HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-2-8, Page 4VIt 7t 1,144i v _ 4 lurIaoAY FBNNUABY 8, 1917 Just One More Week .R Men's SUITS AND OVERCOATS` . $10.00 Worthl$13. $15 and 818. BOVS'1 SUITS $3.50 Clearing lines. Worth $5.00 to $7.50. Men's Soft Felt fiats 75c Worth $2.00 to $4.00. Men's Negligee Shirts 49C Regular up to $ i .50-___ Arrow Notch Collars 10c or 3 for 25c. Walter C. Pridham Phone 57 20th Ceatury.Clothieg err The Saults Coal Co. tiuccaw,r. to McDonald' a Gledhill EXCLt'SIv1•: AGI\TS FOR LEHIQH VALLEY THE COAL. THAT SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,' Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Hemlock Maly, $2 per card. Fresh cars of 1 iastt'aad Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75 B. ). Saults' Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence .202 1 King Edward Cafe (SOMErteltO Naw) the weather is now cool. People coming to town esn be served Hot Coffee. ,7 ea or Cocoa at 6c Meals also served 36c Iilgbat prima paid ter astute std ens+. The best barn in town for stabling. Joseph Murray Kingston Street OODCMCH AUBURN. TUESDAY, Feb. 8. Mr. A. Asquith baa received a car ,,l' feed oats. Owing to the storm on Monday the .about was cloyed. . Mrs. (leo. Whitney arrived from the Wert on Tuesday noon. Services in St. Mark's church were cancelled tii.unday 'morning owing to t hrinete►e its wesviberond lead- reads. Mr. Noah Plaetzer has purcbasel seven scree of bush from Mr. John Mille and ie bury supplyiuq the village with wood. Mi'. A. [:. lackson had. a _.. fir at -In - the nsthe crown wheel of his chopper 'on Saturday and work is held up uotil be can get a new wheel which he ordered siX weeks ago and which has not yet arrived. Our bank manager, Mr. Sutton, has been called to Tulliuto and .will leave Friday. Hie .ucceeeor, Ma. Matthews, arrived on Jlonday and is getting ac- quainted .before Mr. SuttoaiLleavee, WVe wish both of them success their re.pectivi fields of tat or. ANrrrHRN Ole THB PIONBaHB DE- oARTa.-Mr. Alexander Roberton de- parted this life on Monday night, in his eightieth year. He was 'one of the pioneer settlers on the 13th cuucession of Hulielt, and was a man of kind dis- position and respected by all his ae- quauttaocee. He bad been iii -WIN health the past year. He leaves his aged partner -in -life, one brother, Thome., of Hallett ; two daughter., Mrs. Geo. Wbij,ney, of Manitou, Man., and Mr.. Fosllr Wright. of tVitmer, and three sons: Robert of Bow Island, Alberta ; Andrew, of New Ontariu. and Jatues, at home. The funeral lakes plate on Thursday to Hope Chapel cemetery, the services to be cuuducted by Rev. W. Conw.iy. The sympathy of the community i. ex- tended to the bereaved ones. (intended far last week.. WEDNESDAY. Jan. 31. ` Mr. Wm. Carter, of town, is borne for a month's holidays. Mr. Beta Smylie and family started on Monde for their home at Oka River, Sask. Mr. Isaac Brown, of Blyth, was in The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited Report of Twentieth Annual General Meeting The Twentieth Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders of The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, Was held at the Com- pany's Head (lice in Toronto, at .noon on January 26th, 1917. The President iicecptt'd the chair, and the General Manager was ,elected Secretary of the meeting," The I'rreidt•nt presented the following Twentieth Anbnal Finan- cial Statement. BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER 31st, 1916. ASSETS. Capital Account Mortgage Loans. Call i.oans, Debentures and . other Securities, with interest .arErued. thereon $1,575,866.09 (Mice Furniture, Fixtures, ete., at, Toronto, Calgary and Brantford 13.820.47 Real Estate ,.. 151',487.82 ('ash on hand and in Bank • 99,486.85 $1,840,661.23 Uncalled ('apical Stock 619,345.39 Guaranteed Trust Account Securities on Kcal Estate, Stocks, Honda, 1)ebt'nturee, ete. -$j4,534.124.56 ('ash on Hand and in liank 67,401.11 $4,601,5.25.67 Estates and Agency Account -_ Mortgages on Real Estate _. $1,574,796.54- Other Securities. iucluding unrealized Orig. r • ileal Meets - 6,490,640.48 = ` Gash in Bank ... 277,379.90 $8,342,816.92 tot $15,404,349.21 LIA/II.ITI?i8. Capital Account capital Stock Subeeribed Dividend due January let, 1917 Sundry Aeeounta payable Balance at credit of Profit and Loss $2,000,000.00 41,267.06 2,368.87 416,370.69 $2,400,006.62 Guaranteed hast Account Trust Fonds with interest aeerned to date. -$4,301,626.67 $4,601,546.67 Relates amid Agency Amount Notatin and Trusts under Adlaittistratiee by the Company , r $11,342,81612 $*,341,416.93 .t•t"�Tl of.'""*i w JAMS J. WARREN, Pnsid.at, $15,404,$0.21 1 B. STOCKDALt, General Manager. Vote. of thanks were extended Um Board et Directors, tbe Baird to the Alberta Branchaad tone oe'loses and Melt Ow their � OelMa.Bt sad paiastakag services in abs Cempaars behalf The following Directors were sleeted: -J. H. Adams, TotosSe; W. 19. Ben. . ffhesley; A. C. i•luteerteit, Victoria ILC.; Lloyd Manta. Brantford; A. P. larvae, Tsiswto; N. W. Rowell. ILCL .. M.P.P. Tereme: C. R. fltite35., latera, Orb.; ideiet.-Col. N. C. Hoblsesa, Walkervllst. Oat; Ileus sioa�.l oillostli las, P. Behalf**. Toronto; KB. Stesedata Tw.s5Th; W:•t.ra, �i.A>reaN: spew J. Worms, Toronto; Mattbow WiL C, Cttatbam. The Rees* sua busllsoty mot sad tmoaosgisasy dsntefir. Jame 1. Weems .for west; Mders. G. P. aeaNtield cad C. a stews., Vkso. : iL L iwckMle. Genua/ il9Aager. mad C. II. MamSW., awtetare. t. HE SIGNAL GODERICB ONTARIO the village and sold a Ford oar to Dr. brotbsre and thine Siatsre. The NW' Weir, to be delivered In the spring. al took plates on Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stalker lett on to Dungannon cemetery The ser- Tbur.day mw u ing on* wuutb's vada- vices were ooadtloted hy Rev. .1. W. tion i in in visit their daughters at Hedley and abs pallbearers were the Flint, Mich. two sow and two .on in-law, Chas. The annual Sabbath school conven- Retch and Wes. Clickner, of Breen. tion will he hell to Knox church on February 711t. Then will be after- iKIPPEN, noon and evening sessions. Pito* THS PROPT.-In a late letter Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor started on received hum Melville McOlywont hr Tbureday for Kudya.d, Mich., to visit hisrev. mar. Mr. and M,Jae. 3h431y- the forniet'e brother before restorationasot� he tells of the first draft frow to their home at Gull Lake, t e..k. , the fdlst Battalion, of whioh he was •Mr. Robert Sprung case up froth one, ea befog in the fir.' line trenches. Detroit Saute day to spend two weeks He says they are well looked after and visiting relatives here before return- when they come out of the trenches with wet feet there is always • pair of dry socks for theta to put oo. The wet ones are then washed and when dry passed on to some other needy soldier. In fact, he advises bis mother not to send bias any more socks, as he doesn't need them. Evidently the best pint'. ing to his bonne at Manitou, Mao. BAYFIELD. TutniuAY, Feb. 8. Mrs. Piersoi le laid up with an at- tack of pueuuionla. Rev. F. Rickard is iu Loudon and to stied the sock. Is to the receiving llbecbas at this week. spot. Gordon Gould, son of the Vol - ltev. L. Julies mw m oiwionary, is said to have been day 1 • T, oemal. whets be`vutende .eot twenty five pain. When last the Social Service Cougrees. heard from Gordon was in the buept- A play entitled ."The Stolen 'Die- Wel. monde" will he prereuld in the town ttueded'tor kwt week.) b$U+sa I?f$t.y wttaitinit. H'alauat7 1f1tb.t teVFSi>1vBeaww, .ie.. *1. under the ani -paces of the Ladies' Aid This week Ur. Aitken and Mewrs. of `II„ An ia•r: t u net ,who willo do -the I Alex. Monteith and Jet. H. McLean u L • on. -1►a1' the ort prucrrds b the Pa. edetate bund. ••The Stolen Dia.+ are r'epre'rntung the Presbyterian u„.f +or• -i ,►_.,,m.dy�fra/aa,iu_ thrr tr church in TOIQ Vv at the eocialeervice acts, occupying two hour.:, and is I and mora) reform conyeit.ou [o Saa- b iuif'il of uttrirrt and Lunuor front stint to Ifiti.h. Don't mise the beet entrr.gloom nt. of the seams. Ad.oe- `stun 25e. AGED FARMER Blade &Strong and Wall by Vinol This letter proves there is nothing equal to Vinol to create strength for weak, run-down conditions. Vestal Centre, N. • Y. -"I am a far- mer armer ' 74 years pf age and got into • weak, run-down condition as • result of the Grippe. Our druggist suggested Visol to build me up and I noticed en improvement s000 after taking it, and it has restored my strength to I can now do a good day's work. My wife has also taken Vim! for • run- down condition witk splendid resole.' -H. W. Longa. H.C. Dunlop, druggist. ('.oderich. Ont. Also -N-abs -best druggists in all Ontario towns. CARLOW, W IDNEBD.lcY, Feb. 7. Miss Edith Wilson has returned front ''ort Carling; Mr. \Vas. Watson bet now com- pleted his handsome new bonne and has all the otuiptemnie nom except one -and that IP the housekeeper. Mr. Norman Krrnigban has recent- ly disposed of a carload of salt to the farmers of this vicinity at Sic per cwt. The salt was purchased through tae Fainters' Club. MATH' OF MRs. PATRICK -dad, news bay been received of the drotjof. Mr.. alms. Pitricli, eldest doingbter of Mrs_ Wm.Ty.nd'll. It was not unex- pected-, however, sat Mrs. Patrick bad been a great sufferer for the past eighteen month., and all her gutter- ing. were borne with the greatest fortitude. The nature of her illness being a fibrous tumor located in her bead, a cure frenal im rssihle, as all that furthest skill mold- o wait, of no avail. She oared away at her home et Echo Bay, Algoma, on Tburaday. Jeuuary 75. Besides her sorrowing husband, she (raves five children : Gertrude, who is attending business college at Toronto, and four (toys at home. Mir. Warner Walter and.her mother, who joined her at Toronto, at- tended the funeral at Echo Bay. ST. AUGUSTINE. TdKSDAT, ruffs. The Rt. Augustine Women's Insti- tute will bold its regular monthly meeting in the Rt. August'ne hall on Wednesday, February 14:63 at 2 o'clock. NSwe OF THE WIttEK -Mise Jean Wils,,n has returned bows after • month's visit with London friends...-. Miss M. C.,llaban, of Whitechurch, visited friends in this vicinity last week Mr: and Mise Spencer, of Benin,, Manitoba. and Miss Spencer, of 1Vhitby, are visiting their aunt, Mr+. John Thompson .... Mrs. Mc- Donald and ,daughter Donelda, of Jamestown, ate visiting friends in this vicinity this week . Miss Janet Andrews, of ilaity. Souk., and Meter, Mrs. Ww. Hamilton, of Mnle,wortb, called nn friends here last week . Mr. and Mrs. David Tisdale are viva- ing Mrs. Tiadele'y hrotber, Chas. Rob- inson Owing to the stormy weather the mail -carrier did not get on his rounds for a couple of drys. Rev. James Wilton, of Toronto, is visiting at bis old home here. COLBORNE. - TUXeDAT, Feb. 6. PgaaoNAL MsNTtore.-Hr. and Mrs. L. B. Snyder have returned from a these weeks visit with friends at Tor- onto,Kitcbenrr, Herpeler, Preston and other pointe ...Mr. and Mrs. L. Mielan., of shelevlcb, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Charles Prones Mr. Oliver Fronde is home from the West for • visit of a few weeks Mr. O. R. Foteter is visiting with friends at Hamilton this week Mrs. W. 0. Durst spent last week at the borne of her daughter, Mrs. John Flick. HILL WBFteBenA', Pel. 7. Mrs. Jov. Thompson has limn 111 with an attack of bronchitis. Mrs. Lewis Taylor is visiting rola- Oyes at Toronto and Markham. Mr.. Hairy Phillips returned to her home at Apologist', Mich., last week. Rev. .1. W. Hedley was in Toronto a ' few days last week attending a oou- treittion. The W. M. S. meets on Wdneaday afternoon at f`e bone d Mrs, Wm. Finnigan. Mea W. Kerr has base ander the darter's etre this last week, suIerlog frogs • severs aMaek of postleinetls.- OBITOARY.-The death of Joseph Jones o.ewred as Tuesday. January 80th. at hie home hest. at e age of seventy -eve years. Tita The dseeamed bed bee. • resideet.f dais oesesnoolty for •bunt fourteen yearly eo.ing frim. the oouoty of Years. He ifseeylved bV hie wife. to'e suss-• and Rd- weed. beth ai 0.13.... township - and two w•9eaMi-tangAarl Bvhsg In /.era eet.Rty. He. boom was the est .Itnhlag of • tonally el .it wry Hall. On Saturday. the 77th inst., W. H. Johnston, teacher in No. 14, Stanley, and a load of his larger pupils went to wee the agricultural ezhibit rent out ftntn the 0. A. C. All enjoyed the trip and the information given. Mr. ,Wesley Harveytbad the mis- fortune of baying bis driver break her leg near Seafortb one day last week. A veterinary eurgeoo in Sealorth put it in a plaster cant and Mr. Harvey to he driving her ere long. anoio.-On Wdnerda morn• ing, the 1711 inst.. Mr. William Mc- Gregor and Miss Sophia Uesch were quietly warded in ibe mane. hy Rev. Rev. Dr. Aitken and immediately left on the 8.31 train on • trip to Niagara Falb and other pointe. On their return they are wafing down on the groom to fine farm east nt the village. SUc(-v.s pL'L SALE. -0n Wednesday, the 24th ie.:., Mr. Rohn. Morrison held a successful auction sale of farm stock. eta Calves brotkght over 531) each and cows, with one exception, bro•teht over $80, the best tine going at 5115. The at eodance waw large and the bidding brisk.. Mr. Morrison after living on his farm on the 3rd concession o/Atan.ley for over tweoty- five years hes sold to Mr. McLaughlin, of Cromarty for $7.000. Hit and his family will be greatly missed In the community. but having bought a comtortableebowe in Heiman bis old friends bope to see bis often. An Excellent Medicine for Little Ones. Baby's Owe Tablets are an esot:lleit medicine for little ones. They sweeten the stomach ; regulate the bowels, break up colds and 6imple>pvere, cure ttonetepstioa.'aad make ng easy. Concerning Mau Mrs. E. inn, Par - am., Que., wt iter : -Baby was troubled with constipation and noth- ing helped bum till 1 bream using Baby's Own Tablet*. They ars an ex- cellent medicine for little ones." The Tablet., ate sold by medicine dealers or by mad at 26 ciente it bol from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, t)nt. GODEstICHrOWNSHIP. TosetSAT. Feb. 8. Mr. Robt. Bicban is around again after being laid up with the grippe. Mine Annie Johnston and bee brother George are on the sick list with la grippe. On account of Saturday's storm the mail -can ire for route Nu. 1 was un- able to make the tt ip. The managing board of Union church held their first meeting on February lot at the church. Mr. Thos. Anderson took the chair. A number of farmer- in the north- ern part of the township have bad sheep worried and killed by dogs. it bas been going on for & considerable time now. The Farmers' Club will meet in the Orange Hall on the evening of Tues- day, February 13th. Prof. Harcourt, of the O. A. C., bee promised to give •;practical talk on the use of cow- oceroial fertilizers. Everybody wel- come. Rev. Jas. Hamilton being still no - able to take the services at Union church, Kee. R. C. McDermid oocn- ied the pulpit lest Sunday and de- livered an excellent sermon. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Powell is to take the service.. • The Taylor's Meuse Patriotic Loci- ety will hold a sewing meeting st the home of Mist John *thermos on Wd- n«daj; February 1416. Members will please bring all finished articles. The Society tenders hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. George Leitb- waite for their hospitality on Tuesday Seasonable Footwear WHETHER you've been buying cheap or high- priced footwear, our Shoes and Rubbers, at medium prices, will make k posit* for yon to save money and you'll still be able to have footwear that cannot be beaten 'for atyle,comfort or du:abiitiy. REMNANTS We have finished taking stock and find in every department broken lines of goods and remnants. These must be cleared out before we Start the eitrly spring selling. Space will not permit details of all remnants.' but here are a few, On Saturday and until they are cleared our tables and counters will have many. bRSETS i We have several broken lines of Corsets that have not all the slay' and we will clear same at the following prices : D. & A., No. 510, in sizes,19, 20, 2'2. Regular 12.00, for $1.49. -r4r '11).`& A., No. 409, this is a Corset for stout women, sizes 27, 2s. Regular 61.50, for 11.19, D. & A., No. 217, in sizes 19, 23, 24, 27, 29, light weight Corset. Regular .11.25, for 89c. W. B., No. 786, heavy low bust Corset, in sizes 23, 25, 26, Zai, 3d. Regular $4.00, for lit .30: D. & A., several liues of grey Corsets. Regular $1.00 and 75c, for 29c. - EMBROIDERY INSERTIONS Several hundred yards of Embroidery lusertiou at 50 per cent. off. Several hundred yards Lace Insertion at 50 per cent. off, . f, Heavy all -wool Hose, in sizes 9 1-2 and 10. Regular 35c, for 29c "=-')ite l dRi etia of Curtain-'M'jt§lins in different -lengths =said quatities ,., One dozen Linen Centres and Shams at greatly reduced priers. t UNDERWEAR I Fleece -lined boys' Underwear. Regular 40e for 29c and 3Sc for lac. just a ten' giYIneuts left'. Four men's fleeced Shirts. Regular GOC for .19c. SWEATER COATS Jost 23 Sweater Coats left and they must be all sold thiscoming week. ular $1.75 for $1.'2.5. Regular $3.00 for $2.25_ -Regular $_):''5 for $1.7:1. $2.00. Regular $3.50 for $2.75, Children's Coats, regular $1.25 for 99c. Regular 90k for b Regular alar 75c for 60c. ' 99 HOSE. Just a few pairs of the old 99 left and they must lie Geared. ular 75e for 53c. 7, 7 1-2, regular 60c foe 4. . 6 1-'2; regular 50c for ' 9c.. for 29c. 4, 4 1-2, regulara-30c for 19c. • i evening, .January :411rh.. The Patriotic Society- or (odericb township ,has made artongemrnto for holding a' valentine party and *orbit evening at the home of Mr. John W. Salkeld, Hayfield road, on Wednesday, Fehruary I1th. Prizes will be given for the beet fancy and comic valentine costume. in both Ladies' and gentle- men's classes. Admission 33c. THE GODERICH MARKETS. THvttseav, Feenorya, [.'heat. err bode $ 1s9 to $ Lee Hodge P. r b.nh - at t -• r o e0 Paw. per ba.b 201 to 295 Buekwhawt per bade. ... Lag to 1.10 r lour. family. oar cwt _ 400 to tie Flour. limn. per own 4.75 to 5.80Rrau, per ton .,.... *Ler to IRO Mom'. per tee .................37 in to 47.00 Y. per On 1699 1o_ 1000 Ni !s. Poor. :afros t - 8 O to toe Wood. per load 600 to 630 hairy Nutter. mein .31 to .3e l'reanwn 'Rioter 1 .11 to .45 Fos., fro*. per dos .w �,o .13 Potato*,, perbe.h 1.70 to 1 al .1140e.. p, r Oh 4o a .15 Cottle, butchery' ono{*. Iverest7.3o to 7..5 eel tJe butchery' tndium.Der cwt 6.10 to s 73 Hoes. pre weight, per owl..... 13 73 1 13.90 Sheep. ser ,...et .6.401 to 7.11U Hiles. Per Ib - I to ,a Tallow, rendered, per lb Sheep Pelt. 110 te Ur CENTRAL Known for -freedom from stretching. strength of duck and excellent quality of rubber friction between the various - -1l►e.. D ,�. aTRA'eFORD. o Ontario's gat- Business \fY/ge Student. may enter our cl at :any time. Cotwnewt your cots now and be qualified feria pusittoa by midsummer. During Juiy and Au t of lasryar we receir 1 calls for \ Ow 200 office apistaala we could not supply. (tor graduate. are is demand. 'Write for our free catalogue. - D. A. McLACHt. AN, Principal. \ •- ASHFI.LD. The regular monthly timeline of the Ashfield Soldier: Aid Circle will he held at the honor of Mrs. David Mill - wain, Ind conceaainn, on Tuesday February 13th Everyone interested in patriotic work is cordially invited to attend. a ar • • NOM .: • 6 I �I • N t It a a1 �� O 1t 11 la t)� �f' i LOW FARES d AND THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS 1N Western Canada and the Pacific Coast ELECTRIC LIGHTED AND COMFORTABLY EQUIPPED TRAINS To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply to J. WI CRAIGI•E, Agent, or write to R. 1.., Fairbairn, Gen- eral Passenger Dept., 68 King St. E., Toronto. ---- - VIA - CANADIAN NORTH ERN REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO Ira to ,. BEGIN NOW RiCPAtRING GECttstacVICAR Math Ma of Square adde id s ...�_ ..,. tet..;•..... .-.la .,.,r.s.,o,;,r''.i j 4 t 11=14141, - MAMMA