HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-8, Page 81 ° `t 'ItivssDAT. FSA. R ,917 _ ----------- * 'U,THE TOWN COUNCIL. VALENTIN" ON, HUNTER'S REPORT ON WATER F f s ���� AND SANiTARY CONDITIONS. E a rt• mar Vaseat`rP! s Daft, Febfavy 4 i�v�,14xt'1 +:cork, 14tk 1917. +n7, -K -v Mr. J. H. Colborne Resigns His Seat on the Collegiate Institute Board and Mr. OharleteGarrow Is See our show window for Appointed in His Place-CltyCoun• `3 display of art Valentines Com- cil of 9t. Catharines Advocates sMore Vigorous War Measures. ikr menciug in price from Valetp- -- tine Past Cards at 3 for 5c, i 'l for 5c and 5c each. The regular meedog of the town t**11 council was held on Friday evening t, Dainty little aft Valentines with all the wombs" ptwest. elm, as low as 5c, 10c, 15c, and Dr. A. C. Hunter, mrdieal offloor y • 5C of health, reported as follows : i Water Supply. -The health of a f, f -, municipality depends to a large ei- + - 4 ir, y tent on an ef"cient�waWm ge eysand a proper supply oeh good water. As yoLe aware, we are still getting our u r Waterman's itsupply from the old intake bade, D which is subject to contamination by Ideal Fountain Pen Lu) rfropassing hurt and title sewage ° wafter from our sewer outlet which t way be carried up to the intake by L favorable wind. As biul been fn• 1 See show" window. for dis- gtiently pointed out, the sewage �,. ►buuld be treated at the gully at the play of Waterman's Ideal outlet, and the intake carried out in Fountain Penn, ranging in the take to guard against ► we of the price '€roes -42AW op •€or the dan ters. However, ns a measure of new telf-filler type, which is safety a chlorination plant was es- asolutely ion-leakable, Reg- tablfshed during the year, and sins malar and safety t s fence the early summer all water used in ype' town going tbrouQQh the pipes bar i $2.S) up -- - been suhject to chlorination, with, I am sure, more satit-factory results see - to Its safety for drinking purposes. There _terve been some complaints 1W '-"• to tested' a times, and its effect* On `IF flowers and lawn, but I do not see 71 y 1 L� how that can be avoided. f-0 We had a fe'b se scattered came of •typnold, but nothing in the nature of r aNepidemic. Some of t do hese were uo- eL� ibtedly contractd from other mun- , icipLhtirr. One case of diphtheria occurred dur- ing the year, where the iofection was contracted in Toronto. Owing to strict quarantine and use of anti- toxin no other cases developed. In i , .')• _ this connection the action of the 1 - Provincial Board of Health in sup- . , ving anti -toxin, vaccine and other �4 K�cdissosnes, e Erre will do .much to limit r { 4 •aras in former years the pfof these serums were very pi h: {ns"w _ ve h�1 r tees casae of wearier anwo caww of scarier fever. As mearlea is 'u its "incl rommunicaWr ra" rad' form i,efor the rsab .appt•Lna and while L chit i. attending school, it S(RMIp will loerewdily en how difficult iL is to prevent the di now.spresdiog. ' t ` The dair its have- eat iq.pectAd anti �{11 in some of thea lost ed progress has tl d 1>ren Ade todvards a est supply of SYR. TAR 10:0 �. w with COD LIVER OIL CORP. (Tasteless) A CERTAIN CURE for Coughs, Colds and All Bronchial Irritations LARGE BOTTLE 35c Guaranteed U 1. L. Caldwell, Phm.L Prescrifietiom Druggist lelionersitieleaselft Wrt Sssare rr q.,�4ia„S, r F a j► ti�y�..try CATARRHAL TROUBLES In this ciinud.e th'l-V ,fs nlw'AVS a prreAt (11wrl of nta,itl catarrh. no matter u hs,t time Of the year. If you can get. a rrinedy that will relieve the •iistn•s+ing symptours right front the first, application and oxen A cnotintml heming tdfeet-m) that you will nod Only feel better but ►•e getting bettyr Ali the time -that is what you want.. That is whiff CATARRH CREAM doses for catarrh sufferers, It ,00fwns tip" the nasal loassagee and c1144AP the secretion. relivvt•a that drawn .j ti;7rht feeling between Lite eyt•s and43ea nese bteathingeasy and natural. And the proton� sol cunw-t of its healing agentm wit i the nmleous mem- branes cif the mew, And throat exerta A curative PffPet ingsoaAible with mere sprays. Penal&r Catarrh (,`ream comes in collapsible tubes with a louq nozzle which makes its use .nay. Price y cents. This is one of the hundred famouP Prmalar itemedies-eyrry one worthy of full confidence. JAS. A. CAMPBELL, Pim. B. 611C44"Elmstare as Corner North Street and Square Godelich Bas. 99 'Jim" Res !M m� In other cAaes ptovementa ar under way which 11 Improve three particular dairies. The quality has throughout the year kept retty well up to threeper cent. of utter W. but at timer it fell sornewha b- low, awing, no doubt, to the sca y of good pasture in the part unusu y dry summer. -A byfaw b" leree -prepared- efter the model of towns of our size to rs- tAhli•h dry earth closets, and will he submitted At the first meeting :f the board for the year. The difficulty has been to Nod a buita►Ide man who will undertake removal of dry earth and garbage, but, I think we have one DOW in sight who will bA satisfactory. i atterded the annual meetingof health officers In Toronto In Mmy, where the questions t3uching public health are thoroughly gone into. There is an attendance of from ttiree o four hundred of the health officers >f the Province. The repor t was sent to the special :onimittee. in reply to a question by Councillor ,lark, the clerk stated.that a test of she town water was made about once L month. The resignation of Mr. J. H. Col - TO' SIGNAL SUBSCRIBERS. The extra pressure of business at the Christmas and NAA Yeat seseon, combined with the. circum- stance of a "shorthanded" staff, has dPlAyed the work of The Signal's hurin••as office, and some remittances for subscriptions have not yet been acknowledged. We are doing onr treat 6 "catch rap." and in the alrantin,e beg the kind indulgence of our subscribers. Although, hecanee of uncertAlnty as to the price of some cf the news. papers, we have not published our clubbing list as usual, the following combinations are offered t l'he Signal And Daily Ulobr...63.75 The Signal and Daily Mail And M.mpire ........ ...... 3.76 The 9igneetAnd MontreelFAtu- fly Herald And Weekly Site ...................... 1.85 The Signed and Weekly 4un,. 1.76 The Signal and Totonto Daily Star ................ 3.30 The Signal And Toronto Daily News. ..................... 8.80 The Signal and Toronto Daily World.. ................... 9.50 The Signal And Farmer's Ad- vocate .................... 150 The Hignal and London Daily Ad vertilwr ................ 8.75 The Signal And London Daily Free Press ............ .. 3.76 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness . .. ... 286 Other publications will he secured on regtlet. IM* price of The Signal is still ONE DOLLAR If paid ' in ad- vance. We return our hearty &banks to the many who have paid their subscription for 1917, and trust that those who hArs not yet done so will let us have &heir dollar is soon e poesihip. no Sipa Prief" Co., Limited. gwrde A oommuakation was received from i4 NEW rea the city council of tit. Catharines, "it - log the oo{,peratioo of the eouben in Sitamped Goodsa mta(w+./ w tAt Dominion flovtn- taunt rrgueeti fmmdistit aotlon Along the follow ng Uses : UpstairsBargain k�J/��J/ (1l To beton into tome the llilltlw + Act. Latest styles in ladies' Under- (2) To stop the exodus to the wear and Gowns. United Wale* of Canadian young men who desire to erox►pe tollitary dull Dining -room Sets ! (8) To natiooallse all public utiiitirs N -railway.. mines. munition a�w. THEiii •eek beginning Saturday February loth, will be Pares Luncheon Sets �"" ' ate. ' i. � (4) ro take additiondat" to an- l � 1 final lClean- Bedroom Sets. sure the ain Week upstairs. «e take it to make Proper treatment bt retired gain _ [" New stock of White centres, soldier., u of winter stocks in the ready-to-wear and millinery depart - This was sant to the special oofflu i, P } Something new and quite dif. ` A letter an follows was received meets. You will find bargains that are worth coming after, ferent in Bath Towels and from Mr. A. Purvis, general superin- Linen Towels. tendent of the U. P. R. for now %%e want to make short shift of all the winter stocks, le.o "I g Acknowledge receipt of ■ your letter of yooterdaay'a date, in ew gard to the Ontario Wert Shore EleC- All colors in Threads for tric Railway. As I explained to the crocheting -jest in. committee, whom l fret at (ieaerich ashort rima ago, we are willing to give .,..,� Creat Half-price Clearance of Coats't•rr s the Ontario West Shore Electric Railway running r•igbLe mar our Every ladies Cosa we have left in stock. All new garments this season and some very MRS. TAPE tucks tram Msometand River bridge to the ridge on etion south of the Maitland attractive y y y ones there are. Saturday you can take our choice of each and alljor conditions that this Company to given I Exact& Half PWce SINGER STORE - SQUARE 1,running tigbte over propised track " shown in red on the plan which you ( There are Coats that sold all the way from .$12.00 to .$25.00 included in this clear - have and further Chat satisfactory torte. You can buy arrangements ego be made in A412.50 Coat for $6.25 :lam A $15.00 Coat for $7.50 tion #lib the handling of our bllsinesa borne as Collegiate Institute trustee At the proposed new abed and on the I ' i` ftm A $18.00 Coat for $9.00 A $20.00 Coat for ,$10,00 was received and accepted. tram tracks. The propowJ, of course, " It was moved that Air. Chu. Usr- is made tvulatively pending further A $25.00 Coat for x$12.50 row be appointed to the Volleglat• details which can be arranged lacer Come and take advantage of this the biggest Coat bargain of the season I'1 ' Institute bustd in Mr. Oolberne's un." place. In amendment it was moved The fleece committee recom- � s r (' �� that M1. R. J. Megrw• be appointed. meudod . That no grant be made to s d "r .[ x .+r�€* Still Some Children s Coats to aJe11 ` if The amendment war defea and Mr. the Natio" Hareitarium Association; (farrow was appointed. that the balance of the grant to the An offer from Mr. W. Barrett of Uodericb Patriotic Fund, namely, iiVe want to make a clean sweep of the children's Coats. .Saturday morning we put on sale about 045 as rental of the unused land 11833.88, be paid over at (ice". coat 12 or 15, at or below the Half -Price mark. Bring your children with you. You can get them a south of VictorfA.ecbool was referred Mr. Uampbdl furnish his own bond good winter Coat and sate some money. to the public works committee, with As tax collector• power to advertise for other (.Kers. The report was adopted. The Reeve stated that the ground In the matter of the complalot from might be used this year for a school Mr. W. F. Bounden the public works ■ commute• repotted that the poet at the •oorener of Ohursh 'and 1l11eloon Clearing the Millinery The Big Sale of Odd Muffs ad streets bbeen removed, aiCbzh it This is the last call for winter Millinr bad been put there as a protection to Et•rry Hat must be sold tlaturday or rat Hig sale of Odd Muffs continues for another a cstchbarin and war no obstruction week tie until al( are sold. 1 bier Mut[. are No Trouble t > t*�u w I week. This is the way we do it. to the road. The retort was adopted. all fresh from the factory the past month. The committee of the whole council Choice of all children's Hata, t1imnsed orOn- In the lot aur Persian Lamb. Blsck Fox. To Show Goods reported" in .favor of renting to the . ktimmed, felt+ and velvets, for only 111011„ Black Wulf, AlaAka saWr, Ohio Sable, D[sr- Vominion hood Machinery Co. the Ja7l. mot and tither choice fum htylrw are the- moulding he moulding shop, engine and boiler of l'huice of all Ladies' Hats, about 'J') to LS, popular pillow shape ox the new Barrel ef- the Zloty plant at the nominal reofxl ttjmuted or untrimmed, for only St(�, fart. The prices err loenough to make mm That is a hackneyed of s25 per oatb : the Cop&ny to ........... ......................... every Muff a de. ided bargain. phrase, but we mean have imolediate possession and at the plrrruce of the council. The report it. If you are not al- was adopted, Serge Dresses $L9B Clearing Children's Furs A mutioo pined i rescindi t 'levo onl all•w(ol Ser r Drees o s,misst•s ready aCqu8lnted With motrens oth ol 9io and Wiltsd, with y ri �' � Children's Furs in Iceland Lamb and Grey l.anib. refereaox to the Patriotic Bund, so as rues, (awn only, (baring At each..... . the merits of our to allow the payment at once art the NocktP,,,eea and Mugs ('tearful€ Saturday and tom! next week at Gtrwtly Re(iuced Price-. tailoring, we should balance of the towns grant. Ladies' Serge Dress $7.50 - IThe msuor art tuvntrog the Orange 1hfa is an extra fine i)tes, Kiri 3egwd quality ll - Natural Muskrat Coat $62.50llke you to call and men to oeleterseta the Twefth of cJuly wool earl gtvx n t,rrrggee Made in a very attrective this year in Oodeeicb esu left in the style. Regular 811.Gti. Bargain week One imly- extra fine Alu,krat Cont. natural akin%, let us show you what hands of the Mayor. $7.50 eirnh• marked, splendid wearing garment, lined The council tben adjourns& Italy..........ft quality C �Ptn'' we can do for you. _ .5�Q ' • • • . • • • .... .. • • ..... thrall halt with t ualit • fuR7er^i' +•&tin. t'1 eros DUNGANNUN. Grey Lamb Caps 25C ial Bargain Days only.. $V�e�N ('hildren'& (ire Lamb Ca odd sizes. •: V JV Wansttsowv, Feb. 7. 3• Imo•25 I TM Women's Missioaary Society o[ courtly sn1a1L spx•cisl, Bargain Days.... C Odd Furs $3.98 r __ .13eskioe ahuaob-i•leaviag a boa- auoial ._ _ 4 cleasrtntw caf weed FutY bwtttr+taFandaest A \v �. Armstrong I in the basrmens of the church on Fri- �era�iA TAmb offs =14 wt•r mcwtly ueckpieces. Light and dark. a -- day evening. February 16th. A spleo- I Good quality Persian Lamb :►funs, pillow style. soxteoi at ea. Regtdar velure up to $1036. (,ear - 1 did program is being prepared for the special Bargain Days.......:.ing this lot commencing Saturday (�Q MERCHANT TAILOR 000abion. Funds to be applid to mis ...... „ $14.50�n morning at only $3es7U dons. Routh Side square, Goderich. The Women's Institute is making Marmot Muffs $3.95 Lace Curtains $I. tS Boake time arrangements to give i ning ticof play Light or dart Marmot Huffs, empire and pillow '23 Lairs Lace Curtains. r lendid quality Notting- sosae time its the betioning of next B I' p 1 mootb. Everybody murt get busy. splendid wesrin fur for medium-priced hent net, 3 aria,Iarsg, white or palesecru shade. gg gg Mu 1&1 Bargain Iyays .D� (b� A Al vial 13argaNu fur Ratirtiay and 1 Our berg bas been fleteely besieged SPrc tR� s77 v for three days by keen Jack Frost and ...... .......... ...... • • • • • • next,week. eek. Per pair only ...... ... e his featbeeboob. Mr, Jas.'k Jpbnswn, former mama - Iter of the Ouderiob Rural Telephone , tar"Cafe Co.siry has mused with his Tamil to his a wr, ni.. •. era � tarn• in West aw Wwaohn , Piai Eben- - w Three Special Coat Bargains ezer. Werbgrat lode Mr. and Mrs. , � Corner Montreal; .rad ae.w. Johnston from two vii e, and wish Ladies' Fur -collared Ladies' Quilted -lined A Mans Coat tbeen sbondant euccee to their new l hili ' 1 vocation. We hope ere long to have Coat $4.98 Coat $g.88 � .... � $7.98 HIGH -CLAS$ and SANITARY the flue residence vacated by tbem oc- Two only 1&div­' fine quality We serve excellent meals cupied by r perp enemt resident One only Ladys' BIaCL Bearer Black Braver Cloth Coate, linea One only nun's Coat, mediunt a Is Carte daily A RARs '1ft6AT.-Those who have Cloth Coat. heavy lined. fur cul- throughout with haary-quilted size. fur collar, good quality been fortunate enough to bear Dr. lar, size :f8. This is an undoubted Italian• cotlar of 'Weebtern sable. black heaver• lining black wool Mlttnif9r, F. R. O. S.. London. Eng., splendid Unat for elderly lather. curl cloth. 'splendid Cost for PIES TO TAKE OUT, terve,kDueed enjoyed a rare treat- It fxarKoin. Saturday tui+cuing Sizes Ml and 4Y, good style. fiat- comfort and service, yiatninle: W very mdnt Lunate that the weatbet I first corner can buy urday morning take $gQ Q moaning ..... ..... �� 4Q Private Luncheon Room was so cold and stormy during his it fo.......... ... $4*'98 either foronh ...... • e� for Ladies and Gentlemen stay herd. As a eutesequence many CAREFUL SERVICE ` were unable to attend the mupeetings -- on Sunday and the lecture on Monday �' I night. Tie D,.ottor, in his ma.brly and Our M(Nt•-41•anlin•e t Ahwars urgent appeals on Sumdsy for aid to the Helginu relief fund, touched the This is a u good tram to set your furniture Hodgens OOPEN 9 A. M. TO i A. M. hears of hbearers so iwpte►sivrly pk�i�We can do it fes you that a most gratifying respouse was given. ' The leer urn+ on Monday even- no* and give prompt delivery- D ing, tllurrated by stertopticon views, uret Importersu� z.^;'tet GOdtrtCh, Ontario Was very hustrue we and pleasing. Many th� wits prevented were ------- scours of ex r"irnces the Doctor had %j rn Belgigi um and l•'rarice. Notwut ,' a btalydiug he b.cseked roads and run - -- -- - - - ' , I Coll weather• he was rnabled to becure will preach at both services. Dr: lI Have you renewed your subscriprion--It not, why not? a l from the. village $187.60 and from St. (Chown is the general superintendent y tr{ 1 Andrew's church, Port Albert, tfb175, of the Methodist ch•irch in Canada I - --- - - __- cs fur Belgian aid. and his services in connection with re - crusting and other pAiriotie activities, lL CHURCH NOTES. have been so valuable that the mill•vr >�r. Every young man - Lary authorities conferred upon him i II , - RAW. Dr. McRae, of Mitchell, will be the rank of .honorary colonel. Dr. 1 �- - • - 1,rti_; of IS years rn off er who aapitrP the ppreacher at Knox church next Chown is well qualified to speak on ( t) -to &cfiieve sunds y Fes g _refs S _ y an matters rtAlnin to church or The subject Our discussion at the state, and large coogwpp&tions should [tJDCTaI- udMTP. SbOald take advantage Of Metra Sunday Ulub at North street gre:t him on his visit R Gaferich. v,,,s � + Methodist church next Sunday mora- he sermon in the evening will be• on Air ing will iia : "Why and Waren should a live war suhjetct. I t the following coupon offering We Uoey the Powers that Be ?" him (abnolut ly free of any ex- Rev. U. M. Holmes will prtach next ' pense. beyond the price of the Sunday nimniur in the NApcist church Racperienee has Keep Up With 3e stamped envelope) a tr11y on "Our Uhrel Unruer Stone." Rev. a E U. Powell, fl• ld .ecietary of the taught splendid oppxortunity of a ■• truW6rancrlor•c.s of Huron and Perth. the Times ! �-' ' *111 speak in the evening. tions O! sub Entertaining in bis own failed The- service never t0 bay ifnita next Sand ty morning at - U- Vicwrix str. rl Me hudist church will stitutes. because you do not tie t%p@grb of the leading be conduc-od by r he pastor, Rev. J. iL receive the best that science has AND have your house ( �%nlltel" m ooh Briwi Atwieaa writtlrs Ford. No-•ject : "13••quence and Conse- produced or money can buy. lighted in the modern 1 urnce." The service In .the evening di fi i ON the war alb t� Lit will he withdrawn to afford the con- It is positively guaranteed that ekctnp We Troubles gtegatiou an opportunity of worship way-withty. 1 .. day. ping in . rgreet church and hear- Mecca k11°`" 1io"' m do rt, and If you have trouble with frig Rev. Dr. Chown, reseal ruperio- bnr H `- -- -` loudeot of the MetInt ehuri eb. will cheerfully f u r n s h your water pipes or your Free COUPON Tb" M eunt.ou music will n roe- a plans and estimates for plumbing, don't worry - deed io cunrieu+ion with the wnoher- w wrviess io North sti•et Metbo- Iwiring.kxtures, etc. a I call us up and we will distoburch stat Hnnda Ointment', Dever Publishers of "World Wide," y ° } put our skill and expert ••Wttrress" Moutraal. Irouxtwa. A large amortment of Elec- • Axel hem -•'Up• t. ye Ibe Gatos." Choir. Is non -injurious and non -poison- knowledge to the task of Phare send me "World Wide" for trical Sundries and Supplies lkintrslto lkrlo-• U RPa in 1b• Lmrd. ' apg ..for all skin troubles andI .getting things in good three weeks FRE of all ehatgre mod Miss 8*rlmgecwr. always on hand. without any obligation whatever on nvstxflro. ! diseases. There is nothing ail I iunnjng order again in a my part, and oblige Anthem 1'lie R •diant Morn." Choir. ; good as Ne' short time. flbpraboSul,i--"I %ill lay me down in A fkee sample will be maned upon • #1 regomt by the y t FRED. HUNT Root• Tait Nam.. + : "` ". " ... Mrs. Gro• H. King. Aanlve►eaIy .Orvieto will beheld .ice �� ��� Co., Litaitttd Wet street. Phone ~THE PLUMBER" Address ................................ North star t M-thedlat ebutch on Tosrude Next ►ostoAh. 82 and I98 x.,AAr.a tinre.r tthett. ass 8wday' w x . Mon. Col. ROW. 8. D. &M in lie-. flee-. 71ie. mN $,.a antes by Obowi . D. D.. LL D., of Tweente. s A as QQ A &. A M swat K22 ■ GIRLS WANTED kor office work to till the places of men who nave x•••••' of are erninelto the front. \'omit womep can nrnder the Pt country real rarrviee by prelariur to take penitence. in bank.+ and bu,iteea, oiM4•s. Siw•cial Couraa of training 1n Wink - f kmulua. Shorthand and all other corn creedal-u"4-ts now in prorr•w. (it ndenl. aad.•dttel sol Ilene. Illu,treted eataloarie free. Northern Business College, Ltd. OWF.] autt\n. ONT. t'. A. F'LEMIN0. Prba•rpal. rr q.,�4ia„S, r F a j► ti�y�..try CATARRHAL TROUBLES In this ciinud.e th'l-V ,fs nlw'AVS a prreAt (11wrl of nta,itl catarrh. no matter u hs,t time Of the year. If you can get. a rrinedy that will relieve the •iistn•s+ing symptours right front the first, application and oxen A cnotintml heming tdfeet-m) that you will nod Only feel better but ►•e getting bettyr Ali the time -that is what you want.. That is whiff CATARRH CREAM doses for catarrh sufferers, It ,00fwns tip" the nasal loassagee and c1144AP the secretion. relivvt•a that drawn .j ti;7rht feeling between Lite eyt•s and43ea nese bteathingeasy and natural. And the proton� sol cunw-t of its healing agentm wit i the nmleous mem- branes cif the mew, And throat exerta A curative PffPet ingsoaAible with mere sprays. Penal&r Catarrh (,`ream comes in collapsible tubes with a louq nozzle which makes its use .nay. Price y cents. This is one of the hundred famouP Prmalar itemedies-eyrry one worthy of full confidence. JAS. A. CAMPBELL, Pim. B. 611C44"Elmstare as Corner North Street and Square Godelich Bas. 99 'Jim" Res !M m� In other cAaes ptovementa ar under way which 11 Improve three particular dairies. The quality has throughout the year kept retty well up to threeper cent. of utter W. but at timer it fell sornewha b- low, awing, no doubt, to the sca y of good pasture in the part unusu y dry summer. -A byfaw b" leree -prepared- efter the model of towns of our size to rs- tAhli•h dry earth closets, and will he submitted At the first meeting :f the board for the year. The difficulty has been to Nod a buita►Ide man who will undertake removal of dry earth and garbage, but, I think we have one DOW in sight who will bA satisfactory. i atterded the annual meetingof health officers In Toronto In Mmy, where the questions t3uching public health are thoroughly gone into. There is an attendance of from ttiree o four hundred of the health officers >f the Province. The repor t was sent to the special :onimittee. in reply to a question by Councillor ,lark, the clerk stated.that a test of she town water was made about once L month. The resignation of Mr. J. H. Col - TO' SIGNAL SUBSCRIBERS. The extra pressure of business at the Christmas and NAA Yeat seseon, combined with the. circum- stance of a "shorthanded" staff, has dPlAyed the work of The Signal's hurin••as office, and some remittances for subscriptions have not yet been acknowledged. We are doing onr treat 6 "catch rap." and in the alrantin,e beg the kind indulgence of our subscribers. Although, hecanee of uncertAlnty as to the price of some cf the news. papers, we have not published our clubbing list as usual, the following combinations are offered t l'he Signal And Daily Ulobr...63.75 The Signal and Daily Mail And M.mpire ........ ...... 3.76 The 9igneetAnd MontreelFAtu- fly Herald And Weekly Site ...................... 1.85 The Signed and Weekly 4un,. 1.76 The Signal and Totonto Daily Star ................ 3.30 The Signal And Toronto Daily News. ..................... 8.80 The Signal and Toronto Daily World.. ................... 9.50 The Signal And Farmer's Ad- vocate .................... 150 The Hignal and London Daily Ad vertilwr ................ 8.75 The Signal And London Daily Free Press ............ .. 3.76 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness . .. ... 286 Other publications will he secured on regtlet. IM* price of The Signal is still ONE DOLLAR If paid ' in ad- vance. We return our hearty &banks to the many who have paid their subscription for 1917, and trust that those who hArs not yet done so will let us have &heir dollar is soon e poesihip. no Sipa Prief" Co., Limited. gwrde A oommuakation was received from i4 NEW rea the city council of tit. Catharines, "it - log the oo{,peratioo of the eouben in Sitamped Goodsa mta(w+./ w tAt Dominion flovtn- taunt rrgueeti fmmdistit aotlon Along the follow ng Uses : UpstairsBargain k�J/��J/ (1l To beton into tome the llilltlw + Act. Latest styles in ladies' Under- (2) To stop the exodus to the wear and Gowns. United Wale* of Canadian young men who desire to erox►pe tollitary dull Dining -room Sets ! (8) To natiooallse all public utiiitirs N -railway.. mines. munition a�w. THEiii •eek beginning Saturday February loth, will be Pares Luncheon Sets �"" ' ate. ' i. � (4) ro take additiondat" to an- l � 1 final lClean- Bedroom Sets. sure the ain Week upstairs. «e take it to make Proper treatment bt retired gain _ [" New stock of White centres, soldier., u of winter stocks in the ready-to-wear and millinery depart - This was sant to the special oofflu i, P } Something new and quite dif. ` A letter an follows was received meets. You will find bargains that are worth coming after, ferent in Bath Towels and from Mr. A. Purvis, general superin- Linen Towels. tendent of the U. P. R. for now %%e want to make short shift of all the winter stocks, le.o "I g Acknowledge receipt of ■ your letter of yooterdaay'a date, in ew gard to the Ontario Wert Shore EleC- All colors in Threads for tric Railway. As I explained to the crocheting -jest in. committee, whom l fret at (ieaerich ashort rima ago, we are willing to give .,..,� Creat Half-price Clearance of Coats't•rr s the Ontario West Shore Electric Railway running r•igbLe mar our Every ladies Cosa we have left in stock. All new garments this season and some very MRS. TAPE tucks tram Msometand River bridge to the ridge on etion south of the Maitland attractive y y y ones there are. Saturday you can take our choice of each and alljor conditions that this Company to given I Exact& Half PWce SINGER STORE - SQUARE 1,running tigbte over propised track " shown in red on the plan which you ( There are Coats that sold all the way from .$12.00 to .$25.00 included in this clear - have and further Chat satisfactory torte. You can buy arrangements ego be made in A412.50 Coat for $6.25 :lam A $15.00 Coat for $7.50 tion #lib the handling of our bllsinesa borne as Collegiate Institute trustee At the proposed new abed and on the I ' i` ftm A $18.00 Coat for $9.00 A $20.00 Coat for ,$10,00 was received and accepted. tram tracks. The propowJ, of course, " It was moved that Air. Chu. Usr- is made tvulatively pending further A $25.00 Coat for x$12.50 row be appointed to the Volleglat• details which can be arranged lacer Come and take advantage of this the biggest Coat bargain of the season I'1 ' Institute bustd in Mr. Oolberne's un." place. In amendment it was moved The fleece committee recom- � s r (' �� that M1. R. J. Megrw• be appointed. meudod . That no grant be made to s d "r .[ x .+r�€* Still Some Children s Coats to aJe11 ` if The amendment war defea and Mr. the Natio" Hareitarium Association; (farrow was appointed. that the balance of the grant to the An offer from Mr. W. Barrett of Uodericb Patriotic Fund, namely, iiVe want to make a clean sweep of the children's Coats. .Saturday morning we put on sale about 045 as rental of the unused land 11833.88, be paid over at (ice". coat 12 or 15, at or below the Half -Price mark. Bring your children with you. You can get them a south of VictorfA.ecbool was referred Mr. Uampbdl furnish his own bond good winter Coat and sate some money. to the public works committee, with As tax collector• power to advertise for other (.Kers. The report was adopted. The Reeve stated that the ground In the matter of the complalot from might be used this year for a school Mr. W. F. Bounden the public works ■ commute• repotted that the poet at the •oorener of Ohursh 'and 1l11eloon Clearing the Millinery The Big Sale of Odd Muffs ad streets bbeen removed, aiCbzh it This is the last call for winter Millinr bad been put there as a protection to Et•rry Hat must be sold tlaturday or rat Hig sale of Odd Muffs continues for another a cstchbarin and war no obstruction week tie until al( are sold. 1 bier Mut[. are No Trouble t > t*�u w I week. This is the way we do it. to the road. The retort was adopted. all fresh from the factory the past month. The committee of the whole council Choice of all children's Hata, t1imnsed orOn- In the lot aur Persian Lamb. Blsck Fox. To Show Goods reported" in .favor of renting to the . ktimmed, felt+ and velvets, for only 111011„ Black Wulf, AlaAka saWr, Ohio Sable, D[sr- Vominion hood Machinery Co. the Ja7l. mot and tither choice fum htylrw are the- moulding he moulding shop, engine and boiler of l'huice of all Ladies' Hats, about 'J') to LS, popular pillow shape ox the new Barrel ef- the Zloty plant at the nominal reofxl ttjmuted or untrimmed, for only St(�, fart. The prices err loenough to make mm That is a hackneyed of s25 per oatb : the Cop&ny to ........... ......................... every Muff a de. ided bargain. phrase, but we mean have imolediate possession and at the plrrruce of the council. The report it. If you are not al- was adopted, Serge Dresses $L9B Clearing Children's Furs A mutioo pined i rescindi t 'levo onl all•w(ol Ser r Drees o s,misst•s ready aCqu8lnted With motrens oth ol 9io and Wiltsd, with y ri �' � Children's Furs in Iceland Lamb and Grey l.anib. refereaox to the Patriotic Bund, so as rues, (awn only, (baring At each..... . the merits of our to allow the payment at once art the NocktP,,,eea and Mugs ('tearful€ Saturday and tom! next week at Gtrwtly Re(iuced Price-. tailoring, we should balance of the towns grant. Ladies' Serge Dress $7.50 - IThe msuor art tuvntrog the Orange 1hfa is an extra fine i)tes, Kiri 3egwd quality ll - Natural Muskrat Coat $62.50llke you to call and men to oeleterseta the Twefth of cJuly wool earl gtvx n t,rrrggee Made in a very attrective this year in Oodeeicb esu left in the style. Regular 811.Gti. Bargain week One imly- extra fine Alu,krat Cont. natural akin%, let us show you what hands of the Mayor. $7.50 eirnh• marked, splendid wearing garment, lined The council tben adjourns& Italy..........ft quality C �Ptn'' we can do for you. _ .5�Q ' • • • . • • • .... .. • • ..... thrall halt with t ualit • fuR7er^i' +•&tin. t'1 eros DUNGANNUN. Grey Lamb Caps 25C ial Bargain Days only.. $V�e�N ('hildren'& (ire Lamb Ca odd sizes. •: V JV Wansttsowv, Feb. 7. 3• Imo•25 I TM Women's Missioaary Society o[ courtly sn1a1L spx•cisl, Bargain Days.... C Odd Furs $3.98 r __ .13eskioe ahuaob-i•leaviag a boa- auoial ._ _ 4 cleasrtntw caf weed FutY bwtttr+taFandaest A \v �. Armstrong I in the basrmens of the church on Fri- �era�iA TAmb offs =14 wt•r mcwtly ueckpieces. Light and dark. a -- day evening. February 16th. A spleo- I Good quality Persian Lamb :►funs, pillow style. soxteoi at ea. Regtdar velure up to $1036. (,ear - 1 did program is being prepared for the special Bargain Days.......:.ing this lot commencing Saturday (�Q MERCHANT TAILOR 000abion. Funds to be applid to mis ...... „ $14.50�n morning at only $3es7U dons. Routh Side square, Goderich. The Women's Institute is making Marmot Muffs $3.95 Lace Curtains $I. tS Boake time arrangements to give i ning ticof play Light or dart Marmot Huffs, empire and pillow '23 Lairs Lace Curtains. r lendid quality Notting- sosae time its the betioning of next B I' p 1 mootb. Everybody murt get busy. splendid wesrin fur for medium-priced hent net, 3 aria,Iarsg, white or palesecru shade. gg gg Mu 1&1 Bargain Iyays .D� (b� A Al vial 13argaNu fur Ratirtiay and 1 Our berg bas been fleteely besieged SPrc tR� s77 v for three days by keen Jack Frost and ...... .......... ...... • • • • • • next,week. eek. Per pair only ...... ... e his featbeeboob. Mr, Jas.'k Jpbnswn, former mama - Iter of the Ouderiob Rural Telephone , tar"Cafe Co.siry has mused with his Tamil to his a wr, ni.. •. era � tarn• in West aw Wwaohn , Piai Eben- - w Three Special Coat Bargains ezer. Werbgrat lode Mr. and Mrs. , � Corner Montreal; .rad ae.w. Johnston from two vii e, and wish Ladies' Fur -collared Ladies' Quilted -lined A Mans Coat tbeen sbondant euccee to their new l hili ' 1 vocation. We hope ere long to have Coat $4.98 Coat $g.88 � .... � $7.98 HIGH -CLAS$ and SANITARY the flue residence vacated by tbem oc- Two only 1&div­' fine quality We serve excellent meals cupied by r perp enemt resident One only Ladys' BIaCL Bearer Black Braver Cloth Coate, linea One only nun's Coat, mediunt a Is Carte daily A RARs '1ft6AT.-Those who have Cloth Coat. heavy lined. fur cul- throughout with haary-quilted size. fur collar, good quality been fortunate enough to bear Dr. lar, size :f8. This is an undoubted Italian• cotlar of 'Weebtern sable. black heaver• lining black wool Mlttnif9r, F. R. O. S.. London. Eng., splendid Unat for elderly lather. curl cloth. 'splendid Cost for PIES TO TAKE OUT, terve,kDueed enjoyed a rare treat- It fxarKoin. Saturday tui+cuing Sizes Ml and 4Y, good style. fiat- comfort and service, yiatninle: W very mdnt Lunate that the weatbet I first corner can buy urday morning take $gQ Q moaning ..... ..... �� 4Q Private Luncheon Room was so cold and stormy during his it fo.......... ... $4*'98 either foronh ...... • e� for Ladies and Gentlemen stay herd. As a eutesequence many CAREFUL SERVICE ` were unable to attend the mupeetings -- on Sunday and the lecture on Monday �' I night. Tie D,.ottor, in his ma.brly and Our M(Nt•-41•anlin•e t Ahwars urgent appeals on Sumdsy for aid to the Helginu relief fund, touched the This is a u good tram to set your furniture Hodgens OOPEN 9 A. M. TO i A. M. hears of hbearers so iwpte►sivrly pk�i�We can do it fes you that a most gratifying respouse was given. ' The leer urn+ on Monday even- no* and give prompt delivery- D ing, tllurrated by stertopticon views, uret Importersu� z.^;'tet GOdtrtCh, Ontario Was very hustrue we and pleasing. Many th� wits prevented were ------- scours of ex r"irnces the Doctor had %j rn Belgigi um and l•'rarice. Notwut ,' a btalydiug he b.cseked roads and run - -- -- - - - ' , I Coll weather• he was rnabled to becure will preach at both services. Dr: lI Have you renewed your subscriprion--It not, why not? a l from the. village $187.60 and from St. (Chown is the general superintendent y tr{ 1 Andrew's church, Port Albert, tfb175, of the Methodist ch•irch in Canada I - --- - - __- cs fur Belgian aid. and his services in connection with re - crusting and other pAiriotie activities, lL CHURCH NOTES. have been so valuable that the mill•vr >�r. Every young man - Lary authorities conferred upon him i II , - RAW. Dr. McRae, of Mitchell, will be the rank of .honorary colonel. Dr. 1 �- - • - 1,rti_; of IS years rn off er who aapitrP the ppreacher at Knox church next Chown is well qualified to speak on ( t) -to &cfiieve sunds y Fes g _refs S _ y an matters rtAlnin to church or The subject Our discussion at the state, and large coogwpp&tions should [tJDCTaI- udMTP. SbOald take advantage Of Metra Sunday Ulub at North street gre:t him on his visit R Gaferich. v,,,s � + Methodist church next Sunday mora- he sermon in the evening will be• on Air ing will iia : "Why and Waren should a live war suhjetct. I t the following coupon offering We Uoey the Powers that Be ?" him (abnolut ly free of any ex- Rev. U. M. Holmes will prtach next ' pense. beyond the price of the Sunday nimniur in the NApcist church Racperienee has Keep Up With 3e stamped envelope) a tr11y on "Our Uhrel Unruer Stone." Rev. a E U. Powell, fl• ld .ecietary of the taught splendid oppxortunity of a ■• truW6rancrlor•c.s of Huron and Perth. the Times ! �-' ' *111 speak in the evening. tions O! sub Entertaining in bis own failed The- service never t0 bay ifnita next Sand ty morning at - U- Vicwrix str. rl Me hudist church will stitutes. because you do not tie t%p@grb of the leading be conduc-od by r he pastor, Rev. J. iL receive the best that science has AND have your house ( �%nlltel" m ooh Briwi Atwieaa writtlrs Ford. No-•ject : "13••quence and Conse- produced or money can buy. lighted in the modern 1 urnce." The service In .the evening di fi i ON the war alb t� Lit will he withdrawn to afford the con- It is positively guaranteed that ekctnp We Troubles gtegatiou an opportunity of worship way-withty. 1 .. day. ping in . rgreet church and hear- Mecca k11°`" 1io"' m do rt, and If you have trouble with frig Rev. Dr. Chown, reseal ruperio- bnr H `- -- -` loudeot of the MetInt ehuri eb. will cheerfully f u r n s h your water pipes or your Free COUPON Tb" M eunt.ou music will n roe- a plans and estimates for plumbing, don't worry - deed io cunrieu+ion with the wnoher- w wrviess io North sti•et Metbo- Iwiring.kxtures, etc. a I call us up and we will distoburch stat Hnnda Ointment', Dever Publishers of "World Wide," y ° } put our skill and expert ••Wttrress" Moutraal. Irouxtwa. A large amortment of Elec- • Axel hem -•'Up• t. ye Ibe Gatos." Choir. Is non -injurious and non -poison- knowledge to the task of Phare send me "World Wide" for trical Sundries and Supplies lkintrslto lkrlo-• U RPa in 1b• Lmrd. ' apg ..for all skin troubles andI .getting things in good three weeks FRE of all ehatgre mod Miss 8*rlmgecwr. always on hand. without any obligation whatever on nvstxflro. ! diseases. There is nothing ail I iunnjng order again in a my part, and oblige Anthem 1'lie R •diant Morn." Choir. ; good as Ne' short time. flbpraboSul,i--"I %ill lay me down in A fkee sample will be maned upon • #1 regomt by the y t FRED. HUNT Root• Tait Nam.. + : "` ". " ... Mrs. Gro• H. King. Aanlve►eaIy .Orvieto will beheld .ice �� ��� Co., Litaitttd Wet street. Phone ~THE PLUMBER" Address ................................ North star t M-thedlat ebutch on Tosrude Next ►ostoAh. 82 and I98 x.,AAr.a tinre.r tthett. ass 8wday' w x . Mon. Col. ROW. 8. D. &M in lie-. flee-. 71ie. mN $,.a antes by Obowi . D. D.. LL D., of Tweente. s A as QQ A &. A M swat K22 ■