HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-15, Page 3THE
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srLl1 oudHvro1Uttaedod oo laving
A. R. TAYLOR. thaAlwnRu.
PATH. opecialiat In women'. and All
dren'w diseases, acute, :hronlo sod oervonadis
o rder*, eye. ear, no.e •od throat, penis! deaf
e.e, lumbago and rheumatic, conditions. Ade-
. oi& nnw%e1 without the knife. Office at
reddeace. oorwr NeLon mad tit. Andrew's
costa At koe6 office Moodals. Thursdays
el Saturdays: any evwlna by mppoiutmeat.
hR. H. (i.te MAuD)ELL.-HONOR
UreduaToronto Uulver.fty. Urmdnet e
oya a ollege of Dental Surgeon..
Huoonwr to the late Major Sale. Oakes
neer Square and West street, Ooderk h.
Ft) e7.6,6ernh. alt noutline. 1) in
tet si els, el .Rte will lee pua.pl) a
sense to PssIdeuoo taNpkose 119.
k/ 1. tiA1N
Pt, BLit _', ICK„
Aloe- Sterling Sank Block, Hamilton 8is.t.
ed•rtoe. Telephone M.
HMI !'stats Lees. sod Insurance.
Oties se the Sgoan. wdoor seemed from Ham
• .uset. uodorich-
►glvate toads to loan at lowest rates
W. P.ounroor. K.C. J. L Et mouse
H. J. D. Coosa.
O. CAMERON, Y. C.. /IA1 gib
• TIM. asitott o. notary public. Offices
Utes t. ns
Gsrleh. thud
yquue. At Clanton'taursdal of each week to
sines we Albeit street oceup$ed by Mr.
Hooper. onus, hours 11 am. toe pap.
ukAYL tB (*ARROW, LL.13., 1sAtt-
kinnblt, attorney, solleitor, eta. Q•de
�eeiiioo�eeii1o000��. Ma at lows our
LA, lens:, GGoNOlaoand eloh. *lm1 ,
ilial) - LOAIIS. ITC.
111 8 U R A N C EO.-Farm and
Lawn property insured.' Prez.. I:eaierlah P.O.:
Omcere-J... Connolly,
las. Kerne, Vie. -Pres.. Beechwood P. 0.;
fauna+ 1u• Haye,. Sec.-Treas., beafortb P. O.
DtrpWrs--D. F. McUretrar. Seelorth ; John
]. Grieve, Winthrop; Wuhan' Rion Contains;
Jobs Henneweis, Brodbe eu(3eo. McCartney,
Seam t h ; Robert Ferris. oarlock ; Malcolm
atahwen, bra0.aeld. golm v01e; Alan,
Ageota: J. W. Yeo,
Leitch. Clinton ; W Wiam Chess , HeaforttJat
E H�tn�aohsn u t 0 get their locards reostpted at
H, J• Morriab's CM.tbtug Store, Clinton, B. tL
Can's Umrery, K,nitsten street. uoderlob,ce
J. H. Heed's Ueuenl8tors, Bayfield.
B(k1U,UVV pwaanl.VApodyy to MNG. 0
LHON, Barrister Hamilton direct, -
alas- AND LIARTNINU t British. Canadian and
&DD.naNT DIC•Nrra AND aMPLorens' Lie en.
ITcoTrporration( LiAccident and fess
mited off London. Eng.
FrosI.ttT AND
corporation, BONDS : The U.S.
Fidelity and Ona -entre Company.
Oahe at residence. orthesat corner of Via
torte and St. David's street.. Phone I7 .
Patents, Trade larks,
Secured in A11 Countries.
Write for free book "PATENTS PROTKC-
T1oN. '1ells all shout and how to set. pat
eet - Bain °e h & SUNS, e.tablfrtted f117
teemedy Patent t Tea Examiner. Made of
Patent Laws, Keaisfered Patent Attorneys
eta, fns St. James Street. Montreal. Branches-
uttaw• and Washington. Repreeaotativee In
all foreleg coentrler.
Brophe3 Bros.
lee Leading
Funeral Directors
aid Embalmers
Orders easefully attended to
et all Mmer night of day.
••. H. F. (jADSIYH•
Ottawa Feb. 12.-Tn discriminating
persons the best show of the seesioo
was the clash hetween the two bard -
boiled Igoe --Sir tlatu's and Sir
Thomas's. It has always been non•
ceded that Sir Ilam doesn't ju.trx•ctly
bate himself, but the Finance Minister
adores himself with passion tenderer
Sir Sam's ego was under some re-
straint. He was explaining wby the
Conservative patty loved biw so much
that it kicked biw downstairs. More-
over, he was expleining under diffi-
culties. Sir William Mackenzie had
been down during the week and bed
removed his detonators. Likewise
the (xoveroment was not disposed to
let tiarao too far without taking •
crack back. Altogether Man wee un-
der wraps, but hie Ego pranced well
fust the same.
When Sir Sem got up -to speak, peh
haps ten faithful souls broke into ap-
plause. When be sat down be got e
full round from his side of the House.
Everybody seemed relieved. including
Sam, that nothing had been said that
could back -fire. Sam made it quite
plain that be wouldn't joiu the Liberal
party, because its principles were re-
pugnant to him, and &leo, no doubt,
because, as he was a Liberal many
years ago hefore be was a Con a-
live, he couldn't very well join it
again. As Winston Churchill says,
2 ,
n 1 T' ..
The report of the Minister of Public
Works of Canada fur the fiscal year
ended March 31, 1918, 11 at band. 1to
der the heading "Godetich" we find
the following :
(ittdericb, in the count v of Hut on,
Hiss Until Hs Took is situated al the mouth of t he Matt -
Nothing Hal land Rivet, which empties unto Lake
"FRUIT-A-TIVES" r , luton 133 wiles northwest of Tot onto
ou the Canadiau Pacific and Grand
Trunk Beltways. Population 4,501(.$
on the extension of the south-
west breakwater was reeutned in April
and closed for the season in Novem-
Up to date, berths bays been
dredged, five caiesous plaoed, the
superstructure constructed and riprap
placed, also threedpissons conutruc.ed
ready to he sunk Ri position..
Work of renewal of the north pier,
south pier and river breakwater
was cowmeoled on lltb May
and was completed on 31st
March, 1916, and consists of the
tenewtog of the decking on the north
and south piers and river breakwater
and the placing of twelve new rein
forced concrete mooring -posts.
Total expenditure for the fiscal year
1915-18 is $TAI. 24.12.
"You can rat once. but you Casoni re.
rat, don't you know."
Sam made it plain that he didn't
wait to leave the old Conservative
part y so Iia as there wee a chance of
Isla becoming • Cabinet Minister
again. Sir Sam is under edvieement
that there is to be a shake-up wbich
will shake Premier Bolden out and
that then is his chance. if be gee
thrown down then be can go out and
form a Third Party and become Pre-
mier alopg that route. He can easily
fix it up with Hilly Macieen. who has •
that party, too, but would lump it In
with Sir Sam's if Billy Maclean was
wade Finance Minister. Let W. F.
handle the revenuer of the country
and he doesn't give • hoot who makes
the laws.
U things don't go just right Sir Sam
has •mb.tion and the Third Partyto
hack biro up. Also hope sprngs
eternal in the Kamen t'reast, and, be-
sides, Kir Sam has forty thousand litho-
graphs of himself with • battle back-
grouud, and that ought to he good
o•wpeign literature,If the Third Party
ever had to make • start.
\Vorking under hobbles though it
did, $rim's !Biro made fairly good go-
ing. The letters he quoted -no doubt
written by hintself to himself -gave
full credit to his great qualities of
Mind and heart That letter trick is a
good one. A letter can often say for
you what you can't say for yourself.
It shows that Sant has had • newspa-
per training. They frequently do that
in a newepeper office -set Justine. and
Veritas, and Pro Bono Publico going.
the whole tnihe being only the editor
under pen disguises. Same Inters are
taken for what they are worth. They
have ibe.general sone of the letters
written by Sam flow South Afticn.
incidentally Sam fought and won the
Boer war all over again -thio time
without the aesirtatce of his mao
Sam sten analyzed hisown faults. He
frail Lp admitted that he had faults.
Whit gzeat- steam basun. ? Ma had a
quick teopsa--like Napoleon. He
uidn-t retention Napoleon, to Ise sure.
hut be left the comparison to he infer-
red. Also he was autocratic -like
Julius Useaar, or Alexander the Great.
But let that pea. What did Sam do
when he was in the Militia Depart-
ment ?
epart.ment? And bore his Ego had full
scope. Sam told the wonderful story
over again. How he had stripped the
halos from the British War Office and
put Loyd George and the crowd in
their places and had fought for and
won Canadian control of Canadian
troops overseas, and manyother deeds
of high emprise, in whicthere is no
space to follow him here. Sant was
the whole winks while he lasted and
the reason he didn:t last was that he
could 't he the whole works'..niy-
longer. This is the whole secret.
Sam's ewe on the Hon. Mr. Per -
ley, Minis, of Militia Overseas, es
ornamental a superfiuoue,were high-
! entertainin ; also his opinion of
the British offi in general and his
frank criticism o he V. A. D. hos-
pitals in England as' •rriage bureaus,
where hatchet-faced boy spinsters
who had no other ch �es married;
our Canadian officers win they were
too weak and ill tb resist. S threw
most of this information ifl o bit
asides and hie asides are always very
illuminating. Incidentally Sam threw
in a few remarks about British staff
officers which will. no doubt, make
their hair curl when they read them
in the Canadian twrrespondence, shall
we say, of The London 'Times. it
seems that they suffer, not only from
the red -tape worn, but from the army
worm, the hook worm, and a few
Sir Maw's five years of association
with his Nationalist colleagues in the
Borten Cabinet have evidently had
their effect. He gave a certificate of
character to that "vouch misunder-
stood young officer, Armand La-
vergne,' which, of confess, would make
the Nationalists feel tweet •s far as It
went. But, alas, in the vet y next
sentence be was trampling their most
tittered doctrine underfoot and advoca-
ting conscription of the most tbot-
oughgoMQ NOr•t.
Thus and so did Sir Sam awing the
bull by the tail to the glorification of
himself and all his works. it was
when his Ego ran ,Into Tom \Vhitds
that he Invited trouble. Sam has a
talrlyy RRood Ego, but it is old and sh'ert-
wfnded. Tom's Ego is young and
strong and quick at the uptake. Sam,
AN 1 remember, took four separate
cracks at the Finance Minister. You
can look them up for yourself. But
the one that caused trouble was when
he said that Sir Thomas was poking
his noire into ever body's estimate*,
and how he had told Mir Thomas that
his burin/tea war to find the revenue
and to quit middling.
It was this assault that Sir Thomas
arose to defend hittwelt against. He
defended himself for two reasons- be-
eause he wafted to Deka a atop at HOC]
led became it was his chance do
boost himself. Kir Thomas mate
mention of "extravagant and unstew
expendltnres." Sir Sam fairly mapped
at it. "As what ?" he fumed. "Uh,
Buckingham, Que., May 8rd, 1915. naEDOINo1,
For seven years, I suffered terribly
from Severe Headaches and Indigestion.
I had belching gas from the stomach,
bitter stuff would Dome up into my
mouth after eating, while at times I had
nausea and vomiting, and had chronic
Constipation. I went to several doctors
and wrote to a specialist in Boston but
without benefit- I tried many remedies
but nothing did me good. FioaIr, a
friend advised " Fruit-a-tives' . I took
this grand fruit medicine and it made
me well. I am grateful to " Fruit-a-
tives ", and to everyone who has mise-
rable health with Constipation and Indi-
gestion and Bad Stomach, I say take
" Fruit-a-tives", and you will get well"•
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit -a -Uvea Limited, Ottawa,
well,' said Sir Thorns*, "tor example,
shcvele." Of course everybody re-
membered the McAdam shovel with
the bole in the middle. The House
rocked with laughter. "Yes," shouted
Sam, "1 knew that was what you had
in your mind."
Which will prompt the reader to
ask why, if be knew that was whet
Sir Thoglss had in his mind, he
reached for it that Way. What A
creek Tom gave Sam with thatehowel,
and after Sam being so kind and con-
siderate of the Conservative party,
too ! Another sly dig was Sit
Thomas' statement that Sir Sam had
once thought so much of him as to
offer to make him an honorary oolonel.
Sir Thomas refused and naturally he
welcomed a chance to tell the public
that be refused and thereby to acquire
merit with sensible people. Even
when Sir Thomas is m
' pa g them
out" he doesn't forget that de has hi'.
way to make. Excelsior -that 1s his
Motto. And if he can do it by mak-
ing • fool of Sam, why so much the
better !
But taking a whack at Sam was the
least part of Sir 'Thoma.' speech.
What he was out to prove was that
Sir Thomas White was the David
Lloyd George of this Canadian situa-
tion and that Premier Borden was the
Asquith. so to speak. If Sir Thomas
hadn't this in view, why did he quote
at length the letters which he kept
writing to Premier Borden from the
beginning of the war right up to date
-letters all of which showed Premier
-Borden holding back and .Finance
Minister White prodding him on to
take the overseas situation in hand
and get come check on the expendi-
ture which totalled sortie eighty mil-
lion dollars a year. That was the
quarrel -responsibility for the expeod-
itu{'e, not worrying over who should
be brigadier and who not.
•'-'13ieffrornaeletters revealed Premier
Borden as the monkey oo the stick,
and Tom White u the fellow that
made him jump. Which was just
what Tom set out to prove. Q7E. D.,
as our Id friend Euclid used to say,
in tb course.of •n hour's speech
Sir Thomas must have paused once is
minute to hurl a bouquet at himself.
Not meknioning names, of course, but
looking straight at the party con-
cerned. Carefully avoiding the first
person singular, but leaving itto the
common sense of the House to under.
stand that only one man could he
meant. "Lack of leadership !•' Sir
Thornes would exclaim, and then go
onto tell all the plain and fancy bor-
rowing this country had done and the
trade it had built up. Yoy b..d only
one guess ae to who was responsible for
all these wonderful things. The
Finance Minister disclaimed all praise,
but he intimated that history was
hanging just around the corner to
hand him his wreath when he came
that way.
All of which bears out the opening
statement of this article -that the-
hehard-boiled Ego rim plit must adver-
tise. F. OADNHY.
Authority was given to have Messrs.
Jenningsdt Row resume work on the
contract awarded to them on 1st June,
1914, for the removal of 148,700 cubic
yards, scow measurement, at 15 cents
per cubic yard ; the quantity to be
excavated this swot being 65.021
cubic yard'.
Work was resumed on 27th April
and was completed on :?5th August.
The dredging consisted iu cleaning
up the chancel between piers to a
depth of twenty: one feet, and the
natser enterance of the batbor to
depth of twenty-two feet. Wont was
carried on over an area 2,,100 feet in
length, varying in wicth from 100
feet between channel piers to 401) feet
in the outer entrance channel, 1,0tt0
feet of this length being to' a depth
of twenty-one feet said the remaining
$A) to twenty-two feet below z-ro,
"' In doing this work this season, 5lt,
26S cubic yards scow measut ewrnt, of
hard -pan,, boulders, gravel and clay.
were removed.
Under the beading, "Amounts ex-
pended during the Bscal year ended
M,srch 31, A 1916," are the following
items :
Goderich. harbor improve-
, moots, dredging $ 13,.37.83
Uuderl-eh, southwest break-
wreter. con•uuction
and improvements.-- . 190,33000
Goderlch, repairs to pier4,179 86
Maple Island Lady Tells of Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills.
M+pie Island, Ont., Feb 1'2'h (Spec -
1a1). -Alter wafering for two years
from kidney disease Mrs. Walter
Brear, an estimable lady living here,
has found a complete cure in Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
My trouble started after my baby
was born," Mrs. Wear states. "My
joints got stiff, 1 had a hitter taste in
my mouth, and there veered . rk cirab •
under my eyes. My skin h•id a boleti,
dry feeling, and it itched and burned
At night, 1 was troubled with gravel,
1 waw often ditty, and i muttered from
shnrtnwoe of breathi cone had A
doctor. hut without getting, much
benefit, and i was very mud% run down
when 1 started to use Dndd's Kidney
Pills. After takingtwo boxes 1 felt •
Int better and eigt hoses cured me
completely. 1 would not be without
Oodd's Kidney Pills."
Have you mewed our anhaeription
and secured one of Tie Signal's pretty
calendars ?
Little Worries in the
These Bring the Wrinkles
and Pallid Faces that
Make Women Look
Premzitul'ety Old.
Almost ever y woman at 1 he head of
• home meets daily many Meir wor-
ries in her household affairs. I'he care
of her little ones, the work shout the
house all contribute to these worries.
Most of them clay to too small to u0 -
tics an hour af.erwarde, but they eee.
stitut.e a constant strain that affects
the flood and the nerves and make
women look prematurely old. The
effect of thew tittle worries way be
noticed in sick or nervous headaches,
fickle appetites, tiredness after slight
exertion, and the coming of wrinkles
which every woman dreads. To those
thus afflicted Dr. Williams' Pink Pills'
offer • speedy cure ; a restoration of
color to the cheeks, brightness to the
eye, A hearty happmese and a sense of
freedom front wearinese. Among the
many thousands of Canadian women
who have found new health and
strength through ,these pills is bits.
G. Strasser, Acton West, Ont., who
says : "i am the mother of three chil-
dren, and atter each nirth 1 became
terribly run down, 1 had weak, then
blood, always felt tired, and unable to
do my household work. After the
birth of my third child I seemed to be
worse, a. d was very badly run down.
I found the g,eitest benefit front the
Pills and soon• gained m, old time
strength. Indeed after taking them 1
felt as well as in toy girlhood, and
could take pleasure in my work. I
also used Baby's Own Tablets for my
little ones and' have foune them a
splendid medicine for childhood ail.
Ur. Willinmi Pink Pills; are told by
all desier. in Medicine, or you can
procu.e them by mail at Weenie a box
or six boxes for $2.50 iron. The Or.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Stilling is perfec . The beat cook
hook ever *Mien fails to inform us
how to keep-rrOOot- -
••••••••••••• ••••ti••••••••••••••••••••••2
Special Values fo
T11E new Spring .Patterns are novy in
stock and now is the time' to get
__your sewing done, before house-cleaning
__: -time starts.
A Popular Chemise Drne
McCall Pattern No. ,6y Ma of the
many new dewy. kw March
McCall Pattrens
McCall Magazine
McCall Quarterly
McCall Patterns 1Oc, 15c and 20c. McCall Patterns
once tried, always used.
Special values in black and white Check.
materials, for school wear, Skirts,Dresses,
Suits. etc.
All sizes Checks in stock at 25c, 35c,
60c to $1.00 per yard
ptional Values in
Serges will be the leader this spring. We
bought early and are therefore able to
give values that are much better than
present prices. Black and navy. all.
wool British Serges at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50,
to $2.95 per yard
Extra Values in Tartans
Tartans will be popular this spring for
Dresses and Skirts and children's school
wear. All leading Tartans in stock,
beautiful quality, Scotch made, 89c per
ades in Velvets
n and cord Velvets is
1 wanted shades in
Chiffon Finish,
toc1G' P
Warell's Dye,
Wide Wale
finish, special 65c per
All Dress Materials Shrunk Free of Charge.
PHONE 56 Millar's Scotch Store
• r
Council met February 51h pursuant
90 adjout lament ; all In berm present.
Minutes of last meeting lead sod ap-
proved. The auditors presented the
financial report for the township for
the year 19111. On niotiou of Council-
lors Holism, and Ginn, the Reev! de
dared ' he auditors' report received.
The followit g accounts received the
sanction of the aril and orders were
drawn on the treasnteI and signed by
'he Reeve tor I he sante : (ieo. Vs .
Stun y. for valuing sheep killed by
dog•, $4 : lien. O. ?Sturdy. sheep killed
try doge. $L0; Heo. M.:Ilwdin. sheep
killed by d, ss $15; Ches... Lee. nails,
$1.29; Auditors Gould anti Study,
peach; ntedttors, postage, et'., 225x'
The Mb* changes were Mede in
pe hurestet- . nd poundkeepers: Jos,
Johnston it- 1. red of Rirh. ()heather.
for palhn est• r for road divisb�n
Other Pieta That Owneea Read to 1
A eirlter on motor cars says: it has
often been said that owner* know too '•
much about the motor, end their know-
of It tends to remove their at-
tention from the clutch gearset and
the remainder of the pewee trans-
mission system. We all like to work
krmend machinery we know something
about, but in the cue of motor car
owners, they should endeavor to learn
more about the ruining gear and Its
i'nMveiirssla, brakes. wheel hearings
and may other parte not as arcea-
sibie si the spark plugs, seem to be
forgotten until something goes wrong
with ,them. The owner does not will
for a hearing cap to fall off before
he fills the crankcase with nil, and
similarly he should not watt until
there 1s stream play In the universal
before It Bete Its supply of grease or
graphite. 1t In difficult to keep uni-
versals we11 lubricated, even when the
housing is perlodlcally 611ed. These
gaits are inet as important se the
tor, and ahnnld reewIve ?fat as
attention and at fr.q sot Int•r-
Th•re will be no huddles, due
es play In tkt•llor shaftsa-
w clateiL �sase
labrlp t ed sad kw&
No. 2;3 Runnel Neal and Chris. Bottom
were appointed by mistake for same
road division ; the council derided that
Russel Neal he pathmaaler for road
division No: 31. J. R. Holreea was
appointed peundkeeper instead of
V,n. Mulholland for polling sub -di -
vi -don Nn/ 8, Council ad,,ourned to
meet tiro Monday in March. ADAM
Safety First
Nothing is more important to the Fur
Shipper than doing bu.inees with an
honest—Reliable—Rnponalbie - Safe
Fur House.
"Ship to Shubert"
the largest house in the Word dealing
exclusively in American Kew Furs,
where y o will also ler rere,ve an Arreratn
W ill liberal Assortment. I be H. eheot blaring
l'r.ree and th. eau ,1 ••}hazer"• P15o.st,
speedy, I :wrtron. asr,aee.
Write for the !sleet edition of "Qhs
•brrb,rt •btpp-r' tura..;nine valuable
U mbel Wort., .•.n you must bora
A. B. SHUBERT, inc. Lit. '.5,C ICAGO U.S.A