The Signal, 1917-2-8, Page 1.y • Printing THK SIGNAL is ready to beadle your Print work, large or small• and give yet a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal I IITY NINILTH TzAR-No. Js*u Renewal Time Tl►is i. the time to renew your subscription to The Signal - before the price is t,diritacsd. Your dollst NOW eteMll s yoM fifty -tea weekly vlaib`of Huron's Lest and brightest paper-.- TIi` Signal GODERICH. ONTARIO. URSDA Y. FEB. 8. 1917 f THE STERL1Mi1iA(�v n OF CANADA 311111nwrwrsr:viaowr mamalm.p.- owoHl writal:•late r.:: WAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAVE, Because - National safety dt ndtecomPerti----= FOR SALR LLOH SALE-1'StID PIANO. IN r ar.t arod odlUse, W9l sed, at • low �prrtfqq as owner 1• modes y[art, APO BOX >8. 81(1N A1- ` spats PRIVATI': HALE OF LUABLE h•a.e ternlehtage, COW VI of 1 solid i steer sola, 1 mahogany wardrobe with mix ewe full alae of panel., 1 a abatany dreams. klrcien cabinet, 1 kitchen exlen.lon Coble with Wink large drawers. carpets, abate+. nsrtalns, Luke and a number of other articles All the o hms are emetically new, having been to we n eer a .best time The mahogany pieces are •scep(tonany good and all the article., otic are ar.l-clam., In every re.pert. Terms me The abo.e ran be bu.pecred any Uwe 1n t rc•w. over P. T. Deans rao+rrry. Dell Sallow.' 1 Phan)audio, Apply H. MR . 30 -It 1 R BALE.-ORDAR POSTS, A1.80 S. t. delealaa Amin Wi T. 1 IUDLLL. Ott MUSIC. 4IN(iING (INCLUDING SIGHT- READING and VOICE CULTURE/. ANO and ORGAN taught by U. NICHOL- HON tTohr's, Certif. Roy. Amid. Mer.. Load.). ermnist and choirmaster CL Oecres. church. Osdetkh. Term. ormseuent with oarehd titillate. Erable. et "Lakes Lew" tom tempi we wrltr YOX IS, (FNselek- EA IL SUNBURY. A. A. O. Lk, L, D. C. M..Organist and Choirmaster of Church. Teacher piano. rotosA mp�gaoo.. �a/14 prepared far exawtnat.Wpt Strrdlo- tse�se serest. tour deers east of Or, Bast•r's. WANTEY. vA1i rTEm D.-ALvApfyDY)X RK SOFAR BOY WANTED FOR BUS1NEfiS.- garart actor•seywasesell. Thiele oilseed ty for aa mde.tifare, U•atwerrAy a a bednev, w a ant t► 50451. Ybr tnr tpar Uark.n sooty at FBle OPFICE. mENDISRti WANTED -TOWNSHIP 1 Or l'OLBORN The uud.•n.tyoed will receive tenders up to Monday, February 14th oast. for SAD (ave tb•asrd) Net of red bee h plank extra feet long: R. McILWAIN, Nile, Olt Clark of Colborne Township. W ANTRA, -COMPETENT GIRL for bensswort. App17 8114. (1444+ (iA tR DURSONH TING RAV FUR .11for rale egg& 'SID BROWN. pbow 273. 49-2t .MAIL) WANTED:. -APPLY TO Mite. DICKSON, et. t street. DIRLBWANTED.-AP YGUDE- KNITTING Co. FOR EAU OR RENT. LIOR HALE. -108 -ACRE FARM, Jul' three miles *oath or Onderleb, on the God wnees.iou. hayfield toad, meetly clay loam ellen improved, high state of cultivation. Karel nail and te'ephone, Turn.. -.A fair de - Molt dos.. Will wept mortgage for balance M reasonable interest THOe, U, AMY, uode- rich, it. R. No 2. It 1.1 OUSE TO RENT. -COMMODIOUS two -.tory brick hou-e on Nast arrest. oon- venient to O T. ft ststiwt, with modern con- venlencr.. A very d• :treble place at moderate rent. 1. ply MRH. W. RHYN AS, Montreal street (telephone No, Irk, 19tt !)ARGAIN FOR IMMRDIATE SALE 1) - Art quickly. Twentyscree on the Phw-. eerion, Modelle h town -hip Phip, about tsv-, and a half nines -from Ooderinh : gond soil, high and dry, fruit and vegetable land, wane wned ale) se farm. 1)n the farm is a nine -room house and 5oodee ed burs .ebfr•ken hone, eta. 1 also Mss hoax, wagon, Ianggy aril other farm pk'mente, which can he purchased. N III be 11 add n•a•oeakly. Far fanner ttnrucstars apply mi the premises to B. P. RUMP. or (inserter,Peat 19.1 f 710 RENT. -80UI'H SIDE 0 N j. apartmeut hour° on North street ; .Ix toms ad both, basement laundry. all modern /pMseyem� newly dominated and sadly 1eat.d. teaeosabla A.M. POLLEY. 511( RED GROSS NOT ES. The Society thankfully acknowl- edges the following contributions of sacks : Mrs Montgomery, 9 petrel Mrs. W. E. Kelly, It pairs ; Mrs. Robe, Sharma°, 5 pals : Miss 8. Clark, Miss M. Clark, Mrs. Thurlow, 4 pain each ; Mrs. Will Carley, Mts. John Yro, Mr.. B. Andrews, Mre. lien Sault., Mrs. Woods, Mr.. Wm. Howard, Mrs. Henry Bullard. Mrs. R. H. Cott, Mus A. Andrews. i pawn each ; Mee. Barren, Mrs. Robe, Clark, Mrs. oke Mn. Hillier Mrs. Oruntmett, M Chas. Oirvin, Mrs. nos. Bell, M Snider, 2 pain each ; MIL Jno, M Ewan, Mrs. Goldthorpe, sr., Mn. Jas Yate., Mtge Seager, Mn. Carrie, M Helen (:grey, Mrs. A. McNiven, M Marwick, Mn. Macara, Mrs. Ja McMath, Mrs. Jas. Hoggartb, 'Mi N. Craig. Mrs. Weller, Miss Phoe Steep, Mrs. Steep. Miss Armstron 1 pair each. All who can knit are urgently ask to help. Yarn will be handed out the basement of Hodgen Brom.' *to and•all socks returned there. Lad from the Society will be present o Monday. Wednesday and Kameda afternoons. Come and get acquaint with the knitters and the socks. The following appeal "to the pa Hotic workers of Western Ontario Yes been received for publication The gnat, war is now well on int the th r nflack to Canada a coining the me* who in the prime health and rppgtb went out to Nth for IM are escalate bee rnken and disabled. and many hem victims of the terrible sc0 t tuberculosis. The Government le erecting • yron sanatorium special building here a number of these unfortuoa erose may receive cars and treat ent, and the London branch of th R. C. S. has undertaken the fur ishing and equipment of them building. at a cost of at least =15,0(10 While this is distinctly Red (: ork, it hi a special object, and th Society counts on the generosity of it ntributors throughout %Venter )ntario to aid in this magnificen ork. A contribution of =500.011 entitl be Society or irdividuel so contribut ig to name a room. Three rooms ar accommodate fromfromfour to six p ients, and the buildings altogethe in accommodate some 120 patients. Is it not well worth while to hay .bare in restoring these men t. ealth and strength and enahlin hent to again take their places in th rld inet.ead of allowing them to re en to their homes to ne a su urea of contagion to their famine the community at levee if your Society or any rndividua et•ein wishes to contribute any Hutamrn this fund, kindly counicat ith the treasurer or cgr. sec. of th ndon branch, Please make al .quest or money orders payable to e Red Cross Society. JANE I. KENNEDY, Hoer,, Cor. Sec. rm. n. iso rs. new 5 be g. ed in re res eat 0 re of k of erne a to e toss e 5 n t es e e g e re c0 w it to a w h wo to so tie 1st w Lo cb t. b rR RANT. -MODERN HOUSE ON OMeeseter Terrace. Apply to JOS. C. MN. ;p,u �lLEARiNO AUCTION 8ALA OF i FARM STOCK._ MR CHARLES C. Mt NFap. will rilI by public mention at his farm, ore -half mile -curb of Dunlop, (.Ike Shore road, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2rtth, commencing at 1.30 o clock sharp: one black melding, rising 4 years old, by V i k Inert I mete Inv, rising t year. 011, by Quaid Pereheron: 1 filly. riming 2 years old, by Buokton Harbert>: 1 well bred roadster filly, by Geld - i horpe. horse. N -Ins 1 year old • I oow, S years old. dr February 18 h ; 1 cow, 7 rears old des March stet; 1 now, a years olo, doe March bill: 2 now.. 7 ream end, dee In Apell; I row. Sars old. doe In April ; 1 cow, a years old, doe In Oo tabor ; I now. three year, old, with calf at foot ; 2 belfrn, due In March; 1 h Ater, doe In May; 1 heifer. deny 2 rear.; 2 leer-, Plaint 2 years: I Purebred Shorthorn hull, dark red. 44 months ,W: el calves, r1 -Ing 1 year: 1 road wagon. nearly new; A pod Yorkahlre pi1et�atr, will weigh shoo. 1.a pounds each; s moors Yorkshire ohs., about 110 pounds each. Everything advert.l+M will be meld. Tmasu - All .nmei of eon and under. each : now that aewnnt, >! month+1t w111 be Ms en on furnishing app(bved }Nreal4'4o' tw, A dlarmint of 4 per rot. straight, allowed for meth on nredlt smarm.. (:HAMAD,'C MnNEfL, THOS. GUN DR Y. Proprietor, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES. The Saltford Red Cross Soc'ety ill hold a meeting at the •one of rs. Adams on Wednesday net t _All are cordially Invited. Human Hair, Protects and Adorns Head and if you have thin hair -if you are bald -do not miss seeing I)orenwend's exhibit of human hair -gouda for ladies and gentlemen at Hotel Redford, on Tuesday, February I:ith. The display will include ladies' switches, coronet and fancy braids, tranafonualiona, pompadours, waves, chignons, hang., and for hsld men toupee and wig structures that will benefit the health and appearance. There is no charge for a demonstration. Any quantity of dry hemlock slabs for summer wood at Med.:wan'. (phone 9R). 92.00 per cord. tf Wholesomeness and purity are our first eonsiderstions when making our homemade randy and ice-cream. A trial will convince you, Edwards'. Phone 2100. OOD POSITIONS HIGH WAGES First-class Tool Makeps and Machinists wanted who have served their time at the trade. Apply TAYLOR-HORBF9 Co., Go/MPH, - - ONT. Knox Church Annual Congregational ,Meeting The annual con- gregational meeting of Knot church was held on Wednesday evening of this week. not phirlaif % ILU. Melee/Mid. presided, and Dr. H. I. Otte Rev. R. C. McCermid acted Re IIQretat e reports pre- sented showed the congregation and its various activities to be in a flour ishing condition, with a good year's work done, and a year cf successful activity in prospect. The report of the session was read by the pastor. It recalled with ap- preciation the ministry of Rev. Geo. E. Roes. who during the year was translated to Montreal, and spoke gratefully of the services reodsred by Rev. James Haueiltoo as interim mod torturing the subsequent vacancy Another change during the year was caused by the enlistment for military on vice of the former organist and choirmaster, Mr. W. T. Sharpe, who has been eureeeded by Mr. Theo. Sun- bury. The Honor Roll of the church now contains the names of II''2 men who have enlisted for King anc coun- try and of one young woman whc is on the nursing eta lY of the military hospital at Malta. Muob good, espec- ially in retaining the interest of the young men. is expected from the formation of the St. Andrew's Club, which has been formed with Dr. Field as teacher. The continued good health of Mr. L D. A. (mason, Knot church's missionary to Ipiia, and the success attending has work in that far coun- try were remarked with gr•tifloation. The numberof 'studies connected with the congregatiod+wse reported as 409, and the number of members 7W. This is an apparent decrease from last. year ; hart this is due to, a careful scrutiny of the church roll and the re- moval of a large comber of twines representing persons who foe some time had not been resident in town. Twenty-seven additions were made the roll during the year -five by Cession of faith and twenty-two ity certificate. The sacrament of baptism was administered to twenty-six per- sons. The marriages numbered four- teen. Twenty-one members were re- moved by death during 191& 'Ib. report of t he Sal* at b • school showed 494 officers, teachers and scholars on the roll, w:th ninety names oe the Cradle Roll. a total of utl. In moving the adoption of the moor,. the superintendent, Mr. Alex, Saundete, urged the iurportence of the work of the Sabbath school and asked for vol- unteers from the young men and ',mine women of the eougr•egatIon to augment the supply of teacher.. The Y. P. 14. 0. E reported that meetings had been bel4 regularly dur- ing the year. The Missionary Aaation was ante Io _import that, as as reault of the Tbvtliry member canvass" made last owing. the missionary giving■ bad been largely increased, the total amount received by the Asaocistion ring tba-;aar_ being 111.11119.28. It was urged upon.tbe congregation that the giving. under this head should be increased to $20,0 for 1917: An interesting and encouraging re. poi t was received from the MaeG Giilliv- ray Mission Beod, which has is year. which included the raising of a menthe' ship of 1:111. . suhstantial sum for missions. Another report reviewed the work The Women's Missionary Society cle re- of the Arthur Cirduring the past ported a year of useful activity mud a ?01,,L OF . Hf)1yOR. The Honor Roll of Knox church, an presented in the annual re- port, contains tete following names of peri.ons associated with the congregation ehi have enlisted "for King and Country" and are on active service or on their way to the (neat : ti ilft-id Akhurst Bert Gordon Donald McNevin William Robinson Melville Andersson W'Ifr•(rl Godwin James Mat -Vicar Ueore Rix • • John Mcleod, Jr. Hogs -Rutherford Ferman ;Harris Donald M. McKay Charles Rose Donald Hume Dan McGuire Lindsay Burrows. David McMillan Henry Silk t1'illium Bisset chorine Inkster John dSwart*erd Ernest Swart* Waiter Buchanan O. L. Inkster Anglin McNevin Jack Sweets Norman McLeod • It, J. Wallows MiterJ(ibustm Donald McLean Alex. Straiton • Johnston W.Gordon McNet-in \Vatson Steelton Jardine. A. M. Marinneee H. 8onlniereall Gerrrge Jaynes Joe McNevin William 8nazel ss O Keel Hugh McGuire George Stokes Harry McCreath Fred Stokes yd Cpr ew Bell Albert 1leiAnlald Walter Saunders wn -eats Kell- 'Bert Mr Lean Henry B. Smith KKK Norihan McPhail Mil. Helen Strang Ernest Bell ffarvee- Beattie . (•eorge Maggots Muir Balkw•ill William Black . Percy Beattie J. H: Bell J. H. Fred Jolln Huneell-Opietts i meet (,lark %V. J. Daniel 1, - Lrkulan Knox McLeod Dr. -Harold Willis Darlow Leonard George Mef)t,u,dd W. K. Dunnadge D Lyniburwer Leonard McDonald Ernest Welts A. R. Dickson fit n t titer C. � K. MacPherson n Witt. DeLotlg Harry Watson toh Clae6ae Dunlop Murray.. 1rle - � y- A. G. Nistteb_ - - _ (,'Ftarleu--Webber-- erne Murray Chas. Nicholson ver'tnn Erskine W. Murray Nln•uuan Newell James E. Young v.Joseph Elliott J. . Manimal Howard Tounge.l Jarltes Elder t Thomas Pritchard E. Youngblut McDonald Ch Pennington Ernest Young Feleteed Ur. McAttkur W.s Ben. 8, Young 1'-K ll'- - ---`x: v:za• .mss'.' nil- 111. T opng PROMOTED. art Alex. Mr -Nevin Klttwr Neil McDonald Archie Tom „Under Cover," Two (:odench Boys 11 Ragland. J. B. McKay E. E. Thompson TRICg9MAL PIUNTINO CO.. LIMITED, haulms' ' bcul outlook for 1917. The Ladles' Aid Society Inst veer took charge of the repairing of the manse. at • cost of over S2UU. For the hoard of managers Dr. Strang a x - pressed appreciation of the excellent work accompliabed, not only last year, but in preytous years, hy this useful organization. The Pastor's Aid also aeported briefly. The report of the choir was adopted with expressions of gratitude for the faithful service rendered by the choir and the capable urgani►4 and choir- master, Mr. Sunbury. The manager( report was read b Mr. C. A. Nairn. It recorded a marked improvement in the financial condition WILL YOU HELP ? An urgent call for assistance from the Belgian Relief head- quarters at Toronto has conte to us this week and contr,buti.,ua of cash and goods are asked for. Socks, blankets and new' cloth- ing for children from twelve to sixteen are OWpeoislly requested, and in order that they may be in time to be included in the next shipment doom ions moist be made at once, Mr. J. H. Col- borne has kindly consented to let such contributions be left at his of the couglegatiou, mainly -as -there -----store, where they must hepacked- sult of the canvass suede arty last not later than February 15Th year for Increased givings. 'Mention and sent to Toronto. Mr. Wil - was made of Mr. tltoddart'• resigns- Ilam Lane has agreed to net so tion of the offices art caretaker and local treasurer of the Belgian financial secretary. in which he is sue- Relief Fund. and all money do- ceeded by Mr. F. G. Weir, and a repo- nation. made to him will be lution was placed on record in recog- uromptly forwarded and ac- nition of Mr. Stoddat'i long and know ledged from time to time in faithful service. the local prow. Surely no one can forget Belgium, whose need is greater today than ever before. The financial statement was pre- sented by the treasurer, Mr. C. K. Sauuden., and was very satisfactory. The amount relied for congregational purposes last year was $1,494:d1, and other receipts brought the total to i1 .7 t' 1,:�f. Toe question of recasting the church 1e11, which is out ofiter on account of beu,g cracked after more than half a century of service. was left to the de- cision of the managers. Messes. J. 1'. Hume, W. E. Kelly, J. U. W11M1n and Wm. «apace were appointed to the board of assuagers. Dr. Strang at his own request woes allowed to retire from the hoard, but was again apps inted secretary of the congregation, an office he has filled for over forty years. The meeting tendered a vote of thanks to Dr. Strome for his services in this cepa- pity. Messrs. Wm. McCreath atad Alex. Ntreiton were reappointed auditors. A resolution was adopted tendering the thanks of the congregation to the ushers, the choir and the Sabbath school teachers, LANCE -CORPORAL WILLIAM l'%LIER, inaction, Langelnari4c, April 25,1916. COSP.rRAL CRENTliR S. McIkosALo, Hoepital, Boulogne, July 15, i91u. PRIVATE ARTHUR WILLIAM McMA•rn, Hospital, France, Sept. 8, 1916. LIr • . M. P. LANka in action, Somme, Sept. 28, 1916. PRIVATE LI.Ew4I.YN^TAGOART, Hospital, England, Sept., 1916. c, • The New German Sub' l rine Zone. O A. cF?sti' I se O• "t04 SLyk10 slC' Ci • vel Fa•t .zts The past week has been. a Moisten --tons one. Following Germafly'fs declaration oaf tinrestricted snbmanne warfare, the United States has broken off diplomatic relations with that country. (J. S, Ambassador Gerard has been recalled from Berlin, and Connt Von Bernstorff, German Ambassador to the United States, has been handed his passports. The map above shows the areas from which Germany has warned all ships on the penalty of being gunk without warning, In the Mediter- ranean as in the Atlantic Ocean Spanish waters are exempted. Greece, the only other neutral country bordering on the Mediterranean• can be reached only by a sea lane twenty miles wide. r If you were a young woman, horn to the set in New ' in lark ere. ciety, if your younger sister had com- mitted a "rime, if in order to save her you were forced to become la secret agent of the United SLates.customs to aid in the detection of a man who had smuggled • 11121X).tt10 necklace into this count, -it you fell in love with the smugger you were compelled to pur- sue. if it boranim a aholve between your sister en a mom you loved, what would you do ? '. N you woes. eamiiftho. {Ind sou 'w. pled a necklace through the customs, if you had suspected that some one of the Government agents was on your trail, if you learned that the girl you loved wan trying to send you to prison, if you were compelled to fight her, what would you do? These are the absorbing questions that are thrillingly and dramatically answered in the Famous Players Film Company's elaborate pioturization of the recent stage sensation, "Under ('over." to be presented at the Model Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday HOCKEY NOTES. Godericb 8-Cliuton 2. The few fans who were present a the West street t ink on Friday ninth saw Clinton defeated by the score of to 2, and, incidentally, some of the fastest hockey peen here for a long time. One could not fail to see that tt was in a different class altogether from the first game !!played with Mit- chell. For Clinton, Krltie wan the only one who showed tip well, although the work of Hill in goal was good. Foy Gnderich, every elan was a star, but Clark played a little better then the rest, scoring flee goals. The score hy periods was : (,oderfeh 3, Clinton 0 Clinton 2, Goderich 1 ; Godetich 1, Clinton 0. ('leak scored for (.oderi7.h right from the chei•k-off on a nice c bination play. (lhn,ct, tried their best to tie, but found it itupnesihle to get pest the defence. TW ire more in this period 1ak found the net. In the second sgiestit the visitors got busy and Kiltie eolttled twice. Babb made R ulna Prot: to -end rush and scored. in this pet•iod the power went off twice and time had to be, taken out. The third frame was the bent of all. The locals had it all their 0Wo way, Babb and Clark each adding too, while their oppon- ents. only ,lot clone enough to shoot several times. Lorne McDonald was the refer er. it is very disappointing both 10 the management and the players the'. more people do not turn out to See the games. The boys have been practising nearly swim, night and nut up a splen. did brand of hockey. As a contrast, look et Mitchell, a town -of only half the size of Aoderich, and where there are two other teams; at tee game - there on the 110th, although many of ehe`tans were away to Stratford, (wet 150 were present. This paid loll e>C- pengea and gave the team ■ nice mar- - lfln for the time when they go &Way to play. Thi. pt. Cure o, Oliver- i.4dH and W illi Gil tin.zel was taken tribal! don, Hovland, where the two Ooderich boy. happened to meet fiery Swivel went overseas with the Huron nal. loss es acorporatand -has *ince bee tiro- -, mated. He is a son of Mr. and re. Arthu Sneeze! nazel of town Oliver Gum, thorpe, who ie the son of Mr. and Mi■ IA. J. Goldthorpe, is with the Moto Transport. After a term of active ' reeler in France he has been recuper- ating in England from an attack of ppVuoielata frljpwing is doss at Or- man gas. He has now recovered and has passel another test in driving as a 6set.aiass drawer en a Para -Arrow Itruek ) (food teeth are essential to good health. in many piece. dentists are employed to care for school children's teeth. It not only improves their health but adds to the a fflciency of their wank. Use Wigie's Peroxide Tooth Parte. It is a sore dentifrice, bemuse it. contains no injurious in- gredients, it is delightfully refresh- ing and keepa the mouth sweet. Teach the children to use it regularly, r• AUCTION SALES. ( moose,tr. Feb. I2.-AactIon tole of farm 40c11etc., y of Pawl Cadleu. London it road. Tooke rsmab, T. Ou,lrav, suet ioneer Tnvaaba V. Feb. IS. --Auction male n( fifty Medofcattle, including r•giesred and grade Herefords. Alm tweeny he..d of yearling a two•ys-.r-ol•l lee.er- and heifers; pia.. -beep. e. 11 este. etc., at lot 11 nenoesslon ei. Mullett. JAM/. F..1 hi ROD. proprietor. 1', 01 ' i,it1 ,note tlrheel TUgioav, Feb. 1,10. -Clearing num Ion Pale of farm stork, at C. C. McNcll's herrn. half•miL- emerh of Dunlop, 1. N. it, at I.:r. p. ni. Trios. Olmotor, audloneet, T nines t v, Fob. YL-Clenring amnion -ale of fano stook. Impplemments, seed grwln, .etc , prop- erty of L. A. Wander, 1.171100.1. {Oft 1:1 H.rll.•'1.. No teems. Farm ler id. :f. Ursnar, sec. tlooeer, Tcsena, . Yeh, :1 -rale et farm stock and ImMemsots, at hat •7. conaw.ion 2, E. It. Aahl field. oomneenct i at 1 o'clock. Pattern -fa. Pr NV .ern, props .-:or, Thom. (il•rrRy, aut. !bower.• Coast -sealed oysters, solid meat. fresh from the oyster beds, et Black - stone's. Phone 240. PATRIOTIC SKATE. Two dimes and one dime At the skating rink - it will he a jollier Line Than one ran tell with ink, With mtrsicplenty- What's Pitt twenty Given for what', been done ? Ho don't be late, Monday, February 12. h.1But come and skate : You may help a 161. Monday, February 12' h. DIED. 1114,A HA - in (loderieh on Wednesday, Feb. noisy Js, -e Whitely% widow of the I:.re James Orsham, of ehepp(rdton, sten 07 yaw.. aid 2 taumhe. . JOHNSTON.- lit ',auctorial town.hlp. on Mon• day, F, broary S. Rose Anna !ohneldn. daughter of the lata Orrice Soho don, :yted N. 1'- 'le M. ANSi lY.--in Oedetich, on Wednesday, F'eb- rosy 7. N1.•bols..Ansley, shed 13 year. JOHNSTON. -In' find/trick rm Friday. I. -et, teary 2 Robert J ohne ton. 1n his 70th year WRI(4HT.-At Clinton. on Tuenlay. Fehruary fl; Jbnuna Wright, widow of the Int. It'll. Ilam month.. of Ooderlch, a5ed lett sear - and 2 months. 1'HARIN-A1 hong Beach Cal., on San.lay. 11041 y 21, N'. Pha,lm torarerly of (Jade• IN MEMORIAM. Ni('HOLSON.-In fond memory ,rf Beatri.e Nleholson 0 nee Barka, the devoted wife of IM.Id hiehnleme. wh., after a few 457.'111 ne. and Intel rnu tent •oaeri„g .0 bravely hors• enter. J nolo that better life, at Corn • watt, tenntrtn. on February 10th,. (!Hist, from a Ilfe here of Havre. nt.-cull-lt oe.s ; e wife: mother and friend much nd..o.f hy all vete krises her "An, dnarr.t. now thy brows are odd. 1 see thee what than art, a.. ops Y00 Thy likeness to the wi.c below. Thy kindred with the surest of old. But (here i- more (has I ran see, And what 1 woe. 1 leave unsaid, Nor speak it, knowing heath ha. made Hi- darkness benntiftel with i hes " -Tennyson. "1„ Memnrtam. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Feb. 9 Pane Annual Statement Tui -t. and Oueraatee Company. Limited. rmmnto / Farm for Wale Thee. U. Amy 1 1'n.tn.,, Hatching, eto. - H. Keith Revell S Machinist, Wanted-140er.rorbe.Cotepaay rimer .. 1 Frye World Wide, M'oot'ed 8 Low F'a-r.- ('anod ion strobere RMlway, t Ho.ae F'n.nl.hl.,g, for gale --4, Ur -es...... 1 R0 Wanted Apply at g nal OSIce...... . , 1 Auction Sale ('harlea C. M.NNI 1 Lady (ler* Wanted- Rol 11. The stens. 1 1. Nano for Sale Hos ., Signal Office