
spring., 1 fanning spill oatth,g-boa.gravel.
box. 1• hay fork. nape, e , pulley. 1 ter plow.
1 rapt; armored harrow.1 heelbrrrou oi.
. I r -
cut .ow, Virtual us
d hoe Dian ,s. 1 string of le.
whittietree., 0eekyoke., ata k of hay. I :
rimer. forks, chains. shovel. a 1 other art
]mplemenl* aro praCl lathy a. M new,
Sale will be alder never If the calker M bad:_
Meaty of .hultr...
F:.erything t. bernld. so I Meg lotted
nil farm gnu am going Weer.
TROMP. -.111 .101- of 110 and under. crush •
over --hat i,monnl.• 44 months credit will be
given on furnlshlne reproved Joint note. A
dim -mint of 4 per aenL. etirlg t. Allowed for
cash on credit amount-.
Pips later. Auctioneer.
Tenders addrered to the under -toned will he
re. et* ed up to * o'clock p. m. on Thurales.
March Jet, 11.17. fur the u..• of the foto acre..
mere of le.., of laud Immediately south of ata
ad)(duleg the Victoria school grounas
nor tlartloulara apply to
J. J. MOOCH L. L. 1: J()K.
('h. of Public Work. Com. Town Clerk.
51 It
two -dory brink bons. on Ea.t street, coo
evident to 0. T. It station, with modern eon
•eofe..er.. A vet; de arable pia,. at moderate
rent. Appplyy MRS. W. RHYNAd, Montr,.il
.trw•t ltaMphone No. sol. #1tf
i10 RENT.-BOUTH 8101 G 1'
1, apartment homer on North street : .tx
rooms. and bath, basement laundry, all modern
oonvenleneee, newly decorated a,d easily
bested. Rent rea.00able. A.M. PULLEY. at_tf
ROlotoeeter Twice.Twice.Apply to,J4)8. C.
I7FLY. 57-tf
iI IC.
Mr. Lane Proposes rhat Forty Men
Each -Cultivate a Quarter acre Lot
and Give the Proceeds to a Patriotic
Fund -Rev. J, E. Ford Appointed
to G. C I board.
Addrae.: Caro Mr.. Sinclair. Brit..ntis hoed.
D. N. trust. by strict attention to su.int•.e 10
moil • Aare of the patronage of the inhabit-
, tegeottjahawa and neighbourhood_
will sell
test half
All the members of, the council were
peanut at the regular meeting held on
Friday evening.
The Bell Telephone Co. asked per-
miesion to place. s pole on Britannia
road, Dear the Huron road, and tour
poles un the west side of Hiocks
street south from Britannia. The
puplic works committee was empow-
ered to act iu the matter.
The Hydro-electiic Railway Asso-
ciation called attention to the annual
meeting of the Association, to he held
at Toronto February 21st.
Reeve Nairn and Mr. H. E. Hodgens
were appointed to reppresent the town
at this. meeting. and Mayor Sunning'
said he would be in Toronto for the
week -end and would remain over for
the meeting -
'l'he secretary- of the «omen's In-
tti1ute asked that the council levier.
some means of utilizing the vacant
lots about town "so as to lower the
high cost of living' Refey'rt'd to
special committee, iso
Mr. U. OArrow wrote stating that as
an officer of the municipality, he was
debarred from mewtarehip on the
Collegiate institute board. to which
he was recently appointed by the
council. A resolution wee palmed, on
motion of Reeve Nairn and Councillor
Wallis, appointing Rev. J. E. Ford to
the vacancy.
A request from the secretory of the
Ontario Municipal Electric Association
that the council pees a motion in favor
of legislation to tepeal (he objection-
able provisions of the act incorporat-
ing the Toronto and Ni-,gera Power
Company was referred to the special
committee with power to act.
In submitting' their final report on
the valuation of the Doty plant.
Messrs.. C. A. Reid. and A. S. Chrystal
and : •'In summing up the different
de' Puente of the _plan t, see_ osid
tb a first-class foondry, machine a
boiler -shop. No'better could he found
as to equipment outside of the Wee
centres ' The total valuation was
$f84,734 40.
Ttre report of the finance committee.
recommending the payment of a large
timber of 'beetroot-, was adopted.
The Oldie work. committee reeom-
metaled the payment to Mr. W. F.
Saunders of 84.50 for repairs to his
allttomobile, the damage being caused
collision with a poet at the corner
of GAbeech a'td Nelson streets. Adopted.
The exist committee recommended
that the report of the medicel officer
of heal tthh for the year 1918 1e received
and that the board of health he anted
to'publis the result of milk tests
whenever made ; also that the revolu-
tion submitted by the St. C.tharinea
city council kith reference to National
Service he tipted and forwarded as
requested. The, report wet, adopted.
Mr. Wilhelm `Lane addressed the
council with refs -once to the move-
ment foravacant 1cultivation. He
said the town hadc11ro! of some va-
cant land and possih y the town could
get the consent of the owners of other
unused property to have it put in cul-
tivation. If the town woo(rrld have this
land plowed and harrowed he (the
speaker) would take a quarter -acre and
procure seed and glow beans` n it and
give the proceeds to the Red !row or
some other patriotic fund. forty
waywould cultiva a ten
in this w I
acres they could grow a thouasn dol-
lars' worth of beano, figuring at\last
year's prices. He advocated the grow-
ing of beans because they were always
matketable'And had a cash value, Ike
• Counlillor Cutt said that a school
garden had been tried in connection
with Vicuirta school, but so tar bad
not been a anemia. The children
would attend to the garden during the
school tend, Mit during the vacatiqn
it was neglected. Mr. ('utt approved,
of Mr. Lene's proposition and 'bought
all the testate land in town should be
cultivated. .. - s
At. the request of Mr David Sproul
the Mayor was authorized to lases tit
invitation to the Orangemen of North
Huron to celebrate the Twelfth in
Goderich this v+At.
Councillor Moser esplaired what bit
committee was doing for the itnproye-
ment of the clerkte office and was au-
thorised to go abead and make a cam-
piete Job of it.
The council then adjourned.
of warranted good gold-filled rimers.•'
opectacle1 anti eyeglass., with b. sib
qi llity white crystal spherieol lenses.
1' tiler $t value. for only $1.75. it
tory clots huv ing In enable he to give
well -know
Mr. Hughso
arm for Ken
onto' This chttn
Friday and Sato
and 24th. Uollte
Stone, Oodertch,
Doctors Dent Know l4erything.
"1 thought you told me `chat your
doctor bad ordered you to rift drink-
ing ?" said Smith,
"Aur the doctors don't It ow
i HEO. S. SUNBURY. A. A. O. 0.,
L. U. C. M., Organ .1 and l'hoirtaaeter of
nOS Church. /her piano. voIne, organ.
Po D,(p•tyj examinations. Studio --
Ned erja�ar our. east of Ur- fluot.•'�
weir Des M. SIGNAL
WAPITI!). --
drug tore. s pply BOX II. THE SiGNAL
will tall by public auction at 1.t E. coheeeioe
:1, Lelborne town.hip, on
romraeiming at. 1 Oclork sharp
Bosoms -One heavy -draft horse, 44ear.
old: 1 heavy -draft mere, 10 years old; 1 driving
mere, 7 y, or. old; 1 filly. tieing 2 years.
4' e'en.. -One Durham cow, 4 year. old; 1
co.. rt.4ng 3, doe In May; 1 fresh now. R ears
old: I hcsh cow, 3 years old; 1 better. dein` 3,
der in April; 1 heifer, dela due In April:r
weer rnlve., 6 months old: I heifer calf. 2.
months old; 1 heifer elf. 1 month old: 1 now 7
year old. aupno• ed to he in calf.
Pn.m.-(lea brood now, doe March 11: 1.2 pion.
.nnnth. old.
Iwrt.r.etsetw.-One eh cat hinder. 1 11-1,(e.
drill ...early new). 1 cultivator (nearly hew'i, all
pla.sey Harris make; 1 1
' Mwpl.• 1.4047*07t 0 o* 1 eh
wntklb(pinw,.iliflsl to.
ft. hay rake, 1 Maxwell hay loader. I aft. cit
Deering mower. 1 hey race end .tock rack
con binwd. I hale wagootnn, 1 Adam. wagon
new(gnna(cc� box,)'11 sistauhle her• with 1 sett platform.
doe hie harne'r, 1 ('ha(ham Ine"rit r, 1 Magnet
cream ..operator (nearly•woi, I Maxwell thorn,
1 /-.ort. .et Iron (.arrow*, 1gr t garden harmer..
1 root reaper, fork., ohwlge and wblttrtteee.
and nomterot4 other artbl.
A cumber of hen*, 1 0011111 pup. a number of
Order pewee ane Deere pale&
lkayt..-All enm+ of 810 and under, sash -
naer that .orstem. months' credit will
be yi,en on furnenitat ap7/rrvo, .d joint nale.
A Uanoant of 4 per Deet, strrlght allowed for
mesh on credit amount...
E..rythln7 will be *old, a. the proprietor had
netted the farm.
Proprietor. Auctioneer.
wood Wanted.
We pay the best
prices f . any quantity
9f-' Cordw . delivered
at our Coal Yard. . .
MacEwan Estate
Phone 98
The Door to Health
Is Through the Rich, Red
Blood Dr. Williams'
Pink /Pills ,Actually
The blood •!el responsible for the
b . ih of the body. If it Is good. dim -
cannot exist. It it is had, the
door sbut against gond health. dis-
ease' is • • and to appear in one form or
another. One person may be seized
with rbeu, lisw or lciattee, annther
indigestion, heart pal -
has -or backache*, tin -
any of the many
meat that come
and watery.
n. speedy cure
lb:' They
, and thk
th and
with insert'
pitstion, bead
strung serves.
other forms ok
when the blood Is
There la just one
-Dr.Williams' Pink
mike new, doh, red bl
good blood strengthens
eyatem and twinge good he
happiness.. Thousands owe the
enc good health. some life Tree to
the pill*. Mts. Chariest Goddard, C C-
ham, Ont., says : "Four years ago
my nervous system wee so run down
that life seemed nothing but burdfen.
i doctored for two years wit little or
no benefit. I could neitherork, est
nor sleep well. While In t s condi,
tion s friend advised me to. try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Before doing so
My 1 thought 1 would consult y doctor
and he told me he knew of no better
medicine for building up the nervous system. 1
started to take thepills
and after a short while ' found they
were helping me. [tont the pill* for
nearly three month* and pm thankful
to say they completely' c red me.
Ever *ince f have kept s hrht of the
pills in the house but have diet found
it necessary to take them."
Yon can .g.It Dr. \Villia' i.' ,Pink
Pill. through any dealer in Medicine.
or they will he Wirt by mail poetp*ld,
at 60 cents a box, or six boxed for $2.50
by writing The Dr. Williams' 3lcdicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Ahmeek Chapter Hears from a Captured
Canadian Soldier m Germany.
The ladies of Abwrek Chapter, 1. 0.
D. E., are in receipt of the following
Inter from Pte. Leonard L. Ling, of
the Lith Battalion Canadians, who it a
pi ironer of war at Langensalza, Sax-
ooy, Germany. The writer is evidently
somewhat of an ahist, •. a Spray of
rosebuds is drawn in green and red at
the tt.p of the letter and the greeting,
"A Happy New Year. 1917," is or-
nately inscribed. The letter is dated
December 31st : -
Dear Mir Millar and ladies or I. 0.
D. E.,-Tbaoa you very much for your
picture postcard. announcing the
kindness of your Society in sending
we * parcel. The parcel arrived in
excellent condition, and 1 am sure if
you and the other ladies cun•erned
had been preseut when 1 opened it
you would have felt fully compens-
ated for your kind thoughtfulness. I
aur sore] 1 am not able to write to
each lade Individually, but aur only
allowed to write two letters a month
and one postcard a week, and 1 feel it
my duty to alwayswrite at
least onee
letter and two pos t to Y
every month, ea 1 am sure you will
pardon my' wntiug a general letter of
thanks. i feel deeply touched with all
the kied thoughts and wishes sent
with ranch pactgl, I have also to thank
your Chapter faffle a Reel Cross parcel
received, and aur sending a pre per re•
ceipt card.
No doubt you would like to know a
little bit about ore.My home is in Eng-
land -Enfield, where soy parents re-
side, though 1 have spent eleven years
in Canada, most of my time in Tor -
.into, art • machine hand in Macdoo-
ald's tin factory. 1 aur thirty years of
age, Am away on a war kite party
and have been here sixteen months.
\Ve ate situated in the Hartz Moun-
tains. We work seven hours a day,
from tl in the morning to 1, having the
rest of the day to ourselves. It is a
very pretty neighborhood here and in
suwtmer-time when trees are in leaf is
Very t11ie. Goer* 1 must clue, hoping
you will excuse Ohl badly concocted
letter and read betiawn the lines the
grM!tul tbwuka 11 you _all for your
kiodgessos W • Touts truly.
Pre. L.,LlxhBalttt.,
- - St'
General Brough Chapter Seeks Co -opera -
bon of Other Societies in Campaign.
To enlist the Intt'reet and g -.in the
, ppppoort A all w. rj to help in the
••\\-art.me Thrift Campaign," the
members of the General iirough Chap-
ter, I. 0. D. B., have voted the emu of
$'!A tc assist in forming a local cone
mittee to organize a "vacant lot gard-
ening organisation." In reply to an.;
(miry a nigh has been received by the
regent of the Chapter, Mrs. Macdon-
ald, from Hon. W.H. Hraret, Premier
of Ontario, who is also Minister of
Agriculture, approving of the move•
meat and promising the co-operation
of the Department of Agriculture.
It is hoped that e11 societies in town
will unite in forwarding this move-
ment and thus assist in accomplishing
a good work in saving and thrift.
In connection with this matter the
followipg letter has been received :
Parliament Buddies*,
Toronto, February l9tb, 11)17.
Mrs. Macdonald,
Strrthdmreld, Oodericb, Ont.
DEAR MAI).AM,-lam glad to receive
your letter this morning. The Outs' io
Department of ll►griaulture will in the
course of a week or two inaugurate •
campaign under the slogan or term
"Vegetable gardens for every home to
14117." the object being to encourage
the cultivation of vegetables in hack-
yaids and vacant lute. The Depart-
ment will also be prepared to send
suitable plans and inforwstiun f..r the
growing of vrgetwblee in back -yards,
etc„ and will be prepared to send
' pe'bkers on this subject to any organ -
1 w
once to., the Minister of Agriculture
for the Yrovirte,e of Out*rio asking
thet oneoit,theoe. meetings be held in
your town'.-\W+th
•ipfOrwation Oat
of vegetables 'Might
vegetables, such es
endive and Swiss char-
t() believe that the sugg
ing these vegetables wool be more or
Iese difficult to work out and that if
the vegetables er•e grown and ron•
sinned by the grower the soma! result
may he uhteiwrd.
Under separate cover 1 em sending
yolks copy of Bulletin 231 which gives
detailed information as to v' _ eta
crops, how end when to plant. m
add for your information the', in
Geetlons competitions ere held
hick -yard garden*, vscent lot golden
wend school children who garden, prizes
shoes. ah all optical goods ere being t tfrred by important members
g rapidly in price. Eve. re-
mit carefully. free. by our
and painstaking specialist,
former) optical man-
'' jewSilery .tor, Tor -
for' two days only -
sy, February 'Lard
' t:.
The spring arias will Open Toe*.
day, March lath, before Mr. Justice
A telephone, No, 107, bo* been M-
etalled in the residence of Mr. Nelson
Yeo, cartage agent -
Crown Attorney Seeger is at Sea
forth this afteruoou in connection
with • prn.ecutioo for a burglary at
the O. T. R. station there oue eight
this week.
The members of the Ahwrek Chap-
ter, 1 4). D. 14., wish to extend their
thanks to hire. Hays and Misr Hays
for Lbeirkindueea in giving their hours
for the euchre party last week. They
slop wish to thank Mi. Br'ophey and
Mr. Tait for their kind arsI,;anCe.
The trains have been doing some
great rotors lately, but the record
tot this winter IAN" wade by Morality's
u.iduight train on the ti. T. H., w itch
got in at' tau minutes to 5 'Tuesday
mor Ping. The cause of the delay was
a freight train stalled between Mit-
chell and Sesfoi tb.
The regular monthly tweeting of the
Ooderuh bnaueh of the Women's lu-
stitute will be held at the home of
Mrs. A. 1). McLean, on 1'huteday,
March 1St, at S p. w. The subject will
ie taken by Mrs. SU'achim. Demon-
stration on soups by Mrs. Beattie. A
good attendance is desired, Visitois
alway. Welcome.
Services were held ft St. Peter's
church yesterday, it bring Ash Wed-
nesday, and the usual speeial service*
will be held luring Lent. e
Holy Communion will be celebrated
at St. Oeorge'i ebureb ,,ext Sunday
morning .at IS s. m. Rev. T. 0. A.
Wright. of London. will officiate at
this and the regular services of the
day. •
The pastor, Rev, R. O. McDermid,
will be in the pulpit at Knox church
next Sunday. His subjects will le:
Morning, "By \Vay of Emulation
evening. "Our Unchanging Power, -
biome .'
At North sheet Methodist church
filet Sundey mooning Rev. W. K.
Hager'e subject will rte : "The Ch. is-
tian Doctrine of Man.' Eveniop sub-
ject : ''L dee Christ Places -the \\'il-
The subject for discussion at the
Men's Sunday Club at A•
Methodist churcb Dalt Sunday morn-
ing will he : "Are the 'Billy' Sunday
methods judicious, , declive and per-
manent :"
tion in Onto(o guaranteeing an
fence, and tui discuss And give fili-
ation on the object of -vegetable
mg. •
Id suggest that yon write at
specs to particular
ask for, your lira
Iso lechers salad
Duce, spinach.
1 am inclined
tion of sell.
l'tel. Ernest ('lark is a 41)0 of M r• mud
Mr.. William Cleft. Walnut street.
Though ter the military age he en-
listed in the s 'r of 1915 and
trained at London with the :girl Bet -
talion. going oveDwas early in lUltland
scotching the trenches. after a few
weeks of further training in Kinghood
He was "gassed" on the 17th of Sep-
tember and was bIoul(I)t 1141, 1' t�
England. _wht to he received htkspital
treatment for several months. lhn'hin
of the community, and Alen 1
' is sometimesh d In
the month of 8epte►nhrr, when seler-
tions of these gardenm are exhibited
for other prizes. in this way consider-
able interest may be armieed owing tel
the competition which takes place.
I would b. glad to give you any
further information that you may see
fit to ask for. Yours very truly.
0. U. ,I(IIIN.T11Y,
j?rovincial Vegetable ti)1eCINl1*t,
Though the sun shines for a11, the
moon is re,srved for simony couple..
The Mail and Empire, which is in
close touch w ith the Provincial (kir.
eratasut. yesterday announced that a .
measure wanting the franchise to
women will be passed at the present
session of the Legislature, and that
arrangements will he made AO that
the nature of women voters will be on
the lists to be used at the next general
ITE. ERN EST ('I \11l.;WEI
(hn• Ids !he Signal's boyar it the frons
dist•hat•gr%Lion hi*pital shortly trefoil.
New Yetiee he was. given light duty
with the Arny Seevice Corps in line-
IatiLtnd is now in fairly great heart n.
lrt a recent letter he stated that he
had been up at London on leave and
mat' there when 4 )I' trwnit' factory
ex)d' ' took phu•ee, Ernest is 11
printer and `learned 1Ns.tpt.I. iu III"
Signal o(1fl'(•,
Mr.. A. M. Clover this eves -111M re-
ceived the sad intelligenre that h 0
youngest brother, Herold Harry, ut
the Royal W.:rwickehires, lied ,bbeo
Studley, in Woewickshiie.
The Red C. mewenthly i1we4 ing will
take ware ant Monday. betrruary 481b.
In the furytuusts of the court bootee, at
ti pni. ,
The ' Society thankfully acknowl-
et'ges the following contributions of
socks • Mrs. Horton. sr., 44 pairs :
Mrs.,Jas. Dickson, Mrs. H.jnods,
pas each : Mrs. S. Andrews, ,Mrs.
Gordon, Mee. M. Dointat1: H ppair.
each ; Mrs. Hillier, Mts. J. H. John-
ston, Au►tio, Nevada: 5 pale each
Mts. Doolittle. Mrs. (:ho.. Gamow,
Mrs. Jordan, MM. Tancott, Mee Jas.
aleSVhinnry (Port Albert), Miss S.
Clark. MIs. Dalt•nI, Mrs, Leckie, Mrs.
Lynn, 4 panto rack : Mrs. Melt wattle,
Mrs. tfe,,. Pntirr Mt's. Footer, Mis, '1'.
Johnsloe, lir., h, 't.,dgrnr 4 L'urontol,
Mr'.. Uh.rf. Owns, Mrs. Dote. x11.
V1. M. ti. 1lttui.iA.teem church. M1..
eo, :f pair. rash : Mina M. Da. k.
Mrs. Rhynae. M,s. McEwen, or., Mire
Dever ey, Mrs. Whitely. Mrs. Durnin
Mange Jere. J'Iba Sturdy, Airs
Met(esyd, ()urwen, Dir-. Uslvin ('ut , Niro.
Goldthorpe, sr., Mrs. .lohn Ten -Icy,
Miss B. P.il•ter, Mrs. Jap. Clark, Mir.
Spider- .Ne►. ifruwturtl, N•' Moue.
biro Wm. Young, Mrr. Mw1'hre, Mrs.
'Situowd•. H. Vatter, Mics Mat-
IbnieAitKru, •l pairs each: flier 0.
sek, Min. E. 'I'oggrrt. Mrs. D. H.
Row. We. Denney, Mr -4. Srrachan,
Mee. Jane $caleth, Mrs. Jon Mai -
shell. Kik Allen, Mrr, Lerkie, A
Friend (Minim - MIs. J. Handy,
:Nor. 0. Bell, Mrw, '4w:.Meld , Diisi
toung. Mr.. Oke, Mrr. Cable, Di...
Stuart, Miss Aitken, Allot Lewieuce,
Mrs. R. Clack, 1 pair e.rh.r' The Ho.
ciety aloe •ckoowl• slices toe rrcrip t .4
count. from blit-. W. T..Altiaid
nry ac
Mrs. De Peu.b'y.. r
The snob c• tumittre,wi'.tuc+ to thsink
st heartily thn.r led ire Who have
helpd to make over iihlwl loci socks.
This is n err y heavy Manch of the
work and kuittei. will please try to
remember. -
fll Each pair t he metre,
(2) All yarn sl ter spliced.
13) The toes L be finished emo oth-
ly (instruction will be given at the
rti, ).
lip Short socks cannot Ire sent (11 in.
is oe' 7114441 ,else). -
- -(d) All smite must fie washed.
What About Shoes ?
The Ministerial Aasoci.tion has ar-
ranged that a union pi Ayer alerting of
all the churches in town he held
monthly. The first inc w'11 be held in
the Ircure room of Koros church our
Wenesdsy^e wring, 24,h Inst.
Next Mondry is literary evening at
the Baptist Young People's meeting.
A debate will he unapt the features of
the evening, also a male chorus. The
subject of the debate is : "Reselerd,
that more crime is due to wealth than
to poverty." , -
R"v. (4. M. Holmes' subject* in the
Baptist chinch next Sunday will tw-
in the morning, a study of' Peter 2 :
11, 12 ; in the evening, "The blaster is
come and calleth f:r thee." Appro-
ptiate music will he sung. A genersl
and cordial invitation ie eyJ,ynted.
The commination service of the
Church ut England was administered
by the Res. E. Lindsay Willistois in
St. Oeosge's school house on 'Ash
\Vednrsday- tnornintt. Special services
will be held each Wednesday even-
ing during the Lenten season, in the
ect►n01 house, at which seasonable
topica will be. pr. sent ed. - '
A Late Opening of Navigation This Year.
Says • Cleveland Despatch.
Cleveland, Ohio, Fel, 114. -The out-
look is for *7 rete opening of navige-
tion. as very heavy ice is reported all
around. Owners ate not giving offers
that are made on grain much atten-
tion, as they figurer they will, have to
get busy on their cuutracte at the
at art.
Veaael men will take 'no chances oh
delay and will not charter for grain
cantor'. without a.despatl'h guarantee.
Indication.. are that Lake Mittel for
traders will get a bite *tett, as there is
mote ice in St. Marys Hirer and
Whitefish Bay -than there lea. been
for years. Conditions are about the
same in the lower titter..
in the straits ice is heavy and badly
underdi-awn, and, cat -fern y • et en aero
are having conside,sble trouble o
Lake Michigan. Several 1 oats were
Muck at Milwaukee and other points
during the week. Fields extend be-
vitnd hllmanSt.ion all along the south Pres. Ua.p,',it.'
1611071, of Lake Inc.iand Ire is so heavy Washington,
10..b. 29. -J he British
in 1ftlffwlO harlot at i
thnce are War Office has Inken p,-srai.n of ell
ehihd . with notch dtifirnity. the leather in Me l'ni rd Kmgtivu'.
A late opening will mean -some fleets the (;otinorrer llrp..ri m01,1 was in•
ill haoeab44 ut all they can do to take formed on a r,:l.lrgrani todi.y from
e of their contract business And the Ame• irstn ('onsol-Orl'e,*1 at 1w,n•
not have much fere rapsei4 y, we itdon. G ether ;midi)7irl het Wee!' 11014
in despatch is I n,krd for c' alnd llerrh 81 :.leo Will syr taken oyer.
y of no r,- ea• ennon atttrnnopet the
tit This is Different • to Lure of all ntwold .to ,'ka of ,raw
bun Feb. 10. -ice condi-
ateape, prohibition rohibition of dealings in
end of Lake 'Superior••
favor an ear f opening of nsvisoitiem. a.ntlrnin
Open water chnimehces at Thunder mto\'ithre 05i08
leathaernd dnsteer•, wiley nnbenonnlm'g
Cape. eighteen Iles tett. The weather u e...1. P. Walters on pier t;
Ire R meet f Mr. 1
he. ,the cold, t high wind* bay' of this issue of The Signe; *houtd have
kept the ice b k up. w is int -test. Hal far en leather
t WO an a pec I
Dr, H. 1. Strang hr. here confined to hi.
home with Moe, ihi. week.
Mr.. fellow and \Iter (' M. (-alapb•I1 have. re-
turned front thein I(ip to Toronto
Mr. Will Jahn.ton (rave. tomorrow for Tor
onto, where he may 11 main toe roma t,me.
Mew. Janie+. Stewart hw returned frog, w'in•
nitre. where .h. 'pout .eves al mo,l la vi -ii Lig
her ron. truest.
Mr.. l'. L. Moore and her nicer• Mint. Illi
Story. hose it turned fro., Hut le,, 1'.., where
they were s.4 ibug Mr. \loons ..un.
Mi... Story. 41110 ha. barn the gu. -t of her
uncle and aunt. Mr. and 31r. C 1. Moore, fur
.ereuel wwdLs, tea. se, so od lu her home at
Cleo, irk alums .
MI•..Imttie.Robin.uo,.,ho teaches at luger-
toll. underwent an opri.11on at loronto th -
week end at mow* r. port we. dobe well H r
mother. Mi. Wm. ltobtnrm, et d her broth. r,
('apt. FA. Roblu.on, weal to iolouto to be a it ti
Mr. Wm. Hai kwell, of Yellow Ora.., l4a,1, , I.
vt.lti,.g u, wen after an ■beeuce of rave. al
year*. and is the aoe.t of 31r. nod Mr-. bon. •
Alien. 34r. Berk well formerly lived on the Silt
r• isee..on of lolls r.... rod alms for a while In
lA dericb towu,.hlp. He carries hi. Iuerea.lna'
yta-. sorry, a.d ecu ibute. h.. robust health to
hl• practice of laking a good long pa.k every
da)'. H4..a1 Mali land. *l Imo many Ual.rlrh
people wdl rem, n.brl. 1, as. 7.1.. , r•o.8,, aid
4s doing aril
Sweet •Maitland.
I love thee. .weet atnitlent '
My heart 4. aflame
The farther ts a wa"dtrerl.
Monetacense- thy name •
Thou'rt seed to dear Huron.
For 1..•1 nod ay. :
A dowry( beauty
I' uricba. thy way !
A eared the:rapd.: -
All hall ! horn the bridge.
Thr meplee in whi.p•re;
Herd over the ridge,'
Iso lo. re.. II. a fonder'.
In life - lone cure. r.
11010Huron grant' .alley.
.\nA shy water. clear 1
Afar ate thy wavelet..
Horne out to the -.a '
And at are the native -burn
'3Cattet*Silk0 tbr6
itut thou art a demWeart.
Dear Mat laud, tu,al '
A •pukliug tide wel.ome..
\• home,. and we roll
-lite..) Austin L. Hodge.
,._ Haolltoo, Ont.
Gmderith Piublk Library,
Following is the Awweeiel report of
rite public library for the year ending
De•crwlter' :ilei: i9I8 :
W'aaoe from 11N3... . - •- --:.. a 44i 37
Laneg1.letiee grt. 1910- IA4 70
Mtmiolpwl grant (00.0
(:001,17 (10111 - 1,0
Rents..:.. •-- ..... til 25
Fine.. ere •... . . F,�te• 7.55
Error in deceits. Jammer,. tete.. to
11. re •-7
what they a; talking about." rep Wholesomeness and purity are our
Brown, 41s he stirred hie highball. oe first rnnsideratione when staking our
quit drinking for two days and 1 homemade candy and ire -cream. A
didn't feel a bit letter." -Cincinnati tidal will convince you. Fdwatd '.
Enquirer. Phone de).
Port A
Lions a' th
Ileal-shipt oysters,\ solid meat and ft concerned, thing,' will pr ,b.ably be
always fresh, at Rdwaki.'. Phone 241i. a Rnod dal° wore. Dohme they are ariy
Some Sprinting.
The average man ha. tit "aprint"
sometimes to keep op with running "Ginger.
expenses. Pridharn the Tailor Aon help "Doer. (linger bite Y'
you. "New ! Ginger straps."
Well Named.
"Whet'* Tour dog's name, sonny r
Adult flu.- hook.. ..... .
Jnye,ile .'fn.- book.
" Ort ion
\b,prl1Fx and headro m.
It•IMn* t'r-boltntng- _ .. ..
In.11ranrr ... ..
Lig�tht. non a 4 *star
Irbv.rlar, -rotary :UN N)
Se" retary r wl. ry 310.0 .
l'rlilting. '.tstla wry, etc 17 21
lneldrnlai. .. ....' -,n 14
4. ash on hand •1lecerabet 314..... 11.6 .n
i 117 25
130 rid
Iti .0
11 IK
.... Ilii 23 _
of 1}ii
sum '7
'At the end of 1918 there were 4,578
volinnre for aduha mid 739 for juven-
iles -1u .the library. The number .1
adult volumes I.orroeferl during 'the
year was 11;:11.2, of Ayhieh 14),74544 were
boots of Hct' During the enure
time :i,7811 juvenile book* were taken
out. The meg,lzines •borrowed during
the year hums' red 4,120,
(loa.t-ee'letl oystei N. *olid 'teat,'
troth from tI4' oyster teas, at lilack-
alurrr'e. Phone 510.
i4Atrernev. Feb 14 Sal4, of hoe •.Mold, for-
nNure of Mr. %m eVT111pnn. n,1 her rear -
donee. Auburn. at 1.3111 .icla•k, 1. N'r ort,
TorsiAI. Fete. 17. rale of farm oork ,Mid
Implement.. .11 lot 7. cone..lion 2, K. 1) A.h•
field, cnn.m,•nclrg rt 4 ocl.a-e. Hr:Rneler
PF.STI.A31), proprietor. Taos. tt.NURY, nuc.
tioneer. -
FRIDAY. Match 2. -Auction ale of 1.1m
.tock. hr.plement •. eta property .of %SYl1.td
Steyeu.o.. treat h If of Int 1, co,re..ion 5,.. ' •
R'. D. A.hdeld. ' 1, 3nit t'rnucllonecr.
Wt:nM*mi0Af. Ma • 11 -Ali-tion .ode Or
6ont ,4 re. ,nal imps '•.01',at Int '12.conem• -
.tOD n, E, 1).. l olhor s.1 1 0'. lock. Eve')'• .
[l Ig moat be sold. a the-r/nOridnr has
rented the farm. Ron.. STRA1'RAS. 0,0
prtethr. T. Overate. Nutt
HCII.11.1 ANN--toOodonk'h.o,. Tue.der.
He,Iolen, atoi,n, fir.asonN(Cyrill,
ll, r*nn et
- Innan„gsii. on Tue�Aes
F+•breary 2n, Her betide • usuatlne, aged 7�
The fpnernl *111 take plain firm the m.ldeues
of-1,taaM,O:R Stigmata, onErblry,Febrile's _
2: "'.Mork. 1 Dnng�R,nun cemetery,
tier/tweet the home et 2 o'clock.
CI.U('AS. -Al Toronto. on Sstalah Febrile,
lg./ferry CI ICG•, formerly of Illedertch.aged
At ea.
p.AV�ANr.•la nOderirh, on We1nr.Any, Feh•
roars 14, Bridget L.nn.n, widow of .he
Isle J-,hn Lsne,,,, Aged+'! year
'uedn . Febru•
FtIIT%LE\'. -M Clinton, en 1 r
toy 2•. '.na,bon Frltllel'. Wed 71 veno
ROBBINS. In Go •irloh: on Wednr.d ty. Fch•
• roil bbl. t.Mted 1N y0Y'o. mite of LM r. J. E.
Palmolive i'rodnet.-lindttetek i rsgheta.... 7
Asounn Sale -Edwin Hormiy..: • .... _a 1 .
R.n..eke.per WA -anted 140. M. Jtwhal.. . I
Aust ion !'ale Wilfred Ste5M.00' 1
1ltemonal`+.l0 J. 1'. halter,
t• it. 4