HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-8, Page 71.4
° , 4141144
4119,0.•‘r4j• „
; .44,..r.'•
urity! Purity! Puri
The one dominating note that runs
all through the making of Sunlight
Soap is, Purity. The $5,000 Guar-
antee you get with every single bar
is not a mere advertisement. It
marks a standard set for the buyers
who select the choice Sunlight Soap
m rerials—for the soap boiler—for
the expert chemists—for the girls,
even, who wrap and pack Sunlight.
All are mindful of the Guarantee
—it is a source of gratification to
all the Sun 'At workers.
4,0 44', A
..-44 Airs,
nii h
sari Cream Applied la Neg.
Op Air Passages RIgit
Instant relief --no waiting. Tour
Clogged anstrile open right up; this air
=I of your head clear and you eau
te freely. No mom hawking. neat -
ding. Mowing. headaehe, dryness. No
1, struggling for breath at night; your
ri cold or catarrh disappears.
Get a mall bottle of Ely'. Cream
,Balpoi from your druggist now. Appy
a little a this fragrant, anti
t" healing ereani in your laetrile. It pen -
stem through every air passage of the
Ibesd, soothes the Inflamed or seethe
s membrane aad relief comae is-
• just ans. Don't stay staffsd-up
cri a cold or pasty catarrh.
We have Cutters from
Ws. Dray of Chatham
and from
McLoaghbas of Brockville.
We have large ones and small
ones --black ones and red ones
—some with tops and some
without tops. We should be
pleased to show (item: •
RANG S from Orillia -just
a few left- Peerless Corona
and Peerless Leader.
All kinds of assey-liarriS.
Co.'s goods.
Robt. Wilson
,Phone165 Hamilton St . Godarich
Asir tritlisIJUIPItil.6
4 AllireV, 4 44 ;•
At14,t4111444,4'..'20C.t4,, ft".
truest+. Mr. and Mrs. Yungblut left
later for a trip to eastern -points.
On January 2$ b, Barbara Day*,
wife of James Arruetroitg, V. S., died
at her home at tiorrie, aged fltiy..ix
years. bfre. Arnottrong took an 44! •
titre interest In church and patriotic
work, as well s iu the !maul life of
the community, and sill be greatly
...01014-4 1111r,,./k477.771rifirr.
"OW' a••••••••
gii‘ 6 ‘.10111107i. Ann
Mrs, „Alex. Molecule,* and Miss
Margaret McLeod are visi.ing in Dee
Moines, Iowa.
Mrs. J. W. Button wae called to
Ifigetsoll last week by the death of
her father, R. C. Marihell. •
Mies Mabel Oke, daughter of WU-
, liam Ok., and John Brock, of Usbortte,
were quietly married on January 24th.
Mr. .nd Mrs. Bert VanEgruond have
retailed from Bermuda, and expect to
leave shortly for their howe at Re-
Seritt. Henry S. McLean, of Ottawa.
Who was killed iu action last month in
France, was a nephew of the late M.
Y. NIeletato of The Seafortb Expositor.
Owing to the fact that the Hydro
workmen were iust.illing new trims-
fontfees in toren on Sunday of laid
week, there was no power available.
Oil letups were used for the evening
services iu the various churches.
James Bier suffered a *tepee pars-
lytic stroke last week, and is unable
to speak since.
Herman Di yinAn is bnlidaying with
his taarenta here after seyeral years' ,
sojourn in the West, 1
Seventy-three diplomae and totals
were earned by pupils Id .14111,111 street
Sunday sehoul for regular attendance
durirg 1916.
J. Delbridge. of Mendota, Man., and
Mrs. Bray, of Virden, Mao., are visit-
ing relatives in this vicinity, having
been called home by the death of their
father, Richard Delbridge.
Mn. E. Follick, sr., has received
wand of the death of her brother.
Thomas FeriWick. et New %Vetrunin-
ster, owed seventy yearn. Mr. Fen-
wick wee at une time a resident^ of
Zurich, but went West some thirty
years ago,
One of Exeter's most highly re---
spected citizene. William D. NVerkem,
died on January 30th, aged eixiy
years. He watirmanager of the Exe-
ter marble works, and was actively
associated with the ptiblic life of the
town, and was greatlynestatated by
everyone. He is survived by his only
son, Frank, of Virile... Manitoba,. and
by two bi others and four sisters.
Charles %Veber. of Zorich, been.
athnitted-to a hospital in Fran , Buf-
feting Irons wounds in the leg.
The farm of Mrs. William Pen
of Ushorne, was sold by auction
ceutly to Charles Jainism, for $7.109.
Alexander Munn, of Hay township,
has purohased G. 0. Peter's house in
Hensel', and will take possession at
Mrs. John Brawn, a former resident
ot Exeter, died at WSOISI4Srlast week.
at the great age of ninety-eight years
and six months.
After a lengthy intik in North Dako-
ta and Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. John
F. Rickbeil have returned to their
honle &t Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Gilpin and
holden are visiting friends to Ford-
wich vicinity after an absence of thir-
teen ytrartion Alberta.
Fred Goodman, a former resident of
Dasbwood, died at his home at Ti a-
esess city, Mich., on January 18tb.
in his eighty-second year.
Thomas Bolton, of Leadbury, had
the misfortune while monolog wood
recently to sever these toes loon one
of his feet by a glaneing blow frotu
Mr. and Mot. William H. Lobb, of
- at once
The h rod breech of the Mohan,
Bank isports having paid out over
$11,000 in "hog checks" on Wednesday
of last week, which shows something
of how active the trade in pork wise at
the Lucknow market that day. The
Goderich township, announce the en
gagenuent of their daughter, Elute
May, to George Henderson, of Radis-
soli, Sask.
The home ot James Carruthers.
Greenwey, was the scene of a pretty
wedding on January 24tb, when his
youngest daughter, Jean, became the
bride of Robert Murray.
Jewell K. Rae, of %Vroxeter, died so,
his home there on January 25tii, rn
his sixty-eighth year, after a prolonged
He retired from his farm a
few years ago„ and had since lived at
' Waozeter.
J. E. Hernwell, who bad been visit-
ing friends in Varna and vicinity elute
Decetubm. returned last week to hie
houie in Seektatchewan. He took a
canoed of hormes, cattle and imple
memo with him.
David Vogen has leased the 100-azra
term belonging to Rolwrt Stamm' on
the 6 h coneession, Nowak, tora term
of three years and taker
the middle of March. MI. Spott.011 is
moving to Gorrie.
. A !netts' wedding took place at the
hitme of Mr. end Mr.. Enhrai,n Brown,
et Millen, recenily, when theirdsugh-
tor Elie was united in ruerrieste to
Edward. Ytingblut. The es remony
was peifoi w' a by Rev. U. 0. Kane
in the presence of a large number of
"Frult-a-tires" Builds Up The
Whole System
Those who take "Fruit -a -Gees"' for
the first time, are often astonished at
the way i builds Mem op and nia4'es
!nem feel better 01/over. They may be
taking "Fruit-a-tives" for some specific
disease, as Constipation, Indigestion,
Chronic Headaches or Neuralgia,
Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Rheu-
matism or Pain in the Back. And they
find when "Fruit -a -tires" has cured the
disease, that they -feel better and
stronger in every way. This is due to
the wonderful ionic properties of these
famoup tablets, made froin fr4tiyiftlt.
ZIOe. 1104 6 for $2.50, Irii size, 25c.
At all dealerser PostrAtd by
a-Uves Limited. Ottawa.
SPECIAL Fares now in ffeet
to resorts in p.lorid a, NtTt11
and South Caroli ta, Louisiana,
Georgia and o her Southern
States, andto Be tuuda aud •the
West Indies.
Return Limit M47 31st, 1917
•./Sur full information write to
C. E. HOR NO, O. P. A.
Union elation.
Torontet, Ont.
Town .kgents Phone
survived by bis wido
And two Wills. •
four daughters
Mos. Garfield Long nd child'en, of
Made Strong and Well By Vinel Wapella, Sask.. are vi Ulna Eel .tives
k n Way tesboro. l'a.—"1 was all run down itown.
after a hard spell of bronchitis molt was
hard forMr_to keep abos&1 ksd-pains
in my rhea and took cold' easily. A
friend asked me to try Vinol. I did, and
it built me up so I am strong and well
and I am able to do my housework which
1 bad not done for three months before
taking Vinol."—Mrs. Y. R. H02111013011,
Vcrisriebor0, Pa.
"inol creates in appetite, aids digest -
ti makee purs blood and creates
str Your notary back if it fails.
H. C. tunlop,druggist,G-sierich, tint
Also at th best drui,jOstsin all Ontario
Miss Hattie lagher has gone to
Longbraorch, Cali nia.
James Lyons was loosen by accla-
mation at the Domino" on meeting tn
fill the vacancy in the Inge council'
Mre. Kenneth McLean, who lived
just east of Lucknow, p away re-
cently in her eightieth year. Much
sympathy is felt for her aged stand
and suraviug
%Val Habiek, after twin. being
„acted on account of defective e
might when endeavoring to enlist
intently battalione, has finally been
accepted in a railway conatruction
battalion, and expects to go overseas
The Public Health Service reports that more people live to
1` the age of forty years to -day, but from forty to sixty years
mortalityis increasing from degenerative diseases in the U. S.
Thousands of well-informed men and women to -day are
learning the true value of
as a powerful blood -enricher and strength -builder
to ward off the headaches and backaches that mean
weakness. SCOTT'S helps fortify the body against
grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through
its force of medicinal nounshmeni
Refuse Allesholif Extracts Mkt De Not Contain Cod LITse 011. I
Swim & UMW 02L eo-•
prevailing price Well $13-75 r cwt,
is more catarrh In 1h1, sect
country than .11 other (Sleeve.. put
and for year. It we. .uppoeed to be limy
Robert Rom, former y well known
,..ill_Bruviele1..ekfoiL • ntlariti_fit.--
atar'ys, after completing a trip around
the world, es a sailor.
! Driver John L. Ca anegh, who
went cvesserte nith a Itery trout
Guelph, has h. -en laid u with blood-
poivoning in hi. atm and and.
' Mr. and hire. Clan Cseeahaid
have moved to Onderic, township,
where Mr. Croeslield, w o is an ex-
perienced poultre Man. w 11 enter the
employ of Mr. KiethiRevel Ridgcrest
On January 27th Miss , Metgaret
I Walker died at her house beret from
1pneutuonist. B1110 w844 tt eldest
daughter of the late Thomas nd Mary
rWalker, of the Sth line, Mori., and is
!survived by !brim brothers ud two,
Euphemia Lamont, wife o Simon
Grant, died at her house on Jinw.ry
Llith, aged seventy-etight years. Abs.
Grant was born in Seotland. hltkcaiiie
to Canada in 1854. It is neatly sCtetqi!
years since she and Mr. (irant left
!their faint iu Grey and red into!
Eh ummel.. Her husband and two one
au e lett to mom n her dental.
Plaid, on behalf of the Society, pre -
.rutted him with a purse of gold. Mr.
Leckie made au appropriate reply,
and epeeches and sooge concluded the
happy evening.
T. A. Saunders, of litillett, hes pur-
TIIrH.1)4y, Final/any M 1917. 7
"a s
chased from H. Horsey the pioperty • 1111C,Illf -
now occupied by Dr. .1 A. MoTeggart, and he *nu Meundere expect to 112 •
move to Blytb in 51erch.
fotd, M. AD. ., Ir. Into thee pastoral '"'"
The induction of Rey. George Tel- Spnng Hats
charge of At. Andrew's Presbyterian
church, Myth, took place on January
2.1th, Rev. Andress Laing. of Auburn,
Rev. R. C. MeDermid, of Goderich.
and Rev. D. Carswell. McKillop, tak-
ing pert in the service. Mr. Telford
was born in Edieburgh, but canoe to
Canada in 1905. and two years later
entered queeu's University, graduat-
ing in both Arts aud theology. Later
he returned to Scotland for two years.
and Blyth is his fleet Canadian charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graelis end
fatuity bays moved to Toronto, where
they will in fiat ure renitte.
Miss Amy Howson has t.tken a paid
*-tiow4s,abe Matson* flank Mesa halite
Robertroti having been promoted to
the ledger.
Fire broke out in Thomas Netts.
oboe shop in the old poeteffice betiding
on January 314t, and consideralile
damage was done.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Percy Cele have re-
turned from viritit.g in Michigan and
intend mowing 1. their home on the
and concession, Ttickeisinit h.
Rev. .1. E. Hsigg, of Southampton,
has accepted he call to Willis Pi es-
byterianchuteh,•and will he inducted
into the charge on March 2nd.
Clair Walker, who was instantly
killed by coining in contact with a live
wire et Windsor last week, was a re-
turned Noldier, and was a nephew ot
.Mrs. George Davis, of town.
Mint L. Grant bite received word
that her eon Arthur war killed in ae-
lion in France on January 21st. He
it the Hist of the Inlet Hurone to
make the supreme sacrifice. and much
sympathy is felt for his widowrId
Women Who Suffer
Can Obtain New Health
Though the Use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
Every women at some time needs a
tonic. At towels' times unusual de-
mands are Wide upon her strengt h.
'Where these are added to the wort y
mid work which falls to her lot,
weakness and ill -health will follow
unless the blood is fortified to meet
the strain.
. _ Weak WOrrieirlIntLin-.11-,.-Willinissel
Pink Pill* the tonic exactly suited to
their neeA. Most of the ills from
which the %offer ere due to blood -
lousiness— teffiffition which the Pills
readily cure. These pills wore the girl
, who enters into womanhood in A
bloodless Condition from years of
mieery, and afford prompt rind per-
manent relief to that woman who is
bloodless, and therefore weak. Mrs.
Won. H. Wagner, -Rosenthal, Oio.
, write, : "After the birth of my ',scene;
ichild 1 'offered from crannies which
most mothers will understand, without
gong into details. The doctor who
was attending me said au operati,,n
j and made life more enjoyable than it
hal been for A long time. 1 thins:
i truly pay that aftsr using the pills for
• some tirne they made a eomplete cure
, decided to try this medicine, and 1 can
it box or six bonen for 82 501 from The !
i)r. would%v ibeiliatunecs.essmaiiiiuut ails: dreaded
Medicine dealer or by spoil at :Ai cools'
limns' Pok Pale a fair trial, as 1 know
from wy own came the watt Ir•nelit
that followe their use."
every woman suffering f
inputs of our sex should give Dr. Wil- i
had been of gteat help to my dater 1
this and as Dr. Williams'iiPink Pills
You can get these Mlle through any 1
the ail -
sill., Ont.
: and Shirts s
, .
• We should like you to see them 1
• - . •
-,-, OR the winter xveather ":!Lmiii& IL
• . W • . \* 41
'still tr, arerni.-trave- --.--. • ---:,":4, • '.:1
• , ..., ,
• !, .4 1 ., • ,
neavy-weignt 0--trinent of
• ••,..- • §1.4,44-- '
• ; ----all kinds inti can suit'you---...."- '
:-, itliCV*i,44
• 411,0 •
. . . 1
0 tw., 111 (Yowls anti prices. , •,--4,4,-,v',4h,,,,,r,
. . •r.A.,,,,,,,,, ••,,,
•• • • ',..: ,,,,.,,
• ' •
• • McLEAN BROS. ,,,,,,,*-04:ai • !,, •
• Semi -Ready Tailors ___•-,„•,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,r•-, The Square, Coderich , Aiv
•-••,' 44- ,
In al Cnilr,^',4 t -r our INVI.71-
TOL. S Al A4113/3i,w1i0h II'. Le scut free.
264 tineorratte St.. %Atrial.
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
Furniture Dealer
and Undertaker
House Furnishings
The Store of Quality
STORE 89 RES. 197
Advertising Pays !
Little Job
or Big
From the
_repairing of ikg.
a faucet to
the installa-
tion of a
complete• CI
''' system, we
a r e equip-
ped to do
the job.
Phone 155 Hamilton Street
I 91,4041••••••••••••••••••••••• 4/040010edoww1Ju'",","""w",".
— —
The directors of the E.t.a If it
Agricultural Society and their wives
tendered a btrupiet to John Ledo ,
!mimicry preeideol 01 -the Society, o
I th • evening of January 251h Afte
supper' a nautical prow' am was given,
*lid a I ter was read from (.-urge
Robb, of Si. Catharines, a former
irif•e-presido f, xpreing hie regret et
being wield to be psent. Then
Presiden. Fergto.mi read an address to
Mr. Leckie, and iceptesidetit Arch -
of the
Horton; prescribed Ideal reruedle.. and by n -
!dant ly failing to cure with lonel (rearm*
pronounced it inowable. Cater: h 1. Inc
dlwa.e. treat, y iiitti0nose by con ..itutIonal
condition.. ,ind therefore reluiree con.uto-
tionid treatment. Hall n t'ataark„ _t, ore. manta.
factored by F. .1. :heney k 1`..P4do. Ohio.
1. a con.tittatiowl reme.,y, take,. in..ruany
aqd act. through the blood on the ruocous oin'.
feet,. of the .pitrin. Ono bnndred dollar; re-
ward 14 Off,rsd for any mos that Hill.. Cat anti
Core fall. to 4'111.3. Send for circulari and
V. . CHISNY.If 4 .. TOW% Obio.
Sold by dructi.1., 75o.
Haifa Family ems tor eon.ittpiitiOn.
WING 114
F. J. Hill has sold his farm to W.
Field, wbo will teke possession in the
spring. breath or dull your bead:`,no constIpa-
His many friends in %Vingbain end tion, bilious attacks, sick headache, i
elsewhe.e we. e glad to lemil ft that P.e. colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stotn-
A. L Po.l.trs injories were not ere. ach, you must bathe on the Inside like
Everyone Should
Drink Hot Water -
in the Mornin
Wash a all the stomach, liver,
and bo el poisons before
b akfast.
avert Your Surplus Money in War Say -
ings Certficates.
e new war saving. v'vtflc,i.p!.
which have been created by the lilov-;
ern rot t-. encouregei thrift and peon- 1
out and to give everyone an oppor..;
tunetunily to assist, in financing our war 1
exp.'diture. are now on &late at every
bank nd mom v order liostiifflee in I
. The $25 certifireiti sells for
1121 50, 'he $i.' for 6143, and the 1100,
for 1186. I
A. an nvestment these certificates
offer ma y attractive feature,— chief
of which ft. the ,lbsoltiLe aectur ity anti
Ahe .xc.lISknt intr.-.t return, Mir
*eery $21 SH lent to the thoveirtment
now. $25 w I be returned at the pod
of three year
There are t n other feat tire!! tvhicli
ate esperially tread' vie to small
restore. First, he certitleates may he
eurrended et aiiy tine, 11 rite buyet
should need his t oney ; aecond,
each certificate in glittered tt,
n the buyer's nais mod, if ht.t. or
tithe', is therefore v1011.100,1 to any-
one else
To fee), your best y in and day out,
to feel clean inside; 0 sour bile to ,
coat your tongue an sicken your ,
ious. He has been able to return to
the trenches.
The pat riotie emotet 1 given recently
by the Winghnin Welt:A tioeiety was
a vet y immtaviort touCeelfs.11t111/1E &-
moat 11(3,, which will be given to the
Patriotic Fund.
Word has been received of the
death bat month at Winnipeg of a
former welbk ',own resident of Blue -
vele and Whiptfultil, Charles Herbert,
at the age of eighty-four years.
Owing to the unsatisfactory con-
dition of the heating system In the
Union feetory, el new one will have t
be installed, which means Oust the
factory will not be opened as *non as
was expected.
Artantratiente have been completed
for bottling a registered stock show
and suction 'sle in Winglivii on
Msrch 11•11. Entries will close on
rebruat y 15 h, 'then the catalogue
will he kilned,
Death ramie suddenly to A hired Han-
sa on Januarv 20 h tater pnly is few
home' 'linage. Mr. Hestam4whn was
1, hie stotentr-seilenth yeit, Ives Ilan
n Irel tnd, but came tp „Canada _wtt h
Ms parents whits min rapt:* "xis
you bathe outside. This is vastly more
important, because the akin pores do
not absorb impurities into this blood
white the bowel pores do, says a well-
known phyofclan.
. To keep these poisons and toxins
, well flushed from the stomach, liver,
' kidneys and bowele, drink before break-
fast each day, a glass of hot water
with a tea fin of limestone
phate In IL Thls will cleanee, Dimity
and freshen the entire alimentary traet,
before putting more food Into th3
Oet a quarter pound of Ihnestond
phosphate from your pharmacist. It
Is Intripenelve and almost tastelees,
except a sourish twinge which Is not
unpleasant. Drink phosphated 'bot
water every mottling to rid your sys-
tem of those vile noleone And Toxins:
also to prevent their formation.
To feel like yonng Polka feel; like
yen felt before your bloodnerves and
muscles became saturated with an ac-
cumulation of body pciftionc, begin this
treatment and above all Veep It no,
As Pomp and hot water act on the skin,
cleansing, sweetening and purifying, so
limestone phosphate and hot water be-
fore lreakfast, act on the stomach,
liver, gags had 1- 101141141,
Bur while they are
invert, ment stamiptent.
phould appeel tornngt
i because they offer to th
serve at home a splendid
, for • moot important pat,
The person who h ist'y
:extent of his ability and
1111 v in ga at the disposal of tit
eetlent from an
the eprti Iles( es
to Canadians
trte who new,
import mi 11 y
VP* to the
110111, by perchneing thaw ce tiflestes
may feel that he k hoeing is direct
Aare in feeding, equipping, and nom-
, binning our (lanailion soldiers, who
, ere so nobly doing their pert.
- -
Good for 26 Per Cent. Gain.
George %V. Addy, Ethel, Ontario,
mil:Tun: is is to certify that 1 poisasased
enure Homestead Bone Meek Fern, a• -r
last spring from your agent, K.
fi.ker, ,tied 1 min well .ali"fled With it.
1 used it on our aim erituf believe if 1
had sown it on the n 111.1. Ilelf1 1 would
have had 25 pe! cent. mays, gyaja„”
Writ. Mit Innen Oarhnn Works. De-
troit, for free hook and Inarticulate
allow, their Homestead Bone Black
, 1444.1!,t4 '14 ,,-f,'‘ ' ,41'',',. '''''', k . , 4 4, 4 'Cilk ',MP, c't . l' ," 4 « Plife ',',.13:,,i3J,,Ity.444,,'`grkfl..W1vVilLph4,t7 1:4 XV* M N 4 416'il:'''''' 'F*4444.4."'
, '4'.' '''4 '' t! ' ' it '''' 44!
t04.:',1 , 'ix, 4 ' #
” 4,
01 '''74a*1, ,,,;"!'t ' •44i11:41;101,-, ,,,, ,,,,,,,, „A..r:#4.,,,!:4..,, $41R , ,44
., •, • . ,s. T , , , ,. 1
C , .t.t./.*4.. , t , ,..',1,
' 4: ., -01 4
r ' ',1 4:40.
1 .
"IP . IL4gold ,,,
, *1:,1.* te'r:'''13i1 !I''''
4- t• t v*,
5i.: ' ,l 48' 4'..* ' i ., . . ,,,,,,,
' 44, it ''''' ,
,‘ :4: l't' 4'4
Imperial Hockey, 8 pairs, were $1.75, now $L25
0. H. A., 1 pair, was $1.75, now I.2
Wellington, 6 pairs, were $1.25, now
Boker's Lightning, I pair, was $3.50, now 2.75
Crescent, 1 pair, was $I.00, now 75
Hockey Club, 4 pairs, were 50c, now .35
Stadacona, 1 pair, was $3.75, now.... 3.00
Boker's Perfect Hockey, 5 pairs, were $1.75, now. 1.25
Ideal, 2 pairs, were $1.25, now 90
Stanch rd, 2 pairs, were --$2•00, now 1.60.
Argo, 2 pairs, were $1.75, now 1.25
No. 10 Spring, 3 pairs, were $r.25, now .90
Razor Blade, I pair, was $4.00, now 3.25
Mic-macs, I pair, was $3.50, now 2.75
Boker's Hockey, 1 pair, was $2.25., now .. . : 1.75
10 pairs Shin Pads, were 60c, now... - 40
2 pairs Shin Pads, 'were $1.50, now .1 15
Regulation Hockey Fucks :•dF1.14, .20
These are popular styles. Get yours now
before the popular sizes are picked out.
For Heating, Plumbing and Electric Wiring, give
us a call. All work promptly attended to and fully
Chas. C. Lee
Phones: Store 22 400. The Square
House I 1 2 ; • Goderich
4,0,04 1
,Y,t• ,44,40 •.
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'4144iibC; ifFPU 94 11