HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-15, Page 1A -Foremost Figure in Canadian Balk Life. I. 7 r.tr glia c - -717- IP -rt Printing THE SIGNAL is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give you a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal BII1T•NINi7H REAM -Ire wit • :. Weetawasewerreewareetevevenoweelemsee Renewal Time TNis is the tiu4e to renew your subscription to The Signal - before the price is advanced. Your (tollal NOW ensures you fifty-two weekly visits of Uuron'+ best and brightest paper- - The Signal eaeorWareesereseeWelseerWeresearsiesseue µODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEB. 15. 1917 THIsIONAL PRINTING CO., LIMY P. Mamma THE STERL1N6BANK OF CANADA WAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAVE, Because -- Those who do not use their strength in fighting should use their energy in sav- ing. FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE 1 hoose fnrnlaklne-, suns of 1 .olid Nether sofa, 1 mahogany w robe with uJr- ree. Intl .ter of panel+, 1 m ny drs.n.r. kltches albino'. 1 hitch, n este table with Dv 0 tante Sneer., carpet,•, nhaln. nrrtalaa tubs. nearly few baby carriages dlningroom let. table and chides mostly Del.), and a Dumber of other article. All the above urs piaci Mahe_ tow, having been In use only aabort time. The mahoaauy plows aro exceptionally food and all the articles offered are drat -Maw In every leapect- Term. oath The above can he respected any tlele /n the r000,. over P. T. Deanegrorery. next•answe .etesto Nutlet Apply H. VKI4A. SUR 1MPLEfIENT8_ETC.. FOR SALK. The following Implement. and .tock will be robe pp.Irately..e ton proprlator ham Khoo up f.rntl) Plve-f'qg t. Mammy -Horde binder. 3 -ft. lla.ssl Harris mower. 10-tdbe bred 4•'111, • spring -tooth cultivator. 1 bay rake, one twin vraWlag plow, 1 open baggy 1 set bob.Ielgb. tall second -handl aha• Fleury No. 2I walking plow, 1 wt dr•g- herro.. •. 1 Rain wagon with bay wed tKook rack, 1 .et doable barrier., 1 eelstogie harness fall nearly res Alio I heavy ware, 12 year. old : 1 light mare 11n foai6 12 yean old ; ljrerwnl ppurrro-r bores, Tieing 7 year,. old; 1 Durh.m ersde row. 4 ream OM, sue to freahan in April; I Durham trade new, ( year. old InsUking); 1 Durham erode hinter, 1 year o'd; I Doren •m grade bull calf. [heaths old; 1 Chester White orood mow, des to rutow In Match; • pair of bred ko- poree4.Jwloueeewer. WA REMBLAY. Fa.t merest, Ouderish. tOR RALE. -CEDAR POSTS, ALSO t mbar..- Its l! K. C. ehingl.a Apply W. T, RIDDWI MUSIC. DAVID NICHOLSON - ORGANiITT AND' r6ACHSR OP MrSic. Address : Core Mr.. Slnelalr. iiritartala Road. Goderich. A N. lends by auric. attention to busing.. to - Inerlt•Aare of the patronage of thelnb•bil- aithr. el the town .led neighbourhool. T. Church. E. SUNBURY. A. A. O. 0., D.L. . C. N.'Orttanld and .der of ant Church. teacher plasm. (704r as. prepared for .za•tlna volesoeg10-- mtieel. fear doors east of Dr. Hulaterea. WANTED. WANTED: -LADY CLERK POR dreg stare. Appy BOX N. THE SIGNAL. HOY %N'AM'ED FOR BUSINESS.- ..." Smart active boy wanted. This lea good opportunity for an Indu•trlo to, truatwortby hot to learn a good bu.lnew,. where opportnn- Ity f r advanoemenr 1. rood. For further per - Heels re apply .t CHIS OFFICE. jj1IRI tf WANTE D. -APPLY OODE- lT RICH KNITTING CO. .LOST AND FOUND. 11 OST. -FOX HOUND, BLACK AND TAN. medium size. has Witi*la "J. R." tut on right Ade. an.were'to name "Pat," Pinder kindly Inform JAS. HkDDLE, Benmiller. 1\ AUCTION SALES. j ILEARINOAUCTION 'BALE OF i FARM STOCK. MR CIIARLIOi - C •McNElL sett' .14 by publle,AauuctIon at hie f rm one-balf mile south of Duglop, I..1. Shore coed. on TUESDAY. FKIORUAft Y:elt.h. • commencing at I.30oclock sheep: Gee Mark gelding, rising 4 yeari old. by Viking; 1 relying, riming 2 year. 011, ey Quaid'. Prrehrnrn: 1 411y. rl.lno 2 year* old, by Hurkton Itm.rherry; 1 well-bred ro.dmt. r Ally, 117 Oo01- tlw.rpe. hor-e. M -Ing 1 year old ; 1 cow, 3 yean+ old, due Frhruary 18 h ; 1 row. 7 year. old, due Starch Med; 1 cnw, 6 yes's . I Iu. March 234 h; Yrow.. 7 year. old, due In April; 1 now. year. old. dtie In Ap-it ; Icow, 6year.,Id, due tnDe- toher : I cow, three Tear• old, with ca f at foot ; Y heifer+, due In March; I h Her. due In May; I heirer. rising 9ear•; 2 Icer . clang 2 years; I purebred Shorthorn bull, dark rod, 22 mouth. I old; a calors, rt -Ing 1 year: 1 road warren, nearly new: a good Yorkehlre , will WOW14. •beat tan pound,eech;8 good Yorkshire edge about 110 poundsrach. Everything advertleed will he .old. Terme -Ali .nm. of 110 and tinder, earth : over .hat amount, 8 months' credit will be given on Iurnt.bine approved joint note*. A dilemma of 1 per root., .t,atg t, allowed for oe.h lee credit amount.. CHARLES 6 McNEIL, THOS. GUMMY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. AUUTiON BALE OF FARM $TOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. HERRKKT PKNTI.AND w111 sell by public auction at lot 7, oonoewbo 9, IC. D. Ashfield. on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY VII, eommenning at 1 o'cloek share: ' One heavy, hover. 11 year. old ; 1 heavy hoesr. Ir year. old; 1 heary mere. In year* old: 1 heavy mare. ening t year. old, .opp^aed to be In coal. 1 heavy gelding, 3 year. old: 1 alt 1. Ing mere, I I yearsold; Idela ing home, 3VW" old; 1driving oolt. Holing Y rears old; 1 entree, 1 wt. *Ingle bar rise- (nearly, new): 1 mw, 4 Team eM; f cow., 3 7?ar. old; 1 row, 4 year. old; 2 we, 3 years 0Md 't .terry. old; 1 yr.re old; 3 heifers, rt-ing rears old; 1 hull 10 months old; 41 spring ealvea; a .tack of hay, heir ton Commerelal fwtlli.er; a Quantity of wed ova. • quantity at feed oat.. and nnmerou4 other art hew. Teams. All ann.. d $10 and ,.oder, cash ; over ..ft hal .m1.',nt, 7 mm,,b.' er44(t x1(1 he iris en nn faraMktng rppoved Joint nota*. A eha.mnt of 4 pet .ent..tralght allowed for re.a Po credit amon.te. All grain, reals. ■ ERIIRRr 1'RNTLAND, T OUNDRY, 14epwNMr. Andloassr. esswseww. •m gm`..w twwialmmt- Thonf►k yon maybe eatleArd to earry a r•hbii a foot, your wife will require • ret of furs. "HYDRO" WANTS RAILS. Will Relay Them if it Is Decided to Com- plete Godsrick-Kraeardine Line. A meetin representatives of the municipals interested in the On- tario West ore Railway was called for Monday Int. at the town ball, Goderich. Owing probably to the weather and the poor train connec- ttone, the repreeenta; ive• of Huron township and Kincardine did not turn up; but Ashfield wes represented by Nee township council and clerk, and Goderioh by Mayor Mutlntog• and member's of the council. Mr. Stanley, engineer of the Ontario Hydro -electric Power Commission, was present and put before the meeting • proposal that the rails along the West Shore line toe taken up and tired by the Commission in conrtruction work elsewhere, Al- lowing interest at five per cent. on a valuation of Rill per long ton until such time as it should be determined whetter the line to K ncar'dine 1s to to completed or not. It tbe Rest Shote project were oohcluded to lee te•sible the Commission would iiiif the rade, substituting 56-11.. rails for the 70 -Ib. rails taken away, as it is claimed that the heavy rails are not requised for the West Shore line and the substitu- tion of the lighter rail would give • longer mileage for the came money. Atter some discussion it was decided by the municipal repreeeotativee to wait for the expected report en the West Shore Oe before taking any ► actioon • test proposition. At tale rate propped the municipal- ities would receive..as rental for the rail* sossewhet kee t ban 14,(U1 a year. to apply on Lbw VARA of loterstnow being paid t year on the bonds. "Give Us Something New," Steal a tont of Arwede six months.. elteal a thousand dollars, suspended sentence. Go to Pridham the 'Tailor for justice. It's an economy, not an expense. You know that people who are well fed and properly nourished are cap- able of doing the best work. The Sarno is true of your horse. Wigle'. Condi- tion Powder is very nourishing, am it supplies the oil al elements of fond mit necessary to animals. Sold at 'L.-, cent. a package. Blackstone's dancing clam, Tues- day, February 20th, 8 p. in., at the Masonic Temple. Final night. For par- ticulars apply at Blackstone'• reetaur- ant. W. Acheson & Son. A change of advertisement for Meters. W.,/ Acheson k tion was re- ceived too 1.11$ .for this issue, 1t of- fered some Februat y ' bargains in staple goods, including furs and fur coact at about. half-price, The Butterick Publishing Co. will accept 75c fora year's si heeription to The Delineator during February only. and • Meters. Acheson A Son advise their customers to subscribe at once for thie splendid magazine. FOR SALE OR RENT. Rev. Dr. Chown's Visit. TO RENT BY TENDER. rI. Tender. addressed to the tinder -trifled w111 he re, elredtap to 8 o'clock It m. on Thurdey. March 1r, 1147for the me of the four acres. more ot foe., of land Immediately +oath of awl adlolnir,g the Vietorb, .chool groung., For particular. apply to J. J. MIMtKR, ' L. 1.. KNOX, Ch. of Publlo Work. Cob. T6wo Clerk, 61.11 The aonives'•ary serviceq of North ago. street Methodist church, held on Hun- ' B. -fore the wee multitudes of our day last, were marked by the presence people w, re bec.,miog oblivious W the of the bad of the Methodist great and eternal principles upon tllh urcb in . whish national life mum be built if it Canada, Hon. Col. S. I+. ($own,- tit j -b to have penuaseney. They were D.. LL. D.. general suintendent, eating and drinking, ruled t -y self -de - Much "to W aarnalsv minded is Much iotereot was wanift ted in lha de•th •• aVr were iowiic•ted with services of the day, and l . Chown. 1 the wino of materialism and 'peen - who spoke both morning and evening, .lotion, and on me walls ot our Pertla- wu beard by Iargs congregations at ' merit were in.crolled the words. Thou both sera roes. lis the evening his ad- I are welshed to the halanoe and art dress was on tbe war, and psi tired- !found wanting. Thank (rod ! Csn- arly, Canada's part in the coofllc . ! oda is being purged by the war. The Dr. t'bown has been able to give , praises is not yet oowpleted. 1 .ome- titnes think the war must go on • long 'nue until all sorts of in'ustice and un- bruthetlinew are ed out and we become • regenr'te nation. It is God's'eunreme effort to tiaol.b M11.03, nominal and materialism. On lM fts 0t Flanders our b.ys have hurled back the enemy and saved Inc Empire and the world, and in the p•r•roce of these glorious acbieve- weuut our national Me has been raised to a height not known before. Canada is being enlarged by the deepeoiug of her religious Iib.Hun- dreds of the boys in khaki Ne e,been conrertod toGod. Awful temptations of lust and intemperance wart our awry two us the ocean, and 1 rome- tiutes wonde, if • people permit - Hug such thine. air. wurtb preserv- ing, but still in 1440 fihr'e of the Enq- li-hman exist* • lore of liberty wo, thy of our sacrifice ; and in pit, of the pitfall., our boy. carry not only the banner of empire but also that of the King of kings. Canada is being *pitituslized-this is the experience i every• true beset In our land, We ve linked our for- tunes to those of I rty and duty and sympathy with weaker peoples. Many before the war thought only of their own hal te family of social circle ; now their sympathies hale grown out to euir•rce halt a wor'Id. si [o ioipire. We are being intellect We are fighting for principle, with - wally enlarged. The wee hes given •'ut hared in our herrn. If our an- Canadians a marvellously eularte d eni...ay, God punish England, we outlook. We know now ,11,81 we rte 1.:+11 .o.). O.•.' fo,gl)'r Germany : and the trate will route when we way look 'mot the veer lora. to see in the hearts '•t the Ger,oin people a brotherly love I hat Ili •y he cultivated. Canadians ere getting nearer the (Continued on page tl,) ill ()VMS TO RENT. -COM MODICUM tweetwyeetek fickle 6n Hast etJeet, con- venient to O. T. R. station, with modern con - venieoors. A very d, Arable pPlace at moderate rent. A ppI MRS. W. RHYNAS. Montreal .treat (telephone No. Cn. 49-tf 110 RENT. -SOUTH RIDE 0 F apartment house en North street ' .12 room. and bath, ba,.•ment laundry. all modern oonvent00o,P. rwwly decor aqted aril anally Rested. Rent reasonable. A.M. POLLEY. IU-tf R RANT. --MODERN HOUSE ON 4E0ioss Oeater Terrace. Apply b JOt, e. IFFIN. • M-tt Cordwood Wanted. We will pay the best prices for any quantity of Cordwood delivered at our Coal Yard. M cEwdn Estate Phone 08 valued assistance in the way of aroue- ing the spirit of the people in the present crisis, and his address on Sun- day evening concluded with an appeal for recruits. He wore his uniform as an honorary colonel. • distinction con- ferred upon him by the Minister of Militia, and a.lao the Fenian Raid vet- eran'. badge. With him on the pla'- form were Rev, W. K. Hager al d Rev. J. E. Dr. Ob wn'e test was from the 4th Psalm -"Hear Inc when I call. 0 Gui of my righteous : thou hast .enlarged me when i was in di.trees." When civllizatiou ie in the crucible of the Almighty, said the speaker, it is for the church to lead the people to en- dure their trial so as to enter into vic- tory, People say, Jf there he a God, why doe; He snow such slaughter and ruin :' Dries He indeed rule at .111, or is he not rather tin absentee tied, merely looking on at the devastation that Is being wrought : This cry of the human heart is one of real dis- tress, and every man must seek to find an anchor for his soul. The trite way to overcome the street of ouch a time as this is to be larger then the stress. In the present struggle the British Empire is being enlarged through her stress. Botha has wrested from the Germans, and placed under British dominion, a ten-itury as large a part of an iwtnense t. dr. atie'1 1 t'rt- holding the cause of human lib-riy 11', the world. Our Pympathiee have been broadened and deepened, nor thoughts lifted into a realm of feeling untenanted by Canadian.. a few year COCKBURN HAYS HOME. IME LADS IN KHAKI• Has Had a Varied Experience io tbe Big Game of War. Goderich bad the priv liege of wel- coming on Monday another returned war here, iu the tires )n of Lance -Cor- poral R. Cod. burn Hays, son of M and Mn. R. C. !Jaye. The young man was not long ago a student of the Collegiate institute, and the teachers and students of the school marched In a body to the station to welcome him. Mayor Munninge and other members of the town council also were on band, with other citizens, Mrd when the afternoon 0, T. R. train arrived the young soldier was greeted with hearty cheers. Though his nervous system bas been considerately shaken by hip experier.oes, and his wounds still HON. COL 8. D. ('HOVV-N, D. D., I.I.. D. (iENERAI. SCPEIIINTI NOENT Ire TIIE MIT1looisT ('11 I'N('H IN ('.4NA8A. LANes-Cone. R. COCKEBt'RN HAl FI trouble him, Corp. Hays looks well, and it is hoped a few..menritha' .rent will restore himtp good condition. Thr Signal has bad an interesting talk with Corp. Hays since his return. Hs enlisted in .t.nuary, 1915, with the 85 h Battalion at Toronto, where he was attendiug Trinity College. He went oversea in the late summer of that year and et oared the Channel in February of last year. About ten days later he first saw action at Kem- mrl Hill, in Brigiuru. In March he Cook part at 8r. Ebi in a severe crater fight in winch 1 b Canadians had memo loses*. . In June he urea snowed to Ypren, and fought in the tattle of Z Ilebckr, in which the Canadians re - coveted those lines that had been taken by the Germans. lie was in t.his section for three week.. and .bad a rather lively experience, se it was • difficult part of the line. 11-' then re- turned to tit. Bluff, and bad a quiet time fora month. In August his battalion marched down to the Somme front, and on the night of September 13th he took part in one of the fiercest encounter+ that have been Peen on the western front, alts Courcelette. Corp. Hays wan in the charge that raptured the village of Coureelette and the auger refinery. It war for him an especially eventful fikht, as it finished his.campaigning- tor a time. at any rate. A big shell landing close by buried hint, and three pieces of shrapnel .truck hint in the heal, wounding hire severely. He Wits taken to Boulogne and thence to lingland, and after several month. in hospitals there he was given a three month; furlough and on January 25th ailed for Cenada and home. In spite of what he Its. gone through, Corp. Hays declares that he "would not havA mieeed his experiences for anything." He Pays the general he- liet in the army is that the end of • the war is not far distant. 1t was a relief for the Canadian. to get away (tool Ypres to the Somme, where inNtead of having to takep constant hammering they were able -to get a1 the (limen,. Tuesday' casualty list contained in the list of wounded the amine of Pte. Alfred Charles Cor- nell, son of Mrs. Sarah Cotnell, of Kray street, Ooderich. No particu- lars as to the seriousness of the wound br.+e hien received. Pte. Cornell en - feted in the 116th battalion, at Saska- toon, in November, 1915. but was transferred to the kith Battalion on his arrival to Eugland. He is forty- five years old and has not lived in lioderich for shout seventeen years. A brother, Albeit Uoroell, is nerving in the 49th Battery. Mr. T. R. Elliott. of London. son of Mr. and Mrs (i M. Elliott ot town, has enlisted with tbe t6trd Hettery. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott now have three sorts in the ranks, Many Signal readers will be inter- ested in knowing that Miss Lou Mas- son, of Toronto, • daughter of the late Judge Masson, of Goderich, hes en- listed as an army nurse. She was to sail on Saturday last from an Atlantic port with a party of nurses for over- seas service. Dr. W. F. Gallow left Monday morning fur London, Ont., having en- listed fur active service with the Army Medical Collis. He hes been connected with the militia fora numb of years. and has been awalting an opportunity of getting into khaki as a member of the oversea forces. His quarters ire at present at Queen's Park, whets he is on hospital inspection duty. Later he expect. to be attached to one of the batteries now being recruited by Lt. - Col. Lewis. Dr, Ballow -or Captain Callow, as we must call him for the time being -will be greatly missed in eloderich ; but, to use an old phrase, it los is the army's gain. We all ho' • for him a useful and successful career and in good time an honored re- tiree t0 -,bis bonus town. THE WORK CANADIANS WiLL DO IN FRANCE. Laying a light railway on the Western front to facilitate operation' in the coming big drive. Mr. and Mre. J. 44. Platt received word yreterd.y that their s on, Bom- bardier J. Reg, Platt, is in hospital in England, suReriTg from a fractured leg. in some moaner his name has been omitted Note any of the pub- lished casualty lists, and the first inti- mation 01 the mishap was contained in a liMa which they received from him andellegich,gese written January Ylst. He wall time in a hospital at HOCKEY NOTES. G. C. 1. Girls Defeat the Bova Can the girls pithy tetter bor'key than the hoys2 'Ibis was settled for all time when theirks of the G. C. I. beat theeboya by the score of 5 to 3 last Thursday evening. Of coulee, the boys were somewhat hampered by be- ing able W use only one band and by having to wear skirt.,, but we feel sure that they would have been de- feated anyway. Mies Aileen Armour was the star of the game, easily out- *bining everyone else. Her individual rushee from end to end were brilliant- ly executed. While the play was in the girl.' terlito'y moot of the time the boys were uuahle te score on ac- count of the splendid work of Mie Mary Haechler in goal. For the boye, Newlon, in goal, showed up better than the rest. Referee John Bowler was very strict in penalizing the play- ers, even ter falling, The line-up was as follows : Girls. Boys. -- M. Baechler goal O. Newton E. Hays 1. defence H.Shackleton J. McEwan r. defence 8. Bradley A. Armour rover M. Pridham 0. Pinder centre H.K. Writers J. Bogie 1. wing E. Lee E. McArthur r. wing .1, Kelly' (:lintoo'6- Goderich g iSome people may may that Friday is not an unlucky day, but the Goderich hockey 1.0411/1 do not *wee with theta In that respect. Last Friday they were upset out of a sleigh, had one of their gorses play out so that they had to walk about three miles, ind were de- feated by the score of 6 to 5, all in the one day. 1f the boys had had any chance at all they would have Neaten their opponent.. but they had to begin the game right after supper and lefot e they had got thoroughly wet m. The game was not very fast end the Clin- ton aggregation roughed it consider- ably. "Plug" McDonald, of Oodericb, was the referee and did everything in his power to keep them tom sending anyone to the hospital. Owing to the late hour of *farting, two terenty•flves minute- periods were played. The score by periods eras: Clinton 4, Godr- rich 2 ; Clinton (i, Ooderich 5, The lies -up was a. follows : Clinton. Coder cb. H. Hill goal M. Pridham P. Wheatley 1. defence H. Murney M. Elliott r. defence A. Haber( M. Kilda rover J.O. Rdwar E. Livermore centre R. Clark \. O. Clatter 1. wing T. Johnson K. Cooper r. wing W. Babb How the Teams Stand., ' The League stand.og is as follows : Won Loot Itit ( 3 mole 3 ii 4 BOMBARDIER .1. REG. PLATT. Exeter. England, and previous to that had been io a hospital in France for three weeks. He reported that he was getting along well, hut gave no par- ti('111at'. we t0 what Mid happened. "Reg." enlisted with a Toronto t-ni- vereity artillery corps and lied 'wen at the front ter:fourteen months will a hteak In a letter f,00l 1 ' which was pub/Stied In The Signal of Janu- ary 1lth he intimated that after Melting twin on (he Somme front fur some time he had been moved to a Daft of the -litre. Coast -sealed oysters, solid meat, fresh from the oyeter beds, at Bl•ck- stone's, Phone 210. To Open Febthary 28. Moderns Bro.. enn(nmre that their dr making department will bre opened for the new eea.on on the 190 h of this month, ih charge of D11d. Pearl Duff, who wtiwl+seociated with M1e. Courta in the department for several years. • • LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. the annual meeting of the General Hrongh Chapter, I. 0. D. E.. will [mks place on Thursday. Fehruat y ''and. at 1.15 o'clock, in the court house. Ahmeek Chapter, 1. 0 D. E., will hold ire annual meeting on Monday, February 19th, at t o'clock, in the rout t house, A good attendance int re- quested. The Western Canada Hour mill. are closed down this week on account of the shortage of cars and the embargo declared by the railways. The en- gineer.are taking the °ppmtltnity to have the boiler. and engines in the tnill thoroughly cverhaeled. t M J. P. Waiters in Town Again. Mr. z, of the firm of Walters & Co.. who for some time had charge bf their hot. , d shoe store here, has soil his -inter to Mr. J. P. Welter,, who has return ' to town and will assume complete barge within the next few alleys. Mr. Vatter. is a "live wire" and puts a huge, fund of ever. gy and emeriti ise into bis undertak• Inge. He will have an interesting an- nouncement next week for 1•radere of _'he :4i4(J1r1. Seal-shipt oysters, solid meat .pd Unsays fresh, et Edwards', Phout SPECIAL $I.T6' OPTICAL SALE of warranted good gold-fllltd rimnnd spectacle* and eyeglaiwea, wil h brat - quality White" 04yelal.phrrice] lenses," regular $4 veins., for only $1.75. It took close buy ing to endblr um to gine such v1411110. as all optical geode are advancing rapidly in price. 1 Eyes ex- amined (meat carefully, free, by our well-known .old painstaking specialist. MUr. Hughaor+, foe met lyy optical man- ge* fit Kent's jewellery snore, Tor• nun• Thio chance for two day. oink. - Friday and 8,turd•;y, Februav '.rird and 24th. U, Ho. eatly. SmrrieN ART STORE, Gndel o•IL AUC TION SALES. --- isceno.ve. Feb It -clearing anrtlon .fife of farm .40.1., at C. t. Mc\rill. bum. half calk ..Orth of Dunlop, 1,. S. 11., at 1d*1 p. in. Tort.. Rewrote: Tfltk8DAr, 1111. 2. Clearing, urtlnn .,ale of teem tuck. Implement., .red grate. rte.. prop - eye of 1,. A.. ander-, come. -inn 13, Itulien. \o reserrr. From i+ .old. T.(il•Nt.ar, nuc• jloueer, Mn Kato, Feb 24, Sale of hole.chnld ear - 'Mete of Mr. Wm. ;4yntinggtoton, at her rt.'. der,re. Auburn, at 1..8' o'vlock. I. Wetter'. auctioneer. T1'14n)41. Feb. 27. Fele of farm Arek :,,,d Impl.•rnmdo,' at lot 7. concretion 2. K 10 A.h.- geld, .emelt: .0,1g at 1 tiylrt'k fHYatuter r -en %Nu, t':"pfletor. Tru tic.nar, BORN. COW AN.- In Fed Wnwamrh, ru, February to Mr, and Mr.„ Diorite r'ow..it, a eon I Il.,, eon Align -tine,• ORA Y. In Uol.rirh, on Sunday. February 11. to Mr. and Mr.. 14e„nett Bray, M.ellouald 'creel, n daughter IHekn !son. DIED. McLI':OD At I'eulre! Ink.. Mleh.. nn Erten. wry + Sera M lend, rlde.t• d,nehler Of Mr'. (renege Mr Kay. and .4.[i7 of Norman, , Alex. Joh,. M ,'doeh end Kenneth Me- LeOd, and Mt., Henry Nortoeof D.nnit, all formerly of (loderleh, aged 17 year.. 2( R(MOF')UR. At Wnndst,rk, on Friday, February 0. Ann Mill.'.. wldoe of the late A lesa.der Serisge.er. In kw e11 h veer. DALTON At Timmer., tint.. no Sunday. F ebrnary 11. Michael Irtt.m. aged 77 )rm. WILKINSON.- s At the hamof her .hr.,, Mn, ,I A. McKendrick. *halt, test., on Mon 1ne, Feneer1Y, Margaret Ukin.on, e of dFelt W lnnnapoll. and lio.lerleh. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Fel. 16. Pate Sun Life Company of Commie - R. R.'1.n.g e Dnplemeets for Sate -. W. R. Tremblay 1 Amnion Sale-Herh.rt Pentland ... .. 1 cordwood ay Anted M.eEwan i .tate.... . 1 Optical Selo em11h'.. Art Stec* 1 Tender. tt anted -Tn.. of 11aterio1 . 1 Dog (.o.t. J'0, Heddle \•„,....